human anatomy - ch. 11 study guide

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  • 8/7/2019 Human Anatomy - Ch. 11 Study Guide


    Chapter 11 Study Guide

    Divisions of the brain


  • 8/7/2019 Human Anatomy - Ch. 11 Study Guide


    Gyri - folds on the surface of each hemispheres

    Sulci - intervening grooves

    Functions of the parts of the brain

    o Frontal lobe - controls voluntary muscle functions, moods, aggression, smell reception,

    and motivation

    o Parietal lobe - control center for evaluation sensory info of touch, pain, balance, taste, and


    o Temporal lobe - evaluates hearing input and smell as well as being involved with

    memory processes; abstract thoughts and judgment decisions

    o Occipital lobe - receiving and interpreting visual input

    o Cerebellum - 2nd largest portion of the brain; primarily white matter with thin layer of

    gray; reflex center in coordinating complex skeletal muscular movements, maintaining

    proper body posture, and keeping the body balanced

    Parts & functions of the brain stem

    o Brain stem - connects the brain to the spinal cord

    Medulla oblongata - contains all the ascending and descending tracts that connect

    between the spinal cord and various parts of the brain; white and gray matter

    Pons varolii - bridge that connects the spinal cord with the brain and parts of the

    brain with each other


  • 8/7/2019 Human Anatomy - Ch. 11 Study Guide


    Midbrain - (mesencephalon) convey impulses from the cerebral cortex to the

    pons and spinal cord; controls movement of the eyeballs and head

    Parts & functions of the diencephalon

    o Diencephalon - superior to midbrain and between the 2 cerebral hemispheres

    Thalamus - principle relay station for sensory impulses that reach the cerebral

    cortex coming from the spinal cord, brainstem, and parts of the cerebrum;interpretation center for pain and temperature

    Hypothalamus - controls many bodily functions related to homeostasis; controls

    and integrates the autonomic nervous system; receives sensory impulses from

    internal organs; sends signals and controls pituitary gland; controls feelings of

    rage and aggression, body temperature, and thirst

    Optic tracts

    Optic chiasma - where optic nerves cross each other

    Pituitary gland

    Pineal gland - pinecone shaped endocrine gland that secretes melatonin, which

    affects our moods and behavior

    Cranial nerves (names & numbers)

    Right vs. left brain functions


  • 8/7/2019 Human Anatomy - Ch. 11 Study Guide


    Parts & functions of the parts of the eye

    o Three layers

    Sclera - outermost layer; white of the eye; composed of tough connective tissue

    Choroid - 2nd layer; contains numerous blood vessels and pigment cells; black in

    color and absorbs light so that it doesnt reflect in the eye and impair vision

    Retina - innermost layer; gray in color and contains the light sensitive cells (rods

    and cones)

    o Ciliary body - consists of smooth muscles that hold the lens in place

    o Lens - biconvex, transparent, and flexible

    o Iris - colored part of the eye consisting of smooth muscle that surrounds the pupil

    o Aqueous humor - fluid that fills the anterior compartment in front of the lens

    o Vitreous humor - fills the posterior compartment

    o Optic nerve - axons of the ganglia cells

    o Fovea centralis - center of the yellowish spot it the retina that has a depression; produces

    the sharpest visioin

    o Optic disk - where the nerve fibers leave the eye

    Cones vs. rods

    o Cones - produce color and they require lots of light; 3 different cones sensitive to red,

    blue, or green

    o Rods - quite sensitive to light and function in dim light but do not produce color vision


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