iau the prep post

Post on 12-Mar-2016






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/ AVEC (Audio Visual English Club)AVEC (Audio Visual English Club) was set up to provide students with a proper medium to interact with

English in real-time. Main purpose is to get students familiar with daily English and encourage them to

use it in and out of the class.

/ F O R S T U D E N T S B Y S T U D E N T S




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Our school, Istanbul Aydin University, has been able to prepare a magazine named “The Prep Post” which is for students and by students. That means all what you read from the magazine are the work of students. Our English may not be perfect. But we can still send a message and tell people what we feel with the level of our English. It is very useful because it consists of different parts. That discusses the problems, solutions, excitement, challenges, entertainment part of the school and sport life of students. All these have been put together by a group of volunteer students from Istanbul Aydin University Prep School. This is the magazine which has been named The Prep Post.

In the magazine; we have different topics, ideas and opinions which we have expressed to the best of our knowledge. While reading the magazine, there are different topics. Topics that are educative and useful to us as students. Most of the information of these topics, for example Invest In Language Learning, English Is More Than A Language, Global Warming And Our Home, To Teach Listening & Speaking, Students & Transportation were gotten from our teachers and from some students. These ideas / information were put together by our team to tell you what we feel as students and considering our teachers’ opinions. About these topics for you to decide which path you will follow after reading articals. Also there are parts about gossiping and entertainment. But we never wrote something which may make someone angry at us in the magazine, especially in the gossiping part. The gossiping part is only about the students who are the best dressed ones and they are the willing students to work with us for our magazine to complete the gossiping part. One of the other parts is sport. As you know, our school’s all teams are pretty successful but we only wrote about the basketball team and the football team because of their mass popularity in Turkey. Also, we decided to write about the fan clubs which belong to Fenerbahçe, Galatasaray and Beşiktaş which are the best teams in Turkish football history. That’s why we decided to write only about these three teams, it is not about fanaticism or hooliganism. On the other hand, we thought that we cannot have a magazine without fun or without something funny to laugh at. This made us write something about tell tales, which is a section of the magazine that is all about jokes, cartoons and poems.

Finally, Just as the saying “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”. We believe you will like it…

V. Rauf Velibeyoğlu

Also, I would like to recognize our team members as follows;

EDITOR:V.Rauf Velibeyoğlu

Şeyma Özkan (Threshold 119)

İsmail Yılmaz (Threshold 119)

Yağmur Esra İzgi (Threshold 222)

Nihan Yılmaz (Threshold 222)

Buse Engin (Threshold 222)

Tuğba KAYIŞCI (Threshold 119)

Oğuzhan Yarımkaş (Vantage106)

Omur Kan ( Threshold 318)

Hanife Özkan (Threshold 316)

Gamze Benlikurt (Threshold 117)

Assisted by

Gamze Pak (Threshold 107)

Gizem Mersin (Threshold 107)

Closely Supervised byFredrick O. IloriDesigned byMustafa Kırgül

Supported byHasan Tansu DinçerEmine AygünElis Yılmaz



“Attention! The human race and their good-old world is melting. The human race must solve that mortal threat which started to become a natural disaster. We, the human race, must save the lives of the penguins, the polar bears and the seals before the glaciers melt.

Oh, what is going on out there? Yesterday was a snowy day and today the snows are melting. I think our final hour has come, please someone. HELP US! HELP US!”

Do you believe all the glaciers are going to melt? OrDo you believe the oceans and the seas are going to rise and

destroy hundreds of lands, such as Netherlands, because of the melted glaciers?

Actually, what I am asking is, do you believe it is a childish story? I think you watch too many science- fiction movies.

The human race always creates some stories about their end times, judgment day, doomsday or something like that. That belief makes people paranoid. People choose their doomsday scenario which is popular at that time. In the past people thought that an alien race that was more advanced than the human race, would come down to Earth and destroy the human race. Also people thought if there were people who were able to save their lives, they would be captured by the aliens. Then they became the servants and the slaves of the alien race. This is madness! Just like global warming which is a new kind of alien invasion scenario in people’s minds.

On the other hand, there is not just only silly beliefs about doomsday, but also there was a logical apocalyptic story which was about nuclear and chemical warfare. Actually, it is still a dangerous threat to the human race and the world. Because, this threat does not only destroy people, also it destroys Mother Nature, animals and it affects all living things’ and future generations in a harmful way. Just remember what happened to Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the Second World War, and also don’t forget what happened to Chernobyl. Because the people who are from those lands never forget the meaning of the nuclear warfare.

Besides, I got some information from the lecturers and students from our preparatory school about global warming. But most of the students and teachers don’t agree with me.

According to them global warming is completely true and it is a threat to the environment. They think some actions which are about industry or something like that, changes the balance of nature. Actually, there is an endless chain which is about the balance of Mother Nature. For example, if people destroy specie of insect which eats ants, there can be a big change in the world. But I am trying to say is that after the destruction of the insect specie which eats ants, the world’s population of ants begins to increase. Then, they start to eat too many plants which give oxygen to the living ones. That is why a lot of animal species which need o lot of oxygen, would die.

So, if we accept that global warming is true, people must be responsible for their actions for our world. Actually, I don’t believe in global warming. But, even if I don’t believe in global warming, it doesn’t make me a careless person about Mother Nature. I never mean that people don’t pollute the world. Moreover I think people pollute the world. But I don’t think it is enough to make global warming or something like that. It is your choice, you can believe it or not. But the point is, this world is our home. I hope, to live forever in our sweet home…

by V.Rauf Velibeyoğlu



Everything in the world started getting more global since the Second World War in the name of the most powerful thing which is called “Language”. If a language is able to become a global language, there must be some specific, important and historical reasons. For example, people used to speak the Latin language because of the ruling strength of the mighty Roman Empire at that time. But the Roman Empire finished. Their empire lives only in the history books and their language lives only in science. Actually, it is not alive anymore. That situation shows that Latin is dead in that sense. However, the world has a new global language which is called “English”. But whose language is English? Is it the Americans or British? Or what makes it global?

In 1707, the two traditional and the most hatred enemies to each other, which were called the English Kingdom and the Scottish Kingdom, became one great kingdom which is still called the United Kingdom namely Great Britain. People of a nation who live on an island such as the British people have always been expert about sea life. That is why, their naval power, techniques of exploration and colonialism techniques are extremely advanced. It is the main reason why the United Kingdom was called the empire where the sun never set. They spread their people, culture, religion and their language where they conquered. So, we can understand why the United States of America’s language is English. Also, we can see why the people of the United States are similar to British people. What I mean is that only strong nation’ and new generations that can create a new empire, such as the United States. In other words, the United Kingdom had one of the largest empires in the past. It was nearly forty times bigger than the two main British islands. So, it had millions of people and the people who are from these lands still speak English. That is why English is the most spoken language the world has ever seen. It is the first step to become a global language.

Besides; in 1936, the Japanese

started to invade Asia and in 1939, the Nazi Germany started to invade Europe. But from the beginning of the war to the end, the British and the American forces fought against the Germans and

the Japanese. After that war, the British Empire started to lose its great power. However, even though the Americans and the Soviets lost a lot of soldiers, they rose from their ashes after the war and they became the most powerful military forces the world has ever seen in the known history of the world. The people whose countries decided to become an ally with the Soviets started living, thinking and speaking as if they were Russians. On the other hand, the people whose countries decided to become an ally with the Americans started living, thinking and speaking as if they were Americans. But, because of the English style living of the Americans, those people decided to learn how to speak English. Especially, after the

fall of the Soviet Union, almost all people in the world started to learn English. It is the second and the final step to become a global language.

Being global makes English language more than a language. English became a powerful language by the middle of the 20th century, English lives in business life, international relations, movies, songs etc. What I am exactly saying is, almost no one can speak with other people without English when they are on a trip in a country where the people speak their language which is not English. Or which student can find a job in a company after his or her graduation without English? Even a lot of music groups write their songs’ lyrics in English even if their mother tongue is not English.

In other words, English is a way

of thinking for millions of people in the world. You can see English words everywhere even in the Turkish language. That is why English doesn’t only lives as a language but also it lives in our lives. As a result, only power and commonality makes something global. I hope I am able to tell why English is the global language of the world…



Nowadays, people realize why it is important to learn English.Because people work with foreign people from different country in business life.While they work together, which language is compulsory to communicate with about their job ? It is English of course.

As you know, we are going to be businessmen, businesswomen, professionals or whatever career in the future.However if we want to live happily,work in a quality job environment, earn good money and have intelligent colleagues,we have to communicate in English.So we must be able to speak very well than the others.Because of that there is a big struggle in business life.You will notice that people are competing against you all the time.Therefore what will we do to learn English as students? I went to some treacher’s office to talk about how we can learn English effectively? Now I am going to share my reports of interviews’:

We have a big advantage and opportunity to improve ourselves on English in this university.

Because there are succesful and professional teachers in this university.They are perfect in their job.While we learn something about English, we need extra help as students. We ask for their opinions.Then they are generally helpful us, if they aren’t busy and tired.They have a lot of ideas to learning English.

From my interview with Mr.Onur(a lecturer in our university),I asked him about how students can learn English fast and effective.

He said “If you listen to English conversation,you can improve your english level”. But he said while you are listening you should have the tape script of what you are listening,so you can read and listen as well. He also gave a good second suggestion.He talked about story books.He said,you should read a lot of story books to memorize words and learn different sentence structures.

Also from Mrs Evrim(a lecturer in our university), contributed and gave a piece of advice,

she said “you should prepare for each lesson personally


before you come for the lesson in school”. In other words, students should study ahead for their lessons.She also said students should take note for new vocabluary on a special note pad and you should make sentence with these words regularly, so you wouldn’t forget and also if possible paste the words on the wall of your rooms.Teacher Evrim’s most important advice was about revising or study regularly.That means, students must revise what they did in class after at home,at work,on the bus even at the bus station etc.

From one of our lessons, Mr.Fredrick(also our lecturer) said.Watching cartoons also helps to devolop our listening skills.Because the language in cartoons are very basic.

I shared teacher Fredrick’s advice with a studendt.She said ”I never watch cartoons and it doesn’t make sense to me.I generally watch Lost, Prison Break, Kyle XY e.t.c. overall I haven’t heard of this idea for English before but I’m going to try this method, because it is very interesting.”She said.

Teacher Fredrick’s other advice is, students should be careful to listen while teachers teach and explain things during the lesson.

Dear Frends,I tried to share this information with one of my classmates.

Which is about a website on internet.( Voice of America VOA).I gave him knowledges about this website.This website has a lot of essays about health ,developing,education,agriculture reports etc.When My classmate got to his home.he checked this website and then told me his views about services of this website’s.He said these “I loved this website because it has all kinds of development, news now available online in it.”

Now Dear Friends And so, as you see, these are teachers most important advice

about how to learn english very effectively.They said İf We appy their advaice while we study English,We are going to learn English easily and effectively and much more faster.

Make sure you have fun.


Two men are walking trought a forest. Suddenly, they saw a tiger in the distance, running towards them.They turned and started running away. But then one of them stops, takes some running shoes from his bag, and starts putting them on.

“What are you doing?” says the other man.”Do you think you will run fast than the tiger with those?”

“I don’t have to run faster than the tiger,” he says ”I just have to run faster than you”

There was a man who had four children, all extremely good-looking, except for the youngest one, Craig. Craig was quite ugly!

The man grew olg, and just before he died he asked his wife,”Marry, I have only one question. Please tell me the truth. Am I Craig’s father?”

“Yes, my dear.”replied his wife.” I promise you, Craig is 100 % yours.”

The husband smiled. “I can die a happy man. Goodbye my love.” And he peacefully passed away.

Mary gave a big sigh and said, “Thank god he didn’t ask me about the other three.”

A man walks into a shop and sees a cute little dog. He asks the shopkeeper,“Does your dog bite?” The shopkeeper says, “No,my dog does not bite.”

The man tries to pet the dog and the dog bites him.“Ouch!” he says. “I thouht you said your dog does

not bite!”The shopkeeper replies, “That is not my dog!”

One night, Tim was walking home, and all of a sudden a robber on him. Tim and the robber began to fight. They fought and fought, but finally the robber managed top in him to the ground. He searched Tim’s pockets, but only found 25 cents. The robber was so suprised that he asked Tim, “Why did you fight so hard for just 25 cents?”

Tim said, “I thought you wanted to steal the $500 that I’ve got in my shoe!”

Does your English lesson bore you? Or has it already bored you? Why do we students always complain about the English lessons and prep schools even when our level of English is not enough for the outside world? I think we trust ourselves too much which may make us a Don Kichote who fights against windmills in a mindless way.

As everybody knows, English is the international language of the world. This situation shows us that everybody should communicate in English which is a reality. Actually it is not only about the business life or something like that; also it is about general life. Because English is the language which gives some important positions in life with us as a close friend.

There is an invisible connection which is called “the English language” between people. That’s why there are thousands of which operate as English schools. So, it means those schools have millions of people who want to speak English like a native speaker. However, do you believe those people have enough English level? If you say “Yes” I am afraid you are wrong. Many students have been learning for many years. But unfortunately, most of these students’ English levels are still at elementary. It is sad, but true. So, the answer should be “No”. At this point, everyone can understand that there is a problem. In other words, what is the reason of this problem or who causes that problem? Students? Teachers? Or the educating system?

People all over the world have their own mother tongue. It shows us even a little child can learn a language. So, who teaches them their own mother tongue? Of course their parents. What about parents’ educating style for their children? Let me answer it: Game, fun or something like that. But on the other hand even if it is a kind of training, children see this situation as if it is fun for them. Also, they see their parents who are their speaking teachers as if their close friends.

However, we students believe that we can’t learn English as we learn our mother tongue. So, we lose our interest when we start it. We should break that invisible wall which is in our minds. The thing is everything happens in our minds. In addition to this, we don’t give enough importance to English. That’s why students always put the blame on teachers. It is unfair.

Taking everything into account, why don’t we spend our time on language learning and not in a mindlessly way.


/ JOKESby V.Rauf Velibeyoğlu

by Hanife Özkan & Gamze Benlikurt


As everybody experienced, the world has been running through a strong barrier.In other words,the world has been shook by a huge financal crisis.These financal crisis has seriously affected all the countries in the world.Before this crisis, countries had many financal problems but nobody noticed these or wanted to notice it.The most important thing,nobody took precaution on time.However the problems grew in time and suddenly this exploded like a powerfull bomb.The effects of the crisis were terrible. Because people lost jobs, most companies were closed, a lot of products weren’t sold and many major deals cancelled by companies and governments.People lived nervously for a long time without jobs.

Actually countries searched and racked their brain to find ways or solution packs.Then governments applied different solution packs at the same time but these weren’t so effective and on time.For all these reasons, unfortunately, the global crisis did what it wanted to do.It decreased life standard of devoloped and leading countries or it made life diffucult like in Italy and France even ahead of USA..As Turkey is a strong nation we have experienced the global crisis too like the other countries.According to the Turkish President; we were experiencing the global crisis less than the other strong countries.May be, he said this to make the public relax but who knows.

So what happened during the global crisis in Turkey?A global crisis primarily affects banks.As we know, Turkey has a lot of banks from different countries.Therefore, while the global cirsis was affecting banks of other countries, we were affected by others at the same time.For example HSBC bank is an english bank.It has a huge network systems around the world .We have HSBC banks all over of the country easily.If the global cirsis affectets HSBC Bank in England,We are affected automaticly by that crisis in Turkey.It happened like this.English and American banks fell into debt.Their debt made our economiy complicated and went out of hand.Because of that, Huge capital couldn’t be invested in Turkey by business personnel and usual investors and the businesses couldn’t become profitable.In fact they were absolutely right. because everyone knew there were risks.

This led to unemployment. Unemployment is the most common social issue in our country like in others.This social issue is progressing step by step in time.In global cirsis times , it increased so fast.May be it was over the top.Because we were watching and reading that many unemployed workers killed ourselves.Because of the burden, suddenly they found

themselves povety and debt.Also They couldn’t take their salary on time or anytime.

Our a problem was about political chaos.Whenever we were watching and reading news on tv and in newspapers.There isn’t any good news about policy .The politicians are always debating about what could the global crisis do to our economy? Because Turkey already had enough economical problems before the global crisis.Because of these fears,

government and opposition party had been debating hardly also they blame other parties so much than before the crisis.Therefore Turkish politics might go into a major chaos if this continuous or happens again

Dear Friends, As you see, we experienced a huge global crsis as Turkey and a nation.It has made us live with fear for a long time and taught us that we need to take precaution before time.Hopefully it won’t happen again. Of course not if we do what have to do?

See you next time.



Down: 1. A covering for the head, Down: 2. A short coat, Down: 3. A top for men, Across: 4. Trousers and top for sports practice, Down: 5. For rainy weather, Down: 6. A topless dress, Across: 7. Accessory for men, Across: 8. They cover your legs, Down: 9. A top with long sleeves, often in wool, Across: 10. A sort of shirt for women, Across: 11. For sports or for hot weather, Down: 11. They cover your feet, Across: 12. A feminine garment, Across: 13. Keeps you warm around the neck

Across: 1. Brazil produces a lot, Down: 1. Eaten for breakfast, Across: 2. Its juice is popular for breakfast, Across: 3. Used in Mediterranean cooking, Down: 4. Children drink a lot of this, Across: 5. Can be a starter or a dessert, Down: 5. Steak or roast, for example, Across: 6. Can be red or white, Down: 7. Made from fruit and sugar, Across: 8. Sweetens your food, Down: 8. A condiment, Across: 9. The British drink a lot of this, Across: 10. A dairy product Enter Hint, Down: 10. Usually cut in slices, Down: 11. Found in the sea, Across: 12. Invented in Italy

/ PUZZLES & TELL TALESby Hanife Özkan & Gamze Benlikurt


I talked with my teachers about how to teach speaking and listening lessons and they told their experience and what they know from their experience. First of all, I want to start with Mr.Henry Tyron a lecturer here at our university. I started with listening he said, it is about having a little activity about the topic that they are going to listen too. By having this activity the students will have an opinion or idea about the topic that they are going to listen to. Also about how to speak well. He said speaking is really exciting and so the topics should be carefully chosen. The class can be divided in into small groups to enable the students brain storm on the topic and then start discuss about the topic as a group and as a whole class. Secondly I sot 2 students opinion about Mr Tyron’s ideas. From 106 Batuhan Çelikay from the department of Computer Engineering, he talked about it with me and he said ; the style Mr.Tyron recommended is very effective way because doing a pre listening activity is a useful and logical way leading towards harnessing the understanding of what they will listen to... Also this way you learn the vocabulary used in the text, which is going to make the necessary preparations in advance before listening. I also spoke with an other lecturer Mr. Nicholas Page. He said the best method in his opinion is, first of all pre-teach the vocabulary about the subject then students should listen twice, after listening the teacher should check if students understand by talking and asking random questions about what they could get from the listening.

Also he said, you can have the whole class speak in groups, correct their mistakes, then I asked another student the same question. The student Sinan Özgenç from 220. His department is Electric Engineering. He said, also he agrees with Nicholas Page. I think what Nicholas says is very true. For one thing, it is totally normal to start with listening to a text as you

are doing a listening class. In addition it is natural to give it a second try provided you want to increase the student’s level of understanding spontaneously. And not creating dissapoinment. Actually, we are supposed to do this method twice which is a better way to lead to a point where the understanding of the student increases. To cut it short the process ıs valid.

In this case, my opinion is the same with my two friends but I want to give an advice. I think, our teachers should try giving us a few more homework’s about listening and speaking and then they should check our results because I think listening and speaking shouldn’t only be practiced in class. With this point, we can improve ourselves.


/ CARTOONby Hanife Özkan & Gamze Benlikurt


There are many talented people in the world who haven’t discovered their talent yet. We have seen some people like that in some country’s competitions like in the USA, Ukraine, England and Russia. Of course, in our country we have many different talented people. These people are waiting to be discovered one way or the other. At last this long waiting has been put to an end. Thanks to a competition called “Yetenek Sizsiniz” which is prepared by Acun Ilıcalı. “Yetenek Sizsiniz” is a program where participants exhibit their ability to an audience and all around the country and people vote through text messages (fans). This program is done

at different universities all around the country.

Now, let’s talk about the competition’s rules. First of all, the preliminary stage is when the participants exhibit their abilities. The participants are selected by the jury according to the publics vote and then they are invited for the semi-final. Next, the participants for the semi-finals get the chance to display another part of their talent, the jury watches, people at home vote by sending text messages for their support. The jury then declares participants with maximum votes. The final winner of this talent show wins 500.000 TL. This program is been shown at 8 pm on Show Tv on Sundays and the jury names’ are Acun Ilıcalı, Hülya Avşar and Ali Taran. Acun Ilıcalı is a Turkish television presenter and has great achievements. Also he is the jury’s chairman. Hülya Avşar is a singer and an actress and Ali Taran is an advertiser.

Some students gave their opinions about what they think of the competition and

we got different answers. Meltem Ozdel (102) said, she watches the show. She really likes it and never misses it every Sunday. In my opinion she said sn’t very fair in this program. Because people are more emotional when they vote. Also she doesn’t like Hülya Avşar as the jury in this competition (her opinion). In the programme her favourite participant is Ilker Atak a young boy, who dances as Michael Jackson. She hopes he wins. Another student Ecem San (102) also said, she rarely watches this competition. I think the program is really helping people to show their abilities. Also she thinks this program should be shown on an international channel. In her opinion for our country this program needs to be developed. So the rest of the world can see Turkey at its best. Her favorite participant is “Bilal Avcı and Ugur Karamese” who did the papi dance. She is sure she will watch the next season of the competition. Another friend Melih Mucuk (106)said that he always watches the competition and he likes it and he thinks the jury is absolutely fair. The jury’s comment is true. His favorite participant is

“Kiss of Steps”. He hopes that they are win.

These are our friend’s opinion. Another topic to be discussed is the performance of competitors according to the program. I mean, “Are the performers talented or not?” I think it changes according to the participants. Some participants are very talented and fascinating. On the other hand unfortunately some participants aren’t just up to what should be called talent. For all that, congratulations to self-confidence.


When you went away from meI cried like a babyI waited for you all nightYou didn’t come, is it right?

I searched for your eyes everywhereI remembered all memories I know you will come back somedayBut please hurry up! I don’t have enough energy

Today is Friday and you haven’t come yetDo you remember? You loved me on a Friday But there isn’t love any moreI can’t see your eyes I can’t feel your heart

Love is that deepest pain that you can not healIt shatters every memory!Your love colors my world!But you can not understand this!

by Şeyma ÖZKAN

by Ömür KAN



I learnt that one of my friends has a music group. Then I spoke with him to interview with his group for the magazine. He is V. Rauf Velibeyoğlu, he is the vocalist and the frontman of one of the greatest cover groups called “Metalcraft” . Rauf is a student in Istanbul Aydin University along with all of us, so we decided to have an interview with his band because of the success they have had over the years.

Whatever, let’s forget about Rauf for now. I want to give some information about the group. First of all, this group has 5 members. A vocalist, a drummer, a bass guitarist and two guitarists.

So, who are they? Arif Söztutan is the rhythm guitarist, Ganim Arsav namely Jakin Boaz is the lead guitarist, Rauf Velibeyoğlu is the vocalist, Şahin Kayalı is the bass guitarist and Uğur Özcan is the drummer of Metalcraft. Except Rauf, all of the group members had ex-bands. So that makes them the experienced ones because of their past career.

They have had concerts all around Istanbul, in University festival e.t.c. Thus Rauf is called “the Rookie” by his band / friends as a joke.

Metalhan was formed by Arif, Ganim and Uğur in the second half of 2009. But at that time, neither they had a vocalist nor bass guitarist. That’s why they started to search for a bass guitarist and a vocalist. Thus, they started to test some bass guitarists and vocalists. But no one had been chosen by them. After a few weeks, they were able to find a good bass guitarist for their group named Şahin. So, they needed to find only the vocalist. Then, Şahin suggested that he knew a person with good voice. Eventually they called Rauf to test him. They said Rauf was in a mass stress in the first rehearsal. But they thought Rauf could be the right choice for them. That’s why they continued to play along with Rauf. After one month, Rauf had improved himself and on the fifteenth of January which is Rauf’s birthday, the group members made a surprise birthday party for him to name as the vocalist of Metalcraft: Rauf. So Metalcraft band was completed…

Metalcraft plays in the Studio Deo and the Studio Balyoz for their rehearsals. Also they generally play in the Subway Bar in Avcılar and sometimes in Taksim for their concerts. Not only they cover the most popular heavy metal and thrash metal groups’ songs but also they play their own songs. On the other hand, they are preparing for an album for next year. I hope everything is going to be alright for them…

What an aspiring group and good luck to them.


/ CARTOONSby Yağmur Esra İzgili

Perhaps, my mother has no idea about how difficult

the english exam is... I had better start learning

it now

When my son grows up he will

be an English teacher!

I want to take my final examination this year.If I fail it, I will take

another exam next year!

Teacher, are people punished for something they haven’t

done?That’s why I didn’t do my homework!

Of course not!?

by Hanife Özkan & Gamze Benlikurt





Relaxation spot (Angel’s Cafe)To relax is a necessary thing especially in an educational

environment. In our wonderful school students usually come to angels cafe to relax after lessons. It’s very important, because during the lessons we get tired with too much information in our head because of this we want to relax. IAU hasn’t got many cafes. That’s why most of the students go to the Angels Cafe. They also go to the canteen but they prefer Angels Cafe. They like to spend their time there, because they need to relax, eat or drink something. If they want they can listen to music with the music box which is just a coin. They can also have the chance to smoke in there; this makes them specially prefer the Angels cafe. Moreover sometimes during lessons student stay there. I asked some students and most of them said ‘if I don’t feel good and I don’t like the teacher in class I stay at the Angels Cafe though it isn’t a good idea’ they said.

Within this time they spend time with their friends, they drink and smoke. But if the cafe is closed down we will really be sad because Bahçelievler campus doesn’t have any cafe unfortunately.

Where do we go?

Where do we get to relax?

For these reason angels cafe shouldn’t be closed. Inshallah!!! Most of the students like Angels Cafe but some of them

don’t like the cafe, because it is very foggy when it’s full of students and some students feel un-relaxed. They get angry and go back to class not relaxed but just the same way the came in. And some student can’t go into the cafe they can’t breathe well inside and they complain about this. They say the school should try to do something about it (window?)

From my interview I also asked the teachers. Some of them think that the cafe is more positive than negative but some of them think negative. For example Miss Emine Aygün’s (a lecturer) opinion: ‘’ Angel cafe is good place but it is too crowded most of the time and it has no ventilation she feels un-easy ‘’ On the other hand some teacher s like there, but everybody complain about the crowd.

Finally I think the cafe is very good and a social place but very crowded, sometimes we can’t find empty seats. That’s why we would like another place or this place should be made more comfortable. Also my dear colleagues we shouldn’t smoke in the cafe we can smoke in the garden, because some people might be disturbed and we shouldn’t be in the cafe during lesson hours. Relax at break time and after school (just my opinion and advice).

And finally why was there Açil on the door post of the café…?

by Nihan Yılmaz

by Buse Engin

Best Dressed Male Student Vocational GroupOur pick for best dressed male student for the vocational

group is Burak, a student from class 105. His name is Burak Türker.He was born on October 3rd,1988.He is twentytwo years old. He is from İstanbul.He lives with his family in Bahçelievler.His father is a businessman.He studies at İstanbul Aydın Universty.His department is international trade.

Dress SenseHe loves designers like Efor,Pierre Cardin, Levi’s, İnci, Mavi

Jeans. His favourite brand is Efor. He prefers this designer because it’s just perfect for him. It fits him perfectly because he likes wearing slim fit clothes. His favourite colours are black and white. He says “if people wear black or white clothes, they look great, cool and calm.” He loves shopping. He usually goes shopping alone. Because he knows what look good on him.He goes shopping in Capacity, Kanyon, Cevahir twice a month. His sponsor is his father.

Future GoalsHe used to want to be diplomat and later he changed his

goals.Now,he’s studying international trade.He wants devolop his skills and be good at profession.

His hobbies are reading book and shopping.His favourite book is “Teşkilat’ın 2 Silahşör’ü” by Soner Yalçin.He’s also interested in football.His favourite team is Galatasaray. He usually hangs out with his friends in Bakırköy, Taksim, Ortaköy

/ Burak Türker





by Yağmur Esra Ezgi

by Buse Engin

Best DressedOur pick for best dressed female student for the universty

group is Dilara Günönü a student from 321. She was born on June 12th,1990. Her department is Psychology. She likes listening to people and she understands people. That’s why she is here. It is one of the important decision of her life.

Dress CodeShe loves being comfortable and chic. She doesn’t have

a stable style. That’s why she mostly combine her clothes. It doesn’t matter if its branded or not. But there are two brands which describe her. They are Adidas and Bershka. Bershka is a new brand but she is used to Adidas for years. She loves it. It’s perfect. She always prefers being sportive chic. She seldom wears high-heel shoes. She usually prefers pink clothes. She says “I don’t have a stable style”. But she is so different. She says about it “I know that I have a different style. When I choose my clothes I don’t think about people’s desicions about me.” She usually goes shopping twice a month, but she always does small shopping. She really give importance about her mom’s idea. She trusts her prefence.

Future GoalsShe imagines that she will have a happy and pieceful life.

And it would be great if she find the right person and be with him. Dilara’s idol is Lady Gaga with her style,with her songs and hair.

/ Dilara Günönü

Best Dressed Female Students Vocational GroupOur pick for best dressed female students for the vocational group are

Ecem and Gizem students from class 323.They are twins.They were born on 17th October,1990.They are from

Adana.They live together in İstanbul Aydın Unıversty.Their department is business administration.Their father is a commercial farmer.He is also self employed.Their parents live in Adana.They missed their parents.

Dress CodeThey love designers like Bershka, İpekyol, Network, ParkBravo, Mango,

Zara, Louis Vitton. Gizem’s favourite brand is Mango. She prefers this designer because this brand shows her style. Ecem’s favourite brand is Zara. Ecem mostly wears white, black, blue and cream clothes. Because she likes wearing fit clothes. Gizem usually wears pink, white and pastel colours. She says “I know what would look good on her. These colours for me. I feel good when I wear these.” They usually go shopping together. Ecem sometimes goes shopping with her boyfriend. They shop in Nişantaşı, Kanyon, Cevahir.Their sponsor is their father.

Future Goals Ecem says “I want to be graduate from this school succesfuly. Then I’ll

decide what I really want to do in future.” Gizem would like to be a succesful bussiness lady and probably establish

her own restaurant and paint, it’s all white and go sailing on her yacht during her summer holiday with her family.

/ Ecem & Gizem


Ali Can SAĞLAM ( 223 / Computer Teaching / Samsun ) Büşra ŞAHİN ( 223 / Computer Teaching / Sinop )Elif GÜRTAN ( 223 / Computer Teaching / Malatya )Doğan Can BAYDUR ( 223 / Computer Teaching / Malatya )Burak YILMAZ ( 223 / Computer Teaching / Rize )

- How did you meet?Doğan : We were in garden. I wanted a cigarette. Ali offered

me his. He said ‘ I have just one cigarette and I can share it with you.’

That’s why I liked him. Elif and Büşra were sitting together so they had a talk. One day we decided to go to Bakırköy for hubbly-bubbly. There we got to know each other. It was that day we got close. When we were returning home we got on the same bus. It was so fun. The next day, it was the first day of our friendship.

- What holds you together?Burak: We get on well generally. We share a lot in a short

time. We have common interests. For instance, we all love reading poems and stories. We love each other so much.

- How do you spend time together?Büşra: We have lunch together everyday. We usually go to

the cinema. The last film we saw was ‘Romantik Komedi’. We go shopping. We also sometimes go to Ali’s house to cook. At weekends we go to Beşiktaş or Taksim for breakfast sometimes.

- Do you help each other in lessons?Büşra: Doğan’s English is better than us, so he always helps

us. We usually study at Ali’s house. We do our homeworks together and sometimes try to speak to each other in English.

- What is the funniest thing that’s happened to your group?

Elif: One day we went to Taksim for breakfast. Suddenly, Doğan took a poem book and started to read it loudly. We were shocked. It attracted the girls around. When Ali realised this, he got the book from Doğan and he started to read it loudly. The girls turned to Ali, but the girl were interested in the book not the boys, so Ali and Doğan were so disapointed.

- Do you have any plans for summer?Büşra: We want to spend our holiday in Sinop for a week.

Doğan: And we want to go to Malatya for Elif’s birthday. We are really looking forward to it. Lots of fun a head of us.

- What is your dream for the future?Ali: After graduation, we all want to open a private training

center, and be teachers there . Hopefully.

- Do you have anything to add?Elif : We want to be together for the rest of our lifes.

Büşra: No one can break our friendship. The group told their thanks ‘ it was an enjoyable interwiev.

Thank you for it. I hope one day you will have fun with us. J ’

So dear readers what a very loving group, its nice to see friendship like theirs. With all they share, I hope all their wishes come true..

1by Yağmur Esra Ezgi


* Pelin Bele is 34 years old. She lives in Kumburgaz. She is a student of English-Turkish Translation. (class 103)

* Zeynep Aşçı is 23 years old. She lives in Kartal. She is a student of English-Turkish Translation (class 103)

* Ecem Nisa Özgen is years old. She lives in Bakırköy. She is a student of Foreign Trade. (class 103)

* Gamze Aydın Sel is 29 years old. She lives in Bahçelievler. She is a student of Foreign Trade. (class 103)

* Ayça Öztürk is 18 years old. She lives in Yeşilköy. She is a student of Tourism. (class 103)

* İlker Kartal is 20 years old. He lives in Büyükçekmece. He is a student of Computer Technology. (class 103)

The group gave some information about their activities as friends..

- When and how did you meet?

When we started the first track, started our friendship. We always smoke in the garden and we hang out together.

- What academic activity do you do together?

We meet at the weekends or after school go to English spoken cafe. We usually speak English on msn conference. It’s really good experience. We sometimes play backgammon. On Sundays we have a brunch. Weekdays we play bowling in Metroport Trio Bowling Center.

Pelin and Zeynep are going to be in same class in Florya, because their departments is the same. In addition Ecem and Gamze are going to be in same class in Florya, because their department is also the same. They said “we will hang out next year, because we are very good friends.”


SonerMeralMüzeyyenMehmet,İbrahim Murathan

This group met in the classroom at the first day of school. They are a group of friends, because they have congenial relationship everytime. The name of their group is Miss. They say past events have made their group stronger. They usually go to English spoken cafe in Nişantaşı. They speak English and play ‘Batak’ game there. They usually have fun in the evenings together. If they have enough money, they drink just tea. They are not rich students, but honorable friends. They go for breakfast together every monday mornings.

I asked them where they usually go for breakfast every Monday?

They said that they go to Üsküdar, Dilruba Restaurant. It is their favourite restaurant It has a beautiful view of bousphours and the sea. It has fascinating atmosphere. We sometimes watch the sunrise there.

2by Yağmur Esra Ezgi

3by Dilek Algül



The image of a university which has improved itself in a short time. But this improvement is not only about its students but also it is about its students who are the sportsmen and sportswomen in their school team. One of our school team is the football team. Just like the school’s other teams, the football team made us all happy because of their good competition results even if they faced some injuries during the competitions. For example, what kind of team can play a match along with a goalkeeper whose arm was broken? As you guess, İt is our school’s football team. They became the third best team in Istanbul this year under the command of Selhan Şenol who is the manager/coach of the team. On the other hand, they became the second best team in Istanbul in the Futsal tournament after finishing in their group as the group leader. We all believe they will be the champion next year in the competitions. Because most of the team players are professional players who play in the Turkish Super League.

Good luck to you guyzz!


We went to Florya Campus to speak about 1907 Unifeb and the university’s fan club. We found the fan club’s office, there. Then we met with Merve Inam who is Unifeb’s fan club chairwoman. We asked a few questions. We asked these questions to Merve Inam so we made this interview. Let’s see what Merve Inam said about The Unifeb fan club?

How many members do you have a fan club?The 1907 Unifeb has 600 supporters now. The destination is definite and

completely supporting the team. The fanaticism is a life style for us.

Why do you support the team?Fenerbahce is a life style for us and a passionate attachment for us as a

student. When we don’t watch a match we fell very bad.Fanaticism is supporting the team whatever way. It is just to do

something for the team. Because we know this is just a game. Although hooligans fight with the other fans and do bad things but fanaticism is not like this.

How do you organize ticket for your members?We buy match tickets with the 1907 Unifeb association most especially

away matches ticket for our members. Besides this we have discount by 1907 Unifeb when we want to buy tickets. So we can afford.

How about derby matches?Sure, the special derby is Galatasaray for us, because this two teams are

rival for a long time coming at the end of the derbies, we understand again which team is the best team at the moment and gets a high rating.

Do you support just Fenerbahce football team?Of course we did not support just the football team , we are support

all the team about Fenerbahce at all categoriers. For example; volleyball , basketball and all of them.

Tell me about your past event?We had a lot of activities in 2009. Unifeb has general organizations.

For example 3 May and 20 November, we visited Anıtkabir. Every year , we have parties outside the city. We celeberate World Fenerbahce day at the Bosphorus, absolutely we have breakfast as a team and match day activities.

by Şeyma Özkan

by V. Rauf Velibeyoğlu

What is your fist way to celebrate victory?If the team wins, we put all flags at the school

walls that is display our flag all round the school, most especially after derby matches.

What do you do on match day?We have a meeting in Kadıkoy in a café on

the match days. Absolutely, we get in the stadium together. Before the match we take our set in Turk Telekom Blok C and we support the team all match long. Finally as the president of fan club I would like to welcome new students and let them know that we have opened stands at the school, so you can come register a Unifeb member and be a part of this movement.

Please to reach us you can contact:www.1907unifeb.org/forums To meet us or for enquiries: 0506 720 01 85 OR

0539 285 18 17



“Guys! Don’t speak, sit down and listen to me carefully now. We have entered an era which is going to be very hard for us. But the thing is if that era is going to be hard for us, it means it will be more difficult for the other teams. This is the truth. But unfortunately, sometimes you all forget the things which will make us the champion. First of all, you are all chosen players by me. That’s why you have to trust yourselves, your team, your team mates and me. It is one of the main steps to become a champion. Also it is one of the greatest things which makes us a real team. On the other hand, you should show respect to everyone. Moreover even if one of the rival teams really piss you off, you should respect them. What I am saying is if you start to become a disrespectful team, no one will respects you. Not last but least, you should believe that you will become the champion. Maybe belief is the most important thing for us. After all, “We” will be the champion…” was said by Yıldıray Yıldırım (the coach of Ist. Aydin basketball team) before the first match of the league.

If you ask yourselves what makes a team champion, you can find the answer in the first paragraph which was said by Yıldıray Yıldırım. Actually, he is not only a coach for his players but also he is a guide for his players when they are confused or when they are down morally because he is an experienced coach. That’s why he made Istanbul Aydin University Basketball Team the champion of the first league along with his players this year as an unbeaten team. That means this team is one of the strongest university team in Turkey which is a reality. But according to the coach, to become the champion in the first league is not enough success. He says that the team’s main goal is to become the European Champion within a few years ahead. But at this point, you may think it is impossible because of the common results of the Turkish teams in European Competitions. However, you miss another point which was about being a world champion for Turkey which was Çavuşoğlu College. They became the world champion twice. So, does it still seem impossible? I don’t think so. If they were able to become the world champion twice, why wouldn’t our school team be able to become the champion? But the coach thinks today’s goal is to become a Super League team. That’s why he is preparing his team for the Turkish Championship which is going to start in May. May luck and favor be with our school team.

“In the name of Istanbul Aydin University, I congratulate you all. You trained, you believed, you fought, and finally you became the champion. As I said to you, people deserve to be respected because of their behaviors. And you deserve every good things. Now, go and take your golden medals, after pick your cup up as champion while everyone is clapping for you all…” said by Yıldıray Yıldırım after the last match of the league.


As everybody knows, one of the best and popular team of the Turkish Super League is Beşiktaş. That’s why Beşiktaş has millions of fans in Turkey and as you guess there are hundreds of Beşiktaş fans in Istanbul Aydin University. We interviewed Ali Burak Sakallı the president of the fan club. I hope after reading, some of you might want to become a fan.

- As a headsman of a fun club member, what does Beşiktaş mean for you?

Well, as you know, this question has two answers. One of them is thinking as a fan, the other one is thinking as a president of a fan club. So, if you think as you are a fan, Beşiktaş means everything for you. It means it is a life style for you. Love and Beşiktaş is = “Beşiktaşk” in your life. But on the other hand, if you have to think as if you are the president of a fan club, it means you have some responsibilities. What I am exactly saying is you cannot have free deeds just like a normal fan. You have to organize them, and it is not easy.

Organize? What do you mean? Can you explain?

Sure. This organization is not only about Beşiktaş but also it is about the special days for our country such as tenth of November or eighteenth of March. On these days we remember Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and the soldiers who died for this country. Also we sometimes donate our bloods. But I know that you are exactly asking about Beşiktaş. So if we become champion, we celebrate our victory in a friendly way. Also we go to every Beşiktaş matches if it is in İnönü Stadium. However, if it is an away game, we gather and go a café to watch the match. On the other hand, we have an Internet channel which is called Haber 1903 for our fans. Especially “Her Daim Beşiktaş” is one of my favorite programme.

Are you going to Invite someone important for Beşiktaş?

We invited Serdar Bilgili. He came to our campus school and we had a gathering with him. And also Erdem Ulus, Itır Esen, Haldun Boysal, Pascal Nouma and Gürkan Uygun will come to our school to meet the fans soon.

So, which derby is the most important derby for you? Or which derby was the best derby you have ever seen?

Of course the derbies between Fenerbahçe and Beşiktaş are the most important ones for me. But there was a derby between Fenerbahçe and Beşiktaş which was 3 to 4. We beat Fenerbahçe 3 to 4 in Kadıköy without the goalkeeper. Also on the 100th year of Beşiktaş, we beat Galatasaray and after this match we were able to become the champion. It was perfect.

Yeah, I remember these matches. Anyway. How many fans do you have and is there any special accessory for your fans to sell?

We have 500 fans in the school and we sell a special scarf which is about Beşiktaş for the fans.

Ok, thank you very much Burak, I think these information is enough. I am impressed about your answers. Take care youself.


by V.Rauf Velibeyoğlu

by V Rauf Velibeyoğlu



Buses are the most useful way for traveling in Istanbul but extremely difficult. Our student’s also use this transportation system to school but because of the means of transportation in our country, travelling around comfortable to work and to school is very stressful. But presently there are some of us that have the privilege of using a car to school this enable comfort and being quick to where ever you want to go.

In our school, there are some students that have privilege to drive themselves school or be dropped off at school by their family. We did a research and picked a student that drives the best car to school. Kaan Kaya drives a blue green Toyota supra.

We chose him because his car is just so spectacular. Kaan is a student of the Department of Business Administration. He is presently in the preparatory school (Bahçelievler Campus) now. He has a %100 scholarship. He said, when he comes to school by bus he spends one and half hour on the road but, when he comes with his car it takes just 20 minutes. He thinks, he’s just so privileged. Kaan’s sponsor is his father. His brother sometimes helps out with the fuel and the oil for the car. His education plan is to finish school and be a professional banker.

In our opinion, many students come by bus or with their parents but Kaan comes to school via his Supra. It has a V12 engine, 5.5 it volume, 668 Hp. It has 3 turbo and pair camshaft mile. It has 370 km maximum speed. The engine is pure aluminum, cover rims are silver cover green and 22”. 98 model supra is the most expensive car and the best car in school and in Istanbul there are just 3 Supras. He also said, it has JBL surround sound system, full hard top and a 7 F1 speed. Finally, this car costs 160.000 Euro. Though we do not mean to say that coming to school by bus is not a good idea but driving to school is just so comfortable and cool.

by Oğuzhan YARIMKAŞ



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