ice breakers

Post on 22-Nov-2014






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Ice Breakers

1. Appointments

Give everybody a few minutes to make 3 appointments - 3 pm, 6 pm and 9 pm. After that have everyone stand in a circle. When you shout "3 pm", everybody meets their 3 pm appointment and find out 1, 2 or 3 things about each other. After a short while shout, "6 pm" and then "9 pm". After that have people share what they find out about each other. This game can be used for introduction where people introduce other people, instead of themselves.

2. Atlas

Arrange everyone in a circle. Someone say the name of any country, city, river, ocean or mountain that could be found in an atlas. The person next to him must then say another name that begins with the last alphabet of the word that has been given.Example: First person: AucklandSecond person: DenverThird person: RotoruaEach person has a definite time limit (e.g. 3 seconds) and no name can be repeated.

3. Balloon Blow-up

Have everyone pairs up and give each person a balloon. Each pair designates a left and a right person. The partners stand facing each other about six inches apart. When you call "left", the "left" person blows into his balloon. Give him a few seconds, then call "right", the right person then blows into his balloon. Do this repeatedly. The idea is to literally "blow-up" the balloon in the partner's face before he can blow up his.

4. Balloons in The Air

Give everyone an inflated balloon. The balloons should be in different colours or with identifiable marks on them. Everyone tosses his balloon in the air and tries to keep it in the air as long as possible. In the meanwhile, he must try to get everyone else's balloons to touch the floor. When a person's balloon touches the floor, he is out. The person who keeps his balloon in the air the longest, wins.

5. Banana Duel

Have everyone pair up and tie their left wrist together. Give each a banana to hold in their left hand. When you say "go", they peel the banana with only their right hand and try to push it in their partner's face/mouth. You may want to do this blindfolded to add excitement.

6. Battle of The Nuts

Give each person a peanut and have them pair up. They should try to crack their partner's peanuts by pushing their peanuts against one another. Those with cracked peanut are out. Do this in round until only one or a few peanuts are left not cracked.

7. Bible Mime

Divide the group into teams of three to six members. Every team selects one biblical event to pantomime for the other players. The others try to identify the bible stories being enacted. Variation: Scripture passages are cited on slips of paper and drawn from a box for performance.

8. Big Sculpture

Divide the group into two teams. Give each team five large garbage bags and as many blown-up balloons as possible. Have them create a huge human figure by putting the blown-up balloons in the bags and attaching the bags together within a definite time limit. The best sculpture wins.

9. Blinded by Money

Pair everyone up and form a big circle. Give each pair two coins. One person in each pair tilts his head back and places a coin on each eyelid with eyes closed (no peeping!). Put a big container in the centre (e.g. a garbage can). The object is for each person to dump their coins into the container, following the verbal direction of their partner. No physical guiding by the partner is allowed. If any coin dropped, the person should pick it up and start all over again. The fun comes when all the pairs go at once, crowding around the container, blinded by money, trying to hear their partner's direction.

10. Brain Teaser

Hand out copies of any of the following "IQ Tests". Each block represents a well known phrase or saying. You may divide a large group to teams of three or four. Give a time limit. The team with the most correct answers wins.


Answer: Blood is thicker than waterLine upYou're under arrestHigh above the cloudsYou ought to be in the picturesMen out of work/job/employmentOverwhelming oddsSplitting headacheMixed doubles tennis

KJUSTKWRitINGLOVT RN24 HoursB ILL EDPETS AGettingitall1 T 3 4 5 6

Answers: Just in caseNo U Turn

A Step BackwardPut it in writingCall it a dayGetting it all togetherEndless loveIll/Sick in bedTea for two

11. Campus Life Word List Game

Give everyone a piece of paper and ask them to write down as many words as possible from the letters in the words "CAMPUS LIFE", (e.g. camp, camps, us, came etc.) No proper names or slang words are allowed. You may use other longer words and have the people work in pairs or small groups.

12. Can You Follow Instructions

A READ AND DO TESTS Time Limit: 3 min.1. Read all that follows before doing anything.2. Write your name in the upper right-hand corner of this page.3. Circle the word "corner" in sentence two.4. Draw five small squares in upper left hand corner of this page.5. Put an "X" on each square.6. Put a circle around each square.7. Sign your name under line 5.8. After your name, write "yes, yes, yes".9. Put a circle around number 7.10. Put an "X" in the lower-left-hand corner of this page.11. Draw a triangle around the "X" you just made.12. Call out your first name when you get to this point.13. On the reverse side of this paper add 6950 and 9805.14. Put a circle around your answer.15. Now that you have finished reading carefully, do only number 1 and 2.


13. Coordinated Jump

Have the entire group get in a circle. Everyone put their arms over the shoulders of the persons on their left and right. On the word GO, everyone must jump (feet off the ground) at the same instant. The ones who do not (too fast or too slow), go out of the group. Repeat until only a few are left. These are the winners.

14. Core Group

Divide the group into teams of five or six. Have one person in each team begin with an apple in his mouth (roast pig style). At the signal, he passes the apple to the person on the right. As the second person takes the apple with his mouth (no hands allowed), the first person takes a bite out of it. At the end of the time limit, the team that has eaten most of their apple wins.

15. Disclosure

Procure a softball. Arrange the participants in a circle. Throw the ball to one person and ask the individual to disclose something unusual about himself. He can then throw the ball to anyone he choose and repeat the process.

16. Donut Whole

Divide the group into teams and have each team choose a leader. The teams are then split into halves and positioned on both sides of the room with the leader in the middle. Each leader is given a donut, preferably the sticky one which he places on one index finger. At the signal, he crosses back and forth with the donut on the finger, giving team members bites. The winner is the team which had everyone bit the donut, leaving the last donut at the end with the ring intact.

17. Do This and Add Something

Get everyone in a circle. One person starts off by performing an action (e.g. scratching his head). The person on his right must then repeat it and add another action. The game goes on with each having to repeat all the previous actions in order, then adding one. If a player misses an action or gets fouled up, he is out. You can go as many rounds as you want.

18. Funny Faces

Have the participants arrange themselves in a circle. An appointed player turns to the person next to him and makes a funny face or assumes a funny posture. That person mimics the gesture, passing it on quickly to the next person, and so on around the circle. When the funny face has completed the circuit, another person begins, until all or as many persons as possible have had a chance to initiate the face-making.

19. Garbage Pass Relay

Divide into teams. Each team tries to pass a paper garbage bag down to the end of their line. It is placed over the head of the first person in line. When the go signal is given, the second person in line goes under the bag with the first person. As soon as the first person gets out, the third person goes under the bag with the second. The process continues until the bag gets all the way to the end of the line.

20. Grumble Grumble

This game provides an opportunity for release of tensions. Pair up all participants. Instruct participants to talk simultaneously, sharing any complaints, reservations, resentments, grievances, irritations or concerns they have on their minds. When one member runs out of issues to disclose, he is then to say, "grumble, grumble" until all participants are done. Call a halt to the exercise when it is apparent that the negative energy has dissipated and only superficial "grumbling" is present.

21. Hat Trick

Form a circle. Put a derby type hat on one person. The object is for him to get it on the next person's head without using hands, arms teeth or legs. You may divide the group into two and have a competition.

22. Hog Tied

Divide the group into two or three. Have them sit in a circle facing outward. Give each group a ball of string or yarn of equal length. At the signal, the groups are to wrap themselves up securely in the string. The group that finishes first, wins.

23. How Are You Feeling?

Give everybody a piece of blank paper (same size). Flash the following words, written on a big piece of paper or on a transparency.


Ask everyone to write down on his paper the word that describes either how he is feeling or what he wants Jesus to bring to him now. Place all the papers in the centre of the group and mix them well. Pick up a piece of paper. Read the word on the paper and open up the time for anyone in the group to share a phrase or verse which might encourage the person whose paper has been picked. You may pick as many paper as you have time for.

24. Human Spider Web

Divide the group into teams of 6-8 persons. Have each team move to a location that allows them to stand in a small circle. Instruct members of each group to extend their right hands across the circle and graspthe left hands of the other members who are approximately opposite them. Then have them extend their left hands across the circle and grasp the right hands of other individuals. Inform them that their task is to unravel the spider web of interlocking arms without letting go of anyone's hands. They will be competing with the other groups to see who finishes the task first.

25. I Packed My Trunk for China

The first player says, "I packed my trunk for China and took an apple (or any other object that begins with "A"). The next player repeats the sentence, including the "A" word and adds a "B" word. Each successive player recites the sentence with all the alphabetical items, adding one of his own. (e.g. "I packed my trunk for China and took an apple and a bread). The player continues as long as they can or until they have completed the alphabet.

26. I’m Glad I’m Here

Tell the group that you're glad to be there. Then say, "If I am not here today, I will be ...................." (share something that you're glad you don't have to do, e.g. wash your car). Then go around the room asking, "If you weren't here today, what would you be doing that you're glad you don't have to?" Try to keep the answers light and fast moving.

27. Innovative Introduction

You can do any of the following or all of them:

1. Instruct everyone to take two items (e.g. Family picture, credit card) from their purses, wallets or pockets. Then use the items to introduce or say something about themselves.2. Ask each person to state his name and attach an adjective that not only describes a dominant characteristic, but also starts with the first letter of his name. (e.g. Martin - Marvellous Martin, Siew Ling - Lovely Ling)3. Have everyone share a nickname that they now have, once had, or would like to have and then explain the reason or story behind the name.

28. Instant Stunt

As each person enters the room, he receives a slip of paper with a silly stunt described on it. E.g. Stand on a char, bark like a dog, dance around. When the signal is given, all participants perform their stunt simultaneously. Give them a few minutes to look at one another and laugh.

29. Knocking Off Hats

Put some hats or caps in the middle of the room. Ask everyone to choose one and put it on. (You can also ask everyone to bring a hat or cap of their choice to the meeting). Give everyone a rolled up newspaper. They must hit each other hat off without losing their own. They are not allowed to hold their own hats on.

30. Leader of The Band

Ask all participants to stand up and make sufficient room around themselves so as not to interfere with free movement of their arms. Then tell them that they are the conductor of the Singapore Symphony Orchestra. Have them close their eyes. Play a selection of music and ask them all to simultaneously lead the orchestra. (This works best if you have carefully selected the music. Try as much as possible to make sure that the music is familiar to all and is relatively fast-paced to stimulate energetic directing). After a while, when they have began to conduct freely, ask them to do it with their eyes open. Help them relax and enjoy themselves as they do so.

31. Magic Circle

This icebreaker can be used to illustrate the multiplicity of meanings of words. Divide the group into teams of 5-7 people. On a prepared set of 3" x 5" cards, a series of words or phrases are written. (one on each card e.g. motivation; put-down, I feel good when ...) The team leader pulls a card out and a few persons are asked to state what the word means to them, or in the case of sentence completion, continue the statement.

32. My Favourites

Give everybody a copy of "Exercise in self-disclosure" and give them a few minutes to fill it in. Have everybody share what they have written. Then suggest that their answers to question 1 provides clues to how other people view them and their answers to question 2 provide clues to how they view themselves and see how they react to your suggestions!

An Exercise in Self-Disclosure

1. Name your favourite colour: ___________________________Describe it in three words:a.b.c. (E.g. Blue - it is cool, relaxing, distant)

2. If you could pose (safely) with an animal of your choice in the Zoo, what animal would it be?Describe three characteristics of the animal:

a.b.c. (E.g. Tiger - strong, tense, dangerous)

33. Newspaper Talk

Give everyone some newspaper. Ask everyone to express how they feel or how their day has been through the newspaper. For example, crumble the newspaper to express frustration etc.

34. Object in Question

Two players privately select an object in the room. They then discuss it with each other while the other players listen and try to guess what it is. When the object is discovered, another two players select an object. Variation: For an extra challenge, choose and object not in the room.

35. Old Aunty Amy

The purpose of this game is to guess whether Old Aunt Amy died last night. The leader will begin by saying the phrase "Old Aunt Amy, she died last night, she died last night. Did she die?"" He then points to anybody in the group The person then says either "yes" or "no". If the leader says, "listen carefully", before he says the phrase, then the answer is "Yes", if he omits, "listen carefully", then the answer is, "NO". If he answers wrongly, he is out. The leader then says the phrase again and points to another person.

36. People Bingo

Give everyone a piece of paper of either of the following:

Wears size 6 shoesLikes pizzaHas 2 daughtersHas the no. 5 on his telephone no.Is left-handedBirthday is in Dec.Favourite colour is yellowDrives a blue carPlays tennisWent to the cinema last week

Has a pet dogName beginning with "J"Born in AprilSings in showerTalks in your sleepDid not make bed todayReads "Peanut"Takes napLoves ice-creamWatches cartoonSnores when you sleepNever change a diaperDetective story fan

Give them a time limit and send them loose to find someone with the relevant description. The one with the most squares filled up wins.

37. People to People

Each player finds a partner and joins the group in a circle except the leader who stands in the centre. The leader snaps his fingers, chanting "people to people", and the others join him. Whenever he desires, the leader changes his chant to "hand to hand" or "toes to toes" etc. The players must then touch their partner's hands with their hands, or toes with toes etc. The leader goes through the various body parts, and then shouts, "people to people". This is the signal for everyone to find a new partner, including the leader. One player is left without a partner and becomes the new leader. Players try to have a different partner and a different leader each time. The leader is more challenging if the leader names two different body parts, for example "hand to foot".

38. Pick an Animal

Ask the group: "If you have to pick an animal below to describe how this group has reshaped your life, what would you pick?"

Colourful peacock: Because you have told me that I am beautiful and I have started to believe it and it is changing my life.Loveable hippopotamus: Because you have let me surface and bask in the warm sunshine of God's love.Black panther: Because you have helped me to look very closely at myself and see some of the spots ... and you have told me it's OK to be this way.Dancing bear: Because you have taught me to dance in the midst of pain, and you have helped me to reach out and hug again.Roaring lion: Because you have let me get down off my perch and roll in the grass, and not even worry about my mane.Wild eagle: Because you have helped to heal my wings, and taught me how to soar again. Towering giraffe: Because you have helped me to hold my head up and stick my neck out.All-weather duck: Because you have taught me to enjoy the weather (even on rainy days) and to celebrate the hard times like duck in a storm.Ostrich in love: Because you have loved me so much that I have taken my head out of the sand and found a whole new reason for living.

39. Potrait of My Job

Give everyone a sketch paper and ask them to draw a picture of their jobs or organisations. Pictures can be of TV shows, sports or anything that describes their perceptions. Have everyone or volunteers explain their sketch to the rest.

40. Reverse Pointing

Pair up everybody. One person points to any part of his body and says the name of another. E.g. he points to the ear and says, "eye". His partner must then point to his eye, and says, "ear". Those who fail to respond correctly will be out.

41. Siblings

Ask the group to divide themselves into four groups with these subsets:

1. If they were the eldest in the family,2. If they were the youngest in the family,3. If they were any place in the middle,4. If they were an only child.

Ask the participants seek out their respective groups, ask them to recall what they liked and disliked about their respective places in their growing up days. In retrospect, would they have preferred a different place?

42. Standing Ovation

Invite everyone to stand up and spread out (approximately an arm's length apart). Tell them that to make sure they are awake and receptive to the forthcoming session, you will lead them in an exercise designed to help get their blood moving rapidly, and stimulate the nerve endings in their hands.

Direct them to stretch their arms out and their sides (horizontally from their bodies). When they have all done so properly, then ask them to rapidly bring their hands together, then back to their sides (repeating the two-step sequence about 10 times in rapid succession). Concludeby telling the group that you aren't sure how much better they feel now, but that you feel really good, because this is the first time that you have begun a session to a standing ovation!

43. Stand Up

Sit on the ground with your partner, backs together, feet in front of you, and arms linked. Then try to stand up together. After you succeed add another twosome and try again. Keep adding people until your whole group is trying to stand together.

44. Tactile Copier

The players arranged themselves in a line. A diagram is shown to the last person in line. The person uses his finger to reconstruct the image on the back of the person in front of him. Each player in turn passes the image on to the next person in line by tracing it on his back. The person at the head of the line draws the diagram on a piece of paper for the group to compare with the original drawing. The game can be repeated after the players rotate their positions. Variation: After passing on the image, each player draws the diagram as he perceives it. The group then compares their drawings.

45. Talk About

Choose one or more topics and give everyone a few minutes to share.

1. The happiest moment of my life.2. The last time I got mad was ...3. Where I lived between the age of 7 to 12 years old.4. When God became more than a word to me.5. The best thing that happened to me this past week.

46. Telephone

As players sit in a circle, someone whispers a message to the person next to him, who in turns repeat it to the next player, and so onaround the circle. Each player whispers the message only once. When the message has completed its circuit the last person repeats it aloud for comparison with the original message. The game can be repeated so that as many people as possible can start messages. Variation: The leader whispers two messages, sending one to the right and one to the left.

47. The New Millionaire

Assemble the group in a circle. Inform them that they have now each been given a gift of one million dollars. Ask a few persons to indicate how they would use their newly-gained fortune.

Have other people share on the other topics e.g.1. If you could take a free two week trip to any place in the world, where would it be?2. If you could become the leader of any country in the world, what would it be and why?

3. If you could travel on a time machine to any era in time, what would it be and why?4. If you could talk to any one person now living, who would it be?

48. Throw Away Your Troubles

Have each person think of a question, problem, or concern. Give everyone a piece of paper and ask them to write their anonymous problem on it. Place a container (a box or pail) in the centre of the room and ask them to crumple up their paper and throw it in the container with whatever expression or sound they want.

49. Treasure Hunt

Hnd out the following form to each attendee and ask that everyone find at least one similar and one dissimilar trait with four persons. After everyone has finished, invite those who find interesting traits to share.

NAME: ___________________________

TREASURE HUNT Name Alike Difference

50. Thumb Fight

Have everybody pair up and hold hands (fingers into finger hold). Their thumbs should be down by the sides. When you say "ready", they hold their thumbs up touching each other. At the signal, "go", they push each other's thumb and try to knock down their partner's thumb. The one who get knocked down is out. Play for as long as you want or until only one or a few "winner" are left.

51. Who am I?

Prepare pieces of paper with a Bible character or Nursery Rhyme character or an animal etc. written on them. Pin a piece of the papers on each participant. The participant then has to discover who he is by asking questions to the group. The questions must only be answered with "yes" or "no". you may limit the number of questions he can ask.

52. Who am I?

Give the group a few minutes to search the surrounding area to find something that they feel represents some of their characteristics or expresses who they are. Call on each participant to show what he has selected and explain why. (E.g. I picked a rock because it is strong, smooth and old.)

53. Quaker Questions

Explain these questions have been used by hundreds of people to get acquainted with each other. None of them require sharing about areas of our life we wish to keep private. Unlike discussion questions, it is best for Friendship Questions to be answered by progressing in order around the circle. As facilitator, state the first question and then answer it yourself. Your answers will set the tone for all the rest. If you are brief, others will be brief. If you are lengthy in your answers, others will be lengthy. Spend no more than one minute per person on each question: 1. Where did you live between the ages of 7 and 12 and how many brothers and sisters did you have? 2. What kind of transportation did your family use? 3. Who was the person you felt closest to? 4. When did God become more than a word to you?

54. Chit Chat

Use any combination of these to break the ice .... * What was the happiest moment of your life * Tell us about your first date * What is the greatest regret of your life * The greatest compliment I ever received * Let me tell you about my best earthly friend * The hardest thing I have ever done * Describe a typical Tuesday in your life * My greatest disappointment * The gift I will never forget (apart form my conversion) * The thing I most enjoy in my spare time * What is your favourite time of day * What is one thing you would like your obituary to say about you * Share one of your strengths and one of your weaknesses * What is your favourite spot in your home or yard * My favourite comic strip is * People might be surprised to find out that I ........... * Using weather terminology, how would you describe your week - stormy, sunny, partly cloudy, foggy, etc.

55. “What if…?”

(Can be used in parts over several sessions) * If you could not fail, what would you like to do? * If you had to live your life over, what would your change? * If you were to go to live on the moon and could carry only one thing, what would it be? * If you could be doing anything you wanted at this time next year, what would it be? * You have been granted one hour with the leader of your country. What question will you ask? What advice will you offer? * If you had an all-expenses-paid trip to anywhere in the world, where would you go? Why? * What would you do if you were to see ... a person being robbed? ... a person drowning? ... a house on fire? Get the idea? Now, make up your own!

56. Answer Yes

* Ask questions and if the guest answer with a "Yes" they must get up from their chair and move one place to their left. They may end up sitting on someone's lap or two laps. Here are the questions which you can vary with your own: Do you have black shoes on? Did you walk here? Do you have three or more children? Are you wearing earrings? Are you wearing pearls? Do you have blue jeans on? Is it your birthday this month? Are you wearing the colour red? Etc. The first person to get back to her original seat is the winner of a chocolate!

57. Bright Eyes

Equipment: Large drawing of a face, 2 buttons to each guest. The demonstrator places a large drawing of a face on the floor and each guest in turn attempts to drop a pair of bright buttons to form the eyes of the face. The most accurately place eyes wins a prize.

58. Farmyard

The demonstrator whispers to each guest the name of an animal. At a given signal they are to imitate the sound of that animal, whether it be a cow, pig, chicken, cock, donkey, horse, etc. When they sound like a riotous farmyard, they are told to stop. The guests are to write down the names of all the animals they heard, the one with the longest list wins a prize.

59. Musical Instruments

* Equipment: Record player, or piano. Group the guests in a circle, and give each one the name of the musical instrument they should imitate playing. Start the music. They all begin the action of playing their "instruments". When the demonstrator shouts, "Left", they hand their "instruments" to the guest on the left, and take over the "instrument" form the right. A mistake and the guests fall out. Continue until one person remains the winner.

60. “Pairs”

Short, sweet and simple. The first guest to produce a pair of anything wins. Most usual winners produce a pair of shoes. Yet, most original wins a prize.

61. Save Me

Here is a riotous game. The demonstrator asks guests to imagine they are all survivors at a shipwreck, swimming for their lives. There is only one life belt. One survivor can claim it and be saved. Each guest must state their case: Why they think they have the most right to live. The guest with the most convincing or amusing case wins a prize.

62. Wooly Problem

* Equipment: A ball of wool. The demonstrator passes a ball of wool to each guest and asks him or her to break off as much as they think they will need. (Purpose a secret) Then he \ she informs them that this is the circumference of their waists. The guests with the best fitting wins. * For a variation, the guests are told to make a circle on the floor, out of a piece of wool provided, to measure the circumference of their waists. Most accurate attempt wins.

63. Dotty Drawing

On the back of the Papers, ask each guest to draw six large dots in any position. Collect the papers, shuffle them and hand them out. Be sure no one gets her own. Then ask guests to make a drawing, using the dots as the main framework. The Prize goes to the guest with themost original drawing. Note: They may not add any extra dots.

64. For Sale

* Ask each guest to write on the back of their papers an advertisement for their local newspaper, offering and ancient article of furniture in the "For sale" section. They write "For Sale" at the top, leaving a blank space and then write the advertisement, which should not mention the name of the article. When they have finished the laughter begins. You tell them that they have just described their husbands and wives, or best friend, and they should write his or her name in the blank space and read the advertisement out aloud.

65. A Game For Christmas Time

Ask the guests to write their names vertically down the back of a paper. Give them three minutes to make a list of Christmas gifts, using each letter to start the name of the gift. Try to make up as many possible beginning with each letter. The guest with the greatest number wins the prize.

66. Name the Face

Equipment: Photographs of well-known personalities. Here is a quiz which will keep many guessing. The demonstrator collects a number of cuttings form magazines showing the faces of well-known personalities. Then he \ she pastes them on light card and shows them one at a time to the guest, telling them to write down their names. A prize is given to the guest with the most complete list.

67. Point Game

* Ask each guest to jot down on the back of a paper the points for each question to which she can answer "yes". Ask the guests the following questions: Are you wearing a wrist watch? 5 Are you wearing a ring? 5 Are you wearing glasses? 10 Did you go to Church last Sunday? 25 Did you kiss your husband or mom and dad today? 25 Did you kiss all three? -100 For each year you have been out of school. 1 Date or month you were born (2 for 2nd month, 3 for 3rd month, etc) to 12 You can award a prize for the highest and lowest total number of points.

68. Bingo

Guests are asked to choose 10 letters from the alphabet and list them on the back of their papers. The demonstrator calls off letters of the alphabet at random and guests cross corresponding letters off their lists. The first one to cross all the letter of their list then calls Hallelujah. If she calls "Bingo" they lose and the game continues.

69. The Exchange

* This game has a surprise element. The guests are asked to be "at the ready" with pencils and paper. They are told they are to write down a list of capital cities of each province or anything similar. In a time limit of three minutes. When they are poised and ready they are told to put the pencil in the other hand. Right-handers becomes left-hander, and vice versa. A prize is given to the guest with the most correct and most legible list. Lots of amusement is assured for all.

70. A Bag of Fun

* Equipment: 6 Pairs of old stockings, 2 blindfolds, 2 pairs of gloves, and 2 paper bags. * Ask for 2 volunteers. Ask them to remove their right shoe. Blindfold them, and have each put on a pair of gloves and give them a bag containing several pairs of old nylon stockings. Awarda prize to the one who succeeds in getting all the stockings in the bag over their foot. It is a riot of fun because the gloves make it difficult to tell the top of the stockings from the foot. The other guests get the laugh of a lifetime. Just try it!

71. All Thumbs Relay

* Equipment: Wrapped sweets, 2 paper bags and two pairs of men's large thick gloves. Divide the guests into two teams. The first in line of each team is given a paper bag filled with wrapped sweets and a pair of men's thick gloves. Each guest in turn has to take the gloves out of the bag, put them on, choose a sweet, unwrap it, and put it in their mouth. They then have to take off the gloves, return them to the bag, and pass it to next guest in the team. Fist team to finish wins a chocolate each.

72. Blow or Bust

Equipment: Balloon and large biscuit to each guest. Start the game by getting each guest to blow up a balloon and eat a biscuit at the same time. The guest who has a fully blown balloon and has eaten their biscuit wins a prize. They have to take a bite - blow the balloon, take a bite, blow the baloon...etc.

73. Candle Rage

Equipment: Row of candles, box of matches. The problem is to light a row of candles, with one match. The guest who can light the most candles with one match wins a prize.

74. Crossing The River

* Equipment: Folded newspapers. Here is a blindfold game which is great fun. The demonstrator places a number of folded newspapers on the floor with spaces between. These represent rocks across a river and the guests have to try to cross without getting their feet wet. Each guest, one by one, in turn is started on their way with feet firmly on one "rock", carefully noting the position, and if they get their feet wet more than 2 times, they are disqualified. The position of the "rocks" may be changed from time to time. The guests who safely "cross the river" win prizes.

75. Horse Racing

Equipment: A Dice. In this racing game guests line up at one end of the room. The farthest end is the winning post (marked by a chair, for instance) The guests take turns to throw the dice. Each number turned up represents the amount of shoe lengths they are entitled to step towards the winning post. First guest to reach the winning post marker wins a prize.

76. Peg Clipping

* Equipment: A dice and a big bag of clothes pegs. Arrange guests sitting in a big circle with a bag of pegs in the middle. They pass the dice and the first one to throw a six jumps into the middle of the circle and starts clipping pegs to their clothes. They are not allowed to clip the pegs on any straight edges, e.g. hems of dresses, cuffs, etc. The dice is passes on round the circle and the next one to throw a six, changes places with the one in the middle - the one who was in the

middle returns to their seat. And so the dice is passed on and the procedure continues. When there are no more pegs left, the game stops and they all count how many pegs they have on their clothes. The one who has the most pegs, wins the prize.

77. String Ties

Equipment: A ball of string. Divide the guests into two teams. Give each guest a piece of string. At the give signal the first guest ties her string to the next player's piece of string and on to the next, continuing until each member of the team has added their piece of string. The winning team is not the first to finish but the team with the longest piece of string.

78. Tall Story

* Hand out to each guest a folded slip of paper marked on the outside "BIG, BIG SECRET" and inside write "Giraffe". Tell everyone that each guest has the name of an animal, which they must keep a secret, and that when you mention each animal's name the appropriate guest must run up to your display and grab the prize. (Chocolate) Now tell a story about a visit to the Game Park mentioning the names of the various animals you see as you and your family are driving through. By the time you have mentioned the names of several animals and no guest have got up, they will all be worried that they have been left out, and then the next name you mention is the "giraffe" and they all rush to the table together to grab the prize.

79. Who has The Longest Chain

Divide the guests into two teams. Give each guest tow or more paper clips. At the word "go" each player connects their paper clips with the one in front of her. The longest chain in the shortest time wins.

80. Ice Breaking Questions

* Where did you live between the ages of 9 & 12? * Who is the person closest to you? * What was one of the happiest moments in your life? * Who was your best friend when you were younger? * Describe the worst thing you ever had to wear to school. * Who was your favourite music group in high school? * Who was your favourite teacher in school, and for what subject? * What time period would you have lived in, if you could have lived at any time? * What Biblical character inspires you the most? (Besides Jesus) * What would you do if you had won a million Rand? (can't be spiritual) * What historical (non-Biblical) figure interests you the most? (Besides Jesus) * Describe your favourite cousin. * What is your favourite style of music? (Christian isn't a style) * What is your favourite piece of art? (it doesn't have to be famous) * Whose eyes are most like yours in the room? * How are you like your mom? Your dad? * What is your favourite worship song? * What is your favourite praise song? * If you were unlimited by money, where would you spend a vacation? * What planet would you visit if you could go to any one? * What is your favourite hobby? * What is the meaning of your name? * What is your favourite book? * What is your favourite Bible verse? * How did you end up at this cell? * How did you meet your best friend or spouse? * What would you like to be known for? * Where were you born? * What is your favourite family Christmas tradition? * Tell an unusual fact about yourself. * Describe the favourite place you've lived in. * What kind of car did your family have when you were growing up? * What is your dream car? * How many brothers and sisters do you have? * If you could not fail, what would you do? * If you were going to live on the moon and could take one thing with you, what would you take? (Besides your Bible) * If your house were on fire, what is the one thing you would grab (assuming all family and pets were safely out)? * What is the hardest thing you ever had to do? * Do you have any phobias? * What do you do when you have free time?

81. Guessing Game

Give out paper and a pen to each person. Let them write on the paper two things that are important to them and one thing that is not important to them at all. The fun starts when one at a time each person reads their list and everyone in the home-cell must guess which is most important to them. The object of the exercise is to see how many can be fooled into thinking that the least important is the most important. E.g. 1. Having an afternoon nap 2. Bathing at night 3. Patting my dog The first one is not important to me, the others are

important. Think of things that are not that obvious (e.g. My relationship with God - is important, so that will be difficult to trick people with because everyone will know that you’re kidding!)

82. Question Ice Breakers

1. What makes you decide that something is important in your life? 2. What things are priority in your life? 3. What do you think are the top three important things on God’s list for our lives? 4. What do you think is the most important thing to God? How do you know? / Why? 5. Are you afraid of the dark? Why? 6. What are some things you want but know that you’ll never get? 7. Do you ever wonder what God wants you to have? What do you think He wants for your life? 8. Is it hard for you to talk to strangers? If no, why? 9. What would you want to be doing when Jesus comes back? What don’t you want to be doing? 10. Did you have some family rules in your house that seemed unfair to you? What were they? 11. What special things have you done in your life for the people that you love? How did it make you feel? Do you think it is good for us to do good things for the people in our community? Why?

83. Show and Tell

Draw pictures on different pieces of paper. Give each person a picture and let them explain what it reminds them of. Either something from their lives, something that happened to them, a song, a sermon or the Bible.

84. Hide and Go Seek

Get someone in the home-cell to hide something in the house. It can be something they’ve brought with them or something you’ve given them. The people in the home-cell must first guess what’s been hidden and then find it. You can choose something obvious, like a clock, lamp or ornament that is always in the room when they are at your house. Or something that someone always brings, like their Bible. A missing belt or shoe would be quite funny and noticeable too!

85. Bible Story Mime

Write out a scene from the Bible on a piece of paper. (E.g. Jonah in the fish’s belly or Jesus turning water into wine, etc.) Let people in the home-cell act it out, mime it or even play charades. Let the others guess what they are trying to bring across. You can continue doing this until you feel to stop. Ask the cell members how these Bible stories/scenes make them feel. You could do only a few skits and ask the people questions, like... - What do you like most about.....? - Why do you think God chose to.....?

86. Liar Liar

Go around the cell asking people these questions. You can ask them randomly and let each person give an answer. Remember, if someone doesn’t feel comfortable to answer, just pass to the next person. (The last question is just to make them laugh!) - Have you ever lied before? If yes, what did you lie about? - Why do we tell lies? - What is the biggest lie you got caught telling? - Would you say that you are a good or a bad liar? - Are you lying now?

87. Truth or Dare!

You will need to come up with a few questions, here are a few to help you, but you can also make up your own. Get the members to choose between truth or dare. You could even just ask the questions and let everyone have a turn to answer. Remember that everyone is different,some people might enjoy the game but it could be embarrassing for others. Ask the people in your cell if they would like to play. If a few don’t want to, let them be the audience and create a panel of ‘contestants’ with the people who would like to play. Truth: - How often do you brush your teeth? - Name three movie stars you would like to go on a date with. - What do your slippers look like? - What is the strangest combination of food you’ve ever eaten? E.g. Rice& Chutney - What was the most embarrassing thing you’ve done? - If you had to attend a dinner, having the theme of your country’s national heritage, how far would you go to dress the part? - Have you ever performed the Heimlich maneuver on your pet? Dares: - Sing : Baa baa Black Sheep in a different language. - Draw a picture of the person next to you and try to sell it to some-one in the group. -Change the National Anthem and sing it. - Convince a person in the group that there’s a fire in the kitchen, get them to check. - Tell everyone your Star Wars Name (The first 3 letters of your name joined to the last 2 letters of your surname. E.g. Ingrid Holtshausen – Ingen.)

- Pick someone in the group and wear their shoes until the end of the game. - Serenade someone in the group

88. Hop Along Cassidy

Choose volunteers or do this with your whole group. Let the members of your home-cell stand in a straight line (shoulder to shoulder) Blindfold them. Tell them all to take a step to their left, then to their right. Continue until someone turns to their ‘other’ left or right and bumps another player. That person is then out of the game and can remove their blindfold. If no-one makes this mistake, let them stand on one leg and hop for as long as they can. The people that loose their balance and correct themselves are then out. The person left hopping the longest wins.

89. Pop a Balloon

For this you’ll need some general knowledge questions. (Trivial Pursuit Questions will also work well.) Divide your home-cell into two teams. Each team gets an equal number of balloons. The teams need to send up one person at a time to answer a question. (You can decide whether the group can help the person answering or not.) Whoever answers correctly first can then pop a balloon of the other team. The team to have the most balloons over at the end wins. The amount of balloons you have will determine the amount of questions you need.

90. Pop a Balloon 2

For this you’ll need some general knowledge questions. (Trivial Pursuit Questions will also work well.) Divide your home-cell into two teams. Each team gets an equal number of balloons. Inside the balloons you will need to place slips of paper, with different prizes written on them. E.g. “You have won a chocolate!” You can choose different prizes and add some boo-boos to your collection, like: “Sorry, maybe next time!” The teams need to send up one person at a time to answer a question. Whoever answers correctly first can then pop one of their balloons. (Not the other team’s balloons!) Be sure to give the person who popped the balloon their prize!

91. Blind Trust

Decide on a route to take your cell members on. Preferably a route around the neighbourhood. Make sure the path you choose isn’t too dangerous! You don’t want to get someone hurt or knocked down by a car. Blindfold everyone in the group, except yourself. Tell everyone to hold hands and to follow you. Promise them before you go that you won’t lead them anywhere that they can get hurt. (If you attempt this with a Teen Cell, make sure an adult is with you.) At no time may anyone remove their blindfold until you say it’s okay. The ones that do remove their blindfolds may continue in the game but they must keep quiet. Once you get back to your house tell them to remove their blindfolds and ask them how they felt about the ‘trip’.

92. Fear Factor

Before your Home Cell members arrive collect these items and place them in bowls: · Jelly, that’s been cut up into little pieces · Peeled litchis or grapes (Take out the pips) · Spaghetti in Tomato Sauce Don’t let anyone see the items before the volunteers have been blindfolded. Tell your cell members that you need four volunteers. Preferably ones with strong stomachs. Once they step forward you can blindfold them. (Try to cover their noses so that the smells don’t give you away! Or do this ice-breaker in winter, when their noses are blocked.) Pass the bowls around the cell. Tell your other cell members to act ‘grossed out’ about the items that you have in the bowls. Then tell the blindfolded members that they need to eat the items you have in the bowls. The first item they will need to eat is ‘eye-balls’. Pass the bowl of litchis around and let them feel the contents. Then ask them to take an ‘eye-ball’ and eat it. The next item they will need to eat is ‘earth worms’. Pass the bowl of spaghetti around and let them feel the contents. Ask them to take a ‘worm’ and eat it. The last item they will need to eat is ‘cow brains’. Pass the bowl of chopped jelly around and let them feel the contents. Let them eat some ‘cow brains’. Now let them take off their blindfolds to see what they were really eating! (If at any time they get ‘grossed out’ they can remove their blindfold and see what’s really in the bowl, but they mustn’t tell the others what they’re eating! They must act along with the other cell members.) For a difference, give everyone in the cell a blindfold and tell them all to play. Remember no one has to play, it’s just for fun!

93. Air Soccer

Divide your cell group into two teams. You can play guys against girls if you like. You need to use a table for this one so make sure it’s okay to use the coffee table. If the people are really sticky about furniture this game can also be played on the floor. The game is played just like soccer except instead of kicking a soccer ball around a soccer field, you’re blowing a ping pong ball around a table. The ends of the table are the goals, each team needs a goalie and three players to come up at a time. Once they have played against each other for five minutes changeover with four other members from the teams. (You’ll need a timer and a score-keeper.) The changeovers need to be quick because fast teams may blow the ball through the goals if the other team’s goalie is not ready yet. Play like this until every member of the team has had a few chances to play.

94. Bible Jeopardy

Before your cell begins write a few questions, from the Bible or previous home cell material, down on a piece of paper. Write the answers next to the questions. When your cell members arrive ask them to make two teams. Also ask someone to keep score. The teams are only allowed to send one person forward at a time to answer a question. (No help from the team is allowed.) Ask them your questions and let them give the answers. Eg. Q. Who did David kill with one small stone? A. Goliath. If they can’t give the answer, the point goes to the other team. Continue playing until all your questions are finished. · Another fun way to play this game is to make a statement and let the person answer in the form of a question. Eg. Q. Goliath was killed by a small stone. A. Did David kill him? · Another fun way to play is to have each team start with 100 points. Whatever questions they get wrong is taken from their score and given to the other team. The team that wins in the end is the team that has the highest score!

95. Fruity Tutty

Write down fruit names on small cards. (One fruit per card.) Make one card for each member in your cell. If your cell is big you’ll have to repeat some names. Give each member a card. Stand in the middle ofthe chairs and call out a fruit. Once you’ve called out a fruit the people with that fruit on their cards must jump up and swap seats. While you try to catch them. The person that gets caught becomes the “Fruit Caller”.

96. True or False?

Give each cell member a card with a false statement and a true statement on it. Each statement must be lettered with A and B. Each card must have different statements, the cards must be numbered on the back. Make a “Master Card” for yourself, this will have every card number on it with the answers for every card. Example of a card: (Card No. 1) Example of Master Card: (Card No. 1) A. Pigs can fly A. False B. Cats drink milk B. True Now call out any letter A or B. Say you call A. Everyone must get a chance to tell if their first statement was true or false, without telling the rest of the group what the statement was. Remember each person’s answer. Then check with your “Master Card” to see if they were right or wrong. The ones who got the answer wrong must sit on the floor. While the ones who answered correctly must swap cards with each other. Continue playing until there are only a few members sitting on chairs. (Try to use things from encyclopedias or The Guinness Book of Records, that way they will have to guess and it will make it more fun.)

97. Boxed-in

Take a matchbox and ask the cell members to think of a theory on how they will get themselves into the box. Their theory must be put into step-by-step instructions, like a recipe. The only problem is that all the members in the cell have to write the recipe together. They have to follow on in sequence, by guessing what the next step in the ‘recipe’ is. They have to use their imaginations and listening skills for this one! Once they have had a chance to think about it, nominate someone in the home cell to start. He or she must start by saying a phrase and then the next person must then expand on the story. Continue like this until you’ve run out of ideas or until everyone in the cell has had a chance. Your story may look something like this: First person: I’d first measure the box Second person: Then I’d take the measurements Third person: To the hardware store Fourth person: Once I got there Fifth person: I’d ask for help Sixth person: I’d buy some wood Seventh person: I’d buy some nails Eighth person: I’d buy some glue Ninth person: I’d go back home Tenth person: I’d then enlarge the measurements Eleventh person: And start to build a bigger box!

98. Corky

Give each member in your cell a cork. Let them name their corks. Now, place a big bucket of water in the middle of the floor and tell the cell members to ‘drown’ their corks simultaneously in the water. They need to let go after at least five minutes. If it is possible the cork that stays under the longest is the winner!

99. Press ‘Erase’

Hand out a piece of paper and a pencil to each cell member. Ask them to write out all their sins they can remember on this piece of paper. They mustn’t show anyone, it is between them and God. Once everyone has finished, or if there’s not enough space left on the paper, hand out an eraser to each cell member and ask him or her to erase his or her lists. Remind them that they are forgiven. Jesus’ Blood cleanses us from sin. God forgives us like our sins never happened!

100. Opposites Game

Write out all the names of the Fruit of the Spirit and of the Works of the Flesh onto separate cards. (Galatians 5:17-22) There are nine Fruits and seventeen Works. Give each member in your cell a card, if you have a tiny cell, then give each member more than one card. Roll a die or flip a coin to decide who starts first. That member will call the name of their card to the group. If a member has a card that is opposite to the card called, he/she must say, “Got it!” and then both leave their cards on the coffee table or in the centre of the room on the floor. The object of the game is for as many cell members as possible to lose their cards. Some Works of the Flesh might not be completely opposite to the Fruit, but at least you can have fun in picking a category for them to fit into!

101. Waiting Game

Make up a list of ten questions. Any questions. Before you begin, let three people in on the joke, don’t let anyone know that these three know what’s going on. Let them sit randomly around the circle of cell members. Begin asking the cell members the questions. Ask each cell member the same question until you’ve gone around the whole circle and then begin with question 2. It doesn’t matter what a cell member answers, if they answer immediately, you have to comment, “That’s very bad”, if they answer a while later, you must comment, “That’s good!” and if they make you wait quite long before answering, you

have to say, “That’s excellent!” The idea is to get the members to realise the joke. You’ll have them confused for quite a while unless you have some bright sparks that get it straight away. If they don’t guess after all the questions are finished tell them the point of the game.

102. Salt, Light Light

Let your cell members sit in a circle on the floor. The purpose of this game is to see how many of them get the sequence right! Choose someone to begin. They have to start by saying, “Salt” to the person on their left. This person in turn will then reply, “Light light”. After doing this, this person will have to turn to the person on their left and say, “Light light.” And this person must then answer, “Salt”. After this they will have to turn to the person on their left and say, “Salt” and that person must reply, “Light light.” And so it continues around the circle. Play the game going faster and faster. If someone gets tongue-tied or gives the incorrect answer they then have to sit out. P.S. You can change the sequence after a few rounds if you want!

103. Old Aunt Fifi

This is quite a brainteaser! You have to start by telling the cell members that Old Aunt Fifi died. She wrote out a will before her death and stated that anyone who could guess what she liked and didn’t like could inherit her millions. You then begin by saying, she likes apples, but she hates bananas, she loves the moon, but hates the sun, she loves running but hates to jog. What Old Aunt Fifi likes is double syllable words! Ap-ples she likes but not ba-na-nas! Get it? Continue saying things with double syllables and contrasting them against other syllabled words. You’ll have your cell in a bind! (More things you could say; “she hates dolls but loves puppets, she loves teddies but hates bears, she loves swimming but hates to swim, she hates cows but loves cattle...)

104. Alphabetical Names

Have a list of alphabetical letters ready before the meeting. Choose letters that are commonly used and that will lend itself to be used to make words or names. Devide your group into two or more groups. Give each group a pen and paper. Allocate a letter to each group. Groups can have the same letter or different letters. Set a time limit in which they should write down as many names as possible starting with that particular letter. The group who gets the most names in the allotted time, wins.

105. M & M Game

Pass around a dish with lots of M&M's in it. (We had both peanut and regular) Tell the guests to, "take as many as they think they will need, but they must take at least one." When everyone has finished you tell them for each M&M they have to tell a fact about themselves. Each color has its own catagary. Give them this list: Red: Family Blue: Spiritual Yellow: Personal Brown: Hobbies/Interests Green: Relathionship Orange: "Wild Card" *It's really fun to see how many or how few people will take. We had one guy who went last and just dumped the rest of the bowl. Obviously, you have to allow for a lot of time! :)

106. What Is Your Name?

1)Take the first 3 letters of your surname 2)the first 2 letters of your first name 3)the first 2 letters of your mothers maiden name 4)the first 3 letters of your birthplace add them together and get some hilarious results judge which one is the funniest.

107. The Wagon Wheel

Have the group form a complete circle. Then ask every other person to take one step forward. That person should then turn around and face the person in the outer circle. At this point the leader asks a question.."Tell the person facing you everything you can about..your family" The two trade information. After a minute the inner circle steps to the right and on to the next person. The leader gives another question. This continues until they are back where they started. This gives each person in the group one on one time to get to know someone they may not have had a chance to get to know.

108. Take as Much as You Think You’ll Need

You need a bowl of smarties Give your group the instruction to take as much as they think they'll need. Make sure everyone in the group has got some smarties. You then hand round a typed sheet, with the colour of the smartie, and a category for each one. for example Red = most embarrassing moment Yellow = worst/best dating experience Blue = hobbies Orange = name the ministry you would most like to be used in. Green = personal information i.e name, school, family member etc. Pink = Talents Purple = free category - say anything about yourself. Brown = family information - pets, brother etc. Then

for each smartie the participant has, they have to state information on that catagory.

109. Tied Up!

Requires: Rope, blind folds and about 4 groups of 4 markers. Place the 4 different coloured markers somewhere in the Church or outside, after creating an obstacle course. Create teams with 5 people in a group and allow them to choose a leader. Take all the leaders to a room where they could see the course and where the different markers are. It is important not to let the other members of the group see the course. Take the 4 remaining members and let the stand face to back and tie the one members left arm to the right arm of the one in front of him and his right foot to the member in fronts right foot. Blind fold all the members except the leader. Lead them to the beginning of the course and explain to the leaders that they have to guide the members to the markers without using names. They are only allowed to use directional words e.g. forward, left, right, back, jump etc. The leaders have to stand away from the members, which makes it hard, because no names are allowed to be used. The group which gets all 4 their colour markers first wins!

110. Whooping Cough

First there is a rhyme and then I will describe the actions. The actions require coordination which most people will have some difficulty with but will have great fun with while they laugh at themselves and others. Name: Whooping Cough Rhyme: (using cadence) Once upon a time not so very far off, a jay bird died of the whooping cough He whooped so hard of the whooping cough, that he whooped his head and his tail right off Actions: On each line of the above rhyme each person will do actions. On the beginning of each line everyone will slap both hands on their legs. This will get everyone going. Then everyone will alternate simultaneously touching their nose and opposite ear with their hands. So on the first line of the rhyme, on the word "Once", everyone will slap their hands on their laps. As the rest of the the line progresses "upon a time", you will touch your nose with your left hand and cross over and touch your left ear with your right hand. On the second line, "Not so very far off", you will slap your hands on your laps and then then touch your nose with your right hand and cross over and touch your right ear with your left hand. This alternating motion is difficult for most people and you will instantly start getting laughter. The leader must encourage everyone to participate and go VERY slow to begin with and wait till everyone is caught up or the drop off rate will

be too high for everyone to have fun. I would recommend that you first teach the rhyme, then teach the actions, and then put them both together. Remember to go very slow the first time making sure to let everyone is keeping up with you. Then do it again a little faster. Continue to go a little faster each time until there is just you and maybe 1 or 2 others that could keep up with you. Obviously, this will require a little practice for you before you do this.

111. Nice Ideas

Draw a cartoon strip of how you typically spend your day. This is a really good one. Pass out pennies with varous dates on them. Ask, "What were you doing the year that is shown on your penny?"

112. Fill The Bottle

Line up 3 to 4 teams of 10 people. Put an empty bottle at the other side of the line. Put a basin of water at the front of the starting line. The first player in each team is given a sponge and dip into the basin and run to the bottle and then squeeze the water from the sponge into the bootle. The team that filled the bottle with most water wins

113. I’m Going Camping and I’m Taking My…

The leader decides ahead of time a particular letter blend (such as "sl") that must be included in the item being taken camping, however, the leader keeps that information a secret. Split the group into 2 teams sitting in a circle alternating 1 person from team 1 & 1 person from team 2. Each person says an item they would take camping. If the item the say contains the letter blend chosen, ("sleeping bag"), tell them they may go camping. If the item they say does not contain the letter blend ("tent"), tell them they may not go camping. The first team to figure out that the trick is to pick items with the "sl" blend wins a bag of mini chocolate bars. They have to jump up & be recognized by the leader as the first to stand & state the "secret" in order to win! (you will get a lot of guesses before they figure it out, & may have to give away the secret in order to stay on time).

114. What am I?

·Have the group sit in a circle ·Take out Post-it Notes and give one to each person ·Each person write a noun (Person, Place, or Thing) on the Post-it Note ·Then they stick the note on the forehead of the person to their right, with the noun showing ·One person starts by asking one yes/no question to everyone in the circle, to try and guess what the noun is on their forehead, they keep going around the circle asking yes/no questions until they figure out the noun or if they give up ·After they figure out what the noun is or if they have given up, they person to their left/right will do the same thing and so on ·Prizes are given to the person who took the least amount of guesses to get it right

115. Have You Ever

Everyone is sitting in a circle, except for one,who is standing inside it. The person standing asks a "Have you ever" question. (ex. Have you ever been bowling?) If anyone else has done this they have to get up and quckly sit in another person's chair. However, they can't sit in a chair that's next to theirs. After all run to their new chairs, one will be left, to ask another question.

116. Frozen T-shirts

Equipment: T-shirts -one for each team. In preparation for the game, soak the t-shirts in water, fold them in a ball, and put them in a freezer for longer than 3 hours. When you want to play the game, take the t-shirts out. The first team with a t-shirt on a person wins. Because the shirt is frozen, this game could take 15-20 minutes!

117. Humility, Grace, Love, Discipline.

With the group seated in a circle, the group leader places various items on the floor/table. Some examples of the items are: ink pen, ruler, teething ring, clothes pin, garbage bag, flash light, etc. The leader then instructs the group to write down any attribute or trait they need to furnish each of four rooms in their "spiritual" house (humility, grace, love, discipline), then secretly identify an item to represent each attribute and write why they chose those items. When everyone is done each person can share with the group what they wrote down. After each person has shared what they need to complete their house, the group leader can ask if that person is currently living in that house and what steps do they need to take now to complete it.

118. Toilet Paper

Pass a roll of toilet paper around to everyone in the group. Tell each person to take however much they want. They can take a little or they can take a lot. After everyone has torn off some paper, tell them to separate them into individual sheets. They have to tell something about themselves for each sheet of paper they have.

119. Stick Game

Holding a small stick in their hand, the group leader says the following stick game chant: "OKAY. I can play the stick game, stick game, stick game, I can play the stick game, can YOU?" (The leader might want to waive the stick or do a dance or whatever, while he says his line.) Then he offers the stick to anyone in the group who thinks they have figured out how to play the game. (It's always good to have at least one other person in the room who knows how to play.) Anyone who tries to play holds the stick in their hand and begins to say the stick game chant. When they are finished, the leader says if they CAN or CANNOT play the game. The trick is simply this: No matter what they say as the stick game chant (it can vary from how the leader first says it), they must begin by saying "OKAY". If they don't start off by saying the word "OKAY" they are rejected by the leader. This is very funny and frustrating for some who can't figure out the trick to playing the game. The leader will need to repeat the stick game chant many times during the game. Play until everyone figures it out or for a specifiedtime limit.

120. Cheeky-Cheeky

Required: Lipstick, small washablegrease pencil or markers Players: Small to large groups Depending on the number of participants, you may want to pick a few helpers for this icebreaker game. The helpers will all have a small tube of lipstick in their pocket or hidden in their hands before the game starts. They can pretend at the last minute that they decide to join in the game; this helps them to find the person that they would like to stand next to. Have all participants line up in a straight line, side by side, instruct them that they have to look forward and they can’t turn their heads. Tell them that you’re playing the Cheeky-Cheeky game and everyone is to repeat what you do but must not move. Give them an example by lightly pinching the persons cheek on the right of you and say “Cheeky-Cheeky”. You should be at the beginning of the line. Note to them that that person is to do the same and then the next person all the way down the line until it reaches the end. Once demonstrated start out with Cheeky-Cheeky but this time behind your back you have lipstick that you put on your fingertips. After you’ve done Cheeky-Cheeky and the movement has gone down the line then do nosey, nosey. After that do chiny-chiny,eary-eary, heady-heady and right eary-eary. Each time add more lipstick to your finger tips without them noticing. In the process the person next to you should end up with lipstick all over their face. Pick a person that is a good sport to stand next to. If you’ve planted helpers in the line, a few other people should end up with lipstick on their faces also

121. Dress The Mummy

Required: Rolls of toilet paper Players: Small to large groups Set up teams with 2-4 players on each team. One person on each team will be the mummy and each team will be given 2 rolls of toilet paper. They will have 5 minutes to complete the game. The team players are to circle around the mummy and pass the toilet paper to each other while wrapping the mummy in it. The leader of the group will be the judge and decide which team has created the best mummy design.

122. Gum Art

Required: Bubble gum, toothpick and index card Players: Small to large groups Give each participant a piece of bubble gum to chew, toothpick and index card. Allow them 10 minutes to chew the gum, place gum on index card and then design something on index card using only the toothpick as a tool (No Hands). The person with the best and most creative design is the winner. If you have quite a few players you can have several categories of winners, like “most ingenious”, “most creative” and of course the “What is that?” award. Please send in your ideas of award names and even pictures of your groups playing these games.

123. Three Ideas

1. Have participants say 3 things about themselves - 2 true and 1 lie, others guess what the lie is 2. Have everyone write on a piece of paper their answers to these questions: What is your favorite food, animal, TV show, hobby, and color? Sign your name. Don't let anyone else see the answers. The leader then reads the answers to the whole group, and members try to guess whom each set of answers belongs to. Award one point for each right guess. The person with the most points wins a prize. 3. Give each person is given a list of 5 to 10 traits that they must find in common with the people around them. Sample items could be: "Find someone that was born in the same month", "..someone who lives in your state", or "..drives the same model of car". A prize is awarded to the participants with the most in common.

124. The Vegetable Game

Get everyone into a circle and get them to choose a fruit or a vegtable that their names start with. Then you get a person in the centre with a newspaper baton. They will pick a name of someone and try to hit them with the baton before the person can say someone elses fruit or vegetable name. Example: Adam = Apple

125. A Big Bag of Beans

Have a big bag of beans or skittles or something of the like. Begin by passing out 5 beans (or more or less, depending) to each guest. The guests then mingle and talk freely, while the object is to be the one who gets the most beans. To win beans, the other person has to say Yes, No or shake or nod their head. When someone does this, they

hand one bean over to the other person. At the end of the time limit, see who has the most beans and that person is the winner.

126. Who is On The Ark

Divide into two teams. Have two boxes with identical contents, containing names of different animals (same number of animals as people), one box for each team. Each team member draws a slip with an animal. Those on the other team does the same. Each person acts out the animal and trys to find their "mate" without saying any words. They run to the front, present their slips of paper. If they match, they can be seated and finish wating everyone else until all matches are made

127. Compliment

Put a chair in the middle and let the group form a circle around it. Take turns of letting each person sit on the chair. When they sit on the chair, each person in the circle must say something that they admire in that person. When each person has said something, the next person gets to sit on the chair and the process continues.

128. Cartoon Character

Everyone must sit in a circle. Everyone will think of a cartoon character that best resembles the friend on their left. Write down the name of the character on a piece of paper and stick it on your friend's back. The friend will now go around asking people questions about their cartoon character. The winners are the first ones to guess the name of their cartoon character correctly.

129. This is a Sure Fire Winner Every time

Gather a few everyday items... such as a diaper, a pair of oven mitts, a shoehorn, a shovel, a ball of string, etc... Once you understand the game then you know what type of objects to look for... Break up into 2 teams, each team gets a chance to use each item, by acting it out (either individually or with several members), as something completely different that its' intended purpose, Such as use the diaper as a hat, as a dusting rag, or as a shirt; or use the shoehorn as a shovel or as a spoon.. The more unusual the object, the more fun it is.. We still haven't found a way to keep score other than seeing how long we can go using each object without repeating what the other team did.

130. Have You Ever Wanted To Be

Have you ever wanted to be... the idea is to give a person a chance to be something that they always wanted to do as a career and then they get a prize based on the career. Examples: has anyone ever wanted to win a beauty pageant? Pick from the group of hands raised and give that person the opportunity to walk down the runway, waving to the crowd (with the room clapping)and crown them (with toy crown). Has anyone ever wanted to win running a marathon? They take a lap around the room and you announce ... And here comes the winner, (with the room shouting) they would get a jug of water as a prize. Has anyone ever wanted to win an Oscar for a movie? and so on…

131. Guess The Face

Turn away from your group and pull a funny face or strange expression. Turn back round and ask the group to pull the face that you were pulling. The closet wins and goes next.

132. Hello?

This is a small very simple game to help you learn the names in your group. This is for a group of at least 5. You need 1 small ball. Keep the ball in your hand. Let the group make a circle and as the leader of the group, you must throw the ball to anyone you want too. The selected person needs to say their name and something they like e.g. "My name is Sallysue and I like blue berries." The next person needs to repeat what you said and add their name and something they like. Then throw the ball to someone else and so on.....Until everyone in the group has done this or until someone can't remember all the names and all the things they like.

133. Why and Because

Something we like to do is hand out two small pieces of paper to everyone in your group. Tell them to write a question starting with "Why" on one piece of paper and an answer starting with "Because" on the other paper. The "Because" does not have to answer the "Why" it can be completely random. Next collect all the "Whys" in a bag or hat and mix them up. Do the same with the "Becauses". Pick a person to be the "Why" reader and another person to be the "Because" reader. Then one at a time read a random "Why" and a random "Because". When the "Why" and the "Because" come together you can be in for some hilarious moments. It may be dry and non-humorous for a while,

but be patient. There is usually at least one combination that makes the whole game worth it. The last time we played we got the following combination. Why do women shave their legs? Because that's how they say hello. Enjoy!

134. Hug The Pot-holder

Have everyone circle up. Choose one person (or a group of people) to go out of earshot. Tell the rest of the people in the group what’s going on and give one of them a pot. Put a material potholder in the middle of the circle. Have the group come back and tell them to hug the potholder. Most will go to the material potholder in the middle of the circle rather than the person holding the pot. "Pot-holder", get it? Go from here until someone gets it, like "the potholder is sad, why don’t you hug it?" And so on until someone figures it out.

135. Fruit Salad

Group members receive individual slips of paper, and they are asked, 'If we were making a fruit salad, what part would you be: apple, grape, other fruit, syrup, bowl; and why?' They must write their responses, and put their name on the paper, handing it back to the leader. The group then guesses who identified themselves as what, based on the written description.

136. Animal Madness

Form two groups facing each other about 15 metres apart.Blindfold each person .Choose a name of an animal for each person on the one side and let someone use the same list on the group on the other side.Whisper the animal names in the ear of the persons but do not tell them imediately what it is for only that they must remember it. Now stand in the middle and inform them that they have a partner animal on the other side of them that they must find by making the noise of the animal that they had to remember and walking towards each other .Normally a jungle of funny animal sounds now erupts.

137. Yum Yum

Unscrew cookies such as Oreo or Nutter Butter and stick them on a window. Two contestants eat the cookies off the window without using their hands while others watch from the opposite side of the window. The winner has eaten the most cookies in a time of 1 minute.

138. The Shoe Pile

Works well with medium to large sized groups. Turn out the lights and get everyone to take of one of their shoes and place it in the middle of the room. Then, once everyone has removed their shoe, tell everyone to walk into the middle, pick a shoe that isn't theirs and find the owner. This can be a funny game - especially if paired with a crazy commentary from the youth leader.

139. 30 Seconds

Write the names of biblical names, cities etc. on cards. Now describe the items on the card without giving away too much information. Points are awarded for the most correct answers. 2 or more teams can play. You will also need a timer for this game.

140. Gaggle a Song

Things to prepare for each group: a bottle of 1.5L of drinkable water, a cup for each member. The facilitator will ask a member to hold some water (almost a mouth-full) in his mouth, then show him the song title. The member will have to gaggle the rhythm of any church or contemporary songs with his head titled up and mouth slightly open. His team will guess the name of the song. Each member can gaggle at least 2 songs at a specific amt of time e.g. 1 min before the team member's turn. The team that guesses most songs correctly wins. Option: Player can tie plastic sheet as a bib in case the water spilled while gaggling. Have fun!

141. Longest Line

This game is suitable for group size of 5 and above. Each group will be given a bundle of equal number of strings of same length. However, 1st member can only use one of his hand to tie a string with the help from one hand of 2nd member, 3rd member with 4th member and so on. If 3rd member can coordinate well with the 2nd and 4th member simultaneously, this team will certainly increase their chance of winning as "the longest line". To make it more difficult, we can use different types of strings e.g. sewing thread, ribbon, fishing thread (do not use stretchable material). Also, no verbal communication is allowed during the game. Facilitator can ask players to share their "in-sight" or "experience" from the game. Also he can encourage them the importance to overlook some differences of each other in order to fulfil an objective for a good cause e.g. in a mission trip.

142. Slap Happy

So much fun they wanted to play again! Sitting around a table place palms on table overlapping neighbors. Going around the circle, hands must be slapped on the table in the order they appear. When a player slaps twice quickly the order is reversed. A hand played out of turn is out and play continues until the last two hands remain.

143. Beanie Bonanza

Want to do something fun with that big box of old beanie babies? Line up the beanies so the last letter of one is first letter of the next. So alligator, rabbit, tiger, rooster, rattle snake, elephant, etc (maybe 20). Write down your list. Hide the beanies. Divide the cell into teams. Provide the first animal and have teams successively guess the next. If they guess coreectly, throw them the previous beanie and put out the one they named. Whoever has the most beanies collected in the end wins. Great for older kids and relevant to creation or Noah or animal related stories.

144. International Animal Sounds

When different countries are represented by your guests, ask them to use their language to represent an animal sound without identifying the type of animal. The other members attempt to identify the animal. For example: Americans say "Cock-a'doodle do" for a rooster while Germans say "Ki-Kiri-Ki."

145. Bananaman

You will need a banana for each of your teams (about 4-5 per team), for some odds and ends you can use cocktail sticks, bits of fabric, lentils, peas etc. Basically the point of the game is to make your own person using a banana and the items you have been given, you must give it a personality and a style, at the end of the allotted time, one member of your team must tell everyone else about your banana person, what it likes, it's name and what it does etc.

146. Advice Advice

Divide the group equally. Give each one a piece of paper (at least A5 size). Have one Group write down any 3 problems, any advice needed, how to...,need to know something. eg. "How do I stop my dog from chewing my shoes." "How do I grow spiritually" or "I have a problem with... (in the following area (weight etc....") They should not discuss it with any one. Solutions to the Problems: Have the other group write down solutions to any problems, give advice or explain how to.... (they should not discuss it either) eg: "Fast three days a week" " Go on a diet" "Put your trust in God, He will come through for you" Once everyone has completed: Partner them up. All one member from the first group: (Problems) read their first Problem or advise needed: then let their partner in the Solutions group read his first solution: It should go something like this: "How do I stop my dog from chewing my shoes." Solution: "Put your trust in God, He will come through for you" Let each one then continue: the aim of the ice-breaker is to understand that man (many times)will never have the rgiht answer concerning you, but we should consult God - who has our lives, plans and solutions in his hand.

147. How’s yours?

Someone exits the room while the rest of the group decides on an object or thing to describe (e.g. nose, job, mother, car). The person is brought back to the group and asks individuals the question, "How's yours?". People answer in short phrases (for instance, for nose: "It's right before my eyes. It's stuffy. It's hairy. It's pointed.") and the guesser tries to identify the object or thing. It's harder than you think especially if the answers are deceptive.

148. U is For Unique

Have each member write down three random letters of the alphabet on a piece of paper. Then, explain to them that they must come up with three unique things about themselves that start with the letters they wrote down. For example, if someone wrote A, H, and L, for A they could reveal they have vacationed in Atlanta... for H, maybe that they have gone Horseback riding... and for L that their uncle is a Lumberjack. This was a great way to prompt discussion in our relatively new cell, plus we got to learn a little bit about each other. We went around the room three times, each person revealing one unique fact about themselves each time. Sometimes we had to stretch

the letter association (like, for C, someone thought of a random Conevention they had been to once), but it was an overall fun time.

149. Straight or Crossed

Sit in a circle. Take a shoebox and have someone in the group put an "x" anywhere on the box, and hand it back to you. Now, explain to the people in the group that there are two ways you can receive the box and two ways to pass the box. Those two ways are either "crossed" or straight". The person in charge starts by saying he has the box straight or crossed, and then he passes it either straight or crossed. The people in the group will be concentrating on the x that was put on the box to try to determine how they receive and pass the box, but in reality, it has nothing to do with the game. Having the box straight or crossed only has to do with whether or not your legs are crossed or not crossed (straight). For example, if someone passes the box to me and my legs are crossed, I would say "I have it crossed." If I leave my legs crossed when I pass the box, I would then say "I am passing it crossed". If I uncross my legs before passing the box I would say "I am passing it Straight". The game goes on until everyone in the group figures it out. Every time it comes back to the leader, he can cross or uncross his/her legs more dramatically, thus helping the ones who are still concentrated on the x on the box. This could take a while, but it is fun.

150. Musical Chairs

This is exactly the same like the party game. Have one less seat than the amount of people playing. Start playing the music and stop it suddenly - this works best if you stop it in the middle of nowhere and not in an obvious place. Everyone but one person will end up with a seat. Repeat the whole thing until only one person is left - the winner. This works well in a lounge setting too - you can put magazines on couches to denote the seats taken - it also forces people to think a bit more. Great, great fun as you see big, burly guys pushing ladies out of the way to get their seat. And an icebreaker that has proved very effective for many years.

151. Guess The Phrase

Cut out random phrases from magazines like “3 weeks later” , “your dreams explained”, “my worst nightmare” and hand them round to everybody so no-one sees what each other have got. Everyone then has 30 seconds to describe their day using the phrase somewhere in

what they say, without making it too obvious. Everyone else has the guess what the phrase was”

152. Forming Alliances

Ask the large group to divide based on different preferences. For example, ask all the "Coke" fans to go to one side of the room and all the "Pepsi" fans to go to the other. Keep re-mixing until people have a chance to connect with others who have similar "likes" as them. Just be sure to avoid controversial topics like "republican vs. democrat." Some suggested pairs to use: dog people vs. cat people beach people vs. mountain people winter people vs. summer people Auburn fan vs. Alabama fan(or other local sports rivalries) Movie comedies vs. movie dramas morning people vs. night people etc.

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