in neuroanatomy

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  • 7/27/2019 In Neuroanatomy


    In neuroanatomy, a nucleus is a brain structure consisting of a relatively compact cluster of

    neurons. It is one of the two most common forms of nerve cell organization, the other being

    layered structures such as the cerebral cortex or cerebellar cortex. In anatomical sections, a

    nucleus shows up as a region of gray matter, often bordered by white matter. The

    vertebrate brain contains hundreds of distinguishable nuclei, varying widely in shape and

    size. A nucleus may itself have a complex internal structure, with multiple types of neuronsarranged in clumps (subnuclei) or layers.

    The term "nucleus" is in some cases used rather loosely, to mean simply an identifiably

    distinct group of neurons, even if they are spread over an extended area. The reticular

    nucleus of the thalamus, for example, is a thin layer of inhibitory neurons that surrounds the


    Some of the major anatomical components of the brain are organized as clusters of

    interconnected nuclei. Notable among these are the thalamus and hypothalamus, each of

    which contains several dozen distinguishable substructures. The medulla and pons also

    contain numerous small nuclei with a wide variety of sensory, motor, and regulatory

    functions.In the peripheral nervous system, a cluster of neurons is referred to instead as a ganglion.


    Brainstem: red nucleus, vestibular nucleus, inferior olive

    Cerebellum: dentate nucleus, emboliform nucleus, globose nucleus, fastigial nucleus

    Basal ganglia: striatum (caudate and putamen), pallidum (globus pallidus, medial and

    lateral), substantia nigra, subthalamic nucleus

    Cranial nerve nuclei

    Nucleus Accumbens

    The nucleus accumbens (NAcc), also known as the accumbens nucleus or as the nucleus

    accumbens septi (Latin for nucleus leaning against the septum) or as part of the pleasure

    center, is a collection of neurons and forms the main part of the ventral striatum. It is

    thought to play an important role in reward, pleasure, laughter, addiction, aggression, fear,

    and the placebo effect.[1][2][3]

    Each half of the brain has one nucleus accumbens. It is located where the head of the

    caudate and the anterior portion of the putamen meet just lateral to the septum

    pellucidum. The nucleus accumbens and the olfactory tubercle collectively form the ventral

    striatum, which is part of the basal ganglia.[4]

    The nucleus accumbens can be divided into two structuresthe nucleus accumbens core

    and the nucleus accumbens shell. These structures have different morphology and function.

    The principal neuronal cell type found in the nucleus accumbens is the medium spiny

    neuron. The neurotransmitter produced by these neurons is gamma-aminobutyric acid

    (GABA), one of the main inhibitory neurotransmitters of the central nervous system. These

    neurons are also the main projection or output neurons of the nucleus accumbens.

    While 95% of the neurons in the nucleus accumbens are medium spiny GABA-ergic

    projection neurons, other neuronal types are also found such as large aspiny cholinergic


    [edit]Output and input
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    The output neurons of the nucleus accumbens send axon projections to the ventral analog

    of the globus pallidus, known as the ventral pallidum (VP). The VP, in turn, projects to the

    medial dorsal nucleus of the dorsal thalamus, which projects to the prefrontal cortex as well

    as the striatum. Other efferents from the nucleus accumbens include connections with thesubstantia nigra and the pontine reticular formation.



    Major inputs to the nucleus accumbens include prefrontal association cortices, basolateral

    amygdala, and dopaminergic neurons located in the ventral tegmental area (VTA), which

    connect via the mesolimbic pathway. Thus the nucleus accumbens is often described as one

    part of a cortico-striato-thalamo-cortical loop.

    Dopaminergic input from the VTA is thought to modulate the activity of neurons within the

    nucleus accumbens. These terminals are also the site of action of highly-addictive drugs such

    as cocaine and amphetamine, which cause a manifold increase in dopamine levels in the

    nucleus accumbens.

    Another major source of input comes from the CA1 and ventral subiculum of the

    hippocampus to the dorsomedial area of the Nucleus accumbens. The neurons of the

    hippocampus have a noteworthy correlation to slight depolarizations of cells in the nucleus

    accumbens, which makes them more positive and therefore more excitable. The correlated

    cells of these excited states of the medium spiny neurons in the Nucleus accumbens are

    shared equally between the subiculum and CA1. The subiculum neurons are found to

    hyperpolarize (increase negativity) while the CA1 neurons "ripple" (fire > 50 Hz) in order to

    accomplish this priming. [5]

    Caudate nucleus

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    Brain: Caudate nucleus

    Transverse Cut of Brain (Horizontal Section), basal

    ganglia is blue

    The caudate nucleus is a nucleus located within the basal ganglia of the brains of many

    animal species. The caudate nucleus is an important part of the brain's learning and memory


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    Caudate nucleus within the skull

    The caudate nuclei are located near the center of the brain, sitting astride the thalamus.

    There is a caudate nucleus within each hemisphere of the brain. Individually, they resemblea C-shape structure with a wider "head" (caput in Latin) at the front, tapering to a "body"

    (corpus) and a "tail" (cauda). Sometimes a part of the caudate nucleus is referred to as the

    "knee" (genu).[1]

    Transverse view of the caudate nucleus from a structural MR image

    The head and body of the caudate nucleus form part of the floor of the anterior horn of the

    lateral ventricle. After the body travels briefly towards the back of the head, the tail curves

    back toward the anterior, forming the roof of the inferior horn of the lateral ventricle. This

    means that a coronal (on a plane parallel to the face) section that cuts through the tail will

    also cross the body and head of the caudate nucleus.

    The caudate nucleus is related anatomically to a number of other structures. It is separated

    from the lenticular nucleus (made up of the globus pallidus and the putamen) by the

    anterior limb of the internal capsule. Together the caudate and putamen form the dorsal


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    The caudate nucleus is highly innervated by dopamine neurons. These neurons originate

    mainly from the ventral tegmental area (VTA) and the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNc).

    There are also additional inputs from various association cortices.



    Learning and memory

    Historically, the basal ganglia as a whole have been implicated in higher-order motor

    control.[2] The caudate nucleus was initially thought to primarily be involved with control of

    voluntary movement. More recently, it has been demonstrated that the caudate is highly

    involved in learning and memory,[3] particularly regarding feedback processing.[4] In

    general, it has been demonstrated that neural activity will be present within the caudate

    while an individual is receiving feedback. People with hyperthymesia appear to have slight

    increases in the sizes of the caudate nucleus as well as of the temporal lobe of the cortex.[5]



    The caudate nucleus has been implicated in responses to visual beauty, and has been

    suggested as one of the "neural correlates of romantic love".[6][7]


    Language comprehension

    The left caudate in particular has been suggested to have a relationship with the thalamus

    that governs the comprehension and articulation of words as they are switched between


    Threshold control

    The brain contains large collections of neurons reciprocally connected by excitatory

    synapses, thus forming large network of elements with positive feedback. It is difficult to see

    how such a system can operate without some mechanism to prevent explosive activation.

    There is some indirect evidence[10] that the caudate may perform this regulatory role by

    measuring the general activity ofcerebral cortex and controlling the threshold potential.


    Role in obsessive compulsive disorder

    It has been theorized that the caudate nucleus may be dysfunctional in persons with

    obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), in that it may perhaps be unable to properly regulate

    the transmission of information regarding worrying events or ideas between the thalamus

    and the orbitofrontal cortex.

    A neuroimaging study with positron emission tomography found that the right caudate

    nucleus had the largest change in glucose metabolism after patients had been treated with

    paroxetine.[11] Recent SDM meta-analyses ofvoxel-based morphometry studies comparing

    people with OCD and healthy controls have found people with OCD to have increased grey

    matter volumes in bilateral lenticular nuclei, extending to the caudate nuclei, while

    decreased grey matter volumes in bilateral dorsal medial frontal/anterior cingulate

    gyri.[12][13] These findings contrast with those in people with other anxiety disorders, whoevince decreased (rather than increased) grey matter volumes in bilateral lenticular /
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    caudate nuclei, while also decreased grey matter volumes in bilateral dorsal medial

    frontal/anterior cingulate gyri.[13]

    Hypophyseal portal system

    Vein: Hypophyseal portal system

    Latin venae portales hypophysiales

    The hypophyseal portal system is the system of blood vessels that link the hypothalamus

    and the anterior pituitary in the brain.

    It allows endocrine communication between the two structures : the hypothalamus secretes

    releasing and inhibitory hormones in the portal system such as corticotropin-releasing

    hormone or thyrotropin-releasing hormone, and they are received by the anterior pituitary.

    Using these, the anterior pituitary is able to fulfill its function of regulating the other

    endocrine glands.

    Hypophysiotropic peptides released near the median eminence are transported to the

    anterior pituitary, where they exert their physiologic effects. Branches from the internal

    carotid artery provide the blood supply to the pituitary. The superior hypophyseal arteries

    form the primary capillary plexus that supplies blood to the median eminence. From this

    capillary network, the blood is drained in long hypophyseal portal veins into the secondaryplexus. The hypophysiotropic peptides released at the median eminence enter the primary

    plexus capillaries. From there, they are transported to the anterior pituitary via the long

    hypophyseal portal veins to the secondary plexus. The secondary plexus is a network of

    fenestrated sinusoid capillaries that provides the blood supply to the anterior pituitary. The

    cells of the anterior pituitary express specific G protein-coupled receptors that bind the

    neuropeptides, activating intracellular second-messenger cascades that produce the release

    of anterior pituitary hormones. [1]

    It is one of the portal systems of circulation of the human body; that is, it involves two

    capillary beds connected in series by venules. One other such system is the hepatic portal



    Hormone transport

    Mechanism for hormone transport via hypothalamoportal vessels:

    cells regulated by different nuclei in the hypothalamus, i.e., neurons that release

    neurotransmitters as hormones in the connective link between the pituitary and the

    brain. Hypothalamic hormones stimulate the release of the respective hormone

    from the anterior pituitary gland.

    ligands (in this case, hormones released by the hypothalamus to activate hormone release

    from the anterior pituitary) are picked up by blood vessels, then taken to the

    anterior pituitary where they are broken down and released back into blood vessels
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    hypothalamoportal vessels act as a local route for blood flow directly from the

    hypothalamus to the anterior pituitary.

    Medication Summary

    The goals of pharmacotherapy are to reduce morbidity and to prevent complications.

    Dopamine agonists

    Class Summary

    These agents directly stimulate postsynaptic dopamine receptors. Dopaminergic neurons in

    tuberoinfundibular processes modulate the secretion of prolactin from the anterior pituitary

    by secreting a prolactin inhibitory factor, believed to be dopamine

    Bromocriptine (Parlodel)

    Semisynthetic ergot alkaloid derivative; strong dopamine D2-receptor agonist; partialdopamine D1-receptor agonist. Inhibits prolactin secretion with no effect on other pituitary

    hormones. May be given with food to minimize possibility of GI irritation.

    Hyperprolactinemia (Parlodel)

    Initial: 1.25-2.5 mg PO qDay

    May increase by 2.5 mg/day q2-7Days

    Usual therapeutic dosage 5-7.5 mg/day, ranges from 2.5-15 mg/day

    Up to 30 mg/day has been used in some patients with amenorrhea &/or galactorrhea

    Parkinson Disease (Parlodel)

    1.25 mg PO q12hr

    May increase dose by 2.5 mg/day q2-4Weeks

    Safety >100 mg/day not established

    Acromegaly (Parlodel)

    1.25-2.5 mg PO qHS for 3 days

    May increase by 1.25-2.5 mg/day at q3-7Days

    Not to exceed 100 mg/day

    Diabetes (Cycloset)

    Quick release formulation (Cycloset) is the only bromocriptine product indicated for

    diabetes mellitus type 2 as adjunct to diet and exercise to improve glycemic control

    Initial dose: 1 tablet (0.8 mg) PO qDay increased weekly by 1 tablet until maximal tolerated

    daily dose of 1.6-4.8 mg is achieved
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    Take within 2 hours after waking in the morning with food

    Note: Cycloset is not indicated for hyperprolactinemia, Parkinson disease, or acromegaly

    Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome (Off-label)

    2.5-5 mg PO 2-3 times/day; not to exceed 45 mg/day

    Administration: take with food

    Hepatic Impairment

    Dose adjustment may be necessary; there are no guidelines

    Mechanism of Action

    Semisynthetic ergot alkaloid, dopamine receptor agonist, inhibits prolactin secretion, and

    lowers blood levels of growth hormone in acromegaly

    Quick-release formulation of bromocriptine (Cycloset) is thought to act on circadian

    neuronal activities within the hypothalamus to reset abnormally elevated hypothalamic

    drive for increased plasma glucose, triglyceride, and free fatty acid levels in fasting and

    postprandial states in patients with insulin-resistant


    Half-life elimination: 4-4.5 hr (initial phase); 8-20 hr (terminal phase)

    Excretion: 85% feces (via biliary elimination); urine (2.5-5.5%)

    Protein bound: 90-96% (to albumin)

    Peak plasma time: 1-3 hr

    Vd: 61L

    Absorption: 28% from GI tract

    Bioavailability: 28% (parlodel); 65-95% (cycloset)

    Metabolism: Completely in liver, principally by hydrolysis of the amide bond to produce

    lysergic acid and a peptide fragment

    Cabergoline (Dostinex)

    Semisynthetic ergot alkaloid derivative; strong dopamine D2-receptor agonist with low

    affinity for D1 receptors.

    Hyperprolactinemic Disorders of Either Idiopathic or Pituitary Adenoma Origin

    Initital:0.25 mg 2 times per week PO

    May increase by 0.25 mg q4Weeks (or longer) up to 1 mg 2 times per week

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    Half-life:63-69 hr


    High levels in pituitary (100x of plasma)

    Peak Plasma: 30-70 pg/mL following single oral doses of 0.5-1.5 mg


    Urine: 22%

    Feces: 60%

    Other Information

    Protein Bound: 40-42%

    Metabolism: extensively hydrolyzed

    Renal Clearance: 0.08 L/min

    Mechanism of Action

    Dopamine receptor agonist with high affinity for D2 receptors, thereby inhibiting prolactin


    Quinagolide (Norprolac)

    Pituitary selective dopamine-2 receptor agonist used in cases of bromocriptine resistance or

    intolerance. Used in the UK, not available in US.

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    Medication Summary

    Treatment for diabetes insipidus (DI) varies with the form of the disorder. In central DI and

    most cases of gestational DI, the primary problem is a deficiency of antidiuretic hormone

    (ADH)also known as arginine vasopressin (AVP)and therefore, physiologic replacement

    with desmopressin is usually effective. A nonhormonal drug can be used if response is

    incomplete or desmopressin is too expensive.

    Desmopressin has no role in the treatment of nephrogenic DI or primary polydipsia.

    Nonhormonal drugs usually are more effective in treating nephrogenic DI.

    Vasopressin-Related Hormones

    Class Summary

    In patients with central DI, replacement of endogenous ADH with exogenous hormones

    prevents complications of DI and reduces morbidity.

    View full drug information

    Desmopressin (DDAVP, Stimate)

    Desmopressin is a synthetic analogue of ADH with potent antidiuretic activity but no

    vasopressor activity.

    View full drug information

    Vasopressin (Pitressin)

    Vasopressin has vasopressor and ADH activity. It increases water resorption at collecting

    ducts (ADH effect). At high doses, it also promotes smooth muscle contraction throughoutthe vascular bed of renal tubular epithelium (vasopressor effects). However,

    vasoconstriction is also increased in splanchnic, portal, coronary, cerebral, peripheral,

    pulmonary, and intrahepatic vessels.

    Antidiabetics, Sulfonylureas

    Class Summary

    The hypoglycemic agent chlorpropamide helps to relieve diuresis in patients with DI.

    View full drug information


    Chlorpropamide promotes renal response to ADH.


    Class Summary

    Certain antiepileptic drugs, such as carbamazepine, have proven helpful in DI.

    View full drug information

    Carbamazepine (Tegretol, Carbatrol, Equetro)
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    Carbamazepine possibly ameliorates DI by promoting the release of ADH. It is not useful in

    nephrogenic DI and generally is not a first-line drug.

    Diuretics, ThiazideClass Summary

    Diuretics may reduce flow to the ADH-sensitive distal nephron.

    View full drug information

    Hydrochlorothiazide (Microzide)

    Hydrochlorothiazide is a thiazide diuretic that decreases urinary volume in the absence of

    ADH. It may induce mild volume depletion and cause proximal salt and water retention,

    thereby reducing flow to the ADH-sensitive distal nephron. Its effects are additive to those

    of other agents.

    Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Agents (NSAIDs)

    Class Summary

    The mechanism of action of NSAIDs is not known, but these agents may act by inhibiting

    prostaglandin synthesis.

    View full drug information

    Indomethacin (Indocin)

    Inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis reduces the delivery of solute to distal tubules,

    reducing urine volume and increasing urine osmolality. Indomethacin is usually used in

    nephrogenic DI.

    View full drug information

    Ibuprofen (Caldolor, Advil, Motrin)

    Inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis reduces the delivery of solute to distal tubules,

    reducing urine volume and increasing urine osmolality. Ibuprofen is usually used in

    nephrogenic DI.

    View full drug information

    Naproxen (Naprosyn, Naprelan, Aleve, Anaprox)

    View full drug information

    Diclofenac (Voltaren, Cataflam XR, Zipsor, Cambia)

    View full drug informationKetoprofen
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    Inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis reduces the delivery of solute to distal tubules,

    reducing urine volume and increasing urine osmolality.

    Diuretics, Potassium-SparingClass Summary

    Diuretics may reduce flow to the ADH-sensitive distal nephron.

    View full drug information


    Amiloride is a potassium-sparing diuretic. Thus, the risk of hypokalemia is decreased when

    amiloride is used in combination with hydrochlorothiazide. In addition, the 2 agents are

    synergistic with respect to antidiuresis.
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    Desmopressin (trade names: DDAVP, DesmoMelt, Stimate, Minirin) is a synthetic

    replacement for vasopressin, the hormone that reduces urine production. It may be taken

    nasally, intravenously, or as an oral or sublingual tablet. Doctors prescribe desmopressin

    most frequently for treatment ofdiabetes insipidus, bedwetting, or nocturia.


    Desmopressin (1-desamino-8-D-arginine vasopressin) is a modified form of the normal

    human hormone arginine vasopressin, a peptide containing nine amino acids.

    Compared to vasopressin, desmopressin's first amino acid has been deaminated, and the

    arginine at the eighth position is in the dextro rather than the levo form (see



    Mode of action

    Desmopressin works by limiting the amount of water that is eliminated in the urine.

    Desmopressin binds to V2 receptors in renal collecting ducts, increasing water reabsorption.It also stimulates release ofvon Willebrand factor from endothelial cells by acting on the V2


    Desmopressin is degraded more slowly than recombinant vasopressin, and requires less

    frequent administration. In addition, it has little effect on blood pressure, while vasopressin

    may cause arterial hypertension.


    Clinical uses


    Nocturnal EnuresisDoctors prescribe desmopressin frequently for treatment. It is usually in the form of

    desmopressin acetate, DDAVP. Patients taking DDAVP are 4.5 times more likely to sleep

    without disruption than with placebo. [1] [2] Examples of these situations are overnight

    camp and sleepovers.

    US drug regulators banned treating bedwetting with desmopressin nasal sprays after two

    patients died and 59 other patients suffered seizures. The patients were using desmopressin

    when they developed hyponatremia, an imbalance of the body's sodium levels. [3]

    FDA regulators said that desmopressin tablets could still be considered safe for nocturnal

    enuresis treatment, as long as the patient was otherwise healthy. Patients must stop taking

    desmopressin if they become sick and have severe vomiting and diarrhea, fever, the flu, orsevere cold. They should also be very cautious during hot weather or following strenuous

    exercise that may make them thirsty.

    A healthy body needs to maintain a balance of water and salt (sodium). If sodium levels

    become too low (hyponatremia) either as a result of increased water take-up or reduced

    salt levels a person may have seizures and, in extreme cases, may die. [4]


    Coagulation disorders

    Desmopressin can be used to promote the release ofvon Willebrand factor (with

    subsequent increase in factor VIII survival secondary to vWF complexing) in patients with

    coagulation disorders such as von Willebrand disease, mild hemophilia A (factor VIIIdeficiency), and thrombocytopenia. It can be used with uremic induced platelet dysfunction.
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    It is not effective in the treatment of hemophilia B (factor IX deficiency), severe hemophilia

    A, or von Willebrand 2B.


    Diabetes insipidus

    Desmopressin is used in the treatment of central diabetes insipidus (DI), to replaceendogenous ADH that is missing in the central nervous system type of this disorder

    (decreased production of ADH from the posterior pituitary). It is also used in the diagnostic

    workup for diabetes insipidus, in order to distinguish central from nephrogenic DI.

    Radiation Treatment and Radiosurgery

    If surgery is unable to remove the entire tumor, then radiation treatment may be necessary

    to control the tumor and prevent it from growing. Radiation may also be an option for

    patients who are medically unsuitable for surgery or do not want to have surgery.

    Conventional radiation treatment directs a small number of radiation beams toward the

    entire region around the sella turcica and pituitary gland. This technique results in a

    significant area of normal tissue being included in the treatment field. To compensate for

    this, conventional radiation treatment is given in daily doses over several weeks. Such

    therapy is generally very effective in preventing the tumor from growing. For hormone-

    producing tumors, it is also effective in gradually lowering the hormone levels over many

    years. Despite the fact that with conventional radiotherapy the optic chiasm receives as

    much radiation as does the tumor, the risks of visual complications are very low. However,

    the same cannot be said about normal hormonal function. Since both the pituitary and the

    hypothalamus (another important hormone control center) receive radiation during

    treatment, nearly half the patients treated with conventional radiation will eventually

    develop abnormally low hormone levels (hypopituitarism).

    Radiosurgery is a new option for treating pituitary adenoma. By focusing the radiation on

    only the tumor, this form of treatment minimizes the anatomical spread of radiation to

    normal brain. Emerging data indicates that radiosurgery may be more effective than

    conventional radiation in lowering abnormal hormone production, and does so over a

    shorter time interval.

    Most radiosurgery techniques, like surgery itself, require treatment to be delivered as a one-

    time procedure. However, some of the unwanted side-ffects of radiation, including the most

    feared, visual loss, may be accentuated by delivering the radiation all in one day rather than

    over several sessions; this risk of radiation injury is greatest in those patients where the

    pituitary is close to or involves the optic chiasm or hypothalamus. In higher risk patients, the

    risk of injury to critical brain structures may be reduced by staging the radiosurgical ablation.
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    Tumors of the pituitary gland and sellar region represent approximately 10-15% of all brain

    tumors,[1] of which the great majority in this region are pituitary adenomas. Pituitary

    adenomas predominantly affect females between the third and sixth decades of life;

    however, no age group is spared.[2] Pituitary adenomas are uncommon in the pediatric

    population, but most tumors of childhood are clinically functioning adenomas and arethought to be more aggressive.[3]

    Rates for pituitary tumors in the United States are slightly higher among black persons (2.92

    per 100,000 person-years) than among white persons (1.82 per 100,000 person-years).[1]

    Incidental adenomas can be found in nearly 10% of autopsied patients.[4, 5]

    Comparatively, primary tumors of the neurohypophysis are rare, and in general, they are

    similar to primary tumors of the central nervous system (CNS). The neurohypophysis,

    however, is a common site for metastases.[6]

    The following are histologic examples of the normal pituitary gland and a pituitary adenomafor comparison.

    Histology of a normal anterior pituitary gland. The gland is formed by multiple cell types,

    including basophilic, eosinophilic, and chromophobic cells (hematoxylin-eosin stain).

    Normal pituitary versus pituitary adenoma. Note the delicate acinar pattern of a normal

    pituitary gland (left), in contrast with disruption of the normal reticulin network in adenoma

    (right) (Wilder's reticulin stain).


    Numerous types of tumors may involve the pituitary gland and sellar region, reflecting the

    complex anatomy of this area. These may be classified as shown in Table 1, below).

    Table 1. Tumors and Tumorlike Lesions of the Pituitary Gland and Sellar Region (Open Table

    in a new window)

    Tumors of anterior pituitary Pituitary adenoma

    Atypical adenoma

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    Pituitary carcinoma

    Spindle cell oncocytoma

    Tumors of posterior pituitary Pituicytoma

    Granular cell tumor


    Tumors of nonpituitary origin Craniopharyngioma



    Langerhans cell histiocytosis


    Cystic lesions Rathkes cleft cyst

    Arachnoid cyst

    Epidermoid/dermoid cyst

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    Inflammatory lesions Lymphocytic hypophysitis

    Granulomatous hypophysitis


    As noted earlier, the most common tumors, by far, are the pituitary adenomas. In addition

    to tumors, a variety of nonneoplastic lesions may affect the pituitary gland, bringing a

    number of processes into the differential diagnosis of the tumors involving this region.

    The more common lesion types are defined as follows:

    Pituitary adenomas are benign epithelial tumors derived from intrinsic cells of the


    Pituitary carcinomas are characterized by the presence of either craniospinal

    dissemination or systemic metastases[7]

    Spindle cell oncocytoma of the adenohypophysis is a rare primary tumor that may be

    derived from the follicle-stellate cells of the anterior pituitary gland[8]

    Pituicytomas are a subtype of low-grade astrocytoma that originates in the posterior

    pituitary or infundibulum; in the past, these tumors were designated as posterior

    pituitary astrocytomas or infundibulomas[9] ; pituicytomas are believed to originate

    from pituicytes, the intrinsic glial cells of the posterior pituitary gland

    Granular cell tumors are glial tumors that arise either in the pituitary stalk or posterior

    pituitarythey are usually incidental tumors found in adults at autopsies and only

    rarely present as symptomatic masses (there are about 60 reported cases in the

    literature[10] ); granular cell tumors of the sella are also known as choristoma of the

    neurohypophysis, granular cell pituicytoma, granular cell myoblastoma, and granular

    cell tumorette

    Craniopharyngiomas represent 12% of all intracranial neoplasms and about 10% of the

    tumors of the sellar region[11] ; they are histogenetically related to Rathkes cleft

    and derive from the pituitary anlagen; although the majority of craniopharyngiomas

    differ markedly from Rathkes cleft cysts, rare tumors demonstrating features of

    both have been described[12]

    Inflammatory hypophysitis is a rare disorder of the pituitary gland characterized by focal

    or diffuse inflammatory infiltration and ultimate destruction of the gland.

    See also Pituitary Tumors, Pituitary Macroadenomas, Pituitary Microadenomas, Pituitary

    Apoplexy, and Pituitary Disease and Pregnancy.

    Anterior Pituitary Gland Tumors Pituitary Adenomas

    In this section the general characteristics of pituitary adenomas are discussed, followed by

    separate sections on subtypes of pituitary adenomas, atypical adenomas, pituitary

    carcinomas, and spindle cell oncocytomas.

    General characteristics of pituitary adenomas
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    Pituitary adenomas are classified clinically into 2 groups--clinically functioning adenomas

    and clinically nonfunctioning adenomas--according to whether an endocrine syndrome is

    present or absent. Most adenomas are functioning tumors; these include prolactin (PRL)

    producing, growth hormone (GH)producing, adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)

    producing, and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)producing adenomas (see Table 2,


    Table 2. Surgical Frequency of Pituitary Adenoma Types at University of Virginia, 1992-2006*

    (Open Table in a new window)

    Pituitary Adenoma Type Frequency, %

    ACTH-secreting adenomas


    PRL-secreting adenomas 22

    Null cell adenomas 19

    Gonadotropin-secreting adenomas 18

    GH-secreting adenomas 14

    GH- and PRL-secreting adenomas 3TSH-secreting adenomas 1*

    N = approximately 2600.

    Includes silent corticotroph adenomas.

    ACTH = adrenocorticotropic hormone; GH = growth hormone; PRL = prolactin; TSH = thyroid-

    stimulating hormone.

    Nonfunctioning adenomas

    About one third of all pituitary adenomas are unassociated with either clinical or

    biochemical evidence of hormone excess.[14] In this group are included adenomas that

    produce both follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH), the less

    differentiated null cell adenomas, and silent adenomas. These clinically nonfunctioning

    adenomas commonly present with signs and symptoms related to local mass effect, such as

    headaches, neurologic deficits of the cranial nerves (including visual field disturbances), and

    mild hyperprolactinemia due to pituitary stalk compression ("stalk effect").

    Classifications based on size, anatomic features, histologic patterns, and hormone content

    On the basis of size and anatomic features, adenomas are divided into microadenomas

    (tumors < 1 cm in diameter) and macroadenomas (tumors >1 cm in diameter). Giant

    adenomas (tumors > 4 cm) may occur but are rare. Macroadenomas show an increased

    tendency toward suprasellar extension, gross invasion, and recurrence (see the following

    image). A radiologic classification proposed by Hardy[15] is the one most often used in

    clinical practice.

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    Neuroimaging of pituitary adenoma. T1-weighted magnetic resonance image (MRI) without

    (left) and with (right) contrast shows macroadenoma compressing optic chiasma.

    Grossly, pituitary adenomas are soft lesions with a tan-brown discoloration.

    Morphologically, they may show a variety of histologic patterns, including diffuse, papillary,

    and trabecular arrangements similar to those of other neuroendocrine tumors. Cytologically,

    tumor cells may be acidophilic, basophilic, or chromophobic; however, these tinctorial

    characteristics do not identify specific adenoma types (see the images below).

    Histology of a normal anterior pituitary gland. The gland is formed by multiple cell types,

    including basophilic, eosinophilic, and chromophobic cells (hematoxylin-eosin stain).

    Normal pituitary versus pituitary adenoma. Note the delicate acinar pattern of a normal

    pituitary gland (left), in contrast with disruption of the normal reticulin network in adenoma

    (right) (Wilder's reticulin stain).

    Histology of pituitary adenoma. Pituitary adenomas may display several typical

    neuroendocrine patterns and have different tinctorial features of tumor cells, including

    basophilic, eosinophilic and chromophobic appearances. These cytologic and architectural

    qualities, however, are not diagnostic of specific subtypes of adenoma.

    Pituitary adenomas are also classified according to the hormone content of the tumor cells

    as determined by immunohistochemistry (IHC). This classification provides significant

    information for clinical practice.[16] In a few tumors, however, analysis of the adenoma's

    ultrastructural aspects is necessary.[17] In this article, we follow the guidelines andclassification scheme for pituitary gland tumors that was released by the World Health

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    Organization (WHO) in 2004 (see Table 3, below).[18]

    Table 3. Morphofunctional Classification of Pituitary Adenomas (Open Table in a new


    Clinical Presentation Pituitary Adenoma TypeACTH-secreting adenomas Corticotroph adenoma

    PRL-secreting adenomas Sparsely granulated lactotroph adenoma

    Densely granulated lactotroph adenoma

    GH-secreting adenomas Densely granulated somatotroph adenoma

    Sparsely granulated somatotroph adenoma

    GH- and PRL-secreting adenomas Mixed GH- and PRL-cell adenoma

    Mammosomatotroph-cell adenoma

    Acidophilic stem-cell adenoma 3

    TSH-secreting adenomas Thyrotroph adenoma

    Gonadotropin-secreting adenomas Gonadotroph adenoma

    Nonfunctioning adenomas Null-cell adenoma


    Silent adenomas Silent corticotroph adenoma (subtypes I and II)

    Silent adenoma subtype III

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    ACTH = adrenocorticotropic hormone; GH = growth hormone; PRL = prolactin; TSH = thyroid-

    stimulating hormone.


    The mechanisms involved in human pituitary tumorigenesis and tumor progression are stillnot well understood. Pituitary adenomas appear to develop through a multistep and

    multicausal process to which endocrine factors, hereditary genetic disposition, and specific

    somatic mutations may all contribute. An extended review of the mechanisms of pituitary

    tumorigenesis is beyond the scope of this article.

    Pituitary adenomas arise mostly in a sporadic manner, and only a minority occur as part of

    hereditary or familial syndromes.[19] The large majority of adenomas are monoclonal

    expansions, as demonstrated by X-chromosomal inactivation analysis.[20] Hereditary

    conditions associated with development of pituitary adenomas include the following:

    Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN-1), linked to somatic mutations of the MEN-1


    Carney complex, linked to mutations of the tumor suppressor gene PRKAR1A

    McCune-Albright syndrome, linked to activating mutation of the gsp oncogene (discussed


    A few other rare familial syndromes are also associated with pituitary adenomas:

    Pituitary adenoma predisposition (PAP), associated with a germline mutation of the AIP

    (aryl hydrocarbon receptor-interacting protein) gene

    Isolated familial somatotrophinoma (IFS), associated with a loss of heterozygosity at the

    11q13 locus but not with the MEN-1 gene

    Familial isolated pituitary adenoma (FIPA), for which a single genetic alteration has not

    been characterized, although mutations of the AIP gene have been reported to

    occur in about 15% of families[21]

    In the majority of sporadic adenomas, however, the primary genetic defect remains

    unknown. A number of oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes have been recognized as

    potential participants in the tumorigenesis of pituitary adenomas.

    The most commonly found genetic alteration in sporadic tumors is an activating mutation of

    the gsp gene, an oncogene mostly identified in GH-cell adenomas.[22, 23, 24] The gsp

    mutation has been identified in about 40% of GH-secreting adenomas,[23, 24, 25] but it is

    rare in other pituitary tumor subtypes, occurring in only 10% of clinically nonfunctioning

    pituitary adenomas and 5% of corticotroph adenomas.[25]

    Other oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes that have been shown to be linked to

    pituitary tumorigenesis include the oncogene PTTG (pituitary tumor-transforming gene), the

    proto-oncogene H-ras, and the tumor suppressor genes RB and TP53. However, it seems

    that these genes are not directly associated with pituitary adenoma tumorigenesis but may

    play a role during the progression and malignant transformation of these tumors.[26] For

    details, readers may consult any of several outstanding reviews on the subject.

    Pituitary Adenoma Subtypes

    This section will discuss subtypes of pituitary adenomassuch as prolactin (PRL)secreting,

    growth hormone (GH)secreting, mixed GH- and PRL-secreting, adrenocorticotropic

    hormone (ACTH)secreting, thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)secreting, gonadotropin-

    secreting adenomas, and null cell adenomas and oncocytomas, silent adenomas, and
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    plurihormonal adenomas.

    Prolactin-secreting adenomas

    PRL-secreting adenomas, or prolactinomas, account for nearly 80% of functioning adenomas

    and about 4050% of all pituitary adenomas.[27, 28] However, most patients with

    prolactinomas are treated clinically with dopamine agonists. Therefore, the frequency ofprolactinomas in surgical series tends to be smaller.

    In women, the majority of prolactinomas are microadenomas and occur during the

    reproductive age period, presenting with oligomenorrhea or amenorrhea, galactorrhea, and

    infertility.[27, 28] In contrast, in men and elderly women, prolactinomas are usually

    macroadenomas and are most commonly associated with symptoms of tumoral mass,

    including headaches, neurologic defects, and visual loss.[28] Impotence and decreased libido

    are also common symptoms of hyperprolactinemia in males. The diagnosis of a prolactinoma

    is confirmed by sustained hyperprolactinemia and neuroradiologic evidence of a pituitary

    tumor.[2, 27]

    Histologically, prolactinomas are composed of medium-sized cells with chromophobic or

    slightly acidophilic cytoplasm and a central, oval nucleus (see the image below); small

    nucleoli can be present. Approximately 10-20% of cases show microcalcifications.

    Calcifications and amyloid bodies, although frequently seen in prolactinomas, are not

    pathognomonic of this type of adenoma.[29]

    Prolactin (PRL)-secreting adenoma. Left: The cells show chromophobic cytoplasm and

    central nuclei (hematoxylin-eosin stain). Right: Immunochemistry (IHC) shows reactivity for

    PRL in a characteristic dotlike staining pattern located near the nucleus (PRL-IHC stain).

    Immunohistochemistry (IHC) shows reactivity for PRL in a very characteristic pattern of

    staining, with localization near the nucleus in a dotlike pattern, also known as a Golgi

    pattern.[29] On ultrastructural analysis, prolactinomas may be divided into densely and

    sparsely granulated variants, although the clinical significance of this distinction is

    questionable.[13, 29]

    Sparsely granulated PRL cell adenomas are the most common tumors, and their cells

    resemble actively secreting lactotrophs of the normal pituitary gland. The adenoma cells are

    characterized by a prominent rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) network, conspicuous

    Golgi complexes, and a sparse number of small (150-300 nm) secretory granules. Misplaced

    exocytosis (ie, granule extrusions on the lateral cell surfaces) is typical of these tumors.

    As noted above, most patients with prolactinomas are treated to some degree with

    dopamine agonists. These drugs act directly on the tumor cells, inducing atrophy of

    lactotrophs and resultant tumor shrinkage.[27, 28] Histologically, tumors from patients

    previously treated with such drugs are composed of smaller tumor cells, with shrinkage of

    the cytoplasm and hyperchromasia of the nuclei, in addition to various degrees of

    perivascular and interstitial tumoral fibrosis.[30, 31]

    Growth hormonesecreting adenomas

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    GH-secreting adenomas account for about 20% of pituitary adenomas. Patients present with

    signs and symptoms ofacromegaly, gigantism, or both, as well as high serum GH and

    insulinlike growth factor I (IGF-I) levels.[2] Acromegaly affects both sexes with similar

    incidence, and the mean age at diagnosis is 4045 years.[32]

    Symptoms of acromegaly are usually slowly progressive, with an average delay ofapproximately 10 years before diagnosis.[32] Less commonly, adenomas arise in children

    and adolescents before the epiphyseal closure of the long bones, resulting in gigantism.

    Most acromegalic patients have macroadenomas when first diagnosed; many of these

    lesions show suprasellar expansion and parasellar invasion.[33] Consequently, symptoms

    secondary to an expanding tumor mass, including headaches and visual field defects, may

    also be present.

    In about 30-50% of patients, co-secretion of PRL with GH by the tumor results in signs and

    symptoms of hyperprolactinemia.[32, 33] Mixed GH- and PRL-secreting tumors are discussed


    Densely vs sparsely granulated GH cell adenomas

    Histologically, GH-secreting adenomas are either eosinophilic or chromophobic on

    hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining. These histologic attributes reflect the amount of

    secretory granules present in the cell cytoplasm and characterize the 2 types of GH cell

    adenomas--namely, densely granulated and sparsely granulated.

    Densely granulated adenomas are characterized by eosinophilic tumor cells, with the

    cytoplasm showing considerable granularity and reflecting great numbers of secretory

    granules seen at the ultrastructural level. The nucleus tends to be central and oval, with

    prominent nucleoli (see the image below).

    Growth hormone (GH)-secreting adenoma. Top left: Densely granulated GH-secreting

    adenomas show large cells with an eosinophilic, granular cytoplasm and a central nucleus

    with prominent nucleoli (hematoxylin-eosin stain). Top right: The tumor shows intense and

    diffuse immunostain for GH (GH-immunohistochemistry [IHC] stain). Bottom left: The

    ultrastructure exhibits well-developed organelles and abundant large secretory granules.

    Bottom right: A strong immunostain for transcription factor Pit-1 is typically seen in these

    adenomas (Pit-1-IHC stain).

    Sparsely granulated GH cell adenomas are composed of smaller tumor cells, with

    chromophobic cytoplasm and an eccentric nucleus. In the cytoplasm, paranuclear

    eosinophilic structures (fibrous bodies) are seen.[34] These structures represent

    accumulations of intermediate filaments and tubular formations at the ultrastructural level

    and are strongly immunoreactive for cytokeratin (see the following image).
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    Growth hormone (GH)-secreting adenoma. Top left: Sparsely granulated GH-cell adenomas

    are characteristically more chromophobic than densely granulated ones (hematoxylin-eosin

    stain). Top right: The immunostain for GH is heterogeneous and less prominent than with

    densely granulated adenomas (GH-immunohistochemistry [IHC] stain). Bottom left:

    Cytokeratin immunostaining highlights fibrous bodies (FBs) typically seen in these sparsely

    granulated tumors (cytokeratin-IHC stain). Bottom right: The ultrastructure of sparselygranulated GH cells displays sparse neurosecretory granules and typical FBs.

    IHC staining shows a variable degree of GH immunoreactivity (see the image above). In

    densely granulated adenomas, GH immunostain diffusely occupies the entire cytoplasm of

    the tumor cells and tends to be dispersed diffusely within the entire tumor. By contrast, in

    sparsely granulated adenomas, GH immunostain is focal within the tumor and tends to be

    localized in a paranuclear distribution, similar to the Golgi pattern seen in


    A number of GH-secreting adenomas show secondary reactivity for other pituitary

    hormones.[33, 35] Immunopositivity for PRL can be seen focally, even in patients without

    clinical or biochemical evidence of hyperprolactinemia. Similarly, the presence ofimmunoreactivity for the glycoprotein hormones follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH),

    luteinizing hormone (LH), and -TSH can be demonstrated in a number of GH-secreting


    Apart from the well-characterized mixed GH-/PRL-secreting adenomas (see below),

    plurihormonal differentiation is not clinically symptomatic in the majority of cases.[36]

    The 2 subtypes of GH cell adenomas--densely and sparsely granulated--are well

    characterized by ultrastructural analysis.[13] Densely granulated adenomas are composed of

    adenomatous cells that resemble the normal somatotrophs of the pituitary gland and are

    characterized by a well-developed rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) network, prominent

    Golgi complexes, and numerous large (300-600 nm) secretory granules.

    Sparsely granulated adenomas have fewer and smaller (100-250 nm) secretory granules. The

    most characteristic feature of these adenomas is the presence of fibrous bodies, which

    consist of an accumulation of intermediate filaments and tubular smooth-surfaced

    endoplasmic reticulum (see the previous image).

    The distinction between the 2 subtypes of GH cell adenomas is important in that the

    subtypes tumors appear to have different clinical behavior. Sparsely granulated GH

    adenomas exhibit more aggressive biologic behavior than densely granulated tumors do.[33,

    37, 38] In addition, the response of tumors to adjuvant medical treatment also differs

    according to the subtype of GH cell adenoma.[39]

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    As with prolactinomas, medical therapy for acromegaly with somatostatin receptor ligands,

    mainly octreotide, is common practice in endocrinology.[2, 40] However, in treated GH cell

    adenomas, significant reduction of tumor cell size is not commonly seen; the most common

    changes are varying degrees of perivascular and interstitial fibrosis.[41, 42]

    Mixed GH- and PRL-secreting adenomasAs noted in the discussion of GH-secreting adenomas above), a large percentage of these

    adenomas also secrete PRL. These tumors overall constitute about 8% of pituitary

    adenomas.[43] Patients with such mixed tumors present signs and symptoms of both

    acromegaly and hyperprolactinemia.[33] In this group of adenomas, 3 morphologic tumor

    types can be identified: (1) mixed GH cell/PRL cell adenoma, (2) mammosomatotroph cell

    adenoma, and (3) acidophilic stem cell adenoma.[33, 44]

    Diagnosis of these adenomas requires a more complex IHC and ultrastructural analysis of the

    tissues. Moreover, their distinction is of fundamental importance in that it has clinical and

    prognostic implications. Both mixed GH cell/PRL cell adenomas and mammosomatotroph

    adenomas tend to grow more slowly than acidophilic stem cell adenomas do.[43, 45] In theauthors' experience, these mixed tumors behave more aggressively than any pure GH-

    secreting adenomas, and the surgical cure rate is lower.[33]

    Mixed GH cell/PRL cell adenomas

    The predominant clinical feature of mixed GH cell/PRL cell adenomas is acromegaly. Signs

    and symptoms of hyperprolactinemia are not always apparent.

    Morphologically, the tumors are similar to GH-secreting adenomas, with an eosinophilic or

    chromophobic appearance. Immunostains are demonstrated for both GH and PRL, with

    varying degrees of staining and distribution (see the first image below). The 2 cell types may

    form small groups, or they may be scattered. At the ultrastructural level, these adenomas

    are bimorphous tumors, consisting of 2 separate cell populations: (1) densely or sparsely

    granulated GH cells and (2) PRL cells (see the second image below).[46]

    Mixed growth hormone (GH)-/prolactin (PRL)-secreting adenoma. Top left and right:

    Morphologically, mixed GH-/PRL-secreting adenoma may be indistinguishable from GH

    adenoma (hematoxylin-eosin stain). Bottom left and right: Immunohistochemistry (IHC)

    shows intensive reaction for GH (bottom left: GH-IHC stain) and dotlike PRL immunostain

    (bottom right: PRL-IHC stain).

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    Mixed growth hormone (GH)-/prolactin (PRL)-secreting adenoma. The ultrastructure of

    mixed GH-/PRL-secreting adenoma shows bimorphous cell population with densely

    granulated GH cells and PRL cells.Mammosomatotroph cell adenomas

    Mammosomatotroph cell adenoma is rare, accounting for fewer than 2% of all pituitary

    adenomas and about 8% of tumors associated with acromegaly.[43, 47, 48] Like mixed GH

    cell/PRL cell adenomas, these tumors are associated with elevated circulating GH levels and

    acromegaly; hyperprolactinemia is less common.

    Histologically, these adenomas are acidophilic on H&E staining, and IHC demonstrates the

    presence of GH and PRL in the cytoplasm of the same tumor cell. These findings have been

    confirmed by double-labeling studies, as well as by immunoelectron microscopy.[47]

    Ultrastructural analysis demonstrates a well-differentiated adenoma composed of a

    monomorphous cell population that contains features of GH and PRL cells.[47] The tumor

    cells are mostly similar to densely granulated GH cells, but with irregular secretory granules

    of variable sizes (2002000 nm) and containing granule extrusions and extracellular deposits

    of secretory material, a feature consistent with PRL cell differentiation (see the image


    Mammosomatotroph cell adenoma. The ultrastructure of mixed growth hormone (GH)-

    /prolactin (PRL)-secreting adenoma shows a monomorphous cell population exhibiting largesecretory granules and granular extrusion figures (arrows).

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    Acidophilic stem cell adenomas

    Acidophilic stem cell adenoma is very rare, representing only a small minority of GH-/PRL-

    producing tumors.[33, 43] Unlike patients with the other 2 subtypes, most patients with this

    tumor present with symptoms of hyperprolactinemia[45] ; acromegaly is uncommon, and

    GH levels are often normal.

    The majority of the tumors are rapidly growing macroadenomas with invasive features.

    Because most of the patients have clinical features of hyperprolactinemia, the diagnosis is of

    clinical importance in that these tumors may be mistaken for the more benign


    By light microscopy, acidophilic stem cell adenomas are chromophobic, with focal oncocytic

    changes of the cytoplasm. Immunoreactivity for PRL and, to a lesser extent, GH is present in

    the cytoplasm of the same tumor cells.

    Electron microscopy is necessary for precise identification of these adenomas.[13, 45] They

    are composed of a single population of immature cells exhibiting features reminiscent of

    both sparsely granulated GH cells and PRL cells. Oncocytic change, with the presence of

    giant mitochondria, is characteristic of these adenomas.

    Adrenocorticotropic hormonesecreting adenomas

    ACTH-secreting adenomas associated with Cushing disease represent approximately 10-15%

    of all adenomas.[49] Cushing disease has a peak incidence between the ages of 30 and 40

    years and tends to be more frequent in females (3.5:1 female-to-male ratio).[50] In children,

    Cushing disease is rare and tends to have a more aggressive clinical course and lower cure

    rate.[51, 52] Cushing disease arising in prepubertal children is more common in males than

    femalesthe opposite of the adult preponderance.[53] (See also Cushing Syndrome.) The

    great majority of ACTH-secreting adenomas are microadenomas, and approximately 15% are

    invasive at the time of surgery.[54]

    On rare occasions, corticotroph cell hyperplasia may be the source of Cushing disease.

    However, there is considerable controversy, from both clinical and pathologic viewpoints,

    regarding this event.[55]

    Histologically, ACTH-secreting adenomas are usually basophilic on H&E staining and are

    often strongly positive with periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) staining (see the following image). The

    cytoplasm is very granular, and the nucleus is large, with coarse chromatin and a prominent

    nucleolus. Some degree of nuclear pleomorphism can be present. The cells have very

    distinct cytoplasmic borders and tend to touch each other in a tilelike arrangement. Papillary

    formations are very common.

    Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)-secreting adenoma. Left: Corticotroph cell adenomas

    are composed of large cells with angular, slightly basophilic cytoplasm and a large nucleus

    (hematoxylin-eosin stain). Right: Immunohistochemistry (IHC) for ACTH shows intenseimmunoreactivity (ACTH-IHC stain).
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    Occasionally, hyaline bundles that encircle the cytoplasm, yielding a "target cell"

    appearance, are observed. These represent Crookes hyaline changes, which correspond to

    the accumulation of cytokeratin intermediate filaments and appear to be a direct effect of

    high serum levels of cortisol on pituitary cells.[56] Crookes changes are also present in the

    normal pituitary gland of Cushing disease patients (see the image below) and in patients

    with other pathologic or iatrogenic hypercortisolemic states.

    Crooke's changes in the anterior pituitary gland of a patient with Cushing disease. Left:

    Several "target cells" consistent with corticotroph cells with hyaline bundles in the

    cytoplasm can be seen (hematoxylin-eosin stain). Right: Cytokeratin immunostain highlights

    Crooke's changes in corticotroph cells (cytokeratin-immunohistochemistry [IHC] stain).IHC demonstrates the presence of ACTH with various degrees of immunoreactivity. In

    addition, other peptides related to the proopiomelanocortin (POMC) precursor molecule,

    including -lipotropin, -endorphin, and -melanocyte-stimulating hormone, are also

    expressed by tumor cells.[57] In practice, demonstration of these related peptides is less

    relevant than demonstration of ACTH. Immunostaining for cytokeratin shows accumulation

    in the cytoplasm, either diffuse or forming Crookes changes (see the image above).

    Ultrastructurally, ACTH-secreting adenomas are characterized by well-differentiated cells

    that resemble normal corticotrophs.[55] The cells contain well-developed organelles,

    including RER, smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER), conspicuous Golgi complexes, and

    numerous large (250500 nm) secretory granules. The secretory granules are often of

    different shapes (eg, spherical or heart-shaped) and vary in electron density. Bundles of

    intermediate filaments lying adjacent to the nucleus or forming large circles (Crookes

    changes) are easily identified.

    Ultrastructural analysis of clinically functioning ACTH-cell adenomas is not obligatory;

    histologic and immunohistochemical studies are sufficient to provide an accurate diagnosis.

    Thyroid-stimulating hormonesecreting adenomas

    TSH-secreting, or thyrotroph cell, adenomas are the least frequent pituitary adenomas.[58]

    Clinically, they may present with inappropriately elevated TSH levels and hyperthyroidism,

    but these tumors may also arise in the setting of hypothyroidism or in clinically euthyroidpatients.[59] Most TSH-secreting adenoma are invasive macroadenomas.[59]

    Histologically, thyrotroph cell adenomas are frequently chromophobic by light microscopy

    and are composed of elongated, angular, or irregular cells. Some degree of desmoplasia is

    commonly seen within the tumors, which causes a slight firm consistency.[58]

    Immunostains usually reveal variable -TSH positivity. IHC is also commonly positive for the

    alpha subunit (-SU) of the glycoproteins.

    At the ultrastructural level, the cells are moderately differentiated, with scant RER network

    and Golgi complexes.[13] Secretory granules are small (100200 nm), spherical, and evenly

    electron dense, and they are typically lined up along the cytoplasmic membrane.

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    The diagnosis of TSH-secreting adenoma can be problematic if the clinical presentation and

    TSH immunoreactivity are not convincing. In this situation, electron microscopy is

    mandatory for appropriate diagnosis.

    Gonadotropin-secreting adenomas

    Gonadotropin-secreting adenomas, or gonadotroph adenomas, are adenomas that secretethe gonadotropins FSH and LH. Unlike other secreting adenomas, gonadotroph adenomas

    do not usually cause a clinical syndrome related to hormone overproduction. The hormonal

    production from these tumors is inefficient, and the detection of excess hormone levels is

    challenging. Gonadotroph adenomas account for a large proportion of clinically

    nonfunctioning adenomas and about 20% of all adenomas.[60]

    Gonadotroph adenomas are most frequent in the sixth decade of age and older and have a

    slight male predominance.[14] Typically, they present as clinically nonfunctioning tumors

    with symptoms related to local mass effects, including visual deficits, hypopituitarism,

    headaches, and cranial nerve palsies.[60, 61]

    Histologically, most gonadotroph adenomas are composed of chromophobic cells with

    nuclei displaying a fine chromatin pattern. The tumor cells may be arranged in a diffuse

    pattern, but distinct papillary arrangements are commonly seen.[60] The papillary structures

    are characterized by elongated cytoplasmic processes around blood vessels, occurring in a

    pattern resembling perivascular pseudorosette formation.

    Monoclonal antibodies to specific -FSH, -LH, and -SU are recommended for IHC

    characterization of gonadotroph adenomas, because these lesions may demonstrate varying

    degrees of reactivity for 1 or more of the gonadotropin subunits. Immunoreactive cells may

    be scattered throughout the adenoma but are often clustered. Immunoreactivity for -FSH

    tends to be more frequent, with a stronger and broadly distributed pattern thanimmunoreactivity for the other glycoproteins.[60]

    Ultrastructurally, gonadotroph adenomas are characterized by elongated, polar cells

    containing scant numbers of small (50200 nm) secretory granules. The secretory granules

    are distributed unevenly within the cytoplasm or, more commonly, along the cytoplasmic

    membrane. A sex-linked dichotomy between gonadotroph adenomas of male and female

    patients has been described.[13, 62] In women, most of the adenomas display a typical

    vacuolar transformation of the Golgi complex, giving the Golgi apparatus a honeycomb


    Characterization of gonadotroph adenomas by ultrastructural means is of scientific interest

    but does not alter clinical patient management. The correlation between -FSH and -LH

    immunoreactivity, degree of ultrastructural differentiation, and clinical symptoms is

    relatively poor in patients with gonadotroph adenomas. At present, most patients are

    treated as having a clinically nonfunctioning adenoma, and the therapeutic goals are

    restoration of visual deficits, preservation of pituitary function, and prevention of


    Null cell adenomas and oncocytomas

    Approximately 20% of adenomas show neither clinical nor IHC evidence of hormone

    production.[14, 63] The term "null cell adenoma" is given to these tumors, based largely on

    the absence of ultrastructural features providing specific differentiation.

    The clinical presentation of null cell adenoma resembles that of gonadotroph adenoma;

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    patients present with signs and symptoms of a mass lesion.[14, 63] Null cell adenomas most

    commonly arise in postmenopausal females and elderly males, with the great majority

    macroadenomas at presentation.

    Histologically, null cell adenomas are chromophobic on light microscopy, and the tumor cells

    may be arranged in several neuroendocrine patterns, including trabecular, papillary, anddiffuse. Oncocytic change can be seen in a number of cases, and consequently, the

    designation of oncocytoma (oncocytic var

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