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Influence of land use and landscape setting on the ecological status ofrivers

J. David Allan

School of Natural Resources & Environment. The University of Michigan. Ann Arbor, MI USA 48109.


The development of bioassessment methods for lotic ecosystems, combined with advances in geographic information systemsand spatial analysis, has resulted in a rapidly expanding literature linking land use to river condition. Such studies provide evi-dence that declines in forested land and increases in agricultural and urban land frequently are predictors of a degraded state ofthe habitat and biota. However, further research should address a number of challenges to our current knowledge. Both linearand non-linear relationships have been described, and it will be useful to know when to expect non-linear or threshold respon-ses. Legacy effects, where historical impacts may be stronger than present-day impacts, may be common but can be difficult torecognize. There is ample evidence that landscape factors influence lotic ecosystems across a wide range of spatial scales, butthe roles of near-stream vs. larger spatial scales can be difficult to separate. This is part of the larger issue that multiple, inter-acting factors link landscape change to stream response, and the pathways or mechanisms are rarely identified. Natural andanthropogenic gradients often co-vary, because human activities are most intense in certain landscape settings, making it diffi-cult to determine how much of the variation in stream condition should be attributed to human actions. Finally, because bioas-sessment methods are intended to detect impairment rather than diagnose cause, it is important to establish mechanisms thatmore precisely link land-use activities to stream condition, in order to prescribe appropriate restoration action. Future researchthat combines landscape-stream condition analyses with a basic understanding of the pathways whereby human alteration oflandscapes influences river condition can serve the dual function of advancing both the management and the understandingof lotic ecosystems.

Keywords: streams, land use, biological assessment, catchment, watershed


El desarrollo de métodos de evaluación biológica para ecosistemas lóticos, combinados con los avances en los sistemas deinformación geográfica y de análisis espacial, han originado un rápido incremento en las publicaciones sobre la relación delos usos del suelo con el estado de los ríos. Tales estudios aportan evidencias de que una disminución en la superficie forestaly un incremento en el suelo agrícola y urbano, frecuentemente suponen una degradación del hábitat y la biota. No obstante,las futuras investigaciones deberían conducir hacia nuevos retos para nuestro actual conocimiento. Se han descrito relacionestanto lineares como no lineares, por lo que será útil conocer cuando prever respuestas límites o no lineares. Los efectos here-dados, donde los impactos históricos pueden ser más fuertes que los actuales, pueden ser comunes pero difíciles de reconocer.Hay una amplia evidencia de que los factores del paisaje influyen en los ecosistemas lóticos en un amplio rango a escala espa-cial, aunque puede resultar difícil separar los papeles de las escalas espaciales locales vs. grandes escalas. Esto es parte deuna cuestión mayor en la que múltiples factores que interaccionan relacionan cambios en el paisaje con las respuestas de losríos, y donde las vías o mecanismos son raramente identificados. Los gradientes naturales y antropogénicos a menudo cova-rían, debido a que las actividades humanas son más intensas en determinadas formaciones del paisaje, haciendo difícil deter-minar que grado de la alteración en las condiciones del río serían debidas a las acciones humanas. Finalmente, ya que losmétodos de evaluación biológica están dirigidos a detectar impactos más que a diagnosticar las causas, es importante esta-blecer mecanismos que relacionen de forma más precisa las actividades en los usos del suelo con el estado de los ríos, con elfin de prescribir las actuaciones adecuadas de restauración. La investigación futura que sea capaz de combinar los análisis delas condiciones del paisaje y del río con una interpretación básica de los caminos por los que la alteración humana del paisa-je influye en el estado del río, puede servir para la doble función de avanzar tanto en la gestión como en el entendimiento delos ecosistemas lóticos.

Palabras clave: ríos, usos del suelo, evaluación biológica, cuenca hidrográfica, divisoria de aguas.

Limnetica 23(3-4): 187-198 (2004)© Asociación Española de Limnología, Madrid. Spain. ISSN: 0213-8409


Aquatic ecologists have a long history of incor-porating landscape setting into their analyses offreshwater ecosystems. Examples include theearly appreciation that lake trophic status wasrelated to the agricultural productivity ofsurrounding land, longitudinal studies of riversthat recognized the importance of changes inslope and terrestrial vegetation, and the largenumber of comparative studies that drawinsight from differences between ecosystemsthat are best understood in the context of parti-cular environmental settings (Allan & Johnson1997). Rivers are strongly influenced by theirsurroundings, perhaps most strongly by condi-tions at the land-water interface (Naiman &Decamps 1990), but also by the entire catch-ment. As Hynes (1975) so effectively argued inan early synthesis of landscape-stream interac-tions, “In every respect, the valley rules thestream.” Increasingly today, we are experien-cing the negative repercussions of this rela-tionship, as human degradation of landscapes isreflected in the deterioration of stream condi-tion (Naiman et al. 1995).

Studies of biological diversity indicate thatmany aquatic taxa are amongst the most seve-rely threatened of all animal groups in NorthAmerica (Master et al. 1998). Fully two-thirdsof the mussels, half of the crayfish and one-third of the fishes of North America are threate-ned and in need of some form of conservationmanagement. Because species-level assess-ments of aquatic insects are few, it is difficult tosubstantiate direct biodiversity loss, but nume-rous studies in North America document chan-ges in aquatic insect assemblages that are evi-dence of community decline (Karr & Chu1999). In Europe, with its long history of humanmodification of landscapes and river courses,many rivers show evidence of degradation. On-going studies, such as El Proyecto Guadalmed,directed by N. Prat and colleagues, are provi-ding an improved understanding of the status ofmultiple rivers within Spain. Numerous presen-tations at the Spanish Limnology XI Congress

and Iberian Limnology III Congress, June 2002,also document the extent of human impacts torivers and their various causes.

A large number of stressor sources createaltered conditions within river habitats and ulti-mately contribute to declines in water quality,habitat and biota (Allan & Flecker 1993, Karr etal. 2000). The primary human activities thatserve as stressor sources include stream flowand channel modification, urbanization andresidential development, forest managementpractices, agriculture, mining, and recreation(Bryce et al. 1999). These, in turn, result in va-rying levels of nutrient enrichment, sedimenta-tion, contamination, habitat deterioration, andaltered flow regimes. Non-indigenous species,accidentally or purposefully introduced intonew habitats, create nearly irreversible changein the biota, and in many instances one or a fewsuch species almost completely dominate thecommunity in numbers and mass. So manydams and impoundments have been constructedin the USA that in all of the 48 conterminousstates, in this large and comparatively youngnation, only 42 river segments longer than 200km remain free-flowing (Benke 1990). Conflictsbetween human and ecosystem uses of freshwater have generated heated battles, and thesepressures are expected to grow as rising levelsof population and affluence collide with finitelimits to water supply (Poff et al. 2003). Climatechange represents a potentially serious additio-nal threat, but the impacts at this time are onlybeginning to be identified.

It is noteworthy that many, although not all,of these threats are entirely or partly due tohuman activities in the landscape, and thus canbe quantified from data on land use.

Two developments are responsible for thevery rapid growth in studies linking land use tostream condition. The increasing sophisticationof bioassessment tools, motivated by the needto assess status and trends of rivers, has led tomany published river assessments. The adventof the field of landscape ecology, combinedwith ready availability of land use/land coverdata, the development of geographic informa-

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tion systems for mapping and analysis, andnew developments in spatial statistics, haveresulted in an expanding literature pertainingto rivers and their catchments including manyefforts to connect landscape measures to stre-am assessments. This has important implica-tions for our ability to improve science-basedconservation and management of rivers andstreams, through catchment-scale analysis ofrivers and their landscapes.

In brief, the catchment approach to the mana-gement of river ecosystems can be conceived ofin four steps: identification of a land-water unit,assessment of the status or “health” of the river,identification of the stressors that influence riverstatus, and the development of management orrestoration plans, grounded in good ecologicalscience, to reverse or mitigate impacts.


At the center of this enterprise are the separateefforts to quantify the state of the landscape andthe status of the river and stream. Linking land-scape to stream status has for the most partinvolved statistical approaches, and often theseare multivariate statistical approaches due to themany variables that can be quantified for boththe catchment and the stream. At present, suchanalyses often lack any explicit consideration ofmechanisms, and this is a weakness that futureresearchers should address.

Landscape Status

The field of landscape ecology has developedgreatly over the past decade, and now provides awide variety of methods and metrics for asses-sing the status of the landscape. Land use/coverinformation is the most easily obtained andmost widely used in ecological analyses. Ideally,data reflect either land use (e.g., agriculture) orland cover (e.g., orchard, row crop). However,often these are not quantified in a way thatmakes them easy to separate, and so referenceto use/cover, or simply cover, is common.

Widely used metrics of land use/cover includeproportion of catchment area in agriculture,forest, wetlands, urban, etc. The proportion ofthese categories in a riparian buffer strip thatextends 10 m, 100 m, or some other lateral dis-tance on each side of the stream may be particu-larly useful because near-stream activities canbe especially detrimental to stream condition,and riparian buffers can be an effective manage-ment practice (Gregory et al. 1991, Lowrance etal. 1997). Some recent attempts have been madeto ascertain the optimal distance and configura-tion of buffer measurements (Schuft 1999),although application of such methods requiresthat underlying data be of high spatial resolu-tion, which may not be common.

Landscape pattern metrics now are widelyused, due to available software such asFRAGSTATS (McGarigal & Marks 1994),which can readily calculate hundreds of patternmetrics. These metrics provide quantificationof the patchiness or fragmentation of the land-scape, based on such metrics as patch density,mean patch size, interspersion, dominance of asingle patch type, shape, edge measurements,and more. These can be estimated at the land-scape level, irrespective of patch type, or at theclass level, such as the patchiness of forestswithin a catchment. Usually these metrics arenot practical for riparian buffers (if landscapepatches are larger than the width of the buffer),because the boundary of the lateral buffer fre-quently cuts through existing fragments, alte-ring their size and shape.

Landscape ecologists explore spatial patternunder the premise that spatial pattern can be lin-ked to ecological processes, and will provideinsights beyond what can be learned from pro-portional land use/cover (Forman & Godron1986). This expectation remains largely untested.

Finally, when landscape data are availablefrom two different time periods, it is possible todetermine extent and location of change, suchas increasing urbanization. This approach also islargely untested in catchment analyses, althoughHarding et al. (1998, discussed below) provide astriking example of its effectiveness.

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Biological Metrics

A number of different approaches to biologicalassessment are presently in use. Some of thisdiversity reflects the preferences of individualscientists and may be manifested in a defacto standard approach at the national level.While some convergence will occur over time,it is probable that each of these approaches canadequately distinguish highly altered fromrelatively unimpacted sites, and all expe-rience some diff iculties in distinguishingsmall increments of disturbance.

Indicator species were one of the first approa-ches used in the assessment of stream conditionbased on the biota. Although this approach recei-ved less attention after about 1970, theHilsenhoff Biotic Index (Hilsenhoff 1987),which sums scores based on tolerance to organicpollution, is widely used and is in essence acumulative indicator organism approach. InEurope, the BMWP (developed by theBiological Monitoring Working Party in the UK,Hellawell 1986) and its adaptation to Spain (theBMWP’, Alba-Tercedor & Sánchez-Ortega1988) function similarly. The multimetric indexapproach is perhaps best known from the Indexof Biotic Integrity (IBI) developed first for fishassemblages in the Midwestern USA (Karr1991, Karr & Chu 2000) but also extended toinsects (Benthic IBI or B-IBI, Kerans & Karr1994). A multimetric index is composed of mul-tiple independent metrics (e.g., percent omnivo-res, species richness of cyprinids, percent indivi-duals with deformities). An alternative approach,known as Rivpacs (Wright 1995) and Ausrivas(Norris & Hawkins 2000), builds a multivariatemodel relating habitat conditions to the biota(typically, to the log abundances of the morecommon species) for reference conditions, andthen predicts the biota expected at test sites.Deviation of the observed biota from that expec-ted under the model is a measure of impact.

To anticipate an issue discussed in moredetail below, biological metrics have beenconstructed with the intent that they reflectmultiple stressors. While their value is beyond

dispute, bioassessment methods that integratemany causes of stream degradation may be ofquestionable effectiveness in diagnosing thecauses of degradation.

Linkages between Landscape and Biota

A growing number of studies establish a signifi-cant relationship between some landscapemetric and some biological metric. Roth et al.(1996) found a decline in the Index of BioticIntegrity for fish as the amount of agriculturalland increased in southeastern Michigan.Similarly, the IBI increased with increasingforest cover in a number of Wisconsin rivers(Wang 1997). In urban areas of WashingtonState, Morely and Karr (2002) observed strongdeclines in a benthic IBI with increasing urbanland cover. Stewart et al. (2001) observed chan-ges in both fish and invertebrate metrics in res-ponse to a number of landscape metrics for agri-cultural catchments of Wisconsin.

Such studies clearly support the utility ofcatchment-scale studies linking landscape tostream condition. However, limitations in thisapproach also are becoming apparent, andhelp to identify a series of future challengesfor this emerging field.

Six Challenges to the Catchment Approach

Linear vs. non-linear relationships

Figure 1 portrays a hypothetical and simplerelationship between some stressor and a biolo-gical response variable, for example, a bioticindex versus urbanization. A non-linear respon-se is intriguing, because it indicates a threshold.This is useful for managers, because it suggestsa critical region of sensitivity of the ecosystemto stress, and therefore helps to set acceptablelimits. In contrast, a linear response suggeststhat each increment of stress results in an incre-ment of biological degradation. If a linear res-ponse is observed, managers must set limitsbased on whatever biological index is used, andbe able to argue that the index should not be

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permitted to fall below some level, such as 60%of its maximum.

Several studies of urban ecosystems in NorthAmerica suggest that stream condition res-ponds non-linearly to urbanization, and thatserious degradation takes place approximatelyin the range of 15-25% urban land cover orimpervious surface (Schueler 1994, Wang et al.2000, Stranko and Rodney 2001). In a study of47 small streams in southeastern Wisconsin,USA, several fish metrics showed a non-linearresponse to increasing percent imperviousnessin the catchment, with a threshold near 10%(Wang et al. 2000). In contrast, Morley andKarr (2002) found a reasonably linear responseof a benthic invertebrate IBI to increasing urba-nization, which in their study areas inWashington State, USA, varied from approxi-mately 10 to 60% imperviousness.

Legacy effects

The legacies of past human impacts often arepresent and may not be widely recognized. In

the USA, with its relatively young history ofhuman development, legacy effects for all kindsof ecosystems are receiving increasing attention(Foster et al. 2003). Some legacy effects areapparent, such as artificially straightened stre-am channels. However, others may not be rea-dily detected, such as the substantial loss oflarge pool habitat due to sedimentation frompast road-building and logging, which has beendocumented in streams of the Pacific NorthwestUSA by re-surveying streams where pool sur-vey records from 1934 and 1946 were availablefor comparison (Gregory & Bisson 1997). Thefloating of logs to market is believed to havecaused extensive channel and bank scouring,and intensive agriculture near stream marginshas allowed greater channel migration than hasoccurred in undisturbed sites (Jacobsen & Pugh1997). It may be incorrect to attribute degradedstream conditions to present land use, whenlegacy effects may be of greater importance.

Harding et al. (1998) provide a compellingexample of what they termed the “ghost of landuse past”. They found that catchment land usefrom nearly 50 years earlier was a better pre-dictor of present-day biological diversity instreams in the southeastern USA, whereas ripa-rian and catchment land use in the 1990’s werecomparatively poor indicators. In essence,forested streams on land that had been farmedstill resembled present-day agricultural stre-ams, apparently due to the legacy of sedimentsfrom earlier farming. Historical human impactslikely override natural factors in determiningthe fluvial landscapes along most Europeanrivers (Décamps et al 1988). For example, pre-sent day riparian forest communities reflect thelong history of navigation in and agriculturealong the River Garonne, France, whose flood-plain forest is no longer subject to successionalresets induced by inundation.

Spatial scale

The question of spatial scale is one of the mostchallenging and fundamental issues facing stre-am ecologists. This issue is informed by a large

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Figure 1. An idealized stressor-response relationship contras-ting linear and non-linear responses of a biotic index to increa-sing levels of a stressor, such as urbanization. A non-linearresponse identifies a region of sensitivity or threshold wherethe biological community undergoes rapid transition to adegraded state. Relación idealizada presión-respuesta con-trastando las respuestas linear y no linear de un índice bióticofrente al incremento del nivel de una presión, como es el casode la urbanización. Una respuesta no linear se correspondecon una zona de sensibilidad o umbral donde la comunidadbiológica sufre una rápida transición a un estado degradado.

literature, including studies of longitudinalzonation (Illies & Botosaneanu 1963), theRiver Continuum Concept (Vannote et al.1980), and spatial hierarchies including streamorder (Horton 1945) and habitat models(Frissell et al. 1986, Hawkins et al. 1993). Thehabitat to landscape hierarchy developed byFrissell and colleagues is useful when conside-ring how multiple human impacts affect stre-ams at various spatial scales (Allan et al. 1997).For example, the presence or absence of trees inthe riparian can affect microhabitat conditionsby providing shade, root wads, and maintainingbank stability. Vegetation over the scale of hun-dred of meters is relevant to the supply of coar-se particulate organic matter, and shade exten-ding over several kilometers can moderatewater temperature (Abell & Allan 2002).However, flow pathways, which can affectchannel scouring, and nutrient inputs, whichcan influence biological production, likely aregoverned by the integrated effects of land useover much longer riparian corridors, and per-haps the larger catchment as well.

A number of recent studies have examinedthe relationships between biological metricsand land use/cover quantified at different spa-tial scales, and particularly stream buffer vs.catchment-wide land cover information. Suchstudies usually f ind a variety of significantrelationships at each spatial scale. In southeas-tern Michigan, Roth et al. (1996) reportedstronger correlations of an IBI for fish withcatchment rather than riparian land cover,although a later study by Lammert and Allan(1999) found stronger relationships with ripa-rian than catchment land use. Lammert andAllan suggested that these different outcomesmight be explained by differences in studydesign, as the sites in the former study includedmarkedly different catchment conditions, whe-reas the latter study selected multiple sites inonly a few catchments.

The recent increase in studies that assesslandscape influences at multiple spatial scalessuggest that significant relationships may bedetected at both local and larger scales,

depending on the context of the study and thevariables selected. Stewart et al. (2001) com-pared site, reach, segment and catchment-scale measurements, and compared riparianbuffer vs. catchment-wide measures for 38agricultural streams in Wisconsin, USA. Atthe catchment scale, percent forest influencedfish diversity, intolerant fish, and some inver-tebrate metrics. Fragmentation of riparianvegetation also affected the invertebratemetrics, and at the reach scale, substrateembeddedness with fine sediments also affec-ted invertebrate metrics. The authors remar-ked that the high degree of intercorrelation ofenvironmental factors made it diff icult todraw conclusions from correlations alone.

Multiple Stressors, Unidentified Mechanisms

As the study by Stewart et al. (2001) exempli-fies, the environmental stressors that affect stre-am ecosystems are multiple and interacting, andas a consequence, inferring causation can bedifficult. Indeed, the majority of studies linkinglandscape variables to stream status provide atbest a weak explanation of the likely interveningmechanisms between such complex variables as,for example, agricultural land in the catchmentand a biological metric. In their thorough reviewof streams in the urban landscape, Paul &Meyer (2001) concluded that the lack of mecha-nistic studies was a major shortcoming. Few ofthe studies they reviewed analyzed whetherphysical habitat, water quality, or food web dis-turbances were the cause of observed biologicaldegradation in urban streams.

Figure 2 illustrates a number of possiblepathways whereby landscape metrics of distur-bance or stress may result in biological impactand be quantified as a correlation between abiological metric and a landscape metric. Animpact may be due to multiple causes, or onemay dominate. While it would be very usefulto know if the biota are stressed by chemicalfactors or altered habitat, even this level ofunderstanding falls short of a detailed mecha-nistic understanding.

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Covariance of Natural and AnthropogenicGradients

Studies of the relationship between land coverand stream condition often have the goal of iden-tifying human impacts. Because natural andanthropogenic gradients both can be discerned atthe landscape scale, and often covary (e.g., agri-cultural land may be less steep and rocky thanforested land), it is imperative that some effortbe made to separate what is natural from thatwhich is human-induced. If no quantification ofgeology and terrain is included, then the varianceattributed to anthropogenic effects may be infla-ted by hidden, natural co-variation. Fitzpatrick etal. (2001) recognized this problem in concludingthat the spatial overlap of geological setting withland cover made it difficult to infer probablecausation and which spatial scale had the domi-nant effect on stream response variables.

One potential solution, adopted by Wood &Allan (2003), is to test landscape stressor varia-bles against stream response variables in a pre-determined sequence. Those variables that areconsidered natural (e.g., geology, slope) are tes-ted first for their ability to predict biologicalresponse. If any show a significant relationshipto the stream response variables, they are retai-ned, and then anthropogenic metrics (e.g., agri-culture in the buffer or urban land in the catch-

ment) are tested to determine if they signifi-cantly improve the fit. This approach ensuresthat anthropogenic variables are selected only iftheir influence is measurable after the naturalgradient is accounted for.

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Figure 2. Multiple pathways may account for a significant relationship between a landscape metric and a biotic response metric.Múltiples caminos pueden explicar una relación significativa entre una métrica del paisaje y una métrica de la respuesta biótica.

Figure 3. Potential explanatory variables are tested in a plan-ned sequence to ascertain their additional explanatory value. Anatural gradient consisting of geology variables explains sig-nificant variance in several invertebrate indices, and landcover adds significantly to the fit. Landscape pattern metricsand urbanization are significant additional variables for two ofthe four indices.Variables potencialmente explicativas sonexaminadas en una secuencia planificada para averiguar suvalor explicativo adicional. Un gradiente natural consistenteen variables geológicas explica la varianza significativa envarios índices de invertebrados, y la cubierta del suelo incre-menta significativamente el ajuste. Las métricas de patronesdel paisaje y de su urbanización son variables adicionales sig-nificativas para dos de los cuatro índices.

As shown in figure 3, natural variation, inclu-ding coarse geology and catchment area,explains a significant amount of the variancefor several invertebrate indices, and land covervariables explain additional variance. However,with these two suites of variables included inthe regression, landscape pattern metricsexplain little additional variance, contributingsignif icantly to only one metric. Similarly,urbanization (which combines population den-sity and road density) contributes significantlyto only one metric as well.

Another analysis with the same data demons-trates that natural variation, land cover, and ins-tream habitat are each important in explainingthe variance in stream biota (Fig. 4). Theseresults indicate that instream habitat and landcover are essentially independent predictors,together explaining a large fraction of the varia-tion (approximately 70%) in stream condition asassessed by the three of the invertebrate indices.


The preceding discussion makes it abundantlyclear that a difference exists between knowingthat a system is impaired, and knowing why it is

impaired. Metrics of biological condition aredesigned to detect deviation from reference orbest available condition, and most of them do soreasonably well. However, for managementaction to occur, it is necessary also to diagnosethe cause or causes of impairment. Non-linearrelationships, multiple causation, lack ofmechanistic understanding, and legacy effectstogether limit our ability to diagnose cause andprescribe corrective action. To use a medicalanalogy, we may be quite sure our patient issick, but not know why.

In practice the solution to this dilemma maybe straightforward. Causation may be establis-hed based on professional judgement, or addi-tional data such as laboratory toxicity testsor in situ confinement of animals mayprovide convincing evidence of the source ofstress. However, this is one area where fur-ther study holds much promise.

An improved understanding of the relations-hip between stressors and mitigating manage-ment actions could improve our understanding

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Figure 4. Tested sequentially, the natural gradient, land cover,and in-stream habitat each improve the ability to predict theseinvertebrate indices, indicating their separate explanatoryvalue (from Wood & Allan, in prep.). Examinados secuencial-mente, el gradiente natural, la cubierta del suelo, y el habitatfluvial, van mejorando la capacidad de predecir estos índicesde invertebrados, indicando su valor explicativo separado(según Wood & Allan, en prep.).

Figure 5. In this hypothetical response space, stream condi-tion is a function of some stressor, such as extent of agricultu-ral activity in the catchment, and some mitigating factor ormanagement practice, such as maintaining a healthy riparianbuffer. Note that a stream with (e.g.) 25% agricultural land inthe catchment might be in excellent or good biological condi-tion, depending upon the mitigating effect of riparian manage-ment (from Wood & Allan, in prep.). En este espacio de res-puesta hipotético, el estado del río es una función de algunapresión, como la extensión de la actividad agrícola en lacuenca, y de algún factor mitigante o práctica de gestión,como mantener una zona riparia saludable. Ver cómo un ríocon (ej.) el 25% de terreno agrícola en su cuenca puedeencontrarse en una condición biológica buena o excelente,dependiendo de el efecto mitigante de la gestión riparia(según Word & Allan, en prep.).

of the potential for benef icial activities tocompensate for harmful impacts. As figure 5illustrates with a hypothetical response spacefor some biological indicator, a stream’s biolo-gical condition indeed may decline as theextent of agriculture increases, but a healthyriparian or other best management practice canpartially mitigate. For example, at 25% agri-cultural land in the catchment a stream may berated as excellent or only good, at 50% good orfair, at 75% fair or poor. Steedman (1988) pro-vides an example where the effects of urbani-zation vary, depending upon the amount offorested land in the riparian. Such an analysisimplies that management can improve streamcondition, although within constraints due toexisting land use or other stressors that areimpractical to alter greatly.


A substantial and rapidly growing literatureaddresses the impacts of changing land use onrivers, largely by coupling land-use data deri-ved using Geographic Information Systems todata assessing the status of streams and rivers.This research is motivated by questions bothfundamental and applied. An improved unders-tanding of the basic mechanisms linking riversto the landscapes through which they run is cri-tical to the design of conservation plans, formanagement and restoration, and to improveour ability to perform bioassessments. How-ever, more progress is needed in developingmechanistic explanations for statistical associa-tions between land use and stream condition.Lotic ecology has a long history of viewingrivers in a landscape context, and provides asolid foundation in stream ecology researchwithin which to interpret the impacts of chan-ging land-use on stream ecosystems. Futureresearch that combines a basic understanding ofthe pathways whereby human alteration oflandscapes influences river condition can servethe dual function of advancing both manage-ment and understanding of lotic ecosystems.


I thank the organizers of the Spanish LimnologyXI Congress and Iberian Limnology IIICongress, held in Madrid in June 2002, for theopportunity to present these views. In particularI thank Manuel Toro and Ramón Peña for theirhospitality. I thank Rebecca Cifaldi and DanaInfante for their editorial assistance, and MahyaWood for her assistance and insights in workingthrough the tiered regression analysis approach.Discussions with members of the TALU work-group (US EPA) contributed to the developmentof the ideas presented here.


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