installation and configuration guide for and...

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Baan OpenWorld 2.2

Installation and Configuration Guidefor Adapter

A publication of:

Baan Development B.V.P.O.Box 1433770 AC BarneveldThe Netherlands

Printed in the Netherlands

© Baan Development B.V. 2001.All rights reserved.

The information in this documentis subject to change withoutnotice. No part of this documentmay be reproduced, stored ortransmitted in any form or by anymeans, electronic or mechanical,for any purpose, without theexpress written permission ofBaan Development B.V.

Baan Development B.V.assumes no liability for anydamages incurred, directly orindirectly, from any errors,omissions or discrepanciesbetween the software and theinformation contained in thisdocument.

Document Information

Code: U7525B USGroup: User DocumentationEdition: ADate: July, 2001


Installation and Configuration Guide for Adapter

1 Introduction 1-1Baan OpenWorld Adapter installation and configuration 1-1Directory Service installation and configuration 1-1Installation and configuration utilities 1-2Hardware prerequisites 1-2Software requirements 1-2Overview of installation and configuration steps 1-4

2 To install and configure the Directory Service 2-1To install and configure the SecureWay Directory server 2-1Entries in the file 2-9

3 To install Baan OpenWorld Adapter 3-1Installation steps 3-1To uninstall Baan OpenWorld Adapter 3-5

4 To configure Baan OpenWorld Adapter 4-1About the Baan OpenWorld Adapter properties file 4-1Location of properties file 4-1About the Adapter Configuration tool 4-2Starting the Adapter Configuration tool 4-2Main Adapter Configuration dialog box 4-2To edit the properties file 4-3Properties tabs 4-3Applying changes 4-4Getting help 4-4General tab 4-4Logging tab 4-6Directory Service tab 4-7

5 To configure the Directory Service 5-1About the BusComponent Editor 5-1To start the BusComponent Editor 5-2BusComponent Editor dialog box 5-2To load the Directory Service information 5-3To add a new component 5-3To edit a component 5-3To delete a component 5-4

Table of contents

Table of contents

Installation and Configuration Guide for Adapterii

Component properties 5-4General 5-4Categories 5-5Connection points 5-6Activation 5-7

Appendix A To manually edit 1Sample properties file 1Properties 2General settings 2Directory settings 3Log settings 3Advanced settings 4

Appendix B XML file Directory Service 1To set up an XML file Directory Service 1Example XML file Directory Service 2

Appendix C To configure Netscape Directory Server 1Configuration procedure 1Entries in the file 6

Appendix D UNIX installation and configuration procedures 1Prerequisites 1Installation steps 1Configuration steps 2To test your installation 2

Installation and Configuration Guide for Adapteriii

This guide describes how to install and configure the Baan OpenWorld Adaptersoftware. It also describes how to install and configure a Directory Service inwhich the properties of Baan OpenWorld components are defined.

To install the software, no specific operating system knowledge is required. Youmust, however, have a basic understanding of the Baan OpenWorld product suiteconcept and the Baan OpenWorld Adapter software in particular.

This guide is divided into the following chapters:

Chapter 1, �Introduction,� provides an overview of the installation andconfiguration requirements for Baan OpenWorld Adapter. It also describes thehardware and software prerequisites, and outlines the main installation andconfiguration steps. Read this chapter before you install the software.

Chapter 2, �To install and configure the Directory Service,� describes how toinstall and configure the IBM SecureWay Directory server.

Chapter 4, �To install Baan OpenWorld Adapter,� describes how to install BaanOpenWorld Adapter.

Chapter 5, �To configure Baan OpenWorld Adapter,� describes how to configureBaan OpenWorld Adapter with the Adapter Configuration utility.

Chapter 6, �To modify the Directory Service,� describes how to edit theDirectory Service contents with the BusComponent Editor utility.

Appendix A, �To manually edit the file,� presents the syntax ofthe Baan OpenWorld Adapter file and describes the properties itdefines.

Appendix B, �XML file Directory Service,� describes how to implement aDirectory Service in XML flat file format.

Appendix C, �To configure Netscape Directory Service,� describes how to installthe Netscape Directory Server 4.0.

Appendix D, �UNIX installation and configuration procedures,� describes howto install and configure the Baan OpenWorld Adapter on UNIX systems.

About this document

About this document

Installation and Configuration Guide for Adapteriv

Related documents� Baan OpenWorld 2.2 - Installation and Configuration Guide for Adapter for

BaanERP (U7305E US)� Baan OpenWorld 2.2 - Configuration Guide for MQSeries for Baan

OpenWorld Adapter (U7307C US)� Baan OpenWorld 2.2 - Configuration Guide for MSMQ for Baan OpenWorld

Adapter (U7308C US)� Baan OpenWorld Deployment Guide for BCLM (U7652A US)� Installation and Configuration Guide for the BaanCIT License Manager

(U7631A US)

Installation and Configuration Guide for Adapter1-1

This chapter provides an overview of the installation and configurationrequirements for Baan OpenWorld Adapter. It also describes the hardware andsoftware prerequisites for Baan OpenWorld Adapter, and outlines the maininstallation and configuration steps.

Baan OpenWorld Adapter installation andconfigurationBaan OpenWorld Adapter must be installed on every server and client that runsin the Baan OpenWorld environment and integrates using the Baan OpenWorldAdapter. In addition, the runtime settings for each server and client must beconfigured in the Baan OpenWorld Adapter properties file ( Thisguide describes how to perform these tasks.

All OpenWorld Adapter servers must be configured for the BaanCIT LicenseManager (BCLM), which is a central licensing engine that checks whether usersor computers are licensed to start a Baan product.

Directory Service installation andconfigurationBaan OpenWorld Adapter requires a Directory Service that stores informationabout all servers and clients that make use of Baan OpenWorld Adapter,indicating their name, address, message queues, ports, and so on. The DirectoryService can be implemented either by an LDAP-compliant directory server, suchas SecureWay Directory from IBM or the Netscape Directory Server, or by anXML flat file solution. This guide describes how to set up both types ofimplementation.

1 Introduction


Installation and Configuration Guide for Adapter1-2

Installation and configuration utilitiesBaan OpenWorld Adapter runs on both MS Windows and UNIX systems. Thisguide describes the installation and configuration procedures for both platforms.

For MS Windows systems, an installation program is provided on the BaanOpenWorld Adapter CD-ROM. When you install Baan OpenWorld Adapterusing this program, both the run-time environment and the configuration utilitiesto set up this environment are placed on your computer. The configurationutilities consist of a Adapter Configuration tool that enables you to configure file and a BusComponent Editor that enables you to enter and editthe contents of the Directory Service.

On UNIX systems, you must install and configure Baan OpenWorld Adaptermanually.

All OpenWorld Adapter servers must be configured for the BaanCIT LicenseManager (BCLM), which is a central licensing engine that checks whether usersor computers are licensed to start a Baan product. For more information on theinstallation and configuration of the BCLM, refer to Baan OpenWorld 2.2 �Deployment Guide for BCLM (U7652 US).

Hardware prerequisitesBaan OpenWorld Adapter requires the following hardware:

� A Pentium-class PC.� 12 MB disk space.

For Directory Service requirements, consult the documentation for the particulardirectory server you are using.

Software requirementsOperating system:

The Windows operating system requirements are as follows:� Windows 2000.� Windows NT 4.0 SP3 or later.� Windows 95.� Windows 98.� Windows ME .


Installation and Configuration Guide for Adapter1-3

Other software:

Java Virtual MachineBaan OpenWorld Adapter requires a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) to function.The JVM must be installed before you can install the Baan OpenWorld Adapter.Note that the Microsoft JVM must be version 5.00.3165 or higher.

BaanCIT License ManagerOn all Adapter servers, the client software of the BaanCIT License Manager(BCLM) must be installed and properly configured BCLM server must beavailable (refer to Baan OpenWorld 2.2 � Deployment Guide for BCLM).

Server/client connectionsThe connection between the Adapter client side and the Adapter server side canbe established in either the following ways:

���� CP/IP sockets (a direct line between client and server).���� Microsoft message queues (MSMQ).���� IBM message queues (MQSeries).

If you use message queues, the configuration for OpenWorld Adapter 2.2 isdescribed in the following documents:

� Baan OpenWorld 2.2 - Configuration Guide for MSMQ for Adapter (U7308DUS).

� Baan OpenWorld 2.2 - Configuration Guide for MQSeries for BaanOpenWorld Adapter (U7307 US).

You must have administrator rights in order to successfully run the Baan OpenWorldAdapter installer.



Installation and Configuration Guide for Adapter1-4

Overview of installation and configurationstepsThese are the principal steps required for installing and configuring BaanOpenWorld Adapter:

1 Check the hardware and software requirements for Baan OpenWorld Adapterand make a checklist of all the servers and clients that need this software.

2 Install and configure a Directory Service � either an XML flat fileimplementation or an LDAP Directory Service. Chapter 2, "To install andconfigure the Directory Service," describes how to install and configureIBM�s LDAP-compliant SecureWay Directory Server. Appendix B, "XMLfile Directory Service," describes how to implement a Directory Service inXML flat file format. Appendix C, "To configure Netscape DirectoryService," describes how to install and configure the Netscape DirectoryServer.

3 If you use message queues to connect the client side and the server side ofAdapter, configure the message-oriented middleware (MOM) as explained inBaan OpenWorld 2.2 - Configuration Guide for MSMQ for Adapter (U7308DUS) or Baan OpenWorld 2.2 - Configuration Guide for MQSeries for BaanOpenWorld Adapter (U7307 US).

4 Put the BaanCIT License Manager (BCLM) into service. This step isdescribed in Baan OpenWorld 2.2 - Deployment Guide for BCLM (U7652US).

5 Install Baan OpenWorld Adapter. This step is described in Chapter 3, Toinstall Baan OpenWorld Adapter.

6 Configure the file(s). You can do this by using the AdapterConfiguration utility, as described in Chapter 4, "To configure BaanOpenWorld Adapter," or you can do so manually, as described in AppendixA, "To manually edit the file."

7 Add entries in the Directory Service for each BusComponent in the BaanOpenWorld environment. You do this by using the BusComponent Editorutility, as described in Chapter 5, "To configure the Directory Service."

You must install BCLM software on all Adapter servers (step 4) and repeat steps5 and 6 for every server and client on which you install Baan OpenWorldAdapter.

Installation and Configuration Guide for Adapter2-1

Baan OpenWorld Adapter requires a Directory Service in which the properties ofBaan OpenWorld components are defined.

For directory access, Baan OpenWorld Adapter adheres to the LightweightDirectory Access Protocol (LDAP). This means that customers can choose anyLDAP-compliant directory server to provide the Directory Service. Alternatively,they can use an XML flat file implementation.

Baan assumes that most customers will use an LDAP Directory Service. Thischapter describes how to install and configure IBM�s SecureWay DirectoryLDAP-compatible Directory Service. Appendix C, "To configure NetscapeDirectory Service," describes the configuration of the Netscape Directory Server,which is an example of another LDAP-compliant directory server. The XML flatfile solution is described in Appendix B, "XML file Directory Service."

To install and configure the SecureWayDirectory serverTake the following steps to install and configure the IBM SecureWay Directoryserver for Baan OpenWorld. Steps that are not specific to Baan OpenWorld aredescribed on a high level only. There are two tools to configure the directoryserver: the Web interface and the Directory Management Tool (on the machinewhere the LDAP server is installed). The title bar of each screen display includedin this section indicates which tool is used for each step.

1 Install the SecureWay Directory server as described in the instructions thataccompany the software. There are no Baan OpenWorld-specific issues youmust take care of during installation. SecureWay Directory does not need torun on the same server as any of the Baan Enterprise Solutions applications.

2 After installation you must define the suffix for your Directory Service � thatis, the root of the directory structure. Use the Web interface to enter the URLyou created when installing the directory server. When you start the browser,log in as instructed.

2 To install and configure the DirectoryService

To install and configure the Directory Service

Installation and Configuration Guide for Adapter2-2

3 To add the suffix for your Directory Service, double-click Server ➤Suffixes ➤Add a Suffix in the Directory Server column. Enter the requiredsuffix in the Suffix DN field ( is the example shown in thefollowing illustration), and click Add a new suffix. Then, if the LDAP serveris not already running, start it by choosing Server ➤ Startup and thenclicking Startup.

To install and configure the Directory Service

Installation and Configuration Guide for Adapter2-3

4 Start the Directory Management Tool on the machine where the directoryserver software is installed. The following screen appears:

5 Double-click Server ➤ Rebind in the left windowpane. Select theAuthenticated option and enter your username and password. Then click OK.To perform a quick check of your directory server, in the left pane double-click Tree ➤ Browse Tree to browse through the tree structure. If yourinstallation is completely new it will be empty.

To install and configure the Directory Service

Installation and Configuration Guide for Adapter2-4

6 Enter the following Baan OpenWorld-specific attributes for the directoryserver:

Attribute name OID Syntax Allowmultiplevalues

b3admin b3admin-oid DN � Distinguished name No

b3category b3category-oid Directory string � Caseinsensitive string


b3location b3location-oid DN � Distinguished name No

b3locationdesc b3locationdesc-oid Directory string � Caseinsensitive string


b3transactional b3transactional-oid Directory string Caseinsensitive string


b3implementationclass b3implementationclass-oid IA5 string � Case sensitivestring


b3online b3online-oid Directory string Caseinsensitive string


CompanyNumber companyNumber-oid Integer No

PreferredConnection PreferredConnection-oid Directory string Caseinsensitive string


eibconnectionpolicy eibconnectionpolicy-oid Directory string Caseinsensitive string


b3activationreference b3activationreference-oid IA5 string � Case sensitivestring


b3activationtype b3activationtype-oid Directory string � Caseinsensitive string


b3activationpoolpolicy b3activationpoolpolicy-oid Directory string � Caseinsensitive string


b3activationservertimeout b3activationservertimeout-oid

Integer No

To install and configure the Directory Service

Installation and Configuration Guide for Adapter2-5

To add each attribute, double-click Schema ➤ Attributes ➤ Add attributein the left pane and enter the attribute details in the Add server attributedialog box, as shown in the following illustration.

7 Add the object class b3component. To do so, double-click Schema ➤Object classes ➤ Add object class. The following dialog box appears:

To install and configure the Directory Service

Installation and Configuration Guide for Adapter2-6

On the General tab, enter the following details:

−−−− Object class name: b3component−−−− OID: b3component-OID−−−− Superior object class: Top−−−− Object class type: Structural

On the Required Attributes tab, add the following attributes:

− cn− owner

SecureWay automatically displays inherited attributes.

On the Optional Attributes tab, add these optional attributes:

− b3admin− b3category− b3location− b3locationdesc− b3online− companyNumber− description

8 Add the object class b3connectiontype. To do this, double-click Schema ➤Object classes ➤ Add object class.

On the General tab, enter the following details:

−−−− Object class name: b3connectiontype−−−− OID: b3connectiontype-OID−−−− Superior object class: Top−−−− Object class type: Structural

On the Required Attributes tab, add the following attributes

−−−− cn− labeleduri

On the Optional Attributes tab, add these optional attributes:

−−−− b3implementationclass−−−− b3transactional−−−− eibconnectionpolicy−−−− preferredconnection


To install and configure the Directory Service

Installation and Configuration Guide for Adapter2-7

9 In the same way, add the object class b3activation.

On the General tab, enter the following details:

−−−− Object class name: b3activation−−−− OID: b3activation-OID−−−− Superior object class: Top−−−− Object class type: Structural

On the Required Attributes tab, add the following attributes

−−−− b3activationreference−−−− b3activationtype− cn

On the Optional Attributes tab, add the following attributes

− b3activationpoolpolicy− b3activationservertimeout

To check the entries you created, double-click Schema ➤ Object in the leftpane.

10 Add a directory entry for the suffix you defined in step 3. To do this, clickEntries ➤ Add entry. The following dialog box appears:

To install and configure the Directory Service

Installation and Configuration Guide for Adapter2-8

Enter the RDN for the suffix (for example,, and selectOrganization as the entry type (the entry type is Organization because thesuffix starts with "o=".). Then click Next. The following dialog box appears:

No need to enter any attribute values here. Simply click Create.

Next, click Tree ➤ Refresh Tree in the left windowpane. The new entrynow appears in the directory tree, as shown in the following dialog box:

To install and configure the Directory Service

Installation and Configuration Guide for Adapter2-9

11 Define the access entitlements for the Directory Service. To do this, select thenew entry in the directory tree and then click the ACL button. You can nowselect the required access control options, as shown in the following dialogbox.

You have now set up the LDAP SecureWay Directory Service ready for use withBaan OpenWorld.

Entries in the fileEvery computer that runs the Baan OpenWorld Adapter has a filethat defines the properties of that Adapter, including the Directory Service ituses. For more information on properties, refer to Chapter 4, �To configure BaanOpenWorld.� For more information on how to create new entries in the DirectoryService for OpenWorld, refer to Chapter 5, � To configure the DirectoryService.�

To install and configure the Directory Service

Installation and Configuration Guide for Adapter2-10

Installation and Configuration Guide for Adapter3-1

This chapter describes how to install Baan OpenWorld Adapter on MS Windowsplatforms. For an overview of the installation requirements, refer to Chapter 1,�Introduction.� For details on how to install Baan OpenWorld Adapter on UNIXplatforms, refer to Appendix D, �UNIX installation and configurationprocedures.�

You must have administrator rights to run the Baan OpenWorld Adapter installerprogram.

When you install the software, the exact version number of OpenWorld candiffer from the version number shown in the screen shots.

Installation stepsTo install Baan OpenWorld Adapter, take the following steps:

1 Insert the Baan OpenWorld Adapter CD-ROM. The installation programstarts automatically. If it does not start automatically, run the Setup.exeprogram. The Welcome dialog box appears:

3 To install Baan OpenWorld Adapter

To install Baan OpenWorld Adapter

Installation and Configuration Guide for Adapter3-2

2 Click Next to continue.

3 The following dialog box appears.

4 To accept the license terms, click Yes.

5 If a previous version of Baan OpenWorld Adapter is already installed on thecomputer, the following dialog box appears.

To install Baan OpenWorld Adapter

Installation and Configuration Guide for Adapter3-3

6 You must uninstall the present version. Click Next to uninstall the presentversion and after that, continue the setup.You can have only one version of the OpenWorld Adapter installed at thesame time. If you want to keep the present version, click Cancel and thesetup is aborted.

7 The install program now checks whether a Java Virtual Machine is installedon the computer. If it is not, exit the install program, install a Java VM, andthen restart the Baan OpenWorld Adapter installation procedure.

If a Java VM is present, the following dialog box appears.

8 Accept the default installation folder, or click Browse to specify a differentdestination folder in which to install the software. Click Next to continue.

To install Baan OpenWorld Adapter

Installation and Configuration Guide for Adapter3-4

9 The following dialog box appears.

10 Accept the default program folder, or enter or select the program folder towhich you want the program icons to be added. Click Next to continue.

To install Baan OpenWorld Adapter

Installation and Configuration Guide for Adapter3-5

11 Setup now has enough information to start copying files. When the copyprocess is completed, the following dialog box appears.

12 Click Finish to complete the Baan OpenWorld Adapter setup. You can nowchoose to automatically display the README file and/or to start the AdapterConfiguration utility.

To uninstall Baan OpenWorld AdapterYou can uninstall Baan OpenWorld Adapter by following the standard procedureon your Windows system.

1 Click Start, select Settings, and select Control Panel.

2 Double-click the Add/Remove Programs icon.

3 Select Baan OpenWorld Adapter 2.2, and click Add/Remove orChange/Remove (Windows 2000).

4 Click Yes to delete Baan OpenWorld Adapter 2.2. The uninstall programcan ask whether to delete some shared files. Click OK.

5 When the uninstall program is completed, click OK.

To install Baan OpenWorld Adapter

Installation and Configuration Guide for Adapter3-6

Installation and Configuration Guide for Adapter4-1

This chapter describes how to configure the Baan OpenWorld Adapter on MSWindows systems, by using the Adapter Configuration tool. On UNIX systems,you must configure the Baan OpenWorld Adapter manually (see Appendix D,�UNIX installation and configuration procedures�).

About the Baan OpenWorld Adapterproperties fileThe run-time settings of Baan OpenWorld Adapter are defined in a properties filethat is stored on the computer on which Baan OpenWorld Adapter runs.

There can be multiple properties files for each client and server that uses BaanOpenWorld Adapter. One is a generic properties file ( The othersare user specific (<username> If there is a user-specificproperties file for the logged on user, Baan OpenWorld Adapter uses this todetermine its runtime properties. If not, it uses the generic properties file.

The Baan OpenWorld Adapter for BaanERP uses the same properties file as theAdapter.

Location of properties fileOn MS Windows systems, the order in which Baan OpenWorld Adapter searchesfor the properties file to use is as follows:

� Windows directory (for example, C:\WINNT on Windows NT systems)− user-specific file− generic file

On UNIX systems, the order in which Baan OpenWorld Adapter searches for theproperties file to use is as follows:

� Home directory− user specific file− generic file

� /etc directory− user specific file− generic file

4 To configure Baan OpenWorldAdapter

To configure Baan OpenWorld Adapter

Installation and Configuration Guide for Adapter4-2

You must make sure that the properties files are in the correct locations. If theyare not, copy them to the appropriate directory(s), as indicated above.

About the Adapter Configuration toolThe Adapter Configuration tool updates the user-specific and files for the local Baan OpenWorld Adapter. It runs on MSWindows systems only; on UNIX systems, you must configure the BaanOpenWorld Adapter manually (see Appendix D, �UNIX installation andconfiguration procedures�).

Starting the Adapter Configuration toolTo start the Adapter Configuration tool when it is installed in the defaultlocation, click:

Start > Programs > Baan OpenWorld 2.2 > Adapter > AdapterConfiguration

Main Adapter Configuration dialog boxThe Adapter Configuration tool enables you to select which properties file youwant to edit and to presents all the available options.

To configure Baan OpenWorld Adapter

Installation and Configuration Guide for Adapter4-3

To edit the properties fileThere can be multiple properties files for each client and server that uses BaanOpenWorld Adapter. One is a generic properties file. The others are userspecific. When you start the Adapter Configuration tool, you must first selectwhich file you want to edit. There are two options, as shown in thefollowing dialog box.

In the upper part of the dialog box, you can choose to edit the user-specificproperties file for the current user or the generic properties file for the computerto which you are logged on.

Properties tabsWhen you select the properties file you want to edit, the current settings in thatfile are displayed on four tabs in the main Adapter Configuration dialog box:

� General� Logging� Directory Service� Advanced

This chapter describes the options provided by the first three tabs. The options onthe Advanced tab are for advanced use only and do not normally need to bechanged. They are not described here.

To configure Baan OpenWorld Adapter

Installation and Configuration Guide for Adapter4-4

Applying changesTo save changes made during the current session without exiting the AdapterConfiguration tool, click Apply.

To exit the Adapter Configuration tool and save any changes not yet applied,click OK.

To exit the Adapter Configuration tool and abandon any changes not yet applied,click Cancel.

Getting helpThe Adapter Configuration tool provides online help for the overall applicationand for each tab. To view the online Help, click Help.

General tabIterator SizeThe default number of records that are received in one fetch. This allows you tolimit the amount of data that are transferred to the client in each message. Youcan override this default value in your application code.

The amount of data delivered depends not only on the number of recordsdelivered but also on the number of fields in a record and the number ofassociated tables. For smaller records, you can increase the number of recordsretrieved per fetch. For larger records, you can decrease the number of recordsretrieved.

If you do not specify a value here, the property defaults to 250.

Timeout (ms)The default time (in milliseconds) that Baan OpenWorld Adapter waits for areply when performing a request to a server. You can override this timeoutperiod in your application code.

If you do not specify a value here, the property defaults to 60,000 milliseconds.

To configure Baan OpenWorld Adapter

Installation and Configuration Guide for Adapter4-5

Client BusComponentThe name of the local (client) Baan OpenWorld component, as registered in theDirectory Service.

Anonymous clients that use a socket transport service, must leave this fieldempty. All servers and named clients, and anonymous clients that use MQSeriesas their transport service, must select this option and then click Browse tospecify a component. Note that the component must be defined in the DirectoryService before you can select it here. To select the Client BusComponentclicking Browse will only work, if you first specify the Directory Servicesettings (on the Directory Service tab).

Default backendThe backend that your Business Object Interface Manager connects to by default.To select a backend for default usage, click the Browse button. Then, in theComponent Selector dialog box, select the required server component and clickSelect. This only works, if you first specify the Directory Service settings (on theDirectory Service tab).

To configure Baan OpenWorld Adapter

Installation and Configuration Guide for Adapter4-6

Logging tabUse this tab to manage Baan OpenWorld Adapter logging. Logging is mainlyused to trace and analyze problems, and analysis of the log files requiresspecialized knowledge. If you do not have this knowledge, contact a qualifiedconsultant.

There are multiple logging categories and you can choose to log all categories ofactivity or selected categories only. The more categories you choose, the largerthe log file will be. So, disable logging when you no longer require it.

SettingsUse these options to specify your logging requirements:

� DisableLogging is disabled. This is the default and most typical option used.

� SomeLogging is enabled for specified categories. To select the categories ofactivity you want to log, click Specify and then select the required categoriesin the Select Log Categories dialog box.

� FullLogging is enabled for all categories.

���� Log FileType the full pathname of the log file here.

To configure Baan OpenWorld Adapter

Installation and Configuration Guide for Adapter4-7

Directory Service tabUse this tab to specify the type and location of the Directory Service used in yourBaan OpenWorld environment.

TypeSelect the File button if you use an XML file Directory Service implementation.

If you select the File button, note the following limitations:

� If two or more people use the BusComponent Editor at the same time, dataloss can occur.

� If data is modified while OpenWorld runs, the file can be blocked for read-access when someone saves the data.

Select LDAP if you use an LDAP-compliant directory server.

Server URLIf you use an LDAP directory server, enter the URL for that server here. Therequired syntax is:

ldap://<ip_address or computer_name>

To configure Baan OpenWorld Adapter

Installation and Configuration Guide for Adapter4-8

If you use an XML file Directory Service, enter the full pathname of the XMLfile here. For example:


Server RootEnter the root element of your Directory Service here. This property is requiredfor both LDAP and XML flat file Directory Services. The required syntax is:


Installation and Configuration Guide for Adapter5-1

Baan OpenWorld uses a Directory Service to store information about servers andclients that use Baan OpenWorld Adapter. The Directory Service must includeentries for all servers and named clients, and specify their name, address,message queues, ports and so on.

The BusComponent Editor utility provides the functionality to enter and edit thisinformation; it is available on MS Windows platforms only. This chapterdescribes how to use the BusComponent Editor utility.

You can use the BusComponent Editor to add components to both an LDAPDirectory Service and to an XML file Directory Service. Chapter 2, "To installand configure the Directory Service," describes how to install and configureIBM�s SecureWay Directory LDAP-compatible Directory Service. Appendix C,"To configure Netscape Directory Server," describes the configuration of theNetscape Directory Server, which is an example of another LDAP-compliantdirectory server. The XML flat file solution is described in Appendix B, "XMLfile Directory Service."

About the BusComponent EditorEach server and named client that uses Baan OpenWorld Adapter must have acomponent entry in the Baan OpenWorld Directory Service. In addition, eachcomponent has one or more connection points that link the Baan OpenWorldAdapter for that component to the actual transport layer.

The BusComponent Editor provides facilities to:

� Access the Directory Service.

� Create, edit, and delete components and their associated properties.

� Create, edit, and delete connection points and their associated properties.

� Assign an activation mode to the component. Currently, for a BaanERPserver component only ASM (Application Services Manager) is supported asactivation mode.

5 To configure the Directory Service

To configure the Directory Service

Installation and Configuration Guide for Adapter5-2

To start the BusComponent EditorTo start the BusComponent Editor when it is installed in the default location,click:

Start > Programs > Baan OpenWorld 2.2 > Adapter > BusComponentEditor

BusComponent Editor dialog boxIf you start the BusComponent Editor, the following dialog box appears.

To configure the Directory Service

Installation and Configuration Guide for Adapter5-3

To load the Directory Service information1 The Directory Address and Directory Root fields are automatically filled

with the values set for these properties in the local user-specific or file. If these properties are not specified in the properties file,or if you want to access a different directory, you can enter the appropriatevalues directly in the fields, as follows:

If you use an LDAP-compliant Directory Service, specify the URL of thedirectory server in the Directory Address field. If you use an XML fileDirectory Service, enter the full path name for the file in the field. Therequired syntaxes are:ldap://<ip_address or computer_name>

or in the case of a file<file_name>

Specify the root element of the Directory Service in the Directory Root field.This is required for both LDAP and XML Directory Services. The syntax is:


2 Click Load to connect to the Directory Service, and to get a list of all thecomponents that are registered in the Directory Service. A connection to theDirectory Service is now established and a list of all components defined inthe Directory Service appears. You cannot subsequently change the directoryaddress or root.

To add a new componentTo add a new component to the Directory Service, click New. A new entry isadded to the component list at the left side of the dialog box. First you enter aname for the component. The syntax is as follows:

cn=<component_name>, o=<directory_root>

Specify a unique component name. Once you assigned a name to the component,the name cannot be changed anymore.

Then you define the component properties, as explained in the following section.

To edit a componentTo change the properties of an existing component, select it in the componentlist. This displays the current properties of the component. Now you are able tomodify some or all of the component�s properties.

To configure the Directory Service

Installation and Configuration Guide for Adapter5-4

To delete a componentTo delete a component from the Directory Service, select it in the component listand click Delete.

Component propertiesOnce you selected a component, or added a new component, you can define ormodify its properties. There are four kinds of properties, and each has acorresponding tab in the dialog box: General, Categories, Connection Points,and Activation.

GeneralThe General tab in the dialog box looks as follows:

Description, Owner, Administrator, Physical LocationThese are optional, information-only fields that you can use to specify adescription, owner, administrator, and physical location for the component.These properties are not used by Baan OpenWorld Adapter.

To configure the Directory Service

Installation and Configuration Guide for Adapter5-5

Company numberIf the component is a BaanERP component, you can specify a company numberthat will be used when this component interacts with BaanERP. The companynumber is not applicable for other components.

CategoriesThe Categories tab in the dialog box looks as follows:

For components that represent BaanERP servers you must define a categorynamed BaanERP. To add a category to the Categories list, click New and enterthe name of the new category. To delete a category, select the category and clickDelete.

To configure the Directory Service

Installation and Configuration Guide for Adapter5-6

Connection pointsTo define the connection point(s) of a component, click the Connection Pointstab. The Connection Points tab in the dialog box looks as follows:

To change the properties of an existing connection point, select it in theConnection Points list. Its properties are displayed, and can be modified.

To delete a connection point, select it in the Connection Points list and clickDelete.

To add a connection point, click New. Specify the connection point�s identifierand properties.

The identifier must be unique for the connection point. The syntax is as follows:

cn=<connection_point_name>, cn=<component_name>,


URIThis field contains the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for the connectionpoint. The syntax of the URI depends on the connection type.

� The syntax for a TCP/IP URI is:


To configure the Directory Service

Installation and Configuration Guide for Adapter5-7

� The syntax for a MSMQ URI is:


For more information on MSMQ, refer to Configuration Guide for MSMQ forBaan OpenWorld Adapter (U7308 US).

� The syntax for a MQSeries URI is:

MQSeries://v1/#<"key1"="value1", "key2"="value2", ... >

Note that you can omit the double quotes.

For details of MQSeries keywords and values, refer to Configuration Guidefor MQSeries for Baan OpenWorld Adapter (U7307 US).

Variable PolicyThis property is used in combination with activation mode ASM. If set, you donot need to specify a socket number in case of a socket connection.

Preferred connectionSelect this option if this is your preferred connection. It will then be used as thedefault connection point. Other connection points will only be used if thepreferred connection is not available.


To configure the Directory Service

Installation and Configuration Guide for Adapter5-8

A component�s activation mode can be manual or automatic. To automaticallystart the component, select the Activation Service check box, and specify thetype of the activation service and the reference for it.

TypeThis specifies the type of the activation service. Currently (OpenWorld 2.2), onlyone type is supported: ASM (Application Services Manager). The BaanERPactivation service is of type ASM.

ReferenceThe syntax for the activation service reference is specific for each type.For type ASM the syntax is as follows:

<ASM service host>:<ASM service port number>:<program path(bse)>

Pooling policyThis indicates what kind of pooling policy the client adapter uses when aBusiness Object Interface manager is initialized with a BusComponent withActivation information. In OpenWorld 2.2, the following policies areimplemented.

�shared� policy

This policy creates a connection the first time a manager is initialized for aspecific backend, and each other manager that is in the same UserSession and isinitialized with the same backend reuses this connection. When the last manageris closed, the connection/backend is stopped.

�limitedshared� policy

This policy is similar to the shared policy with the addition that it has a limit onthe managers that use one connection/backend. If this limit is exceeded, a newconnection/backend is created. If a manager is closed, it frees up an spot on theconnection, so the next time a manager is initialized, this spot is used.

Server timeoutThis is a setting for the ASM Server that indicates the number of minutes afterwhich the server stops. This counter starts after the last OpenWorld call to thisserver. Therefore, if the server is not used for this period of time, the server (andbshell) stops. This is to prevent servers from hanging when the OpenWorld clientis not programmed, or stopped correctly. The default timeout is 720 minutes.Specifying 0 as timeout disables the timeout, and the server will not stop on itsown accord.

Installation and Configuration Guide for AdapterTo manually edit - Page 1

The run-time settings of Baan OpenWorld Adapter are defined in a properties filethat is stored on the computer on which Baan OpenWorld Adapter runs.Typically, users on Windows platforms edit the file by using theAdapter Configuration tool, as described in Chapter 4, �To configure BaanOpenWorld Adapter.� However, since the file is an ASCII file, you can use anASCII editor to manually edit the file.

This appendix describes the available properties, their default values, validvalues, and the full syntax for the properties file. For an overview of file and details of its location on MS Windows and UNIXsystems, see Chapter 4, �To configure Baan OpenWorld Adapter.�

Sample properties fileThe following is an example of a file:

[General settings]

[Directory settings]

[Log settings]bus.log.file=c:\\buslog.xmlbus.log.mask=0x1801e

[Advanced settings]

Appendix A To manually edit

To manually edit

Installation and Configuration Guide for AdapterPage 2 - To manually edit

A line that starts with a semi-colon character (;) is treated as a comment line.

If you enter backslashes ( \ ) in a property value, make sure that you enter themtwice, since Java uses the back-slash as an escape character. If, for example, youwant c:\temp\buslog.txt to be your log file, enter c:\\temp\\buslog.txt.

PropertiesThis section describes the most commonly used properties in the bus.propertiesfile.

General settingsbus.bdf.iterator.sizeThe default number of records that are received in one fetch. This allows you tolimit the amount of data that is transferred to the client in each message. You canoverride this default value in your application code.

The amount of data delivered does not only depend on the number of recordsdelivered, but also on the number of fields in a record, and the number ofassociated tables. For smaller records, you can increase the number of recordsretrieved for each fetch. For larger records, you can decrease the number ofrecords retrieved.

Use value 0 to set no limit. All records are returned in one message.

Default value: 250

bus.bdf.manager.timeoutThe default time (in milliseconds) that Baan OpenWorld Adapter waits for areply when performing a request to a server. You can override this timeoutperiod in your application code.

Use value 0 to disable the timeout. The application waits infinitely for a reply.

Default value: 60,000

bus.default.backendThe backend that your programmed manager connects to by default. You canoverride this default setting in your application code with the manager.initializemethod.

Default value: not applicable.

user.nameThis property is currently not used.



To manually edit

Installation and Configuration Guide for AdapterTo manually edit - Page 3

bus.componentThe name of the local Baan OpenWorld component, as registered in theDirectory Service. You do not need to specify this parameter for anonymousclients that use a socket transport service. For all servers and named clients, andfor anonymous clients that use MQSeries as their transport service, set this as therelevant component name.

Default value: Fully qualified machine name.

Directory the name of the directory server class. This can be either:

Default value: not applicable. name of the directory server to use.

If you use an LDAP-compliant Directory Service, specify the URL of thedirectory server. If you use an XML file Directory Service, specify the full pathname for the file. The required syntax is:

ldap://<ip_address or computer_name>


Default value: not applicable. name of the domain in the directory server to use; that is, the root element ofthe Directory Service. This property is required for both LDAP and XML flat fileDirectory Services. The syntax is:


Default value: not applicable.

Log settingsbus.log.fileCan contain the path name to a specific log file. If null, then messages are loggedto System.out.

Default value: not applicable.

To manually edit

Installation and Configuration Guide for AdapterPage 4 - To manually edit

bus.log.maskBit pattern to activate logging for specific categories of activity.

Default value: 0 (no logging)

Advanced settingsbus.default.protocolThis can be MQSeries, msmq, or socket. property can be set to one of two fixed values, depending on the operatingsystem.

For MS


Installation and Configuration Guide for AdapterXML file Directory Service - Page 1

As an alternative to an LDAP-compliant directory server, you can use an XMLflat file to implement your Directory Service.

This appendix describes how to set up an XML file and provides an example ofan XML file Directory Service.

When you use the XML file directory, you can put it in a share and map thisshare to a local drive on your machine. In this way you can use one file fordifferent client or server machines.

To set up an XML file Directory ServiceTo set up an XML file Directory Service you must create a new XML file, addthe required skeleton, and then use the BusComponent Editor to add components.

Follow the steps outlined here:

1 Create an XML file with the following tags:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<DirectoryService />

2 Start the BusComponent Editor.

3 Specify the full pathname of the XML file in the Directory Address field.

4 Add the required components and connection points as described inChapter 5, "To configure the Directory Service." The XML file is populatedwith the specified information.

Appendix B XML file Directory Service

XML file Directory Service

Installation and Configuration Guide for AdapterPage 2 - XML file Directory Service

Example XML file Directory Service<DirectoryService>

























Installation and Configuration Guide for AdapterTo configure Netscape Directory Server - Page 1

Baan OpenWorld Adapter requires a Directory Service in which the properties ofBaan OpenWorld components are defined. For directory access, BaanOpenWorld Adapter adheres to the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol(LDAP). So customers can choose any LDAP-compliant directory server toprovide the Directory Service. Alternatively, they can use an XML flat fileimplementation.

Chapter 2, "To install and configure the Directory Service," describes how toinstall and configure IBM's SecureWay Directory server. This chapter describesthe configuration of the Netscape Directory Server 4.0, as an example of anotherLDAP-compliant directory server.

Configuration procedureAfter you install the Netscape Directory Server 4.0, take the following steps.

1 Open the Network Console 4.0 and enter you password. The following dialogbox appears.

2 To open the Directory Server, select Directory Server in the left panel andclick Open in the right panel.

Appendix C To configure NetscapeDirectory Server

To configure Netscape Directory Server

Installation and Configuration Guide for AdapterPage 2 - To configure Netscape Directory Server

3 Select the Configuration tab and from the Database menu, double-clickSchema. The following dialog box appears.

To configure Netscape Directory Server

Installation and Configuration Guide for AdapterTo configure Netscape Directory Server - Page 3

4 Select the Attributes tab and create the following attributes.

Name OID Type Single /Multi-valued

b3admin b3admin-oid Distinguishedname


b3category b3category-oid Case ignore string Multi

b3location b3location-oid Distinguishedname


b3locationdesc b3locationdesc-oid Case ignore string Single

b3transactional b3transactional-oid Case ignore string Single

b3implementationclass b3implementationclass-oid Case exact string Single

b3online b3online-oid Case ignore string Single

CompanyNumber companyNumber-oid Integer Single

PreferredConnection PreferredConnection-oid Case ignore string Single

Eibconnectionpolicy eibconnectionpolicy-oid Case ignore string Single

b3activationreference b3activationreference-oid Case exact string Single

b3activationtype b3activationtype-oid Case ignore string Single

b3activationpoolpolicy b3activationpoolpolicy-oid Case ignore string Single

b3activationservertimeout b3activationservertimeout-oid Integer Single

5 Select the Object Classes tab in the right panel. Define the object classb3component as shown in the following screenshot.

To configure Netscape Directory Server

Installation and Configuration Guide for AdapterPage 4 - To configure Netscape Directory Server

6 Define the object class bconnectiontype as shown in the followingscreenshot.

7 Define the object class b3activation as follows: Parent is: top. OID is:b3activation-oid. Required attributes: b3activationtype andb3activationreference. Allowed attributes: b3activationpoolpolicy andb3activationservertimeout.

8 must be created as an organizational unit in the directory server.To do so, select the Directory tab in the left panel. From the menu bardouble-click Object ➤ New ➤ Organizational Unit. Enter the requiredinformation as shown in the following dialog box.

To configure Netscape Directory Server

Installation and Configuration Guide for AdapterTo configure Netscape Directory Server - Page 5

9 To set the correct permissions for click the entry. Fromthe Object menu, double-click Set Access Permissions. The followingdialog box appears:

10 Click New and define the access permissions as shown in the followingscreenshot.

Now the Netscape Directory Service has been set up for Baan OpenWorld. Youmust continue with the next section to set up Baan OpenWorld Adapter for usewith the Directory service.

To configure Netscape Directory Server

Installation and Configuration Guide for AdapterPage 6 - To configure Netscape Directory Server

Entries in the fileEvery computer that runs the Baan OpenWorld Adapter has a filethat holds information about the Baan OpenWorld environment it runs in. Thefollowing entries relate to the LDAP Directory Service that is used:<o=root directory> <ldap:name of directory server>

For example:

You can edit this file directly, but preferably use the Adapter Configuration tool(see Chapter 5, "To configure Baan OpenWorld Adapter"). If you do edit the filedirectly, please note that every �\� character in the path should be replaced with�\\�. For example, if the LDAP server name is \\Jupiter, you must type \\\\Jupiter.

Installation and Configuration Guide for AdapterUNIX installation and configuration procedures - Page 1

This appendix describes how to install and configure Baan OpenWorld Adapteron UNIX systems.

Prerequisites� Java 1.1x runtime environment (with the JAVAHOME environment variable


� You must be a superuser (root) in order to move the file to the/etc directory.

Installation steps1 Set the OW_HOME environment variable to the directory where you want to

install Baan OpenWorld Adapter:

export OW_HOME=<install directory>

2 Set up the directory structure for Baan OpenWorld Adapter. For example ifthe OpenWorld version number is 2.2:

mkdir -p $OW_HOME/2.2/java

ln -s $OW_HOME/2.2 $OW_HOME/current

3 Copy the following files from the Baan OpenWorld Adapter CD to$OW_HOME/2.2/java:


4 Copy the following file from the Baan OpenWorld Adapter CD to /etc:

Appendix D UNIX installation andconfiguration procedures

UNIX installation and configuration procedures

Installation and Configuration Guide for AdapterPage 2 - UNIX installation and configuration procedures

Configuration stepsA default file is supplied on the Baan OpenWorld Adapter CD-ROM. The minimum properties you need to set in this file are as follows:<your LDAP directory


If necessary, set the following properties:

bus.component=<Some known client LDAP entry or anonymous

MQSeries client entry>

bus.default.protocol=<MQSeries or msmq or socket>

If you wish, you can configure the file using the AdapterConfiguration utility supplied for MS Windows platforms, and then copy the fileto your UNIX system.

To configure entries in your LDAP Directory Service, you must use theBusComponent Editor described in Chapter 5, "To configure the DirectoryService."

To test your installationTo test whether java can find your classes:

java -classpath




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