investing for a new technology cycle - morningstar,...

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Polar Capital TechnologyInvesting for a new technology cycle

Ben RogoffMay 2011

This document is for non-U.S. professional investors only


Please refer to the important information at the end of this presentation

2010: ‘heavier going’ or stealth bull market?

Select technology performances during CY10Relative technology performance (2008- 2010)

Source: Bloomberg, period shown 18/4/08 – 18/4/11 Source: Bloomberg. US small caps represented by RGUSTS index.PC stocks represented by price-weighted average of Intel, Microsoft, HP and Dell

US small captechnology

US PC stocks

DJ WorldTech


Prior excesses unwound

IT capital spending as % GDP: recently at 1995 levels Relative sector valuations: well within normal range

Source: Ned Davis, as at Q32010 Source: Ned Davis, as at 8/4/11

Please refer to the important information at the end of this presentation


IT spending: …leading to a profound shift in IT priorities

A new cycle has commenced

Please refer to the important information at the end of this presentation

IT spending: contraction in IT spending during downturn…

Source: Gartner, December 2010Source: Goldman Sachs, as at January 2011


Shift in computing: cloud computing vastly cheaper at scale

Cloud computing: IT as a variable cost

Source: William Blair, March 2010

An architectural shift in IT: the recentralisation of computing

Source: Miicrosoft, November 2010


• Unrelenting data growth + budget pressure is forcing an architectural rethink away from the “IT sprawl”

• Datacentre consolidation driven by power-related savings, enabled by virtualisation and plentiful bandwidth

•‘Clouds’ will remain predominantly private for now but ‘IT as a service’ concept should gain traction

• Whilst initially good for incumbents the move towards ‘utility computing’ will be disruptive = M&A likely

Source: Polar Capital

Please refer to the important information at the end of this presentation. It should not be assumed that recommendations made in the future will be profitable or will equal the performance of securities illustrated. A list of all recommendations made within the immediately preceding period is available upon request. Please refer to the important information at the end of this



Broadband applications: expanding the market

Please refer to the important information at the end of this presentation

Source: * Morgan Stanley

Source: Polar Capital

• The Internet delivery mechanism is driving adoption of online advertising, e-commerce and SAAS.

• Software as a service (SAAS) targets an $150bn opportunity, c. 9-10% penetrated today*

• Legacy software vendors at risk of losing their maintenance streams as SAAS gains further traction

• Accelerating adoption of desktop virtualisation reflects changing IT priorities made possible by the Internet


E-Commerce: relative modest penetration to dateShift towards SAAS: SaaS vs on-premise software

Source: Goldman Sachs, January 2011


Smartphone penetration: in the ‘sweet spot’

Please refer to the important information at the end of this presentation

• Smartphone penetration is inflecting, driven by new devices, flat rate pricing and app availability

• New entrants have introduced their own eco-systems, capturing a disproportionate share of profits

• Gartner forecast tablet market reaching 54m units in 2011; complement or substitute?

• Expect semiconductor capital intensity to rebound as competition for next generation devices increases.


Source: Goldman Sachs

Source: Polar Capital

Ubiquitous computing driving mobile data

iPad forecasts: cumulative unit estimates suggest record ramp

Source: Morgan Stanley, December 2010


Please refer to the important information at the end of this presentation

• Consumption now a key driver in China growth story which should ensure technology sector participation

• Household disposable income growth commensurate with ‘big ticket’ items = huge opportunity

• Principal macroeconomic risk relates to wage inflation but this should result in more of a productivity focus

• Favoured themes: China consumption, factory automation, IT services / software, ‘soft’ infrastructure


Source: Polar Capital

Emerging market exposure. Finally.

EM household income: approaching $10k ‘cross-over’ Tech penetration: strong positive correlation with GDP growth

Source: CLSA. Chart relates to 2009 dataSource: Gavekal


Please refer to the important information at the end of this presentation

New cycles challenge the value of incumbency

Source: Bloomberg

Source: Bloomberg

Source: Bloomberg

Source: Bloomberg


New cycles challenge the value of incumbency

“The Innovator’s Dilemma”

Source: Christensen, Clayton M. (1997). The Innovator's Dilemma…

“This…is about the failure of companies to stay atop their industries when they confront certain types of market and technological change. It's not about the failure of simply any company, but of good companies - the kinds that many managers have admired and tried to emulate. It is about well managed companies that have their competitive antennae up, listen astutely to their customers, invest aggressively in new technologies, and yet still lose market dominance”Extract taken from ‘The Innovator’s Dilemma: When New Technologies

Cause Great Firms to Fail’ by Clayton M. Christensen (1997)

Please refer to the important information at the end of this presentation


Please refer to the important information at the end of this presentation

Source: Piper Jaffray

US technology sector (weighted): 1969 - Present

Source: Piper Jaffray

US technology sector (un-weighted): 1969 - Present

New cycles challenge the value of incumbency


Please refer to the important information at the end of this presentation

New cycles challenge the value of incumbency

Select technology: rolling one year performance

Source: Bloomberg, Polar Capital as at 24/1/11

Select technology M&A

Source: Bloomberg, Polar Capital. * closing date shownA number of these transactions have yet to close as at 24/1/11





Please refer to the important information at the end of this presentation

The valuation conundrum

Example 1: Sybase / SAP

• Source: Polar Capital model. Acquisition closed 30/7/10.

assume 5% uplift

assume 10% saving

EPS 44% higher

assume 15% saving

Example 2: Arcsight / HP

• Source: Polar Capital model. Deal announced 10/9/10.

assume 10% uplift

assume 25% savingassume 75% saving

EPS 326% higher

• We have long argued that valuation is a less critical input once a new cycle has commenced.

• Although M&A activity has been aided by cash balances / FCF/ low returns…

• …recent premiums point to the strategic nature of transactions / new cycle disruption / value to acquirer.

• Expect M&A to help underpin small/mid cap valuations, particularly where there is strategic value.

Polar Capital Four Matthew Parker Street

London SW1H 9NP

House View

This document has been produced based on Polar Capital research and analysis and represents our house view. All sources are Polar Capital unless otherwise stated.

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The following benchmark index is used: Dow Jones World Technology Index (Total Return). This benchmark is generally considered to be representative of the Technology equity universe. This and all benchmarks are broad-based indices which are used for comparative/illustrative purposes only and have been selected as they are well known and are easily recognizable by investors. Please refer to for further information on this index. Comparisons to benchmarks have limitations because benchmarks have volatility and other material characteristics that may differ from the fund. For example, investments made for the fund may differ significantly in terms of security holdings, industry weightings and asset allocation from those of the benchmark. Accordingly, investment results and volatility of the fund may differ from those of the benchmark. Also, any indices noted in this presentation are unmanaged, are not available for direct investment, and are not subject to management fees, transaction costs or other types of expenses that the fund may incur. In addition, the performance of the indices reflects reinvestment of dividends and, where applicable, capital gain distributions. Therefore, investors should carefully consider these limitations and differences when evaluating the comparative benchmark data performance. The information regarding the indices are included merely to show the general trends in the periods indicated and is not intended to imply that the fund was similar to any of the indices in composition or risk.

Polar Capital Four Matthew Parker Street

London SW1H 9NP

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