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Post on 06-Apr-2016






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A New Vision for Morelos

What is the meaning of A New Vision? That he people from Morelos have a historical opportunity to accomplish, through a sum of efforts, an important improvement on the quality of life.

A New Vision is also a new way of making politics, considering as a whole the imperative to guarantee citizens’ rights : education, security, health, nutrition, healthy environment and culture, among others.

I’m convinced this is the right path to follow, and I will make everything possible to make Morelos the right place to work, to create, to study, to research, the ideal place for cultural tourism and for health. We are investing in infrastructure, developing industrial places, activating landscape productions and we

are planning urban growth. All of this efforts with due respect for the natural environment Morelos is known for.

In order to accomplish these goals, we are also investing on health, education, culture, science and sports. As a result we will be having better citizens. I can assure that.I invite you all to share this challenge with us.

Graco Ramírez Garrido A.Gobernador del Estado de Morelos

Morelos worldwide

Business Opportunities

Global connectivityAutopista Siglo XXI (From the Pacífic coast to the Gulf of Mexico)

Cuautla Railroadinternational Airport

Vía express CuernavacaAutopista del Sol

Knowledge based economy Parque industrial y tecnológico

Health ParkResearch Centers

Green and Sustainable MorelosClean energies

Electric corridor DF- MorelosState Plan for Climatic Change

Solid residues state planProtected Natural Areas

Spreading and WelfareJardines de México

TequesquitengoThermal waters

Swimming and diving facilitiesGolf courses

Hotels and Spas

Morelos is CultureJuan Soriano Museum

Magic townsTrail of Monasteries

Trail of ZapataHaciendas de Morelos

Popular Theater Ecotourism

Archaeological sites

Orgullo Morelos


Morelos Worldwide

Since 2012, due to a change of government, which pushes a progressive agenda with social participation, Morelos seeks for a solid, balanced and sustainable growth.

Our economic development project has a transversal focus on keeping a health environment in harmony with industrial, agricultural and services growth. This means a full commitment for preserving natural resources for next generations in order for them to use these resources in a more productive way.

Our main idea is the construction of a society with rights; guarantee that all the citizens have equal access to health, nutrition, education, descent jobs a healthy environment and culture.

To achieve these goals, we began to modernize road infrastructure, the supply of natural gas and enhance air connectivity to become the Gulf of Mexico – Pacific axis, to connect both of Mexico ´s littorals. We are set to become the center of international trade on the continent and connected in between the oceans with Asia, Africa and Europe. In the first quarter of 2014 Morelos captured $19.1 million in Foreign Direct Investment, 132% more than in the first quarter of 2013. Worth noting that 80% of this investment comes from the manufacturing sector, which contributes considerably added value to Morelos economy.

Morelos is located in a privileged area, adjacent to the north with the Federal District, northeast and northwest with the State of Mexico, on the east with the state of Puebla, on the south with the state of Guerrero. In the center of country, less than an hour from the capital.

The key sectors of the state are research services, agro-industry, the automotive industry and tourism. With significant advances in information technology, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics industries.

Morelos has factories of big companies such as Baxter, Unilever, Malta Cleyton, Saint Gobbain, Bimbo, Continental Temic, Autotek and the first plant of Nissan outside of Japan, which manufactures the

Taxi of the Future, circulating in New York.

Highlight production of food such as rice, avocado and especially sugarcane. The natural conditions allow large production of fish and ornamental plants such as Poinsettia, called Noche Buena in Mexico.We produce nopal, corn, tropical fruits, avocado, nopal, herbs, onion, agave, peanut, sorghum and amaranth.

Morelos also grows in innovation, science and technology, results and applied advances ranging from the production of agave inulin, to the first electric vehicle corridor of the country, which will soon be completed.

Business Opportunities

Morelos has more than 40 research centers, and is now consolidated as a state dedicated to education, in 2015 will be the first fully connected to internet, with more than 4000 hot spots in public spaces.

We promote the growth of businesses, industries and factories. We are building priority projects that consolidate infrastructure of Morelos to reactivate the development centers in all regions of the state.

XXI Century Highway (From the Pacific to the Gulf of México)

We have started the construction of the XXI Century Highway connecting Autopista del Sol (Mexico – Acapulco) with Autopista Puebla – Veracruz.

This construction will connect the Gulf of Mexico with the Pacific, states like Veracruz, Puebla, Morelos, Guerrero and the State of Mexico. Additionally, this is a significant progress for completing the Mexico City’s southern arc since its route will be extended to the State of Mexico.

The investment in this construction will be of around 3 thousand million pesos within a period of 24 months. The new section will have a length of 62 kilometers; have four junctions, 2 lanes wide and berms. The route will take 37 minutes, generating a

saving in time of one hour and a half , We estimate that 5 thousand vehicles will be using this highway in a daily basis.

We joined the economic activity of Puebla and the State of Mexico which generates 12% of the national manufacturing activity and generates an amount export of 29 thousand 500 million dollars.In this area the transit of load is of 60,000 tons a year and Morelos has the opportunity to integrate to that productive chain.

For Morelos, building this new construction also means the opportunity to approach Puebla’s metropolitan area the State tourist south attractions such as Tequesquitengo Lake. On the other hand, the route between Acapulco and Veracruz can be done in less than 7 hours.

Global connectivity

Cuautla Railroad

We will reactivate the Cargo railroad to Cuautla with public and private investment. The work consist in the rehabilitation of the railway with a direction to Los Reyes, State of Mexico, and Cuautla station in the State of Morelos from 43km to 123km as well as the connection from Cuautla Station to Cuautla’s Industrial Park.

With this multimodal installation, Morelos can generate a significant influence on the state economy due to an improvement in logistics transportation. With a surface of 90 hectares, the rail will be serving to all the Industrial areas in the state that need to transfer material back and forward arriving to the 5 border points with the United States and to the shipping points in the Gulf of Mexico and the Pacific Ocean. We are studying the possibility of opening a custom house in order for us to ship and receive merchandise from here, Cuautla, to all over the world.

With public investment in the railroad, a pipeline fotr natural gas, and termoelectric generation plant, the XXI Century highway, other highways sucha as Amecameca -Cuautla and La Pera - Cuautla, we generate a dynamic development, our youth will have better work and study opportunities.

International Airport

Cuernavaca’s International Airport, Mariano Matamoros, it’s about to become one of the strategic air terminal areas in the center of the country. Its infrastructure has been remodel and extended. It offers various airport services from private aviation, hangar rent and cargo services to anywhere in Mexico.

It’s located in Temixco, (16km from Cuernavaca, 111km from Mexico City). Its location helps to have users from states such as Morelos, Guerrero, Puebla, Mexico State and Mexico City.• Documentation area, arrival gates, capacity for 420 national and international passengers, commercial areas and security systems.• Parking lot with a 300 car capacity.• Modern control tower and maintenance area.• Commercial aircraft platform with 3 positions Review A-320.• General platform with 18 positions.

Via express Cuernavaca

This construction will improve the traffic flow to the Pacific and Cuernavaca’s local transit.Characteristics:• Starts at Tepoztlan access (Barona neighborhood) through El Polvorin • 16.5 m. wide (2+2 lane) with a project velocity of 80 km per hr.

Autopista del Sol

We have today the Palmira corridor and the Apatlaco bridge that along with the via express and the highway Autopista del Sol will improve the transit flow and its connectivity to the State’s airport in a comfortable and safe road Mexico- Acapulco.

With these constructions the local transit will also flow properly offering mobility from the southern part of the state to the Pacific Ocean.

Health Park

Will have an area of 23 hectares and focus on public and private hospitals, research centers, treatments, patients, visitors and suppliers.

Research centers

Considering the sectors where more knowledge is generated, infrastructure dedicated to applied and industrial sectors in the region, specialized research. we have identified the following vocations of technology-based companies:

Engineering and applied sciences; chemistry and physics applied to the materials; renewable sources of energy; life sciences, health foods; agricultural sciences; environment conservation; information technology, mechanical, mechatronics and electronics.

List: • Chemistry and physics applied to materials. • Renewable energy sources. • Biological health and food sciences. • Agriculture sciences, environment and conservation. • Mechatronics and Mechanical Technology. • Electrical and Electronics. • Chemical and processes. • Information Technology. • Bioengineering

Green and Sustainable MorelosMorelos has ideal features to become a world leader on sustainable public policies. Sustainability is a strategic and transverse axis. Today every action and governmental program considers rational and sustainable resources use.We are increasingly incorporating renewable energy on production processes and public services.We promote balanced urban and industrial development, planning orderly use of land and water. Concerning country’s sustainable security, we have introduced the importance to preserve the great Water Forest by stopping aquifers ´pollution.

We have a rich biodiversity which includes many of the biggest Mexico’s ecosystems. We have a unique climate in the country and the world, excellent quality water, and respectful persons of environment. Therefore, we are in process to become the sustainable and green state of Mexico.

Clean Energies

The government of the New Vision works on climate change actions and low carbon fuel emissions,

specially sporting renewable energy on production processes and public services.

The State’s Renewable Energy Strategy promotes solar energy use, using solar panels on households, farms for solar street lighting, pumping wells and water treatment.

Thus we promote low-carbon development, the use of renewable energy in the public and private sector and investment in green industries and companies.We have seriously taken federal law to achieve 35% of our electricity generation clean and renewable by 2024:• We have a photo thermal map of the most suitable areas for installing solar farms in Morelos. Excludes irrigation areas and privileges plain lands near electricity stations. • Our energy policy is intended to meet total state government demand with solar energy (60 GWh approximately).• We will produce biofuels; producers, sugar companies, state government and investors will participate into product system sugar cane, to take raws, bagasse, molasses and ethanol.• Forest and wood waste gases will produce energy; we will plant Jatropha for biodiesel and municipal organic waste (51%) will generate biogas trough biodigesters.

Electric Corridor DF – Morelos

Morelos will establish the use of electric vehicles on public transport and in the vehicle fleet of the state administration. Through an agreement with the giant Nissan car maker, we will establish the Electric Corridor Mexico DF – Cuernavaca, the first of its kind in Latin America. The car is charged in 12 hours and it has a range of 160 km., reload centers can supply vehicles full load in just half an hour.To do this, Nissan will donate the installation of 3 charging points, located in both directions of the highway Mexico - Cuernavaca.

With connectivity for electric vehicles we contribute to the conservation of the environment, giving significant results in sustainability.

State Program Actions against Weather Change

New Vision government state program against climate change promotes aligns under the national legal framework.Working with Interministerial Commisssion on

Climate Change, Morelos has demonstrated the importance to enhance an urban development policy by preserving vital region ecosystems.Morelos is the most advanced state in promoting at local level climate change adaptation and mitigation. 31 of 33 municipalities in the state have their Climate Action Plans (PACMUN). The state is working with municipalities and citizens to protect natural capital, on urban growth control, to boost sustainable agriculture, proper waste management, use of alternative energy sources and a strategy for sustainable mobility infrastructure development.

Waste Management Plan

To transform waste into resources we are willing to acquire new technologies for alternative energy generation and biofuels production derived from waste disposals.We promote diversification of existing landfills in the state for energy, separation, recovery and waste treatment. Our waste policy divides in 10 regions the state to guarantee low costs on transportation. We will establish permanent waste collection centers for batteries, electronic waste, tires, used motor oil recycling and cooking oil. All this accompanied by an environmental education program in the all state.This way our strategy will minimize municipality’s cost management disposal of waste. Minimizing greenhouse gases emissions into the atmosphere and avoids soil, air and water pollution. Thus our strategy will minimize waste management costs and greenhouse gases emissions to the atmosphere, preventing contamination of soil, air and water.

Protected Areas

Rural side contains and protects ecosystems in between not planned and growing cities. The study called Green Budget Index by the Mexican Institute for Competitiveness AC. shows that Morelos is the eighth entity nationally, in allocating resources to the fight against climate change and environmental actions. Federal and state governments are investing in conservation and productive projects such as Environmental Management Units.

There are six Natural State Protected Areas and five of federal character which provide us numerous environmental services, so their conservation is crucial to ensure issues such as groundwater recharge. Morelos belongs to the Balsas Basin conformed by six watersheds that recharge in the northern forests. It connects south to Amacuzac River; in addition there are eight major rivers that run through trough Morelos generally from north to south: Amacuzac, Tembembe, Tetlama, Apatlaco, Yautepec, Cuautla, and Amatzinac Chalma.In proportion, despite the small territory size (0.25% Mexico´s area), Morelos contains 8 of the 10 major national ecosystems housing 11.4% of fungi, 20% of plants, 8.2% of arthropods, 5.3 % of freshwater fish, 4.4% of amphibians, reptiles 8.7%, 33.7% of birds and 18.8% mammals.

Morelos can offer first class shows. During 2013 the Arena Teques opened, an entertainment center for concerts of international level. The Esplanade has a capacity for 10,000 spectators and is framed in a stone pattern by Mexican plastic artist Boris Viskin.

Thermal waters

Morelos has thermal waters with healing properties, and are among the most important in the world. It also offers spas of the highest quality.

The “Agua Hedionda” water park has a hot spring of excellent medicinal mineral waters, unique properties in the world.

In Atotonilco, municipality of Tepalcingo, Hernán Cortés made the first spa novohispano now known as “Las Termas” where the first hot tub was built.

Water parks

One of the characteristics of the state are its 54 water parks, which are natural beauties. They are of different types, rustic integrated into the natural environment of rivers and lakes, and very modern and sophisticated.

Golf clubs

Golf is one of the sports where you can enjoy the weather. Morelos has some of the best golf courses in the country.

Morelos has 8 golf courses, with 9 and 18 holes. Service restaurants, practice tee, and golf lessons. The most important are the fields of Hacienda Cocoyoc, the Golf Club of Cuernavaca, Club Campestre Cocoyoc, Paradise Country Club, Club Santa Fe and Tabachines.

Hotels and Spas

The health tourism in Morelos is known internationally. Modern concepts have been developed for hotels and spas, with excellent

facilities and qualified personnel. They are the perfect opportunity to learn about the history, culture and cuisine of Mexico and Morelos. They provide quality services for organizing conferences, exhibitions and conventions. They also offer accessible rates for all types of travelers. Spas offer therapeutic activities that improve health such as aerobics, fitness, aqua aerobics, gym, yoga, hydrotherapy, among other methods tested and used since pre-Hispanic times, based on endemic natural elements such as plants, fruits, and alternative medicine with herbs.Temaxcal bath is well known for eliminating toxins and treatment of many illnesses and ailments and is based on the four elements, fire, earth, water and air. To regenerate body and mind, you can find the following Hotels - Spa: La Casa de los Árboles, las Mañanitas, Hotel Hacienda Cocoyoc, Hotel Hacienda de Cortés, Hostería Las Quintas, Misión del Sol, El Sitio Sagrado, and Villa Béjar.

Morelos is CultureThe state of Morelos receives an average of 12 million visitors per year. There are more than a thousand archaeological sites, a great number of colonial buildings from the XVI Century, more than 50 plantations and 11 colonial convents; Morelos has 21 museums such as Cuauhnahuac Regional Museum (Cortes Palace), the East Historical Museum of Morelos (Morelos House), the National Agrarianism Museum - located at the Chinameca Hacienda, the place where Emiliano Zapata was killed – there are also artistic workshops such as Siqueiros and art galleries like Borda Garden –a colonnial building with a gardens and a lake – and the Robert Brady Museum.

Juan Soriano Cultural Center - Museum

We’ve become the beginning of a cultural center in the country. The Cultural Center Museum Juan Soriano. it’s an pride for the people of Morelos, due to its contemporary architectonical contribution, positioning Morelos as a cultural corridor in an international level. Juan Soriano’s art work will be placed in the cultural center; it will accomodate workshops, auditoriums, and reading places. It’s a place to enjoy arts and culture.

This Cultural Center will also generate a green place with wide variety of plants that will help regenerate the city’s environment, making the surrounding areas a better place to live in. The Cultural Center Museum Juan Soriano will be placed at an antique ceremonial Tlahuica center in Teopanzolco. Ancient wellsprings still run to Apatlaco River irrigating the trees around it.The State of Morelos and Banorte acquired Juan Soriano’s foundation along with Marek Keller which will be permanently placed on exhibition in this Cultural Center. The collection has 60 oleo paintings, 115 sculptures, 9 silver sculptures, 5 tapestries, 10 potteries and Soriano’s graphic art.

Magical Towns

The magical towns of Tepoztlán and Tlayacapan are ideal places for national and international tourists to visit, it’s a lifetime experience full of traditions, regional cuisine, historical monuments, regional dances (el brinco del chinelo), and perfect landscapes views. The magical towns in Morelos have ancient traditions that are still taking place in these towns making tourist visits extraordinary and a great opportunity to get to know our culture better.

Tepoztlán and Tlayacapan are towns visited by thousands of people during the weekends and are also great meditation places.

Tlayacapan is known for its artcafts and the San Juan Bautista convent where mommies are exhibited.Tepoztlán , a magic town that houses the National Tepozteco Park, people hike the hills to see the pyramid at the top. A tradition for national and international visitors that allows you to see a wonderful view .

Monasteries Trail

The XVI century left Morelos eleven Augustinians, Franciscans and Dominic monasteries which give us the opportunity to watch and learn that history time. The historical an monumental value of these buildings it’s so important that at the beginning of the 90’s the United Nations for Education, Science and Culture (UNESCO) declared them Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

Besides, many of these convents are located inside of the Biological corridor Ajusco Chichinautzin, a natural preserved area surrounded by beautiful forests.

After the Spaniards arrival to Mexico, they established three religious orders in Morelos. The Augustinians settled at the east part of the state, the Franciscans at the west and the Dominics at the center of the state.

These buildings were built with the main idea to evangelize the people from the New Continent. The convents have a European architecture and design a little bit tailored to the monks living there with wide spaces to evangelize and open chapels.

The Franciscans were the first missioners arriving to Morelos in 1523. This religious order special feature were the poverty vows reflected in the simplicity of its architecture made of stones, no more than two bell towers, small fortresses wise.

The second religious order arriving to the state were the Dominics. Unlike the Franciscans ,they built complex convents, waterfalls and fountains in their yards. You can visit these types of temples in this trail: Santo Domingo de Guzman, Oaxtepec; Santo Domingo en Hueyapan; La Natividad Tepoztlán and San Juan Bautista at Tetela del Volcán.

The last religious order established in Morelos was the Augustinians, they combined architectonical designs and styles, you can see a mix between plateresque, renaissance, romanticism, and gothic styles. These monasteries are located at Atlatlahucan, Totolapan, Ocuituco, Yecapixtla, Zacualpan and Tlayacapan.

The most important monasteries are: Franciscan Convent de la Asunción in Cuernavaca nowadays known as the downtown Cathedral. The Dominican Convent de la Natividad in Tepoztlán and the Augustinian Convent de San Juan Bautista in Tlayacapan.

Trail of Zapata

The state of Morelos was the main place where Emiliano Zapata’s agrarian struggle took place. There are places all across the state where the Zapatista

battles took place and allows us to get a closer look at the history.

The trail of Emiliano Zapata is a touristic path of several towns, museums, hotels and amazing places where El Caudillo del Sur left his print. Each and every one of these destinations has a great historical and sentimental value during that period of time.

Jonacatepec. Battle place, its Augustinian Convent show bullet impacts from the Mexican Revolution.

Cuautla. During the revolution, the Cuautla Antique Station was an important point of access to the city. On August 1911, Zapata welcomed Francisco I. Madero and both visited the Mora Hotel where they discussed disarmament, without approaching a deal. In Cuautla , the rests of the General Emiliano Zapata remains.

Ayala City. Emiliano Zapata was born in Anenecuilco on August 8th, 1879; people can find there the

house- museum of Emiliano Zapata which exhibits the historical walls, pictures, and the tools used at that time. You can also find Chinameca plantation, place where Emiliano Zapata was killed.

Tlaltizapán. The South Revolution Museum it’s located in this town, where the headquarters of the freedom army used to be.

Morelos’ HaciendasMorelos’ Haciendas have unique features that improve their beauty and greatness along with its balance with nature. In each one of its sugar plantations from the XIX century great landscapes are reveal along with amazing stories that talk about the industrial development and their foundation.

Nowadays these antiquer Haciendas offer several touristic services; they are converted in hotels, aquatic parks and special places to organize weddings and social events. They are chosen for its architecture, comfort and classic colonial style.

Among the main haciendas in Morelos are Hacienda Cocoyoc, Hacienda de Cortés, San José Vista Hermosa, Chinameca, San Gabriel Las Palmas, Temixco, Santa Cruz Vista Alegre, Santa Ana Tenango, Santa Catarina Chiconcuac, San Antonio el Puente, San Jacinto Ixtoluca and San Gaspar.

Popular Theater

Morelos still has several traditions with communities across the state representing in theatrical performances. Thousands of citizens learn dialogues, dress up, dance and celebrate their identity. One of these traditions is the dance of El Chinelo, the dance takes place during the carnival time in Jiutepec, Yautepec, Tlaltizapan, Tepoztlán, and Tlayacapan among others. In Tepoztlán, on September 7th and 8th, each year the Tepozteco challenge is represented,, The Tepozteco is a prehispanic hero who converts into Catholicism and is questioned for betraying his faith on gods of nature. “I change so as not to change” answers the Tepozteco in Náhuatl.In Ixtlilco el Grande, Tepalcingo town, on Septem-ber 15th there’s a battle between the Mecos and the Spaniards. The Mecos dress up like the ancient Indians and paint their faces while the Spaniards dress up like soldiers fighting for the Virgin María in a hill close to the town. In Morelos, these kinds of traditions are alive due to our celebrations.

Ecotourism Tours

Morelos has a variety of adventure touristic offers. The most important ones are: Tetlamatzin, a place to rest, relax and stay at its cabins, ride bicycles, have walking tours, it’s also an ideal place to visit due to its location close to Xochicalco (arquelogical place).Cuentepec it´s a native community in Temixco, where you can find an extreme adventure park.The Ecological reserve El Texcal has a thermal bathing place for relaxing. With its 296 of protected hectares this park is one of the most important places for water load in the metropolitan area of the state. Here lies the Laguna de Hueyapan where a good amount of endemic species inhabit, the teporingo rabbit, five species of amphibians, tight hummingbird, cacti columnar, and a specie of magnolia tree unique in the world, including 335 species of flora.

Archaeological Sites

XochicalcoMorelos is history and testimony. Xochicalco, is one of the largest pre-Hispanic cultural centers of Mexico. Seeing it for the first time, one understands

why it was named a World Heritage Site. Xochicalco lies in between hills and mountains, it gives the feeling that someone had dropped it from the sky, and had settled it naturally on green terraces. Tlaloc and Quetzalcoátl the Feathered Serpent, pre-hispanic gods of rain and earth live in Xochicalco.

TepoztlánThe Magic Town of Tepoztlán was named for its large number of sites and popular holidays of cultural and historical interest such as the ancient shrine of pulque god known as the “The Pyramid of Tepozteco Omerochtli- Tepuztécatl”, nowadays National Park, and Challenge to Tepozteco, accompanied to festive dances. Visitors may practice mountain biking, sky diving, hot air ballooning and camps.

Teopanzolco In the center of Cuernavaca, Teopanzolco´s archaeological site is located. Its inhabitants were

called tlahuicas, which by the year 1200 BC were settled in the western part of Morelos. Teopanzolco´s architecture has a Mexica style, very similar to what was found in the sacred precinct of the Templo Mayor of Tenochtitlan.

Chalcatzingo ancient temple of nature Chalcatzingo is an archaeological site located in the Valley of Cuautla. Its heyday was during the pre-classic period of Mesoamerican chronology, about three thousand years ago. The site is known for its collection of monumental art and iconography of the Olmec culture, carved directly onto the rocks, with multiple images like dragons, eagles, warriors and the figure of a Queen requesting for rain. In between the road Jantetelco - Jonacatepec there is the natural aquatic park “Las Pilas” attached to one of the pyramids used it as the ceremonial center of Chalcatzingo, which covers an area of 40 ha.

ChimalacatlánArchaeological site in the town of Tlaquiltenango, located on top of the hill El Venado. The inhabi-tants of Chimalacatlan are guides for reaching the archaeological site by horse. Besides ,the rustic spa Las Tortugas and hot springs Las Huertas, in Tla-quiltenango Aquatic Park El Rollo, is one of the most spectacular in Latin America.

CoatetelcoVillage in the town of Miacatlán, its archaeological zone belonged to the lordship of Cuauhnáhuac. Its ancient ceremonial area, the pyramidal bases, platforms and ancient ball game court are preserved; moreover the remains of plaster on the walls are still from ancient original. On the shores of Coatetelco Lake visitors can enjoy delicious fresh fish prepared in different ways.

Orgullo Morelos“Orgullo Morelos” is a hallmark that distinguishes the most valuable products originated in Morelos. It is also a strategy that supports small and me-dium enterprises to be more productive, sell to large chains and to export. This comprehensive program gives entrepreneurs a boost to export and increase sales, by means of tra-ining, incubation, financing, advice and consultancy.The program started in 2012 only with 14 firms, and now exceeds 80.

To date , 6 enterprises of this group are allowed to export to USA or are processing their permits.

Products include rice which is certified as one of the highest quality in the world, sweets and macrobiotic grains, organic gourmet sauce products, aloe vera energy drinks, woven crafts and high nutritional ce-reals, among others.

Morelos’New Vision. It’s a

new opportunityfor investment

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