iqra issue 1 volume 3 print this

Post on 18-Apr-2015






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Asslamu Alaikum brothers and sisters! We are excited that you chose to make the MSA a part of your college experience. MSA OSU has been active since the 1970’s and has been building and expanding with each generation of students, and inshallah you can be a part of that effort.

We have a lot of exciting initiatives and events lined up including but not limited to, field trips, bonfires, fun volunteer opportunities, chances to meet prominent speakers and scholars, conferences, halaqa’s, and much more. If there is anything you would like MSA to do, contact us and we will make it happen, inshallah. Shine Hawramani and Zakaria Farah

MSA-OSU Presidents

Upperclassman Talk

Eight Things to Learn




Issue 1: Welcome Home August 2012

Inside Ramadan Reflections


Upcoming Events

8/31- Welcome Back BBQ

9/5- Salah and Wudu Workshop

Board Member Spotlight

Dua and Ayah of the Week


The Ohio State University’s

IQRA Newsletter Issue 1: Welcome Home



Another Ramadan has come and passed, and I sincerely hope that we all made the most of it. As I reflect on the conclusion of the most blessed month of the year, I can’t help but be proud of all of the good habits that we were able to commence during it. From frequenting our mosques more often, to reading the Qur’an on a daily basis, to donating impressive sums of money for the sake of Allah, to being more patient and more cordial when interacting with our peers, and much, much more. Moreover, during this Ramadan, many of us stopped engaging in the nefarious habits that we have formed throughout the year, and discontinued many of the sins that we knowingly committed, in favor of more beneficial and rewarding practices. Alhamdulilah.

However, maintaining these advantageous routines that we began during Ramadan and implementing them in our regular lives, in addition to avoiding the detrimental acts that we terminated, proves to be considerably more difficult. How many of us have run straight back to our regular, less pious life-styles after Ramadan, as if the month was prescribed to us to be a time of “cease-fire” with our sins, rather than as an avenue for permanent victory over our destructive desires and the Devil? Maintaining these good habits is certainly not easy; it takes a tremendous amount of will power and commitment; but in the end it is all that matters.


The preservation of the phenomenal deeds that we performed during Ramadan and the higher attainment of God-consciousness and piety we achieved during the holy month are signs that Allah accepted our deeds during the month. Furthermore, by humbling ourselves—recognizing that all of the good we have done is from the guidance of Allah—in addition to constantly thanking our Creator for all that He has blessed us with, all of our deeds will, inshAllah, be accepted and all of our sins will be forgiven. “And [remember] when your Lord proclaimed, ‘If you are grateful, I will surely increase you [in favor]; but if you deny, indeed, My punishment is severe’” (The Holy Qur’an 14:7). This beautiful ayah from Surat Ibrahim should serve as a powerful reminder of Allah’s mercy, and power.

It is important to remember that Ramadan is not the only time when Allah forgives his creation; and it is certainly not the only time when He accepts good deeds. If you worship Ramadan, then know that Ramadan is over, but if you worship Allah, then know that Allah is the God of all months! Let us work to increase our worship throughout the entire year, and if Allah allows us to see the next Ramadan, then let us meet it as better Muslims than we were the year before.

Abdulrahman Alwattar Public Affairs-Non Profit Management ‘15


IQRA Newsletter Issue 1: Welcome Home


Upperclassmen Talk

Brothers at MSA BBQ


One time a scholar asked one of his students, "You have spent a long time with me, what have you learned?" He said I learned eight things:

First, I looked to the creation. Everyone has a loved one. When he goes to the grave, he leaves his loved one. Therefore, I made my loved one my good deeds; that way, they will be with me in the grave.

Second, I looked to the verse, "But as for him who feared to stand before his Lord and restrained his soul from lust," therefore; I struggled against my desires so I could stay obeying Allah.

Third, I saw that if anyone has something with him that is worth something, he would protect it. Then I thought about the verse, "That which you have is wasted away; and that which is with Allah remains," therefore, everything worth something with me I devoted to Him so it would be with Him for me.

Fourth, I saw the people seeking wealth, honor and positions and it was not worth anything to me. Then I thought about Allah's words, "Lo, the noblest of you in the sight of Allah is the most aware of Allah, so I did my best to become aware of Allah in order to gain nobility in his sight.

Fifth, I saw the people being jealous towards each other and I looked at the verse, "We have apportioned among them their livelihood in the life of the world", so I left jealousy. Sixth, I saw the people having enmity and I thought about the verse, "Lo, the devil is an enemy for you, so take him as an enemy", so I left enmity and I took the Satan as my only enemy. Seventh, I saw them debasing themselves in search of sustenance and I thought about the verse, "And there is not a beast in the earth but the sustenance thereof depends on Allah", so I kept myself busy with my responsibilities toward Him and I left my property with Him. Eighth, I found them relying on their business, buildings and health and I thought about the verse, "And whosoever puts his trust in Allah, He will suffice him", therefore, I put my trust only on Allah.

To freshman, for your classes going to lectures every day is really important. Be sure to manage your time wisely and choose what is truly important to focus on! If you need help do not be afraid to ask and also even if you may not need help ask questions…establish a relationship with the professor! -Mashhood ‘14

GET INVOLVED! By getting involved in student organizations that interest you, your time at OSU will be so much more substantial! You’ll meet new people and gain from the experiences.

-Mohab ‘13

IQRA Newsletter Issue 1: Welcome Home


Revealed Books

Ibrahim (pbuh) who received the Suhuf.

Nuh peace be upon him



Musa (pbuh) who received the Torah


‘Your Lord has decreed that you shall

serve none but Him, and do good to your parents. Should one or both of them

reach old age with you, never say ‘Uff’ to them, nor scold either of them; but

speak to them kindly and respectfully, spread over them the wings of humility

and mercy, and say, ‘My Lord, have mercy upon them, as they raised me up

when I was little.’

Surah al-Isra 17: 23- 4

Ayah of the Week

O Allah, I ask of You the blessings of entering the home and the blessing of leaving. In the name of

Allah , we leave and enter the home and upon Allah, our Sustainer, do we rely and depend.

Abu Dawood, Vol. 2, Pg. 348

Upon Entering the Home

Dua of the Week

All the revelations before the Qur’an were sent at

particular times in history to guide particular

communities or peoples. None of the revelations (before the Qur’an) were preserved for the future generations because they were meant only for that

time. Messengers who received revelation were:

4 Dawud (pbuh) who received the Zabur.


Isa (pbuh) who received the Injil



Muhammad (pbuh) who received the Quran.


IQRA Newsletter Issue 1: Welcome Home


A Humble Servant It’s as if He opened his palm,

And in it lied Islam, Could’ve easily hidden the truth from me, But He gave me a chance and allowed me

to see, The purpose of my existence,

And it’s parallel to Islam’s convictions.

Though this life is filled with tests, With The Holy Quran I can rest, For with every turn of the sheet,

I have the answers right in front of me. I have Hadiths, records of what was did

and said, By the greatest Muslim, Prophet

Muhammad (SAW) Who walked this land that we call Earth,

Many, many years before my birth.

With nothing but faith, I stand strong, Because with Islam, I can’t go wrong,

My hijab shows that I submit, And it wasn’t too hard for me to commit.

Cover myself and be modest, Be kind to others and be honest.

It’s a simple life filled with giving, A humble life, certainly worth living.

All praise is due to the One above,

Who showers us with eminent mercy and love,

My only goal is to please Him, I can do so by furthering myself from sin,

And so I pray to the Lord each day, To make me a better Muslim, in every


Ameen. -Anonymous Sister

This piece reads Bismillah Al Rahman Al Rahim. I begin in the name of Allah the most merciful most kind. On canvas with acrylic.

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I have a lot going on this year that I'm excited for. I hope it doesn't get too overwhelming, and that I can balance and handle it all. Besides classes and work, I'm keeping myself busy with my student involvement. Talking about myself is weird and uncomfortable so I'm going to stop now. Do I have any advice to give new OSU student? That's a good question that I just asked myself to segue this to a different topic. My advice to the newbies is to have fun. College flies by and I'd advise you to take as much advantage of your time here as you can. Don't be afraid to branch out of your comfort zone. But of course don't overwhelm yourself. Find your limit for your own sanity. Also no matter what, remember that classes come first. Studying and getting your assignments done is more important than hanging out with that one kid from lecture you won't remember in five years, unless that hangout is a study date. Actually dates are haram. Just stay away from everyone and lock yourself in your room and study all day and you’ll be fine. Just kidding, have fun this year because yolo and stuff.

Lina Khatib

Lina at the MSA 2012 banquet

Marketing Chair

Fun Facts about Lina What's your favorite movie/book line? "You never get me. That's the point." - Alaska Young, Looking for Alaska What do you do in your spare time? I like to blast Bollywood music in my room and pretend like I know how to do the dance moves. I also like to read and watch movies in my free time. But I look at that more as research then relaxing time. Every once in a while I'll get out my art supplies, which I have a problem buying and hoarding, and I draw or paint. I'm also a social media addict so I spend a lot of time on facebook, twitter, and tumblr. Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Winning dat Oscar gold (Insh'Allah), just kidding. Kind of. Not really. Insh'Allah in ten years I hope to be living in or near a city and working in the film industry. It would be nice if I was a director at that point and on my way to becoming a producer. Ideally I'd like to be married and with like a kid or two. But honestly wherever I am, I hope it's where I want to be and that I'm happy.

Lina is the muslim Tina Fey or rather, the muslim Liz Lemon.


Lina Luvgood is so awesome I don't have the proper words to describe it.


She is OBSESSED with chipotle.


She has a great sense of style. -Shine

Lina is really genuine. I like her. -Sana


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