is social media good for you

Post on 28-Jan-2015






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Social networking is continually slammed in the press for be psychologically and socially damaging.I'm not so sure. It's ubiquity is certain to create social change, but I don't think it's all change for the worse. In fact, I believe that if designers, user experience experts, sociologists and psychologists collaborate, we have the potential to design better social relationships than the real-world ones we have now. At the very least, we can create technology that helps people interact instead of separating them.


@jamesjefferson @equatoragency #smwgla

Is all that liking, commenting & tweeting really good for you?

@jamesjefferson @equatoragency #smwgla

Who on earth are Equator?

THE big numbers agency.

@jamesjefferson @equatoragency #smwgla

A Beta Life Will social media ever be good for us?

@jamesjefferson @equatoragency #smwgla

We are guinea pigs.

@jamesjefferson @equatoragency #smwgla

We are lazy.

@jamesjefferson @equatoragency #smwgla


@jamesjefferson @equatoragency #smwgla

1. I’m a profile not a person.

@jamesjefferson @equatoragency #smwgla

2. What’s the first thing

you do in the morning?

@jamesjefferson @equatoragency #smwgla


Everyone else is more popular,

happier, has more holidays than me.

@jamesjefferson @equatoragency #smwgla

4 .

We’re just piss-farting around.

@jamesjefferson @equatoragency #smwgla

One small step for man’s friends...

@jamesjefferson @equatoragency #smwgla giant leap for mankind.

@jamesjefferson @equatoragency #smwgla


Societal globalisation

@jamesjefferson @equatoragency #smwgla


The weak shall inherit the earth

@jamesjefferson @equatoragency #smwgla


We will make things & friends.

@jamesjefferson @equatoragency #smwgla


We won’t value privacy.

@jamesjefferson @equatoragency #smwgla

5. We will decide to de-personalise.

@jamesjefferson @equatoragency #smwgla


We will see the bigger picture.

@jamesjefferson @equatoragency #smwgla

7. We’ll be legends

in our own lunchtimes.

@jamesjefferson @equatoragency #smwgla

Digital society is out of Beta.

@jamesjefferson @equatoragency #smwgla

A bet(t)a life?

@jamesjefferson @equatoragency #smwgla

@jamesjefferson @equatoragency #smwgla

Thank you Richard Seymour, Founder, Seymour Powell

Oliver Burkeman, The Guardian

Mark Granovetter, The Strength of Weak Ties

Ross Dawson, Trends in the Living Networks

Zeynep Tufecki, Assistant Professor, University of North Carolina

Malcolm Gladwell, A Small Change, The New Yorker

Dr Stephanie Sarkis, Social Media, Psycholtherapy & Cyberbullying, Psychology Today

Pamela Rutledge, PHD, MBA, Social Media Addiction: Engage Brain Before Believing,

Psychology Today

Sherrie Bourg Carter, Psy.D. E-connections: Do Social Media Help or Hurt Our

Relationships? Psychology Today

Jim Taylor PHD, Is Technology Stealing our (self) identities, Psychology Today

Elizabeth Donovan, Socializing to be thin: Facebook linked to Eating Disorders

Bridget Pilloud, A difference between Trey Pennington’s story and my story, Intuitive


Lady Susan Greenfield & David Derbyshire, Social websites harm children’s brains: Chilling

warning from top neuroscientist, Daily Mail.

David DiSalvo; Ben Goldacre author Bad Science; Dr Robert Burton, neurologist; Dr Gary

Small, Professor psychiatry and behavioural sciences at UCLA; Maggie Jackson author of

Distracted: The Erosion of Attention and the coming dark age. Four authors respond to

the social networking controversy, Neuronarrative.

Elana Premack Sandler, LCSW, MPH, Facebook, emotions and identity, Psychology Today

Rosemary Joyce, professor of anthropology UC Berkeley, Facebook Users: More friends,

closer friends

Sam Gustin, Social Media sparked, accelerated egypt’s revolutionary fire, Wired

Nadia El-Awady, Tweets of an Egyptian Revolutionary

Beth Kanter, Social media for good and evil, strong ties and weak ties...

Michael Wu PHD, Community vs Social Network, Lithium

Katie Scott & Heather Brooke, The revolution will be digitised, Wired

MobiThinking, Global mobile statisitics 2011

Eli Pariser, Where good ideas come from: the natural history of innovation

And of course:



@jamesjefferson @equatoragency #smwgla

Thank you

Lauren. @typewriters

Craig. @craighepburn

Catriona. @catrionacampbel

@jamesjefferson @equatoragency #smwgla

You’ve been listening to:

A beta life.

I’d love to hear what you think about all this:

@jamesjefferson @equatoragency #smwgla

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