is your car spring ready?

Post on 13-Apr-2017






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Is Your Car Spring Ready?

It’s hard to get past the mounds of snow and frigid temperatures to really believe that spring will be soon upon us. Sure enough, it will come, and here are some tips much like those used to winterize your car, to make sure your car will be spring ready:

Tire Pressure

The winter months have undoubtedly run their course on your tires, check the pressure to make sure that the tires are at the recommended level from your car manufacturer. This will ensure your safety on the roads.

Wiper Blades

Another winter gone could mean that your wiper blades have endured snow and ice storms that may have caused damage to the blades. Check your wipers and replace as needed to ensure you are ready for any spring showers that may come your way.


Check your fluids to make sure that you are topped off for spring, un doubtedly, through the harsh winter you have used up many all important fluids. Top them off as needed.

Oil Changes

Winter, Spring Summer or Fall, you should be keeping up with your regularly scheduled oil changes regardless. Sure oil changes during the winter months should be different than the normal oil your car is used to, but be sure no matter the season, that you are keeping up with your cars oil changes, oil is one of the most important pieces to the puzzle that keeps your car running smoothly.

Spring Clean your Car

Sand, salt, snow, mud, all those things collect in your car over the winter months. Be sure to clean out the car, give it a nice vacuum, and clean all surfaces inside and out. Not only will your car look better, but proper washing and cleaning will preserve the paint on your car for years to come. There’s nothing better than the feeling of a clean and shiny car on a sunny spring day.

These are just a few tips among many to get your car ready for the spring. Remember, proper car care will increase the life of your car and keep you riding safe and sound for years to come.

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