issue 10_august 15, 2011

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News letter archive: Issue 10_August 15, 2011


NEWSLETTER August 15, 2011

Inside this Issue

Facilitator Corner 2

Other Projects 3

Conferences 4

Regional Updates:



Asia 6

Europe 8

North America 9

South America 10

Executive Team 11


Knowledge Partners


Advisory Board 15




Directory 19

Get Involved 20

Our Sponsors



UCP-SARnet is a growing global social network

that was created at Arizona State University in 2008.

It is governed by students and young community activists.

Its mission is to empower new generations of community leaders to become

actively involved in the realization of the UN Millennium Development Goals.

Utilizing the recent advances of Information and Communication Technologies,

UCP-SARnet offers a platform for the multicultural exchange of visions, ideas and

best practices aimed at achieving MDGs.

We engage university faculty and students in partnerships with community

organizations, local governments and socially responsible corporations.

Creating a powerful educational environment for students preparing themselves to

become leaders, we also bring about a sustainable social change

in their communities.

Newsletter Editors:

Angela Abolhassani

Abidah Khalife Dorav Kumar

Thomas Lane Dr. Marek Wosinski

Joshua Wyrick

Page 2

Facilitator Corner

Our Sponsors Creating a better future for communities through research Founded in 1982, CCBR believes in the power of knowledge to impact positive social change. They are passionate about bringing people together to use knowledge

to provide real and innovative solutions to community needs. Their approach to

research is participatory and action-oriented in a way that mobilizes people to par-ticipate as full and equal members of society.

IGLOO's social software solutions help organizations create vital connections

between people, processes and information through the creation of online business

communities. Companies use online communities to improve collaboration, knowledge sharing and drive employee engagement across geographically dispersed

project teams, departments and business units inside and out.

Turning theory into practice Warsaw School of Social Sciences and Humanities/SWPS was founded in 1996 by former professors of the Institute of Psychology and the Polish Academy of Scienc-

es. Ever since its foundation, the University has been continually growing and de-

veloping and now consists of 8 faculties located in five academic centers in Poland (Warsaw, Wrocław, Sopot, Poznań and Katowice). SWPS is committed to the

highest academic standards as well as to the transfer of practical knowledge and


Dear UCP-SARnet Collaborators, Members, and Followers,

We would like to apologize for almost two months of silence on our platform. As UCP-SARnet is practi-cally run by students, our executive team works according to the semester schedule. During the early

summer months, the most active members of our Team were participating in the CU-EXPO conference and then focused on organization of two events in China: Bridging the World and the International

Leadership Summit in China. Regarding the Leadership Summit, although we put together an exciting program, we started making publicity about the event too late. As a result we had no chance to attract a

sufficient number of participants and the event had to be postponed till the next year. Although the core

presenters will probably remain in the program, we will have to invite few new ones. We also have to assure that the summit will offer a really unique learning and cultural experience that would make it

competitive with other leadership trainings organized in China.

We closed the first half of 2011 with a lot of humble reflections. Upgrading and reorganization of our website was a big step

forward and we will continue working on the transfer of content folders to the new structure of the platform over the remain-der of the year. Reflecting on the network’s activity during the first part of this year, we also came to a conclusion that we

need once again revise the ways we want to realize the mission of our organization. We hope that some indicators how to do it will come from the results of Adam Euerby’s thesis project. Other suggestions come from reports written by the members

of the Executive Team. There is a joint agreement that we need to significantly increase the role of assistant facilitators and

regional coordinators, we must base our collaboration with organizational members on specific projects (i.e. Stand Up Against Poverty Events), and we need to make sure that the great expertise potential represented by our global community

has a real impact on local community projects. Finally, we need to fully implement our main role as builders of partnerships and facilitators of connections between individuals, community organization and universities around the world. We will

present some of the new resolutions in the upcoming September issue of the Newsletter.

We are more and more aware that further development of our community is conditioned on finding sponsors willing to fund

both administrative work of the network and its featured projects. We are seriously considering an option of registering UCP

-SARnet International and UCP-SARnet Europe as NGOs that would become organizational members of UCP-SARnet and because of their legal status would be able to apply for bigger variety of grants (including funds from the European Union.)


Dr. Marek Wosinski

Page 3

We encourage your collaboration on these projects!

Please contact us if you would like to get involved! OTHER PROJECTS

UCP-SARnet Based Courses Available at ASU

There are various opportunities at ASU by which stu-

dents can get involved with UCP-SARnet under the

supervision of Dr. Marek Wosinski. Joining the UCP-SARnet club at ASU is one such way as is becoming a

member of UCP-SARnet. But even more rewarding and inspiring are the UCP-SARnet based courses that are

not only a way to earn credit towards your major, but also are great opportunities to develop your skills by

working with other members, and more importantly

they are opportunities to educate and empower others with the overall objective of bettering communities

around the world. These courses are:

Community Psychology (PGS 365). How do we relate

as individuals to society around us? This is a main

premise of the domain of Community Psychology. Un-derstanding communities and learning to explain the

processes by which communities operate is another basis essential to the study of Community Psychology.

Needless to say, this course not only presents the valid knowledge on the subject matter, but also forces stu-

dents to observe the real world relationships between

issues such as oppression, social justice, liberation and wellbeing, and to share their observations through

weekly blogs. There are no exams or quizzes associated with PGS 365, the assignments are composed entirely

of group forums, blogs a semester project. Some of the topics covered by this course are included but not lim-

ited to the Millennium Development Goals, Global

Community, Resources for Networking, Faith Commu-nities, Poverty, and Social Justice.

Multicultural Perspective on Community Leadership (BIS

494). Available online only, this course revolves around training you to be a leader in your community – an invalua-

ble trait indeed. Like the Community Psychology course, enrolling in this course requires you to sign up as a member

with UCP-SARnet. The membership is free, easily complet-

ed, and can be discontinued whenever you wish. Again there are no exams, all assignments are through discussions, reflec-

tions, and a projects based on the materials read and viewed over the duration of the semester. This course revolves

around subject-matter which includes: basic concepts related

to community such as individual wellness, sense of commu-nity, social justice, citizen participation, collaboration and

community strengths, respect for human diversity, empirical grounding, prevention, empowerment, sense of community,

citizen participation, resilience, and intervention.

Introduction to Community Research and Action (PGS

294). Another internet only course, PGS 294 it is intended to

provide basic knowledge about community research and action in such a way to prepare you to get involved in your

community. Topics covered in this class are very similar to the ones covered in PGS 365 and BIS 494; the subject matter

serves to make you more aware of the community and vari-

ous psychological concepts that define the deeper merits of communities. One student’s testimonial after completing this

course better exemplifies the value of taking PGS 294: "I really enjoyed the topics we covered and am thankful to have

been exposed to so many issues in a short amount of time. One thing that I really took away from this class is

looking at social issues from a more human perspective ra-

ther than a political one."

Our major projects include past successes that we plan on continuing annually as well as a few more recently planned ven-

tures as follows: ―Bridging the World‖ virtual conferences, Stand Up Against Poverty events, development of the Gandhi College of Social Work in India, the World Academy for the Future of Women in China, Leadership Summits in China and

Africa, Collaboration with Faith Based Groups, the UCP-SARnet Club at ASU which promotes our mission on campus, and finally the various courses and opportunities that are available at ASU to get involved with UCP-SARnet. As the Fall Semes-

ter approaches, we would like to take a moment and outline the latter point in a little more detail.

Undergraduate Teaching Assistant (PGS 394) and Undergraduate Research Assistant (PGS 399 or PGS 499). These three

opportunities are professional-level experiences that are coupled with involvement in the UCP-SARnet leadership team. The UTAs monitor student activities on blackboard, evaluating assignments, documenting student performance, and also address-

ing student concerns and helping them improve whenever necessary. This is a great way to experience the role of an educator. Both PGS 399 and 499 are valuable research opportunities. As a URA you will be involved in evaluating the development of

the UCP-SARnet platform and its impact on local and global communities.

A final opportunity to consider is taking up an Internship with UCP-SARnet. An internship for English Majors is one exam-ple. English interns are involved in writing grant proposals, writing newsletter articles, and editing the website. This is great

firsthand experience to put on you resume.

Thomas Lane

Page 4

CONFERENCES International Leadership Summit 2011 Postponed to Next Year

Our April Newsletter: Special Edition was dedicated to propagating infor-

mation about the International Leadership Summit, a 3-week summit which was due to take place at SIAS University in China in July. With a

diverse list of reputed presenters as well as the dedicated student modera-tors, an exciting and enlightening program was developed to endow partici-

pants with valuable leadership and entrepreneurship skills as well as the

opportunity to immerse in Chinese culture with days of site-seeing as well as evening classes to learn Chinese and/or to learn basic martial arts.

The summit organizers decided early in the Summer months to postpone

this Summit to next year so as to use the time to better advertise the event and obtain more participants. The summit hopes to host up to 1000 partici-

pants comprised of students and professionals all devoted to the cause of

achieving the UN Millennium Development Goals.

Abidah Khalife

Bridging the World 2011 – China

The Bridging the World – China 2011 virtual conference which took place on May 24th and 25th was the third annual event organized by UCP-SARnet in Collaboration with the World Academy for the Future of Women at SIAS Interna-

tional University. The topic this year was ―Empowering Women in Different Cultural, Social and Economic Contexts‖ and was moderated by the participants of the one year certification program offered by the World Academy; a program

designed for female students dedicated to a future in leadership and involvement in their communities.

Presentations from the event included ―Global Networking‖ presented by Myself and Osee

Romeo representing UCP-SARnet, ―The Gandhi College of Social Work; Involvement of

Women in Community Development‖ presented by Birendra Kumar on behalf of AASRA organization, ―Impact of the climate change on people's lives; women and environmental sus-

tainability‖ presented by Agnieszka Kloskowska also on behalf of AASRA, and ―Education of Women in United Arab Emirates‖ presented by Ahlam Al-Bannai from the Dubai Women’s

College. Despite of the fact that we were able to create an interesting program of the Bridging the World event, this time almost everything went wrong. Because of technical problems we

were not able to connect with majority of our participants. We are extremely grateful for their

time commitment and for preparing interesting presentations and we deeply share their frustra-tion that the Chinese audience was not able to benefit from their efforts.

In addition, Chinese hosts without consulting this with us changed the rule according to which local participants were selected. Instead of hav-

ing throughout the whole workshop the same audience composed of the members of the World Academy for the Future of Women, at each ses-

sion another group of students was participating. As a result of this more

than 2000 SIAS University students went through the event but without the continuity planned between each of the sessions. Trying to be flexible

as much as possible, we repeatedly presented few basic ideas about im-portance of global networking for addressing of the UN Millennium De-

velopment Goals, we were able to briefly introduce UCP-SARnet, but the planned structure of the event totally dissolved in the air. Hopefully fu-

ture events will be able to accommodate for participants to be involved in

all levels of the ―Bridging the World‖ program to truly obtain the full im-pact and understanding of the topics illustrated. We definitely have

learned a couple of organizational lessons from this experience.

Dr. Marek Wosinski

Page 5

Regional Updates: AFRICA

Progress in Civil War Ravaged SUDAN

A split between the constantly warring Northern and Southern Regions of Sudan

has been a topic deliberated by the Sudanese government for years. Formation of

two separate nations was on the horizon with the announcement of separation plans made in January of this year. And in early July, the New Republic of South

Sudan was finally declared an independent nation, the newest nation in the world. It is currently unclear as to how these, now, two countries will be treated

when it comes to determining the progress of the MDGs. But hopefully this move will ensure lasting peace between these African peoples, and will pave the way for

progress in the basic needs of the populace.

As for the MDG progress of the former Sudan as one nation, unfortunately get-

ting reliable results has always been difficult, partly because of a large indigenous

population inaccessible to census research. The eradication of extreme hunger and poverty depends on reducing the amount of people living on less than a dollar a

day. As expected there has been very little movement in this area, and figures are expected to fall when the data from 2010 is compiled. The infant mortality rate is

rising, due to unknown circumstances.

There is a bright side, in that the spread of HIV/AIDS has been halted significantly in the 15-24 age range, with just

0.5% of males testing positive, and 1.24% of females. Literacy rates are up with the constant driving force of technology,

pushing people to learn and absorb greater amounts of information to better their own lives. Education completion rates rise in turn, and 70% of the next generation of children will have at least reached the last grade in primary education.

Perhaps where the biggest change can be seen in Sudan today is the amount of people that have subscriptions to a cellu-lar service. The number of physical telecommunications lines has actually decreased, while the number of cell users has

nearly tripled since 2004, soaring from 9% to 28%. Going mobile is a great move towards collecting more accurate in-formation while also spreading awareness on the MDG issues and how to improve upon each area of concern.

Joshua Wyrick

Member Organization: Somali Family Services

Somalia is a country currently suffering a devastating drought with their most destitute citizens flooding refugee camps

in bordering Kenya. With lack of a centralized governing body for the whole country, it is at drastic times like these that

the people are in most need of leadership as well as intervention from sources around the world.

A non-profit charitable organization that has been working for sustainable solutions and democratic ideologies in So-

malia since 2003 is Somali Family Services (SFS), originally based out of Minneapolis, Minnesota but with a Resource Center in Garowe, the capital city of Puntland (a large northeastern territory in Somalia). The SFS has been an organi-

zational member with UCP-SARnet since last year. Some of its other partnerships include UNICEF, Books for Africa, UNDP, World Movement for Democracy, and International Labor Organization. The SFS with the help of its dedicat-

ed supporters and partners, strives to bring democracy to Somalia, to build government and societal collaboration, to

empower communities, and to empower the youth. Promoting education in Somalia is also a central goal of SFS. They collect and distribute books to schools around the country. To date, they have donated 30,000 books to a local library in

the Puntland region – where 77% of the population is illiterate – transforming the development of future generations.

Organizations such as the SFS are essential to the development of long-term solutions to the prob-

lems faced in Somalia. The Somali people need the resources and governance in place to deal with the dry climate that that live in so that periods of droughts are not a death sentence to mil-

lions as it is today.

Joshua Wyrick

Image from Google Images.

Page 6

Regional Updates: ASIA

Though there are other social work programs in India,

the extensive hands-on aspect in a rural setting is un-precedented. Most programs do not realized that there

is a difference between the needs of urban and rural

populations and that it is the rural areas that are most in need of development. As featured in our March News-

letter, Birendra had planned to hold a workshop this June at the Dream Rainbow Project Center in Gujarat,

the purpose of which was to obtain the input of hun-dreds of social work alumni and professionals and use

this information towards further development of the

Gandhi College Curriculum. This workshop has been postponed to January 2012 but will serve the same pur-

pose of gathering information to develop the curriculum for the College of Social Work.

The plans for the College are coordinated by AASRA

for Community Transformation (ACT), an organiza-tional member of UCPSARnet and also the organiza-

tion for which Birendra Kumar serves as President. Following securing a location for the proposed col-

lege, affiliation with the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) was sought out through discus-

sion with the Dean of the University Professor Gra-

cious Thomas. Since 2010, ACT with the support of the local community, local government as well as

IGNOU has been further developing the plans for the Gandhi College of Social Work. A 5-year program

will be offered by the college and will integrate valua-ble classroom knowledge with the opportunity to ap-

ply developing skills directly in the local communities

surrounding the college.

Gandhi College of Social Work: Hopes for 2011

In February of 2010 the idea of the Gandhi College of Social Work took flight when Dr. Wosinski and the

Dream Rainbow Project Coordinator Birendra Kumar

met with the Chauan Family (pictured below) about renovating a complex they owned and beginning a

school of social work in unused buildings. Located in West Champaran in the District of Bihar, India, the

Bhitiarwa Ashram complex houses the Gandhi Memo-rial Museum (pictured to the right) and the Gandhi

Research Institute; it is a tribute to the life and works of

Mahatma Gandhi who till this day is a respected figure for social change in India. The Chauan Family support-

ed the idea of revitalizing the interest in and the use of the complex while also helping the development of the

local communities through training much-needed so-cial workers.

“Man becomes great exactly in the degree in which he works for the welfare of his fellow-men.”

- Mahatma Gandhi

Page 7

One thing that was a great accomplishment for the

continuing development of the Dream Rainbow pro-ject this Summer was that Gujarat Vidyapith Univer-

sity has agreed to be the mentor and parent organiza-

tion to the Gandhi College of Social Work, and as such they will provide academic, legal and technical

support to the college once it opens. Gujarat Vidyap-ith was founded over 90 years ago by Mahatma Gan-

dhi himself and as such is an asset to the overall Dream Rainbow project and its mission. A formal

Memorandum of Understanding will be signed with

the University in September.

Another major advancement has been collaboration

with the Sabarmati Ashram Preservation and Memo-rial Trust (SAPMT) in Ahmedabad. As a group that

works towards the cause of spreading information and awareness on the life achievements of Mahatma

Gandhi, the SAPMT have agreed to extend their support in the Dream Rainbow Project and back

AASRA in establishing the Bhitiarwa Ashram reno-

vation along with the invaluable preservation of Gan-dhi heritage. Pictured left is an image from the

SAPMT website and is a piece located in their Ash-ram gallery and museum.

Sabarmati Ashram is also helping to get the library and a Gandhian book center set up for the College of

Social Work. The Gandhi Research Centre, pictured

below, is currently ready for academic use and is where the library and research center for the College

of Social Work will be set up.

To this end, AASRA would like to call for Book dona-

tions to expand their library collection; academic books for the fields of Business, IT, Psychology, Soci-

ology, Medicine, Law, Environment, Social Work, Literature and the like would make valuable additions

to the Library. Anyone interested in donating books are welcome to do so through UCP-SARnet at Arizona

State University as the Executive Team is based there

and will be involved in collection of books for the Gan-dhi College of Social Work.

Birendra is currently working to finalize vital plans for the college in the upcoming months and will share the

progress with us as the project evolves. Visit the website under the projects page ―What We

Do‖ to find out more on the Gandhi College of Social

Work, the background of the project, plans for the cur-riculum and some collaborating organizations.

Abidah Khalife

Page 8

Member Organization: NEWW-Polska

(The Network of East-West Women - Polska)

Founded in 1991 and registered as an official organiza-tion in 1995, The Network of East West Women is an

international resource to connect women advocates around the globe. Members from over 30 countries range

from journalists to lawyers to professors to artist to health care workers to feminist activists – all working

towards gender equality and especially towards improv-

ing the status of women in Central and Eastern Europe and the Russian Federation. As a UN Economic & So-

cial Council accredited organization, members have the opportunity to participate in UN conferences and events

as well as to participate in NEWW regional projects.

Member Organization: Pluribus Europe

This organization has been a mem-

ber with since late

2010. Founded in 2006, Pluribus Europe works to promote equality

in every single facet of the modern workplace. Under the hand of Di-

rector Isabelle Pujol (who is also on the supervisory board for British

Petroleum), clients learn to foster

humility and courage while engen-dering the diversity that makes every

member of the company a valued part of the system.

Pluribus has offices and partners all around the world, on nearly every continent on the planet. High profile clients

include British Petroleum, Castrol Oil, Shell Oil, and L'Oreal Paris. These companies have benefited greatly

from Pluribus' expertise, learning the ―Three H's‖--Head,

Regional Updates: EUROPE

Heart, and Hand. The three combined are meant to

instill a cohesive attitude not only about approaching problems in the workplace but also using practical

knowledge to solve problems. These core values have helped Pluribus Europe span the globe carrying their

positive message, and keeps every company working towards a common goal—E Pluribus Maximus, Great-

ness From Diversity.

Visit the following web address for more information

on Pluribus Europe and their involvement in the Glob-al Community:

index.html .

Joshua Wyrick

In 1999 the regional office of

NEWW in Gdansk, Poland be-came registered as an independ-

ent organization. NEWW-Polska

is one of the more recent addi-tions to our valued organizational

member contacts. The Executive Directory since early 2000 is Mal-

gorzata Tarasiewicz, who has worked in support of internation-

al peace and justice as well as

woman’s rights for decades.

NEWW-Polska provides free resources for women in

Poland including legal and psychological counseling, training sessions, and published information on topics

of women’s health, women in the business world, and domestic violence. The organization also has a library

with computer and internet access and vast collections

of feminist literature as well as collections in Polish and English on law, psychology, sociology, economy, and

health. Both NEWW and NEWW-Polska support free-dom from violence and discrimination, and economic

and social justice for men and women as well as wom-en’s rights to proper healthcare and women inclusion

into societal decisions.

Thomas Lane

Page 9

Member Organization: Anti-Poverty Project

An organizational member since 2010, the Anti-Poverty

Project (TAPP) embodies the ideology of UCP-SARnet

at the juncture of where NGO resources and those in need of those resources meet. The Anti-Poverty Project

roots its mission statement in the idea that by ―helping people help themselves‖ TAPP can

facilitate a vast catalogue of resources to proac-tively empower the disadvantaged. The TAPP

works towards connecting hard won resources

including funds, mentoring programs and skill building classes, as well as basic amenities such

as computers with the people who need it most. This in turn provides access to ―technology,

personal development, and job-preparation programs‖ to best position people hoping to improve the

scope of their lives, from personal improvement to their

employment and financial situations. Located in Canada, TAPP searches for volunteer Francophones to establish

bilingual programs and services as well.

Regional Updates: NORTH AMERICA

The demographic benefitting from the work of TAPP include Aboriginals, single parents, at-risk youth, the

unemployed, recent immigrants, and more generally, low-income men and women. Currently, TAPP has

established many ongoing seminars and pro-grams such as Dreamweaver, a 4 week person-

al development program composed of twelve

participants that focuses on areas such as self-confidence, the attainment of personal goals,

the process of discovering personal talents, and realizing one’s overall potential. Beyond

Dreamweaver, TAPP has also created a Fe-male Employment Mentorship Program

(FEM) and Men Employment Network

(MEN). For more information about the continuing work of the program and its fresh mentality towards

helping the disadvantaged, please visit their website at:

Angela Abolhassani

"Train the Trainer" Event by the Institute for Life Coach Training

In our February issue of our newsletter earlier this year, we introduced one of our new-

est knowledge partners – Coaching the Global Village. This non-profit organization

began in 2006 when Dr. Patrick Williams (Ed.D, MCC) received the First Global Vi-sionary Fellow award to pursue this project of spreading his coaching methodologies to

leaders of other NGOs as well as to villages in developing countries all over the world. But Coaching the Global Village is not the first project that Dr. Williams has successful-

ly developed. He has been involved in life coaching since 1990 and in 1998 he began the Institute for Life Coach Training which is an accredited Coach Training Program

that specializes in training psychotherapists, psychologists and counselors.

To raise awareness and educate on the role of coaching in the global arena and his coach approach in leadership amongst other topics, Dr. Williams speaks worldwide,

has been interviewed on TV and on the radio, has co-authored various publications and has written many articles. On June 30th Dr. Williams held a Train the Trainer program

hosted by: Arizona Rural Women's Health Network, UCP-SARnet, Council for Faith and Community Based Initiatives, The Center for Faith-based and Neighborhood Part-

nerships, and Arizona Interfaith Movement.

This one-day program, which culminated with a certification for Participants in the ―Coach Approach to Purposeful Conver-

sations when Coaching the Global Village,‖ was an opportunity to learn and practice life coaching principles, listening and ques-

tioning techniques, strategies for social change, and also to recognize the needs of underserved populations of Arizona Wom-

en. Dr. Wosinski, Osee Romeo, Mohamad Camara and Dorav Kumar of UCPSARnet attended this workshop which they found extremely beneficial. It is their hope that other UCPSARnet will be able to attend Dr. Williams’ future training events.

To read more about Dr. William’s Life Coach Training Institute visit:

Abidah Khalife

Page 10

New Knowledge Partner: Orbis Institute

A nonprofit organization dedicated to the cause training

future world leaders, Orbis Institute is the latest acquisi-tion of the UCP-SARnet knowledge partner base. It is

headquartered in Denver Colorado but some of its pro-

grams reach China, India, Kenya, Nepal and Slovakia, not to mention over 30 countries from which partici-

pants in the programs originate. Though Orbis was not an official organization till 2002, its genesis was 6 years

prior with David French’s (the Founder) vision for lead-ership development and with the help of students in a

Regional Updates: SOUTH AMERICA

Newest Addition to Organizational Members: Changes for New Hope

Already living below the poverty level, children in the Peruvian Andes Villages face a

coupled dilemma; because the parents in this region have no choice but to seek work far from where they call home, and often cannot return for quite some time, the chil-

dren in these regions not only face destitute living conditions with lack of the many

amenities we are all so dependent on, but the often do so alone. Changes for New Hope was born when James Killon was inspired to do something for these children

and personally funded the project to help these impoverished Peruvians with their education. With few funds, supplies, and volunteer teachers from university, the first

school took off in 2009 and Changes for New Hope etched its place on the map. They currently serve two communities and hope to expand into 3 more nearby when

properly funded. The organization thrives through donations (even small change

counts as their ―Pennies for Peru‖ page depicts), through dedicated volunteers in the

region as well as ones that travel to Peru to lend their exper-

tise, and finally by raising awareness for their cause. Though education is the starting point for the organization, it does

more than just that. It builds the children’s self-esteem by giv-ing them the attention they otherwise lack. The funds also go

to food, clothing and medical supplies for the Children and their Families in this region. And the most important part of

the Changes for New Hope mission is their efforts put into

making the families self-sufficient by trying to get small busi-nesses and local jobs started; they are striving to end the strug-

gles of the impoverished Peruvian Children and their Families by not only addressing the symptoms but also fighting the

problems from the source itself. To find out more please visit:

Abidah Khalife Image from Changes for New Hope Gallery.

leadership class at the University of Colorado – Boulder.

What started as forums and youth camps evolved into programs for aspiring leaders at the high school, college,

and post-graduate levels. Tackling global issues takes qualified leaders and Orbis Institute is a force that fuels

the talents of these individuals so vital to our future.

To learn more about the programs offered by Orbis In-

stitute and to get involved please visit their website at:

Abidah Khalife

Regional Updates: N. AMERICA (Continued)

Page 11

Member Profile: Dorav Kumar

Whenever a technical issue pops up at executive team meetings about the web-

site, Dorav Kumar is always the first person to which the problem is addressed. A technical jack-of-all-trades, Dorav has helped tremendously with the contin-

ued maintenance and management of the website. As ICT team Assistant Coor-

dinator to Adam Euerby, Dorav has helped make the website more efficient and easy to browse through by tirelessly updating information and collaborat-

ing with Dr. Wosinski. Having been a member for two semesters, he plans to remain with UCP-SARnet until he finishes his Masters in Electrical Engineer-

ing at Arizona State University. Dorav became interested in UCP-SARnet through a friend and was compelled to join after Dr. Wosinski expressed the

need for a technical assistant to help with issues on the website. In Dorav’s

words, he is

―interested in knowing about different cultures all around the world, the problems and issues people are facing, and how as ICT engineers we can

bridge the gap between developing and developed nations.‖

After gaining experience in the IT industry in the U.S. Dorav plans to return to

India where he can use his skill set to help humanitarian organizations. He believes his experiences with UCP-SARnet will allow him to fulfill his potential

by working towards that ultimate goal while also greatly expanding his knowledge of global issues.

Angela Abolhassani

Executive Team

Self-Profile: Angela Abolhassani

I am thrilled to be involved in the UCP-SARnet community. I have found that the impact of such organizations as a vital networking

asset for the international community is of critical importance to bridging the disparity between the industrial and developing worlds.

This past semester, I served as an English intern for UCP-SARnet.

The more I learn about the work of UCP-SARnet and its partners, the more my interest is piqued in furthering the cause and expanding

the network. As a Freshman at Arizona State University I currently attend the Barrett Honors College and am double majoring in Con-

servation Biology and Creative Writing. I have traveled to 14 differ-ent countries and lived in Bangalore, India for 18 months. I am inter-

ested in a spectrum of international concerns from environmental

sustainability, to ocean conservation, to gender quality and hope to learn more as I further my work with UCP-SARnet.

As we transition into a new Executive Team this upcoming

Fall 2011 semester, we would like to thank all the members,

who may or may not remain on the Executive Team, that

lent their time and dedication to the network thus far...

Take a moment to get to know a little more about who we, the members of the newsletter editing team for Spring and Summer 2011, are:

Page 12

Self-Profile: Thomas Lane

As an English Intern with UCP-SARnet this past semester, my tasks within the organization

have mainly involved writing articles for the monthly newsletters as well as editing various piec-

es on the website. I have enjoyed writing since a very young age, which is why I find writing for UCP-SARnet to be a very interesting and rewarding experience. Featured in the February 2011

Newsletter, one of my favorite article tasks was about the event at Dr. Marek’s house where we socialized with the Chinese students visiting ASU from SIAS International University. Writing

this article made me feel like a true journalist. I attended the meeting and gathered data on it firsthand. I then interviewed Dr. Marek afterwards to gather additional information. I hope to

be a writer or journalist someday and I believe that my experience with UCP-SARnet is helping

me realize my dream. I am also pleased to have had the opportunity to take part in advertising for the network at tabling events on campus. Working with UCP-SARnet has been a rewarding

experience and I hope that I can stay affiliated with the organization long after I graduate.

(Tom graduated from ASU with a concentration in English Literature this May. He will not be

continuing with the Executive team in the Fall.)

Self-Profile: Abidah Khalife

I graduated from ASU this May with a Bachelors of Interdisciplinary Studies Degree with con-

centration in Chemistry and Mathematics, along with a minor in Psychology. This was my first semester with UCP-SARnet; during this time I had the opportunity to be an editor of the newslet-

ters and also to do some work managing the blogs. I hope to continue in this capacity in the up-coming semesters. Although I was born and raised in Arizona, my father is originally from Leba-

non and my mother is originally from the small Island of Mauritius. Both Lebanon and Mauritius have beautiful natural and historic sites to enjoy, but like any other countries of the world there

are also problems with such things as poverty, imperfect medical systems, and gender inequalities

in social and cultural settings. My family moved to the Middle East when I was 10 which further lent me the opportunity to make friends from different backgrounds and expand my perspectives

of global conditions that need to improve. I have always aspired to play a role in international peacekeeping and humanitarian efforts. Having friends and family across the globe serves to

strengthen my determination to be a part of changing the world for the better.

Self-Profile: Joshua Wyrick

Over the course of the semester I have learned much about the way non-profit or-

ganizations operate, and the specialties and limitations of such organizations. As

expected, my time spent with UCP-SARnet as an English Intern has been more educational than anything else, helping me to build new skills rather than refine

existing ones. Over this past semester, I have produced over twenty articles and edited many sections of the website. I also had the opportunity to promote our

courses at ASU for others interested in the work of UCP-SARnet. Being a part of this network has helped me appreciate technology more in a society that is heavily

saturated with advanced technology every day. Knowing how to open the lines of

communication is essential to helping solve problems, and no group has learned this better than UCP-SARnet, which will continue on into the future tackling problems

of even greater importance.

(Josh enjoys writing short fiction and poetry during his down time, as well as bicy-

cling and basketball. He graduated from ASU in May and will not be part of the Executive team in Fall 2011.)

Executive Team (Continued)

Page 13

Member Profile: Shannon Monn

Shannon Monn is one of the busiest members of UCP-SARnet and represents a pow-

erful momentum that drives the work of the executive team forward. As a full time

mom receiving her Masters in Clinical Mental Health Counseling at Argosy Univer-sity, she defies all odds by managing to volunteer ten hours of her time each week to

UCP-SARnet. After taking Dr. Wosinski’s online Community Psychology class in the Fall of 2006, Shannon took advantage of the opportunity to take PGS 499 and

become an Undergraduate Research Assistant. She has stayed with UCP-SARnet since, and provides an eloquent explanation for why she continues to volunteer:

―Although we may never fix all the problems that plague the world, I feel that spreading awareness and empowering individuals to make a positive change in

their local, national, and global community is an admirable goal for all of us. Furthermore, through UCP-SARnet, I have learned so much about different

cultures, organizations, and individuals that I'm always inspired to learn and do

more with my own life.‖

As Assistant Editor, the list of Shannon’s responsibilities is substantial. This past semester, Randi and Shannon shared the role of ensuring all executive team mem-

bers were on task which is in itself a huge task and involves keeping up with every-thing that needs to be done on the UCPSARnet portal. She also assumed the role of

registering new organizational members, of remaining in contact with some of the

current organizational members, and of updating contacts for country pages on Aus-tralia, New Zealand, Vanuatu, Italy, Mongolia, and England. Shannon is a truly

indispensable member of UCP-SARnet, she has been a member since the inception of the network, and with her continued support will undoubtedly facilitate its ongo-

ing evolution.

Angela Abolhassani

… Also meet the two members who held the critical roles in keeping the Executive Team running and on track!

Coordinator Profile: Randi Burggraff

Randi will not be continuing with the Executive team in the upcoming semes-

ters as she continues to pursue her other responsibilities. During her time with

UCPSARnet, Randi served as an Assistant Facilitator and as the Coordinator of the Executive Team, Randi’s tasks included working within areas of strategic

planning, coming up with fund raising ideas along with the search for sponsors, supervising the process of preparing and signing of MOU with new knowledge

partners, developing a system of documentation for UCP-SARnet activities, and the supervising of the Undergraduate Research Assistants. Supervising

URAs was one of the most time-consuming tasks Randi was responsible for.

During the semester, she described this role as such: ―In supervision of URAs, I assign students each a list of tasks/projects that they are responsible for over the

duration of the semester. I also meet with the URAs on a regular basis, either through meetings or individual instruction, to ensure work is being completed

and also to answer all necessary questions‖. Randi graduated in May from Ari-zona State University as a Psychology major with a minor in Family and Hu-

man Dynamics. Her future aspirations are two-fold: Randi hopes to either at-

tend Law School and eventually specialize in Family Law or obtain a Master's degree in Marriage and Family Therapy. She has been working as a Family

Support Specialist at Sage Counseling, a job in which she is very fond of: ―I am a voice for so many people who aren't able to have one and I love it!‖

Thomas Lane

Collaborating Knowledge Partners

Page 14

Amity University (India) is one of the best private universities in India with over 50000 students. Centre for Community Based Research brings people together to share knowledge in order to impact positive social change. Coaching the Global Village works with social changers to use coaching to create innovative solutions to pressing global challenges. Website: Comunitaria provides technical support and tools for community and psychosocial intervention programs. Four professional psychologists run

this organization.

Community-Campus Partnerships for Health promotes health through service-learning, community-based participatory research, broad-

based coalitions, and other partnership strategies.

Community Toolbox provides resources for community leaders.;

East Europe Foundation seeks to support successful community-driven development initiatives.

Global Alliance for ICT & Development creates an inclusive global forum and platform to promote discussion on using ICT for the achieve-

ment of the Millennium Development Goals.

Global Alliance for Community Based Research promotes Community-Engaged Research as a fundamental means to contributing to human

betterment by the sharing of knowledge across the world.

Global Interactions, Inc works with professionals to interact with domestic and global counterparts to increase exchange of practices, tech-

nologies, and research. Indira Gandhi National Open University (India) offers 338 programs of study through over 3,500 courses to a cumulative student strength of

over 30 million students.

Jagiellonian University (Poland) is the second oldest university in Europe located in Krakow.

Leadership Learning Community identifies, evaluates, and applies ideas and practices in leadership development in order to make leadership

more effective.

Orbis Institute develops global leaders through programs that advance awareness, critical thinking, and action. SIAS International University combines Chinese educational philosophies with Western educational models to develop professionals who are

prepared to meet the demands of trans-national corporations and enterprises. SoReCom conducts and disperses research that focuses on social issues relevant to Europe and its policies.

Taking It Global uses the power of online community to facilitate global education, social entrepreneurship, and civic engagement for mil-

lions of youth worldwide.

UN Millennium Campaign supports and inspires people from around the world to take action towards the Millennium Development Goals. United Nations Foundation advocates for the UN and a platform for connecting people, ideas and resources to help the United Nations solve

global problems.

Video Voice Collective: brings academic researchers, filmmakers, technology mavens, social justice champions, and community leaders to-

gether to improve the health conditions of underserved communities.

Warsaw School of Social Sciences and Humanities is a private university that educates students in psychology, philosophy, humanities, and

social sciences.

World for World Organization (Italy) is an Italian-based non-profit organization, operating in Italy and internationally. http://

Page 15

The following distinguished colleagues agreed to serve on our Advisory Board:

Robert Cialdini, Arizona State University (USA), Liz Cunningham, University of Brighton (England), Aecio

D’Silva, University of Arizona (USA), Kim Eagles, Grassroots Activist (USA), William A. Foster, Foster and

Brahm Management Consulting (USA), Rajesh Jangareddy, Vitesse Semiconductor (India), Joanna Ochocka,

Centre for Community Engaged Research (Canada), Grazyna Prawelska-Skrzypek, Jagiellonian University

(Poland), Jan Sadlak, Warsaw School of social Sciences and Humanities (Poland), Jerrie Ueberle, Global In-

teractions Inc. (USA), Christopher Zambakari, Student Representative (USA).

Introducing members of our Advisory Board

Advisory Board Member: Dr. Grazyna Prawelska-Skrzypek

A specialist in Urban Geography and Social Geography, Dr. Grazyna Prawelska-

Skrzypek strengthens UCP-SARnet’s link to Eastern Europe with her knowledge of

big city management, insight into local government and local and regional develop-ment, as well as a perspective on the role of culture in the regional policies in Poland.

She currently serves as a professor at the Institute for Public Affairs at the Jagielloni-an University in Krakow, Poland. Over a period from 2008 - 2009 Dr. Prawelska-

Skrzypek was responsible for higher education in Poland while serving as the Deputy Minister of Education for the country. She also currently serves as a member in vari-

ous associations and foundations tasked with Public Administration, Social Geogra-

phy, and Economic Development. Several major publications to her name are on the subject of European Law Implementation, Public Services, and Planning and Strate-

gic Management in regards to Public Policy.

Joshua Wyrick

Advisory Board Member: William A. Foster

Dr. William Foster is currently a professor in the Science, Technology and Society program

at Arizona State University – Polytechnic Campus and has been since 2007. He teaches courses on social change (SOC 352), on information technology and globalization (STS 330),

and courses on science and technology’s role to society and to the global arena (STS 330 and

STS 317 respectively). He studied Religion at Williams College, Massachusetts where he graduated from in 1982. It wasn’t till about 14 years later that he began working towards his

PhD and earned this distinction at the University of Arizona in 2001.

Over the years Dr. Foster has worked as a Legislative and Press Secretary, as a Director of

Communications and Legislative Assistant for Science and Technology, as a Sales Engineer, a Global Network Engineer, as an International and Regulatory Policy Editor (in Washing-

ton DC), as an Assistant Professor of Accounting and Information Systems at ASU – West Campus. He has also been the president and co-head of Foster and Brahm Inc. since 1986,

which is a consulting company for corporations and governments, advising on how to incor-

porate technology into their management systems to the best of their advantage. Some of the clients of Foster and Brahm have included the US Congress, the US Executive Office of the

President, Federal Agencies, Netscape, Stanford University, University of Arizona, Arizona Research Institute for Solar Energy (AzRISE) and the United Nations World Water Assess-

ment Project.

Dr. Foster has moved across the United States and across the Globe a lot over his life. An

interesting fact is that as a child Dr. Foster’s family lived in Georgia briefly where they at-

tended the Ebenezer Baptist Church, at which time Dr. Martin Luther King was preacher.

Thomas Lane

Page 16

Advisory Board Member: Christopher Zambakari

An inspiration for all students who have ever been involved in UCP-SARnet, Christopher Zambakari has been with the

network ever since it began. He went from being an Assistant Editor to an Associate Editor to, his current involvement, a

student representative on the UCP-SARnet Advisory Board. He has been involved in such tasks as finding new collabora-tors, developing materials for the newsletters, tracking UCP-SARnet growth and progress, and supervising Assistant Edi-

tors. His interests extend beyond the global community issues delineated by the Millennium Development Goals to the social issues of sustainable economic development, international conflict resolution and human rights. As a Sudanese-

American who experienced the civil war conditions firsthand, Christopher and his family fled Sudan over a decade ago and eventually settled in the United States. This is why peace sustainability in Sudan and socio-economic issues in Africa

are more than just current world problems to Christopher, they are personal. And he is more than qualified to address all

of the above issues on a global level.

Advisory Board Member: Rajesh Jangareddy

Rajesh Jangareddy obtained his Bachelors of Science degree in Electronics Engineering

from an Engineering College in India after which his pursuit of further education

brought him to Arizona State University for his MS. While at ASU, Rajesh completed training for corporate coaches offered by CoachVille, training undoubtedly valuable

towards his interest in educating community leaders. Rajesh is currently on the adviso-ry board of UCPSARnet and the ICT Team. One of his tasks is to coordinate for non-

governmental organizations in India and the United States to form collaborations and work towards the cause of global concerns. Rajesh currently works as an Electrical En-

gineer at Vitesse Semiconductor in Texas where he designs circuits for electronic chips.

Abidah Khalife

Christopher graduated Summa Cum Laude with a B.S in Psychology

from Arizona State University – West Campus in Fall of 2006. He went on to earn his MBA in International Finance from the University of

Buckingham in England in 2009, after which he began his pursuit of a

Doctorate in Law and Policy at Northeastern University College of Pro-fessional Studies in Boston. He speaks English, French, Sudanese Ara-

bic, Zande, and Lingala. And this is only to name a few of his notewor-thy qualifications. Christopher spends his time participating in confer-

ences and conducting research on political reform in Sudan. He raises awareness to the problems faced in Sudan whenever possible. In 2007,

he was one of the organizers for the Day of Remembrance for Darfur

through which thousands of petitions were collected to press for a UN Peacekeeping Mission to stop genocide in Sudan. He also organizes

events for the Southern Sudanese Woman Empowerment Network to bring awareness to their cause as well as raise funds.

Christopher has served as a student representative to his colleagues in his MBA program and since 2007 he has been a National Student Repre-

sentative to the Society for Community Research and Action (SCRA) for

which he has been conducting peer-reviews in the grant-award process, editing publications, providing support to Student Regional Representa-

tives of the group over regions in the US and Canada, and promoting SCRA. To say the least, he is not someone who is merely interested in

social issues; he is a driving force for social change

Thomas Lane

Introducing members of our Advisory Board (Continued)

Member Organizations

Page 17

AASRA for Community Transformation (ACT) is a non-profit advocating for universal human rights

and children’s rights. Website:

African Woman and Child Features Service (AWC) ensures that the voices of the wom-

en and children in Africa, and the issues they face, are better represented in mainstream

media. Website:

Ann Foundation empowers people who live with the daily challenges of vision impairment, hearing loss

and other disabilities in some of the world’s most impoverished places. Website:

Anti-Poverty Project (TAPP) assists communities through job training, personal development training

and providing technology to non-profit organizations and to the disadvantaged. Website:

Association for Welfare, Social Action, and Research—India (AWSAR) is an organization compris-

ing of a group of professional social development workers from diverse background. Website:

Beam Foundation provides needy children in the developing world with school uniforms

and necessary school supplies. Website:

Cameroon Association for the Protection and Education of the Child (CAPEC) works with children,

youth, parents, and governmental bodies to identify the needs of underprivileged children in Cameroon.


The Canadian Forum on Civil Justice works towards a civil justice system that is accessible, effec-

tive, fair and efficient. Website:

The Centre for Community Research and Action, Laurier works to advance

community knowledge, social policy, and practice for community wellness and

social equity. Website:

Changes for New Hope supports the impoverished children from the Peruvian Andes region through

educational programs, personal development, and building of social and emotional wellbeing. Website:

The Community University Research Alliance explores new ways of providing community men-

tal health support. Website:

Ecuador Volunteer Foundation volunteers for social, community, educational,

healthcare, and ecological projects throughout Ecuador. Website:

Global Thinking Women empowers women of all ages throughout the various stages in their lives.


Helping Lives International: a non-profit focusing on eradicating poverty. Help youth gain em-

ployment and to work as Ambassadors and leaders. Website:

Member Organizations (Continued)

Page 18

India Vision Foundation (IVF): founded in 1994 by Dr. Kiran Bedi to expand upon the

work of Navjyoti India Foundation. It strives to improve conditions in prisons, the lives of

those incarcerated and that of their children. Website:

LUKMEF helps Cameroon to embrace peace, non-violence, social justice, and sustainable develop-

ment in order to alleviate poverty. Website:

Navjyoti India Foundation (NIF) was founded in 1988 by Dr. Kiran Bedi. NIF

works in collaboration with IVF for positive change, beginning with a flagship pro-

gram for correction, drug-addiction and rehabilitation. Website:

Network of East West Women - Polska (NEWW-Polska) is a Poland-based women’s advocacy net-

work that provides knowledge and resources to empower and strengthen women while working to-

wards social and economic equity. Website:

Nigerian Youth Climate Coalition (NYCC) is focusing on climate change and collaborates with

collaborating with youth, policy makers, and other stakeholders. Website: nigerianyouthclimate-

Pluribus Europe is a consulting organization which coaches and trains their clients, com-

prised of international companies, in diversity and inclusion techniques at all levels of cor-

porate management. Founded in 2006. Website:

Somali Family Services, established in 2003, envisions a peaceful and thriving Somalia. They pro-

mote the causes of human rights, social justice, democracy, and sustainable living by empowering

the marginalized groups and communities in the country. Website:

Students Travel and Exposure South Africa (STAESA) is a non-profit organization promoting and

enhancing cultural exchange and development in Africa. Website:

TESA is a nonprofit organization aimed at researching, training researchers, outlining an

implementing projects for the promotion of sustainable economy. Website:

Unreasonable Institute: supports globally-minded social entrepreneurs who are

developing solutions to pressing issues. Website:

UCP-SARnet The Gambia undertakes a diverse and creative range of educational, humanitarian, and peace-

building initiatives in to help achieve MDGs. Website:

Page 19



Arizona State University

Department of Psychology P.O. Box 871104, Tempe, AZ 85287, USA Tel. 480-965-6253 Email:


Executive Officer

Dr. Marek Wosinski Email:



Osee Romeo Tcheupgoum Email:



Birendra Soni Email:



Ganeswar Sahoo Email:



Randi Burggraff Email:

Joshua Watson




Susana Pesis



John Mabey



Robby Uppal Email:



Andy Chen



Adam Euerby Email:


Dorav Kumar



Adam Euerby Uttam Bhat

Rajesh Jangareddy

Smitha Kamath Dorav Kumar

Nikhil Sridhar Robby Uppal


Dr. Wayne Goulet

Dr. Eric Hartman Dr. Eva Szeli

Angela Abolhassani

Mohamed Camara Zoe Cavanar-Levandowski

Talitha Collins

Joanna Dalotto Danielle Finochiaro

Abidah Khalife

Birendra Kumar Thomas Lane

Quihong Li Francesca Mercurio

Shannon Monn

Maria Navarro Eean Patterson

Renato Ramos

Ganeswar Sahoo Maureen Schirmer

Marianne Shively

Joshua Wyrick Shelby Vick



Contact person: Osee Romeo Tcheupgoum

No. 1 Ansumana Ceesay Street, Dippakunda

UCP-SARnet -The Gambia (Non-Profit & Charitable organization)

P.O.BOX 2192, serekunda, KMSD. The GAMBIA Tel. (00 220) 6548963/7953521/

3438 808 /6717761



Contact Person: Birendra Kumar University Community Partnership for Social Action Research Network. UN Commission on Sustainable Development (Youth and Children Major Group )

Tel. +91-9910711112



Contact Person: Adam Euerby

Candidate M.ASc. Systems Design Engineering, B.ASc. Systems Design Engineering, University of Waterloo Advanced Interface Design Lab

1.519.888.4567 x34904


Contact Person: Ganeswar Sahoo

via s cosma e damiano 103

trento, tn 38122, ITALY

Tel. +39 3319782685 Email:


Contact Person: Randi Burggraff Department of Psychology P.O. Box 871104, Tempe, AZ 85287, USA Tel. 480-965-6253



Contact Person: Susana Pesis



Robert Cialdini, Arizona State University


Liz Cunningham, University of Brighton


Aecio D’Silva, University of Arizona (USA)

Kim Eagles, Grassroots Activist (USA)

William A. Foster, Foster and Brahm

Management Consulting (USA)

Rajesh Jangareddy, Vitesse Semiconductor


Joanna Ochocka, Centre for Community En-

gaged Research (Canada)

Grazyna Prawelska-Skrzypek, Jagiellonian

University (Poland)

Jan Sadlak, Warsaw School of social Sciences

and Humanities (Poland)

Jerrie Ueberle, Global Interactions, Inc (USA)

Christopher Zambakari, Student Representative


For more information about our worldwide network

of educators, researchers, students and community leaders,

please visit our website:

If you want to get involved, please click CONTACT US

and fill in the relevant application form.


Educating, Empowering and Engaging Communities Page 20

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