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Word of Wisdom



Issue I – ’09 Volume © 2009








Erica Kemper Editor

Next Edition: Is Your Fire Contagious?

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1 WISDOM 1 “Respect the Logos

(written Word of God) so that you are open for the Rhema (spoken Word of God).”

Pastor Charles Perry Jr. Word of Restoration Christian Fellowship

During a recent conversation, the Lord spoke plainly to me: „If you don‟t have faith to believe me for $55, how can you have faith to believe me for the $1,000, and if no faith for those things then how can you have faith for the millions.‟ With this one statement I understood that God has provided for my every need, absolutely everything that concerns me, my family, the vision He has for our lives, as well as, the secret petitions of my heart. You see, the $55 represented a current need, while the $1000 was seed to purchase additional equipment for the vision that God revealed to me, which ultimately leads to the fullness of His promise made and oath given, which He swear by Himself. BUT, all that hinges on me first understanding that: For every need that I have it is God„s pleasure to provide for it. Matthew 6:25-33 “Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing?

Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature? “So why do you worry about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; and yet I say to you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. Now if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will He not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? “Therefore do not worry, saying, „What shall we eat?‟ or „What shall we drink?‟ or „What shall we wear?‟ For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. God constantly corrects me, each of us for that matter, as I go, so that I attain a better understanding of how to operate in and through His Word. In the midst of praying, as I put Him back in remembrance of His Word… ”The Lord gives me the desires of my heart…. (Psalm 37:4)”. The Lord spoke to me, you are not asking for desires right now. You are speaking of your needs. It was like God was saying though you are using my Word it is not the right one to get the


Issue I – ’09 Volume © 2009

results you need for your present situation.

And as He

corrected me, He simultaneously, by the Holy Spirit, gave me the right Scripture to use. „Lord, it is Your good pleasure to provide those things that we have need of‟ (Matthew 6:25-33) And so, I began to specifically and systematically list the needs of my family to the Lord that it was His good pleasure to provide, calling Him, „ABBA‟, Father by the power and authority of the Holy Spirit through whom I have been granted sonship. The Lord further explained that for every situation there is the perfect (most accurate) Scripture to stand on to manifest my God-given victory. He used the analogy of David retrieving stones from the brook to use in the fight against Goliath. Though David pulled several stones from the river, the victory ultimately required him choosing the right ONE which he could deliver with enough power to kill the giant he was currently facing. Yes, I have the Word of God in me, for having the wisdom and power of several Scriptures as foundation is key for having strength to face the challenge. BUT, ultimately there is one Scripture that is perfect to cause my giant to fall before me, so that I walk in manifested victory.

1 WISDOM 1 Vast difference between:

God’s will Need


By His Wisdom, I have come to understand there is a vast difference between: His will, my needs, and my desires. The words are not interchangeable. God‟s will is accomplished and established by His Word. My needs will be met (seen) contingent upon my believing and then acting upon what I believe. My desires will then be granted because I have delighted (yielded) myself totally to God. At this point, I am a trusted steward of God‟s possessions for I understand He is the Source that provides for every one of my needs and desires. I had to be honest and identify my current position in my walk of faith to understand the subtle, but very important difference: am I seeking God‟s perfect will, requesting a need, or making known my desire, for each requires similar, yet different, action from me. And just as there is a difference in my requests, there is a distinct difference in the timing of manifestations of each.

God’s will God‟s will is for salvation and deliverance. It requires us to but speak the word from where we are and it shall be done (Matthew 8:8, NLT). So what does that mean? It means if I have lost loved ones living in another city, I can send forth the Word of God and Father will hasten to perform it. If my child is ensnared by the world in a perverse lifestyle, I can send forth, by speaking, the Word of God and it will accomplish what it was sent out to do. If my relative or friend is dealing with an illness I just have to speak the Word of God for healing in the situation. It does not mean that I necessarily go and seek them out, lay hands, and then pray, but rather, because I am seeking Father‟s will, my prayers are so powerful that me speaking His Word alone will cause performance and manifestation. It is the same with my word. I send it out, and it always produces fruit. It will accomplish all I want it to, and it will prosper everywhere I send it. (Isaiah 55:11, NLT) So I pray, therefore, to the Lord of the Harvest that He would send forth workers into His harvest. (Luke 10:2) (Matthew 9:38)


Issue I – ’09 Volume © 2009

God‟s will is established TODAY. How do I know this, because the Bible states this Truth over and over again: This day, TODAY, is salvation come to this house. (Luke 19:9) This day, TODAY, is this Scripture fulfilled (completed, done, accomplished, performed, realized, finished) while you are present and hearing. (Luke 4:21) TODAY, if you would hear His voice and when you hear it, do not harden your hearts. (Hebrews 4:7, AMP) The completion is done in the hearing and receiving of God‟s Word, so long as the person does not harden his/her heart when hearing the vessel God decides to use to speak to them.

My needs & desires Needs are those essentials that every human being requires as the bare necessities of life: shelter, food, clothing, and protection. As a baby, our needs were not elaborate: 1.) crib, bassinet, or dresser drawer where we could be laid for rest. Not overly spacious, but just large enough to accommodate my person. 2.) milk to drink when hunger arose: completely free for God knew and provided for the dietary needs of an infant by equipping mothers with the ability to create nourishing food perfect for their baby. 3.) cloth diapers, couple of onesies, and one or two blankets could easily sustain us for the first year of our life. 4.) safety by providing parents, adults, older siblings to watch over us. Yet, even with the simplest of things, I allowed myself to be deceived by the voice of men. I believed in a system of lack that had already infected and permeated every area of my life causing me to exchange the authentic for the man-made counterfeit. Wasting valuable resources!

I allowed internal and external influences to say that my needs were far more than these essentials: It wasn‟t the right crib (house) because it wasn‟t big enough what would the family, friends, and my colleagues think. Or, this simply won‟t do because “it doesn‟t define me and who I am as a person”, when I was never to be defined by things. Or, it is not enough clothes because there are seven days in a week, even though I can only wear one outfit at a time, or this simple meal is not enough, it is bland and the same all the time. I want champagne and caviar because so-and-so enjoys those things. In my eyes, what my needs were far more than what my current resources could provide me. By my actions and thoughts I essentially stated that what God provided was not sufficient for my “needs” which were actually desires. Now, here I am at the appointed time in my life where my erroneous thinking is being corrected, as the Lord continues daily to give me understanding of how to truly operate according to His way of doing things. The Lord has made me to understand that my needs are as simple as that of a child and my desires are as great as the requests of any other king before me. Both are acceptable and approved in His eyes. BUT, it is about being content wherever the Lord has me at the appointed time, so long as I am in His will. [I am learning] to be quite content whatever my circumstances. I'm just as happy with little as with much, with much as with little. I've found the recipe for being happy whether full or hungry, hands full or hands empty. Whatever I have, wherever I am, I can make it through anything in the One who makes me who I am. (Philippians 4:11-13, MSG) And when I follow the pattern of my ancestor Abraham when called to worship with Isaac on the mountain in Moriah - after hearing God say go worship, arriving at the appointed place and the agreed upon time, and being totally willing and obedient to attend to what God required of him, which was the sacrifice of his only son - the Lord (Jehovah Jireh) will confirm His Holy Name on my behalf. His provision for my needs shall be seen.


Issue I – ’09 Volume © 2009

I am on a progressive walk to come to the place that I am totally yielded, where I delight myself in Him and in His will. By developing a more intimate relationship with God, I can hear, confidently trust, and perform the commands which He speaks to me. And there, in that place of confident trust and surrender shall the desires of my heart be given and granted.

Erica Kemper


A few months back, I was given specific instructions for my husband and I to attend a meeting where Dr. Leroy Thompson, Ever Increasing Word Ministries, taught revelatory knowledge from God in particular as it relates to the believer‟s finances. By the Holy Spirit, I was further told a mantle would be placed upon my husband and I. All that Father spoke through His Word came to pass that night, Dr. Thompson gave an impartation, a first by his own admission, because the Lord had directed him to do so before he arrived at the conference. Just as with Moses and Joshua a transference of a measure of honor onto my husband and I took place. I recall it clearly that as Dr. Thompson lightly touched my husband, I as well received for we are one. Dr. Thompson commented‟ that‟s a husband and wife‟ as he continued down the line of people waiting to receive the impartation. Now for the conference, the Lord commanded Dr. Thompson to “teach His people how to receive properly.” One of the Scripture references was Luke 6:38 Give, and it will be given to you: good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be put into your bosom. Dr. Thompson explained there are various degrees of receiving, but the believer has been running this all together and causing us to strain our faith. As I pray this morning, the Lord brought to remembrance the teaching of His Word at the conference. In particular, “Good Measure” for the Lord had not given Dr. Thompson a full revelation of the meaning of “Good Measure” at the time, but the analogy Dr. Thompson used of his mother sending his father out into the fields when he was a boy to get a “mess of greens” was suffice to paint a picture for me at the time. But this morning, this is what I heard in the Spirit:

Good Measure is Provision


Issue I – ’09 Volume © 2009

As I meditated on „Good Measure‟ the Spirit quickened it is God‟s good pleasure to provide. To provide what: those things we have NEED of (Luke 12:27-32) 27Consider the lilies, how they grow. They neither [wearily] toil nor spin nor [i]weave; yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory (his splendor and magnificence) was not arrayed like one of these. 28But if God so clothes the grass in the field, which is alive today, and tomorrow is thrown into the furnace, how much more will He clothe you, O you [people] of little faith? 29And you, do not seek [by meditating and reasoning to inquire into] what you are to eat and what you are to drink; nor be of anxious (troubled) mind [[j]unsettled, excited, worried, and [k]in suspense]; 30For all the pagan world is [greedily] seeking these things, and your Father knows that you need them. 31Only aim at and strive for and seek His kingdom, and all these things shall be supplied to you also. 32Do not be seized with alarm and struck with fear, little flock, for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom!

1 WISDOM 1 Vast difference between:

Provision Seed


By His Wisdom, I have come to understand there is a vast difference between: provision, seed, and harvest. Jesus spoke of each of these in Luke 6:38 Give, and it will be given to you: good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be put into your bosom.

Provision is the „good measure‟. Do good in Your good pleasure (Psalm 51:18, AMP) It

is the Father‟s good pleasure to provide for us and give us the kingdom.


is the pressed down, which is to be planted (sown) in order to manifest the expected harvest in my life.


of which there are two, is the shaken together (wheat) and running over (wine/oil) which shall appear at the appointed time in my life. But, as Dr. Thompson stated, “we are not receiving properly the „good measure‟ to move to the „pressed down‟.” As I asked, how should I receive? I am to ask and receive as Christ did with a knowing and thankfulness. As a son, knowing my Father‟s abundance is readily available to me. You see, my circumstances had turned me into a spiritual beggar, even worse a spectator, doubting the tender mercies, loving-kindness, and graciousness of my God. As a result, when God manifested my request, or more accurately stated~ as I walked in the maturity of time and my requests were revealed to me, I in turn had an emotional experience with God, deluding myself into thinking it was praise, thanksgiving, and worship: I wept profusely. Not that I wasn‟t grateful, but it was the gratitude of a slave still in bondage whose “cruel master” had done me an unexpected kindness. AND, My Father is none of these things! In fact, I expect to be answered with Yea and Amen! For I am of those who put their trust in God; therefore, I am never put to shame. I had not entered into the rest that God freely provided to me, for He, God, has already done everything He is going to do (Hebrews 4:3). This means He is not creating new miracles but an unfolding and revealing of everything that God has already done for me is taking place. But His rest and all of His promises are received by faith through imputed sonship by the Holy Spirit. He freely gave to those who have been given His Spirit…for by the Spirit we cry ABBA, Father! But,


Issue I – ’09 Volume © 2009

just as Christ I am called to suffer (endure, experience, bear, go through) tests and trials, not to break or destroy me, but so that I come to know the Father more intimately.

1 WISDOM 1 Stop having an emotional experience

with God and have a revelational encounter with God

Consider what Jesus did each time there was a need. He operated in a knowing of what the Father possessed He had the right, authority, permission, and power to use it. Now, through meditation on God‟s Word and by inspiration of the Holy Spirit, I understand that the same words God spoke over Jesus as the Holy Spirit alighted upon Him, This is my Son in whom I am well pleased (accepted, favored, and regarded). (Matthew 4:17). These are the same words that God said about me, each of us, as the Holy Spirit alighted upon us. I am encouraged to know what happens when THE KING is well pleased with me:

So the king said to me, Why do you look sad, since you are not sick? This is nothing but sorrow of heart.3And said to the king, Let the king live forever! Why should I not be sad faced when the city, the place of my fathers' sepulchers, lies waste, and its [fortified] gates are consumed by fire? 4The king said to me, For what do you ask? So I prayed to the God of heaven. 5And I said to [him], If it pleases the king and if your servant has found favor in your sight, I ask that you will send me to Judah, to the city of my fathers' sepulchers, that I may rebuild it. 6The king, beside whom the queen was

sitting, asked me, How long will your journey take, and when will you return? So it pleased [him] to send me; and I set him a time. 7Also I said to the king, If it pleases the king, let letters be given me for the governors beyond the [Euphrates] River, that they may let me pass through to Judah, 8And a letter to Asaph, keeper of the king's forest or park, that he may give me timber to make beams for the gates of the fortress of the temple and for the city wall and for the house that I shall occupy. And the king granted what I asked, for the good hand of my God was upon me. 9Then I came to the governors beyond the River and gave them the king's letters. Now the king had sent captains of the army and horsemen with me. (Nehemiah 2:2-9)

First, I see, He, THE KING, will have a regard for me. That means He is known by me, but more importantly, I am known by HIM. He knows my demeanor, attitude, circumstances, and character. Secondly, I see, He will inquire as to my needs and my desires. He will grant my requests. Not only will He just grant my requests, He will give me His seal (that‟s the Name of Jesus on my head and the Holy Spirit bearing witness of me as a son), so that others know that I am approved, accepted, and favored by THE KING. Thirdly, the seal will provide for closed doors being opened and provision being freely given. Finally, without asking, because of the value I have with THE KING, He will freely provide protection to surround and journey with me.

For by the Holy Spirit I am recognized as a son of God; therefore, I walk in the „good measure‟ God has provided for me. I receive it with a knowing and thankfulness that which is my Father‟s is mine to use.

Erica Kemper


Issue I – ’09 Volume © 2009


Towards the end of the school year my son was involved in a fight with another young boy in his class. As a result, he had to appear in court before a judge, which is common practice in the school district. He pled not guilty to the charge and was told to reappear August 4, 2009. So, here we are August 4, 2009, and as summoned, my son and I are in court by 10:00 AM. We arrived at approximately 9:45AM, signed in, and seated ourselves on the first bench in the front of the courtroom. The room is lightly sprinkled with people, others, having to see the judge. There are two bailiffs and the court assistant present in place and in position, ready for court to begin. The only one missing is the Judge. Now, by the Holy Spirit, I knew my son was forgiven and that no further consequences would be required: no court costs ($70), no fine ($500), and, more importantly, no juvenile record. So, I sat there with the understanding: I am on assignment. As we sat, the Lord recalled to my mind of Abraham going up to worship with Isaac at the request of the Lord. There the Lord manifests Himself as Jehovah Jireh, the One Whose Provision Shall Be Seen. So I meditated there as the Holy Spirit spoke quietly. All was well for the first 30-45 minutes or so as we waited for the Judge to appear. The Lord is speaking to me and I am quietly taking notes, while my son is talking with another young boy who is sitting next to us along with his father and other siblings. But, then the Lord was done speaking at the moment, so I

became aware of my circumstances: the passing time, the hard bench, and the cold atmosphere. And I felt my carnal self wanting to rise, so I began to meditate on more Scriptures. I knew I could not allow myself to be moved for two reasons: #1 – I was on assignment, #2 – the Lord has promised my son clemency in this situation. Needless to say, it was very important that I keep the right attitude about myself. Another 20-30 minutes passed and the judge still has not appeared and the court is now filling with others who must appear before him. I am still possessing my vessel, huddling the corner attempting to keep warm and doing a little shifting about to ease the discomfort of the hard bench while I meditate on Scripture. Then, the court assistant does something I have never seen…she turns on the TV, which is normally reserved to show evidence during trial and begins to flip channels, so that the people can be entertained. And note, the Judge still has not appeared! Now, I tell my son “I need to go outside and pray. Do not move. I will be back.” So, I go out on the court room steps and I pace back and forth as I pray aloud in a low tone going back and forth between my prayer language and natural tongue. I ask God to help me possess my vessel. I will not allow my flesh to rise. Reiterating over and over again, I know I am on assignment and I am not just idly sitting here. “Lord, show me the assignment and what it is You would have me to do.” I call my husband and he further girds me through the things that the Lord had revealed to him during his meditation time. I periodically poked my head back into the courtroom to see if the judge has taken his seat. But, the chair is still empty and the television is still playing….I continue to pray. Suddenly, there is a woman running up the steps and she is crying hysterically asking that someone call 911 because her baby is not breathing. I get off the phone with my husband, for this was my assignment. She had taken the young child to the restroom and was frantically throwing water onto the baby‟s face and wetting her hair to get her to cool down and respond. The only thing in my Spirit was “Little girl,


Issue I – ’09 Volume © 2009

the Lord says get up.” Approaching the mother I ask her to let me hold the baby, but there was language barrier as her English was limited and my Spanish was non-existent. Though she would not allow me to hold the baby, she allowed me to touch her, which was all that was needed. The mother continued to scream for help and I did that which I knew to do. I began to pray. Now, the baby‟s face is slightly blue around the edge of mouth and cheeks, clear spittle is freely running from her mouth, her eyes are open but not responding to her mother‟s voice (there is no blinking nor looking towards her mother‟s voice), and her small body is completely limp. The mother continued to scream that she is not breathing. Soon those in the courtroom are now in the corridor. One of the bailiffs, with a very quiet spirit, is able to get the mother to release the young baby to him. I broke contact long enough to retrieve a cool damp towel to lay upon her head, never ceasing in praying in the Holy Ghost. I went back to the young baby and just prayed softly in her right ear as the bailiff spoke to her asking her to keep her eyes open. A young lady, who I had earlier noticed her countenance when she came into the courtroom, came near and she began to pray and call on the name of Jesus in her natural tongue. As I heard her, I grabbed her hand with my free hand that was not on the young girl and drew her closer for the Lord is faithful to send out two to accomplish His work. I see us even now: we have encircled ourselves about this little one: the bailiff, my sister, and I. by God‟s Spirit and anointing, we stood as the wall between the little girl and death. That is just how God does each of us, you and I. He ever sends His angels to have

charge over us to keep us, while all the while we are resting safely in His hands. Soon the court assistant is attempting to restore order, so she calls for anyone not family to return to the court room. Now I don‟t move, but continue praying for I have not been released by Father as the court assistant questions the Lord‟s other angel. “Ma‟am, are you family?” „No.‟ “Then what are you doing?” She boldly says: „I am praying.‟ And continues to pray to God for deliverance. So here we are, the gentle bailiff holding and speaking gently to the young girl, who is laying there limp and lightly breathing (Praise God) and two young ladies praying God‟s Word in the natural and in the Holy Ghost. The mother by this point is calm because her fear has been destroyed with three words „She is breathing‟. The ambulance arrives and the bailiff gives the little girl to the trained medical staff. We, my sister in Christ and I, stand at the door as the last of the Lord‟s prayer is spoken. It is done and all is well. Now, the spectators have questions: what happened?, is everything okay?, what‟s wrong?...For me the Spirit is still there and I cannot speak I just raise my hand to those questioning me, for I still need a moment with my Father. I thanked God for His Spirit and His faithfulness. Then, I prepared myself to return to the courtroom. As soon as, I opened the door, my son‟s name was being called. I told the court assistant he stepped into the restroom and would be right back. Upon his return, they called us in to see into a room I had not noticed before. As we sat before the Judge, he reviewed the notes of the fight: 11 years old (my son) fighting 13 year old (other young man) was one his first comments. What grade are you in? I imagine the other young man is a bit taller than you second comment. He asked my son to explain what happened. As my son explained the events that occurred in the classroom, the judge listened. Then he asked have you ever been in trouble before, my son said „Yes, one other time, I was in a fight with a boy who tore up my makeup homework for class.‟ The judge spoke kindly to him and gave him


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reconfirmed wisdom on controlling himself. Then he said, "I believe I am going to dismiss this case." And just like that my son was free to go. Court cost - $-0-, fine $-0- ($570 paid in full by the blood of the Lamb) Manifestation of God‟s goodness – priceless. As I drove home, the Lord replayed the courtroom scene for me and spoke to me: That is just how it is in the spirit. Though you are sitting and waiting and the situation and position is becoming uncomfortable and seems unbearable. And you don‟t necessarily see me right before you. Trust that I am working in unseen ways and behind closed doors. Know that court is already in session. I am sitting on the throne and I have declared victory on behalf of you, my people. You just need to possess your vessel as you wait for my revealed manifestation and complete the assignments I have given for you to do. For when you arrive at the specific place, at the appointed time, and complete the assigned task I will reveal Myself to you and confirm My Name for you.

Erica Kemper

The chosen

The Lord uses the young. There is the sound of violence in the atmosphere but it should not be feared. It is the sound of a generation, a host of warriors, being awakened. Do not be afraid for though they have come to fight it is not against the sons of the Light, but against the darkness, the enemy of this world. Beware of the distorters, those things that alter your perception of reality: drugs, alcohol, even „extreme‟ digital media that invite you to escape from the cares and/or concerns of your everyday life. It is a strategy of the enemy to break your focus, hinder your progress, and abort your awakening. For thousands of years a war has been waging between The Chosen and darkness and we are on the threshold of seeing victory. The Light has come. FIGHT! When He calls, do not say I am young. Say, YES! Though there will be darkness and death all around, do not be dismayed. Take courage, stand, and fight for you are not fighting alone. Your efforts are not in vain. You are victorious for you are………………….


Erica Kemper


Issue I – ’09 Volume © 2009


“Respect the Logos (written Word of God) so that you are open for the Rhema (spoken Word of God).”

Pastor Charles Perry Jr. Word of Restoration Christian Fellowship


Vast difference between: God’s will

Need desire


Vast difference between: Provision

Seed Harvest


Stop having an emotional experience with God and have a revelational

encounter with God

1. Hear God Speak 2. Believe What God Says 3. Do What You Heard 4. Arrival: Right Place & Appointed Time

ready obedience, no delays, no distractions, no double-mindedness


Issue I – ’09 Volume © 2009

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