itching for recovery? find soothing relief for eczema with homeopathy!

Post on 14-Jun-2015



Health & Medicine



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Allergic Diseases like Eczema have doubled in last 25 years. Eczema is a fairly common but frustrating inflammatory skin disorder. It usually starts in early childhood. Obese children are 3 times more likely to get Eczema. The skin usually feels dry. Stress and Smoking can trigger eczema. Homeopathy has a very high success rate in the treatment of eczema and other skin affections. It brings down the inflammation, dryness and rashes naturally. There will be no need of applying the various creams available once you are on homeopathic medicines. You can find more of such informative Power Point Presentations as well as other useful health information at, the definitive online homeopathic treatment portal.



Embarrassed with Eczema?

Get flawless skin with Homeopathy !!

ECZEMA That Annoying Itch!

To experience it yourself,

Self medication can harm you and must be strictly avoided

Amazing Facts & Figures

About Eczema?

• Allergic Diseases like Eczema have doubled in last 25 years.

Millions suffer from Eczema worldwide.

• Nearly 10-20% people have Atopic dermatitis worldwide.

• About 15% of infants and children suffer from Eczema in Australia.

• Psychological effects – decreased productivity, low self-esteem,

depression, stress, anxiety, social isolation, etc.

Tired of Applying numerous less effective ointments?

Try Homeopathy to free yourself from Eczema and

get back your healthy and radiant skin!!

For a deep-rooted & long-lasting solution

• Eczema is a fairly common but frustrating skin disorder.

• There is inflammation of the skin.

• Redness, itching and swelling of skin.

• Derived from the Greek word “Ekzema”

meaning eruptions.

• Also known as dermatitis.

• Most commonly occurs on the wrists, face,

knees, ankles and elbows

• It is not contagious and does not spread from

one person to another.

What is Eczema ?

For complete details about

1. Atopic Eczema

• Atopic means "strange"in Greek.

• An inherited eczema where patient is hypersensitive to

various substances.

• Itching is intense and intolerable.

• Skin is extremely dry and can break down and ooze.

2. Seborrhoeic Eczema

• Affects parts of skin that are rich in sweat and sebaceous

glands such as scalp, face, nasolabial folds and torso.

• Yellowish or white scales along with red rash

characterise this condition.

Types of Eczema


5. Contact Eczema

• Contact with substances that irritate skin or induce

an allergic reaction.

• Allergic Contact Eczema usually occurs from nickel-

plated jewellery, chromium-containing cosmetics,

certain sunscreen lotions, topical steroids, perfumes,


• Irritant Contact Eczema usually occurs after contact

with irritants such as detergents, strong soaps,

acetone, kerosene, etc.

Types of Eczema


6. Exfoliative Eczema

• Also called the "Red Man Syndrome" or


• It is a type as well as complication of other

types of Eczema.

• It results in universal scaling of the skin with

intense redness.

• It usually occurs in presence of another skin

disease such as other type of Eczema, Psoriasis,


Types of Eczema

Common symptoms of eczema are:

• Inflammation of skin

• Dryness of skin

• Recurrent skin rashes

• Papules and vesicles

• Itching, worse at the night

What happens in Eczema ?

To know more Click


• One of the commonest causes of eczema

• Triggers include dust, detergents, rubber,

nickel-plated jewellery, etc.


• More common in urban areas due to high pollution levels.

• Extremely dry, cold weather tends to make

skin scratchy, resulting in eczema.

Genetic influence:

• More likely in individuals with a family history of Eczema

or other allergic conditions like Asthma, Hay Fever, etc.

What causes Eczema?



• Obese children are 3 times more

likely to get Eczema.

• Obesity results in inflammation of fat

tissues that spills into other parts of

the body

• Excess fat also results in poor

circulation and skin ailments.


• One of the leading causes, especially on the fingers

that hold the cigarettes, as well as lips.

What causes Eczema?



• Physical or emotional stress has been

known to cause enhanced sensitivity

and inflammatory skin changes.

Diaper rash:

• In babies, napkin eczema occurs because

of chemical effect of urine/faeces on

sensitive skin.

What causes Eczema?

Family History of Allergic Diseases:

• If there is a Family History of Allergic Diseases like

Eczema, Asthma, Allergic Rhinitis, etc., the chances of

other members getting the same are very high.

Exposure to Physical & Chemical Allergens

• Examples: Dust, pet fur, pollen, detergents, certain

oils, greases and other chemicals.

Food Sensitivity:

• Food like nuts, soya, milk, eggs, etc. can bring on an

allergic response in individuals who are sensitive to


What are the Triggers of Eczema?



• Imbalance of sex hormones after menopause can

precipitate eczema.


• Makes the creases on the skin more

vulnerable to eczema.

Mental stress:

• An important risk factor because it

hampers the overall immunity.

What are the Triggers of Eczema?

To know more Click


• Skin becomes thick and leathery due to

prolonged itching.

• Also called lichen simplex chronicus.


• An infection of the skin with

Staphylococcus group of bacteria


• Skin can break up and cause open wounds

leading to various infections.

What can Eczema lead to ?



Eye affections:

• Eczema around the eye can cause watering of the

eye, inflammation of eyelids, and if ignored, even

permanent damage to the eye.

Psychological effects:

• Your skin enhances your appearance and projects your personality.

• Eczema can badly affect one’s confidence and morale, so much

so that even depression can set in.

What can Eczema lead to ?

To avoid these dreadful


• Apply non-medicated skin applications to soothe the itching

and irritation. Apply immediately after bathing on softly

dried skin for best effect.

• Use soap sparingly as it dries the skin and can

aggravate eczema.

• Drink plenty of water to keep skin well

hydrated and help to manage eczema better.

• Practice Yoga/Pranayama and other meditation techniques

to relax the mind, improve circulation and boost immunity.


• Do not scratch especially with nails as it

may lead to secondary infection.

• Avoid foods that you are allergic to.

• Avoid nickel-plated jewellery,

cosmetics, and other articles that can

irritate your skin.

• Avoid other triggers: Study and identify

your eczema triggers and avoid them as

far as possible.

Diet & Nutrition

Include the following:

• Drink plenty of water.

• Healthy diet including vegetables, brown

rice, millet, oily fish and fruits.

• Diet rich in vitamin A and zinc that helps in

regeneration of the skin.

• Fish liver oils and eggs with Vitamin A.

• Yellow and orange coloured fruits and

vegetables rich in carotene.

• Food rich in zinc such as shellfish, beef

and other red meats, eggs and seafood, nuts, sea plants, etc.


Include the following:

• Increase intake of vitamin C found in

citrus fruits such as oranges, lemon, etc.

that help to maintain healthy skin.

• Having 3-4 strands of saffron in milk is

beneficial for skin.

• Eat 3-4 fresh leaves of Basil leaves (Tulsi)

daily as they are known to be helpful in

skin ailments.

Diet & Nutrition


Avoid the following:

• Avoid refined sugar, white flour, fried food and processed food that are harmful to

the skin.

• Avoid excess fat from meat – eat lean and preferably organic meats.

• Avoid gluten (wheat, barley, rye and oats) and raw eggs if you are

sensitive to them.

• Avoid drinks and juices that you

are allergic to.

• Avoid foods that you are sensitive

to or that you cannot tolerate.

Diet & Nutrition

Homeopathic Approach

• Homeopathic approach is holistic, patient friendly, deep rooted, permanent,

gentle and swift.

• Focus is on building up your disease resisting / fighting capacity.

• Medicines are customized to suit the unique condition of each individual patient.

• Safe for all age groups – from newborns to

centurions and even in pregnancies.

• Highly effective as a preventive as

well as curative medicine

• Homeopathy has a very high success rate in the treatment of eczema and other

skin affections

• It brings down the inflammation, dryness and rashes naturally.

• It treats from the roots and help you to get back your soft, supple, lustrous

and healthy skin.

• The oversensitiveness and the allergic response of the body is effectively curbed

without suppression with Homeopathy.

• It greatly reduces the intensity , frequency & duration of flare-ups.

• By boosting the immunity, it provides the most wholesome, complete and

permanent relief from this obstinate ailment.

Role of Homeopathy in Eczema

For complete details click

Homeopathic remedies are prescribed on the basis of different parameters such as

the causes, intensity, signs & symptoms, time of worsening or improvement, etc.

For example:

• Eczema eruptions better in winter: Carbo animalis

• Eczema eruptions better by warm bathing: Anacardium

• Eczema with copper-colored eruptions: Kali bichromicum

• Eczema with severe itching, worse in cold weather: Dulcamara

Few Amazing Remedies for Eczema

Thus, you can see the fine differentiation of symptoms

as well as remedies that is unique to Homeopathy

Self medication can harm you and must be strictly avoided

• We have 100+ highly effective homeopathic remedies for quick and long-lasting

relief from Eczema

• Remedies are chosen on basis of unique & individualizing features of each

individual (i.e. customized for each patient).

Some of the commonly used remedies are :

• Mezereum

• Graphitis

• Lycopodium

• Pulsatilla

• Calcarea phos …..and many more….

Few Amazing Remedies for Eczema

Self medication can harm you and must be strictly avoidedContinued...


• Eczema from ill effects of vaccination

• Eczema surrounded by water filled vesicles.

• Intolerable itching with burning and

watery discharge.

• Worse in bed and from touch

• Person is angry over trivial things

but is soon sorry for it

Few Amazing Remedies for Eczema

Self medication can harm you and must be strictly avoided Continued...

Few Amazing Remedies for Eczema


• Eczema with rough, hard and dry skin.

• Rawness in the bends of limbs, groins, neck and behind ears

• Discharge of watery, transparent, honey-like sticky fluid.

• Worse from warmth and at night.

• Person is excessively cautious,

timid, hesitant and indecisive.

Self medication can harm you and must be strictly avoided Continued...

Few Amazing Remedies for Eczema


• Skin is thick, indurated and bleeds easily

• Fissured skin with violent itching

• Discharges are thick & offensive

• All symptoms worse between

4 to 8 p.m.

• Person is sad, afraid to be alone

with confusion & weak memory

To get complete details click

Self medication can harm you and must be strictly avoided

Benefits of Health

• Save your precious time, efforts, and

finances in physically visiting your


• Avail services of globally acclaimed

doctors from our high-powered


• Gain health in comfort &

convenience of your home

• Avail round-the-clock 24x7 medical

services & guidanceContinued...

Benefits of Health

• Online payment with easy and secure payment options

• Medicines at your doorstep

• Anytime, anywhere access to your medical records

• Add-on features such as:

clinical tips

health tips

do’s & don’ts

nutrition tips

health calculators

health reminders, etc……

to enrich your experience

To get maximum benefits click

A 3½ year old baby presented with eczema on her scalp for

the last 1½ years.

Her important symptoms in brief were:

• Eruptions on scalp with crust formation and scaling.

• Scabs would fall off as white flakes and leave behind raw areas.

• Poor hair growth.

• History of dry skin worsening every winter.

Associated Complaints:

• Bed wetting at night as well as in sleep during day time.

• Itching in the anal region.

Case of Eczema resolved

with Homeopathic treatment



Normal, except for Delayed talking

Homeopathic Approach (Individualization):• Strong craving for ice and cold drinks, bananas and milk.

• Aversion to sweets

• Stubborn kid.

• Mixing up easily with others.

• Fear of dark.

Diagnosis:Seborrheic Dermatitis

Case of Eczema resolved

with Homeopathic treatment


Treatment given:

Phosphorus (Homeopathic medicine)


• Eczema patches started getting smaller in size in 1-2 weeks.

• They were gradually replaced by normal healthy skin.

• At the end of 6 months, all eruptions cleared off.

• Hair growth became normal.

She was not only freed from her Eczema,

but also regained a Healthy Scalp and Normal Hair Growth!

Check out 100s of such successfully treated

Self medication can harm you and must be strictly avoided

Case of Eczema resolved

with Homeopathic treatment

• Treat that itch naturally and get back

smoother, healthier skin.

• Bid farewell to that annoying rash and

embarrassing redness on your body.

• Flaunt your beautiful skin confidently.

Choose Homeopathy

Get World-Class Treatment, Precise Guidance and Proven Lifestyle Tips – all under one roof

Discover the Beautiful YOU

With a Little Boost from HOMEOPATHY !!

Fast, Reliable and Accurate -

A Revolutionized Method of Treatment

For additional information about Eczema and its effective homeopathic management visit

At “welcomecure” we have top-of-the-line homeopathic experts with decades of rich

clinical experience on successful management of a wide range of disease conditions

such as Eczema.

Register to get maximum benefit at


Protecting & Enhancing Your Health, Always…..

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