itdg 8535 economic statecraft fall 2016 syllabus

Post on 08-Feb-2017






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Graduate School of International Policy & Management

(International Trade & Economic Diplomacy)


ITDG 8535: Economic Statecraft and Inter-Cultural Conflict Analysis and

Resolution – 4 credits

Wednesday/6:00-9:30 pm/MIIS in DC Conference Room

Dr. Will David / Dr. Robert Rogowsky

Office Hours by appointment


The growing dominance of economic relations among nations requires a keen understanding of economic

statecraft. Statecraft is the resolution of conflicts between governments and private parties. An essential skill for

economic statecraft is to understand conflict.

To facilitate our exploration of conflict, the course draws from the field of conflict analysis and resolution, a field

which seeks to intervene constructively in conflicts. However, constructive intervention demands that we think

critically about conflict in order to discern its underlying causes and to understand its dynamics. From such an

understanding, you may develop meaningful objectives to address, resolve, or perhaps even transform the conflict

into something constructive. Moreover, objectives grounded in a thorough understanding of the conflict should

drive the intervention strategy. If the linkage between analytic findings, objectives, and strategy is present, then

the likelihood of a constructive outcome increases substantially. The course is designed to help you to think more

critically about conflict, providing you with some tools to structure your analysis, shape your intervention

objectives, and develop your strategy to achieve those objectives.

This course is inherently multi and interdisciplinary, drawing on conceptual frameworks derived from psychology,

sociology, anthropology, international relations, political science, economics, and other social sciences, but also

informed by all fields of human inquiry. Students will critically apply theories to seek a better understanding of

conflicts, to intervene constructively, and to advance theory and practice related to statecraft.

This course explores a wide range of conflict-related theories. We begin by considering conflict narratives and

discourses and our ability to think critically about conflict. Then, we will examine the major, often overlapping

theories at work in the field, loosely categorized as theories of social structure, theories of human nature, and

theories of culture and meaning-making.

Theories of human nature and identity – viewing each individual as a unit of analysis; accounting for

“what is inside of you” with an emphasis on what lies beneath the conscious level

Theories of social structure – viewing a social institution, typically comprising sustained, hierarchical,

and multi-layered relationships, as a unit of analysis; accounting for “what you are inside of”

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Theories of culture – viewing an epistemological system of meaning-making as a unit of analysis;

accounting for “what is inside us” with an emphasis on shared interpretive lenses with which to understand

intercultural social phenomenon.


To conceptualize and develop a deeper understanding of social conflict

To learn theories related to the causes and dynamics of social conflicts

To apply the theories to a variety of historical and contemporary conflicts, including those in which

economic relations are prominent

To become more astute statespersons, conflict analysts, practitioners, and researchers in a multicultural



Required Texts:

Avruch, Kevin. 2013. Context and Pretext in Conflict Resolution: Culture, Identity, Power, and Practice. Boulder:

Paradigm Press.

Nordstrom, Carolyn. 2004. Shadows of War: Violence, Power, and International Profiteering in the Twenty-First

Century. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Pruitt, Dean G. and Sung Hee Kim. 2004. Social Conflict: Escalation, Stalemate, and Settlement. Boston: McGraw


Other required readings/videos are listed in the course schedule and will require students to access CANVAS,

electronic reserves, electronic journals, and the internet.


The course blends lecture, seminar discussion, and group activities for which you must come prepared. Our

expectation is that you will come to each class having completed all of readings, videos, and other requirements as

shown in the schedule. Lecture complements and builds on your preparation for each class. , will be based on the

lecture and case methods and will be participative in design. Hence, it is expected that each student will have read

the assigned material and or case and be prepared to discuss them and answer related questions in class. Since a

large part of the class will be geared toward the discussion of class material and cases, everyone is expected to

have read the assigned materials and be ready to discuss them in class. Discussion s and individual contributions

are encouraged, expected, and indeed count toward your final evaluation. Poor attendance will result in a

significant lowing of the participation component of your grade.

To effectively participate in a case assignment or classroom discussion, you should be able to accomplish one or

more of the following: demonstrate your understanding of class materials or a case by showing how to analyze and

evaluate a given situation; present creative solutions or alternatives during class discussion; present additional

material not contained in the case or class material; and assist in clarifying or settling a discussion.

The course consists of three blocks: Foundations, Theories, and Implications. Foundations explores and makes

prominent our emphasis on critical thinking. You will also define and conceptualize conflict, and then consider the

role of theory in analyzing and resolving conflicts. Theories will introduce you to the major theories used by

analysts and practitioners. In each class, we will explore social conflict more deeply, acquire working knowledge

of one or more theories, and work as a team of conflict analysts to apply our newly acquired knowledge to

semester-long case studies. Implications brings all of the course topics together, requiring you to present your

Page 3

analysis, objectives, and strategy for your semester long, in depth case study. In our final meeting, we will reflect

on what we have learned, discuss the strengths and limitations of theory, and ponder the future of conflict

resolution in inter-cultural settings.

Class Expectations

Effective Preparation. Student preparation and interaction are essential elements of the learning environment.

Follow current affairs related to contemporary conflicts and use a variety of sources to contrast their coverage of

the same issues. Complete the readings and watch the videos prior to class. As you read/watch, you should ask:

What are the authors’ main concerns?

Are their arguments logically compelling? Why or why not?

How might their theories and ideas help us to better understand particular conflicts and their resolution?

Classroom Protocol. Attend to personal needs before and after class and during breaks. Computers, tablets, and

cell phones may be used for course-specific purposes only, and must not disturb others. Be mindful of the

sensitivities of others when contributing to discussions; however, critical thinking and open dialogue are our goals.

Please note that some of your classmates participate via video conferencing, so engage them in our discussion and


Written assignments. Written assignments constitute a large part of your grade. We expect well-written papers.

Edit your papers carefully as spelling and grammatical errors will lower your score. Your papers must:

Be typed, double-spaced, and printed single-sided on white paper with the body of paper left justified.

Use Times New Roman 12-point font and one-inch paper margins.

Properly cite material and ideas that are not your own. Use a single, standard citation format such as APA,

MLA, Chicago, or Turabian.

Be within one-half page of the required length. Endnotes, works cited/bibliography, and title pages do not

count towards the paper length. Number your pages.

Submit no later than the start of class on the due date (paper and digital copies required). Late papers will

not be accepted unless an extension was granted prior to the due date.


All students will be held to all policies and procedures listed in the most current Policies and Standards Manual

(PSM). This includes but is not limited to our Student Honor Code and regulations on plagiarism. A complete

copy of the Policies and Standards Manual (PSM) can be found here:

Self-Plagiarism: Re-use of a student’s work, in part or in its entirety, for another course without the express

permission of the course instructor may be considered a form of plagiarism.



Participation 20% All semester

Conflict Analysis Team / Presentation 20% All semester / 30 November

Essay #1 10% 5 October

Essay #2 20% 2 November

Term Paper 30% 7 December

Participation. Your grade is based on your class preparation and the quality, not quantity of your remarks. The best

remarks are succinct, relevant, and enhance our collective learning. You should integrate course concepts and

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synthesize information from your experiences, courses, and research into your remarks. Each student should

contribute something to every class session.

Conflict Analysis Team / Presentation. You will be assigned to a team that develops expertise on a conflict. Each

team will have a wiki page to which all team members are expected to contribute. All team members must become

experts on the conflict and contribute to the wiki in accordance with scheduled due dates. Conflict analysis teams

will promote in-class discussion and the integration of course concepts. Most class sessions will include breakout

sessions for applying theories to your conflict case study. Each team will also deliver a 20 minute presentation to

the class. The presentation should be worthy of an audience of statecraft/conflict resolution professionals. The

presentation will be followed by a 10 minute period for questions from the audience.

Essays. The essays require you to apply theories to specific case studies, seeking to discern the underlying causes

of the conflict and key dynamics evidenced in the conflict. Essay #1 requires you to analyze a historical conflict

using two theories and to present your findings in a 5-page paper. The primary sources for the first essay will be

lecture and the film The Battle of Algiers. Essay #2 requires you to analyze a contemporary conflict using two

different theories and to present your findings in a 5-page paper. The primary source for the second essay will be

your team’s wiki page and thus wiki entries must include source citations to facilitate essay writing.

Term Paper. This 15-page research paper presents your analytic findings (causes and key dynamics) for a conflict,

proposes objectives for addressing the conflict, and offers a general strategy for achieving your objectives. You

will select your conflict early in the course and submit a short proposal to obtain instructor approval.



Students with documented disabilities who believe that they may need accommodations in class are encouraged to

contact Assistant Dean of Student Services, Ashley Arrocha, as early in the semester as possible to ensure that such

accommodations are implemented in a timely manner. Assistance is available to eligible students through the

Office of Student Services. Please contact or 831-647-4654 for more information. All

discussions will remain confidential.

Percentage Mark Description

95-100 A Excellent. Demonstration of superior work in fulfillment of course requirements.

90-94 A-

85-89 B Good. Demonstration of good work in fulfillment of course requirements.

Accurate accounting and application of course concepts.

80-84 B-

75-79 C Satisfactory. Demonstration of satisfactory work in fulfillment of course

requirements. General knowledge of course concepts.

70-74 C-

65-69 D Poor. Unsatisfactory work in fulfillment of course requirements. Poor

knowledge of course concepts.

0-64 F Fail. Profoundly unsatisfactory/incomplete work in fulfillment of course

requirements. Failure to turn in one or more of the written assignments. Failure

to contribute to class discussions and/or conflict wikis. Missing more than 3

classes for any reason.

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The course consists of three blocks: Foundations, Theories, and Implications. Foundations explores and makes

prominent our emphasis on critical thinking. You will also define and conceptualize conflict, and then consider the

role of theory in analyzing and resolving conflicts. Theories will introduce you to the major theories used by

conflict analysts and practitioners. In each class, we will explore social conflict more deeply, acquire working

knowledge of one or more theories, and work as a team of conflict analysts to apply our newly acquired knowledge

to one of four conflict case studies. Implications brings all of the course topics together, requiring you to present

your analysis, objectives, and strategy for your semester long, in depth case study. In our final meeting, we will

reflect on what we have learned, discuss the strengths and limitations of theory, and ponder the future of conflict

resolution in inter-cultural settings.

Please note that the readings are in the recommended order for you to approach the material. Generally, you will

begin with an exploration of social conflict, using the Pruitt and Kim text as a vehicle for structuring your thinking

about this complex phenomenon. Then, you will turn to the readings that explain the theories and key concepts for

the class, exploring new ideas each week that will serve as your lenses for critically analyzing social conflicts. The

Nordstrom text is based on stories from war as compiled by an anthropologist employing ethnography, making it

well suited to a more leisurely, but reflective reading. Note that there are also required videos. The assignments’

column should help you to track class/course deliverables.

Schedule & Assignments

Please note that the readings are in the recommended order for you to approach the material. Generally, you will

begin with an exploration of social conflict, using the Pruitt and Kim text as a vehicle for structuring your thinking

about this complex social phenomenon. Then, you will turn to the readings that explain the theories and key

concepts for the class, exploring new ideas each week that will serve as your lenses for critically analyzing social

conflicts. The Nordstrom text is based on stories from war as compiled by an anthropologist employing

ethnography, making it well suited to a more leisurely, but reflective reading. Note that there are also required

videos. The assignments’ column will help you to track class/course deliverables. Required readings/videos will

are annotated as follows:

Text Required textbook

ER Electronic Reserve (link in CANVAS)

CC Course Content (found in CANVAS)

EJ Electronic Journal (found through Middlebury Library)

I Internet (found via the listed web address)

Dates Requirements Assignments


31 Aug

53 pages

1 video

Introductions, Critical Thinking, and Conceptualizing Conflict


Pruitt and Kim, Ch 1: 3-14. (text)

Van Gelder, Tim. 2005. “Teaching Critical Thinking: Some Lessons

from Cognitive Science.” College Teaching 53:1, 41-46. (EJ)

Kahneman, Daniel, Dan Lovalla, and Olivier Sibony. 2011. “Before you

Make that Big Decision.” Harvard Business Review, June: 50-60. (EJ)

Nordstrom, Ch. 1-3: 5-39. (text)

Council on Foreign Relations. 2016 “Global Conflict Tracker.” (I)!/conflict [read

1. Complete the PEW

Typology Quiz (I).

Send Professor David an

email no later than 26

August with your result

(a label such as “solid

liberal” or “business

conservative” will




2. Selection of conflict

for conflict team case

Page 6

the summaries for the four conflicts listed under the assignments column to

the right]


Gilbert, Dan, 2005. “Why We Make Bad Decisions,” TED Talks (I)

(33:38 min)

study (in class):

Conflict in the South

China Sea, Conflict in

the Ukraine, Kurdish

Conflict, Boko Haram in

Nigeria, (others may be

added depending on

class size)

7 Sep

112 pages

1 video

Introduction to Theories


Avruch, Foreward: ix-xi; Ch. 1: 3-20. (text)

Pruitt and Kim, Ch 2-3: 15-62. (text)

Cheldelin, Sandra, Daniel Druckman, and Larissa Fast. 2003. “Theory,

Research, Practice. “ In Conflict: From Analysis to Intervention, Cheldelin

et. al., eds. Bloomsbury Academic. Ch 2: 9-36. (ER)

Dugan, Maire A. 1996. “A Nested Theory of Conflict.” In A Leadership

Journal: Women in Leadership, vol. 1, 9-19. (CC)

Nordstrom, Ch. 4: 43-53. (text)


Battle of Algiers (0:00-34:30) (I)

7j4WVTgWc [Turn on English subtitles if needed]

1. Update wikis prior to


Conflict Overview /


o Parties

o Context

o Relationships

o Interests &


o Issue(s) between


o History of the


o Third party


2. Conflict team

breakout session (in



14 Sep

93 pages

2 videos

Realism, Marxism, and Functionalism


Pruitt and Kim, Ch 4: 63-84. (text)

“Political Realism in International Relations.” Stanford Encyclopedia of

Philosophy. (I)

relations/#HanMorReaPri (read section 2.2 Hans Morgenthau’s Realist


Marx, Karl. 1848. Manifesto of the Communist Party. (I)


Rubenstein, Richard E. 1993. “Resolving Class Conflicts.” In Conflict

Resolution Theory and Practice: Integration and Application. Dennis

Sandole and H. van der Merve, eds. 146-157. (ER)

Coser, Lewis A, 1956. “Conflict and Group Boundaries” and “Hostility

and Tensions in Conflict Relationships.” In The Functions of Social Conflict.

Routledge. 33-65. (ER)

Nordstrom, Ch. 5: 55-69. (text)

1. Update wikis prior to


Build on previous

wiki requirement

What insights do

realism, Marxism,

and functionalism

offer about your


2. Conflict team

breakout session (in


Page 7


Battle of Algiers (34:30-1:00:50) (I)

Hedges, Chris. 2015. “Marx: The System is the Problem” TruthDig

(17:38) (I)

21 Sep

90 pages

1 video

Rational Choice, Greed Theory, and Globalization


Pruitt and Kim, Ch 5: 87-100. (text)

Demmers, Jolle. 2012. “Chapter 5: Rational Choice Theory: The Costs and

Benefits of War. “In Theories of Violent Conflict: An Introduction. New

York: Routledge, 100-115. (ER)

Collier, Paul. 2007. “Economic Causes of Civil Conflict and their

Implications for Policy.” In Leashing the Dogs of War. Chester Crocker,

Fen Olser Hampson, and Pamela Aall, eds. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Institute

of Peace Press, 197-216. (ER)

Keen, David, 2000. “Incentives and Disincentives for Violence.” In Greed

and Grievance: Economic Agendas in Civil War. Mats Berdal and David M.

Malone, eds. Lynne Rienner. 19-41. (ER)

Mittelman, James H. 2000. “The Dynamics of Globalization.” In The

Globalization Syndrome: Transformation and Resistance. Princeton

University Press, 15-30 (ER).

Nordstrom, Ch. 6: 71-81. (text)


Battle of Algiers (1:00:50-1:30:20) (I)


Optional Autesserre, Severine. 2009. "Hobbes and the Congo—Frames, Local

Violence and International Intervention (2003-2006)." International

Organization 63(2): 249-280. (EJ) [looks at the nature of foreign aid and


Ballentine, Karen and Heiko Nitzschike. 2005. The Political Economy of

Civil War and Conflict Transformation. 1-24 (CC) [further examines the

greed vs. grievance debate]

1. Update wikis prior

to class:

What insights do

rational choice,

greed, and

globalization offer

about your conflict?


2. Conflict team

breakout session (in


3. Essay #1 assignment

posted to CH

28 Sep

100 pages

1 video

Structural and Cultural Violence


Pruitt and Kim, Ch 6: 101-120. (text)

Galtung, Johan. 1969. “Violence, Peace, and Peace Research.” Journal of

1. Update wikis prior to


What insights do

the concepts of

structural and

cultural violence

offer about your

Page 8

Peace Research 6:3, 167-191. (EJ)

Galtung, Johan. 1990. “Cultural Violence.” Journal of Peace Research 27:3,

291-305. (EJ)

Rubenstein, Richard E. 1999. “Conflict Resolution and the Structural Sources

of Conflict.” In Conflict Resolution: Dynamics, Process, and Structure, Ho-

Won Jeong, ed. Vermont: Ashgate, 173-195. (ER)

Farmer, Paul. 2004. “An Anthropology of Structural Violence.” Current

Anthropology 45(3): 305-325. (EJ)

Nordstrom, Ch 7: 121-150. (text)


Battle of Algiers (1:30:20-2:01:39) (I) (new link


2. Conflict team

breakout session (in


5 Oct

96 pages

Basic Human Needs


Pruitt and Kim, Ch 7: 121-150. (text)

Burton, John. 1979. “Institutional Values & Human Needs.” In Deviance,

Terrorism, and War: The Process of Solving Unresolved Social and Political

Problems. 55-84. (ER)

Burton, John. 2001. “Introducing the Person into Thinking about Social

Problems.” The International Journal of Peace Studies 6(1): 45-50. (EJ)

Galtung, Johan. 1991, “International Development in Human Perspective.” In

Conflict Needs Theory, John Burton, ed. 301-335. (ER)

Sandole, Dennis. 2013. “Extending the Reach of Basic Human Needs: A

Comprehensive Theory for the Twenty-First Century.” In Conflict Resolution

and Human Needs: Linking Theory and Practice. Kevin Avruch and

Christopher Mitchel, eds. New York: Routledge. 21-39. (ER)

Nordstrom, Ch. 8: 105-117. (text)

1. Update wikis prior to


What insights does

BHN offer about

your conflict?

2. Essay #1 Due

3. Conflict team

breakout session (in


12 Oct

89 pages

Relative Deprivation & Theories of Aggression


Pruitt and Kim, Ch 8: 151-168. (text)

Gurr, Ted R. 1970. “Relative Deprivation and the Impetus to Violence.” In

Why Men Rebel. Princeton. Ch 2: 22-58. (ER)

Gurr, Ted. R. 1968. “Psychological Factors in Civil Violence.” World

Politics 20(2): 245-278. (CC)

Berkowitz, Leonard. 1989. “Frustration-Aggression Hypothesis: Examination

1. Update wikis prior to


What insights do

relative deprivation

and theories of

aggression offer

about your conflict?

2. Submit three

conflicts that you are

considering for your

term paper. Provide a

brief summary (3-4

Page 9

and Reformulation.” Psychological Bulletin 106:1, 59-73. (I)


Nordstrom, Ch. 9: 119-137. (text)

Optional Agbiboa, Daniel Egiegba. 2013. “Why Boko Haram Exists: The Relative

Deprivation Perspective.” African Conflict & Peacebuilding Review 3(1):

144-157. (EJ) [particularly for the Boko Haram conflict analysis team and

those interested in the origins of violent extremist groups]

sentences) for each that

identifies the parties,

context, and issues.

Your term paper topic

must be approved.

3. Conflict team

breakout session (in


19 Oct

74 pages

Social-Psychological Approaches


Pruitt and Kim, Ch 9: 171-188.

Freud, Sigmund. 1961. Civilization and Its Discontents. New York: Norton.

70-90. (ER)

Volkan, Vamik 1997. “Ethnic Tents” and “Chosen Trauma.” In Bloodlines:

From Ethnic Pride to Ethnic Terrorism. Farrar, Straus, and Giroux. 19-28,

36-49. (ER)

Brunner, Markus. 2011. “Criticizing Collective Trauma.” Working group for

Political Psychology at the Leibniz University Hanover/Germany. 199-205.


Kelman, Herbert C. 2009. “A Social-Psychological Approach to Conflict

Analysis and Resolution.” In Handbook of Conflict Analysis and Resolution.

Dennis Sandole et. al. eds. New York: Rutledge, 170-183. (ER)

Nordstrom, Ch. 8: 105-117. (text)

1. Update wikis prior to


What insights do



approaches offer

about your conflict?

2. Essay #2 assignment

posted to CH

3. Conflict team

breakout session (in


26 Oct

90 pages

Social Identity


Pruitt and Kim, Ch 10: 189-225. (text)

Avruch, Ch 4: 51-62. (text)

Cook-Huffman, Celia. 2009. “The Role of Identity in Conflict.” In

Handbook of Conflict Analysis and Resolution. Dennis Sandole et al. eds.

New York: Rutledge, 19-28. (ER)

Korostelina, Karina. 2009. “Identity Conflicts: Models of Dynamics and

Early Warning.” In Handbook of Conflict Analysis and Resolution. Dennis

Sandole et al. eds. New York: Rutledge, 100-115. (ER).

Rothbart, Daniel and Karina Korostelina. 2006. Chapter 3 “Moral

Denigration of the Other.” In Identity, Morality, and Threat: Studies in

1. Update wikis prior to


What insights does

SIT offer about

your conflict?

2. Conflict team

breakout session (in


Page 10

Violent Conflict. Lexington. 29-56. (ER)

Nordstrom, Ch. 9: 119-137. (text)

2 Nov

103 pages

1 video



Pruitt and Kim, Ch 11: 226-258. (text)

Avruch, Ch 1-3: 3-50 (text)

Avruch, Kevin and Peter W. Black. 1993. “Conflict Resolution in

Intercultural Settings.” In Conflict Resolution Theory and Practice. Dennis

Sandole and Hugo van der Merwe, eds. Manchester University Press. 131-

145. (ER)

Cohen, Raymond. 2007. “Intercultural Dissonance: A Theoretical

Framework,” Chapter 3, Negotiating Across Cultures, 2007, U.S. Peace

Institute. (CC)

Nordstrom, Ch. 10: 143-156. (text)


Responding to Conflict, The Wajir Story. 2010. (35:04) (I)

1. Update wikis prior to


What role does

culture play in your


2. Essay #2 due

3. Conflict team

breakout session (in


9 Nov

93 pages

1 video

Contentious Politics and Social Movements


Sprinzak, Ehud. 1991. “The Process of Delegitimation : Toward a Linkage

Theory of Political Terrorism.” Terrorism and Political Violence 3(1): 50-68.


Tarrow, Sidney. 1998. “Contentious Politics and Social Movements” and

“Political Opportunities and Constraints.” In Power in Movement: Social

Movements and Contentious Politics. 2nd edition. New York: Cambridge

University Press, 10-25, 71-90. (ER)

Tilly, Charles. 2008. “Ch 1: Claims as Performances” and “Ch 5: Invention

of the Social Movement.” In Contentious Performances. Cambridge

University Press. 1-30, 116-145. (ER)

Nordstrom, Ch. 14-15: 187-223. (text)

1. Update wikis prior to


Is delegitimation

evidenced in your


What conditions

encouraged the

emergence of the


What forms of

contention are

evidenced in your


2. Conflict team

breakout session (in


Page 11


Haidt, Jonathan. 2012 “How Common Threats can make Common (Political)

Ground, Ted (20:01) (I)


16 Nov

111 pages

Power, Post-Modernism, Critical Theory


Avruch, Ch 9: 141-175 (text)

Hurd, R. Wesley. 1998. “Postmodernism.” McKenzie Study Center. (I)

Foucault, Michel. 2007. “The Body of the Condemned” and “Illegalities and

Delinquency.” In Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison, 4th edition.

Vintage. 3-31, 257-292. (ER)

English, Michael D. and Derek Sweetman. 2013. “Critical Conflict

Resolution: Notes on its Development and Key Concepts.” Unrest Magazine.


Hansen, Toran. 2008. “Critical Conflict Resolution Theory and Practice.”

Conflict Resolution Quarterly 25:4, 403-427. (EJ)

Cole, Teju. 2012. “The White Savior Industrial Complex.” The Atlantic,

March 21. (I)


1. Update wikis prior to


How is power at

work in your


Who sets the

agenda? Controls

the narrative?

2. Conflict team

breakout session (in



30 Nov



Territorial Disputes in the South China Sea

Conflict in Ukraine

Kurdish Conflict

Boko Haram in Nigeria

20 minute rehearsed,


presentation by each

conflict team, using

visual aids. Each

followed by a 10 minute

Q&A period with

questions posed by

students, instructors,

and visitors

7 Dec

60 pages

1 video

Resolving Inter-cultural Conflict & Course Wrap Up


Rubenstein, Richard E. 2009. “Conflict Resolution in an Age of Empire: New

Challenges to an Emerging Field.” In Handbook of Conflict Analysis and

Resolution. Dennis Sandole et al. eds. London and New York: Rutledge,

495-507. (ER)

Barksy, Allan. 2009. “A Capacity-Building Approach to Conflict

Resolution.” In Handbook of Conflict Analysis and Resolution. Dennis

1. Term paper due

2. Conflict team peer

assessments due

3. Course Evaluation

Page 12

Sandole et al. eds. London and New York: Rutledge, 215-225. (ER)

Salem, Paul. 1993. “In Theory: A Critique of Western Conflict Resolution

from a Non-Western Perspective.” Negotiation Journal 9:4, 361-369. (CC)


Steven Pinker—The Past, Present, and Future of Violence. (1:16:51) (I)

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