it’s all greek to me! gods and goddesses of greek myths

Post on 23-Jan-2015






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It’s All Greek to Me! In this unit we will be learning about the

many ways that ancient Greece has influenced our modern day lives.

Greek Dramas Greek literature

Aesop’s Fables Mythology

How has ancient Greece influenced our world of language arts? Words that we use (panic, titans)

The Arts (Drama, literature, paintings,


The appreciation for life’s beauty.

Ancient Greek Religion polytheistic belief in religion???

12 Gods and Goddesses that the Greeks worshipped. What gods/ goddesses have you learned about?

Greeks worshipped but feared these Gods.

Ancient Greek Myths Now used to entertain

Myths gave them answers to questions of nature.

“Why is it raining? Zeus is causing it to rain.” They didn’t know the scientific answers.

Stories had to be respectful of Gods.

The 12 Greek Gods of Mt. Olympus were known as:


Zeus: King of the Gods and ruler of the sky

Hera: Wife of Zeus and Goddess of Intriguers

Athena: Goddess of War and Wisdom (Daughter of Zeus and Metis)

Birth of Athena

Poseidon: God of the Sea (brother of Zeus and Hades)

Hades: God of the Underworld (brother of Zeus and Poseidon)

Demeter: Goddess of the Harvest and all Growing Things (sister of Zeus, Poseidon and Hades)

Artemis: Goddess of the Moon and Hunting (twin sister of Apollo)

Apollo: God of music, poetry and the sun (twin brother of Artemis)

Ares: God of War (son of Zeus and Hera)

Hephaestus: God of Fire and Forge (son of Zeus and Hera)

Aphrodite: Goddess of Beauty Love (wife of Hephaestus)

Hermes: Messenger of the Gods (son of Zeus and Maia)

Dionysus: God of Wine and Agriculture

Canton’s Most Wanted

Ten monsters featured in Greek Mythology

Minotaur Half man, half bull Caged in the palace

labyrinth on the island of Crete. Because the minotaur only ate the flesh of humans, King Minos demanded the sacrifice of 14 Athenian men and women every nine years.

Medusa and the Gorgons Monstrous woman with hair

of snakes. Would turn those that made eye contact with her to stone.

Born beautiful, seduced by Poseidon. Jealous Athena turned her into a monster.

She is mortal. Perseus killed her by looking

at her reflection in his shield.

Her sisters the gorgons were also hideous to see.

ECHIDNA Half woman, Half serpent Lived in a cave and lured men with

her beauty, and then she ate them! Mother of many monsters. Her

children were Cerbereus, Ladon, the Hydra, the Chimaera, the Nemean Lion, the gorgons, and the Sphinx. What a family…

Furies (Erinyes) Seekers of vengeance Tracked down murderers and

other criminals. Especially concerned with crimes against parents.

Bat winged beings with snakes entwined in their hair and arms and waists, carrying torches and whips while hunting their victims.

Alecto (unceasing anger), Tisiphone (avenger of murder), Megaira (the jealous one) were their names.

Chimaera Body of lion, with

a goat’s head protruding from the side and a tail of a serpent.

This deadly monster was believed to vomit fire…

Hercules sent to kill the beast.

Satyrs Half man, half goat. Playful creatures,

often helpful to the God Dionysus.

Satyr named Pan was most well known. Created Pan Flute.

The Fates (Moirai)

Three sisters who determined the fate of mortals at birth.

Klotho spins the thread of life. Lakhesis determines the length

of thread spreading joy and sorrow.

Atropos cuts the thread to determine the time of death.

Also determined good or evil.

Argus 100 eyes covered his

body. Servant of Hera sent to

guard Io, after Zeus turned her into a cow.

Slain by Hermes. Hera honored him by

placing his eyes on the feathers of the Peacock, her symbolic animal.

Cerberus The watchdog of Hades,

eating living mortals who tried to enter, and prevented spirits of the dead from escaping.

3 heads (for the past, present, and future.)

Dragons tail and sometimes a mane of snakes.

Can be found on the banks of the river Styx.

Centaurs Half-man, half horse Known to be wild. Chiron (most well

known) was immortal, intelligent, wise, a healer, protector of youth, teacher of heroes.

Procrustes Tortured travelers on his

one size fits all bed. He would stretch people

who were too short and d chop of limbs of those that hung off the bed.

Theseus killed him on the bed on his way to Athens.

The Hydra Nine headed dragon

like beast. When one of the

heads is cut off two heads regenerate in its place.

Lived in Lerna.

Scylla and Charybdis Water beast with 12 feet, 6

heads, 3 rows of teeth in each head

Below the waist she was hideous animals like constantly barking dogs

Would eat sailors that passed through narrow channel

Bathed in poisonous waters that turned her into a monster. (Circe)

Glaucus loved her.

Daughter of Poseidon Zeus punished her for

stealing Hercules’s cattle. Flooded lands to enlarge

her dad’s kingdom Lives on one side on

narrow channel Swallows huge amounts

of water and sea vessels in a whirlpool, and then regergitates it, killing sailors

Cyclopses Giants with only one eye one

their forehead. Born to Gaea and Uranus Friend of Zeus after he freed

them from Tartarus. They gave him lightning bolts and thunder.

Volcano eruptions are said to be caused by cyclopses working in their blacksmith shops.

Polyphemus is most popular cyclops.

StymPhalian Birds Crane sized, man-eating

birds with brass beaks, wings, and claws

Hercules used castanets and arrows from Athena to kill birds.

Survivors flocked to Ares home after Hercules killed many birds.


Talos Bronze giant built by Hephaestus, sent to guard

the island of Crete. He would walk around the island 3 times per day. Talos threw rocks at uninvited sea vessels

heading to Crete. His only weakness is located in his ankle. It

holds an ichor from the Gods. Medea or Jason killed him by puncturing this vein and Talos bled to death.

See movie clip on-line


Sirens Human female head, body of bird Winged female sea creatures who enchanted

sailors with their songs, luring them to their deaths. (Sometimes pictured as mermaids)

They had been Persephone’s hand maiden’s but requested wings to look for her after her abduction. Gave up and went to the sea.

When Jason/ Odysseus were not lured to them they threw themselves in the ocean and drowned.

Sailors put wax in ears, tied themselves to boat.






Mythological Creatures

Greek Drama Began in 600 B.C.

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