j a g o i n d i a j a g o

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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Its high time we started respecting the DEFENCE FORCES and learn to ignore

the “Stars” of Cricket & Bollywood.

When India has won the Cricket “World Cup”, all the cricketers were awarded crores of rupees,

residential flats, real estate, vehicles, life-time free passes in I Class A/C, Doctorate degrees and scores of National Awards,

including Bharat Ratnas, etc.

• Did the Indians care to think about the brave soldiers who are guarding their country day in and day out ?????

• The selfless sacrifices that they make for the country in the most challenging circumstances, just so that each of us enjoys a safe and secure existence????

• If Pakistan or China attacks India, do you think our Indian Cricket Team takes their bats and go fight against the invaders ?

• If Indians are attacked by the terrorists, Indians shouldn't complain because they worship the worthless cricketers/film stars, but don’t give a damn about their soldiers who give their lives to protect them.

• Look at USA and other countries, where the soldiers are honored and given special treatment over and above any sports & filmy personalities.

Hey……. You be the judge !WHO deserves more ?

The Indian Cricket team bus

Don’t miss the VIJAY RATH

Now lets have look at the luxury our commandos had after their 60 hr sleepless battle!!!

The Black Cat (NSG) commando bus after operation at TAJ.


• What a shame and disgrace to every citizen of India that the elite NSG Force was transported in ordinary buses, whereas our cricketer are transported in the state-of-the-art luxury buses.

• Our Jawans lay down their lives to protect every Indian and these cricketers get paid even if they lose the match ! We worship the cricketer and forgive the martyrdom of the brave Jawans.

• The Jawans should be paid the salaries of the Cricketers and the cricketers should be paid the salaries of the Jawans.

• Huh….This is our India……….!!!!!

• Do not worry about those who have come through Boats, Our forces can easily defeat them.

• Worry about those who have come from Votes…..those are the real Enemies…!

• Let’s utilize our votes sensibly, that’s the least we can do.

If you are really hurting at this sorry state of affairs in India, please spread this slide show - message far and wide.


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