jackson era. sec. 1 jacksonian democracy 1816-1824 only political party jeffersonian repub. election...

Post on 05-Jan-2016






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Sec. 1 Jacksonian Democracy

• 1816-1824 only political party Jeffersonian Repub.

• Election 1824 John Quincy Adams elected

• Corrupt bargain

Jackson TriumphsJackson Triumphs• 1828 Jackson won John C. Calhoun VP• Jackson was loved by everyone, invited

everyone to come to white house and hang out!

• Promised equal benefits- more white males were voting. Women, AA, NA few rights– Democracy grows with Jackson’s term– Suffrage grows ( for white men)

• Spoils system- any average citizen could handle a govt. job

• Jackson fired govt. officials w/o reason

Electoral Changes

• Caucuses replaced w/ nominating conventions

• Democrats held national party convention 1832

• Allowed many people to participate in the selection of candidates

Tariff of 1828 DebateTariff of Abominations

• Northerners loved Tariff- protected their products

• Southerners hated tariff- made their products more expensive

• John C. Calhoun suggested they nullify the law

• Threatened to secede

Jackson vs. Calhoun

• Calhoun is Jackson’s VP

• “Our federal Union must be preserved!”

• “The union next to our liberty most dear”

Nullification Crisis• SC legislature passed Nullification Act• Stating it would not pay the tariffs of 1828

• Southerners called it the Tariff of Abominations

• Congress passed the Force Bill – allowed the president to use military to enforce acts

• Force bill will tell the South that the federal government will NOT let it go without a fight!

Bell Ringer

• Who was Jackson’s VP?

• What state refused to pay the tariff of 1828?

• Who was elected in 1828?

Section 2Conflicts over Land

• Indian Removal Act• Federal govt. paid Indians to move west to


• Cherokee sued govt. Won the lawsuit, they had a right to stay in Georgia

• Worcester vs. Georgia

• Andrew Jackson – “John Marshall has made his decision lets see him enforce it”

Trail Of TearsDirect result of Indian Removal Act

of 1830

7000 Federal troops forcibly removed Cherokee

4000 Cherokee died on the march

Sec. 3 Jackson and the Bank

Thought it profited wealthy Easterners

• Thought it was unconstitutional• Jackson vetoed the bill to renew the charter

Jackson and the Bank

• Bank issue of election

Of 1832

Opponents forced early charter



Jackson is elected without BANK!

Panic of 1837

• Martin Van Buren elected

• Country in depression because bank was dead

• Land values dropped, investments declined, banks failed

• Didn’t interfere with panic, laissez-faire- LIKE Thomas Jefferson

Whigs come to power

• 1841 William Henry HarrisonWilliam Henry Harrison President– Tippecanoe and Tyler too!! Campaign slogan

• Harrison died of pneumonia

• Tyler president now

• Former Democrat/ went back to Dem. Ways

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