jamie kelly - project 1 & 2 - comp 3027

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Food For ThoughtThe User Experience Part 1 & 2

Submitted by: Jamie KellyFebruary 19, 2016Instructor: Scott McCrindleCOMP 3027: User Experience and Interaction Design

Food For Thought | Jamie Kelly

Summary ................................................................... 02

The Strategy Plane

Product Objectives .............................................. 04

User Needs .............................................................. 06

The Scope Plane

Functionality ........................................................... 11

Content ..................................................................... 13

The Structure Plane

Interaction Design ................................................ 18

Information Architecture ................................... 19

The Skeleton Plane

Information Design ............................................... 24

The Surface Plane

Sensory Design ....................................................... 28



Food For Thought | Jamie Kelly

SummaryConsumers are becoming more aware of the controversy

surrounding the sometimes unethical processing of commodities

and packaged foods. Investigating food safety is fraught with

difficulties and overwhelming for the average patron.

This is where Food For Thought bridges the gap of information

and misinformation, by providing a convenient and insightful

application for making wise choices when it comes to the food

we purchase.


Food For Thought | Jamie Kelly



Food For Thought | Jamie Kelly

Primary Business Objective

The primary objective of Food For Thought is to provide an easy-to-use, informative and friendly service that aids in consumer decisions when purchasing food that may be deemed unsafe. The application will provide an intuitive response for guiding judgment. Once a product UPC has been scanned the service will prominently display a colour coded numerical score. Green represents safe, orange represents moderately safe and red is regarded as unsafe. Additionally, there will be more detailed information below the score that offers labeled scales of the hazards presented by the process in which the food may have been subjected to.

The application will be provided as a free service to users. However, there will be four unique streams of revenue to ensure its growth and success. The first avenue of generating income will be partnerships with advertising agencies. Ads will be strategically placed throughout the application which will generate revenue from impressions and click-throughs. Users will be required to log into the application so that a profile can be kept for displaying more targeted advertisements based on consumer interests. The consumer profile will be provided by social platforms such as Google and Facebook and shared with the partnered agencies.

The second source of gross returns will be generated by partnering with food and beverage conglomerates. The partners will pay a premium to Food For Thought in order to tactically promote their products. Promotional products will be safe-to-eat and enjoyed by the community of food-conscious patrons.

The third means of raising funds will be achieved by offering a paid premium version of the application. Users will be encouraged to pay a fee in order to download a more convenient version to their handheld device. The paid-for application will not contain any bothersome advertisements so that users can further enjoy their experience.

Lastly, Food For Thought will be collecting valuable data from its users. The data will in turn be used to sell back to agencies, the food and beverage industry, and research facilities looking to gain up to date information on how modern consumers make choices regarding sustenance. The information will be collected every time a user scans a UPC code.



Food For Thought | Jamie Kelly


Once a user has scanned the code they will be asked if they’re going to purchase the product based on the information presented to them. Users will not be able to proceed to scan another product without first making a decision. In addition to this, the service will save the users choices and will not pester them to make a decision on the same product twice. This is put in place to prevent users from skewing the collected data. It is also worth noting that the paid application will not have this feature as a ploy to generate more premium app sales for the business.

Secondary Business Objective

The secondary objective for Food For Thought is to educate the population on making health conscious decisions when purchasing safe-to-eat food. The information provided to consumers by the application will be sourced from credible researchers working towards health and safety of the people. Thus, patrons will be enticed to share their findings through use of the application, resulting in a promotion of the service and promotion of safer food.

Additionally, the end goal is not to profit, but to encourage change in the food and beverage industry by way of making a dent in product sales. With any luck, the reduction in sales will inspire the industry to start making more ethical choices when producing goods, and to present a better warning system to patrons similar to the tobacco industry. Otherwise, if the upward trend of healthy foodies continues to rise then the industries that hold a monopoly on food production will continue to dwindle.

Objective Metrics

Food For Thought will measure success of these objectives via metrics provided by systematic software. Tracking software such as Google Analytics will provide the business owners valuable information on their users. The analytics software will be used in conjunction with goals set within the web application. The analysis of the data collected by the tracking software and goal conversions can be used to determine if the objectives are being met. For example, the primary objective can be tracked by collecting information on returning visitors and session duration. Whereas the secondary objective can be measured by setting a goal that is reached every time a user shares content from within the service. A successful share is then considered a conversion, thus bringing more value to the application and data to better calculate the return on investment.

Food For Thought | Jamie Kelly



Food for thought is being designed to serve three user segments:

1- Independent young adults, aged 22-30

The young adult needs the service to be easily digestible, fresh and appealing in order to capture their attention.

The independent young adults are more technically inclined individuals who’re up on all the latest trends and can easily learn new software. These users are just entering into their careers and have recently moved out on their own and feel that part of adulthood is making wise decisions when it comes to the food they eat. They feel they need to make up for all the lost years of eating pizza and cheeseburgers throughout their time in high school and college.

2- Modern parents, aged 30-48

The new parent needs more descriptive information that is easy to understand so they can quickly determine if the baby food they're interested in is safe for their child.

The modern parent is a concerned, more politically correct user who believes in reading up on parenting techniques and taking care of themselves. These users are also concerned with more than themselves as they now have children to look after and take comfort in knowing they’re making the right decisions for their kin. They've recently overheard in interpretive dance class that some foods may contain traces of toxic chemicals and there is a new app on the market that warns you of these hazards.

3- Middle aged to senior citizens, aged 48-60+

The senior citizen needs legible bold information that is clear and concise. So that they can easily identify if the product they have scanned is safe to eat.

The middle aged and seniors in their early years are nearing or in retirement and have much more free time on their hands. During their free time they like to browse the Internet and try to learn new things so they can keep up with their children and grandchildren. Recently they've been instructed by their doctor to take care of themselves if they intend to thoroughly enjoy their golden years. They've been hearing about a new service that warns you of the hazards of consuming certain foods on today’s market.

Food For Thought | Jamie Kelly




Age: 25

Occupation: Barista

Household Income: $36,000

Family:A siamese cat named Mr. Whiskers

“I tried surfing once while I was backpacking in Australia, but there was a shark feeding in the coral reef nearby so our session was cut short.” Holden’s parents recently bought him a new house in the inner city where he’s learning how to wash and dry his own clothing.

Technical profile: Very comfortable with technology, spends a lot of time on Tumblr and sends 100 text messages on an average day.

Internet use: Browsing the Internet from morning to night.

Food For Thought | Jamie Kelly




Age: 33

Occupation: Receptionist

Household Income: $145,000

Family:Husband & infant

“I would do anything for my children.” Kristy is a new mother who recently finished maternity leave and enjoys sipping chai latte’s while jogging with her baby around the waterfront.

Technical profile: Comfortable drafting emails, creating power point presentations and day to day word processing. Kristy recently learned how to attach pictures of her baby to emails.

Internet use: Moderate Internet usage, browsing Pinterest and buying framed photos from Shutterfly.

Food For Thought | Jamie Kelly




Age: 58

Occupation: Retired nurse

Household Income: N/A

Family:Husband, 3 children, and 4 grandchildren

“Who is this Vladimir Gluten you speak of?” Mable is in early retirement, enjoys gardening and playing cards with herclose friends.

Technical profile: Mable knows how to use her iPhone for sending textmessages, scrolling through Facebook and has recently purchased a bookon downloading new apps.

Internet use: Moderate Internet usage, enjoys watching funny animal videos and looking at photos of her grandchildren.

Food For Thought | Jamie Kelly



Food For Thought | Jamie Kelly



In order for the application to provide a seamless experience for users, the following core features are pertinent to the success of the first release:

Core Features

1- User authentication

Users will be required to authenticate via popular social platforms (Google & Facebook) before gaining access to the service. The 0auth authentication will provide important information to Food For Thought in order to keep a profile of the user. The profile will grant the user access to the service and will aid in targeting compelling ads for the user. If the user does not have a social account, they will be required to register an account with Food For Thought.

2- Access to the device camera

The application will require access to the user’s camera through modern API’s. If the users device does not support methods to gain access to the camera an alternative field for uploading images will be presented to the user.

3- SDK for processing of the UPC code

The algorithm for uploading the image will use an Optical Recognition Reader (OCR) Software Development Kit (SDK) provided by ABBYY. The SDK will provide results in XML format which will be parsed to determine the manufacturer and product.

4- A database of manufacturers, their products, and the details of their products

A second set of instructions will be created based on the returned XML results from the OCR SDK. These results will be used to assemble a query to the database in order to return the hazard information.

Food For Thought | Jamie Kelly


5- An intuitive user interface

The returned results from the database will be used to display the biological, chemical and physical hazard information to the user via the device browser.

6- Confirmation button (Boolean Gateway)

Before proceeding to scan another product, users must first confirm if they will be adding the product to their basket. The information will be collected and used to build profiles on user buying habits.

Additional Features

1- Social Sharing

Users will be presented with methods for sharing the returned results should they pique their interest. This will aid in promotion of products and the Food For Thought app.

Second Release Features

In order for the application to meet its expected launch date it is imperative that Food For Thought launch only the most viable product. This is to ensure that the released features align with the outlined strategic objectives. Once the product has been launched and has gained feedback from its users there will be a review of the collection of “nice-to-have” features.

One example of a feature that has been scheduled for the second release of Food For Thought is as follows:

If a user scans a product that is regarded as unsafe then the application will make suggestions for better alternatives.

Food For Thought | Jamie Kelly



Primary Navigation

An overview of what the service

is, who the service is for and

most importantly, why prospects

should be using the service. This is

arguable the most important page

for the website as it will harbor a

majority of the products selling

points and funnel prospective users

through to meeting strategic goals.

Copy not to exceed 350 words.

A total of 6 images, not to exceed 100kb file

size per image:

1. Above fold banner 1280 x 660px

2. Below fold product image 639 x 308px

3. Product feature image 637 x 370px

4. Background image 3194 x 964px

5. Product feature image 525 x 284px

6. Handheld device image 1677 x 632px

Video not to exceed 1mb in file size and 30

second duration.

Total media budget not to exceed 1624


Home Text, images,

and video.


& Product


A list of what all the product

features are and why they’re

helpful to users. This is an

important page for users who’re

looking for more in-depth reasons

to use the service.

Copy not to exceed 300 words.

A total of 4 images, not to exceed 100kb in

file size per image:

1. Product image on handheld device 391

x 412px

2. Animated GIF 679 x 366px

3. Product image 528 x 328px

4. Handheld device image 1677 x 632px

Total media budget not to exceed 400




Text and



& Product


Description SpecsTitle Type Department

Food For Thought | Jamie Kelly


A page where users log into the

service and provides a list of

features they will find once they

have logged in. This is a crucial

piece of the website as users will

not be able to interact with the

service without it.

Copy not to exceed 50 words.

A total of 1 images, not to exceed 100kb in

file size per image:

1. Logo 66 x 66px

Total media budget not to exceed 100


Sign In Text and



A page for users who do not have

a social media account, this is

where users will sign up for the

service. This is an important page

for converting users who do not

already have accounts on social


Copy not to exceed 50 words.

A total of 1 images, not to exceed 100kb in

file size per image:

2. Logo 66 x 66px

Total media budget not to exceed 100


Register Text and



A collection of articles and stories

written by industry experts to help

draw in prospects. This section of

the website is important for organic

marketing efforts.

Copy per article not to exceed 1300 words.

A total of 1 images, not to exceed 100kb in

file size per image:

3. Article image 231 x 233px

Total media budget not to exceed 100


Blog Text, images,

and video.

Marketing &


Description SpecsTitle Type Department

Food For Thought | Jamie Kelly


Secondary Navigation

A page where users will find details

related to contacting each different

department of Food For Thought.

This page very important for

existing users, prospective users

and potential investors to find ways

to contact the company.

Copy not to exceed 350 words.Contact Text Management

A page detailing information about

the company, this page is important

to any user who’s interested in

learning more about Food For


Copy not to exceed 170 words.About Text Management

A page detailing the available

positions at Food For Thought. This

page is important to users who’re

looking for fulfilling careers with

Food For Thought.

Copy not to exceed 300 words.Careers Text Human


This page outlines the user's rights

and the providers rights relating

to the provision of this service.

Without this page users will not be

granted access to the free service.

Copy not to exceed 9000 words.Terms of


Text Legal

The privacy policy explains what

information Food For Thought

and its affiliated companies collect

about their users. This page is

useful for users who’re concerned

with how their information will be

used by Food For Thought.

Copy not to exceed 4500 words.Privacy


Text Legal

Description SpecsTitle Type Department

Food For Thought | Jamie Kelly


A page providing links to all legal

information such as terms of

service, privacy policy, commercial

terms, and data usage. This page

is important to users who’re

interested in knowing the legality

of using Food For Thought.

Copy not to exceed 300 words.Legal Text Legal

A page outlining the security

precautions that have been taken

to ensure data safety. This page

is important to any users who’re

interested in learning more about

network security, account security,

and product security.

Copy not to exceed 2000 words.Security Text Engineering

Description SpecsTitle Type Department

Food For Thought | Jamie Kelly


After Sign In

The product details page is

essentially the core the entire

product. This page is where users

will find the results of each UPC

code that is scanned. This page is

important to the website because

without it there would be no


Copy not to exceed 350 words.

A total of 2 images, not to exceed 100kb in

file size per image:

1. Safety Icon – 66 x 66px

2. Product Image – 290 x 290px

Rich media scales giving a visual

representation of the risk or hazard

associated with consuming the product.

Total media budget not to exceed 200





Text, Scales, &



Legal &


This page is provided as an

alternative to users who choose

not to share access to their camera

or perhaps have a camera that is

malfunctioning or not supported.

This page is important to the

service because it provides another

way for users to use the service.

Copy not to exceed 50 words.

A total of 1 images, not to exceed 100kb in

file size per image:

1. Upload Icon – 66 x 66px




Text and



Description SpecsTitle Type Department

Food For Thought | Jamie Kelly



Food For Thought | Jamie Kelly



The user logs into the system and depending on the device capabilities they will either use their camera to take a photo of a product UPC code or use the provided upload field. In either case, the photo is uploaded to the server where it is parsed and a database is queried to return the desired results. Users then must make a decision based on the presented results otherwise they will not be able to proceed with capturing another UPC code.

Food For Thought | Jamie Kelly





(20a) - Depending on the users device they will be redirected to the part of the page where

they upload a UPC code or snap a picture of a UPC code.

Food For Thought | Jamie Kelly




(21 a) - If login information is invalid, return the user to the login screen with an

error message. If the login is valid then return the user to login confirmed.

(21 b) - The user makes the decision to either take another picture or exit to

the home page.

Food For Thought | Jamie Kelly


Vocabulary below

Vocabulary above

Food For Thought | Jamie Kelly



Food For Thought | Jamie Kelly



Food For Thought | Jamie Kelly

Food For Thought | Jamie Kelly


Food For Thought | Jamie Kelly

Food For Thought | Jamie Kelly


Food For Thought | Jamie Kelly

Food For Thought | Jamie Kelly



Food For Thought | Jamie Kelly



Food For Thought | Jamie Kelly

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