jira and confluence - how the company behind those products works - anatoli kazatchkov

Post on 20-Aug-2015






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About me• Anatoli Kazatchkov

akazatchkov@atlassian.comConfluence dev manager

• Software developer for 11 years

• Shipped 13 major, 50+ minor releases of Confluence since 2007

•… but still learning how to write and ship better software!


Sexier than Google?


Issue tracking, workflow and project management.

JIRA: when do you use it?

•When you have too many bugs to keep in your head

•When you are working with more than two or three people

•When you want to let other people report issues with your software


World’s most widely-used enterprise wiki.

Confluence:when do you use it?

•When you have too many detailed ideas to keep in your head

•When you are working with more than two or three people

•When you want to share your ideas with other people


Software telemetry & build server.

Bamboo:when do you use it?

•When your software is too big to test manually every time you change something

… you write automated tests.

•When you need someone to know when they’ve broken something ASAP

… you set up Bamboo.

FishEye & Crucible

Collaborative, peer code review.Source insight & analysis.

Code coverage and test improvement.

FishEye & Crucible:when do you use


•When you want to see the history of your project

•When you want changes to the software reviewed by multiple people

Atlassian Stash

Distributed version control, pull requests.

Atlassian OnDemand

Hosted all-in-one development suite.

Recent additions

•Bitbucket – hosted source repository

•Team Calendars – add-on for Confluence

•Bonfire – testing add-on for JIRA


Development Roles

•GraduateLearns to write the code

•DeveloperWrites the code

•ArchitectDesigns the code structure

Problem Roles

•QA EngineerPrevents customer problems

•Performance EngineerSolves performance problems

•Support EngineerSolves customer problems

Customer Roles

•Product ManagerDivines customer needs

•Technical WriterDocuments the solution

•Marketing SpecialistDemos how needs are met

“Real artists ship”“Real artists ship”

How do you get (working) software out

the door?

Track your issues

•All software has bugs, feature ideas

•Keep a list: in your head, on a piece of paper, in a spreadsheet, in a system

Use version control•Many teams still operate without

proper version control system

•No excuses

•Free or commercial, hosted or self-service

Write automated tests

•Software can test itself

•Developers write tests

•that live with the code

•Open source: JUnit,

•JWebUnit, Selenium

Run the tests often

•Nightly builds:cron & shell scripts

•Email developers when they fail

•More configurations: use a build server

•Free or commercial

Allow for mistakes

•Tests catch them

•Builds catch them

•Reviews catch them, too

•Use pair programming or code reviews for important changes

Release often!•Once it works, package it up for


•Have a one-step process

•Use a build tool: Maven, Ant, Rake

•Go for release lunch (often)!

What should I take home?

•Make sure you’re working with the right tools – most of them are free!

•Work should be fun



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