john assaraf q&a - winning the game of money/business

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John Assaraf Q&A - Winning the Game of Money/Business –

March 8, 2011

John: Welcome. Well hi everybody this is John Assaraf and I hope you're having an amazing day where ever you are in the world. I hope you also are noticing that I’ve got a little scruff going on from the last week or two. Maybe you can tell me if you like it or if you don’t. My wife loves it. What about you? And this is not for the guys okay. This is for the gals. I want to know what do you think of it ladies. Does it look all right? Anyway I'm trying something new and something fancy. Welcome to—what I love to do is, to really communicate with you so that you can see me. The only thing that would be better is if you were right here in the studio with us. And I'm going to be bringing you some amazing, amazing individuals who are really going to help you with achieving your goals. Now you all know I’m big on not just setting goals but achieving goals, and I believe with my whole heart and soul that achieving goals is an inside game. And so when you learn how to win this inner game, the inside game, by taking advantage of the latest in brain research, taking advantage of the best methodologies, technology, and processes to be able to master your own mind, you then are capable of achieving whatever you choose. Now, with me in the studio there’s Mark Waldman, I’ll introduce him to you in just a moment. I’ve also got Jennifer Bailey, our head coach who has been working with me for a couple of years, and right over here to my left is Mike. Hopefully you guys can see Mike right now. Mike is one of my business partners and helps run our company Praxis Now which you’re all going to see on transitioning from the name John Assaraf to Praxis Now. Praxis really means the integration of your beliefs with your behavior. So Mike is going to act on your behalf for all of the questions that you want to ask online. And we also have everybody, or most everybody, on our conference bridge which is going to allow us to do some masterminding. And we’re going to do two little mastermind sessions today: one Mark is going to lead and around the 30 minute mark, and Mike will give you some instructions, and then at the 90 minute mark we’re going to do a different little mastermind section. All to give you a chance to meet each other, network with each other, and get to know each other. Our goal is to build just a massive wonderful community of people who love and care for each other, want to learn, want to grow, and want to achieve goals, and that give of their time and money to the rest of the world in areas that are important to you. Now, Mark and I met, this is a unique little story which I will share with you for maybe just 60 seconds. I was on a radio interview probably about 6 or 8 months ago Mark? Mark: Yeah. John: And I got an email, an unusual email from the lady who interviewed me. She said to me “I got this email from a guy by the name of Mark Waldman who claims to be a neuroscientist. And he said he loved most of your talk, but a few things that you talked about he

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was vehemently opposed to.” I said “Wow, why was he opposed to?” and she said “I don’t know but he said some of your neuroscience and your discussions around quantum physics were inaccurate.” So being the person that I am, and I want to learn and grow, I asked Sue if I could call Mark or email him to find out what he was all about. When she sent me his email, I looked at the bottom and I saw that he was adjunct professor at Loyola Merry Mount specializing in Executive MBA program. He was also involved with the University of Pennsylvania working with Andy Newberg in Brain Research and Science and he’s got an incredible background as a therapist, a psychotherapist, psychoanalyst, counselor, and he’s written 12 books on the subject. When I did a little more research he has been featured in Time Magazine, in Newsweek Magazine, in Wall Street Journal, I mean every major publication in the world, and others consider him one of the top three neuroscience researchers in the world. So I said I want to know this guy. So I emailed him, we got on the phone, we talked for two hours and enjoyed the conversation so much that we talked again the next day for two hours and the next day for two hours and the next day for two hours, so much so that we thought it would be worthwhile for a full day meeting. So out of somebody criticizing my work, I found an amazing ally with Mark and we are now writing a book together called “God Can Make You Rich: The Neuroscience of Financial Success” and he’s going to be involved in our company as the head scientific researcher for Praxis Now. So we going to bring to you all of the latest, the greatest, and the best ways to use your noggin better than you ever have in the past. Not only is he a researcher but he researches other researchers’ work and synthesizes it in a way that’s going to make it easier for me to do what I do, and most importantly, help you to do what you do even more. I’m so excited because this is the first interview that we are doing live in the studio here. If you have a chance to just give him a big hello, a wow, hi-five online right now, I want you to do that. Mark Waldman, welcome my brother! Glad to have you here. Mark: Thank you so much. John: Before we get started, this call is going to be two hours in length. I know it’s long. We’re going to give you one little break for maybe a one-function break or maybe we’ll even give you a break and you can take some time off if you need to, but right now I’m going to put you back on camera with Mike and he’s going to give you some instructions for how to interact on the new chat box that we have. We do have a glitch, I understand, with Tango. [Inaudible 0:27:14] Mike, why don’t you tell them what’s going on. Mike: Okay welcome everybody. Great to have you. We are live and live broadcasting. At the 30 minute mark and the 90 minute mark we’ll be cutting to a breakout session via the telephone conference and you’ll see if you’re on the internet now. There’s a red telephone to the right of the video and right underneath that link is the link for you to register and join live teleconference. So if you want to watch by computer and watch live, that’s great. If you want to participate in red dial conferences you’re going to have to join the telephone conversation about five minutes prior. Once again we’re doing that 30 minutes in and 90 minutes in and we’ll give you a head’s up to get a chance to register again on that call for breakout session. If your video stops for some reason then just refresh the browser and hit play again and then at the bottom of the video you’ll see that we have a place where we can ask questions. We will be taking

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periodically questions from that part of the page and John and Mark will be answering them. So sit back and take out a piece of pen and paper and enjoy the next two hours. Thank you. John: We also are going to be able to take questions on the conference if you’re on it right now as well. Is that correct Mike? Mike: That is correct. The [inaudible 0:28:28] will be an interactive process [inaudible 0:28:31] to you and to be able to go back and forth with that. John: Right. So you’re either going to be able to ask questions on the conference bridge or you can ask questions live and Mike will be getting that now. Mike is going to be acting as your moderator, basically, to be able to get your questions and then ask it on your behalf. So what we’re looking to do is really make this really inclusive. We want your participation because that’s the way it makes it fun for us, and it makes it fun for you as well. So if you are busy doing other things you’re not going to get the full experience. We’re going to give you just great value. With that said, I want each one of you to, long as you’re not listening and driving, what I want you to do is, just if you can, close your eyes for just a quick moment. Pay attention to my voice which most of you have already gotten pretty used to listening to by now. Now what I want you to do, just for a second, is pay attention to where your feet are right now. Connect to exactly the pressure on your feet, whether they’re balanced or imbalanced. I want you to balance your weight so that there’s an equal balance on your feet right now. And as you focus going up your shins and your calf in the back, just make sure that whatever you’re doing that there’s a balance to that. Then as you take a deep breath in and exhale at your own pace, pay attention to your thighs and your hamstrings, which is on the other side of your thighs, your hips and your buttocks, or your butt, your abdomen and your lower back, and just make sure that you are just perfectly centered and balanced. Now, wherever you’re back and your arms are, just make sure that you’re in total centered state of mind, focus on your chest now, your shoulders, your back as being totally aligned, whatever aligned is for you. Focus on your neck and your face and your head, your mouth, your eyes, your nose. Just focus on everything just being in the right position for you. I want you to take a couple of deep breaths in and focus on the beautiful, beautiful air that sustains your life in and out, just gently, a couple more times. What I want you to find as you’re sitting here for just a moment, find your center. Not the center of your body but where, as you pay attention now, is your center. For some people it’s around their abdomen. For other people it’s further up, just below the rib cage. For others yet, it’s a little bit higher up, just in the middle of their chest. It doesn’t matter where your center is, I want you to connect with your center and just be aware of where this place is. Because if you do this little exercise every day, once you find your center and you know how to just put yourself in this relaxed state of mind and you turn on your whole brain to work optimally, you can instantly go right back to that center by just thinking of your breath and the spot that you have discovered is your center. It may change from day to day but that’s a little technique that I use, especially when I am under a lot of stress and stuff’s happening, I say okay, you know what, deep breath in, I go right to my center, within one to two breaths I’m there and so will you be. All right. Now I’m going to open my eyes and this is probably an unusual thing for you to participate in, especially if you’re an “A” type personality, left-brained, deductive reasoning, which you’re not going to find anybody more

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so than him, this is a real good way for you to really maximize your [inaudible 0:32:30]. So without further ado, Mr. Mark Waldman, how are you? Mark: I am doing wonderful. John: Great. And is our sound good everybody? Mike just let us know that our sound is good. So Mark, maybe we can start with why do you do the research in the neuroscience fields and in all the other fields that you coalesce together? What is your why for doing it? Mark: From the best that I can understand, the functioning of the brain, it’s a chaotic mess. It’s born as a chaotic mess. We have 200 billion neurons when we’re born. We have to get rid of half of them in order to function well or we’re going to be autistic.

John: Called pruning. Mark: Yes, called pruning. The first decade or two doing that. And then for the rest of our life we have to continue to get rid of, inefficient, ineffective forms of thinking, beliefs, awareness, habits that may have been very useful when we were two years old, or three years old, or four years old. But then we have to replace them with better and better forms of cognitive organization. So in the exercise that you did, you incorporated four basic types of strategies that we know help to organize the brain in a better way. You actually made better synaptic connections; you actually perform any tasks….. [Dropped call] Jennifer: Okay, it looks like John has dropped off for those of you that are on Maestro conference. We’ll just have to dial back in again. So we appreciate your patience here and hopefully some of you are on also the live video feed so you can hear from that. So we’re still working on that. I just want to introduce myself. My name is Jennifer Bailey. I’m the Head Coach for the John Assaraf companies. As you embark on these first steps towards realization of your financial dreams we are just so thrilled to be here providing support to each of you on your journey to winning the game of business or money. I know how exciting it is to have your financial goals and dreams underway. One of the many perks of being part of this elite community are these exclusive Q and A sessions with John. And today we have a special extra guest, Mark Waldman, and I’m just very impressed with his credentials. As John mentioned earlier, University of Pennsylvania, he’s in collaboration with Dr. Andrew Newberg where he conducts research on neurological correlates of consciousness, release, morality, compassion, meditation, religion, spiritual practices, and conflict resolution. Wow. That’s pretty amazing. So we’re very blessed to have him with us today. So it looks like John is back on here. John: ….all those distractions whether it’s email, telephones, kids, spouses, whatever the case is, then you are actually focusing more on achieving what you want to achieve. Mark: Yes. And nobody teaches us to do that in the first 18 years of life, the formative years. So we have to, as adults, have to work extra hard to get rid of all kinds of beliefs that we used as a seven-year-old, as an eight-year-old. They don’t work today. We don’t even know that they don’t work today because once you form a belief system, you may have been conscious of it

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at the time, now it slips back into a non-conscious state and we just automatically behave, and we are not even aware, that we are operating inefficiently and ineffectively. John: Right. I was told many years ago, everybody, that learning how to focus is like learning how to play chess, it’s like learning how to play tennis; it’s a skill you can acquire. When I heard that it was a skill that I could acquire, because when I was a kid, my parents kept fighting the teachers because they wanted to put me on Ritalin because my brain was just going, going, going. I couldn’t sit still and calm down. So when I started to learn how to visualize and meditate and do my precision affirmations when I was in my early 20s, I started to learn how to focus, how to set a goal, how to take action, how to be relentless in the pursuit of that whatever I needed to do. I had low self-esteem, I had low self-image. I didn’t think I was very smart. I didn’t think I’d ever amount to much, because that’s what I was told by my external environment. So we were taught a lot that we’re not worthy, that we’re not capable of achieving things. Mark: And you intuitively learned how to do that in your early 20s. It took me until my early 40s in order to do that. So I have to work much harder than John to be successful in anything that I do. But the most amazing thing, John, and this always blows me away, is when you do any part of the exercise that you opened up this session with, just sitting there and watching your breath, or bringing attention to your muscles in any part of your body, that kind of focus. It feels like your mind is becoming empty. It’s not. Actually your frontal lobe, the executive part of your brain, is becoming more active, more organized. So by doing nothing at all, you’re capable, once you come out of that brief meditation or mindfulness or relaxation strategy, to do whatever work you were currently doing before at greater efficiency. John: They say that we lose our focus six to ten times every minute. Every minute. So if that’s true, the degree that we can train our brains to focus more, the more we can stay on task with less stress. Now I want you to start getting a few questions ready, but before you do I’m going to ask Mark a major question, I’ve been studying the effects of stress for a lot of years. Specifically on the body and being in the state of dis-ease causes stress on the nine systems of the body. And just like a car has got systems, just like a computer has systems, just like just about anything that works has got a system, if any of the system is not working optimally or efficiently, you have a breakdown in the performance. And what I discovered that if I was learning how to be in a state of at ease-ness, Mark asked me – I’m going through a pretty big challenge the last few days, but you’ll all find out about it the next few days – and he’s asked me How do you maintain the composure and how do you maintain the stress-free attitude about it? And my answer is -- I’ve learned how to take it out of me and put it out there so it doesn’t affect my body and my mind. Mark: And you do something very, very specifically. I’ve asked you this question, as you know, throughout the last 24 hours. What I would consider to be one of the most stressful and overwhelming things that were happening in my life, John, you look at it as a challenge, as a chess game. What can I learn from this? How can I use this to build? And you said that it’s costing you a fortune to go through this experience.

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John: Two-million-dollar loss in the last 48 hours that I’ve had to write off. I can’t share the details yet. Mark: He said to me that this was the best two-million-dollar lesson he could ever….he couldn’t pay enough money for this. It was worth two million dollars for him to learn this. And I’m sitting here while he’s driving at 110 miles an – no not really – but the road was pretty windy. Such laser focus and such optimism, this is what we’re discovering in our work, and it’s even called the three-to-one ratio in a series of new studies. You have to have between three and five positive thoughts for every unconscious negative thought that’s probably going through your mind each minute. John: Repeat that one more time. Everybody pay close attention and you’ll also understand why I’ve become an advocate of repetition, repetition, repetition, repetition of the program you’re doing right now. Three to five….. Mark: It’s called the three to one ratio and there are a dozen studies that support this framework. It works in business, it works in psychotherapy, it works in a person’s life no matter what. You have to have a minimum of three positive thoughts about your life and what you are accomplishing to each negative thought or worry or doubt or anxiety that you have. For companies that are excelling on a teamwork level there’s usually a five-to-one ratio. And that’s what I was watching with John. Positive thought, positive thought, positive thought. Everything is an opportunity to do better. Those are the types of individuals that succeed in business, in their personal lives, in love, or whatever else. For people who have even the slightest form – people like me, even, walk around with a tremendous amount of self doubt and anxiety. I’m always uncertain. It’s one of the things you have to do to do research. You have to not take one side or the other, but that uncertainty has a drawback. I’m never fully trusting of what I hear, see, or believe. If I just lived in that space I would have a one-to-one ratio and it’s a guaranteed formula for failure. Not just failure in a relationship or failure in a business, but a failure as far as your brain is concerned. It’s going to literally take two years off of your life, and that’s a Mayo Clinic 40-year longitudinal study. Three-to-one ratio maximum. So you have to be able to identify where all these unconscious doubts, worries, uncertainties, negative thoughts, and feelings can be, and consciously and deliberately, and genuinely build three to five of every single negative one you can identify. John: Okay. Before I ask the question I was going to ask, let’s give them an exercise right now. One of the things you said to me yesterday is you took a piece of paper out and you wrote down every time you had a negative thought. Mark: Yes. John: Why don’t you share with them? Here’s your first little bit of play work, not homework, play work. What can they do to be aware of this? What happened to you? Mark: Okay. The event took place actually about a year ago. I was telling my wife what a positive thinker I had become. And she laughed at me and said “Hah!” The first thing that went

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through my mind was [inaudible0:42:53] and of course I kept a fake smile on my face, whatever else, and I said well, I’m going to prove to you that I’m not that negative, because she said “You know you’re cranky all the time, Mark. I listen to you. Everything coming out of your mouth is a complaint about this and this.” And I said “I don’t do that.” So I decided that the next morning when I got up I was going to take a sheet of paper, this is a well-known strategy in cognitive behavioral therapy, and I’m just going to note and write down every negative thought I had. My first task in the morning when I got up was to take the dog down to the end of the block, let him do his thing. It only takes me four minutes to get down to the end of the block. I already had 25 negative thoughts had gone through my head. John: Is that literal? Twenty-five negative thoughts? Literal? Mark: Yes. Yes. I was shocked. The first time I did it I was 23 years old when I made a list of all my negative thoughts and I got up to about 250 and then gave up. John: Wow. In a day? It doesn’t matter. Mark: I don’t know. I don’t remember how many days….. John: So what happened with your wife and all that? Mark: Well the cool thing about that is that I was shocked because first of all I realized, gee, I thought I was positive all the time. And here, by just paying a little bit of attention I could catch 25 – come on dog, you’re not going fast enough – I need to get back to work – oh, somebody left some dirt in the road – whatever else. Just endless noise going on in here. It shook me up so badly that I spent the rest of the day just paying attention to how many negative thoughts I had. When we teach this to students and to business people, we actually give a sheet of paper, called a negative thought day, write down all the negative thoughts you notice throughout the day using mindfulness training and cognitive behavioral therapy. The next day I was so pleased because I only had five negative thoughts that I was aware of by half the day through. And then I probably got sloppy and went right back to my old behavior. I had to keep coming back to do this, so I used my wife to account for this. It’s wonderful if you are in a relationship with somebody to actually ask the person do me a favor. I’d like you to point out every time I make a semi-critical statement. Keep track of this and write it down. The first step is you have to be aware that these thoughts are going on below the level of consciousness. Once you recognize that then you can consciously choose, when that particular thought comes up, I’m going to literally push it aside and bring in a different thought. So the next time I went walking with my dog, I really spent a lot of time feeling the sun shining on my face. If he was taking a long time, I did some walking meditation very slowly. I immersed myself into the pleasure of the moment and I very rapidly shifted that balance from being maybe one-on-one ration to, I hope, five-to-one now so that I have far more positive thoughts going on. They have to be genuine. John: I can tell you’re still really skeptical and still where he looks at everything from what’s wrong with it as his primary modality.

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Mark: I’m not skeptical. John: Mark is the ultimate researcher. Yesterday I asked him “Since you’re such a researcher, Mark, did you read the Mayo Clinic Report and Study that was just released on the #1 cause of divorce in America. And he goes “No, I didn’t read that report. What did it say?” It said what’s the #1 reason for divorce in America. I said to him marriage. And he did what he’s doing now, laughing, and I got him. Here’s the chance for all of you to join some of the fun. Let’s get some Q&A’s now. First of all I want to know, are you enjoying this? Is this a worthwhile investment of your time because we’re giving you nugget after nugget after nugget of what you can do? I’m just going to talk here. We’re going to give you some exercises that you can do. Number 1 – be mindful, be aware. Number 2 – take a sheet of paper and list out as many negative comments that you’ve had, whether it’s by the half -hour, hour, or half-day or day. And then be aware of that and start to release it and start with a positive to offset the negative. Mark: You have to do the following exercise. You are only to do this exercise for one day, and I recommend that you actually shred that piece of paper and burn it and use whatever fantasy you want to say I’m done with that, I don’t want this negativity in my life, even if you’re lying to yourself there is a part of your brain that will believe every thought that you have. That’s the weird thing about frontal lobes. Every imagination that you have, positive or negative, other parts of your brain are going to react to it. It’s outside reality. So the next day what I want you to do is to write down every positive thought and feeling that you have. It’s a very important exercise. It’s made the field of positive psychology extremely famous. It was done with students, it’s been done with high school students, it’s been done with adults. At the end of the day, if you simply write down, and you have to write it down, three things that you felt you did well during that day. And you do this for 10 days. At the end of 10 days these students were measured and guess what they found in terms of improvement? Hardly anything. John: Hardly anything after 10 days. Mark: What was amazing was that they then tested them at one month, two months, three months, six months out. Their sense of life satisfaction and happiness grew each month just from doing that written exercise for 10 days. Imagine what would happen if you did that written exercise for 10 weeks. Writing is a form of language that’s very different from speech, very different from listening, very different from hearing. If you really want to make your brain the most effective, you want to combine all of those. You want to hear positive words from John’s tapes, you want to say it out loud, you want to write it down. You have to write down your positive intentions, your positive desires, your positive accomplishments. When you read it, it’s almost as if your brain is reading who you really are. And that’s where circuits begin to change in your brain and you can tip the scale as I have done it. It only took me about six years to do so, from being chronically negative to being, well … John: Cautiously optimistic.

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Mark: Look who I have as a friend. And by violating my basic rule which is always to be kind to another person. I dissed him and we have formed an incredible, great relationship. Amazing. John: And what I did to advance my knowledge is incorporate his knowledge into mine because he is the expert there. So now we’re going to bring you some great stuff.

Mark: He didn’t diss me and that won me over. He listened to my negativity, accepted it, and I felt hurt and listened to him. It’s an incredible thing to do. Thank you, John. John: You’re welcome. All right let’s go to all of you. First of all I want to know are you enjoying this? Is this fun for you? Do you feel like you are right here in the audience with us? Because we want to make this as much fun for you. We’ve got Jennifer to help you out on the conference bridge; we’ve got Mike over here to help you out. Let’s go to Jennifer first. Jennifer, let’s go to our Maestro Conference and let’s get some answers given by either myself or Mark. Mark is here so let’s get some questions, Jen. Jennifer: Hello everyone. And a special hello to our new members. Please go ahead and press 1 on your keypad to ask a question in the Maestro Conference and I will go ahead and select some people to….okay. We’ve got Norma Rae. John: Hi Norma Rae. Norma Rae: Hello. Hi everybody. Hi John. John: Can you see us waving at you? Norma Rae: Hi Mark. Mark: Hello. Norma Rae: Can you hear me? John: We can hear you perfectly. Norma Rae: Okay, great. Great. So I would just have one question. The exercise you just suggested sounds great but what can we do about the unconscious negative thoughts, the one that we obviously don’t know about? What can we do to be effective, to change them into positive, or do something about them? Mark: Don’t activate them. Let them sit there. Every negative thought you have forms a very specific neuro-circuit-like lump inside of your brain. And negatives are far more powerful than positives [inaudible 0:51:34] positive thought and it’s literally forming a neuro-network around and next to it. Each time you call up the negative thought it has some of the positive

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thought with it. If you [inaudible 0:51:50] negative memory, the memory is re-embedded with a bit of that positive relaxation you have. Over time the memory changes, the negativity lessens. John: What I gather from all of this is that when you’ve got a negative thought your neurons are firing that signal, and the more you think about it the more you reinforce that pattern in the brain. But if you’ve got a new thought – let’s say you have a negative thought and you’re aware of it, and you let it go, but then you get a brand new thought right after that or right at the same time, you start to create, think of it as a new road, you’re paving a new pathway. And the more you do that as the negative neurons fire, that signal fires, then over a week, a month, two months, three months, six months, you actually start to think more positively on a regular basis. So we’re learning more and more about this every single day. It starts with you being consciously aware of these negative thoughts. And I might add, the program that you’re doing right now is going to help a lot with that because you’re going to create these new neuro pathways as well with these new precision affirmations, metaphorical stories, hypnosis, subliminal programming, some of which we’ll talk about later. Does that answer your question? Norma Rae: Not really, because I do hear everything because of the connection so I would like just to repeat that. If it’s unconscious, if it’s something that obviously you don’t know about and it’s a negative thought, how can you do, what can you do if it’s unconscious? You don’t know it, you aren’t aware of it. So what can you do? Am I being clear or…..? John: Yes, you’re being clear. Mark: All you have to do is consciously ask your unconscious what negative thoughts are there. And it will be happy to supply you with a cacophony of negativity. John: I also want to piggy-back on that. When we talk about conscious and unconscious, it’s yours. See you’re able to—you are not your conscious or unconscious thoughts. There is a thinker behind those thoughts. And so you can instruct your brain, the unconscious part of your brain to make you aware any time you have a negative thought. Any time you have a negative feeling. You could become much more aware of it and you develop this, you hone this like a skill, like any master, is able to detect any fluctuation with what’s going on in their environment, you can instruct your unconscious to send your conscious mind a signal, a message, a cue to be aware of it and then change it right at the source. Would that be…..? Mark: Yeah. That’s okay. And if you can’t, if you’re having trouble identifying an unconscious negativity, ask your friend, ask a colleague, and if you really want to find out what your weak points are, ask one of your family members, especially your kids. They will be delighted to tell you all of the places where you are being …. And I would do that once a year on my birthday with my son. I would take him out and I would say tell me, tell me all the ways in which I have been a great Dad, and all the ways I’ve been a lousy Dad, so that I can become a better Dad next year. I started doing that with him when he was three years old. John: Man, that’s a good [inaudible 0:55:18] exercise to do. Does that give you some ideas?

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Norma Rae: Oh yes. I would like to ask you John to give me an example of how to instruct my brain, for instance, to give me a cue, you know, on my negative thoughts, like a phrase or affirmation or something, I don’t know. Mark: Do you want to use her – pull out a negative thought from her and transform it right now? John: Sure let’s do it. Let’s let Mark show you, and then I’ll give you what I do, what I’ve done. Mark: Now, simply ask yourself right now. Pay attention to the first negative thought that comes into your mind about yourself. What comes to your mind? Norma Rae: Maybe I’m too shy. Okay. Mark: Maybe I’m too shy. Now I don’t really recommend that you do this at home as they always say on television, but I want you to say it, say it: I am too shy, I am too shy, I am too shy, keep saying it. Norma Rae: Okay. Now, like now? Mark: Yes. Norma Rae: Okay. I am too shy. I am too shy. I am too shy. I am too shy. I am too shy. I am too shy. I am too shy. It makes me laugh. Mark: Good, great, laugh. Now keep laughing and saying I am too shy. You’re already [inaudible 0:56:50] a neuro structure keep following this through. There’s a dozen different ways to change a negative thought and it’s already breaking down because you’re laughing at your own thought that you were believing 30 seconds ago. John: You’ve changed the path in your brain right there. Just laughing and saying it, saying it over and over and over again and laughing at yourself saying it over and over again, you change the neuro structure of your brain with that little exercise. Mark: And with the laughter! Because now if every time you say I am too shy you’re forming a new neuro network saying I am too shy, ha ha ha, I’m too shy, I am too shy, I’m too shy. Well at the moment I’m not being shy at all, am I. And there you see a neural dissonance. I have just created a lie. I’m not being shy right now. Are you being shy right now? Norma Rae: No. Obviously. Mark: Therefore right at this moment that negative thought has been squashed. Maybe it will pop back up again. You can play with it in that way. On the other hand, if you start saying it and you actually feel that you start getting more and more anxious and depressed, because highly anxious and depressed people just seeing a list of negative words will make them more anxious

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and depressed. And if they see a list of positive words, will make them more happier. This is a very famous and very important study that was just recently published…. Of course most of everone who are on this call, we’re are not highly depressed or highly anxious, we’re just neurotic like me. And when we do this kind of [inaudible0:58:15] John: Negative comment! Mark: Yeah. But I laughed and I smiled with it because I don’t believe it anymore. I don’t believe my own negativity, which is what you were doing. And then you can really [inaudible 0:58:25]. And then you can take it a step further and you can say no, I’m not shy, and even if I am shy, so what. I can use that shyness as a skill so you can take something that you think is negative and look at all the ways in which it can be used as a benefit. There’s a million different ways to take any negative thought and reframe it into a useful tool. John: And what Larry King told me when I was on one of his shows one time, he says “John, you’ve got to learn to know when to get the next caller on.” So I hope you’ve enjoyed that answer everybody, and Rae as well, and let’s move on to the next question if we can, Jennifer. Norma Rae: Thank you. Jennifer: Thank you, Norma. Just to let you all know please lower the volume on your computer when you’re talking on the phone as well, when you are on both, because it’s giving a little bit of feedback. Okay, if you’re someone who wants to ask a question. John: Okay. So we have one more question, Jennifer? Jennifer: Yes. Ivan. Are you there Ivan? Ivan: Hello Jennifer, do you hear me? Jennifer: Yes. John: Hi Ivan. How are you? Ivan: Hello John. Thanks. I am wonderful. Due to your work I am very, very familiar with all this stuff here and I even begin to teach my students about all this stuff, about the brain and how it works. So it’s just amazing. Can I ask the question about sexual energy? John: Sexual energy. Ivan: Sexual energy, yeah. Recently I was reading the book by Napoleon Hill and he was stating there that sexual energy was the most powerful energy that we can only have. But there was no how to use this energy in manifestation process. [Inaudible 1:00:41] So if you can give some ideas or suggestions how to use it, it will be wonderful.

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John: What are you trying to achieve with the sexual energy, a mate, or something else? Ivan: No, it’s about how to transmit this energy in a manifestation process. For example, building a business or attaining goals. John: Okay. Just so I’m clear. So what you want to do is – if Napoleon Hill in his book said sexual energy is the most powerful, potent energy that we have as human beings, then how do you use that to channel it to achieve your goal. Is that right Ivan? Ivan: Yes, exactly. John: Mark? Mark: Well, when Napoleon Hill lived, he was using a Freudian model of what sexual energy was. Sexual energy was basically defined as life energy. If you look at it through the lens of today’s neuroscience, what is sexual energy? It is any form of thought or feeling or behavior or action that you take that gives you a deep sense of pleasure and satisfaction. So me just being here talking with you, its sexual energy in that sense. I am so delighted to share any of my knowledge with you and I can feel that sense of well being move through me. I won’t use the word sexual energy anymore, but as far as your brain is concerned this area of your primitive brain inside and your neocortex on top, there’s a thin area in between and it’s called the reward center. And when you do specific things that bring you pleasure, that lights up. That gives you a sense of satisfaction. That’s what drives us towards success. We have to make sure that whatever our goal is it’s something that our brains really love to experience. John: Because if your brain really loves it then you’re going to release dopamine. If you release dopamine you’re going to feel great. If you feel great you’re going to want to release more of that, and so, I concur with that. That’s why one of the most important things for making more money, being more successful, being in love, finding whatever it is that’s joyful in your life is passion. So when you do something you’re passionate about, you’re getting the reward, the neurological rewards. So what happens, you fire off these dopamine in your brain, neurotransmitters in your brain, you feel good about that decision or that choice. Then you think about how you feel and you feel what you think about, and now you create a self-fulfilling reward loop as opposed to thinking negative, firing off epinephrine or cortisol or even negative neurotransmitters. Feeling that, getting emotionally attached to that, and recreating that over and over and over again. And as I understand it, we become addicted to our emotions. Mark: Yes. Actually our emotions are addictive. And so whatever it is that we love, if we indulge in that love as an obsession, it tilts the balance, so our primitive emotional brains become so lit up that all of our logic and reason and rationality and focus and goal-making and dream-making collapses in that process. That’s the wonderful thing about John’s exercises and mindfulness exercises and guided imagery and deep breathing and relaxation. It helps your brain stay balanced. I know it sounds kind of odd, but to be very relaxed stops you from becoming addicted, and these mindfulness-based exercises that are embedded in John’s programs are

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turning out to be some of the most successful ways to treat serious addiction. Nothing else is successful. John: All right. So what we are going to do right now – we’ve been at it for about 35 or so minutes – and what I want you to do is a couple things. You’re in this community now; you’re in this with us. You are going to see in about 30 days we are revamping the entire look and feel of the website and the membership site. If you have not already been to the gold member’s area, we’ve already put up maybe 20 – 30 videos; we’re going to be enhancing the entire community every single week to give you more. But one of the things that you’re going to be receiving is we’re going to be doing some live chats once a month and we’re going to be doing some expert interviews as well. We’re going to be bringing you experts just like Mark. This month I bring you Mark as our featured guest and expert interview. We’re going to give you lots of it. The other thing that I want each one of you to seriously, seriously do, not consider, I want you to find an accountability partner for the next 60 days, 90, 180 days to keep you on track and you keep them on track. And so the more you put yourself out there in this community the more you’re going to meet some really amazing people, the more you’re going to be held accountable to your goals and your dreams, and the more success you’re going to have week in and week out. Now this could be just nice for you to watch every week, or listen to, but the more you interact, the more you make success your focus and controlling this what’s in here, your focus, you will achieve more of your goals easier, faster, and with more fun than ever before. Mark: Let me give you a study to support what John just said because this is very important. The study has been done; it hasn’t been published yet, but if you write down your goals of what you want to achieve, and you find somebody to hold yourself accountable to, you created a 50% increase in your success rate. John: Five-zero? 50? Mark: 50%. John: Fifty percent. And so when I’m making these suggestions to you, it’s not because I think they are great ideas, it’s because they work. And what I’m all about is to make sure you get from where you are to where you want to be with less stress, with more love, and you achieve the result faster and easier than any other time in your life. That’s what this program is all about, is to help you do that. And so with that said, we’re going to do this exercise that Mark has done it in the past. I’m going to let him lead it. If you haven’t called in yet to participate in the conference bridge, all right, then we need you to do that right now. The phone number is right on the screen, okay? I believe it’s the top right part of your screen for your caller number. Is that correct Mike? Mike: You click the link to join the call and then you’ll be sent the call information. John: By email? Mike: That’s correct.

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John: Okay. So [inaudible 1:07:18] we asked you to do this 35 minutes ago so if you didn’t do that yet, you may have missed it. Do that right now. What I’m going to do, I’m going to allow Mark to give you some instructions. We’re going to take you into our conference bridge which allows us to put you into groups. For the first session what we want you to do is we’re going to put you in groups of four, groups of three? We’re going to put you in groups of three, and Mark is going to walk you through the exercise of what you need to do. Jennifer: Groups of three. John: Now everything that we’re going to do is to help you so just trust the process and let us guide you and let’s grow and have some fun. So Mark, why don’t you explain to them the bit about the little exercise we’re going to do? And by the way, I want you to all meet each other so that we hop onto the forums and to the chats, you already know each other. And I can tell you when I have done this in the past with groups when we have our chats, our community built up amazingly. It’ll change your lives, I promise you that. The other thing I want to remind you of is those of you who really participate a lot and help the community and give us suggestions, we are going to have, in about 30 days, we’ll send out some information on how you can become an ambassador of our community. There’ll be some benefits for you, for those of you who qualify. Don’t send in this information right now if you want to do this, we’ll send out some applications. There’s no cost to becoming an ambassador. It’ll be something that we want to bestow on you to help yourself and help us grow this amazing community together. All right, Mark, why don’t you walk them through the exercise that you want them to do? We want you to do the exercise and then we’re going to explain it after you have the experience. Mark: I’m going to give you a strategy that’s going to create incredible neural resonance and immediate neurological trust and empathy between the two of you. John: Okay. So what is neural resonance and there’s going to be three people on each. Mark: We’ll explain that afterwards. I’m going to guide you through the exercise first so you have an experience of it so then you can talk about it. Sometimes if I talk about something, you will use the words to undermine the experience that guides you into a better state of functioning. So in this group of three that you have, I want you to introduce yourselves to each other, and then I want you to start sharing a positive, anything large or small, something positive that has been happening in your life. If it’s related to the particular program that you’re in – share that. But here’s the catch. You only have 20 or 30 seconds to speak. I want you to speak at this rate of speed, so you’re going to slow down your rate of speaking to about this level here, and then I’m going to turn for example to John. And I might begin by simply saying John, today I had a remarkable experience just brainstorming with you and having you coach me on how to speak more simply and directly. Thank you. That was about 20 seconds. One or two short sentences. That’s all you say. The next person will respond with whatever is stimulated by the previous person and you share in 20 and 30 seconds something brief and wonderful, some positive movement that’s happened to you today while you’ve been doing this program. And then the next person will go and you’ll keep changing and going around in a circle, 20 to 30

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seconds, one or two sentences, talking about all of the positive that are beginning to occur in your life. And I want you to watch what happens in a teamwork effort when you do that. John: So 20 to 30 seconds we’re going to do a couple of rounds, all right, so that you can really get the benefit of this. Stick to the program, all right? And we’re going to let you go in 3, 2, 1. Jennifer, take them away for the next few minutes. Jennifer: Okay. John, you and Mark will no longer be able to be heard in order for the breakout groups to happen. Okay? John: Okay. Jennifer: Okay. So we’re going to go around. You each have 20 seconds to give something positive about yourself. So go ahead and start: the first person. Okay. Go ahead and switch a positive experience around the program. Okay and the last person go ahead please. Okay, and stop. The exercise is over. There may be a few of you that didn’t get into a group. It looks like there’s a few that had just joined right when we created the groups and the exercise started. So John, we’re back on – John and Mark? John: Okay. So what’s interesting, everybody. Can you all hear me now? Right. So what’s interesting is….. Mark: Why don’t you share what’s just happened to you John? I’ve never guided John through this exercise. It’s a new exercise for him. And something really remarkable happened and we were able to accomplish it in about a minute, less than 60 seconds. John: Well, as I was sitting here and after we instructed you guys to go there chit-chatting, he said why don’t we do the exercise as well? I said sure, let’s do that. So he shared something with me and then I shared something with him and then he shared something with me and I shared something else with me and I just started to get emotional. I said to him I’m so grateful and excited for what we’re creating and doing here and how we’re helping people. I started to feel just Wow, this is going to be so powerful that we can use the technology, we can use the video, we can use feedback from all of you, and we’re going to build this amazing community to help. Mark: He said he was feeling like he was about to tear up, and at that moment in his face we were watching a kind of whatever happens before you tear up. John: A [inaudible 1:12:56] explosion. Mark: At that moment, and this is what neural resonance is, because I’m watching his face and I’m listening very deeply. I felt tears well up inside of me. And the whole framework of what we were trying to do collapsed. This very intimate moment began to happen. So I would like everyone to go through the round much longer so we get maybe three or four – do this for a full – how many minutes? John?

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John: We have three people. Let’s do it for three minutes. Mark: All right. So two rounds each person. Mike: Now here’s how it’s going to work. It’s a 20 second clip, so you go around once. And you’ll do 20 second clips and you go around again. And so we’ll continue to go around. Mark: And you’ll feel an incredible sense of intimacy welling up. John: And what I want you all to focus on is what are you experiencing now that you’ve been doing the neuro-training program? What are you feeling? What’s one positive thing that’s coming out from that? It’s a focus on that for just a moment so you can help each other because there are people that have been here in the program, just signed up a day or two ago, and there’s others that maybe have been in for 120 days and are on their second round of the program or are using the money program or the business program. So share one or two things from the program on this round right now. All right? So Jennifer let’s rock and roll my dear! Jennifer: All right. So we’re going to create some new groups because we’ve got some additional people on the line here. We’re going to do three rounds of 20 seconds each. Okay. You are now in your groups and please go ahead and the first person starts. Okay, and switch to the next person, okay, and the third person in your group, go ahead. Okay, and then go ahead, and now we’re in round two. The first person go ahead again. Okay and switch to the second person, please. All right and the third person please go. Okay, now we’re in round three. The first person go again please. Okay the second person go please. Okay and the final person in the group. That’s round three. Go ahead and go please. Okay, and if there was a fourth person in your group, I apologize. We did have a few people come on last minute so some of you may not have gotten to share. Okay. We’re going to go back on live here. Okay John, we’re back on live. John: Okay. Just so you want to know, there’s about a 10 second delay from the time that I speak and the time that you can actually see it and hear it on the internet. That’s just the technology. It’s not in real time. It is always a delay. So we were talking to the people that were on the internet that hopefully your weren’t able to be heard by the other people who were actually on the conference bridge as well. We [inaudible 1:15:56] as well so we weren’t confusing you. So Jennifer I have a question for you. Were people who were listening to us on the conference bridge also able to hear us talking through the computers or would they have to turn their microphones down on their computers to mute that? Or Mike? Jennifer: From my end it seems fine, smooth. I’m not sure….as long as they have their computers turned down I don’t think they would have experienced echo. John: Good. I just want to make sure of that. All right. So Mark? Take it away. Now that they’ve done this exercise, why don’t we get some feedback?

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Mark: Yes. Here’s the neuroscience of this 20 – 30 second rule. This is what consciousness is. Now it’s very interesting – there is no scientist in the world who really knows how to define or how to identify or how to [inaudible 1:16:47] consciousness anywhere. Inside your brain, inside your body, outside in the world, nobody really knows. But we all agree that consciousness exists. One thing that we do know – there is an area in your frontal lobes up here again called “working memory”. And it’s that part of your brain that takes four chunks of all of the millions if not billions of pieces of information constantly communicating in the rest of your brain. It pulls out four pieces of that information because that’s all we can be consciously aware of in the present moment. It can only hold those thoughts and those feelings for about 20 or 30 seconds. It dumps it out and then re-loads another 4 chunks of information. So that if you feel you have to explain something in detail to your spouse or to your employer, or to your employee, and you talk for three minutes, the listener can only remember 20 or 30 seconds of what you said, and it’s probably the wrong 20 or 30 seconds of what you intended. So by constricting yourself down to this 4 chunks of information, and by speaking slowly, you’ll find that you very rapidly begin to communicate far more effectively. And one of the coolest things is that in that intense form of communication there is no room for emotionality, no room for negative thinking. You only have time to strategically communicate exactly what the other person needs to hear. And then they respond back and forth, and back and forth, and when you do this for about three rounds, whether you’re with attorneys or oncologist or executive MBA students, they begin to go Oh, Wow, I get it. It’s a very unusual way of speaking but this is an example of how you can use neuroscience to change the way in which you can communicate more effectively in love or in business. John: Love it. And so let’s get some feedback. How did you enjoy that? Was that a fun exercise? Was it worthwhile? What did you discover? Let’s take a couple people, Jennifer, if we can. What was your experience? If you want to share with us your experience, then let’s take two people and keep it short so we can move on. So Jennifer, should we just have them press #1 on their telephone and you can pick them up? Jennifer: Yeah. Let me go ahead and put the hands down from previous questions so that we know people are actually putting their hand up for feedback on the exercise. Hang on one second here. Okay. Mark: And I am going to ask when you tell them to speak slowly your 30 seconds, and we can respond to you to pull out the information if we need. And you’ll see how quickly we can move through so many issues and include so many people in this community. John: Awesome. So let’s do the first person that wants to come on, press #1 on your phone and get in the queue. Jennifer: Perfect. I believe we have Linda Lou – hello are you there? Linda Lou: I am here. Hello. This is [inaudible 1:19:42] and I just wanted to say that I got to experience when I was speaking with my partner there that in the two statements that we talked to each other my body just tingled with joy.

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John: Awesome, Linda Lou. Mark: Beautiful. And you kept it to 20 seconds. Now if you just take a deep breath, come back to that center moment. Is there anything else you want to share for another 20 seconds? Linda Lou: Yes. I am again privileged to be part of this program in that the first thing that is bringing to my mind is all the endless mind chatter noise that has been there my whole life. Now I can identify it. Thank you. John: Awesome. Mark: Beautiful. John: Love that, love that, love that. Thank you Linda. That was great. Let’s take the next call. Jennifer: Okay. Diana, are you there? Diana: Yes, I am. Thank you. John: Hi Diana. Diana: Hi Sweetie. When I was working with my partner, she opened up; it was like she was opening up channels through her speaking. John: How did that make your feel? Diana: Well I hear this echo, so I think somebody needs to turn down their computer. But I will say that it helped me find my center. I was able to – I hear myself [inaudible 1:21:11] it’s interesting, quite loud – John: Turn down your volume. If you could turn down your volume? Diana: I don’t have my computer volume on. Mark: Notice, however, that a very tiny negative thought crept in. It was No, this shouldn’t happen. Notice that and let it go. You have an echo. There are two of you! It’s even more fun. Double your pleasure. Diana: Thank you. Thank you. That’s correct. I could feel that negativity. Mark: So let it go, and tell me the most wonderful thing you experienced as you did that little brief exercise.

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John: All right. Maybe we lost the connection. Jennifer, let’s find somebody else. Jennifer: Okay. Mark: Now understand that also, with the silence, if you had a judgement Oh, there’s something going wrong. I was enjoying the silence. How wonderful that moment was. I could use that moment to center myself, let go of all of my thinking. On a neurological level it’s very interesting. You don’t have to hang on to your previous thought to be well connected with the person that you’re talking with. You simply have to be in the present moment and respond exactly to what they have just said. That forms a cooperative alliance on a neurological level which makes you more successful in any form of interaction that you carry out. John: And essentially I was listening to the silence, enjoying it as well, wondering how many people felt uncomfortable with those five or six or seven seconds of silence. And here’s the question for you: did you feel uncomfortable when you couldn’t hear anything? Like what’s wrong? What’s going on? How come I can’t hear anything? And so what was your attachment to that? What was your meaning that you gave that silence? Think about that for just a moment. I’ll take another caller right now. Yeah, we’ll take the last one on the phone and then go to our Michael Weiss over here and he’s going to represent all of you that are online watching us that are dialoging with him on your computers. Jennifer: Okay. We have, I believe, Nitin. Nitin: Hello. Jennifer: Hi. John: Hey Nitin, how are you? Mark: Hi. Nitin: I’m fine, John, how are you? I can’t believe I’m online. John: You are, my friend, and great to have you on again. What was your experience? Nitin: Well, can I ask a question? Is that all right? John: Not right now. We’d like to know your experience right now with the exercise we just did. Nitin; Well, I think it was quite profound. When I was saying that I experienced calmness at my workplace, so that is really one thing that I liked about it.

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John: Awesome. And what did it mean to you to experience calmness in your workplace? Nitin: Well, the thing is I used to get stressed out by my work a lot of times and if I have too much work I used to get stressed. But when I started your program, I am on 1C at the moment, so when I started listening to your programs and when I started doing meditations, I could see that I get the feeling of calmness all day long. If I get stressed I just take it easy, breath deeply, and then let things go. I just take it easy. John: I want you to listen to this for just a moment. Are you ready? Nitin: Yes, I am. Yeah. [Hands clapping] John: Perfect. Nitin: Oh, thanks very much. Thank you. Mark: It’s that simple and it has that profound effect on your brain. Each moment that you just take, just a second of coming back into the present moment, you reorganize your brain, and you are more successful in any goal you set [inaudible 1:24:49] to do. That’s the research no matter what section we look in for that. John: And one of the things you did, and this goes for all of you, is you teach yourself how to not allow outside circumstances to control you. You teach yourself how to be in control of what you want or don’t want to react to and how. And it’s in learning to focus and to calm down that you actually set up your success. Mark: And you allow those outside circumstances to flow through you. Then nothing is a problem. Nothing is an impediment. Don’t assume that you have to go this is what’s taught in Martial Arts and Aikido. All negative experiences can flow through you, and you stay present and calm and aware. All positive experiences can flow through you, and it will guide you. John: Absolutely. So now you can ask your question, my friend. Nitin: Oh, brilliant. Thank you. John, I’m 27 years of age and I work in a pharmaceutical company. The thing is my passion and purpose in life is I really love dancing and I love singing and I want be a really great pop star to be honest. I know I can do it. I write poems. I write songs. So do you think at this age if I start from scratch, do you think is it possible to make it big and do you think I can do it and what do you think of the action plan? John: So, do I think you can do it. Let me start with the first question, do I think it’s possible? The answer unequivocally is yes, it’s possible. Now. Here’s where you always have to balance when you make a decision like that. We all have a self image of ourselves, what we

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think we can achieve. But when we’re [inaudible 1:26:47] with a highly, highly, highly competitive world out there, of business, of sports, of music, we’re talking about survival of the best and the fittest. So what I’m not capable of doing is saying to you Nitin, you could be the rock star and the poet of your dreams and you can make a fortune doing that. Just because you want to. When you match your desire or your passion or your want with talent, and you put your heart and soul into it and you allow [inaudible 1:27:34] professionals to guide you, and you are receptive to them being honest with you. So I’ll give you an example. I love basketball. There is not a chance in hell today that I’ll play professional basketball. No matter how hard I try. And so you’ve got to match up your talents, your passion, and your skill with the right strategy. So here’s what I would suggest to you. Where do you live, Nitin? Nitin: I live in the UK at the moment, Suffolk, if you know. John: I want you to find the #1 or #2 talent scout in the UK right now. I want you to find who they are, and I want you to pay them to assess your talent. Pay them to have an objective, or even subjective, assessment of your talent. And tell them to be raw honest with you, okay, with what you do. So if you love to sing, sing for them. And if they say you know what, your talent’s unbelievable, you should pursue that. That’s one thing that I would do. I wouldn’t stop there. I would probably see if I could get 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 8, 10 opinions of people who see thousands of people with talent. Now once you’ve [inaudible 1:28:39] that information, they will be honest with you if you’re prepared to be honest with yourself. So get what I call the true north. Now if your foundation is there, go for it with all your heart and soul. Nitin: Okay. Okay. Mark: And if it brings you pleasure and joy and it doesn’t [worth?] any money, do it anyway because we have to nurture ourselves in many, many ways. The part about money: that you can train yourself to love the process of making money and figuring out what you are good at, and that can be marketed. John: And I’ve always said that there are two types of income that I believe we need as human beings. One income is the money that we need to pay our rent or mortgage and food and clothing and things like that. But I believe there’s a much more important income and that income is your psychic income. You [inaudible 1:29:38] in your life for what you love. You could be broke, not have any money, not even have a place to live but if you love what you’re doing, you’ll be a happy person. You’ll be a happy person. If you can marry the two, you can do what you love and you can make money, unbelievable. Here is what I can share with you. The better you get at what you do, the more money you can make. Period. Because there are always people you can teach and help and guide with your specialty knowledge and passion. Mark: The more challenging it is, the more you’re going to exercise your brain. You simply have to train yourself; I think you can do it with just an affirmation. I love being challenged to the max. That’s what I was watching John go through as he dealt with a circumstance that would probably make some people want to jump off a cliff. He was loving it. He said it was the best chess game, more moves than he could imagine. Those new experiences

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that push us not to just our limit, but slightly beyond, that’s what creates a better functioning brain. John: Does that help, Nitin? Nitin: Absolutely John. Thank you so much. John: That goes for all of you. Let’s go over here to the bleachers, everybody, on the left. We’ve got Mike on keyboard over here taking some calls, questions from all of you wonderful friends of ours on the internet. By the way before Mike started working with me, he had a full head of hair. Mike: That’s right, very full. We have a question from Maxim Witter’s and Maxim says how can we actually be in the moment now because time is perpetual. If we say now, as soon as we say now, it’s already passed. John: Very good question. Mark: [inaudible 1:31:15] By the way, each cell in your body and each cell in your brain operate according to circadian rhythms that have been implanted genetically. So we all have time clocks in our body and brain. Sometimes when we get old things begin to get a little wacked out. And if the time clock starts to slow down in your brain, it’ll feel like things are speeding and going too fast in your life. Sometimes it goes in the other direction and the time clock speeds up. And the person will sit here like this for half a day and think that five seconds went by. One of the things that consciousness, that frontal lobe consciousness, always pulling up past memories, projecting into the future, possible positive and negative events. What we don’t do is ever take the time to notice what’s happening in the present moment. So we have to train ourselves to get out of the habituated way in which our frontal lobes are designed to be, to create a little space. And we do that by watching all of the positive and negative scenarios that are constantly being generated by these frontal lobe processes. John: You’re much more versed about circadian rhythms and time than I am but paying attention to the moment is being mindful of right now. As I’m sitting here looking at the camera I’m mindful of the way my legs are crossed. I’m mindful of Mark being here. I’m mindful of the words coming out of my mouth, and people walking and moving over here. And so I’m aware of everything that’s going on right in this second and that is all it takes. Just be mindful of right now. And here’s what happens. If you start thinking about yesterday or the future, you’re not in the now, unless you’re focusing on something in the future or the past. Mark: I’ve done meta analytic studies which means I’ve look at 24,000 studies in the area of psychotherapy to ask the following question: what can we do that’s better than placebo? Placebo simply means what can we do to make things better than what I can believe they can be. There are only three things that come up: cognitive therapy which in essence is exactly what John is teaching you to do. Here’s your goal, here’s where you currently are, what problems do you have, have you resolved them so you can move as rapidly as possible to your goal as

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possible. That beats the placebo effect. The other two is mindfulness, being in the present moment and observing the process that will enhance your physical health, your cognitive health, your emotional health, and the third one is relaxation, that’s it. John: And you are all doing all three in the neuro-training program. Mark: Yes. John: I’ve got a question for you, Mark. It’s almost time for another mastermind session, right? You’ve been going through both programs now. What’s your experience been like? He’s been going through the business program and he’s been going through the money program. So you’ve tried a variety of them. You’ve been meditating for how many years? Mark: Thirty-five, but I’ve only gotten good at it in the last six months to a year, I would say. John: But he’s been practicing it; you’re doing it. Mark: The evidence is too overwhelming. It says that meditation turns out to be the best thing you can do for your brain. Since I’m a skeptic I’m only going to go with the evidence. I’m going with the evidence. The evidence also says that if you are a skeptic, it turns out that you are clinically depressed. With that piece of research I have been doing the best I can for the last three years to be the most irrationally optimistic person in the world. Except when John asked me to do his program. And inside of me Oh do I have to, really? I hate to do this stuff. I just want to created my own……all right, I’ll do it. And so started listening to it and it was either track 1B or track 1C, but my first reaction was – John had asked me, or in the CD he said Think about a time in your childhood – tell me if I get this right – when you can recall the joy that you had from making some money. John: Whether it was a babysitting job or delivering newspapers or anything. Yeah. Mark: I could not find anything prior to seven years ago, and that was so disturbing to me. And in that moment, just being asked that question, and finding that I didn’t even have an answer to it. Now in the past I could have dwelled on beating myself up. Oh, I’m a terrible failure. I’ve never enjoyed making money. No wonder why I’m such a failure, which goes against all the success that I actually have had in my life. In that one time of realizing that I’ve never been able to appreciate making money until seven years ago. It was like a year in any therapist’s couch. It was the best $2500 that I didn’t even have to spend, and I found that each time I, I would listen to the same track over and over again, and each time I would watch more crap come up in my mind that I would keep a diary, and I would recommend that you would keep a diary, and put down all your negative stuff and to make sure that you never come back to it. And when you put down the negative stuff then turn around to say okay, how can I make use of that negative? If you just put down the negative stuff, all the research shows you’re going to be worse off. So I’m amazed at how little I understand the process of making money and was

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just surprised at how much unconscious garbage kept pouring out of me. Sometimes I don’t even want to bother to look and see how much more there is in there. John: You’ve done the business program now? Mark: I’ve done the money program first, and now I’m kind of…. I would be further along in the business program John, but you’re keeping me too busy with too many questions. John: And so what do you think is the difference with what we’re doing than what you’ve seen out there? I know you’ve worked with a lot of….. Mark: Oh, oh, oh. Yeah. There are two things. I’m a great proponent when you can take five or six or seven of the best strategies for creating mindfulness, focus, concentration, relaxation, stress reduction, and I found that all of those are imbedded in your program. But when I got to the three – A, B, and C – in all of my years of doing meditation experience, I’ve never heard anything like this before. And my 21 year old son was home from Oberlin and all I have to do is mention anybody connected with [name? Dietrich 1:37:37] or whatever else and he was immediately turned off. I said No, no, you’ve got to listen to this. And I put him on track 1 or track 2 and he was bored. But then I put him on the level 3 where the towns are moving all around, and his face, if you can see me, those of you who are watching, became entranced. And that is entrainment. Suddenly something is out of the usual, and there’s something going on – I have no way how to put this into words, which is why I suggested to John that he, I, and the very famous neuroscientist Daniel Ammon get together so we can do a brain scan study to see what’s going on in the brain because I have never encountered anything like that. John: We are going to do some brain scan studies [inaudible 1:38:19] to really get the images of what’s happening in the brain in the different levels. As you know we created the program so you have Level 1 to get you acclimated as your foundation, and Level 2 is more at your median, and Level 3 is much more advanced because we’re dealing with a lot of brain entrainment technologies. What I also wanted to get from Mark and we’re going to go to our next mastermind little session, is why do some people listen to a track and they’re like God, I want to turn it off, or they get emotional or they get these emotions that they don’t like. We’ve had some people say that so I want to ask that question on your behalf everybody. Mark: We have extremely habituated brains, and what that means is that once we find a habit or a pattern in behavior, it doesn’t even have to work for you, it’s just we become comfortable with it. It’s a lot of work for the brain when a new behavior or a new experience or a new type of thought or awareness comes in. And it thumps into a lot of resistance, like the two year old -- those people who have a kid. They think they own the entire world and then they bump into something and then they collapse into pain. They yell, they scream, they complain, they cry. The same thing happens – these are wonderful opportunities – when you find that it’s giving you a headache, or bringing up tears. No, that something new and different that’s happening and then you use the relaxation technique to watch it unfold and go through it, like the woman on the phone. She kept repeating I’m shy, I’m shy, I’m shy, she actually defused that neuro-circuit. It lost its power because she began to think about it and laugh about it. It pulled it

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out of the emotional state. If any of these tracks take you into a new state of consciousness, or awareness, or opens up a door where an old thought or memory like the one that I had came up, that’s where you come back to the core element that every one of those messages come from, but staying relaxed and aware. But then you relax into it, and look past, and trust your intuition. John: Yeah. Trust your intuition. You’ve got to remember, if you’re feeling your experience and the program is meant to explore, to enhance your awareness of why is this feeling, why is this thing in my ear, why is what John is saying or not saying causing this irritation, this frustration, this fear, emotion. Get right into it and own it and flow through it. Mark: Well I can tell you one other thing of why I like John’s programs over most of the other programs that are out there. John insists that you go through this program for nine weeks… John: Twelve weeks. Mark: ….twelve weeks, okay, and our brain scan research shows that it really takes about 12 minutes to 40 minutes a day of constant practice before you begin to see actual functional and structural changes in the brain at about eight weeks. Those are just beginning ones. So John’s very honest by saying you’ve got to stick with it. So it doesn’t matter how resistant you are. Just push yourself through. Do it. You can hate it all the way along the way, and somewhere around week number seven or eight or nine we find with the research we do with other types of clients and patients, it takes about six, seven, eight weeks before you can interrupt a neuro habit that’s holding you back to begin to experience the potential growth and aliveness in this new thing. And you’re going to have to exercise that for another eight weeks, and you probably are going to have to do it for the rest of your life, because the brain is going to go back into its old patterns and you become a two year old again. John: And that’s why we coined and trademarked the term “innercise”. I want every one of your just to think about it this way: every day I’m doing 30 minutes of innercise. That’s it for the rest of my life. Just like its great if you do some exercise, keep your body and every other part of your insides feeling great, this is innercise, and I’ve been doing it for 30 years now. And I’m addicted to it, and I’ve got so many people just like you that have been on the program. I’m saying, just like you that have been on the program saying I don’t want to stop. I miss it if I miss a day or two, and guess what, if I don’t exercise I miss it as well, because my body’s gotten used to that. This is creating a really good habit for you to love to do and that’s what this is all about. Mark: And it keeps the cholesterol out of your colostrum. John: Keeps the cholesterol out of your colostrum. Mark’s being the scientist now. Colostrum is good. Mark: I’m being a neuro-nut. John: He’s being a neuro-nut. All right. So what are we doing next, Mike?

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Mike: One quick question I just want to bring out. Mark has described a longer process but we have a lot of clients that are getting results in as little as three days or a week. Mark, can you expand on how that’s possible because you just shared what a longer-term process looks like, but how can it be [inaudible 1:43:03] in two days or four days, then all of a sudden get incredible results? Mark: I’m going to answer that question by citing you a brand new brain-scan study that I came across. It turns out in the first two weeks of taking a placebo and you’re being brain-scanned to see what happens, and the first two weeks of being on an anti-depressant, the same changes in the brain are taking place. If you believe that any program works, it actually does work, and your brain begins to change. But it’s still fitting on the new idea, your old brain – I kind of like view it as David and Goliath, all your old bad habits, they’re like Goliath. They’ve been around for a long time and this new David with a thought and an idea comes along and has to battle against it. It’s going to take a long time for the pleasure of the placebo effect wears off. So yes, you will feel that you are making huge changes, and that will carry you in to the next area where it becomes real work and you have to continue to go through that real work. So yes, there is tremendous things happening in those first two weeks, but it’s your job to make it permanent, and that’s where you have to do the innercises. John: I can’t tell you how many people have emailed us or on Facebook fan pages – I hope all of you are on – I want you on there actually either after this call letting all the other members know how much fun we have – but what happens is that people send me email after two or three weeks going I was feeling great for a couple weeks and then getting all this other stuff come up, what should I do, why isn’t it working any more? Of course it’s working, you’re changing, and whenever we change we feel change. And guess what, I’ve said this on many occasions – the old you with a life change is a wet baby. So as you’re going through the change, stick through it, know that it’s the repetition for eight weeks, twelve weeks, sixteen weeks, the next year, that’s going to solidify these new habits and these new skills which gives you the confidence and the certainty to achieve any goal that you choose. Michael, are we ready for our mastermind session? Okay. So for this mastermind session, Mark, we’re going to put them back in the same groups, right Jennifer? Jennifer: Well, unfortunately we don’t have the same groups because some people have dropped off and some have joined so we have to start new groups. John: So here’s another exercise that we talked about earlier that we knew would give you a lot of benefit. What I want to do is to have Mark walk you through this again. It’s one that is very, very dear to my heart, around your values. So Mark let’s take them through that. Mark: Well, we think that this is actually the most important question that you can ask yourself that can change your life around. We give this as a homework assignment to the Executive MBA students at Loyola on the first day of class. We ask them to spend one minute each day for 10 days focusing on the following question, and this is what I want you to focus on as well: What is your deepest, innermost value? I want you to keep focusing on this. I’m going to guide you through this. I’m going to talk for about 30 seconds. What is your deepest, innermost

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value? And I want you to look for one word or brief phrase that pops up. It can be silly, it’s ok if nothing comes up, but for most one word or a simple phrase will come up. For mine, it happens to be compassion. John, what’s your deepest, innermost value at this moment? John: Love. Mark: Love. Take a moment and breathe deeply and just allow your mind to bring up from the recesses of wherever – what is your deepest, innermost value? I’m going to give you 20 seconds of silence now so you can listen to your own mind. If you have a pen, write down a single word or a very brief phrase to capture what that value is. If you don’t have a pen handy, say it out loud to yourself, right now, about three times. Before you go into any business meeting, any interactions with anybody, when you wake up in the morning, spend just 60 seconds asking yourself this question. I will share with you one of my favorite responses from a CEO who was taking our masters program, because one of the questions we asked him – What did you think of this exercise in the beginning. He said “What kind of BS is this? What does this have to do with financial planning?” And by the time he had gotten to about day eight, he said “be teaching this exercise in every MBA program across the country”. It allowed every one of these students, without even asking them, to take a moment of time to focus their day, they were able to carry out their schoolwork and their business at their organization far more effectively – one simple question. If you fear from that innermost value, we believe you’re not going to succeed at winning the inner game at anything. I would love you in your groups now to share with each other what your deepest, innermost value is with each other. John: How much time are we going to give them? Will we put them in groups of three, Jennifer? Or four? Jennifer: Yes, we’ll do groups of three, and if I could ask the people if you didn’t want to participate, please don’t drop off, just pass in the group, because I noticed that there were some people that were dropping out. Mark: You can say anything, you can keep it to yourself, and then after you’ve gone around once in that circle, this is more of a free form talk, tell a little bit about your innermost value in 20 seconds or less, you can even keep it to 10 seconds, and let the flow go around the room as each of you talk about your values and how you respond to each other’s values. Again, you’re going to find a remarkable neurological experience happening that brings you together as a team, as a community. John: Absolutely. And again, this is part of our bonding, part of you getting to know other people who are on the same journey. And this hopefully will translate to the online community in our chat where we build this together over a period of time. So Jennifer, take it away my dear. Jennifer: Okay. One moment here. We just have a couple people join. I’m sorry. I want to make sure we’re including everybody.

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John: Perfect. Jennifer: Okay. Everybody should be in your group, and I’m going to mute John and Mark and go ahead and begin to share. Okay go ahead and switch to the next person please. Okay, the next person. Okay we’re back on live with John and Mark. And I did lead them, Mark. Was I supposed to just let them be in free form? Mark: Well, again. If I were to say to you, were you supposed to let them be on free form, would you hear that as a positive criticism or a negative criticism? I want to just make us all aware how we’re consciously unconsciously judging ourselves. Are we good enough or bad enough? It’s perfectly fine whatever you did – it all works out. The bigger the mess the bigger the opportunity to refine it and be even better the next time. Jennifer: I love that. Thank you. John: In other words, Jennifer, the moment was perfect. Mark: Yes. Jennifer: Okay. John: I learned a long time ago, everybody – am I on by the way? I learned a long time ago that every moment is perfect and some things just are not to our taste. And so if this universe of ours has been evolving for billions of years, and it has, and this beautiful blue planet of ours has been evolving for billions of years, and it has, then there’s intelligence that governs every second of every day. Use your intuition just to trust that. Just trust that every moment is perfect. And as soon as we start to judge it’s right, it’s wrong, it’s this, or it’s that, be aware of that. Be aware of that. Mark: And that’s a very good piece of advice because if I follow the questions on Facebook that people put across, one of the most common ones: Am I doing it right? Am I doing it wrong? And on the one level our research shows that if you take any meditation, any exercise, any training program, and you personalize it, and use your own intuition and say this is what feels best for me, you’ll get the biggest neurological boost, the biggest neurological enhancement. So there’s no such think as doing it wrong. Ask the open experiment with new forms. Keep it creative, and always come back to trusting your intuition which we believe is centered in your anterior cingulid. It’s halfway between all of your conscious thought and ideas and all of your feelings and emotions and it balances it like a seesaw. John: And so Mark, let’s hear the seesaw for just an example. A few weeks ago you were at my house. We had a group of people we were talking with and you were using that seesaw to explain something that was going on in the brain between stress and the frontal lobe shutting off and the motor cortex which is our action side of our brain that [inaudible 1:52:01]. Explain to everybody for just a second what that is. Pay close attention everybody because this really is a great visual, adds a really great example for you to understand.

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Mark: So for those of you who aren’t watching at the moment, I want you to actually visualize a seesaw at the moment and a fulcrum. The fulcrum is actually your anterior cingulid. Sitting on the one side of the seesaw is your frontal lobes. Your consciousness, your awareness, your thoughts, your motivations, your dreams, anything that you are conscious of sits up here. On the other side of the seesaw are all of your fight-or-flight emotions, things like fear, anxiety, anger. When you get emotional, that emotional side of the seesaw becomes very heavy and activity in your frontal lobes goes down. So you’re no longer thinking logically or rationally. The cool thing is that if you do anything that focuses your attention on logic, rationality, reason, your deepest values, activity in your frontal lobe goes up, and it pushes down and suppresses activity in the emotional centers of your brain. But if you have too much thinking going on and you could be like a sociopath. You could pull the trigger and say I don’t like my co-partner; you could pull the trigger, blow him away, and feel nothing at all. So it’s important to have feelings. If you have too much feeling then your anger and fear takes over and you can’t make any logical decisions. Your anterior cingulid is the fulcrum of what that seesaw sits on. And this is where you trust your intuition which is tied into your anterior cingulid, relaxation, meditation, mindfulness; all the strategies in this tape actually strengthen the neuro connection in your anterior cingulid. It makes you more socially aware, it makes you feel more compassionate and empathy, it’s the center of moral decision making, it’s something that’s right behind consciousness so it allows in just the right amount of feeling and the right amount of thought and then you use your gut level, your intuitive level sense of well-being to guide you in every decision you make and that’s the best all of us can possibly do, and a whole lot better than most of us ever allow ourselves to do. John: Absolutely. I love his brain stuff behind. I’m learning all the time. In the next six months you’re going to hear me talking just like him. He’s putting on a daily dose of learning and I….. Mark: May God have mercy on us all. John: Yeah. I’m going to be becoming a neuroscience evangelist. Not that I’m not one right now. Who’s got some questions? We’ve got, I think, about two or three minutes left. I think we’ve got a couple of questions online. First of all what I would love to know from all of you is are you enjoying this? Has this been a worthwhile couple of hours for you? I mean I feel like 20 minutes have gone by. If you really enjoyed this, send us a little note right now to let me know. What I’m not going to do every month, by the way, is bring you Mark or a neuroscientist every month. I’m going to bring you somebody who’s going to get you to think differently. That we’re going to get you to think differently, strategize differently, and think of your life you’re your possibilities differently than you ever have. I’m going to bring you people a helping of the strategies and the tactics as Mark has done today that will enhance your ability to make more money, grow your business, love yourself more, give your life more purpose than meaning, and make sure that everything around you, the people, the purpose, the missions that you have in your life is being held at the highest level of your potential. I love this stuff so this is as much fun for me to listen to Mark and to quiz Mark and to have him share with you as I hope it is for you. So if it is, let us know. If there are some things that are different that you would like, let us know

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that also. Again I want feedback from all of you. So if you’re online, let us know online and if you’re on our Facebook fan page I’m on there just about every single day. [Unknown name 1:56:17] is on there, Jennifer is on there, Sue is on there, and Mark is on there as well as often as he can be. So get onto the Facebook fan page and we’re also, as I mentioned earlier, revamping the entire membership site. It will be much more robust. It’s about a 30-day project but it will be well, well worth your wait and your time. We’re still operating what we’ve got now so go watch some of those videos as well. Mike, what have you got? Mike: We’ve got a question about the open eye meditation that we just sent down to everybody. It is from Ivan [inaudible name 1:56:53]. After I listened to it for the first time the feeling was amazing. However my eyes kept on closing. We have to try and keep them open or do we just go with the flow? John: That particular program, the bonus that we provided to all of you, and this was in regards to whether you were in the business brain training or neuro training program or the money training program, we made that available to all of you. The program is geared toward keeping your eyes open and listening to I believe it’s Level 3 B or C, what ever it is, just an alternate for that and the money program. The idea is there is a huge part of your brain that is responsible for visual processing. And so when all of this information is coming in, in addition to what you’re listening to and experiencing, it really bombards your subconscious mind while you’re constantly paying attention to other things. So what I would say is look and see if you can do it open eye. However, if your eyes close for whatever reason, go with the flow. As Mark said earlier, if that’s what your eyes want to do, not because you’re tired, but it’s because it’s telling you that’s the experience you should have at the moment. Have that experience, Ivan, and that goes for everybody else. Mark: What I would like to add to that – as you become more and more proficient in going through these types of programs, try to do it with your eyes open. In fact, try to do it as you begin to do tasks. Because what I would like to see you do is to begin to train yourself to bring these inner exercises into the external activities that you are doing so that you are doing both simultaneously. So when I work I’m always keeping in the background all of the things I’m learning from John’s program. John: And what I suggest for all of you that have not finished Level 3 yet, don’t do what he just said. Okay? Do not deviate from the way I have structured the programs for now. Go through your first 90 days, then you can start experimenting with either the other program we have, plus you’ve got some new levels coming out probably about in about six or seven weeks or so, and you can move to those so that if you want to, after your first 90 days, then you can start to experiment. You can go through the program again which many people have done. You can listen to the track in the background while you’re doing work. You can do a lot of different things so don’t be concerned with experimenting after, I repeat, after your first 90 days doing it the way instructed. Mark: I agree with what John is saying. You first have to train yourself within the simpler system before you move into that level of experimentation.

© 2011 John Assaraf Companies. All rights reserved.


John: Right. That’s more of an advanced technique and so let’s do it the way it’s supposed to be. Mike, are we out of time for today? Mike: Yes. Let’s have just one more question. John: We’ll take one more question from Mike online here…. Mike: And the question is – A lot of people now have finished the program. What would be a great maintenance schedule while they wait for Level 4, 5, and 6 to be released in six weeks or so? What can people continue to do so they stay in the innercise? John: Awesome. So here’s what I want you all to do. I want you to do what I do. Some days I wake up early in the morning and I’ll sit in my office chair and I’ll say you know today, what do I feel like doing? And some days I say you know what, I don’t want to use the technology today. I want to see if I can close my eyes and focus only on clearing my mind as I focus on my breath. What will inevitably happen is your mind’s going to wander off, and so you can either pay attention to your mind and wander off and then bring it back. So you become aware of what’s happening in your own thought pattern. So you become the guide to your meditation, or visualization, or precision affirmation. You can also take any one of the tracks, whether it’s the bonus track, the immune system track, the clarity track, the focus track, you can take any one of those and mix and match those. Take any one of the Levels 1, 2, or 3, any one of the levels that are within those, and put those on for your 30 minutes. Maybe go 45 minutes or an hour. So start to experiment with the things that you feel you need. Is it the tomato story? Is it the monkey story? Mark was saying one of his favorites was the new story – the cactus. He loved it. Everybody’s got a different story or metaphor that they like within the guided meditations or visualizations. So trust yourself to do something different. Think about this – I like to exercise just about every day. But if I had to do the same thing every day I would get bored. And so one day I do biceps and triceps and shoulders. So I mix and match the things up so it’s fun for me and I like variety. So choose some of the things that work really well for you. And we’ll keep bringing you some other techniques and tools that you can use. Mark? Mark: I think that’s great. I think that’s wise. John: Awesome. And so with that said, everybody, we’ve gone a full two hours. I want you to know – please mark this down right now. These calls are normally on the first Wednesday of every month, not the second Wednesday, which is today, of the month of March. So next month is the first Wednesday and we’ll be doing this live. I’m trying to get a special guest for you for then as well and I’m going to confirm with him in the next 72 hours if he could do this with me. Trust me to bring you the best of the best and we’re not going to have a guest every time but he happens to be in San Diego, fairly busy guy, but I think you’ll really, really enjoy. And so here’s what I’d love you to do. Number one, if you loved what you experienced today, let us know. If you didn’t love what you experienced today, let us know what we can enhance. I’d like to see each one of you at least once a day for one or two minutes getting on to our Facebook fan page and commenting and starting some dialogue with people and look at the forums as well

© 2011 John Assaraf Companies. All rights reserved.


at the dialogues that are happening there. And together let’s build an amazing community of people who are like-minded who want to achieve their absolute best in their lives, make as much money as possible, do great in your business, help tons of other people, and most importantly, let’s do it from the space of love and integrity and from us fulfilling our life’s purpose and meaning. On behalf of my entire team that helps put this together, and Mark Waldman who you’ll be seeing a lot of, I really want to thank each one of you for being wonderful human beings, friends, clients, and please help us spread the word. Hopefully you’ve had enough experiences with us to know that one of our passions is to [inaudible 2:03:57] you and some of the technology challenges that I know we’ve had, all right? Hopefully we’re moving servers; we’re moving all of that stuff. It takes a little bit of time to do that. I really want to thank you all for your patience. God bless you all and Jennifer Bailey, you’re always the best, my dear. Love you too sweetheart. Bye everybody, and thank you Mark. Jennifer: Thank you. Mark: Thank you. Wonderful.

[End of transcription 2:04:17]

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