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JUNE1-2020725Persatuan Soka Gakkai Malaysia PublicationPP 6848/12/2012(031182) RM2.50 UNTUK AGAMA BUDDHA SAHAJA

The true purpose of Soka youth is to stand up resolutely, without waiting for someone else to act first. The important thing is to become such an individual of

dedicated commitment. I hope that all of you will rouse your courage, break through your inner limitations, and initiate dialogue aimed at spreading

our movement, without worrying about what others do or say.

— SGI President Ikeda

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In this passage, Nichiren Daishonin declares with great conviction that the time for spreading the Mystic Law has arrived. Taking his words to heart, the Soka Gakkai has created an ever-growing network of people dedicated to peace and the happiness of all humanity, undeterred by even the most daunting obstacles. The good fortune and benefit accruing from these efforts are truly immeasurable.

But now … it is even more appropriate that such teachings [the teachings of the Lotus Sutra] be propagated.

Even though there are those who have no capacity to receive them, but who oppose them as water opposes fire,

how can one fail to propagate them?Now, although one should meet with the kind of

persecution experienced by Bodhisattva Never Disparaging, they must be propagated; there can be no doubt of that.

“On Reprimanding Hachiman” (WND-2, pg 931)

Through sharing our convictions in faith with one person after another, with unwavering commitment like that of Bodhisattva Never Disparaging, we can open the way for fresh development in our movement. People around the world are seeking the philosophy of Nichiren Buddhism. Let us now enthusiastically reach out and engage in inspiring dialogue with others.

Advancing with the Gosho: Words of Encouragement from SGI President Ikeda

From SGI Newsletter No. 9504 dated 07.12.2016

SGI President Ikeda’s Words of EncouragementNow Is the Time for Spreading the Mystic Law (41)

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Discussion Meeting Gosho Study Material

2 Living a Life of Glory and Victory Based on the Gosho

Questions and Answers from the Discussion Meeting

8 I want to introduce my friend to Buddhism (shakubuku), but I’m not persuasive.

Young Women’s Division Gosho Study

11 Is it acceptable to not understand the meaning of the Gosho passage that we are studying?

Women’s Division Gosho Study

12 The Strategy of the Lotus Sutra

Lions of Justice: Studying Soka Spirit

17 The Twenty-six Admonitions of Nikko (4) – Advancing Based on the Gosho

Buddhist Fundamentals for Youth

20 “An Indescribable Joy”

SGI President Ikeda’s Lecture Series

22 The Buddhism of the Sun — Illuminating the World (51)

To My Friends of Each Division Engaged in Our Shared Struggle (Part 5): The Youth Division – Break through Limitations as the Flag Bearers of Fresh Development!

Buddhism in Life

35 Every Day is “Time without Beginning”

Gosho Study

38 On Prolonging One’s Life Span

Significant Dates in the Soka Gakkai

47 June

Editor-in-ChiefKoh Sia Feai

EditorDinesh Chandren

Assistant EditorGoh Lim Erng

Material CompilationTay Biby

Art DirectorChew Meng Tatt

DesignerKoh Wei Chaw

DistributionChai Siew LinNg Shy Huh

Subscriptions enquiriesFor enquiries on subscriptions, please contact:


Tel: 03-9075 6876 / 018-388 4997

Cover PhotoLee Chin Kuan

Discussion Meeting Gosho Study Material

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Living a Life of Glory and Victory Based on the Gosho

Background and Outline

Nichiren Daishonin wrote this letter to Sairen-bo Nichijo while at Ichinosawa on Sado Island in the fifth month of the tenth year of Bun’ei (1273). For some reason Sairen-bo, a former Tendai priest, was also in exile on Sado, where he had been converted by the Daishonin.

The “true aspect of all phenomena” is part of the sutra passage of the “Expedient Means” chapter of the Lotus Sutra that we recite during gongyo. It is

the doctrine that substantiates the “enlightenment of all people” which is only expounded in the Lotus Sutra.

This letter states that “no phenomenon is in any way different from the true aspect”, that is, all beings and environments in the Ten Worlds, from hell, the lowest, to Buddhahood, the highest, (all

phenomena) are without exception manifestations of Myoho-renge-kyo (the true aspect).

This is followed by a

Exert yourself in the two ways of practice and study. Without practice and study, there can be no Buddhism. You must not only persevere yourself; you must also teach others. Both practice and study arise from faith. Teach others to the best of your ability, even if it is only a single sentence or phrase.

“The True Aspect of All Phenomena” (WND-1, pg 386)

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Main Points

• Buddhism is manifested in the action of those who persevere in the two ways of practice and study.

• Exert yourself to the best of your ability to propagate Buddhism and expand Buddhist bonds.

description of the “Ceremony in the Air” depicted in the Lotus Sutra to explain the profundity of “the true aspect of all phenomena”. In the Ceremony in the Air, a colossal treasure tower emerges from beneath the earth and is suspended in mid-air. In the tower, Shakyamuni Buddha takes a seat beside Many Treasures Buddha. They entrust the mission of propagating the fundamental great Law to which all Buddhas were enlightened – kosen-rufu in the Latter Day of the Law – to the innumerable Bodhisattvas of the Earth who emerge from beneath the earth.

Born in the Latter Day of the Law, the Daishonin propagated the Mystic Law which was originally entrusted to Bodhisattva Superior Practices, the leader of the Bodhisattvas of the Earth, and used the Ceremony in the Air to inscribe the Gohonzon as the fundamental object of

devotion for all the people in the Latter Day of the Law. Hence, the Daishonin claims that “Nichiren alone took the lead in carrying out the task of the Bodhisattvas of the Earth.” (WND-1, pg 385) He further declares that the votaries of the Lotus Sutra who remain his disciples and uphold the same spirit as him in striving for kosen-rufu must be the Bodhisattvas of the Earth. Moreover, there should be no discrimination among those who propagate the five characters of Myoho-renge-kyo, be they men or women.

The Daishonin further elaborates that at first only he himself chanted Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, but then two, three, and a hundred followed, chanting and teaching others, which signifies “emerging from the earth”. He shows his absolute conviction that kosen-rufu will certainly be realised.

Finally, the Daishonin reminds

Discussion Meeting Gosho Study Material

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his followers to firmly believe in the Gohonzon and exert themselves in the two ways of practice and study.

Living a Life of Glory and Victory Based on the Gosho

This Gosho passage elucidates the fundamentals of faith, practice and study, as the correct attitude in faith for the Bodhisattvas of the Earth who shoulder the mission of kosen-rufu in the Latter Day of the Law.

In the Gosho passage prior to this section, the Daishonin points out that upholding absolute and doubt-free faith in the Gohonzon is the core. In the Gosho passage we are studying, he teaches the importance of the two ways of practice and study.

“Practice” means to actualise, and it comprises of practice for oneself (Jpn jigyo) and practice for others (keta). Practice for oneself means to perform gongyo and chant daimoku, while practice for others is achieved through propagating the correct teaching, as well as carrying out various kosen-rufu activities.

“Study” means to study the Daishonin’s teachings, with the Gosho as our basis, in order to deepen our understanding of

Buddhism.The Daishonin teaches that

without practice and study, there can be no Buddhism. The advancement of kosen-rufu stems from the actualisation of both practice and study.

The Daishonin further emphasises, “Both practice and study arise from faith. Teach others to the best of your ability, even if it is only a single sentence or phrase.”

Here, “to the best of your abilities,” in the context of our attitude towards faith, may be interpreted as “to exert all efforts.”

Soka Gakkai members who are awakened to their mission as Bodhisattvas of the Earth engage in dialogues for the sake of the happiness of their friends wherever they are. Through such steadfast actualisation of faith, the SGI has now expanded to 192 countries and territories throughout the whole world.

In this regard, Buddhism is manifested in the action of those who persevere in the two ways of practice and study.

SGI President Ikeda writes:

The writings of Nichiren Daishonin are teachings of hope. When we study these

Discussion Meeting Gosho Study Material

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writings and chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, our lives come to shine all the more brightly and overflow with courage, the wisdom of the Mystic Law, and the power of the Buddha.

The Daishonin encourages us to talk to others about Buddhism. Let’s vibrantly reach out to others in dialogue. The more we talk to others about our practice, the more people we can help form a connection with the Daishonin’s Buddhism and the more benefit we can accumulate.

It is through exerting ourselves in the two ways

of practice and study that we lay the foundation for victory for both our own lives and kosen-rufu.”1

Basing everything on the Gosho and being directly-connected to the Daishonin – these are indeed the Soka Gakkai’s tradition and key to expansion. Let us create a golden history of our own human revolution and kosen-rufu through studying the Gosho and expanding our dialogues of encouragement every day.

Translated by Wong Kang Ying from the March 2020 Jiao Xue Yan Xi, the Taiwan Soka Association monthly study journal.

1. FLOW No. 599 (01.03.2015), Cover 2.

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SGI President Ikeda’s Guidance Excerpts

Let us advance courageously and joyously just as the Daishonin urges, following the great path of faith, practice, and study. And let us foster many talented individuals along the way.

Sharing Buddhism with others is extremely difficult. But even if we don’t see immediate results, there is no need for us to be discouraged. Mr Toda declared: “Enabling people to free themselves from suffering eternally and on the most fundamental level is an extraordinary effort that can’t be achieved with ordinary motivation. No task is more important or challenging.” Filled with pride that we are carrying out the most sacred and noble work of the Buddha, let us continue striving joyfully, with confidence and good cheer, to engage people in dialogue aimed at expanding the sphere of happiness, hope, and peace.

Excerpt from FLOW No. 391 (01.07.2006), pg 17.

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In his copy of the Gosho, Mr Makiguchi marked for special attention the page containing this passage about “the two ways of practice and study”.

Mr Toda also cited this passage in his foreword to the Soka Gakkai edition of the Nichiren Daishonin Gosho Zenshu (Collected Writings of Nichiren Daishonin), and wrote:

Since its establishment by our first president Tsune-saburo Makiguchi, the Soka Gakkai has treasured these words of Nichiren Daishonin and, persevering in “the two ways of study and practice” based on pure and strong faith, has engaged energetically in efforts to propagate the Mystic Law just as the Buddha teaches.

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This rigorous training, comparable to the training of a master swordsman, has become the tradition and proud hallmark of the Soka Gakkai.

The Soka Gakkai has kept the solemn and sublime spirit of the Daishonin alive by advancing steadfastly based on the “two ways of practice and study”…

Practice and study – which we carry out ourselves and encourage others to do as well – are the heart of Buddhism.

In Nichiren Buddhism, it is not enough that we practice for our own happiness alone. There is no such thing as a selfish Buddha who is satisfied with attaining personal enlightenment and cares nothing for anyone else. The wisdom of the Buddha exists to lead all people to happiness.

The efforts in practice and study made by Mr Makiguchi and Mr Toda while in prison clearly attest that the Soka Gakkai is directly-connected to Nichiren Daishonin. The Soka Gakkai is an organisation eternally dedicated to Buddhist study that is put into action, just as this passage teaches.

The Daishonin writes: “Both practice and study arise from faith. Teach others to the best of your ability, even if it is only a single sentence or phrase.” (WND-1, pg 386) Faith is expressed as concrete efforts in practice and study.

“To the best of your ability” means exerting yourself to the fullest. There is no need to feel hesitant about talking to others about Buddhism because you are not good at Buddhist study. For instance, you could just share some words from the Gosho that you find moving or something you learnt through your Buddhist practice. Or you can tell someone, even with just a few words, that practising Nichiren Buddhism is enjoyable, and that it will enable them to make their wishes come true.

Excerpt from FLOW No. 675 (01.05.2018), page 21–23.

Questions and Answers from the Discussion Meeting

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Q: I want to introduce my friend to Buddhism (shakubuku),

but I’m not persuasive.

Mr Cheng (District men’s division leader)

Mrs Lim(District women’s division leader)

Michael Tan(Young men’s division member)

Pravin (Young men’s division member)

Lee Yan (Young women’s division


Characters featured inthis discussion meeting

Lee Yan: In today’s discussion meeting, I am determined to challenge myself in shakubuku too as I was encouraged by everyone’s effort in doing shakubuku.

Pravin: I was also very moved by the experiences of those who achieved victory by overcoming obstacles through faith. I want to have a good experience too before I challenge myself in shakubuku.

Mrs Lim: Oh? What you are saying can also mean that you won’t be doing shakubuku until you get one. (Laughs) The Daishonin states, “Teach others to the best of your ability, even if it is only a single sentence or phrase.” (WND-1, pg 386) Let us all talk about Buddhism even if it is “only a single sentence or phrase”!

Pravin: I have a bad feeling that my friends won’t respond well to me saying how great Buddhism is. How about you?

Mr Cheng: I know that feeling! I used to be like that, afraid of being challenged by

Discussion Meeting Question TimeThe following is a dialogue between leaders and youth members

at a monthly discussion meeting.

Questions and Answers from the Discussion Meeting

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friends. I would become nervous and overwhelmed.

Michael Tan: Frankly speaking, my friends seem to have achieved more at work and their family; they don’t seem to have problems at all. I wonder if they would even listen to me should I embark on shakubuku.

Mr Cheng: The Chinese characters for “shakubuku” can be taken as to persuade your opponent, or to refute and win an argument, but that’s not really what shakubuku means.

Lee Yan: Isn’t shakubuku all about our friends understanding us?

Mrs Lim: In Buddhist dialogue, while it’s also important for our friend to understand us, what is most important is for them to be happy.

Mr Cheng: Imagine you found a shop that sells delicious cake, and you wanted to tell your friends. What would you do?

Lee Yan: I think I will invite my friends and visit the shop together.

Mr Cheng: Right! You won’t dream up of various excuses to explain how delicious the cake is, would you?

Michael Tan: I see… no matter how well I explain the ingredients and techniques used, people won’t know how delicious it is. I should just tell them, “It’s really delicious! I’m not joking!” and have them try it themselves.

Mrs Lim: SGI President Ikeda said, “Now, in the Latter Day of the Law, all our efforts to tell people about and spread Nam-myoho-renge-kyo – the essence of the Lotus Sutra – constitute shakubuku.” “Buddhism is great!” “SGM is amazing!” “We have a great mentor!” I think we should just share whatever we feel, just the way it is.

Pravin: It can be interpreted as “If you don’t eat this delicious cake you will definitely regret it!” Right? (Laughs)

Mr Cheng: That’s right! President Ikeda said, “The key point is to pray that one's sincerity will be understood by the other person … While shakubuku is difficult, when we bear in mind that, through our actions, both the other person and we ourselves will definitely realise tremendous happiness and benefit, nothing could be more joyful.” Let us joyfully challenge ouserlves to do shakubuku.

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Mrs Lim: Let us cheerfully and sincerely carry out Buddhist dialogue with our friends, saying, “Although I am currently still a novice in Buddhism, let us attain happiness together through practising this faith, shall we?”

Pravin: Understood. Alright, I will invite my friends to savour the delicious cake together!

Mr Cheng: That’s the spirit!

A: Expressing our thoughts frankly and sincerely, and attaining happiness together with our friends is the key to shakubuku.

Translated by Andrew Tay Yu Yan from the February 2020 issue of the Daibyakurenge,

the Soka Gakkai’s monthly study journal.

The key point is to pray that one’s sincerity will be understood by the other person… While shakubuku

is difficult, when we bear in mind that, through our actions, both the other person and we ourselves will definitely

realise tremendous happiness and benefit, nothing could be more joyful.

Young Women’s Division Gosho Study

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The characters of this sutra are all without exception living Buddhas of perfect enlightenment.

“Reply to the Lay Priest Soya” (WND-1, pg 486)

Is it acceptable to not understand the meaning of the Gosho passage

that we are studying?

If you continue to read the Gosho, combined with regularly chanting daimoku, all the words contained in its writing will come to manifest the power of the Buddha and be vigorously absorbed into your young lives.

In the Gosho, we can see the Daishonin’s firm resolve to uphold the correct teaching of Buddhism and his powerful conviction that all forms of hardship and adversity can be overcome without fail…

I remember writing in my diary (A Youthful Diary) as a young man: “Read the Gosho. It is extremely difficult”; and “Whenever I participate in a [Gosho] study session, I feel I have not studied enough. Profoundly aware of the importance of study.”

I gave my all to learning under Mr Toda. On his behalf, I also

presented many lectures on the Gosho to my fellow Soka Gakkai members. No matter how tired I was when I got home at the end of the day, I made it a habit to open the Gosho and record in my diary a passage that resonated with me.

Interestingly enough, you’ll find that those Gosho passages that you engrave in your life when you are young will always remain with you. Even if you don’t fully understand them at first, their meaning will eventually become clear to you …

If you take to heart even one Gosho passage, earnestly chant daimoku and continue to make steady efforts, your youth and your life will definitely open up.

Excerpt from Daisaku Ikeda, Dialogue for the Future: Travelling the Path of Victory Together with You, (India, Eternal Ganges Press: 2015) pg 239–43.

Women’s Division Gosho Study

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The Strategy of the Lotus Sutra

Employ the strategy of the Lotus Sutra before any other. “All others who bear you enmity or malice will likewise be wiped out.” [Cf. LSOC23, pg 288] These golden words will never prove false.

(WND-1, pg 1001)

Nichiren Daishonin wrote this letter in 1279 to one of his leading disciples, Shijo Kingo, who was based in the heart of Kamakura.

Kingo felt inspired to urge his feudal lord Ema to embrace faith in the Lotus Sutra, which gradually resulted in Kingo falling out of favour with his lord. Eventually, Ema delivered an ultimatum demanding that Kingo either give up his faith or leave his service with the clan. However, Kingo continued to persevere with strong faith and devoted himself earnestly to serving his lord, based on the guidance and encouragement of the Daishonin. Consequently, having succeeded in regaining Ema’s trust, he was granted landholdings three times the size of those previously in his possession, thereby showing great actual proof of victory.

Despite this upturn in fortunes, hostile elements driven by jealousy and resentment sought to kill Kingo. Anticipating such a development, the Daishonin had long warned his disciple to stay alert and take various precautions. This was one of the reasons why Kingo was able to prevail over his enemies and emerge unharmed from an attack they had made on him.

Kingo had reported the incident to his mentor, and “The Strategy of the Lotus Sutra” is the letter the Daishonin wrote in reply. In this letter, the Daishonin lists three reasons why Kingo triumphed in his recent skirmish. The first is “usual prudence”. In other words, staying alert, taking careful precautions, paying close attention to what’s happening, and never slackening for a moment in any of those efforts. The second is

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“courage”. Namely, the courage to deal calmly with any crisis, along with the wisdom that derives from such courage. And third is “firm faith in the Lotus Sutra”. That is to say, the strong resolve to maintain steadfast faith in the Mystic Law, no matter what happens. He emphasised that firm faith is the foundation for everything else.

No matter how outstanding one’s military skills or tactics are, one needs to have good fortune from embracing the Lotus Sutra in order to put one’s skills to use to the fullest. The Daishonin concludes that the “strategy of the Lotus sutra” refers to strong faith in the Gohonzon and ultimately, this is the best strategy on how we can destroy all devilish functions and open the way forward to absolute victory.

SGI President Ikeda shared the following encouragement, “Let’s begin every undertaking with strong prayer. The Mystic Law has the beneficial power to vanquish all devilish functions. It can activate the heavenly deities and turn anyone in any of the Ten Worlds into a friend or ally.”

In the journey of kosen-rufu, there will be different kinds of obstacles. However, as long as our

hearts is one with the mentor and pray with a strong resolve to win, we will be able to bring forth the wisdom and manifest to the fullest limitless potential as well as turn everything into the tailwind for victory.

We’re Going to Open the Way Forward No Matter What

It has been my long-cherished dream to send my only son to the Soka High School but around the time of the school’s entrance examination, my husband’s income decreased significantly. I was deeply-troubled but I recalled what happened when I was in secondary school.

At that point in time, the economy was in recession and my father had to close down his business. As a result, he ended up accumulating a huge sum of debt. Despite the dire situation, my mother said, “We’re going to open the way forward no matter what.” Sharing this absolute conviction demonstrated by my mother, our family chanted wholehearted daimoku in unity.

When my elder sister and I were about to sit for the entrance exams to further our study at university, my father had a pay rise. (After closing down his business,

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he began working at a company.) In addition, one of the creditors was moved by my father’s sincerity in repaying a fixed amount on a monthly basis though it was a meagre amount, and agreed to waive the remaining amount of debt. On top of this, there appeared a great supporter who offered to help our family financially. As a result, my parents were able to send three of us to further our studies at Soka University.

I told myself that now is my turn to open the way forward as a mother of kosen-rufu. Together with my husband, I chanted abundant daimoku wholeheartedly. As a result, the new business that my husband started went smoothly and we were able to overcome our financial woes. It was double joy for us when our son passed the entrance exams and went on to study at Soka High School.

But this did not mean that life was all smooth sailing thereafter. My son experienced some human relations problem and was deeply-troubled. At the darkest moment, my son and I wrote a letter to President Ikeda in which we expressed our vow to never give up. We were completely taken aback when President Ikeda responded to our

letter, encouraging us to continue striving to our utmost best and not give up. At that moment, immense courage welled forth from the depths of our lives we resolved, “We’ll not be defeated no matter what!” and chanted daimoku earnestly and exerted ourselves in Gakkai activities.

My son overcame his issues although he had his ups and downs. Having the good fortune of being guided by a very dedicated senior in the YMD, he is presently striving towards his goals in high spirits.

For myself, each time I encounter an obstacle, I took on the challenge to start a personal campaign to chant one million times of daimoku. To date, I’ve completed 113 rounds of one million daimoku. With profound gratitude for having been able to open the way forward through daimoku and my mentor’s encouragement, I shall continue to strive to my utmost best for the kosen-rufu in Ibaraki.

I am determined to achieve monumental victory based on fervent prayers to break through my personal limitations and conduct courageous dialogues to turn even enemies into allies.

Article by Michiko Kodaka, Ibaraki general women’s division study leader.

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SGI President Ikeda’s Guidance Excerpts

Activate the Protective Functions to Change the Impossible to Possible

“Employ the strategy of the Lotus Sutra before any other,” (WND-1, pg 1001) the Daishonin writes. At the beginning of 1956, the year of the Osaka Campaign when we made the impossible possible, I thought long and hard about the challenges ahead. Chanting resolute daimoku, I decided to make the strategy of the Lotus Sutra the guiding principle of my leadership.

How much strength we brought forth through the diligent practice of chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo as if concentrating countless aeons of effort in a single moment of life!

How much responsive wisdom we tapped through encouraging each other based on the Gosho, the writings of Nichiren Daishonin!

How much poison we changed into medicine with a gentle and forbearing spirit that remained positive and fearless in the face of adversity!

How many people we helped connect to Nichiren Buddhism through sincere behaviour modelled on Bodhisattva Never Disparaging’s practice of respecting everyone!

Striving with lion-like courage, the dedicated members of Kansai and I worked together to activate the protective functions of the universe, making allies of all in our environment, including even the most negative and hostile forces, to achieve a victory that surprised all of Japan.

Excerpts from SGI President Ikeda’s message

to the 40th Soka Gakkai Headquarters Leaders Meeting,

FLOW No. 696 (15.03.2019), pg 18–19.

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Supplementary Notes

The Strategy of the Lotus Sutra

In its original sense, the term “strategy” refers to battle tactics, the science of warfare, or martial arts. Considered more broadly, it can be taken to mean a method for achieving better results in all areas – that is to say, for leading a victorious life of value creation.

As Nichiren Daishonin teaches, the “strategy of the Lotus Sutra” refers to faith in the Gohonzon. It is faith that wins without fail through confident prayer and the boundless wisdom and courage that flow forth as a result.

In other words, the “strategy of the Lotus Sutra” is the supreme strategy to open forth a victorious life.

The Daishonin cites the passage from the “Medicine King” chapter of the Lotus Sutra: “All others who bear you enmity or malice will likewise be wiped out.” [Cf. LSOC23,

pg 288] (WND-1, pg 1001) These words indicate one example of the immense good fortune that comes from embracing and propagating the Lotus Sutra. Being able to defeat all obstacles and negative forces through faith in the Mystic Law is the

power of the “strategy of the Lotus Sutra.”

Finally, the Daishonin teaches that the key to drawing forth the beneficial power of the Mystic Law is none other than strong faith.

Translated and adapted by Lim Sze Yin (SSA)from the April 2019 issue of the Daibyakurenge,

the Soka Gakkai’s monthly study journal.

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Lions of Justice: Studying Soka Spirit

The Twenty-six Admonitions of Nikko (4)

Advancing Basedon the Gosho


“The Twenty-six Admonitions of Nikko” teaches that the Gosho will always remain the basis for all teachings in Nichiren Buddhism.

Nikko Shonin also teaches that only those who practise the spirit of these 26 admonitions are true disciples of Nichiren Daishonin who possess the heritage

of faith. Since the time of founding president Tsunesaburo Makiguchi, the Soka Gakkai has always advanced based on the Gosho and put the Gosho

into practice, while remaining dauntless in the face of all persecution. The cowardly priesthood on the other hand has betrayed the

Daishonin’s spirit and does not possess the heritage of faith.

SGM Soka Spirit department

Article 18: Even if a view is set forth unanimously by a conference (of believers), the high priest should repudiate it if it goes against the Buddha’s Law.

[Shin’ichi Yamamoto said:] “This article is paired with Article 17 (Do not follow even the high priest

if he goes against the Buddha’s Law

and propounds his own views). Here, Nikko Shonin gives an example of a conference of believers transgressing the teachings of the Daishonin’s Buddhism. He

instructs that any transgression, even if the entire body of believers should endorse it, must be strictly repudiated.”

a a a

“In other words, the essence of the Daishonin’s teachings is found only in the Daishonin’s own words. This means that we must base ourselves on the Gosho, the writings of Nichiren Daishonin. Since President Makiguchi’s time, the Soka Gakkai has made the Gosho its foundation. And,

Lions of Justice: Studying Soka Spirit

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because we have practised in exact accord with the Daishonon’s teachings, numerous persecutions have assailed us. As a result, we have been able to read the Gosho with our lives and advance on the correct path of faith as votaries of the Lotus Sutra.

“For this very reason, the benefit of those who practise faith as Soka Gakkai members is immeasurable. They can amass eternal good fortune and benefit. Let’s advance energetically towards kosen-rufu, making the Gosho a vital part of our lives.”

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“Nikko Shonin wrote these 26 admonitions for the salvation and protection of the people of the Latter Day of the Law and all eternity. He urges the priests of later generations to observe and practise these precepts, never harbouring doubts about their validity. He declares that those who violate even one article are not his followers – and, obviously, not the disciples of the Daishonin, either.

“True disciples of the Daishonin, and followers of Nikko Shonin, are those who uphold and implement the spirit embodied in these 26 articles. Herein lies

the true lifeblood of faith – it is not to be found in ceremonies or formalistic rituals. Infusing these articles in our hearts, let’s strive resolutely from today to propel kosen-rufu forward with pride and a sense of mission truly worthy of disciples of the Daishonin!”

Excerpts from The New Human Revolution, vol. 2, “Training” chapter.

“What enabled Nikko Shonin, the second high priest, to inherit the lineage of faith from Nichiren Daishonin as his true disciple? It was because he had served the Daishonin continually, endured persecutions by his side, and conducted propagation activities boldly, exactly as his mentor instructed.

“Practising faith in perfect accord with the teachings of the original mentor, Nichiren Daishonin, and striving with a spirit of selfless dedication are essential requirements for a genuine Buddhist teacher fit to inherit the Daishonin’s legacy.

“Without these qualifications, even the high priest, the chief executive of the head temple, becomes no more than the political head of a clerical bureaucracy far removed from Buddhism’s true teachings. It is

Lions of Justice: Studying Soka Spirit

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utterly inconceivable that any trace of the heritage of faith could be found amid such circumstances.

“Some 600 years after the Daishonin’s death, the priesthood capitulated to the demands of Japan’s militarist government.

“At that time, Tsunesaburo Makiguchi, the first Soka Gakkai president, stood up resolutely to initiate the widespread propagation of the True Law in precise accord with the Daishonin’s teachings.

“Makiguchi always based himself on the Gosho. It was impossible for him to find a mentor among the cowardly priests who, fearing government persecution, kowtowed to the authorities by changing the

silent prayers in gongyo, deleting portions of the Gosho, and ordering the Soka Gakkai to accept the Shinto, talisman.

“He rose up with faith directly connected to Nichiren Daishonin, from which he summoned forth the immense power needed to launch a struggle to refute the erroneous and reveal the true, exactly as the Daishonin had taught. He was arrested and thrown into prison, where he died a martyr. He truly read the Gosho with his life as a disciple of the Daishonin.”

Excerpts from The New Human Revolution, vol. 2, “Courageous Endeavour” chapter.

Practising faith in perfect accord with the teachings of the original mentor, Nichiren Daishonin,

and striving with a spirit of selfless dedication are essential requirements for a genuine Buddhist teacher

fit to inherit the Daishonin‘s legacy.

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Buddhist Fundamentals for Youth

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“An Indescribable Joy”From a speech delivered at the Tokyo General Meeting,

Tokyo, August 24, 1989.

Tsunesaburo Makiguchi began practising Nichiren Buddhism at the age of 57, in 1928, the year I was born. He was by no means a young man. In terms of the average life expectancy at that time, he would have been considered elderly. In other words, he started practising Nichiren Buddhism in the concluding chapter of his life, and yet he created an indelible record of achievement in the history of kosen-rufu.

In his final years, he engaged in an unremitting struggle against Japan’s militarist authorities and died a noble death in prison for his beliefs.

Describing how he felt when he embarked on the path of Buddhist practice, Mr Makiguchi wrote:

When I made that great decision and finally committed myself to practising Nichiren Buddhism, I came to fully comprehend and appreciate in my daily life the Daishonin’s words: “When the skies are clear, the ground is illuminated. Similarly, when one knows the Lotus Sutra, one understands the meaning of all worldly affairs.” (WND-

1, pg 376) With an indescribable joy, I completely changed the way I had lived for almost 60 years.1


Noting that Mr Makiguchi

began practising Nichiren

Buddhism at a relatively

advanced age, President

Ikeda highlights that

the founding president

always lived his life with

a forward-looking spirit.

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Mr Makiguchi uses the phrase “an indescribable joy.” Through adopting the fundamental way of life of Nichiren Buddhism, he completely transformed how he had lived up until then, and found himself able to freely and energetically take action in society. His words convey to us his exuberance in asserting that nothing could compare to the joy of this experience.

This is none other than the benefit of practising Nichiren Buddhism, and it is important that we continue to live with such joy day after day, just as a river flows unceasingly. And it is through deep, strong faith that we are able to elevate and expand the joy in our hearts. That is why Mr Makiguchi taught that we must let nothing destroy our joy, and also never let anyone or anything destroy our Buddhist faith and practice, the source of our joyful spirit and way of life.

Mr Makiguchi continued: “The anxiety that came from searching in the dark for life’s answers completely evaporated [once I started practising Nichiren

Buddhism], and my inborn reserve and diffidence disappeared. My goals in life became increasingly grander and loftier, and my fears dwindled.”2

So long as you live, do so with confidence and courage, dedicated to a grand purpose! – this was the spirit of the Soka Gakkai’s founder, Tsunesaburo Makiguchi.

I hope each of you will take his spirit deeply to heart and proudly live true to your mission while striving to realise our lofty shared goal.

Adapted and edited by the SGM study department

1. Translated from Japanese. Tsunesaburo Makiguchi, Makiguchi Tsunesaburo Zenshu (Collected Works of Tsunesaburo Makiguchi), (Tokyo: Daisanbunmei-sha, 1984), vol. 8, pg 406.

2. Ibid.

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SGI President Ikeda’s Lecture Series

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The Buddhism of the Sun — Illuminating the World (51)

To My Friends of Each Division Engaged in

Our Shared Struggle — Part 5

The Youth Division: Break through Limitations as

the Flag Bearers of Fresh Development!

My mentor, Soka Gakkai 2nd president Josei Toda, always had the highest hopes for young people, constantly encouraging them: “Young people’s strength lies in their burning passion.” “Youth, advance boldly into the north wind!” “Youth, make it your responsibility to create an ideal Soka Gakkai!”

He knew that the noblest task in building a bright future was fostering youth, because they are an inexhaustible source of value that will bring hope to humanity.

July – Month of Youth, Month of Mentor and Disciple

July is the Soka Gakkai’s month of youth – the month in which

the young men’s division and young women’s division were founded (on July 11 and 19, 1951,

respectively).It is also the month in which

Nichiren Daishonin, at the risk of his life, submitted to the ruling authorities his treatise of remonstration, “On Establishing the Correct Teaching for the Peace of the Land.”1

1. “On Establishing the Correct Teaching for the Peace of the Land”: A treatise of remonstra-tion that the Daishonin submitted to Hojo Tokiyori, the retired regent but still the most powerful figure in Japan’s ruling clan, on July 16, 1260. In it, he predicts that, unless the correct teaching of the Lotus Sutra was followed, the country would in the near future suffer the calamities of internal strife and foreign invasion – the only two calami-ties among the “three calamities and seven disasters” that had not yet assailed Japan.

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For the Soka Gakkai, which is carrying on the great selfless struggle of the Daishonin, it is the month in which our 1st and 2nd presidents, Tsunesaburo Makiguchi and Josei Toda, were arrested due to the persecution of the Japanese militarist authorities (on July 6, 1943). It is also the month of mentor and disciple, commemorating the month when Mr Toda was released from prison and I was jailed by the authorities.2

Striving Once Again with the Resolve Not to Be Defeated

On this day of release

and of imprisonment are

found the bonds of mentor and


At 7:00pm on July 3, 1945, Mr Toda was set free after enduring two years in prison for his beliefs. Then, on the same date and time 12 years later (1957), I was arrested on trumped-up charges through an unscrupulous abuse of power.

I will never forget the tears of outrage wept at that time by the pioneer Kansai members who fought alongside me. Sharing my

commitment, they stood up with an indomitable fighting spirit, resolved not to be defeated.

Up to this day, they have continued to share my struggle, always ready to take on a fresh challenge, and built a record of unending victory. Their fearless advance and dauntless unity – based on the oneness of mentor and disciple and the spirit of “many in body, one in mind” – are a model of kosen-rufu that is an inspiration for members around the world.

Carrying On the Invincible Kansai Spirit

Today, countless young people are carrying on the invincible Kansai spirit that members there have passed on to their children

2. On July 3, 1945, Soka Gakkai 2nd president Josei Toda, who had been imprisoned for his beliefs by the Japanese militarist authori-ties during World War II, was released from prison. By strange coincidence, on the same day in 1957, his disciple and later succes-sor, SGI President Ikeda, then Soka Gakkai youth division chief-of-staff, was arrested by the Osaka Prefectural Police on trumped-up charges of election law violations in a House of Councillors by-election in Osaka in 1957. This incident later came to be known as the Osaka Incident. July 3 has thus become a day on which tribute is paid to the mystic bonds of mentor and disciple.

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and grandchildren, transmitting it across generations and throughout the world.

In this instalment, I would like to study with all of you – young Bodhisattvas of the Earth who are the flag bearers of fresh development – the great stand-alone spirit of kosen-rufu and the compassionate practice of treasuring each person. These are the essence of Nichiren Buddhism and the bedrock of the Soka Gakkai spirit.

a a a

In this entire country of Japan, I am the only one who has been chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. I am like the single speck of dust that marks the beginning of Mt Sumeru3 or the single drop of dew that spells the start of the great ocean. Probably two people, three people, ten people, a hundred people will join in chanting it, until it spreads to one province, two provinces, and all the sixty-six provinces of

Japan, and reaches even to the two islands of Iki and Tsushima. Those persons who have spoken slanderously of me will in time chant in the same way; and everyone from the ruler on down to the multitude of common people will, as described in the “Supernatural Powers” chapter of the Lotus Sutra, chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo with a single voice. Though the trees may desire to be still, the wind will not cease to blow; though we may wish for spring to linger, it must give way to summer. (“The Blessings of the Lotus Sutra”; WND-1, pg 672)4

3. Mt Sumeru: In ancient Indian cosmology, the mountain that stands at the centre of the world.

4. This letter was written on Mt Minobu in 1276 and addressed to a disciple known as Myomitsu, about whom there is little detailed information. Since the Daishonin refers to him as “the Honourable Myomit-su” (WND-1, pg 673), it would appear that he was a practitioner who had strong faith. Myomitsu and his wife also seem to have made frequent offerings to the Daishonin at his small dwelling in the wilderness of Mt Minobu.

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Teaching the Stand-Alone Spirit

The first passage we will examine is from “The Blessings of the Lotus Sutra,” in which the Daishonin illustrates through his own example the spirit of standing alone.

Here, he clarifies that he is the one and only person who has initiated a great struggle to propagate the Mystic Law in the Latter Day, the time for spreading the daimoku of the Lotus Sutra, Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, which is the “highly-effective medicine”

(LSOC16, pg 269) for relieving the sufferings of all living beings. In other words, he alone stood up to open the great path leading to the enlightenment of all humanity into the eternal future.

This passage expresses the Daishonin’s powerful conviction that the chanting of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, which he had initiated, was beginning to spread, and that the time would come when people throughout the land would chant it together (Cf. WND-1, pg 672).

“Young people’s strength lies in their burning passion.” “Youth, advance boldly into the north wind!”

“Youth, make it your responsibility to create an ideal Soka Gakkai!”

– Josei Toda

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The Flow of Kosen-rufu Starts from One Person

The Law is the eternal truth without beginning or end. But unless someone who has awakened to the Law stands up and begins communicating it to others, humanity will never be able to enjoy its benefits.

After Shakyamuni Buddha, the founder of Buddhism, attained enlightenment under the bodhi tree in India, he hesitated as to whether or not to share with others the Law he had awakened to, because it was such an unprecedented teaching. Eventually, however, he made up his mind and stood up alone to teach the Law for the sake of people’s happiness. This stand-alone spirit is the unchanging foundation of Buddhism that has existed since its very beginning.

When the Daishonin first established his teaching, he also stood up alone to propagate it, fully aware of the great difficulties he would face. He observes: “In this entire country of Japan, I am the only one who has been chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo” (WND-1, pg 672).

Inheriting the Daishonin’s great vow, the first three Soka Gakkai

presidents stood up to carry out the substantive realisation of kosen-rufu.5 And today we have entered a magnificent age of global kosen-rufu.

We see here an eternal formula. In all struggles for kosen-rufu, there will be no progress without efforts grounded in the stand-alone spirit.

Though we may feel that our life is as small and insignificant as a speck of dust or a drop of dew, when we stand up with firm resolve and shine, we are no longer a hidden speck of dust or a fleeting drop of dew, but rather the “single speck of dust that marks the beginning of Mt Sumeru” and “the single drop of dew that spells the start of the great ocean.” A speck of dust and a drop of dew create the grandness of Mount Sumeru and the vast ocean. This accords with the principle of “three thousand realms in a single moment

5. The substantive realisation of kosen-rufu: This refers to propagating the Daishonin’s teaching of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo of the Three Great Secret Laws in society. In other words, it is establishing happiness, peace, and security in the real world based on the Mystic Law, through each individual carrying out their personal mission as a Bodhisattva of the Earth.

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of life.”6 This is the dynamic transformative power taught in Buddhism.

The Daishonin’s Selfless Struggle to Propagate the Law

Next, the Daishonin writes: “Those persons who have spoken slanderously of me will in time chant in the same way [as I do].” (WND-1, pg 672) As he predicted, people who had slandered him in the past had begun to open their eyes to the truth of his words. His selfless, unremitting struggle in the face of harsh persecution, as well as his behaviour and the actual proof he demonstrated, led many people to become his followers or transformed them into allies.

The Daishonin further voices his great conviction that all people – “everyone from the ruler on down to the multitude of common people” (WND-1, pg 672) – will come to chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo.

All people inherently possess the Buddha nature. It is therefore important that we continue to confidently and sincerely tell others about the greatness of Nichiren Buddhism and the Soka Gakkai. Even if some lack understanding and criticise us,

their Buddha nature will eventually become active.

The Purpose of Youth Is to Stand Up Resolutely

Mr Toda said: “Kosen-rufu will definitely be achieved if even one young person is willing to dedicate their entire life to it.”

In accord with these words, I fought wholeheartedly as “one young person” to lead the way towards the expansion of kosen-rufu.

The true purpose of Soka youth is to stand up resolutely, without waiting for someone else to act first. The important thing is to become such an individual of dedicated commitment.

6. Three thousand realms in a single moment of life: A philosophical system established by T’ien-t’ai of China based on the Lotus Sutra. The “three thousand realms” indicates the varying aspects and phases that life assumes at each moment. At each mo-ment, life manifests one of the Ten Worlds – from hell through Buddhahood. Each of these worlds possesses the potential for all ten within itself, thus making one hundred possible worlds. Each of these hundred worlds possesses the ten factors and operates within each of the three realms of existence, thus making three thousand realms. In other words, all phenomena are contained within a single moment of life, and a single moment of life permeates the three thousand realms of existence, or the entire phenomenal world.

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I hope that all of you will rouse your courage, break through your inner limitations, and initiate dialogue aimed at spreading our movement, without worrying about what others do or say. The foundation for today’s remarkable development of kosen-rufu has been built through such earnest all-out efforts by our pioneering members who broke through all limitations to set new records of achievement. When you challenge yourselves based on strong prayer to engage in dialogue out of a wish for the happiness of others, you will definitely pave the way for fresh breakthroughs in expanding our movement for kosen-rufu.

The Unstoppable Tide of Worldwide Kosen-rufu

The Daishonin writes: “Though the trees may desire to be still, the wind will not cease to blow; though we may wish for spring to linger, it must give way to summer.” (WND-1, pg 672) Just as no one can halt the changing of the seasons in the natural world, once the tide of kosen-rufu begins to rise substantially in the Latter Day of the Law, it will be unstoppable. In fact, now in the

21st century, worldwide kosen-rufu has already become a huge, irrepressible tide.

As long as an ever-growing number of young successors carries on the tradition of stand-alone faith, our movement for kosen-rufu is guaranteed to keep developing forever. This is the eternal perpetuation of the Law. It all depends on each one of you.

As young people today, you may find your environment very complex and demanding. I know some of you are struggling with difficult circumstances and others battling storms of karma.

But in every age, young people are the drivers of change. This is especially true of you who practice the wonderful Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin. Young people who embrace the Mystic Law have the inner strength and resilience to forge their way through waves of adversity and suffering, without being swept away by them. Your stand-alone faith enables you to bring forth that ultimate strength.

Mr Toda encouraged young people: “As youth, please live with joy in the place where you are now, whatever your circumstances. It’s important that you strive to fulfil your mission. Even if you face difficulties in life, stay

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positive! On the stage of the mission entrusted to you, aim to be the best in Japan and the world!”

a a a

Now when Nichiren and his followers chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, they are setting aside differentiation.

The twenty-eight chapters of the Lotus Sutra represent differentiation [in terms of capacity to understand the teaching], but the five characters7 of the Wonderful Law [Mystic Law] are without differentiation …

[The] “same rain” or “single rain” [in the passage “Though all these plants and trees grow in the same earth and are moistened by the same rain, each has its differences and particulars” (LSOC5, pg 135)] is the daimoku unmixed with any other religious practice.

The “Introduction” chapter of the Lotus Sutra speaks of how the Buddha wishes “to rain down the rain of the great Law” [LSOC1, pg 46]. Now this chapter, “The Parable of the Medicinal Herbs,” speaks of the plants and trees that “are moistened by the same rain.” (From The Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings, pg 64–65)8

Parable Highlighting the Buddha’s Compassion

In addition to stand-alone faith, it is just as important for young people to carry on the Buddhist practice of compassion, of valuing and caring for each individual.

7. Myoho-renge-kyo is written with five Chi-nese characters, while Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is written with seven (nam, or namu, being comprised of two characters). The Daishonin often uses Myoho-renge-kyo synonymously with Nam-myoho-renge-kyo in his writings.

8. The Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings: Nichiren Daishonin’s oral tea-chings on the Lotus Sutra, recorded and compiled by his disciple and successor Nikko Shonin.

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Now, let us examine the “parable of the three kinds of medicinal herbs and two kinds of trees” from “The Parable of the Medicinal Herbs” (5th) chapter of the Lotus Sutra. This parable teaches the humanistic principle of treasuring each person as infinitely precious.

You, our young men’s and young women’s divisions members, are courageous individuals committed to battling obstacles and safeguarding the people. You are leaders of peace who warmly embrace and accept all people. I hope you will always strive to embody the Buddhist philosophy of compassion, wholeheartedly supporting and fostering the potential of each individual.

The “parable of the three kinds of medicinal herbs and two kinds of trees” illustrates the impartial compassion of the Buddha.

The mountains and rivers, valleys and plains throughout the universe are home to a lush abundance of grasses, trees, and medicinal herbs of many different types, names, and forms. The expression “three kinds of medicinal herbs and two kinds of trees” refers to the categorising of medicinal herbs into inferior, intermediate, and superior, and the

trees into small and large. In the parable, a dense cloud

envelops the world and sends down life-giving rain equally upon everything, including all the trees and medicinal herbs, without discrimination. This symbolises how the Buddha appears in the world and impartially expounds the one Law for all living beings.

The Flowering of Individuality Based on Equality

The rain falls equally on all the plants and trees, despite their differences. Yet, receiving the rain, they all grow, flower, and produce fruit according to their unique qualities and characteristics.

The Buddha’s teaching of the Law is the same. The Buddha shows the same compassion to all living beings, without distinction.

In “The Parable of the Medicinal Herbs” chapter, Shakyamuni says:

I look upon all thingsas being universally equal,I have no mind to favour this or that,to love one or hate another.I am without greed or attachmentand without limitation or hindrance.

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At all times, for all thingsI preach the Law equally;as I would for a single person,that same way I do for numerous persons. (LSOC5, pg 140)

The Buddha sees all living beings as equals, wishing to elevate them to the same state of Buddhahood that he has attained.

The parable teaches respect for the individuality of each person based on a spirit of equality that does not reject or exclude anyone. The deeply insightful Buddhist

view of humanity is that we all possess a unique and precious mission, just like the “cherry, plum, peach, and damson.” (Cf.

OTT, pg 200)

The Impartial “Rain” of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo

This passage from The Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings we are studying is part of the Daishonin’s commentary on the passage in “The Parable of the Medicinal Herbs” chapter of the Lotus Sutra: “Though all these

Young men’s and young women’s divisions members, courageous individuals and leaders of peace,

always strive to embody the Buddhist philosophy of compassion, wholeheartedly supporting

and fostering the potential of each individual.

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plants and trees grow in the same earth and are moistened by the same rain, each has its differences and particulars.” (LSOC5, pg 135)

In other words, the plants and trees, though different and unique, all grow from the same Mother Earth, which does not reject their seeds.

“Moistened by the same rain”, meanwhile, means that the Buddha’s teaching (the rain) richly nourishes all people, without distinction. The rain falls equally on all.

The Daishonin therefore states that Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is the fundamental teaching at the heart of the Buddha’s vow to revitalise and bring hope to all people, each with their unique capacities. He teaches that chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is the source of compassion to embrace and nurture all life and the wisdom to invigorate and revitalise everything.

Thus, for us, being “moistened by the same rain” means chanting the “same rain” of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo and causing a vibrant life force to well up from within.

The “same” of “same rain” can also be translated as “one” or “single”, and in that sense indicates the one pure practice of single-mindedly chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo.

Though we may be facing such sufferings as illness, financial troubles, or family discord, if we maintain a strong Buddhist practice based on faith in the Gohonzon, we can establish the life-state of Buddhahood, demonstrate the power of the Buddha, and realise a victorious life.

We Are All Infinitely Precious

Everyone is equal in front of the Gohonzon.

Mr Toda once said: “The fundamental spirit of Nichiren Daishonin is that everyone is a child of the Buddha, everyone is a treasure tower. That’s why the Daishonin’s Buddhism can be called a true world religion capable of leading all people to enlightenment.”

While there may be members who have stopped participating in Soka Gakkai activities or whose conviction in faith has waned, the time is certain to come when they will reawaken to their mission and stand up again.

Since my youth, I have wholeheartedly encouraged members based on my firm belief that all are capable individuals and my determination to help everyone become happy.

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Encourage Even One More Person

During the Osaka Campaign9 of 1956, I chanted to the Gohonzon for as many people in Osaka as possible to join our movement and become our allies. I personally took the lead, reaching out to one person after another and visiting one home after another.

I used every spare moment to talk with those who came to the Soka Gakkai Kansai Headquarters. Together with local members, I travelled by bicycle far and wide. Telling myself “There’s still time, there’s still one more person to encourage,” I once visited more than 20 meeting places in a single day.

After returning to the Kansai Headquarters at the end of a long day of strenuous activity, I would pray earnestly and then write letters or postcards to members I had encouraged or was concerned about. In this way, in six months I was able to personally encourage some 8,000 individuals.

I was extremely gratified that all our Kansai members responded to the earnest prayers and struggle of this “one young person” by standing up to strive alongside me. Together we accomplished the golden record of 11,111 new

member households for Osaka Chapter in May, while also winning an astonishing victory for the people with a result that everyone had declared was impossible.

As I embarked on the Osaka Campaign, I was firmly-resolved to fight for my mentor, to give my all for the sake of my fellow members, and to win through faith in the Gohonzon. Based on faith infused with my vow, I strove wholeheartedly, encouraged my fellow members, and realised victory through sincere and dedicated commitment. That is the spirit I hope to pass on to my beloved youth division members.

Hopes for the Youth of Today

Today, Soka youth are launching fresh initiatives for peace all around the world. Leading thinkers everywhere have expressed high hopes for their efforts.

The American futurist Hazel

9. Osaka Campaign: In May 1956, the Kansai members, uniting around a young Daisaku Ikeda, who had been dispatched by Soka Gakkai 2nd president Josei Toda to support them, introduced 11,111 households to the practice of Nichiren Buddhism. In elections held two months later, the Soka Gakkai-backed candidate in Kansai won a seat in the Upper House, an accomplishment that was thought all but impossible at the time.

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Henderson affirmed that she shares with us the spirit of standing alone and taking a courageous first step, followed by another and then another. That, she said, is the way to blaze a trail.10

Argentine human rights activist Adolfo Pérez Esquivel voiced his conviction that youth, who are the protagonists of this time, represent the budding of a new age of peaceful coexistence and respect for human dignity.11

Last year (2018), Dr Esquivel and I issued a joint appeal titled “To the Youth of the World: An Appeal for Resilience and Hope.” Youth have the inherent strength to overcome every obstacle and hardship.

Building a Humanistic Society

There will always be hope as long

as young people work together to create a new age.

Now, as a new era is dawning, we have a brilliant opportunity to set in motion a groundswell for peace and build a humanistic society.

Let us continue to forge ahead in the great struggle to realise the Daishonin’s ideal of “establishing the correct teaching for the peace of the land” together with Soka youth across the globe who share the mission of Bodhisattvas of the Earth!

From SGI Newsletter No. 10410 dated 12.02.2020

10. Translated from Japanese. From an interview article in the Seikyo Shimbun, February 26, 2012.

11. Translated from Japanese. From a feature article in the Seikyo Shimbun, November 17, 2012.

“Moistened by the same rain”, meanwhile, means that the Buddha’s teaching (the rain) richly

nourishes all people, without distinction. The rain falls equally on all.

The Daishonin therefore states thatNam-myoho-renge-kyo is the fundamental teaching at the heart of the Buddha’s vow to revitalise and

bring hope to all people,each with their unique capacities.

Buddhism in Life

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Every Day is “Time without Beginning”

“Time without beginning” is synonymous with “life without beginning or end”. It refers not to the dimension of time but to the innermost truth of life – indeed, to the life of the universe itself, which continues its activity without beginning or end.

In The Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings, Nichiren Daishonin states: “Kuon [time without beginning] means something that was not worked for, that was not improved upon, but that exists just as it always has.” (OTT, pg 141)

“Not worked for” means something that did not come about at a certain time but is inherent. “Not improved upon” means the state of ordinary beings, unadorned by the “thirty-two features and eighty characteristics” that are the special marks of a Buddha.

Inherent and eternal, and “existing just as it always has,” (Cf. OTT, pg 141) – this is time without beginning. Nam-myoho-renge-kyo and the Gohonzon are also of time without beginning. Therefore, each moment we chant to the Gohonzon is time without beginning.

For us, every day in our lives is time without beginning. We are able to make our


In The Wisdom of the

Lotus Sutra, President

Ikeda touches on

the concept of “time

without beginning”

with reference to

Buddha’s eternal life

span. Explaining that

each moment is “time

without beginning,” he

stresses the importance

of faith based on the

true cause – the spirit

of always starting afresh

from this moment on.

Adapted from the dialogue The Wisdom of the Lotus Sutra, volumes 5 and 6, published in Japanese in September 1999 and August 2000.

Buddhism in Life

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beings brim with the boundless life force of time without beginning. Every day, we make a fresh departure from the starting point of life – time without beginning.

That’s why the present moment is the most important. We mustn’t dwell on the past. There is no need to. To put all our energy into the present moment, with great hope for the future – that is the mark of a person who is wise in the way of living.

a a a

This moment is time without beginning. Everything starts from now.

The past no longer exists. The future isn’t here yet. All that exists is this present moment. And in a flash, the present becomes the past. It both exists and doesn’t exist. It is empty, or ku, the state of non-substantiality. In this state, life continues, moment to moment. It exists nowhere aside from the moment. We experience happiness and unhappiness only in the moment.

To regard our life in this present moment as the result of past causes is to view things from the standpoint of the “true effect”

– that happened, followed by that, creating the present result. But to have that perspective alone does not engender hope. Instead, we should regard this present moment of life as the cause for manifesting a future effect. That cause is the “true cause” penetrating the innermost depths of one’s life. It is not a superficial or outwards cause.

The true cause sinks its roots deeply into one’s life of time without beginning and, at the same time, pervades the entire Dharma realm. It is Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, the great law that sets everything in the universe into motion, the boundless eternal life force that causes all things to emerge and develop. Therefore, each moment that we believe in the Gohonzon, chant the Mystic Law, and engage in Buddhist practice is itself time without beginning.

The pure, boundless life force of time without beginning – “that was not worked for, that was not improved upon, but that exists just as it always has” – wells up within us. We can savour complete freedom in the present and the future. Nichiren Buddhism is the Buddhism of hope.

Faith in the Mystic Law is

Buddhism in Life

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a source of infinite hope. No matter how adverse your present circumstances may be, even if it seems you have been defeated, it’s important that you stand up with strong resolve to turn your situation around and demonstrate the limitless transformative potential of the Mystic Law. This is the essence of faith.

Only with all-out effort,

with the determination to create something from nothing, can we understand genuine faith. The intense, arduous struggle of creating value – turning loss into benefit, evil into good, baseness into beauty – is the Soka Gakkai spirit and the essence of our practice of Nichiren Buddhism.

Adapted and edited by the SGM study department

Only with all-out effort, with the determination to create something from nothing,

can we understand genuine faith.

Photo: Lum Heng

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On Prolonging One’s Life Span

When he came to see me in the tenth month of last year, he told me how grieved he was about your illness. He said that you were probably not overly concerned then because your illness was not yet serious, but that it would surely become critical by the first or second month of this year. His words deeply saddened me. He also said that Toki depends on you as a staff to lean on and a pillar for support. He was very concerned about you. He is a man who never gives in to defeat and who greatly values his friends.

If you are unwilling to make efforts to heal yourself, it will be very difficult to cure your illness. One day of life is more valuable than all the treasures of the major world system, so first you must muster sincere faith. This is the meaning of the passage in the seventh volume of the Lotus Sutra that states that burning a finger as an offering to the Buddha and the Lotus Sutra is better than donating all the treasures of the major world system. A single life is worth more than the major world system. You still have many years ahead of you, and moreover you have encountered the

Background and Outline

This letter was sent to the lay nun Toki, the wife of Toki Jonin, who lived in Wakamiya, located in the Katsushika District of Shimosa Province (present-day Ichikawa-shi

in Chiba Prefecture). Until now, this letter was thought to have been written in the second year of Koan (1279); recently the prevailing view is that it was written in the twelfth year of Bun’ei (1275).

Toki Jonin had been active as one of the central followers of Nichiren Daishonin from early on, and has received many of the Daishonin's major doctrinal theses such as “The Object of Devotion for Observing the Mind.” It was the lay nun Toki who supported her husband earnestly, but at that time, she was suffering from an illness.

The Japanese title of this Gosho contains the characters for

Lotus Sutra. If you live even one day longer, you can accumulate that much more benefit. How truly precious your

life is!(WND-1, pg 955)

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fixed (or immutable) karma, which means karma that inevitably produces a fixed or set result, whether negative or positive. In this Gosho, the Daishonin uses fixed or immutable karma to mean “life span” in particular. “On Prolonging One’s Life Span” is a letter encouraging the lay nun Toki that fixed or immutable karma, which is one’s life span, can be prolonged through the power of the Mystic Law.

In this Gosho, the Daishonin encourages the lay nun that just as a skilled physician can cure even serious illnesses, one is able to eradicate fixed karma, recover from illness, and prolong one’s life span through the great beneficial power of the Mystic Law.

In this Gosho, the Daishonin quoted the examples of King Ajatashatru, Ch’en Chen, and Bodhisattva Never Disparaging, saying that if even men were able to prolong their lives by practising the Lotus Sutra, women of the Latter Day of the Law will definitely be able to transform their fixed karma through

practising the Lotus Sutra.In addition, he urges the lay

nun to have steadfast faith in the Lotus Sutra, doing so by quoting his actual proof of praying for his mother’s illness to be cured and successfully having her life prolonged by four years.

Next, the Daishonin mentions Shijo Kingo, a disciple who is also an excellent physician, and encourages the lay nun to seek treatment from Kingo.

The Daishonin also states that life is an irreplaceable treasure, so the lay nun must hasten to accumulate the treasures of faith and quickly overcome her illness.

Finally, the Daishonin repeatedly teaches that life is more valuable than all the treasures of the major world system, and if the lay nun lives even one day longer, she can accumulate that much more benefit, and concludes this letter.

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Main Points for Study

No one can avoid illness, and getting sick is does not mean one’s faith is defeated. This time, we shall study the guidance of Nichiren Daishonin on illness such as (1) the mentor’s compassion in encouraging his disciples; (2) faith for defeating the devilish function of illness; and (3) to dedicate one’s life to kosen-rufu in each single golden day.

Please refer to SGI President Ikeda’s Guidance 1.

The Daishonin said the following to the lay nun Toki, who had become dispirited due to illness, to encourage her to seek treatment from Shijo Kingo, a famous physician:

I could ask Shijo Kingo on your behalf, but, while some people would prefer to be approached by an intermediary, others may feel it reflects a lack of earnestness on the part of the individual concerned … Shijo Kingo is one who would feel offended if the request came from anyone but the person directly concerned, so in his case, it would not be advisable

for me to intercede. Just ask his assistance yourself, frankly and sincerely, without an intermediary. (WND-1, pg 955)

The Daishonin expressed his heartfelt concern to the lay nun so that she can muster her faith and quickly proceed to seek treatment for her illness. The part that follows the passage above is the passage we are studying this time.

The Mentor Who Cares for His Disciples

When he came to see me in the tenth month of last year, he told me how grieved he was about your illness … His words deeply saddened me. (WND-1, pg 955)

Here the Daishonin states, “His words deeply saddened me.” In these words, we can sense the Daishonin himself taking action to encourage and treasure each person to his utmost so that his disciples can stand up in faith.

In another letter sent to the lay nun Toki, the Daishonin said, “I am as concerned about the illness of your wife, the lay nun Toki, as though it were I myself who is ailing, and day and night I pray to the heavenly gods

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that she will recover … I am beseeching the gods of the sun and moon that they will guard her life even at the cost of their own!” (WND-2, pg 666)

Throughout his life, the Daishonin forged close bonds with each person and thoroughly encouraged his disciples through prayer that moves the heavenly gods and benevolent deities.

It is also clear from this letter that Shijo Kingo also sincerely treasured his comrades, embracing the same spirit as the Daishonin. The Soka Gakkai has inherited this realm of encouragement. The essence of a humanistic religion lies solely in the humanistic behaviour of mutually respecting each other.

In his message to the 42nd Headquarters Leaders Meeting of the New Era of Worldwide Kosen-rufu, President Ikeda wrote:

Inheriting this spirit of the Daishonin, we have built the wonderful realm of the Soka Gakkai – a realm of human harmony that can only be described as miraculous. Nowhere else can we find such beautiful bonds of global citizenship as the ones we have forged,

transcending nationalities, ethnicities, and generations. No one could ever create another realm like it.1

Let us all strengthen this bond of human solidarity.

Please refer to SGI President Ikeda’s Guidance 2.

A Leader of Indomitable Spirit

He also said that Toki depends on you as a staff to lean on and a pillar for support … If you are unwilling to make efforts to heal yourself, it will be very difficult to cure your illness. (WND-1, pg 955)

Here, the Daishonin describes Shijo Kingo as “a man who never gives in to defeat.” (Ibid.) It can be said that the unshakeable determination of Shijo Kingo in not retreating even one single step for the sake of his comrades and the Mystic Law help established his own victory.

In addition, through the words of Shijo Kingo, the Daishonin also touches on the feelings of Toki Jonin who was anxious about his wife. In this way, telling the lay nun Toki that people around her were also worried about her illness

1. FLOW No. 712 (15.11.2019), pg 5.

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is also a way of encouraging her to quickly seek treatment.

There is no need to be afraid of illness, but we must also not make light of it. The Daishonin continues to encourage the lay nun saying, “you must hasten to accumulate the treasure of faith and quickly conquer your illness” and “to take action without hesitation”.

Please refer to SGI President Ikeda’s Guidance 3.

Muster Strong Faith to Defeat the Devilish Function of Illness

One day of life is more valuable than all the treasures of the major world system … an offering to the Buddha and the Lotus Sutra is better than donating all the treasures of the major world system. (WND-1, pg 955)

To live a single day of life itself is more valuable than all the treasures of the whole universe. Based on the Bodhisattva Medicine King chapter of the Lotus Sutra, the Daishonin states that “even one day of life is worth more than all the treasures that fill the whole major world system.”

He also states that since life is so precious, the lay nun should live even one day longer. Just

as expounded in the Life Span (16th) chapter of the Lotus Sutra “to further bestow lifespan”, the Mystic Law has immeasurable beneficial power. Faith is the key to whether or not one can draw out the benefit of the Mystic Law, the great good medicine.

That is why the Daishonin urged the lay nun Toki to confront and quickly conquer her illness with faith, and not just lament about it.

Together with showing the power of the Mystic Law that “Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is like the roar of a lion. What sickness can therefore be an obstacle?” (WND-1, pg 412) the Daishonin teaches, “But your faith alone will determine all these things. A sword is useless in the hands of a coward. The mighty sword of the Lotus Sutra must be wielded by one courageous in faith. Then one will be as strong as a demon armed with an iron staff.” (Ibid.)

When all is said and done, what we must do is make faith the basis of our life.

Illness and the devilish function of illness are two different phenomena. Lamenting, disbelief, giving up and cowardice are signs that show one has been defeated by the devilish function of illness.

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Thus, the Nichiren Daishonin teaches what actions we can take and how we can transform our determination, or ichinen, in defeating devilish functions.

Please refer to SGI President Ikeda's Guidance 4.

Living Each Golden Day

A single life is worth more than the major world system. You still have many years ahead of you … How truly precious your life is! (WND-1, pg 955)

The Daishonin states again that a single life is worth more than all the treasures of the major world system. On top of that, the Daishonin is saying that the lay nun Toki is not that old, and moreover, she has encountered the Lotus Sutra.

Once again, Nichiren Daishonin wants the lay nun to engrave in her life that as a person who embraces the Mystic Law, she can accumulate that much more benefit by living even one more day.

“No matter what, please cherish your precious life and live with all your might to the very end!” This was the Daishonin’s ultimate guidance for living, not just for the lay nun Toki, but for us as well.

Each day that we live for kosen-rufu can be said to be a golden day that has no comparison.

Please refer to SGI President Ikeda’s Guidance 5.

Endless Encouragement

The painful condition of the lay nun Toki’s illness seems to have continued for a while after this, with the Daishonin consistently sending her letters of encouragement.

“You also are a practitioner of the Lotus Sutra, and your faith is like the waxing moon or the rising tide. Be deeply convinced, then, that your illness cannot possibly persist, and that your life cannot fail to be extended! Take care of yourself, and do not burden your mind with grief.” (WND-1, pg 656)

The Daishonin asserts that there is no way that the votary of the Lotus Sutra will ever lose to the devilish function of illness. He encourages the lay nun to have strong conviction not to be shaken and defeated by the devilish function of illness.

Through the Daishonin’s warm encouragement, the lay nun Toki went on to prolong her life span and complete her mission in life.

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SGI President Ikeda’s Guidance

1. Rethinking Our Life and Mission

The Lotus Sutra also describes the Buddha as having some ills and worries. (Cf. LSOC15, pg 254) Buddhas and bodhisattvas, just like all people, embody the principle of the “mutual possession of the Ten Worlds” and as such cannot avoid the four universal sufferings of birth, aging, sickness, and death. As the Daishonin teaches, “birth and death are originally inherent in life itself.” (Cf. OTT, pg 127) Illness is a natural part of life.

Falling ill is nothing to be ashamed of; nor is it a sign that we have failed in some way. Yet, some may start to have doubts, wondering why they became sick in spite of practising Nichiren Buddhism, or berate themselves for falling ill at a particular time. That is why it’s important to view things from the perspective of faith that illness is “the Buddha’s design.” (WND-1, pg 937) Because we embrace the great teaching of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, there is no karmic suffering we cannot overcome. We have no need for worry or fear. What counts is

how we face illness, our attitude in dealing with it.

From SGI Newsletter No. 10449 dated 14.04.2020; The Buddhism of the Sun –

Illuminating the World, “Towards a Century of Health: The Wisdom for Leading a Long Life of

Good Fortune and Benefit,” part 1 (of 4).

2. The SGI Network is the “Precious Treasure of Humanity”

“His [Shijo Kingo’s] words deeply saddened me,” (WND-1, pg 955) the Daishonin says to the lay nun Toki in this letter. We can imagine these warm sentiments, filled with such concern for her well-being, touching her deeply and inspiring her to summon forth fresh resolve.

The Soka Gakkai is a beautiful realm of comrades working together for kosen-rufu – a realm built through the all-out struggles of the first three presidents, united by the bonds of mentor and disciple and carrying on the spirit of the Daishonin. Through the efforts of dedicated disciples striving to fulfil the mentor’s vision, our SGI network, a precious treasure of humanity, will no doubt spread even more widely throughout the world and far into the future.

From FLOW No. 431 (01.03.2008) pg 26–27.

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3. The Mystic Law is the Highly Effective Medicine

Life is tenacious; it is endowed with the impulse to survive and the power to heal. The “highly effective medicine” for drawing forth these innate properties is the Mystic Law. Ultimately, it is we ourselves who cure our illness, while the decision to undertake this battle to do so arises from faith. This is indicated in the writing we are studying by the Daishonin’s reference to the “treasure of faith.” (WND-1, pg 955)

To see illness as an opportunity to transform our karma – this strong spirit and resolve can break through all obstacles and devilish functions, and open wide the path to happiness. Like a spaceship blasting out of the earth’s atmosphere, the passionate conviction of faith that comes from viewing illness as an opportunity to transform our karma can become a powerful engine propelling us forward not only in this existence but throughout eternity, enabling us to freely savour everlasting happiness.

“You must … quickly conquer your illness.” the Daishonin tells the lay nun Toki. Once we understand how precious a single day of life is, there is no reason to

vacillate about seeking treatment when we are ill. Don’t put yourself in a situation where you later have cause for regret because you were reluctant or hesitant to take action. The Daishonin urges the lay nun Toki to act promptly. Buddhism always conforms with reason.

From FLOW No. 432 (01.03.2008), pg 23.

4. Transforming Karma into Mission

Nichiren Daishonin is surely watching over disciples who, though struggling with illness, continue to chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo and base their lives on the Mystic Law. Therefore, we have absolutely nothing to fear.

The supreme power of daimoku enables us to transform despair into hope, and karma into mission.

As the Daishonin declares, one day of life is more valuable than all the treasures of the universe. Making our lives shine their brightest with sincere and resolute faith, let us once again today dedicate ourselves to fulfilling our vow for kosen-rufu. Let us create limitless value!

From SGI Newsletter No. 10162 dated 07.03.2019; “Advancing with the Gosho: Words

of Encouragement from SGI President Ikeda”.

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5. Living a Life of Value Creation Each Day

Nothing is more precious than living a single day embracing the Mystic Law. Everything can be made the best use for value creation. Spending a meaningless and regrettable day is a waste.

Waking up in the morning, and all day today, there are work to do and mission to accomplish. Such a person is the happiest. Such is the life of a Gakkai member.

In each and every single day of a Gakkai member, there are unsurpassed purpose in life and fulfilment.

What an empty, dreary, and lonely life it will be if you backslide. That is why those who backslide will jealously attack the Gakkai organisation.

To us, every day is the remotest past of beginning-less time, and New Year’s morning.

Let us gallantly take action so that each and every day will be fulfilling, and compose our golden “diary of life.”

Tentative translation from The Complete Works of Daisaku Ikeda, vol. 86.

Summary of main points

• The Soka is the realm of encouragement that has inherited the spirit of Nichiren Daishonin. It is a miraculous realm of human harmony.

• Warm and continuous encouragement can help people overcome obstacles such as illness.

• One day of life is more precious than all the treasures in the universe. Falling ill is not a sign of defeat but being defeated by illness is. Therefore, we must muster strong faith to defeat the devil of illness.

• Each day lived for the sake of kosen-rufu is a golden day that is previous and irreplaceable. Therefore, we must cherish our lives and live with all our might till the very end. .

Significant Dates in the Soka Gakkai

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JuneThis series, “Significant Dates in the Soka Gakkai,” discusses important dates

in the history of Nichiren Buddhism and the Soka Gakkai.

June 6: Birth of First Soka Gakkai President Tsunesaburo Makiguchi

Tsunesaburo Makiguchi (1871–

1944) was a geographer, educational theorist and religious reformer who lived and worked during the tumultuous early decades of Japan’s modern era. He was born on June 6, 1871, in the village of Arahama (in present day Niigata

Prefecture, Japan). He trained to become a teacher and began to teach geography in various schools in Hokkaido.

Tsunesaburo Makiguchi is best known for the publication of two major works, The Geography of Human Life and The System of Value-Creating Pedagogy.

Together with his closest disciple Josei Toda, Makiguchi founded the Soka Gakkai in 1930 and become its first president. The same commitment to the happiness of people can be seen in his role as a religious reformer.

He rejected the attempts of the authorities to subvert the

essence of the Buddhist teachings, insisting that religion always exists to serve human needs. In July 1943, as a result of their refusal to compromise their belief in Nichiren Buddhism, Makiguchi and Toda were arrested by the Japanese military police. On November 18, 1944, Makiguchi died in the prison of a combination of malnutrition, old age and the harsh treatment he received while imprisoned. He was 73 years old; however his spirit remain strong despite his circumstances. SGI President Ikeda comments:

While in prison, founding Soka Gakkai president Tsunesaburo Makiguchi serenely wrote: “Concentrating intently on my faith is my work right now. If I can do that, I am not the least bit anxious … Depending on one’s frame of mind, even hell can be enjoyable.”1

1. FLOW No. 537 (01.08.2012), pg 23.

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After Josei Toda was released from prison, he set about rebuilding the Soka Gakkai, vowing to create an organisation that would put an end to war and violence. There are now more than 12 million members practising around the world. President Ikeda writes:

He [President Makiguchi]

would surely be delighted to see how our wonderful Soka network has spread to encompass every continent of the globe, shining as a beacon of peace.2 2. FLOW No. 614 (15.10.2015), pg 17.

Makiguchi’s educational ideas have been implemented by Toda’s successor, Daisaku Ikeda, who has established a network of Soka schools from the kindergarten to post-graduate university level in Japan and throughout the world. Makiguchi’s theories of value-creating education have inspired a growing body of research as well as innovative projects around the globe.

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50· FLOW 725


Published by Persatuan Soka Gakkai Malaysia, Wisma Kebudayaan SGM, No. 243, Jalan Bukit Bintang, 55100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel:603-21412003

Printed by Napoleon Printing, 21, Jalan 10/108C, Taman Sungai Besi, 57100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

“Exerting ourselves in faith, practice, and study, and upholding the correct teaching, directly-connected to the Daishonin, have been the tradition of the Soka Gakkai since its earliest days. Today, Nichiren Buddhism pulses vibrantly only within the efforts of Soka Gakkai members to compassionately propagate the Mystic Law based on faith, practice, and study.”

– SGI President Daisaku Ikeda

The key to the Soka Gakkai’s development as a world religion is no doubt due to its members dedicating themselves to faith, practice, and study in the same spirit as the mentor. Let us study earnestly study President Ikeda’s lectures on faith, practice, and study, and basing ourselves on the Gosho, which form part of the “The Buddhism of the Sun – Illuminating the World” series.

Faith, Practice,and Study


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