june/july 2014 bulletin

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June and July 2014 Congregation B'nai Israel, Sylvania, Ohio bulletin.



June and July 2014 3 Sivan 5774 thru 4 Av 5774

Congregation B’nai Israel

A Congregation Affiliated with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism

147 Years of Consecrated Service to God, Torah and Israel


6525 Sylvania Avenue

Sylvania OH 43560

(419) 517-8400

Board of Trustees 2014-2015

Executive Committee Jeffrey Bauer President

Alix Greenblatt Vice President Administration

Ellen Federman Vice President Religious Affairs

Michael Portnoy Vice President Youth Activities

Charles Traugott Treasurer

Stephen Goldberg* Secretary

Board Members

Fagie Benstein Sisterhood Representative

Stuart Brody

Phyllis Diamond Honorary

David Friedes

Janet Katz

Jill Kripke

Michael Leizerman*

Cindy Murphy Sisterhood Representative

Bruce Post

Sharon Rappaport**

Howard Rosenbaum Honorary

Howard Rosenberg

Jerry Russell

Debbie Spangenthal**

Fran Weinblatt

Outgoing Board Members

Hope Davis Arnold Remer

Board Member of the Year: Fran Weinblatt

Congregants of the Year: Luann Garber, Kathryn

Linver and Lil Perlman

Sam Schwartz Minyan Award Winner: Steve Moskowitz

*First term ending 2017 **Second term ending 2017

Annual Meeting June 1, 2014

7:00 p.m.


Please come celebrate at B’nai Israel June 3, 2014

6:30 p.m. Dinner

7:30 p.m. Study with Rabbi Miller

8:15 p.m. Services

8:45 p.m. “Jewpardy”

9:15 p.m. Book of Ruth

9:45 p.m. Dessert

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Shavuot 1st day

9:30 a.m. Services

5:45 p.m. Mincha

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Shavuot 2nd Day

9:30 a.m. Service

10:45 a.m. Yizkor

5:45 p.m. Mincha

Rabbi Jason Miller will be leading our ser-

vices at the Tikkun on Tuesday evening and

at services on Wednesday morning. Please

join us.

Office Closed June 4 and 5, 2014




Mahatma Gandhi said, “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.”

Despite the clichés ‘some things never change’ or ‘people don’t change,’ the

holiday of Shavuot which we will celebrate beginning Tuesday evening June 3rd,

June 4th and 5th (Yizkor) presents strong contrary evidence.

Our ancestors thousands of years ago underwent a fundamental transformation

after being enslaved for hundreds of years. Once free, God began to mold us into a

‘goy kadosh’ – a holy nation. While to those in the desert forty years might have

seemed endless, the culmination of our new freedom in the receiving of the Torah, a mere seven weeks lat-

er, which we celebrate on Shavuot, and the conquering of the “promised land” forty years later under Josh-

ua and a new generation, was a rapid, watershed transformation, without which we would not be here today

as the Jewish People.

While the true test to come was the quality of the Torah-based society we would establish in the new Israel,

and the Temple was still to be built as part of the transformation, these were all modeled on what began in

the desert immediately on receiving the Torah, and the building of the portable mishkan/tabernacle with its

accompanying ritual.

The potential for fundamental change is further demonstrated by the story of Ruth which we read in the

Book of Ruth on Shavuot, and which represents the essence of what Shavuot is all about. The Torah states

in Devarim/Deuteronomy 23: 4-5, “An Ammonite or Moabite shall not enter the congregation of the

Lord…to eternity because they did not greet you with bread and water when you were on the way from

Egypt…and because they hired Bilam…to curse you.”

Yet Ruth, the Moabite daughter-in-law of the Jewish Naomi, represents the epitome of kindness and devo-

tion to family and God in the way she loved, fed and took care of Naomi when they both became widowed.

In one of the most famous lines of our entire Tanach/Bible, which we read on Shavuot (Ruth 1:16), Ruth

states, “Do not urge me to leave you, to turn back from following you, for where you go I will go, where

you lodge I will lodge; your people are my people and your God my God.”

While there are many reasons for the custom of eating dairy food on Shavuot, most common of which are

Exodus 3:18 which refers to Israel as “a land of milk and honey,” and Song of Songs 4:11 which describes

Torah as being “like honey and milk,” milk also symbolizes change. It comes from animals which are the

essence of basar/meat, ie. the product is radically different from the source.

I look forward to seeing you at our Shavuot Tikkun, Tuesday evening June 3rd at 6:30pm for which we

have planned a full and stimulating evening, as well as services on Wednesday June 4th and June 5th when

Yizkor will be recited. Take the opportunity to contemplate ways you have changed, or want to change in

your own life.

Chag sameach/a wonderful Shavuot holiday.

Hazzan Ivor Lichterman


This fund is used by Hazzan Lichterman to provide financial

aid to congregants in need, support educational projects, pro-

gramming, etc. Please consider a gift to this fund so our

Hazzan can continue his good works. All contributions to

the fund will be acknowledged in the bulletin.

Sunday June 8, 2014 at 7 p.m.

Cantor Lichterman will be participating in a

Cantorial Concert

As part of the Chapel and Sanctuary rededication at

Congregation B'nai Moshe

6800 Drake Road West Bloomfield, MI 48322


Mt. Sinai: I was there

Much of the disharmony in the Jewish community today can be attributed to the divergence of

opinions concerning the revelation of our Torah at Mt. Sinai. Regardless of what one believes

actually occurred at that mountain, the essential issue for us on the festival of Shavuot (which

begins the evening of June 3 this year) is that we feel a part of divine revelation. How do we

internalize the midrashic tradition that all Jews stood at Sinai as the Torah was revealed to Isra-

el? Just as we seek the spiritual connection to see ourselves as having escaped Egyptian slavery

on Pesach, we also attempt to envision ourselves at Sinai as the Torah was revealed several mil-

lennia ago.

Never has the spiritual force of revelation affected me more than it did on the early morning of May 31, 1998. I had

recently graduated college and was spending Shavuot at the synagogue where I served as youth director. The new as-

sistant rabbi decided that the congregation would offer an all-night Tikkun Leil Shavuot (study session) and then a dawn

Shacharit service just before 5:00 a.m.

It was a memorable night with many opportunities for Torah study with several wonderful teachers including three

eighth grade students from the local Jewish day school. With delicious snacks and caffeinated beverages, about thirty

of us managed to stay up the entire night. We decided to hold the minyan outdoors in the courtyard so we could enjoy

the sunrise while we prayed.

The Torah service that morning took on new meaning for me. The Torah was paraded around and I had the sense that

we really were at Sinai claiming what God had lovingly gifted to us. As I stood at the Torah for my aliyah, the sky be-

gan to get dark again. The Torah reader pronounced, "On the third day, as morning dawned, there was thunder, and

lightning..." As the words "thunder" and "lightning" were uttered, a huge thunderstorm ensued. The Torah reader man-

aged to get out a few more words, chanting "…and a dense cloud upon the mountain, and a very loud blast of the horn;

and all the people who were in the camp trembled. Moses led the people out of the camp toward God, and they took

their places at the foot of the mountain."

At that point, the sky opened up and the heavy rains began. I grabbed the Torah and ran inside to the chapel where the

Torah reading was completed. As I wiped the raindrops from my glasses, I remember thinking that this must be divine

revelation. This was the epitome of holiness. This existential experience was full of awe and majesty, thunderclaps

and lightning bolts. Best of all, it was shared with community.

This was a liminal moment in my life. The experience has had a lasting effect on my life in the sixteen years

since. Being shaken by the thunder, seeing the lightning, and hearing the words of our Torah convinced me that I really

did stand at Sinai. We were all there together. As a community.

Much has happened in my life since that Shavuot in 1998. I got married, became the father of three children, earned a

master's degree in education and became an ordained rabbi. All of these accomplishments, all of these milestones, are

informed by that experience in the early dawn hours of Shavuot in 1998.

That was my revelation. That spiritually charged moment had the three ingredients that shape my life and my rabbin-

ate: God, Torah and Israel. I felt the awesome force of the Holy One, I was touched by the words of Torah, and I stood

together with my fellow Jews.

May we all be blessed to share such powerful moments together in the years ahead.

Elissa joins me in wishing you and your families a Chag Shavuot Sameach.

Rabbi Jason Miller



Daily Services

Mon.-Thurs: 7:00 A.M. — 5:45 P.M. Friday: 7:00 A.M. — 6:00 P.M. Saturday: 9:30 A.M. see schedule below for P.M. hours

Shabbat Afternoon Service 1:00 p. m. After kiddush luncheon

*No Sunday Services until Religious

School Resumes in September

JULY SPECIAL BIRTHDAYS 7 Sharon Hoicowitz 7 Michael Podolsky 14 Rebecca Katz 15 Marlene Russell 16 Corey Russell 23 Marty Kaback 25 Sanford Kimmel 28 Linda Rosenbloom


70 Years 6 Leo & Marian Goldner 20 Years 3 Peter & Ashley Hendel 5 Years 3 Adam & Stacy Kripke

JUNE SPECIAL BIRTHDAYS 4 Barbara Frankel Wexler 4 Randy Katz 10 Violet Hamerman 18 Richard Becker 18 Richard Bernstein 21 Rhoda Miller


55 Years 21 Marty & Ruth Sitzmann 45 Years 15 Cary & Michelle Kart 22 Howard & Ann Rosenberg 26 Steve & Cathy Sperling 29 Michael & Lois Burke 30 Years

9 Robert & Jean Ravin 25 Years 11 Jack & Angela Katz 10 Years 20 Stu & Jo-Jo Goldberg 5 Years 20 Paul & Tracy Morse

B'nai Israel Garden 2014

"Adopt a Plant" plants are now available. We have toma-

toes, peppers, and cucumbers for any congregant who

would like to grow plants at home and share the crop with

the Jewish Family Service Food Pantry. This is an easy way

to enhance the amount of vegetables we are donating to

needy families. Last year the garden provided 66% and

"Adopt A Plant" provided 34% of what we sent to the food


Anyone interested please call Marty Kaback@ 419-826-

2011 or email bethandmarty@earthlink.net

Marty Kaback Chairperson

INTERFAITH BLOOD DRIVE The 26th Interfaith Blood Drive of Northwest Ohio and Southern Michigan is scheduled for Saturday and Sunday. June 28 and 29 from 9:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m.at Grace Lutheran Church. The church is located at 4441 Monroe Street. Volunteers are needed to make phone calls, assist the days of the drive, and especially to donate blood. The Celebration of Life Program (service) is Sunday, June 29, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. at Unity Church at 3535 Executive Parkway. Please plan to attend. For more information to donate or volunteer, please call Devorah Shulamit at 419-841-4652.


Message from the President

It is an honor to be serving as your president for the 2014-2015 trustee term year. It has been said that

if you choose to do something in your life that you love, then it’s not really a job.

I have had a long-standing commitment to our congregation having served as a board member, officer,

fund raiser and sat on more committees than I can recall over the last 40 plus years. On the other hand, the

benefits of being a member of Congregation B’nai Israel have provided a religious education for my children,

lifelong learning from our clergy and inspiration from many of the past and present leaders in our congrega-


The dedication and contributions of so many of our volunteers have enabled me to understand the

ways each of us, by our actions can play a valuable part in strengthening the bonds of friendship and coopera-

tion between us.

With summer fast approaching and our thoughts turning toward relaxation and spending time with

family and friends, there is still much activity happening at CBI. I invite you to attend morning minyan and

enjoy schmoozing afterward at Panera. For Shabbat services, leave your suits and dress clothes at home and

come to more relaxed and informal services followed by our delicious Kiddush.

On behalf of our board of trustees, officers and clergy, I wish you a summer of peace and good health.

Jeffrey Bauer


“The Tree of Life” Leaves – $100

Stones - $1000

The following leaves was recently inscribed on

the B’nai Israel Simcha Tree

In Honor of

Erwin Katz 80th Birthday From

Your Special Friends

Erwin Katz Special Birthday From

Jeffrey Steinberg

Erwin Katz Special Birthday From

Mel & Patty Gerbie

June Kiddush Sponsors June 3, 2014 Stu and Debbie Diamond in honor of Phyllis Diamond’s birthday. June 21, 2014 Jeff and Anne Bauer Rhoda Miller Sharon Rappaport Howard and Ann Rosenberg

CBI’s yearly dues begin on

August 1, 2013.

Please consider making your pay-

ment by Visa, Master Card or


We appreciate your timely


Deadline for the August bulletin is

Monday July 15




JUDAIC GIFT SHOP Looking for a gift? Come in and browse! Wednesdays 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. or by appointment

Book Club

Shomer Emunim and B’nai Israel

Joint Book Club

June 24, 2014 Noon

Charlie’s, on Central Avenue at Sequoia

The Last Ember by Daniel Levin

Jonathan Marcus, a young American lawyer and former

doctoral student in classics, is summoned to Rome for a

case and stumbles across a message hidden inside an an-

cient stone fragment. The discovery propels him and UN

preservationist Dr. Emili Travia into a coldblooded mod-

ern plot to erase every remnant of Jewish and Christian

presence from Jerusalem's Temple Mount, in the process

redefining history itself.

RSVP to SperlingCathy@gmail.com

No July Book Club

August 26, 2014 Raisins & Almonds by Kerry Green-


MEN’S CLUB Schvitzing, Teamwork & Comradery

The Men’s Club annual Spring Beautification Day proved to be a huge success. Over 20 vol-unteers came to mulch and beautify the syna-gogue grounds. Volunteers expressed that they enjoyed the teamwork, sense of community and group support of the synagogue. Thanks to our fantastic team for their hard work: Jeff Bauer, Leah Connor, Andy Davis, Greg Da-vis, Hope Davis, Jeremy Davis, Jason Ellick, Marc Glasser, Larry Johnson, Lannie Katzman, Eric Lauber, Joel Markovitch, Helen Michaels, Bruce Post (chairman), Sheila Post, Richard Papurt, Michael Portnoy, Howard Rosenberg, Josh Sherman, David Zack, Sam Zack


BITUSY Officers for 2014-2015

Sam Zack - President

Josh Sherman - VP Membership/Kadima

Miranda Hupp - VP Communications

(Jamie Sherman - Scrapbooker)

Ella Musher-Eizenman - VP Religious Education

Dahlia Zack - VP Social Action/Tikkun Olam

The new USY officers will present goals and objectives

for the coming year. We look forward to engaging the

Jewish community in the way that only USY can in 2014-


Rachel Noleff

Brynna Post

Co-Youth Directors

Save your rummage

for the Sisterhood Rummage

Sale September 14-16, 2014


Miranda Hupp and Cantor Lichterman hang the mezuzah

presented for the youth lounge from the confirmation class


Our students, Josh and Emmie Brody, Dahlia Zack, Ella

Musher-Eizenman and Nathan Podolsky had the opportunity

to finally meet students from our partnership region in the

Western Galilee who corresponded throughout the year with

many students from our Religious School.

Andy Davis and Louis Abernathy

having fun playing Alef-Bet Bingo.

Abe Musher-Eizenman and

his students enjoying the



Minimum Contributions are $10.00

Please note: More generous contributions will be indicated in the following ways:

* denotes B’nai Mitzvah-$13.00 ** denotes Chai-$18.00 *** denotes Silver-$25.00 **** denotes double Chai - $36 A box denotes Gold-$50.00 A double box denotes Platinum—$100 A bold box denotes Diamond—$100.00+

Shabbat Prayer Book $65.00 Etz Hayim Bible $100.00 Tree of Life Leaf $100.00 Tree of Life Stone $1000.00 Memorial Plaque $500.00 Kiddush Lunch $300.00


Contributions for May


A.H. Steinberg, M.D.

Diane Bernstein*

Jennie Albert

Elaine Levy

Marvin Karp

Roggie Siegel

Inge Horowitz

Eleanor Kart

The Kart Family**

Miriam Wexler

Chuck Wexler & Family

Sandy Wexler & Stuart Dunn

Florence Shavin

Paul & Rona Rothschild***

Rose Baker

Lenny & Irene Baker***

Bessie Fingerhut, Grandmother

Dr. Barry & Esther Sherman****

William Sherman

Jerry & Arlene Russell

Morris Siegman

Jerry & Arlene Russell**


Seymour Cohen

Chuck, Sandy, Jay & Kari**

Heinz Spangenthal

Bert & Debbie Spangenthal**

Nathan Post

Bruce & Sheila Post & Family*

Vernon S. Petler

Gary & Ellen Petler & Family***

Lillian Barry

Alan & Karen Barry

Vern Petler

Shirley Bader

Isadore Weinstein, Beloved Father

Judy Erd*


Ralph Oberlin

Lorrie Oberlin Daube


Calvin Lieberman

Bruce Lieberman & Karen Lieberman**


Charles Rubin

Dr. Corey Russell

Ida B. Walkin

Saundra W. Yaffe*

Ann Levine

Joel & Shirley Levine***


Dorothy Schwartz

David & Teena Liber***


Julius Swolsky

Sherry Phillips & Elaine Aubin

Abraham Newmark

Marcella Newmark

Ben Albert

Marvin Karp

Elaine Levey

Sylvia Karp

Marvin Karp

Elaine Levey

Lillian Barry

Michael & Cathy Barry**

Alfred Damrauer

Marvin & Peggy Damrauer***

Esther Ilowska

Dr. & Mrs. Aron Wajskol***

Jeannette Kohler

Zale & Shirley Kohler***

Bessie Scheer

David Scheer & Family


Elsie Winter

The Winter & Vrudny Families**



Donald Russell, Beloved Brother

Merv & Marlene Russell

Jerry & Arlene Russell*

Charles Rubin, Beloved Father

Merv & Marlene Russell

Samuel Siegman, Beloved Father

Jerry & Arlene Russell*

Florence Lenenberg

Rene' Levy**

Seymour Sattler

Andrew Sattler**

Dora Kanter Rubin & Abraham


Gary & Andrea Urie**

Marian Tarschis

Rick & Susie Baum & Family***

Neal R. Touran

The Touran and Jester Family


Philip Wasserstrom

Adele Wasserstrom


Sharon Friedes

David & Lori Friedes**

William Schroeder

Richard Schroeder



(Synagogue Organized

Afternoon Program)

a stimulating discussion of

Jewish current events


Hazzan Ivor Lichterman

Wednesdays 1:00 p.m.

B’nai Israel Library


Final SOAP June 25, 2014

No SOAP in July

In Memory of Roggie Siegel Jerry & Arlene Russell Selma Cohen Dave & Lil Perlman


Selma Cohen Irwin Rosenbloom & Rochelle Rus-sell

BUILDING FUND In Appreciation

The Zucker Family Richard Schroeder


Cherie Wilk Nancy Katz Howard & Karen Rosenbaum


Selma Cohen Lil Petler Joel & Linda Beren**

In Honor of Erwin Katz, Special Birthday Janet Rogolsky


In Memory of


Nate & Nancy Danziger, granddaugh-ter's bat mitzvah Gail & Lee Kwait***


Sharon Stein Howard & Karen Rosenbaum

In Memory of Selma Cohen Howard & Karen Rosenbaum

In Honor of Buzz Liber, Special Birthday Howard & Karen Rosenbaum


Speedy Recovery

Shirley Kohler

Joseph & Marcia Goldberg***

Sharon Stein

Eli & Fagie Benstein**

Leon Williams

Eli & Fagie Benstein**

Sanford & Sharon Stein*

Cary Kart

Jerry & Arlene Russell

In Appreciation

Eli & Fagie Benstein

Ellen & Rebecca Federman**

In Honor of

Dr. & Mrs. Mark Reardon, new home

Shirley Bader

Jeff Bauer, elected President CBI

Joseph & Marcia Goldberg***

HIDDUR/KIDDUSH Harry Rosen Harvey & Edna Rosen Abe Newmark Marcie Newmark Beatrice Price Allan & Ellen Chabler** Murray Remer, Beloved Brother Arnie & Marlene Remer** Lillian Kaminsky Martin Kaminsky*** E. Mitchell Kaufman Mollie Katz Steve & Susan Kaufman & Family*** Leroy Rosenberg Howard & Ann Rosenberg***

KRIPKE ISRAEL PROGRAM Maurice Marenberg Bruce Feldman & Family George Shopneck Daryl & Jill Moreau*

LIBRARY Karen Alexander Ken Alexander & Family*** Frank Millman Jack Viran & Carol Damrauer Viran

LILY BARON FUND Josephine Cousins Barry & Beckie Cousins***



In Honor of

Erwin Katz, Special Birthday

Helene & Chuck Helburn***

Gary & Marilyn Reinstein***

Janet Rogolsky

Allan & Ellen Chabler**

Marjory Rusgo

Joseph & Marcia Goldberg***

David & Jill Scheibel***

Jeff and Anne Bauer

Arlene Brookenthal**

Allan & Ilene Miller***

Bob & Bonnie Swartz**

Jim & Bonnie Swartz**

Barry & Cheryl Himmel**

Spencer & Prudy Stone

Inge Horowitz**

Eli & Fagie Benstein**

Mary M. Karazim

Frances "Chickie" Lenga

Paul & Vivian Grossman

Mike & Linda Shiff***

Marcia Liber Paul and Sharon Frankel



In Honor of

Margie Rusgo, Special Birthday

Inge Horowitz


In Honor of

Leighton & Marcia Woolf, 50th Anni-

Shirley Bader

Marcia Woolf, Special Birthday

Shirley Bader

Jolie Brochin, Confirmation

Allen & Ellen Chabler

Speedy Recovery

Lois Levison

Jack & Diana Lipszyc

Paul Rothschild

Ed & Marcia Dolin

In Memory of

Selma Cohen

Mervyn & Marlene Russell

Clara Weinblatt

Chuck & Sandy Traugott

Meet Michelle Carr

Many of you have already met our new office manager, Michelle.

She is a licensed property & casualty and life & health insurance

agent with nearly 10 years industry experience. Recently she was

the office manager for a small insurance agency in West Toledo.

Michelle attended the University of Toledo majoring in Organizational Leadership and Man-

agement and is a life-long resident of the Toledo-area. Michelle is married and has three sons.

Her eldest son is in the United States Marine Corps and recently left for deployment in Ja-

pan. Her two younger sons are still at home. In her spare time she enjoys reading on her Kin-

dle and going to ball games with the family.

If you haven’t already done so, please stop by the office and welcome Michelle. She’d love

to meet you!

Charles Zale Swartz Beloved husband, father, grandfather, great-grandfather and great-great grandfather Belle Swartz

Torah Fund

Residence Hall Campaign

of the

Jewish Theological Seminary

Phyllis Diamond.…..531-5005 Marilyn Reinstein…..882-8757

In Memory of Selma Kale Cohen Phyllis Diamond Sherrie Zaft Arnie & Marlene Remer Bill & Helene Sherman Cherie Wilk Belle Swartz Arnie & Marlene Remer Bill & Helene Sherman


Speedy Recovery Sharon Stein Phyllis Diamond Sherrie & Caren Zaft Arnie & Marlene Remer Leon Williams Phyllis Diamond Sherrie & Caren Zaft Arnie & Marlene Remer


Speedy Recovery Lois Levison Chuck & Fran Weinblatt

In Memory of Cherie Wilk Gary & Nancy Beren

In Honor of

LIBRARY FUND Speedy Recovery Roy Sperling Jack Viran & Carol Damrauer Viran

Marcia Liber David & Marilyn Levine

Buzz Liber, Special Birthday Cathy & Steve Sperling

Buzz Liber, Special Birthday Rhoda Miller & Family



The Senior Adult Programs of the Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo are supported in part through your campaign dollars and through a generous grant from the Jewish Senior Services Supporting Organization. All events are part of the Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo and occasionally take place at the various synagogues. Please note registration deadlines for all programs! To register for a Jewish Federation Senior Program, please call 419-724-0354 or email registration@JewishToledo.org.

To register for a Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo senior program, please call 419-724-0354 or email


Thursday, June 12Annual Anniversary Luncheon NoonCongregation B’nai Israel6525 Sylvania Avenue$5 per personincludes lunch and entertainment

Join us as we celebrate nine years of senior programming in the Department of Jewish Programs. A lovely lunch will be served and, back by popular demand, Kelly Broadway and Mike Lorenz will entertain us. Sit back, relax, tap your toes and enjoy the soulful sound of Kelly and the wonderfully talented Mike.Registration and payment are required by Monday, June 2.

Thursday, July 17ProMedica Volunteer ServicesPresented by Leslie Groth, Director of Volunteer Resources1 p.m.Federation Campus, 6465 Sylvania Avenue

Volunteer staff fulfills an important function in our hospitals. While performing any number of meaningful duties at our facilities, hospital volunteers provide a human connection to patients and their

loved ones and help guide them through the treatment process. By offering their time and talents, our volunteers gain a sense of purpose and fulfillment when they give back to their community. Come learn more about what YOU can offer by volunteering and what YOU can gain. Feeling good and making new friends helps you stay physically healthy, combats depression, increases self-confidence and much more!Registration required byMonday, July 7.

* Complete information for all senior programs can be found in Toledo Jewish News.

Travel Opportunity

Monday, July 7 – Thursday, July 10Niagara-on-the Lake, Grand Bend & Port Stanley, and Ontario

Special Notice:Our trips are open to all seniors;

reservations and payment are due at the time of the request to hold your space. We will accept reservations on a first-come basis since space is limited. A waitlist will be formed as needed. No confirmations will be mailed; your credit card charge or cancelled check will serve as your confirmation. Please fill out an Emergency Contact Form if you will be traveling with us for the first time.

For questions about a program, please contact René Rusgo (419-724-0365; rene@JewishToledo.org) or Mary Lou Whittaker (419-531-2119; marylou@JewishToledo.org). Please note registration deadlines for all programs.

Travel Opportunity

Thursday, July 24Day Trip to Grand Rapids, Michigan


Questions? Please call Sherry Majewski at419-724-0386 or email sherry@JewishToledo.org

Jump IntoSpring Family Fun

Sunday, June 222 to 4 p.m. | $10/FamilyGrassy area between Federation and The Temple Rain or shineCalling all families with children 10 and under! Come and jump into spring! There will be a bounce house, fun slide, toddler zone basketball free throw contest, many other games and some great munchies!Register with fee by Friday, June 13 toregistration@jewishtoledo.org or call 419 724-0354.

June 24, 20146:30 p.m.

Congregation B’nai Israel

Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo

Annual Meeting and Annual Leadership





June 1 Sivan 3 June 2 Sivan 4 Libbey Boyk, Daniel Brochin, Samuel Kaback, David Kalkstein, Chester Tuschman June 3 Sivan 5 Thelma Meyer, George Shopneck, Herman Siegel June 4 Sivan 6 Harry Katz, Leo Tauber, Rose Wiegler June 5 Sivan 7 Anna Stauber, Fanny Tenzur, Pearl Tochtermann June 6 Sivan 8 Ben Albert, Rose Goldstein June 7 Sivan 9 Bernard Jacoby, Frances Levy June 8 Sivan 10 David Radovsky, Sol Scharf, Cirala Shidlowsky June 9 Sivan 11 Harry Baron, Saretta Bassett, Sadye Bookman, Seymour Cohen, Shirley Fox, Edward Ginsberg, Nettie Levitin, Pearl Schwartz, Morris Siegman June 10 Sivan 12 Sharon Friedes, Israel Steinberg, Ruth Vinson June 11 Sivan 13 Isidore Kahn June 12 Sivan 14 Charles Stupsker June 13 Sivan 15 Morris Boslov, Mae Kwait, Eriketi Mattathias, Mark Mattathias, Matthew Mattathias, Sava Mattathias, Solomon Mattathias, Lena Miller, Joseph Scharf, William Schroeder, Louis Shuer, Freida Williams June 14 Sivan 16 Pauline Hening, Bertha Malkin, Melvin Sandler, Dolores Smirin June 15 Sivan 17 Sadie Gunzenhauser, Lily Kapelmaister, Merwin Kutcher June 16 Sivan 18 Leon Save June 17 Sivan 19 Nathan Post June 18 Sivan 20 Pauline Albert, Rabbi Morris Goldfarb, Lewis Kirshner, Tilly Stern June 19 Sivan 21 Frieda Goldman, Esther Levi, Anita Lubov June 20 Sivan 22 Henry Klein, Sam Malkin, Joan Mangold, Lita Moldawsky June 21 Sivan 23 Albert Brookenthal, Jack Romanoff, Tillie Sherman June 22 Sivan 24 Jack Lane, Mildred Perlman, Leah Torchin, Neal Touran June 23 Sivan 25 Bess Siegel June 24 Sivan 26 Alex Cohen, David Eber, Michael Hoffman, Barry Morse, Leona Perelman June 25 Sivan 27 Harry Kapelmaister, Mildred Gerbie June 26 Sivan 28 Betty Forman, Harris Friedman June 27 Sivan 29 Rose Karp, Milford Romanoff, Sam Rubin, Sigmund Wiegler June 28 Sivan 30 Karen Alexander, James Goldman, Sanford Silverman June 29 Tammuz 1 Mildred Oberlin, Jacob Sack, Bessie Scheer June 30 Tammuz 2 Harry Borenstein, Harry Fradkin, Sylvia Karp, Samuel Katz, Harold Siegel


Congregation B’nai Israel’s Chesed Committee assists our members, who have no family support, by…

Helping to prepare a meal when a member is seriously ill with short term needs or a terminal illness

Comforting you when your loved one is acutely ill in the hospital or nursing home

Assisting with contacting family and friends

Providing support and guidance during and after the funeral and Shiva

Ensuring a minyan at the cemetery as well as Shiva

House-sitting during the funeral

Helping prepare the meal, for the immediate family, following the funeral

We are looking for volunteers to be on the Chesed Committee who would be willing to participate in these acts of Loving Kindness when

a congregant may need us, especially during a bereavement of a family member or when someone is terminally ill. Please call us if you

wish to participate in this very special mitzvah. You can help make Chesed a successful and viable group if we have enough volunteers.

Thank you,

Anne Bauer (419-517-3000) and Ann Rosenberg (419-882-1410) Chesed co-chairmen

Please note that all requests for assistance should be initiated by calling the CBI office and clergy for arrangements.



IMPORTANT LIBRARY INFORMATION We have changed our link for the library to be

more user-friendly. The new link is:


Cemetery Hours

Closed June 4 and 5 for Shavuot.

Sunday through Thursday

6:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Friday 6:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m,

Closed Saturday



If you or someone you know is in the hospital or would

appreciate a visit at home from the Hazzan, please call

the shul office at 419-517-8400 or email



July 1 Tammuz 3 Susan Albert, Miriam Cohen, Donald Connor, Beverly Engel, Betty Goldman, Nathan Karp, Reuben Wolkoff, Libbie Zankel July 2 Tammuz 4 Edsel Benstein July 3 Tammuz 5 Pearl Mannison, Raphael Teitlebaum, Isadore Weinstein July 4 Tammuz 6 Mary Topper July 5 Tammuz 7 July 6 Tammuz 8 Nettie Nistel, Ida Schall, Shirley Solomon July 7 Tammuz 9 Bertha Schreiber, Irving Shyavitz, Eva Wengrow July 8 Tammuz 10 Rose Baker, Harry Rosen, Howard Smith, Dr. A.H. Steinberg July 9 Tammuz 11 Sharron Abramson, Raymond Duckworth, Saul Feilhardt, Mollie Kornblet, Rebecca Shopneck July 10 Tammuz 12 Solomon Cohn, Jacob Leizerman, Max Newmark, Morris Schwartz, Peter Traugott, Ida Walkin July 11 Tammuz 13 Hy Burack, Minnie Goldstein, Sydney Green, Henry Greenberg July 12 Tammuz 14 Bessie Goodman, Robin Greenberg, Hildegarde Saxon, Florence Shavin July 13 Tammuz 15 Charles Perlman July 14 Tammuz 16 Dorothy Kahn, Murray Garfinkel July 15 Tammuz 17 Pauline Baron, Bessie Friedman, Joan Hittleman, Calvin Lieberman, Morris Sherman July 16 Tammuz 18 Norman Gudelman, I. Abraham Goodman, Joseph Klein, Max Sherman July 17 Tammuz 19 Carmen Quiroga, Jack Radin July 18 Tammuz 20 Joseph Beren, Dorothy Gluck, Eva Jacobs, Rose Levin, Donald Navis, Benjamin Rubinoff July 19 Tammuz 21 Barney Romanoff July 20 Tammuz 22 Mindle Cusnir, Rabbi Michael Lichtenstein, Lewis Malkin, Martha Waldman, Lois Wexler July 21 Tammuz 23 Julius Jacobs, Yetta Katcher, Mollie Katz, Adolph Wiegler July 22 Tammuz 24 Jennie Fruchtman, Jean Mann, Hyman Shopneck July 23 Tammuz 25 Bess Albert, Myron Edelstein, Irving Michaels July 24 Tammuz 26 Lillie Brassloff, Jules Joseph July 25 Tammuz 27 Fred Applebaum, Julius Boss, Lena Shall July 26 Tammuz 28 Yisrael Ornan, Stella Shall July 27 Tammuz 29 Lillian Barry, Ben Berenson, Vera Cohen, Harry Edelstein, Gertrude Leib, Sharon Meinwald, Sylvia Roberts, Harriet Tuschman July 28 Av 1 Leroy Rosenberg, Harry Stark, Dorothy Steinberg July 29 Av 2 E. Mitchell Kaufman, Herman Moss July 30 Av 3 William Horwitz, Rhona Weinstein July 31 Av 4 Dorathe Bracker, Rose Hirsch, Lillian Hoffman, Joseph Mendelson, Sylvia Nesenman, Jonah Wiskin

Memorial Plaques

If you would like to order a memorial plaque to be dedicated on Yom Kippur you must place your order by August 1, 2014.

Call Michelle in the office to place your order. Cost is $500 per plaque.


Dear B’nai Israel Congregants,

For many of us, one of the most important parts of the Services during the High Holy Days is the Yizkor

Service on Yom Kippur. It is at that time when we turn our thoughts to our Loved Ones who have left this

earth. We use this meaningful time to reflect upon their lives, as well as the lives of all those who were mem-

bers of our congregation, family and friends. In addition, we take the time to formally recognize the Martyrs

of our people, most especially the Six Million who were murdered during the Holocaust.

As part of this process, we print a more permanent Yizkor Book, which will contain the Yizkor Service, a

list of those on the synagogue’s Memorial Plaques, and a memorial to the Six Million. Not only is this book

substantial and permanent, but anyone who wishes will be able to take it home with him, for use during the


I would urge everyone to take advantage of this opportunity, as a way of remembering those dearest to us,

and at the same time, helping the congregation. An order form is printed below.

The response last year was wonderful! I hope that you will join us this year. I look forward to greeting

everyone during the High Holy Days.

If you wish to maintain your entry from last year, you need do nothing. The synagogue will bill you.

Shana Tova

A Blessed Year,

Hazzan Ivor Lichterman

The Yizkor Book

“In Remembrance”

The “IN REMEMBRANCE” section of the Yizkor book for 5774, includes a list of names submitted by our members and friends as personal memorials. A minimum contribution of $18.00 per memorial name, per donor. Please return the form below along with your check by Wednesday August 30, 2014.

Names should be printed the way you wish them to appear in the program.

In Memory of: Remembered by: 1._______________________________________ 1. _______________________________________

2._______________________________________ 2. _______________________________________ 3._______________________________________ 3, _______________________________________ 4._______________________________________ 4._______________________________________

Make checks payable to: Congregation B’nai Israel.

Discover, Master Card and Visa accepted.

Jun 2014 (Eastern Time)Congregation B'nai Israel, Holidays in Israel

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

8 9 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4

1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 2 0 2 1

2 2 2 3 2 4 2 5 2 6 2 7 2 8

2 9 3 0 1 2 3 4 5

1 0 a m - Senior Symposium (JFS)7 p m - CBI ANNUAL MTG

1 0 : 3 0 a m - Staf f Meet ing Rabbi Mil ler Here

Erev Shavuos

6 : 3 0 p m - Shavuot Progam

8 : 4 6 p m - Candle Lighting

Shavuot Office Closed

Shavuot (Pentecost)

Shavuot Ends 9:47 p.m.

1 0 : 4 5 a m - Yizkor

1 0 : 3 0 a m - Pick up Cake

6 p m - Services

7 : 4 5 p m - Candle Lighting

8 : 4 8 p m - Light Candles

Parsha Behaalotecha

9 : 3 0 a m - Services

1 p m - Mincha

9 : 4 9 p m - Shabbat Ends

1 2 p m - Cantor in Concert (Det ro i t )

1 0 : 3 0 a m - Staf f Meet ing 1 p m - SOAP 1 1 a m - JSS Anniversary Luncheon

6 p m - Services

7 : 4 5 p m - Candle Lighting

8 : 5 2 p m - Light Candles

Parsha Shelach Lecha

9 : 3 0 a m - Services

1 p m - Mincha

9 : 5 2 p m - Shabbat Ends

Father 's Day Camp Gan

1 0 : 3 0 a m - Staf f Meet ing

1 : 3 0 p m - BG Holocaust Program

1 p m - SOAP 7 : 3 0 p m - CBI Board Mee t ing

6 p m - Services

7 : 4 5 p m - Candle Lighting

8 : 5 4 p m - Light Candles

Parsha Korach

9 : 3 0 a m - Services

1 p m - Mincha

9 : 5 5 p m - Shabbat Ends

Camp Gan

1 0 : 3 0 a m - Staf f Meet ing 1 2 p m - Book Club

7 p m - Federation Annual M t g

1 p m - SOAP 6 p m - Services

7 : 4 5 p m - Candle Lighting

8 : 5 5 p m - Light Candles

Parsha Chukkat

9 a m - Interfaith Blood Drive @ Grace Lutheran Church9 : 3 0 a m - Services

1 p m - Mincha

9 : 5 5 p m - Shabbat Ends

Camp Gan

1 0 : 3 0 a m - Staf f Meet ing Independence Day

Office Closed

6 p m - Services

7 : 4 5 p m - Candle Lighting

8 : 5 5 p m - Light Candles

Auf Ruff Sacks Gallagher

Parsha Balak

9 : 3 0 a m - Services

1 p m - Mincha

9 : 5 4 p m - Shabbat Ends

Sun M o n T u e W e d Thu Fr i S a t

Jul 2014 (Eastern Time)Congregation B'nai Israel, Holidays in Israel

2 9 3 0 1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 1 0 1 1 1 2

1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9

2 0 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 4 2 5 2 6

2 7 2 8 2 9 3 0 3 1 1 2

Camp Gan

1 0 : 3 0 a m - Staf f Meet ing Independence Day

Office Closed

6 p m - Services

7 : 4 5 p m - Candle Lighting

8 : 5 5 p m - Light Candles

Auf Ruff Sacks Gallagher

Parsha Balak

9 : 3 0 a m - Services

1 p m - Mincha

9 : 5 4 p m - Shabbat Ends


Camp Gan

1 0 : 3 0 a m - Staf f Meet ing 6 p m - Services

7 : 4 5 p m - Candle Lighting

8 : 5 2 p m - Light Candles

Parsha Pinchas

9 : 3 0 a m - Services

1 p m - Mincha

9 : 5 2 p m - Shabbat Ends


1 0 : 3 0 a m - Staf f Meet ing 6 : 3 0 p m - ExecutiveCommit teeMeet ing7 : 3 0 p m - CBI Board Mee t ing

6 p m - Services

7 : 4 5 p m - Candle Lighting

8 : 4 8 p m - Light Candles

Parsha Mattot

9 : 3 0 a m - Services

1 p m - Mincha

9 : 4 8 p m - Shabbat Ends


1 0 : 3 0 a m - Staf f Meet ing 6 p m - Services

7 : 4 5 p m - Candle Lighting

8 : 4 3 p m - Light Candles

Parsha Masei

9 : 3 0 a m - Services

1 p m - Mincha

7 : 3 0 p m - `

9 : 4 2 p m - Shabbat Ends

CANTOR VACATION 1 0 : 3 0 a m - Staf f Meet ing 7 : 4 5 p m - Candle Lighting

Sun M o n T u e W e d Thu Fr i S a t

Ellen Williams
Typewritten Text
Ellen Williams
Typewritten Text
Ellen Williams
Typewritten Text
Ellen Williams
Typewritten Text


CONGREGATION B’NAI ISRAEL BULLETIN 6525 Sylvania Ave Sylvania OH 43560 Address Service Requested

Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage

PAID Sylvania, OH Permit No. 42


Ivor Lichterman Hazzan ilichterman@cbitoledo.org

Howard Rosenbaum Minyan Leader Kim Brody Religious School Principal

kbrody@cbitoledo.org Rachel Noleff/Brynna Post Co - Youth Directors


Michelle Carr Administrator mcarr@cbitoledo.org

Rhoda Miller Community Outreach Coordinator

rmiller@cbitoledo.org Lou Steingroot Bookkeeper

lsteingroot@cbitoledo.org Fagie Benstein & Cindy Murphy Sisterhood Reps David Zack Men’s Club President Sam Zack USY President

President Jeff Bauer Vice Presidents Alix Greenblatt, Ellen Federman, Michael Portnoy Secretary Stephen Goldberg Treasurer Chuck Traugott


Stuart Brody, David Friedes, Marc Glasser, Jan Katz, Jill Kripke, Michael Leizerman, Bruce Post, Sharon Rappaport, Howard Rosenberg, Jerry Russell, Debbie Spangenthal, Fran Weinblatt



June 1, 2014 Annual Meeting 7:00 p.m.

June 1, 2014 End of USY Clothing Drive

June 3, 2014 Shavuot Tikkun 6:30 p.m.

June 4, 2014 Shavuot Services 9:30 a.m.

June 5, 2014 Shavuot Services 9:30 a.m.

Yizkor 10:45 a.m.

June 8, 2014 Cantorial Concert with Cantor Lichterma

Congregation B'nai Moshe

6800 Drake Road

West Bloomfield, MI 48322

June 25, 2014 Final SOAP

June 28 & 29 Interfaith Blood Drive

July 4, 2014 Office Closed

July 15, 2014 Deadline for August Bulletin

No SOAP in July


No Sunday morning services until Sunday School resumes!

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