k12 education instruction in a one-to-one learning environment adam garry- pearson

Post on 20-Jan-2016






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K12 Education

Instruction in a One-to-One Learning Environment

Adam Garry- Pearson

K12 Education


Today is about you not me!Today is about you not me!

K12 Education

I am excited about teaching in a one-to-one learning environment?

25% 25%25%25%

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

1. I can’t wait for the first day of school.

2. I will wait and see how things go before I get excited.

3. I didn’t sign up for this type of learning environment.

4. Are you crazy?

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K12 Education

Do you agree?

50%50%1. Yes

2. No

1515I am very comfortable using technology.

0 of 300 of 30

K12 Education

I have used technology to enhance learning often.

50%50%1. True

2. False


K12 Education

When assigned to write a report what percentage of students, in grades 7-12, go online to research first?

67 57 47 37




1. 67

2. 57

3. 47

4. 37

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K12 Education

21st Century Students

• Assignment to write a report?•67% of students in grades 7-12 go

online to research their topic first

•10% go the library to find a book

•9% ask their teacher for help

•5% look in a textbook

K12 Education

What percentage of teens have created a blog or webpage, posted original artwork, photography, stories or videos online or remixed online content into their own new creations?

100 74 57 36








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K12 Education

Opening Activity

Picture the worst possible fear about a one-to-one classroom coming true, whether it is a technical problem, a student spilling water onto a laptop, students accessing inappropriate sites, and so on.

Next, write a short description in your Participant Workbooks (page 5) of what you think could happen. Be ready to share your worst-case scenarios.

K12 Education

Laptops and Classroom Management

Go to http://www.edublogs.org/agarry22

Read one of the articles

Post a response to the questions in the blog

K12 Education

Laptops Rules and Expectations

• Form teams of three or four. Each team will need a scribe, time keeper, and rubric checker. – The scribe will open a Word document and make a

list of the rules and expectations that the team brainstorms

– The time keeper will keep the team on track– The rubric checker will use the rubric on page 8 of the

PW to make sure the team is covering all the areas listed

• Be ready to share.

K12 Education

TraditionalTraditional -------- Incorporating ------ -------- Incorporating ------ New EnvironmentsNew Environments New StrategiesNew Strategies

Teacher-centered instruction Learner-centered environments

Single sense stimulation Multisensory stimulation

Single path progression Multipath progression

Single media Multimedia; Hypermedia

Isolated work Collaborative work

Information delivery Information exchange, publication, creation

Passive learning Active/exploratory/inquiry-based learning

Factual/literal thinking Critical thinking, informed decision-making

Reactive response Proactive/planned action

Isolated, artificial context Authentic, real world context

Establishing New Learning Environments


K12 Education

Do you know what a WebQuest is?

50%50%1. Yes

2. No


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K12 Education


Introduction to WebQuestsIntroduction to WebQuests

K12 Education

Definition of a WebQuest

A Web Quest is an inquiry based activity in which most or all of the information is obtained using the internet.

K12 Education

Critical Attributes

WebQuests are designed to effectively use the learner’s time. To achieve this goal of efficiency and clarity, the followingare components of a WebQuest…


The Process


ConclusionTeacher Page

K12 Education


The purpose of the Introduction section is:

To orient the learner as to what is going to be expected

Raise interest in the learner by making the topic seem...

relevant to the learner's past experience relevant to the learner's future goals attractive, visually interesting important because of its global implications urgent, because of the need for a timely solution fun, because the learner will be playing a role or making something

K12 Education

The Task

The purpose of the Task section is:

To create a description of what the learner will have done at the end of the exercise

Examples: HyperStudio or PowerPoint presentation Video presentation Build a structure Create a new society A verbal act, such as being able to explain a specific topic

K12 Education

The Process

The purpose of the Process section:

For the teacher to suggest the steps that learners should go through in completing the task Includes strategies for dividing the task into subtasks, descriptions of roles to be played or perspectives to be taken by each learner To provide learning advice and interpersonal process advice, such as how to conduct a brainstorming session

K12 Education


Rubrics are the primary evaluation used in a WebQuest

Evaluation rubrics take different forms depending on the kind of task given to the learner

K12 Education


The Resources section is a list of web pages which the instructor has located that will help the learner accomplish the task.

Resources are pre-selected so that learners can focus their attention on the topic rather than surfing aimlessly.

Resources can also be in the form of books, videos, and CD-ROMS.

K12 Education


The Conclusion section of a WebQuest provides an opportunity to:

summarize the experience encourage reflection about the process extend and generalize what was learned or some combination of the above

K12 Education

Teacher Page

The Teacher section focuses on:

Rationale for project National and State curriculum standards Evaluation techniques Extension activities

K12 Education

Non-critical Attributes

• Group and Collaborative Activities• Motivational Elements• Single discipline or Interdisciplinary

K12 Education

Why use a WebQuest?

Educators• Integrates technology

into an existing curriculum

• Utilize the learner’s time, focusing on using information rather than looking for it

• Support the learner’s thinking at the levels of analysis, synthesis and evaluation

Students• Access current

information• Share ideas and

collaborate with others• Form opinions and

support those opinions with research

• Increased use of technology in the classroom

K12 Education

Qualities of Effective WebQuests

• Challenges• Motivates• Flows Logically• Gauges the Learner’s Developmental Level• Requires Different Hats• Plays to the Internet’s Strengths• Evaluates Effectively• Seamless Navigation and Lack of Mechanical Problems

K12 Education

Webquest Examples

• Roller Coaster MadnessGrade 8 – Science and Math• Snapshot in TimeGrade 6-8 – Social Studies and Literacy

K12 Education

WebQuest Activity

Go tohttp://webquest.org

Find at least one WebQuest that you might be able to use in your curriculum.

K12 Education

Example Lesson

What Are the Qualities of a Successful What Are the Qualities of a Successful Leader?Leader?

K12 Education

Qualities of a Successful Leader

Go to website Go to website

Make a list of qualities that you think a Make a list of qualities that you think a successful leader needssuccessful leader needs

K12 Education

Qualities of a Successful Leader

Group discussion about qualities to Group discussion about qualities to create a listcreate a list

K12 Education

Qualities of a Successful Leader

Create a digital story that highlights the Create a digital story that highlights the qualities of a successful leader.qualities of a successful leader.

K12 Education

Web 2.0

Introduction to Web 2.0Introduction to Web 2.0

K12 Education

RSS stands for?

25% 25%25%25%1515

1. Real Standards Support

2. Remote Subject Standards

3. Real Simple Syndication

4. None of the above

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K12 Education

What is RSS?

What is an RSS feed and what part does it play in Web 2.0?

• RSS stands for "Really Simple Syndication," and the file tells an aggregator, how to find and get your certain information. An RSS feed also lets people subscribe to your information and automatically get updates of your new content.

K12 Education


K12 Education

The Changing Nature of Information






K12 Education

It’s About Bringing Information to You!

Teacher Flake

K12 Education

Web 2.0 Examples

• Blogs• Wikis• Saywire• Del.icio.us• Google Timeline• Google Notebook• Google Earth

K12 Education

What are people searching for on the internet?

Google LabsGoogle Labs

There are over 2.7 billion Google There are over 2.7 billion Google searches a monthsearches a month

K12 Education

Cell Phones to Podcast?

Gabcast phone Number- 1800-749-0632

Channel # -17835

Password- 2515

Push 2 to Publish- How can podcasts be used to enhance teaching and learning?

Blogger Address- http://integrationpd.blogspot.com/

K12 Education

Do you know who this is?


K12 Education

Have you heard of this?


K12 Education

GoToWeb2.0- http://www.go2web20.net/

Activity: Can I Find One Great Resource

Find one great resource and prepare to share with a neighbor or the whole group.

K12 Education


My Del.icio.us Page- http://del.icio.us/agarry/one-to-one My Blog- http://techinnc.wordpress.com Pageflakes- http://www.pageflakes.com/agarry22 Teachertube- http://www.teachertube.com/


K12 Education

Creating a Tech Rich Lesson

Using Page 9 create an instructional Using Page 9 create an instructional plan for the first week of instruction plan for the first week of instruction

with laptops.with laptops.

K12 Education

Helping Districts Support Great Teaching

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