ka-lo pa-ska = happy easter

Post on 19-Jan-2016






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Ka-LO PA-ska = Happy Easterhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=5VkPRU6C-JQ

Easter in Greece begins with a carnival called Apokreas with famous Goat dances.

During Apokreas, people dress up in costumes, buy plastic clubs that

squeak, and throw confetti.

There are church services everyday celebrating the last week in the life

of Jesus.

Apokreas includes a meat and cheese week.

Greeks fast on Clean Monday, which is a day for spending time with friends and family, going to the countryside and flying kites.

Most people eat a traditional bowl of margeritsa, a thick green soup made

from the intestines of the lamb that will be roasted the next day, breaking their

40 day fast at the end of Apokreas.

The market has thousands of lambs of all sizes

Hard-boiled eggs are dyed red, signifying the blood of Christ, and the Easter bread, called tsoureki, is baked.

Each person takes one egg and hits their end against someone else's until the last person who has an un-cracked egg is considered the lucky person for

the year.

A large picture of Jesus on the cross is hung for all to see.

On Friday, the nails holding the picture of Christ are knocked off and the picture is

taken down from the cross and wrapped in a white cloth.

A large piece of cloth, with the image of Christ, called the epitaphios is

decorated and brought into the church where it is sprinkled with rose-water and flower petals are thrown on it.

On Saturday, the door of Christ’s tomb are opened and the Holy Fire

is flown to Greece. The light is brought to churches all over the

rest of Greece.

The bells of the church begin to ring and all the flags in Greece are lowered to half-mast. Fireworks go

off at midnight.

-Easter Sunday is most people's favorite day of the year. A lamb is roasted and friends and families get together to eat, drink, talk and dance.

-Many go to the countryside where they make wreaths and walk. Wildflowers are in bloom and the hillsides are green from the winter rains.

Easter in Greece is one of the most beautiful and holiest times in Greece. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=SVAzB8Uj0KM

Ka-LO PA-ska=Happy Easter

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