kempoma t3200ewewew1111111111111111111

Post on 16-Aug-2015






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3.6AU7DMA7IC WIR FD 7D CUNAutomatlc wlre feed makes change of wlre reel more rapld. |n reel change the pressure of feed Make sure that groove of feed roll matches the dlameter of weldlng wlre used. Peed roll groove ls selected by movlng the groove selectlng washer. Also the selector plate for changlng the feed roll groove has to be moved slmllarly. (see tables on pages 6 and 7).Groove selectlng washernot splll from the reel to sldeslweldlng gun.Draw a blt of loose wlre from wlre reel. Peed wlre through back llner to feed rolls. Dont release pressure of feed rollslPress the gun swltch and feed a blt wlre untll wlre goes through feed rolls to gun. See that wlre ls ln grooves of both feed roll palrslPress stlll the gun swltch untll wlre has come through contact tlp.Automatlc feed may sometlmes fall wlth thln wlres (Pe, Ss: 0.6 ... 0.8 mm, Al, Pc: 0.8 ... l.0 mm). Then lt mlght be posslble that you must open feed rolls and feed wlre manually through feed rolls.Adjustment of pressureAd[ust the pressure of feed rolls wlth the control screw (20) so that the wlre ls fed lnto the wlre gulde tube evenly and allows a llttle braklng when comlng out from the contact tlp wlthout sllpplng at the feed rolls. couses unJue weot cl the leeJ tclls os well os lt|ct|cn.3.7AD1US7MN7 DF 7ICH7NSS DF WIR RL RAk8rake force ls ad[usted through hole ln locklng devlce of reel hub by screwlng the control screw wlth screwdrlver.Ad[ust brake force as so blg that the wlre cannot splll from the reel when the rotatlon of the reel stops. Need for brake force ls lncreased wlth lncrease of the wlre feed speed.Slnce the brake loads for lts part the motor, you shouldnt keep lt unnecessarlly tlght.Ad[ustment screwKempomat 2500, 3200, 4200 / Kemppl Oy / lll7

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