killing the giants ?!

Post on 18-Jul-2015






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Agape in Africa Ministries KILLING THE GIANTS ?! During the time of King Saul, there were several giants alive in the land, BUT nobody was killing any giants. So, the nations in Palestine were living in fear of these giants, including the Israelites. Even all the other nations in the area lived in fear of these giants. While Israel were still on their way to the promised land, they had to pass through the land of Bashan, and the name of the king was, Og (Num 21:33). Now Israel was filled with great fear, because this king Og was also from the giant family(13 feet / 4m). But God told Israel not to fear, because He would give their enemy into their hands. That’s why the Palestinians(people of Jericho,etc.) feared the Israelites, because they heard that the Israelites killed Og of Bashan, and they new that he was a giant. There were still about five giants living in the land, when one day, a young shepherd boy came onto the scene, and he killed a giant, during a time when the Philistines were intimidating Israel, through their giant warrior, Goliath. After this happened, it was as if there was a new anointing released in Israel. This was the anointing of the killing of giants. The amazing thing however, was that the people who killed the remaining four giants, were young men, and not old experienced warriors. Let’s look at these four giants, their names and what it meant, as well as the people who killed them, and what their names meant. In the following passage we also read that king David became very week and tired. 2 Samuel 21:15-22 In verse 16 we read: A giant by the name of “Ishbi-benob” means “Discouragement”. This “giant” is very active in the lives of modern day Christians, especially in the lives of leaders. Men and women of God who pour out their lives, but sometimes they do not see immediate results, or the provision of God does not come through, or they do not see the hand of God working with them, or for any other reason, become discouraged. Maybe they see that others are more successful and are more blessed, or others have more material goods and blessings, then they become discouraged. But a young man, “Abishai”, the son of Zeruiah, which means “faithfulness of God” killed this giant. This giant can only be killed by those who are faithful to God in their lives and calling, by not looking at the material blessings, or what they can get out of the ministry. The next giant’s name was “Saph”(verse 18), which means “to destroy” and he was killed by “Sibbecai”, which means “supernatural intervention of God”. In John 10:10, Jesus gave a description of the Devil and He said that the Devil came to steal, kill and destroy. This “giant” in the Church is still today trying to destroy the work of the Kingdom of God. The enemy will do anything to destroy you and me, our reputation, our credibility, our anointing, our calling, etc. We need to realize that this “giant” will only be killed by the “SUPERNATURAL INTERVENTION OF GOD ALMIGHTY”. We must pray

and trust The LORD JESUS CHRIST, for His supernatural intervention in our ministries and lives. Verse 19: “Lahmi” (the brother of Goliath), which means “to harass”, was killed by “Elhanan”, which means “mercy of God or shelter of grace”. The only protection that we have against this “giant” in the lives of the Christian, is to find protection under the grace of God. This “giant” will pester, stalk, worry, make a nuisance of itself, as much as possible in the lives of Christian leaders and ordinary believers. We need to realize that we need the grace (enabling power) of God, to deal with this giant. Verse 20: This giant does not have a name, but the Bible describes him as having SIX fingers on each hand and SIX toes on each foot, twenty four in number. This one I gave him a name, according to Rev 13, “humanism, pride, selfishness”. David’s brother’s son, “Jonathan”, which means, “God gave” killed this giant. Humanism is a spirit that is VERY active in society and in every area of our lives. Humanism exults itself above God and God’s Word, and it reveals itself in humans, by letting humans believe that everyone can be his or her own god, and decide for him or herself in life. In Rev 13 we read about the anti-Christ (666), as the final enemy who must be destroyed and killed. Jesus Christ, given by God, has already killed and destroyed this enemy. Dr Thinus van Dyk

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EQUIPPING THE SAINTS IN AFRICA FOR THE END-TIME HARVEST. Luke 10:2; And He was saying to them, "The harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few; therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers into His harvest." John 4:35b: "...Behold I say to you, lift up your eyes, and look on the fields, that they are white for harvest."

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