kit focus humans and technology

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KIT Focus Humans and Technology. Research Objectives and Tasks. Our Aim: Scientific-excellence approaches to the interactions between scientific-technical progress and humans and society. The KIT Humans and Technology Focus was established on July 15, 2009. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


KIT – University of the State of Baden-Wuerttemberg andNational Research Center of the Helmholtz Association

A Presentation of the KIT Humans and Technology Focus on the Occasion of the “Climate and Environment Center“ Conference, March 2011 – Dr. Oliver Parodi

KIT Focus Humans and TechnologyResearch Objectives and Tasks

2 February 2011

FocusHumans and TechnologyHumans and Technology

Dr. Oliver Parodi

The KIT Humans and Technology Focus was established on July 15, 2009.

Our Aim: Scientific-excellence approaches to the interactions between scientific-technical progress and humans and society.

3 February 2011

FocusHumans and TechnologyHumans and Technology

Dr. Oliver Parodi

Three Research Strategy Levels

The KIT Humans and Technology Focus pools existing competences mainly from the disciplines of social sciences, humanities, cultural studies, law, and economics to find answers and solutions to technology-related issues.

The KIT Humans and Technology Focus combines continuously developing disciplinary competences into relevant interdisciplinary cooperations.

The KIT Humans and Technology Focus cooperates with the scientific-technical Focuses and Centers in solving relevant issues and responds to suggestions made by them.

4 February 2011

FocusHumans and TechnologyHumans and Technology

Dr. Oliver Parodi

Topics and Approach

5 February 2011

FocusHumans and TechnologyHumans and Technology

Dr. Oliver Parodi

Subject Initiator Topic

Changes in global value-added chains and their impact on professional profiles

Prof. Martin Fischer

T1: Work

Interaction between humans and sports equipmentProf. Hermann Schwameder

T2: Health

1. Techno-utopia2. Techno-nostalgia3. Multimediality for transdisciplinary technological discourses

Prof. Andreas Böhn

T3: Culture

Technological development and reception under conditions of sociocultural diversity

Prof. Caroline Robertson-von Trotha

T3: Culture

Sustainable diffusion strategies for electrochemical energy storage systems

Prof. Michael Decker

Q1: Sustainable development

Software as an institution Dr. Carsten OrwatQ2: Innovation processes

CCS technology: Technology conflicts and acceptance issues

Prof. Armin Grunwald

Q2: Innovation processes

Examples of Focal Projects (Startup 2009-2010)

6 February 2011

FocusHumans and TechnologyHumans and Technology

Dr. Oliver Parodi

Competence Area “Technology, Culture, and Society“

Department of Economics and Business Engineering

Department of Humanities and Social Sciences

Department of Architecture

Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis (Campus North)

Non-project participants from other fields of competence and departments

General (non-project) participation:

app. 35 institutes

app. 480 scientists

(The number of project-related participants cannot be quantified.)


7 February 2011

FocusHumans and TechnologyHumans and Technology

Dr. Oliver Parodi

Helmholtz Program “Technology, Innovation, and Society“

Research Training Group „Information Management und Market Engineering“

BMBF-financed Ph.D. network „TRANSDISS“

New field group „Autonomous Technical Systems – Challenges to Humans and Society“

Two shared research groups

Political consulting to the German Bundestag and the European Parliament

Large-scale BMBF und BMWi projects, EU projects

DFG projects

Office of the German Government‘s Commission of Experts for Research and Innovation

Our Input and Contribution (Examples)

8 February 2011

FocusHumans and TechnologyHumans and Technology

Dr. Oliver Parodi

Chief Focus Officer

Dr. Peter Fritz

Scientific Spokesperson

Prof. Dr. Armin Grunwald

Steering Committee

Topic Spokesperson,

Deputy Topic Spokesperson, and others

Focus Office

Dr. Oliver Parodi


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