kmaus10 day two july 2010

Post on 18-Oct-2014






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#KMAUS10 – Day Two – July 22 2010

KerrieAnne8:07pm via HootSuite

@p0lygl0tt #kmaus10 - we use Confluence for Wikis & for KM collaboration for our key R&D global R&D projects -gr8 review meeting last Monday

KerrieAnne8:05pm via HootSuite

my latest SlideShare upload : #KMAUS10 Day One July 2010 Tweets on Slideshare : - thks to those tweeting !

miladyred7:39pm via Seesmic Web

Much appreciated RT @lukegrange: @corza to you too for running the great interactive sessions with @Michellelamb #KMaus10

lukegrange7:22pm via Twitterrific

@corza to you too for running the great interactive sessions with @Michellelamb #KMaus10

gaurisalokhe7:21pm via TweetDeck

So tru RT @lukegrange Trust yr employees w/ Social media. Have a policy 2 guide them but the community wil inevitably police itself #kmaus10

gaurisalokhe7:20pm via TweetDeck

RT @davidjeade: RT @kdelarue: My new catch-phrase - "Share relentlessly!" This justifies my entire existence. #kmaus10

BlueDoors7:08pm via TweetDeck

@Stonebridgesys really? Which presentations were good at#kmaus10? Oh and sharepoint is not KM

corza7:07pm via TweetDeck

Congrats to all at #kmaus10. Well done and good luck!

NeridaHart6:39pm via HootSuite

RT @michellelamb: RT @BigDavieB: Numbers do not have meaning w/o stories & anecdotes to go with them #KMAus10

davidjeade6:02pm via Twitter for iPhone

RT @p0lygl0tt: #kmaus10 connections and people matter more than fiercely maintained content libraries

hwakelam5:58pm via TweetDeck

@Metaphorage ritualised dissent - love it - want to know more!#kmaus10

Stonebridgesys5:56pm via TweetDeck

Congratulations to the lucky winner of an iPod touch from StoneBridge systems at #kmaus10

Stonebridgesys5:55pm via TweetDeck

That's #kmaus10 for another year. Numbers were down but some quality presentations.

davidjeade5:52pm via dabr

RT @kdelarue: My new catch-phrase - "Share relentlessly!" This justifies my entire existence. #kmaus10

davidjeade5:51pm via TweetDeck

RT @lukegrange: Trust your employees with Social media. Have a policy to guide them but the community will inevitably police itself #kmaus10

davidjeade5:43pm via web

Well done Shaun! RT @miladyred Great presentation from Shaun Kindleysides, really well done. #kmaus10

roanyong5:39pm via TweetDeck

RT @davidjeade: RT @miladyred: Fail early and fail often as long as there is continuous learning #kmaus10

kdelarue5:35pm via dabr

... And thanks to the Twitter audience for listening, responding and retweeting #kmaus10!

helmitch5:34pm via Mobile Web

Thanks @michellelamb and @corza for getting us thinking and interacting together. #kmaus10

kdelarue5:33pm via dabr

Now wrapping up at #kmaus10. I really think that this was the best kmaus I've been to (and I've been to a few!) Thanks Ark - fyi @meretajma

awmitchell5:31pm via web

Thanks again to all the tweeps sharing the KM love from#kmaus10. I really appreciate your efforts.

metaphorage5:30pm via Twitter for iPhone

So that's about all folks for #KMaus10 Hope you have enjoyed the many tweets and dialogue as much as we enjoyed participating.

metaphorage5:28pm via Twitter for iPhone

#KMaus10 winding up with many people still heavy engaged in dialogue, despite being 5.30, compliments to Cory and Michelle.

metaphorage5:26pm via Twitter for iPhone

Michelle Lamb & Cory Banks #KMaus10 facilitating rich discussion around benefits of "Yes and" over "Yes but" feedback

davidjeade5:26pm via TweetDeck

RT @miladyred: Fail early and fail often as long as there is continuous learning #kmaus10

melinachan5:17pm via dabr

RT @kdelarue: Participatory culture; fail fast, fail cheap & learn; Development process: People > Objectives > Strategy > Technology. #kmaus10

DavidGurteen4:58pm via TweetDeck

KM Australia tweets - #kmaus10 #KM

roanyong4:54pm via web

I agree with you. @kdelarue, Participatory culture; fail fast, fail cheap & learn. @snowded talk abt this in Singapore last week.#kmaus10

boffin664:46pm via web

thanks all #kmaus10 for keeping us up to date with what sounded like a fab conference

roanyong4:46pm via dabr

RT @kdelarue: Participatory culture; fail fast, fail cheap & learn; Development process: People > Objectives > Strategy > Technology. #kmaus10

roanyong4:43pm via HootSuite

RT @michellelamb: RT @BigDavieB: Numbers do not have meaning w/o stories & anecdotes to go with them #KMAus10

DeltaKnowledge4:25pm via TweetDeck

Gleeson & Mitchell #KMaus10 Never lose sight of your objectives.

meretajma4:24pm via Echofon

Forensic accountants early adopters of communities of interest within CPA-nice analogy of a house for the project by @helmitch#KMAus10

DeltaKnowledge4:23pm via TweetDeck

Mitchell #KMaus10 Once the spaces & ideas were explored, solutions evolved to new forms. This was driven by shutting down old systems

kdelarue4:22pm via dabr

Now building new integrated social platform on Telligent#kmaus10

michellelamb4:22pm via HootSuite

RT @kdelarue: (55% of CPA Aus members are under 40 years old.) #kmaus10

michellelamb4:22pm via HootSuite

#kmaus10 #CPA they have allowed evolution to enable the members connecting and collaboration

michellelamb4:21pm via HootSuite

#kmaus10 #CPA its not about single tools, its about how do you give the community what they need where they are - its not going 2 happen f2f

meretajma4:21pm via Echofon

Transitioning- what is the best way to inspire real change?#KMAus10

DeltaKnowledge4:21pm via TweetDeck

Gleeson & Mitchell #KMaus10 New Taligent solution almost ready which will converge many media tools into a central site for CPA members.

DeltaKnowledge4:19pm via TweetDeck

Gleeson #kmaus10 While the technologies can be cheap, it is people-intensive. 9pm calls, early morning forum moderation, etc.

michellelamb4:18pm via HootSuite

RT @BigDavieB: Numbers do not have meaning w/o stories & anecdotes to go with them #KMAus10

p0lygl0tt4:18pm via Twitter for iPhone

#kmaus10 Moving away just from 'pilots' to actually embedding things in corporate culture

kdelarue4:18pm via dabr

Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn & YouTube main CPA member tools; also using Second Life for events. #kmaus10 (Contact @helmitch& team for info)

DeltaKnowledge4:18pm via TweetDeck

Gleeson & Mitchell #KMaus10 The team is capturing little stories and Vox Pops which help justify the investment.

metaphorage4:17pm via Twitter for iPhone

Gleeson & Mitchell #KMaus10 It is easy to coect numbers but what does it mean? How to interpret the impact is difficult.

fi_seal4:17pm via Twitter for iPhone

RT @metaphorage: Gleeson & Mitchell #KMaus10 The Good Practice Guide transformed into a wiki to encourage collaborative development & focus on achievements

DeltaKnowledge4:16pm via Twitterrific

RT @BigDavieB: Listening to members... Listening to customers... Talking to end-users... Crazy stuff going on here at#KMAus10

meretajma4:16pm via Echofon

Extending reach to where people are (Twitter, facebook) to engage with members and bring them back to conversations at CPA #KMAus10

kdelarue4:14pm via dabr

CPA started out trying lots of things in yr 1, filtered out what worked over yr 2, then developed a focussed startegy in yr 3.#kmaus10

metaphorage4:14pm via Twitter for iPhone

Gleeson & Mitchell #KMaus10 After trials, stopped some pilots, started some others based on the value being delivered/perceived

boffin664:13pm via Twitterrific

RT @BigDavieB: Listening to members... Listening to customers... Talking to end-users... Crazy stuff going on here at#KMAus10

DeltaKnowledge4:13pm via TweetDeck

Gleeson & Mitchell #KMaus10 Turned the wiki off and integrated into new tools (Bravo! Showing it's really about what works, not the tools)

michellelamb4:13pm via HootSuite

#kmaus10 #CPA people are time poor, how can we do it differently in and across orgs so that people can connect & share stuff?

metaphorage4:12pm via Twitter for iPhone

Gleeson & Mitchell #KMaus10 Three platforms for future strategy. Member communities, platform education, Connect and exchange

BigDavieB4:12pm via Twitterrific

CPA Australia: Social media are about conversations. They are not just more media for broadcasting. Take note @JuliaGillard#KMAus10

DeltaKnowledge4:12pm via TweetDeck

Gleeson & Mitchell #KMaus10 "How do I know thats a real member when online?" CPA Aust

kdelarue4:12pm via dabr

Participatory culture; fail fast, fail cheap & learn; Development process: People > Objectives > Strategy > Technology. #kmaus10

meretajma4:11pm via Twitterrific

RT @BigDavieB: CPA Congress in virtual environment inspired by gaming. Why isn't this more commonplace? #KMAus10

metaphorage4:10pm via Twitter for iPhone

Gleeson & Mitchell #KMaus10 Engaging people in a two way conversation generates value.

BigDavieB4:09pm via Twitterrific

CPA Congress in virtual environment inspired by gaming. Why isn't this more commonplace? #KMAus10

metaphorage4:08pm via Twitter for iPhone

Gleeson & Mitchell #KMaus10 ROE: Return on Expectation. One size does not fit all - it is about building relationships with members.

DeltaKnowledge4:08pm via TweetDeck

Gleeson & Mitchell #KMaus10 "If you build it they will come" doesn't work. But do it cheap and learn from what works and what doesn't

michellelamb4:08pm via HootSuite

#kmaus10 #CPA ROE return on expectations more approapriate measure for this space than ROI

kdelarue4:07pm via dabr

RT @BigDavieB: Listening to members... Listening to customers... Talking to end-users... Crazy stuff going on here at#KMAus10 << Good one!

DeltaKnowledge4:07pm via TweetDeck

Gleeson & Mitchell #KMaus10 Starting Place: ROI is hard to measure, but ROE (Return On Expectation) is easier.

DeltaKnowledge4:07pm via TweetDeck

Gleeson & Mitchell #KMaus10 Starting Place: Helen's team had met a need they hadn't even anticipated. People who could come to CPA Congress

DeltaKnowledge4:06pm via TweetDeck

Gleeson & Mitchell #KMaus10 Starting Place: Lots of networking and interaction in the virtual world. Members from around the world.

meretajma4:06pm via Echofon

Using gaming for learning really exciting for CPA #fb #KMAus10

metaphorage4:06pm via Twitter for iPhone

Gleeson & Mitchell #KMaus10 Blogs worked well, communities were good. Worried about Second Life, but interest level was there

DeltaKnowledge4:05pm via TweetDeck

Gleeson & Mitchell #KMaus10 CPA Conference: Forums & blogs basically failed. But Second Life (a bit of fun) got 100 people signup & 50 came

meretajma4:05pm via Echofon

Second life at CPA- make it fun and interactive #KMAus10

meretajma4:04pm via Echofon

CPA congress has over 10 000 attendees all face to face #wow#KMAus10

kdelarue4:03pm via dabr

Yet another pres demonstrating proven business application of complexity approaches, particularly safe-to-fail! #kmaus10 FYI @snowded

DeltaKnowledge4:03pm via TweetDeck

Gleeson & Mitchell #KMaus10 Starting Place: CPA Congress was face-to-face only >> Extend online to connect the conference community

BigDavieB4:02pm via Twitterrific

Listening to members... Listening to customers... Talking to end-users... Crazy stuff going on here at #KMAus10

metaphorage4:02pm via Twitter for iPhone

Gleeson & Mitchell #KMaus10 The Good Practice Guide transformed into a wiki to encourage collaborative development & focus on achievements

DeltaKnowledge4:02pm via TweetDeck

Gleeson & Mitchell #KMaus10 Starting Place: Special Wiki Space for early adopters and champions (lots of "Yes, AND" conversations)

miladyred4:01pm via Echofon

RT @meretajma: Failure is good if you do it in a low cost, low risk way #KMAus10

miladyred4:01pm via Twitter for iPhone

RT @metaphorage: Gleeson & Mitchell #KMaus10 It is only as good as the people who use it.

DeltaKnowledge4:01pm via TweetDeck

Gleeson & Mitchell #KMaus10 Starting Place: Good Practice Guide turned in to a Wiki

michellelamb4:01pm via HootSuite

#kmaus10 #CPA transferred member generated content into a wiki environment

BigDavieB4:00pm via Twitterrific

Words of CPA members echo those of other orgs in different domains. This is great, relevant & not industry specific #KMAus10

metaphorage4:00pm via Twitter for iPhone

Gleeson & Mitchell #KMaus10 It is only as good as the people who use it.

DeltaKnowledge3:59pm via TweetDeck

@helmitch Listening to members again at #kmaus10 Anyone would think its important!

metaphorage3:59pm via Twitter for iPhone

Gleeson & Mitchell #KMaus10 Connect the people who want to do it with the senior stakeholders who want to support good things to happen

meretajma3:58pm via Echofon

Failure is good if you do it in a low cost, low risk way #KMAus10

michellelamb3:58pm via HootSuite

#kmaus10 #CPA fail fast fail cheap and learn, iterative is good - a thread that has been bought up thru the best presos over the last 2 days

kdelarue3:57pm via dabr

RT @DeltaKnowledge: CPA Aust #kmaus10 Seriously guys, what wouldn't 90% of the people in this room give for a Proj sponsor like Tony??

metaphorage3:57pm via Twitter for iPhone

Gleeson & Mitchell #KMaus10 Start by understanding the members, then make these happen using iterative thinking and quick wins

michellelamb3:57pm via HootSuite

#kmaus10 #CPA it is a good story about connecting with geographically dispersed people

meretajma3:56pm via Echofon

CPA taking an exciting and excited approach to knowledge sharing #KMAus10

michellelamb3:56pm via HootSuite

#kmaus10 #CPA they began their journey by understanding the needs of the members - what do they want to connect and share about

metaphorage3:56pm via Twitter for iPhone

Gleeson & Mitchell #KMaus10 Moved from just try stuff to analysing to more structured approach: People, Objectives, Strategy, Technology

zaana3:56pm via web

if any1's curious to find out a little more of what i do...follow along#kmaus10 my boss @helmitch is currently presenting our story :)

DeltaKnowledge3:56pm via TweetDeck

CPA Aust #kmaus10 POST framework 1) People, 2) Objectives, 3) Strategy & 4) Technology last << Don't get the order wrong!

michellelamb3:55pm via HootSuite

#kmaus10 #CPA its not about the technology, using the four step approach called POST to ensure its about the people first

meretajma3:55pm via TweetDeck

RT @DeltaKnowledge: CPA Aust #kmaus10 Seriously guys, what wouldn't 90% of the people in this room give for a Proj sponsor like Tony??

kdelarue3:55pm via dabr

Quote from OECD, 2006: ... moving globally from a vertical command & control to a horizontal conection & collaboration model. #kmaus10

DeltaKnowledge3:55pm via TweetDeck

CPA Aust #kmaus10 Focus on a 3yr iterative development to find what works and where the balance and value lies.

DeltaKnowledge3:53pm via TweetDeck

CPA Aust #kmaus10 Seriously guys, what wouldn't 90% of the people in this room give for a Proj sponsor like Tony??

metaphorage3:53pm via Twitter for iPhone

Gleeson & Mitchell #KMaus10 Enabling a knowledge network through connecting people (in novel ways). Starting with Second Life...

DeltaKnowledge3:52pm via TweetDeck

CPA Aust #kmaus10 Focused on innovated exchange of knowledge >> Enabling a Knowledge Network. It's all about connecting members

michellelamb3:51pm via HootSuite

RT @DeltaKnowledge: Christine Burton -awesome at #kmaus10love her easy going style as she presents such powerful programs & results. Bravo.

metaphorage3:50pm via Twitter for iPhone

Tony Gleeson & Helen Mitchell CPA AUS #KMaus10 Connecting people with knowledge. Social media for learning, communities & collaboration

BigDavieB3:50pm via Twitterrific

CPA Australia: if it wasn't face to face, it didn't happen #KMAus10

DeltaKnowledge3:47pm via TweetDeck

Christine Burton was awesome at #kmaus10 I love her easy going style as she presents such powerful programs & results. Bravo.

michellelamb3:47pm via HootSuite

#kmaus10 Helen Mitchell from CPA Aus another great member of the KMRt in victoria, they are going great stuff looking forwrd to preso

KMeducation3:40pm via web

Follow KMaustralia day 2 #KMaus10

miladyred3:22pm via TweetDeck

RT @DeltaKnowledge: Christine Burton #kmaus10 Testing is not just about refining the design but getting stakeholder and mgt buy-in (not 2 mention developers)

boffin663:21pm via TweetDeck

RT @DeltaKnowledge: Christine Burton #kmaus10 Testing is not just about refining the design but getting stakeholder and mgt buy-in (not 2 mention developers)

miladyred3:10pm via Seesmic for iPhone

#kmaus10 great couple of days, shame I have to dash. See some of you at workshop d tomorrow. Thanks to the team from ark

DeltaKnowledge3:07pm via TweetDeck

Christine Burton #kmaus10 mentioned Gerry McGovern about design priciples and philosophy

michellelamb3:06pm via HootSuite

RT @DeltaKnowledge: Christine Burton #kmaus10 recommend again & again & again: Build an interface, put it in a lab and let people play...

michellelamb3:05pm via HootSuite

great process RT @miladyred: Amazing collaborative approach which seems to be paying off all over the place #kmaus10

michellelamb3:04pm via HootSuite

RT @DeltaKnowledge: RT @miladyred: Fail early and fail often as long as there is continuous learning #kmaus10

DeltaKnowledge3:03pm via TweetDeck

Christine Burton #kmaus10 Provide a compelling experience (walk through) on a current topic and your testers will grow by word-of-mouth.

DeltaKnowledge2:57pm via Seesmic Web

RT @miladyred: Fail early and fail often as long as there is continuous learning #kmaus10

p0lygl0tt2:57pm via Twitter for iPhone

#kmaus10 Christine Burton of NAB now gets emails saying "can I come and have a look at your office wall?"

DeltaKnowledge2:56pm via TweetDeck

Christine Burton #kmaus10 "Fail early and fail safe" Man! How much $$$$ in design stuffups has Christine saved!

miladyred2:56pm via Seesmic Web

Fail early and fail often as long as there is continuous learning#kmaus10

miladyred2:55pm via Seesmic Web

Amazing collaborative approach which seems to be paying off all over the place #kmaus10

DeltaKnowledge2:55pm via TweetDeck

Christine Burton #kmaus10 sketches up on the wall. People walk through process and feedback is put on stickynotes next to each screenshot

DeltaKnowledge2:54pm via TweetDeck

Christine Burton #kmaus10 Testing is not just about refining the design but getting stakeholder and mgt buy-in (not 2 mention developers)

kdelarue2:54pm via Tweet Reel

RT @lukegrange: @stangarfield at #kmaus10 with his bakers dozen of what you can do right now to improve your organisation.

DeltaKnowledge2:53pm via TweetDeck

Christine Burton #kmaus10 I read about these processes & use as best I can, but how lovely to be Christine and doing it properly? Wow.

metaphorage2:52pm via Twitter for iPhone

Christine Burton NAB #KMaus10 Get your helpdesk people involved in the story because they get the feedback from the customer.

DeltaKnowledge2:52pm via TweetDeck

Christine Burton #kmaus10 Can only recommend again & again & again: Build an interface, put it in a lab and let people play with it!

miladyred2:52pm via Seesmic Web

Couldn't agree more - Help desk or contact centre staff best people to test a client app if you can't ask the client #kmaus10

meretajma2:49pm via Echofon

Apologies all for the technical difficulties/delays. Hopefully all will be fixed in the break. #KMAus10

metaphorage2:47pm via Twitter for iPhone

Christine Burton NAB #KMaus10 the storyboard provides the sequence of stories and enables visualization and immersion of customer experience

miladyred2:47pm via Seesmic Web

Am having a moment of complete budget envy #kmaus10

miladyred2:47pm via Seesmic Web

Is a great reminder that engaging with your customer/audience creates a sense of ownership as well as a positive response#kmaus10

DeltaKnowledge2:46pm via TweetDeck

Christine Burton #kmaus10 Using Balsamiq for quick and easy creation of design drafts. Lets you focus on the process

metaphorage2:45pm via Twitter for iPhone

Christine Burton NAB #KMaus10 Using "Living Lab" to simulate customer experience to analyse design. Use stories to project expectations.

miladyred2:42pm via Seesmic Web

Christine stunned by the depth of the positive effect generated by the physical space #kmaus10

metaphorage2:42pm via Twitter for iPhone

Christine Burton NAB #KMaus10 Understand how the characters and build their story into a framework to understand their perspective.

miladyred2:42pm via Seesmic Web

Using physical immersion in a collaborative space as a way of generating ideas and energy #kmaus10

DeltaKnowledge2:41pm via TweetDeck

Argh! Comis Sans. I warned @metaphorage he could infect others!! :-) #kmaus10

DeltaKnowledge2:40pm via TweetDeck

Christine Burton #kmaus10 Customer Journey Framework scenarios: Need > Learn > Choose > Buy > Setup > Use > Close

metaphorage2:38pm via Twitter for iPhone

Christine Burton NAB #KMaus10 Know your user - understand and develop personas. Design persona different to Marketing. Put into narrative.

DeltaKnowledge2:38pm via TweetDeck

Christine Burton #kmaus10 Motivations of individuals is FAR more important than demographics when designing interfaces.

miladyred2:38pm via Seesmic Web

Wondering if yammer type experience related to the fact that this is essentially a service based industry? Hmm food for thought#kmaus10

DeltaKnowledge2:37pm via TweetDeck

Christine Burton #kmaus10 NAB using rapid prototyping model for user(or customer)/centric design.

metaphorage2:36pm via Twitter for iPhone

Christine Burton NAB #KMaus10 now have 2000 active Yamma users, looking to leverage this new behaviour to bring new ideas

DeltaKnowledge2:36pm via TweetDeck

Christine Burton #kmaus10 Wow, 2,000+ users on Yammer with no encouragement.

DeltaKnowledge2:35pm via TweetDeck

Christine Burton #kmaus10 Brings a different view seeing Christine's focus on people. Wonder where the service disconnect is??

metaphorage2:33pm via Twitter for iPhone

Christine Burton #KMaus10 Key innovation program on acceleration of efficiency and quality

miladyred2:33pm via Seesmic Web

Like the focus on people, culture and reputation, am interested to see the practical outputs from the philosophy #kmaus10

DeltaKnowledge2:32pm via TweetDeck

Christine Burton #kmaus10 So many brands under NAB. Ref to Barbra the Banker and the low opinion Aussies have of bank service in general atm

metaphorage2:31pm via Twitter for iPhone

Christine Burton NAB #KMaus10 Embracing customer knowledge in the design process.

kdelarue2:31pm via dabr

@gthere Didn't get the detail on that. A range of cameras, and interactive whiteboards, mostly. #kmaus10

DeltaKnowledge2:30pm via TweetDeck

Christine Burton from Nab on embracing Customer Knowledge#kmaus10 (In a different role now)

gthere2:26pm via Seesmic Web

RT @miladyred: Such an important part about recognising contribution - people can become dispirited very quickly shouting into a void #kmaus10

kdelarue2:24pm via dabr

Renault's "EuroMed Jam" - a great example of getting staff directly engaged in innovation, problem-solving and change! #kmaus10

markjburnard2:22pm via TweetDeck

Online brainstorming - participants must be directed to comment on other ideas, not just post their own. #kmaus10

DeltaKnowledge2:21pm via TweetDeck

Top 5 Tweeters #kmaus10 @DeltaKnowledge @miladyred@meretajma @helmitch @michellelamb

lukegrange2:20pm via TweetDeck

RT @DeltaKnowledge: Jean-Marc David #KMaus10Public/transparent tracking of ideas through to final innovation to encourage through kudos. 50M Euros saved!!!

kdelarue2:20pm via dabr

@BigDavieB Look up "Cynefin" on Wikipedia, and see Dave Snowden's work at #kmaus10

markjburnard2:19pm via TweetDeck

Caucescau dictatorship - an ad that would have been a disaster in Romania was pulled. #kmaus10

DeltaKnowledge2:18pm via TweetDeck

Jean-Marc David #KMaus10 Now looking at having Jams with 3rd party suppliers and partners.

corza2:18pm via TweetDeck

@michellelamb What on earth was that? I'm surprised your head didn't explode! #kmaus10

DeltaKnowledge2:17pm via TweetDeck

Jean-Marc David #KMaus10 Good lessons learnt from Euromed Jam (brainstorming & Innovation event). Accept Criticisms during the event.

BigDavieB2:15pm via Twitterrific

There are people who like them without being patriotic? RT @jessicacarlin French cars... My husband would be jealous ;-D#kmaus10

miladyred2:14pm via Seesmic Web

Such an important part about recognising contribution - people can become dispirited very quickly shouting into a void #kmaus10

DeltaKnowledge2:13pm via TweetDeck

RT @slmader: Live a Life Worth Copying @stangarfields comments at #kmaus10)

metaphorage2:09pm via Twitter for iPhone

Jean-Marc David #KMaus10 Focus on Participative Innovation. Emoyee ideas online. Visualizing status of idea and where in the process

p0lygl0tt2:09pm via Twitter for iPhone

#kmaus10 Thinks Renault's Employee Ideas Online is a fantastic idea which very much resonates with Continuous Improvement and ISO!

DeltaKnowledge2:09pm via TweetDeck

Jean-Marc David #KMaus10 Public/transparent tracking of ideas through to final innovation to encourage through kudos. 50M Euros saved!!!

michellelamb2:09pm via HootSuite

#kmaus10 employees ideas on line - making employees ideas transparent where they are at in the process

gthere2:08pm via TweetDeck

RT @DeltaKnowledge: @p0lygl0tt We did #kmaus10

BigDavieB2:08pm via Twitterrific

RT @miladyred @BigDavieB could be paraphrased "don't care about the tool if it meets my purpose" #kmaus10

SAF_SUTTON2:08pm via twitterfeed

WITH RT @DeltaKnowledge2010Jean-Marc David #KMaus1090% have shown value fro musing video, including flexible cameras to show car part...

miladyred2:08pm via Seesmic Web

Finding out what works in personal use of social networks and applying those benefits in a business context #kmaus10

michellelamb2:07pm via HootSuite

#kmaus10 participative innovation, some interesting ideas tried about employee ideas but low reuse of ideas

DeltaKnowledge2:07pm via TweetDeck

@p0lygl0tt We did #kmaus10

DeltaKnowledge2:06pm via TweetDeck

Jean-Marc David #KMaus10 Reault know people are using Facebook, etc to social n/w so they are looking to bring it inside the firewall

p0lygl0tt2:04pm via Twitter for iPhone

#kmaus10 Who ended up choosing Confluence over, let's say, SharePoint?

BigDavieB2:03pm via Twitterrific

Video conferencing facilitates collaboration by allowing drawings & visual aids to overcome language barriers #KMAus10

metaphorage2:03pm via Twitter for iPhone

Jean-Marc David #KMaus10 Experiments with team spaces& eRoom. Was adopted faster than experimented- proliferation becoming an issue

miladyred2:03pm via Seesmic Web

True RT @kdelarue: This session is a good reminder that comms tools (vid conf) are also K sharing/collaborative tools, not just IT. #kmaus10

meretajma2:02pm via web

@DeltaKnowledge a musing video could be a useful tool too- lets you know what people are thinking :P #KMAus10

kdelarue2:01pm via dabr

This session is a good reminder that comms tools (vid conf) are also K sharing/collaborative tools, not just IT. #kmaus10

DeltaKnowledge2:01pm via TweetDeck

Jean-Marc David #KMaus10 Video is critical for understanding if the person understood me or not - especially in different languages

meretajma2:01pm via web

Any speakers that haven't had their twitter handles referenced in#KMAus10 stream let me know- people want to praise you!!

DeltaKnowledge2:00pm via TweetDeck

Jean-Marc David #KMaus10 90% have shown value fro musing video, including flexible cameras to show car parts, details being discussed, etc.

jessicacarlin2:00pm via Mobile Web

Chat is good full stop #kmaus10

metaphorage1:59pm via Twitter for iPhone

Jean-Marc David #KMaus10 Experimenting with variour video tos as an alternative to face to face meetings. For 90% of users adds value.

helmitch1:59pm via Mobile Web

#kmaus10 using video for team meetings. Internationally-based. Useful for showing how technical things work.

meretajma1:59pm via web

Renault: courses on working with other nationalities in countries where they have offices- e.g of breaking down cultural barriers#KMAus10

p0lygl0tt1:59pm via Seesmic Web

RT @miladyred: @BigDavieB could be paraphrased "don't care about the tool if it meets my purpose" #kmaus10

kdelarue1:58pm via dabr

@DeltaKnowledge ... wouldn't want to be framed, either... :-)#kmaus10

helmitch1:58pm via Mobile Web

#kmaus10 Renault measure the participation ratio of those people who they want to use the tools for collaboration.

miladyred1:57pm via Seesmic Web

@BigDavieB could be paraphrased "don't care about the tool if it meets my purpose" #kmaus10

metaphorage1:57pm via Twitter for iPhone

Jean-Marc David #KMaus10 Chat can be an effective professional tool. Brings reactivity and awareness.

BigDavieB1:56pm via Twitterrific

Jean-Marc David from Renault: "I don't care about Microsoft; I care about the integration". #KMAus10

DeltaKnowledge1:56pm via TweetDeck

Jean-Marc David #KMaus10 Unified Comms is key to allowing people to move from one Media to another. Communicate for best effect. #MS

explodedlibrary1:56pm via Twitter for iPhone

RT @metaphorage: Jean-Marc David #KMaus10 justified systems based on reduced travel costs, but ultimately did not. But when reduced travel costs, tool use up

miladyred1:55pm via TweetDeck

RT @DeltaKnowledge: Jean-Marc David #KMaus10 Timing so important. Proj Value = drop in travel costs. Same time Renault moved to international teams. DOH!

corza1:55pm via Mobile Web

RT @helmitch: #kmaus10 "you cannot deliver a quality outcome if you don't know what you're aiming for" simple, obvious and true.

miladyred1:53pm via Seesmic Web

Econf - recognised value but slow adoption, create a driver to encourage adoption #kmaus10

meretajma1:53pm via Twitterrific

RT @BigDavieB: Renault best practice for collaborative engineering: build a network around "geeks" (AKA Window Persons or ambassadors) #KMAus10

kdelarue1:53pm via dabr

Didn't realise how big Renault actually is. 4th largest car manufacturer globally, major partner in Nissan relationship.#kmaus10

meretajma1:53pm via Seesmic Web

RT @miladyred: Indeed RT @helmitch: #kmaus10 I'm loving the international flavour and experience of the various speakers. Similar themes, diverse cultures.

DeltaKnowledge1:52pm via TweetDeck

Jean-Marc David #KMaus10 44,000 users (c2009), but adoption slower than expected.

DeltaKnowledge1:50pm via TweetDeck

Jean-Marc David #KMaus10 important to understand the details of who and how the systems are being used.

helmitch1:50pm via Mobile Web

#kmaus10 I'm loving the international flavour and experience of the various speakers. Similar themes, diverse cultures.

DeltaKnowledge1:49pm via TweetDeck

@helmitch Window Person? I wouldn't want to be a pane :-)#kmaus10

ConfluenceGuru1:49pm via Tweetie for Mac

RT @p0lygl0tt: #kmaus10 wonders who else is using Confluence for wikis and KM in general

DeltaKnowledge1:48pm via TweetDeck

Jean-Marc David #KMaus10 Find a "Window" Person to be ambassador for each project then surround with a network of Geeks > Ease Change Mgt.

michellelamb1:48pm via HootSuite

RT @miladyred: Love "window persons", really good descriptor of someone who lets light shine into a project & protects frm elements #kmaus10

corza1:48pm via foursquare

Back to #kmaus10 after some lunch time sense making (@ Crystal Palace Ball Room)

DeltaKnowledge1:47pm via TweetDeck

Jean-Marc David #KMaus10 Training programs for people collaborating across national boundaries/cultural boundaries << Wise

michellelamb1:47pm via HootSuite

lol i am sure we would not have trouble finding a new home for him RT @awmitchell: @michellelamb That is not my dog.#kmaus10

miladyred1:46pm via Seesmic Web

Love the phrase "window persons", really good descriptor of someone who lets light shine into a project but protects from elements #kmaus10

DeltaKnowledge1:46pm via TweetDeck

Jean-Marc David #KMaus10 Very strong focus on using new IT tools to directly impact the effectiveness of the engineering division

metaphorage1:46pm via Twitter for iPhone

Jean-Marc David #KMaus10 Focus areas: virtual teams, knowledge sharing, decision making & decision deployment.

metaphorage1:45pm via Twitter for iPhone

Jean-Marc David #KMaus10 "improve responsiveness and efficiency of global engineering teams by taking advantage of new IS-IT collab tools

miladyred1:45pm via Seesmic Web

Perfect choice for the post lunch speaker, Jean-Marc David from Renault engendering much concentration from the audience#kmaus10

DeltaKnowledge1:44pm via TweetDeck

Seems the ladies here are having trouble concentrating on the content :-) #kmaus10 #TallHandsomeFrenchGuyInTheRoom

BigDavieB1:43pm via Twitterrific

J'aime déjà la presentation de Jean-Marc David. His classic French accent & expressions make me nostalgic #KMAus10

metaphorage1:43pm via Twitter for iPhone

Jean-Marc David #KMaus10 very international due to mergers & acquisitions. Lots of international collaboration changing how work together

p0lygl0tt1:42pm via Twitter for iPhone

#kmaus10 Ah ! Ça fait du bien d'entendre l'accent français !

DeltaKnowledge1:42pm via TweetDeck

Ahhh, a talk about Collaboration in action! Jean-Marc David, Renault (Why dont we hear more French accents in Australia?)#kmaus10

metaphorage1:40pm via Twitter for iPhone

Jean-Marc David ((Renault) #KMaus10 Coaborative Engineering projects

jessicacarlin1:33pm via Mobile Web

French cars... My husband would be jealous ;-D #kmaus10

BigDavieB1:29pm via Twitterrific

On that note, if any of you Gov 2.0 folk want a challenge - try le gouvernement français :P #KMAus10

BigDavieB1:27pm via Twitterrific

Looking forward to Renault presentation. Hope it's the antithesis of my experiences of French collaboration if u can call it that:P#KMAus10

boffin6612:49pm via TweetDeck

RT @DeltaKnowledge: Shar Reilly Sustainabity Victoria#KMaus10 People can be overly humble about rating their own skills. Use 360deg to find real K leaders

jograntnz12:38pm via web

Get your big mouth on board, they can be your greatest advocate (and if not, your worst enemy) Shaun Kindleysides #kmaus10

DeltaKnowledge12:32pm via TweetDeck

Excellent presentation from Shaun Kindleysides, Newcastle Prts. Wish I had a physique like that! :-) #kmaus10

lukegrange12:28pm via Mobile Web

RT @helmitch: #kmaus10 "you cannot deliver a quality outcome if you don't know what you're aiming for" simple, obvious and true.

lukegrange12:28pm via Seesmic Web

RT @miladyred: Fascinating insight into maritime rebranding practices - all vessels that have a major incident are renamed#kmaus10. Not just a paint job!

IvetteMeans12:27pm via TweetDeck

RT @DeltaKnowledge: RT @lukegrange: Trust your employees with Social media. Have a policy to guide them but the community will inevitably police itself #kmaus10

markjburnard12:26pm via TweetDeck

developing a "change acceptance culture". How? Very slowly. Baby steps. #kmaus10

DeltaKnowledge12:26pm via TweetDeck

RT @markjburnard: Story + image + data = impact #kmaus10

miladyred12:25pm via TweetDeck

RT @markjburnard: Story + image + data = impact #kmaus10

BigDavieB12:25pm via Twitterrific

Pasha Bulker became The Drake. It is industry standard to change ship names after something goes wrong! #KMAus10

markjburnard12:25pm via TweetDeck

Story + image + data = impact #kmaus10

miladyred12:24pm via Seesmic Web

Great presentation from Shaun Kindleysides, really well done.#kmaus10

DeltaKnowledge12:24pm via TweetDeck

Pasha Bulker wasnt pulled out by other boats. They used sea anchors way out to sea and the ship winched itself off the sand.#kmaus10

DeltaKnowledge12:21pm via TweetDeck

About 200 people collaborated on resolving the incident without the ship breaking up. They did a really, really good job. #kmaus10

helmitch12:21pm via Mobile Web

#kmaus10 "you cannot deliver a quality outcome if you don't know what you're aiming for" simple, obvious and true.

LexBartlett12:21pm via UberTwitter

RT @kdelarue: #kmaus10 Important point - the validation stage adds a level of peer assessment to the self-assessment.

LexBartlett12:20pm via UberTwitter

RT @meretajma: Note to all- be nice to IT, lest you end up with a pic of Tony Abbott in budgie smugglers as a desktop #KMAus10

miladyred12:20pm via Twitter for iPhone

RT @metaphorage: Shaun Kindleysides #KMaus10 you cannot deliver a quality outcome without understanding the problem.

DeltaKnowledge12:19pm via TweetDeck

Getting a run down of the Pasha Bulker ship grounding emergency at #kmaus10

metaphorage12:19pm via Twitter for iPhone

Shaun Kindleysides #KMaus10 you cannot deliver a quality outcome without understanding the problem.

metaphorage12:18pm via Twitter for iPhone

Shaun Kindleysides #KMaus10 Buried Treasures, be aware of them and the risks they hold. What happens if lost?

DeltaKnowledge12:17pm via TweetDeck

Shaun Kindleysides #kmaus10 #1 problem: Uncertainty if ALL information is available.

p0lygl0tt12:16pm via Twitter for iPhone

#kmaus10 Discovering and rediscovering corporate knowledge is akin to unearthing buried treasures

miladyred12:15pm via Seesmic Web

Top issue in survey re information problems really highlights how important trust is in managing information, all about people#kmaus10

BigDavieB12:15pm via Twitterrific

U can't improve what u can't measure, says Shaun. I learned in uni physics if u can't measure it, u r talking bullshit #KMAus10

metaphorage12:15pm via Twitter for iPhone

Shaun Kindleysides #KMaus10 "Survey says" reverse importance: lost info, too many places, not latest version, delays, all info available?

meretajma12:14pm via Seesmic Web

RT @miladyred: Love the mental image of a "rogue records system" #kmaus10 Hanging around street corners, eyes moving shiftily, waiting for a random file

meretajma12:13pm via web

It may be seen as 'old hat', but presentations today are showing how valuable surveys can be in identifying issues #KMAus10

DeltaKnowledge12:13pm via Seesmic Web

RT @miladyred: Love the mental image of a "rogue records system" #kmaus10 Hanging around street corners, eyes moving shiftily, waiting for a random file

miladyred12:12pm via Seesmic Web

Love the mental image of a "rogue records system" #kmaus10Hanging around street corners, eyes moving shiftily, waiting for a random file

metaphorage12:11pm via Twitter for iPhone

Shaun Kindleysides #KMaus10 clear and simple goals makes everyone job easier. Simplify the complex to reap benefits.

lukegrange12:10pm via TweetDeck

Questioners can't pick up on subtle messages that leas to hidden gems. #kmaus10 << create ambient awareness through listening posts.

meretajma12:09pm via web

@DeltaKnowledge nice shouting there ;) #KMAus10

explodedlibraryLocale 12:09pm via Twitter for iPhone

Good point about questionnaires only being a supplement to face to face feedback #kmaus10

miladyred12:09pm via Seesmic Web

Discussion about survey tools really ties back into - what is your purpose? Use the tool set that is fit for purpose and supplement#kmaus10

p0lygl0tt12:09pm via Twitter for iPhone

#kmaus10 You can't improve what you can't measure

DeltaKnowledge12:09pm via TweetDeck

Shaun Kindleysides - Newcastle Ports #kmaus10 THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR TALKING TO PEOPLE!!

meretajma12:08pm via Tweet Reel

RT @lukegrange: @stangarfield at #kmaus10 with his bakers dozen of what you can do right now to improve your organisation.

metaphorage12:07pm via Twitter for iPhone

Shaun Kindleysides #KMaus10 How do we collect the answers? Understand the needs and interact. Complement surveys with Face to Face.

p0lygl0tt12:07pm via Twitter for iPhone

#kmaus10 Survey tools need to be a supplement only to face-to-face interviews for information gathering.

metaphorage12:05pm via Twitter for iPhone

Shaun Kindleysides #KMaus10 the WIIFM factor requires you to understand needs and interact with them. Know your environment & capabilities

BigDavieB12:04pm via Twitterrific

When gathering requirements, talk to people from all origins of merged companies, says Shaun Kindleysides at #KMAus10

miladyred12:04pm via TweetDeck

RT @lukegrange: Get involvement from individuals who have influence beyond their authority #kmaus10

metaphorage12:03pm via Twitter for iPhone

Shaun Kindleysides #KMaus10 What do we have to ask these people? What impact does it have on current and future projects?

meretajma12:03pm via HootSuite

RT @michellelamb: #kmaus10 use bob the bigmouth from level 3 to help you and spread the love vs them undermining you later

helmitch12:03pm via Mobile Web

#kmaus10 good points here about the power of influencers. Get them onside early, they'll help your message later.

lukegrange12:03pm via TweetDeck

Get involvement from individuals who have influence beyond their authority #kmaus10

miladyred12:03pm via Seesmic Web

The self promoter may have hidden benefits - if you never talk to them, how do you know? #kmaus10 Personal bias prevents us connecting

michellelamb12:02pm via HootSuite

#kmaus10 use bob the bigmouth from level 3 to help you and spread the love vs them undermining you later

metaphorage12:02pm via Twitter for iPhone

Shaun Kindleysides #KMaus10 know who to ask, eg historical & heritage information. Look for "Bob the big mouth" and engage them!

DeltaKnowledge12:01pm via TweetDeck

Shaun Kindleysides - Newcastle Ports #kmaus10 Get out & talk 2 people. Listen 2 stories. You will find hidden gems when you cover the bases

meretajma12:01pm via web

@michellelamb I'll pass on the request for next year :P #KMAus10

michellelamb12:01pm via HootSuite

#kmaus10 was that under ports or underpants?

miladyred12:00pm via Seesmic Web

Oh hell yeah! RT @michellelamb: #kmaus10 how many here recon they should have a massage chair, my neck and shoulders are very stiff :s

metaphorage12:00pm via Twitter for iPhone

Shaun Kindleysides (Newcastle Port Corporation) #KMaus10Understand the problem you are trying to resolve before you attempt to answer it.

michellelamb12:00pm via HootSuite

#kmaus10 how many here recon they should have a massage chair, my neck and shoulders are very stiff :s

DeltaKnowledge11:58am via TweetDeck

IT KMrs feeling the love here at #kmaus10 - remember they support you... and can change your password unexpectedly (via @miladyred)

helmitch11:58am via Mobile Web

#kmaus10 reinforcing the need for clear, simple, communicable goals. A theme here from Stan's talk earlier.

michellelamb11:58am via HootSuite

#kmaus10 our speaker Shaun is warming up now, humour and candid points about IT he can, he is :)

DeltaKnowledge11:58am via TweetDeck

RT @meretajma: Note to all- be nice to IT, lest you end up with a pic of Tony Abbott in budgie smugglers as a desktop #KMAus10

p0lygl0tt11:57am via Twitter for iPhone

#kmaus10 Shaun K - IT people are people too (only just) :-p

miladyred11:57am via Seesmic Web

IT KMrs feeling the love here at #kmaus10 - remember they support you... and can change your password unexpectedly

meretajma11:57am via web

Note to all- be nice to IT, lest you end up with a pic of Tony Abbott in budgie smugglers as a desktop #KMAus10

michellelamb11:57am via HootSuite

gr& re Stan point iterations #kmaus10 love Cult of Done via @hwakelam

gmountain11:56am via TweetDeck

#kmaus10 IT people have feeling to.

DeltaKnowledge11:55am via TweetDeck

Shaun Kindleysides - Newcastle Ports #kmaus10 How do you determine success of a KM project. It's not you, it's the customers!

DeltaKnowledge11:55am via TweetDeck

Shaun Kindleysides - Newcastle Ports #kmaus10 The problem with good Records Mgt is the rest of the staff don't see it as part of their role

meretajma11:54am via Seesmic Web

RT @miladyred: Your worth is far more evident to others than yourself in our culture of self deprecation. 360deg feedback creates clear pictures #kmaus10

meretajma11:54am via web

Always great to see a sponsor put forward a real case study presentation- a great story gets better response than product plug#KMAus10

DeltaKnowledge11:54am via TweetDeck

#kmaus10 Naval Pilots are a great metaphor for using external deep knowledge experts to guide projects through choppy waters.

DeltaKnowledge11:53am via TweetDeck

Shaun Kindleysides - Newcastle Ports #kmaus10 Pic showing a Pilot being dropped on a ship to steer it in to port.

johnw3lls11:51am via Seesmic Web

RT @miladyred: Your worth is far more evident to others than yourself in our culture of self deprecation. 360deg feedback creates clear pictures #kmaus10

BigDavieB11:51am via Twitterrific

It is great that each of the speakers seems to build on the concepts delivered by previous speakers #KMAus10

gmountain11:48am via TweetDeck

#kmaus10 Really enjoyed Shar Reilly , Sustainability Victoria's presentation on expert location. Great conversation in the room.

DeltaKnowledge11:44am via TweetDeck

Shar Reilly Sustainabity Victoria #KMaus10 Good answer to methodology questions. Nice to see form of peer review involved.

DeltaKnowledge11:42am via TweetDeck

@lukegrange #kmaus10 University IBL programs should teach the host companies how to do this. Greater chance of permanent pos for students

kdelarue11:41am via dabr

#kmaus10 Important point - the validation stage adds a level of peer assessment to the self-assessment.

BigDavieB11:41am via Twitterrific

Survey staff during probation. Find out what they know or don't know. Then tap into that knowledge & help fill any gaps#KMAus10

helmitch11:40am via Mobile Web

#kmaus10 thought-provoking talk by Sha - different angle on 'who do you ask' and uncovering expertise

DeltaKnowledge11:40am via Seesmic Web

RT @miladyred: Love hearing how Sustainability Victoria is sharing knowledge with and from their stakeholders externally as well as internally #kmaus10

DeltaKnowledge11:39am via Tweet Reel

RT @lukegrange: @stangarfield at #kmaus10 with his bakers dozen of what you can do right now to improve your organisation.

lukegrange11:39am via TweetDeck

Survey staff on extended competency during their probation period in the company. Could be invaluable early on in their employment #kmaus10

roanyong11:39am via web

I wish I were in #kmaus10. If you are going to KM Singapore 10, I'd love to exchange ideas with you in Singapore. Do contact me. Thanks.

kdelarue11:37am via dabr

.. and Tribalytic is a wild-card in this deck, with a lot to offer (fyi @TimBull) #kmaus10

helmitch11:37am via Mobile Web

#kmaus10 building lessons learned and sharing of these into the way they work. Encourage knowledge sharing for the better of all.

DeltaKnowledgeLocale 11:36am via TweetDeck

Shar Reilly Sustainabity Victoria #KMaus10 Nice to see them looking to make this a live system. Maint Profiles key to users trusting system

p0lygl0tt11:36am via Twitter for iPhone

#kmaus10 Sha Reilly - Building live expert mapping in as an integral part of project management life cycle

roanyong11:36am via web

@meretajma filter out those that don't meet this shared vision = kicking out deviants -> may lead to group think. #kmaus10

meretajma11:34am via web

Sust Vic- looking to promote experts as Practice leaders & introducing masterclass on renewable topics to transfer the knowledge #KMAus10

helmitch11:34am via Mobile Web

#kmaus10 nominate practice leaders in their knowledge domains to focus on sharing the knowledge + development of team

kdelarue11:34am via dabr

#kmaus10 To me, the knowledge-based approach to K audit needs to be supported by the question-based approach, eg Lend-Lease's ikonnect...

roanyong11:33am via web

I shared ur view. That's why we need dialogue @kdelarueKnowledge mapping - Good results, but subject to self-assessment errors. #kmaus10

DeltaKnowledge11:33am via dabr

RT @kdelarue: #kmaus10 Knowledge mapping - graphic representation of results of a knowledge audit. Good results, but subject to self-assessment errors.

meretajma11:32am via web

@roanyong good point. Sha just mentioned that the groups will soon filter out those that don't meet this shared vision #KMAus10

kdelarue11:31am via dabr

#kmaus10 Knowledge mapping - graphic representation of results of a knowledge audit. Good results, but subject to self-assessment errors.

metaphorage11:30am via Twitter for iPhone

Sha Reilly #KMaus10 survey data is not an exact science, data inconsistencies will become apparent over time (under & overstated expertise)

oscartr11:30am via TweetDeck

RT @renailemay: APRA dumps ColdFusion for Sharepoint 2010: ARPA Australian Prudential Regulatory Authority #kmaus10

roanyong11:29am via web

I agree, as long as these experts have shared understanding. @meretajma: Identifying key knowledge experts helps with risk.#kmaus10

metaphorage11:29am via Twitter for iPhone

Sha Reilly #KMaus10 some lessons: sensitivity to expert tag, clarity of scoping, constructing/communicating the outcomes & validating data

miladyred11:29am via Seesmic Web

Your worth is far more evident to others than yourself in our culture of self deprecation. 360deg feedback creates clear pictures #kmaus10

metaphorage11:28am via Twitter for iPhone

Sha Reilly #KMaus10 range of benefits and lessons from the pilot input to redesign for next phase, eg, people's self grading of expertise

DeltaKnowledge11:27am via TweetDeck

Shar Reilly Sustainabity Victoria #KMaus10 People can be overly humble about rating their own skills. Use 360deg to find real K leaders

BigDavieB11:27am via Twitterrific

Knowledge mapping would be excellent for identifying where ASH's ROCK technique could be needed #KMAus10

explodedlibraryLocale 11:27am via Twitter for iPhone

People are uneasy to put themselves forward as experts in a given field #kmaus10

miladyred11:27am via Seesmic Web

Love hearing how Sustainability Victoria is sharing knowledge with and from their stakeholders externally as well as internally#kmaus10

DeltaKnowledge11:27am via TweetDeck

Shar Reilly Sustainabity Victoria #KMaus10 People didn't like the tag "Expert"

roanyong11:26am via web

@paulculmsee dialogue mapping is good. So are rich picture and net map. But getting people to engage in dialogue is not easy. #km | #kmaus10

meretajma11:26am via web

Identifying key knowledge experts helps with risk and stakeholder management #KMAus10

michellelamb11:26am via HootSuite

#kmaus10 mature in their thinking and doing some great work, collab btwn KM and HR is great expands the value proposition good story Sha

explodedlibrary11:26am via TweetDeck

RT @DeltaKnowledge: Shar Reilly Sustainabity Victoria#KMaus10 Study also showed who were the single people with deep expertise. They leave = big trouble!

Stonebridgesys11:25am via TweetDeck

Hint for those at #kmaus10. Sbsys has offices in Melbourne and Sydney.

DeltaKnowledge11:24am via TweetDeck

Shar Reilly Sustainabity Victoria #KMaus10 Benefits: Not only workforce planning, but also Risk Mgt & Stakeholder engagement.

metaphorage11:24am via Twitter for iPhone

Sha Reilly #KMaus10 beware the "single supplier vulnerability" - heavy reliance on one expert for advice- identify & build succession plan

meretajma11:24am via web

Mapping exercise identified knowledge gaps within Sustainability Vic- can now work on plugging these #KMAus10

helmitch11:24am via Mobile Web

#kmaus10 identify knowledge risk when there is only 1 person in org with deep knowledge in a critical area

miladyred11:23am via Seesmic Web

Great way of identifying who are critical people, who does the org need to encourage to share their knowledge #kmaus10 minimise risk

DeltaKnowledge11:23am via TweetDeck

Shar Reilly Sustainabity Victoria #KMaus10 Study also showed who were the single people with deep expertise. They leave = big trouble!

meretajma11:23am via TweetDeck

RT @DeltaKnowledge: Shar Reilly Sustainabity Victoria#KMaus10 Mapping has led to research into a whole new field using existing staff << nice.

DeltaKnowledge11:22am via TweetDeck

Shar Reilly Sustainabity Victoria #KMaus10 Mapping has led to research into a whole new field using existing staff << nice.

helmitch11:22am via Mobile Web

#kmaus10 this feeds into succession planning, professional development, recruiting project teams, etc

miladyred11:21am via web

RT @roanyong: To know our experts, give them a complex problem to solve. RT @Metaphorage How do you know who your experts are? #kmaus10

DeltaKnowledge11:21am via TweetDeck

Shar Reilly Sustainabity Victoria #KMaus10 It also allows gaps to show: Who needs to be trained/duplicated? Who is not connected well?

roanyong11:21am via web

To know our experts, give them a complex problem to solve. RT @Metaphorage How do you know who your experts are?#kmaus10

meretajma11:21am via web

great watercooler moment identifying deep knowledge within an organisation by Sha Reilly at #KMAus10

helmitch11:21am via Mobile Web

#kmaus10 And through this mapping, can see where the knowledge gaps are. Important stuff.

DeltaKnowledge11:20am via TweetDeck

Shar Reilly Sustainabity Victoria #KMaus10 It shows where to go for help to conquer new opportunities

explodedlibraryLocale 11:20am via Twitter for iPhone

Strategic knowledge mapping, based on survey, results in visual form, which which was effective for showing strengths and weakness #kmaus10

DeltaKnowledge11:20am via TweetDeck

Shar Reilly Sustainabity Victoria #KMaus10 Nice simple survey >> network map of expertise in the organisation. Great knowledge @ cheap price

helmitch11:20am via Mobile Web

#kmaus10 expertise/knowledge mapping at Sustainability Vic - understand where the deep knowledge is collectively

metaphorage11:18am via Twitter for iPhone

Sha Reilly #KMaus10 pilot study on renewable energy, initial network analysis of respondants showed who were experts on what topic.

p0lygl0tt11:18am via Twitter for iPhone

#kmaus10 Second mention of SurveyMonkey thus far

DeltaKnowledge11:18am via dabr

RT @kdelarue: Eg, if somebody is *really* going to leak company info, it will be by email or on paper, *not* on the company blog!#kmaus10

DeltaKnowledge11:17am via TweetDeck

Shar Reilly Sustainabity Victoria #KMaus10 Can we really leave knowledge transfer opportunities to chance meetings in our organisation?

michellelamb11:16am via HootSuite

#kmaus10 they did a pilot with Roberto Evangalisto from 3 M

metaphorage11:15am via Twitter for iPhone

Sha Reilly Sustainabity Victoria #KMaus10 looking for inputs to research for a knowledge paper in HBR

LexBartlett11:15am via UberTwitter

RT @metaphorage: Shar Reilly Sustainabity Victoria #KMaus10How do you know who your experts are? Why us this important?

metaphorage11:14am via Twitter for iPhone

Shar Reilly Sustainabity Victoria #KMaus10 How do you know who your experts are? Why us this important?

michellelamb11:13am via HootSuite

#kmaus10 Sha Reilly from Sus Vic a great #KMRt member in Victoria

LexBartlett11:13am via UberTwitter

RT @kdelarue: Some themes emerging - do it now, give people what they want now, simplify, just use the tools you need.#kmaus10

LexBartlett11:13am via UberTwitter

RT @meretajma: smaller teams, spend time doing, not meeting and be flexible and concise in comms #KMAus10

helmitch11:12am via Mobile Web

#kmaus10 the importance of serendipitous conversations - this is a theme this morning.

LexBartlett11:12am via UberTwitter

RT @meretajma: Robust KM more important than ever in heavily regulated industries #KMAus10

LexBartlett11:11am via UberTwitter

RT @helmitch: #kmaus10 beware of too many meetings - what are the deliverables, value and outcomes?

failology11:10am via API

RT @LexBartlett RT @helmitch: #kmaus10 try things out, if it doesn't wk 4 you, U know! & try something else. <- Where's the <3?

ALIANational11:10am via TweetDeck

Conference following this week #ALIAAccess #ALIAioc #KMAus10#mlib11 #ifla2010

LexBartlett11:10am via UberTwitter

RT @helmitch: #kmaus10 try things out, if it doesn't work for you, you know! And try something else.

LexBartlett11:09am via UberTwitter

RT @DeltaKnowledge: Stan Garfield #kmaus10 When dealing with online infractions, keep trust & respect at the forefront when managing issue

LexBartlett11:09am via UberTwitter

RT @jograntnz: Stan Garfield, "Pay It Forward", share it and it will come back #kmaus10

LexBartlett11:08am via UberTwitter

RT @jograntnz: re social media, let go of control and the fear and trust people! #kmaus10

FergusHogarth11:06am via web

lovin this free wi fi at KM Aust, great session from Stan Garfield too #kmaus10

explodedlibraryLocale 10:53am via Twitter for iPhone

Really enjoying #kmaus10 most of the presentations have been great and only a couple of filler sessions -the opposite from some conferences

DeltaKnowledge10:52am via TweetDeck

@stangarfield recommends book: Authentic Leadership#kmaus10

lukegrange10:52am via Tweet Reel

@stangarfield at #kmaus10 with his bakers dozen of what you can do right now to improve your organisation.

jograntnz10:40am via web

Enjoying the challenges Arthur Shelley is laying down, meet new people, network, what am I going to change? #kmaus10

jograntnz10:38am via web

re social media, let go of control and the fear and trust people!#kmaus10

hkotadia10:37am via TweetDeck

RT @DeltaKnowledge: Hi @KeAnne #KM Try following #kmaus10today for some fantastic KM notes from KM Australia conference.

jograntnz10:36am via web

Stan Garfield, "Pay It Forward", share it and it will come back#kmaus10

michellelamb10:33am via HootSuite

#kmaus10 if you are a team of one with KM find others in the org who are interested and join external comms and buidl from there

DeltaKnowledge10:32am via TweetDeck

Hi @KeAnne #KM Try following #kmaus10 today for some fantastic KM notes from KM Australia conference.

michellelamb10:30am via HootSuite

#kmaus10 Delloite using a tool used brainstorm for ideas, his take on this is how do you then take the good ones and do something with them!

michellelamb10:28am via HootSuite

#kmaus10 you can survey what is the most important info we need in the org to establish what we need to collect vs the squirrel approach

explodedlibrary10:28am via dabr

RT @kdelarue: Tool for all meeting rooms: "taxi-meter" showing combined salaries per second of the people in the room. Cf value of meeting. #kmaus10

DeltaKnowledge10:28am via TweetDeck

Stan Garfield #kmaus10 When dealing with online infractions, keep trust & respect at the forefront when managing issue

kdelarue10:27am via dabr

Tool for all meeting rooms: "taxi-meter" showing combined salaries per second of the people in the room. Cf value of meeting. #kmaus10

DeltaKnowledge10:26am via TweetDeck

Stan Garfield #kmaus10 Stan is so humble for a guy who has such a depth of knowledge in this field.

helmitch10:26am via Mobile Web

#kmaus10 try things out, if it doesn't work for you, you know! And try something else.

DeltaKnowledge10:25am via TweetDeck

RT @lukegrange: Trust your employees with Social media. Have a policy to guide them but the community will inevitably police itself #kmaus10

meretajma10:25am via Twitter for iPhone

RT @metaphorage: Stan Garfield #KMaus10 list of 13 things you can do right now (don't you wish you were here now).

DeltaKnowledge10:24am via TweetDeck

Stan Garfield #kmaus10 Send people a note to say you used their content. It will encourage them to contribute more. << Great idea!

meretajma10:23am via LinkedIn

having a blast at #KMAus10. Getting great insights on KM and collaboration and identifying def synergies between both my worlds atm.

DeltaKnowledge10:23am via TweetDeck

Stan Garfield #kmaus10 Check out for tracking online conversations of the group.

llocklee10:23am via Twitter for iPhone

#kmaus10 meet less but deliver more? sound a great challenge....Stan Garfield

metaphorage10:22am via Twitter for iPhone

Stan Garfield #KMaus10 list of 13 things you can do right now (don't you wish you were here now).

miladyred10:22am via Seesmic Web

Great list of practical things you can try right now from Stan Garfield. Looking forward to putting some of those into action#kmaus10

p0lygl0tt10:22am via Twitter for iPhone

#kmaus10 What are you going to do this week, apart from meetings? Meetings are NOT a productive deliverable! Let's see a beancounter!

helmitch10:22am via Mobile Web

#kmaus10 beware of too many meetings - what are the deliverables, value and outcomes?

DeltaKnowledge10:21am via TweetDeck

Stan Garfield #kmaus10 Tools like Wiki allow us to spend more time doing and less time in meetings updating each other!!

michellelamb10:21am via HootSuite

RT @lukegrange: Trust your employees with Social media. Have a policy to guide them but the community will inevitably police itself #kmaus10

helmitch10:21am via Mobile Web

#kmaus10 great insights from @stangarfield - his experience in KM and communities resonates!

meretajma10:21am via web

smaller teams, spend time doing, not meeting and be flexible and concise in comms #KMAus10

BigDavieB10:21am via Twitterrific

"Just say yes". "Don't argue". Advice for KM leaders... And parents...? Or children...? #KMAus10

michellelamb10:21am via HootSuite

#kmaus10 meet less deliver more, y meet to update when you could do it more effectively on a blog!!

p0lygl0tt10:20am via Twitter for iPhone

#kmaus10 Meet less; deliver more (Seth Godin: "Tribes")

miladyred10:20am via HootSuite

RT @michellelamb: #kmaus10 just say yes, be responsive ask what they want, dont argue but deliver quickly even if they ask the wrong thing can create good...

michellelamb10:20am via HootSuite

#kmaus10 the people who complain the loudest will also applaud loudest when you get it right for them in a positive way

kdelarue10:20am via dabr

Some themes emerging - do it now, give people what they want now, simplify, just use the tools you need. #kmaus10

corza10:20am via HootSuite

RT @michellelamb: #KMaus10 hey cool, Stan included the Knowledge Bucket on his slide

DeltaKnowledge10:20am via TweetDeck

Stan Garfield #kmaus10 Nice idea how Stan has good books on each preso slide. Happy to see I have many of them.

meretajma10:19am via web

@stangarfield developed simple guide to KM to address user questions at HP #KMAus10

michellelamb10:19am via HootSuite

#kmaus10 just say yes, be responsive ask what they want, dont argue but deliver quickly even if they ask the wrong thing can create good...

miladyred10:19am via Seesmic Web

How can I help you to do what you want rather than saying no all the time #kmaus10

metaphorage10:19am via Twitter for iPhone

Stan Garfield #KMaus10 Just say yes, be responsive. Ask members what they want, don't argue, deliver quickly. "how can I help you achieve"

meretajma10:18am via web

Deliver users what they want- just say yes!! #KMAus10

DeltaKnowledge10:18am via TweetDeck

Stan Garfield #kmaus10 With an emergent tech landscape if a user picks a bad tool it will die anyway. Giving to them communicates value

kdelarue10:17am via dabr

Eg, if somebody is *really* going to leak company info, it will be by email or on paper, *not* on the company blog! #kmaus10

meretajma10:17am via web

don't stress so much about control. Users generally police forums and address if things start to get out of hand #KMAus10

lukegrange10:16am via TweetDeck

Trust your employees with Social media. Have a policy to guide them but the community will inevitably police itself #kmaus10

metaphorage10:16am via Twitter for iPhone

Stan Garfield #KMaus10 we need to help our legal and risk people that the benefits outweigh the risks, also risks often overstated

michellelamb10:16am via HootSuite

#KMaus10 hey cool, Stan included the Knowledge Bucket on his slide

miladyred10:16am via Seesmic Web

Loving the examples of how communities self manage, don't over monitor #kmaus10

p0lygl0tt10:16am via Twitter for iPhone

#kmaus10 Just say yes; be responsive (Chris Collison: "Learning to Fly")

DeltaKnowledge10:16am via TweetDeck

Stan Garfield #kmaus10 Often allowing the network to police itself is sufficient. Just keep monitoring and encouraging, coaxing.

explodedlibraryLocale 10:16am via Twitter for iPhone

If I'm going to leak company secrets I'm not going to do it on the company blog or discussion board. Lol #kmaus10

helmitch10:15am via Mobile Web

#kmaus10 the visibility in an online community means that people are accountable; self-policing.

kdelarue10:15am via dabr

People fear risk of openness - this is actually irrational, thus effectively a phobia. #kmaus10 Response - has this ever happened? Really?

michellelamb10:14am via HootSuite

#KMaus10 let go of control, encourage and monitor, set guidelines communicate encourage, its about nurturing

DeltaKnowledge10:14am via TweetDeck

Stan Garfield #kmaus10 IT is worried about people doing stupid things online. Why is online special? Ppl with be stupid with/without tech

helmitch10:14am via Mobile Web

#kmaus10 let go of control: encourage + monitor. Go beyond the fear - nothing terrible will happen!

metaphorage10:14am via Twitter for iPhone

Stan Garfield #KMaus10 let go of control, encourage and monitor. So much more is achievable through "gardening" - caring for the space

p0lygl0tt10:14am via Twitter for iPhone

#kmaus10 A lot of organisations' fear of social media is unfounded and very few, if any, can show how "social media destroyed their orgs"!

p0lygl0tt10:13am via Twitter for iPhone

#kmaus10 Let go of control; encourage and monitor (Clay Shirky: "Here Comes Everybody")

michellelamb10:13am via HootSuite

#KMaus10 i can answer your Q but if you ask the community you will probably get better answers nurture the garden to a point where it grows

kdelarue10:12am via dabr

My new catch-phrase - "Share relentlessly!" This justifies my entire existence. #kmaus10

meretajma10:12am via web

kdelarue RT @ kdelarue to a German speaker, the hashtag#kmaus10 may look like we are talking about mice>>v. collaborative mice!

helmitch10:12am via Mobile Web

#kmaus10 make sure u network. Pay it forward. Help people to share, plant seeds. It will eventually gain momentum.

metaphorage10:11am via Twitter for iPhone

Stan Garfield #KMaus10 network, pay it forward. Meet in person as much as possible, share relentlessy & ask others to reciprocate

BigDavieB10:11am via Twitterrific

Q to #KMAus10 attendees: do you campaign for colleagues in other domains to get similar learning opps to what we're getting here?

DeltaKnowledgeLocale 10:11am via TweetDeck

Stan Garfield #kmaus10 Meet in person whenever possible. Great virtual communities leverage off these Face-to-face meetings

p0lygl0tt10:11am via Twitter for iPhone

#kmaus10 Network; pay it forward (Hubert Saint-Onge: "Leveraging Communities of Practice for Strategic Advantage")

lukegrange10:10am via TweetDeck

@kdelarue brilliant....made my day #kmaus10 lol.#miceintheknow

meretajma10:10am via web

Search: by not asking right q's it can take two weeks to find people instead of two seconds...#KMAus10

helmitch10:09am via Mobile Web

#kmaus10 ask and answer questions in a community. Stimulate the discussion. Often people find it hard to ask widely.

michellelamb10:09am via HootSuite

#KMaus10 work out how to bring the conversations on line so everyone gets the benefit and expands the network and trust across org

explodedlibrary10:08am via Twitterrific

RT @BigDavieB: When you encounter "No Shadow-IT" policy, try using prototypes to accelerate the process & gain support#KMAus10 @StanGarfield

kdelarue10:08am via dabr

How open do you dare make your community network? Imagine how much benefit you may get from people you have never even heard about? #kmaus10

michellelamb10:08am via HootSuite

#KMaus10 prime the pump and ask the answer questions - create an environment where if anyone posts Q there will be an answer

miladyred10:08am via TweetDeck

RT @DeltaKnowledge: Stan Garfield #kmaus10 Set the tone for the community. Make it as wide open as possible. Easy to break in to smaller chapters later

explodedlibrary10:07am via HootSuite

RT @michellelamb: #KMaus10 Include openly and span boundaries, inclusion focus across boundaries build the bridges who know what could emerge

DeltaKnowledge10:07am via TweetDeck

Stan Garfield #kmaus10 Set the tone for the community. Make it as wide open as possible. Easy to break in to smaller chapters later

p0lygl0tt10:07am via dabr

RT @kdelarue: Random thought: to a German speaker, I suspect that the hashtag #kmaus10 may look like we are talking about mice...

BigDavieB10:07am via Twitterrific

When you encounter "No Shadow-IT" policy, try using prototypes to accelerate the process & gain support #KMAus10@StanGarfield

hashtager10:06am via twitterfeed

# Random thought: to a German speaker, I suspect that the hashtag #kmaus10 may look like we are talking about mice...

metaphorage10:06am via Twitter for iPhone

Stan Garfield #KMaus10 include openly, span boundaries. Highlight the benefits of thinking outside current boxes.

helmitch10:06am via Mobile Web

#kmaus10 include openly; span boundaries. Set the tone for the community. encourage people to think outside boundaries.

lukegrange10:06am via TweetDeck

HP created tool called Watercooler Which mashed up RSS feeds which looked cohesive but realistically was disparate. #kmaus10#effective

explodedlibraryLocale 10:05am via Twitter for iPhone

I'm planning on tweeting day 2 of #kmaus10 I wrote notes for a blog post for day 1. Will be interesting to see which helps me remember best

michellelamb10:05am via HootSuite

#KMaus10 Include openly and span boundaries, inclusion focus across boundaries build the bridges who know what could emerge

kdelarue10:05am via dabr

Random thought: to a German speaker, I suspect that the hashtag #kmaus10 may look like we are talking about mice...

metaphorage10:04am via Twitter for iPhone

Stan Garfield #KMaus10 enable innovation, support integration. Can be achieved through simple aggregrator to combine multiple sources

p0lygl0tt10:04am via Twitter for iPhone

#kmaus10 Include openly; span boundaries (Larry Prusak: "Working Knowledge")

michellelamb10:04am via HootSuite

#KMaus10 enable innovation, support integration

miladyred10:04am via Seesmic Web

What's working? How do you integrate that? Don't reinvent the wheel, build on success and innovation from within #kmaus10

metaphorage10:03am via Twitter for iPhone

Stan Garfield #KMaus10 find ways around the bureaucracy to get "pilot" improvements (or will wait forever for the support).

p0lygl0tt10:02am via Twitter for iPhone

#kmaus10 Enable innovation; support integration (Verna Allee: "The Future of Knowledge")

jessicacarlin10:01am via Mobile Web

Keep it simple with tools and don't bamboozle users #kmaus10

miladyred10:01am via Seesmic Web

great anecdote about people wanting something that they may have no need for. Define your purpose and then identify the tool#kmaus10

DeltaKnowledge10:01am via TweetDeck

Stan Garfield #kmaus10 Recomend uses for each tool. Give examples, create prototypes. Enable people to get involves with a minimum of effort

kdelarue10:01am via dabr

Just use the tools you need, build examples to model how to use them! #kmaus10

DeltaKnowledge10:00am via TweetDeck

Stan Garfield #kmaus10 Stan continues to focus on simple, focused solutions for communities. Don't waste people's time!

p0lygl0tt10:00am via Twitter for iPhone

#kmaus10 Needs-match your KM tools!

metaphorage10:00am via Twitter for iPhone

Stan Garfield #KMaus10 tell your stories to share the value. Use the right tools for the job & build good examples.

DeltaKnowledge9:59am via TweetDeck

RT @helmitch: #kmaus10 set goals; recognise + reward. Focus on a few, simple, measureable, memorable goals. Reinforce them. < KISS

meretajma9:59am via web

@kdelarue got to be useful somehow and the best way to do so is give the people what they really want :P #KMAus10

p0lygl0tt9:59am via Twitter for iPhone

#kmaus10 Use the right tool for the job; build good examples (Tom Stewart: "The Wealth of Knowledge")

miladyred9:59am via Seesmic Web

Demonstrate the value of your programme by telling the stories of the positive impacts you've had in your communities #kmaus10

michellelamb9:58am via HootSuite

#KMaus10 tell you stories , get others to tell theirs, again opportunity for authenticity provide real stories

helmitch9:58am via Mobile Web

#kmaus10 tell your stories; get others to tell theirs. Engaging, real examples. Brings it to life, shows the value.

DeltaKnowledge9:58am via TweetDeck

Stan Garfield #kmaus10 Telling stories is the best way to communicate value. Far better than a lot of numbers.

meretajma9:58am via web

Telling stories best way to communicate- Steve Denning. Gets listeners to put themselves in story and develop own insights#KMAus10

metaphorage9:57am via Twitter for iPhone

Stan Garfield #KMaus10 set threegoals, keep simple, fundamental & measurable. People need to remember them and engage with their purpose!

p0lygl0tt9:57am via Twitter for iPhone

#kmaus10 Tell your stories; get others to tell theirs (Steve Denning: "Squirrel Inc")

lukegrange9:57am via Twitterrific

The most important thing about setting goals is; keep them few and memorable #kmaus10

kdelarue9:57am via dabr

Now the *real* power of conference tweeting: RT @meretajma:#KMaus10 For those freezing, we have asked for the heat to be turned up :)

helmitch9:57am via Mobile Web

#kmaus10 set goals; recognise + reward. Focus on a few, simple, measureable, memorable goals. Reinforce them.

michellelamb9:56am via HootSuite

#KMaus10 set goals, recognise and reward - its about keeping from boiling the ocean. keep them few, keep them clear, keep them simple comm..

explodedlibraryLocale 9:56am via Twitter for iPhone

When setting goals, keep the number small and meaningful. They need to be remembered #kmaus10

miladyred9:56am via Seesmic Web

Goals need to be few, measurable and relevant #kmaus10 link them to your business for impact

metaphorage9:56am via Twitter for iPhone

Stan Garfield #KMaus10 HP leader example of writing his own blog stimated great interactions across the division.

p0lygl0tt9:56am via Twitter for iPhone

#kmaus10 Set goals; recognise and reward (Nancy Dixon: "Common Knowledge")

p0lygl0tt9:55am via Twitter for iPhone

#kmaus10 DO the thing that you want rather than TELL and DIRECT what you want in the KM/Collaboration space!

helmitch9:55am via Mobile Web

#kmaus10 "do rather than tell" must lead the way.

miladyred9:55am via Seesmic Web

Leaders in your business doing what you want others to do is far more important than leaders telling them what to do #kmaus10

kdelarue9:55am via Twitter for iPhone

RT @p0lygl0tt: #kmaus10 Lead by example; model behaviours (Carla O'Dell: "If only we knew what we know")

DeltaKnowledge9:55am via TweetDeck

Stan Garfield #kmaus10 You need to model the behaviours that you want to see in your org. Gently guide others from email to new Tools

meretajma9:54am via web

#KMaus10 For those freezing, we have asked for the heat to be turned up :)

michellelamb9:54am via HootSuite

#KMaus10 lead by example, model behaviours, blogging should be engaged, dynamic and authentic a nice case study example of dept in HP

metaphorage9:54am via Twitter for iPhone

Stan Garfield #KMaus10 lead by example, model behaviours, don't expect people to do things that you don't do yourself.

miladyred9:53am via HootSuite

RT @michellelamb: #KMaus10 great slide pack including pics, info of publications and links to sites of KM thought leaders way 2 go Stan what preso should incl

miladyred9:53am via Seesmic Web

RT 1+ @helmitch: #kmaus10 insight 2: try things out; improve + iterate. And do it sooner rather than later. You'll learn stuff.

BigDavieB9:53am via Twitterrific

Is over-planning more expensive than trying something new? Try things out sooner rather than later; improve & iterate #KMAus10

explodedlibrary9:53am via HootSuite

RT @michellelamb: #KMaus10 great slide pack including pics, info of publications and links to sites of KM thought leaders way 2 go Stan what preso should incl

p0lygl0tt9:53am via Twitter for iPhone

#kmaus10 Lead by example; model behaviours (Carla O'Dell: "If only we knew what we know")

kdelarue9:53am via dabr

Now @stangarfield is up at #kmaus10.

michellelamb9:52am via HootSuite

#KMaus10 lol twitter fall back with a gusto, stimulating presentation, nice pace and great points

metaphorage9:52am via Twitter for iPhone

Stan Garfield #KMaus10 people don't always know what they want, let them try things out tomature thinking

meretajma9:52am via web

Not only insights, but thought leaders to follow. Really useful information from @stangarfield at #KMAus10

explodedlibrary9:52am via Mobile Web

RT @helmitch: #kmaus10 insight 2: try things out; improve + iterate. And do it sooner rather than later. You'll learn stuff.

michellelamb9:52am via HootSuite

#KMaus10 try things out, improve and iterate dont wait till its perfect :)

DeltaKnowledge9:52am via TweetDeck

Stan Garfield #kmaus10 Go for the fasted possible thing let people try it sooner and then monitor and converge of the best result

metaphorage9:51am via Twitter for iPhone

Stan Garfield #KMaus10 slides have a set of thought leaders from KM who influenced his thinking.

DeltaKnowledge9:51am via TweetDeck

Stan Garfield #kmaus10 People don't know what they want until you show them something and they can react to it.

michellelamb9:51am via HootSuite

#KMaus10 great slide pack including pics, info of publications and links to sites of KM thought leaders way 2 go Stan what preso should incl

miladyred9:51am via Seesmic Web

If you never try, how do you learn, improve, iterate #kmaus10

helmitch9:50am via Mobile Web

#kmaus10 insight 2: try things out; improve + iterate. And do it sooner rather than later. You'll learn stuff.

DeltaKnowledge9:50am via TweetDeck

@stangarfield #kmaus10 Book: Thinking for a Living - Tom Davenport

metaphorage9:50am via Twitter for iPhone

Stan Garfield #KMaus10 collection is useful for efficiency and connection is key to using what is collected to create value

miladyred9:50am via TweetDeck

RT @DeltaKnowledge: @stangarfield #kmaus10 Collect Content, connect people

p0lygl0tt9:50am via Twitter for iPhone

#kmaus10 Try things out; improve and iterate (Tom Davenport, "Thinking for a living")

meretajma9:49am via web

13 not an unlucky number when an unlucky number when looking at KM. Stan Garfield presenting baker's dozen of insights at#KMAus10

DeltaKnowledge9:49am via TweetDeck

@stangarfield #kmaus10 Face-to-face/Virtual, Collect everything/Relationship only, the key is all things in moderation. No extreme is right

michellelamb9:48am via HootSuite

#KMaus10 begin with the question, what is the most important piece of content you need to capture

DeltaKnowledge9:48am via TweetDeck

@stangarfield #kmaus10 Collect Content, connect people

metaphorage9:48am via Twitter for iPhone

Stan Garfield #KMaus10 A bakers dozen of tips and hints for collaboration and knowledge sharing (representing Stan's 13 years in KM)

helmitch9:47am via Mobile Web

#kmaus10 insight 1: 'collect content; connect people' Need both, powerful combination

p0lygl0tt9:47am via Twitter for iPhone

#kmaus10 You need both to collect content AND to connect people - not one or the other!

michellelamb9:46am via HootSuite

#KMaus10 Stan Garfield now presenting

lukegrange9:45am via Mobile Web

RT @helmitch: #kmaus10 'knowledge managers' becoming 'community leaders' and facilitating the value of connection + KS

p0lygl0tt9:44am via Twitter for iPhone

#kmaus10 Are we heading to a world where people know each other by their twitter handles but not in person?

helmitch9:43am via Mobile Web

#kmaus10 up next - @stangarfield talking on KM: a baker's dozen insights

DeltaKnowledge9:41am via TweetDeck

@explodedlibrary Lets them focus on real research work like bloggers let journos focus on big stories #kmaus10

DeltaKnowledge9:38am via Twitterrific

RT @BigDavieB: Reminder to self: ask Howard Hill about his Android hobby :) #KMAus10

DeltaKnowledge9:38am via TweetDeck

Howard Hill #kmaus10 Us Knowledge Managers are making sense out complex and massive datasets. Lets help our people do the same.

DeltaKnowledge9:36am via TweetDeck

Howard Hill #kmaus10 Standardisation of the RSS feed is very important gathering information about your business needs/environment

BigDavieB9:36am via Twitterrific

Reminder to self: ask Howard Hill about his Android hobby :)#KMAus10

explodedlibraryLocale 9:36am via Twitter for iPhone

If everyone is a researcher now, where does that leave professional researchers? #kmaus10

meretajma9:36am via web

helmitch RT @helmitch #kmaus10 'knowledge managers' becoming 'community leaders' and facilitating the value of connection + KS

metaphorage9:36am via Twitter for iPhone

Howard Hill #KMaus10 despite improvements, tools not ready to do our jobs for us yet, people still the key.

p0lygl0tt9:36am via Twitter for iPhone

#kmaus10 Standardisation of RSS feeds and smart searches hugely important for intranet dashboards

helmitch9:35am via Mobile Web

#kmaus10 'knowledge managers' becoming 'community leaders' and facilitating the value of connection + KS

DeltaKnowledge9:35am via TweetDeck

Howard Hill #kmaus10 Lots of people here at the conference are using Sharepoint - maybe 60%?

p0lygl0tt9:35am via Twitter for iPhone

#kmaus10 People with communications and technical skills will be increasingly needed to keep the KM enterprise communities cohesive.

michellelamb9:34am via HootSuite

RT @miladyred: Google Scholar proving hugely threatening to publishers, particularly in research fields such as law #kmaus10

DeltaKnowledge9:34am via TweetDeck

Howard Hill #kmaus10 Can we all retire and let the machines take over? Heck NO!! Just do the dirty work for me so I can be creative!

metaphorage9:34am via Twitter for iPhone

Howard Hill #KMaus10 people now ask for evidence that you "know" rather than just seeking your advice. Alerts and searches provide evidence

BigDavieB9:33am via Twitterrific

I don't work for either Microsoft nor IBM. Technology isn't the point. Focus less on brands more on function & benefits #KMAus10

p0lygl0tt9:33am via Twitter for iPhone

#kmaus10 "How do you know the right people are aware of legal and regulatory changes?" KM to replace constant flow of business memos!

meretajma9:32am via web

Robust KM more important than ever in heavily regulated industries #KMAus10

metaphorage9:32am via Twitter for iPhone

Howard Hill #KMaus10 everyone is a researcher now - we are all involved on discovering new information, laws, requirements (evidence)

explodedlibraryLocale 9:32am via Twitter for iPhone

Google news - I like the timeline feature to see coverage of a story visually #KMAus10

miladyred9:30am via Seesmic Web

Google Scholar proving hugely threatening to publishers, particularly in research fields such as law #kmaus10

metaphorage9:30am via Twitter for iPhone

Howard Hill #KMaus10 Google introducing 550 improvements into algorithms this year- not resting on laurels, continuing to enhance

lukegrange9:29am via TweetDeck

Enterprise search WestLaw Next will build value relevance of documents within a doc corpus if printed/emailed/clicked etc#kmaus10

BigDavieB9:29am via Twitterrific

LotusLive probably would not be accepted at present in the financial services industry however #KMAus10

meretajma9:28am via web

Westlaw- legal online search tool in US adding value to end users #KMAus10

HireSharePoint9:27am via twitterfeed

Howard Hill #KMaus10 happy about what they can do/achieve with Sharepoint- something against the general trend.

HireSharePoint9:27am via twitterfeed

Sharepoint 2010 comes with some cool features for using social networking approaches for KM, will be implemented by AMEX for 65000 #kmaus10

p0lygl0tt9:27am via Twitter for iPhone

#kmaus10 For KM/DM to continue to be relevant, it MUST offer "really smart search"!

kmasiapacific9:27am via Seesmic Web

RT @miladyred: Facebook interesting lessons not just re posting content but how different people process content, what lessons apply for your org? #kmaus10

kmasiapacific9:27am via Twitter for iPhone

RT @metaphorage: Howard Hill #KMaus10 sharing our perspectives through social media enables us to understand each other more, leading to better relationships

kmasiapacific9:27am via TweetDeck

RT @markjburnard: Sharepoint 2010 comes with some cool features for using social networking approaches for KM, will be implemented by AMEX for 65000 #kmaus10

DeltaKnowledge9:25am via TweetDeck

Howard Hill #kmaus10 Not sure if Dashboards are the new Intranet though :-(

markjburnard9:24am via TweetDeck

Sharepoint 2010 comes with some cool features for using social networking approaches for KM, will be implemented by AMEX for 65000 #kmaus10

DeltaKnowledge9:24am via TweetDeck

Howard Hill #kmaus10 AMEX's view: Sharepoint is becoming more robust.

metaphorage9:23am via Twitter for iPhone

Howard Hill #KMaus10 happy about what they can do/achieve with Sharepoint- something against the general trend.

meretajma9:23am via web

Are dashboards the new intranet? Question posed by Howard J Hill at #KMAus10

meretajma9:22am via web

SharePoint enabling organisations "introduces ready for prime time" organisational collaboration. #KMAus10

metaphorage9:21am via Twitter for iPhone

Howard Hill #KMaus10 sharing our perspectives through social media enables us to understand each other more, leading to better relationships

jessicacarlin9:21am via Mobile Web

Blogs make intranets more dynamic #kmaus10

helmitch9:21am via Mobile Web

#kmaus10 blogs show people's personality + thinking - connections with people beyond the formal. Good 4 snr mgt.

miladyred9:21am via Seesmic Web

Facebook interesting lessons not just re posting content but how different people process content, what lessons apply for your org? #kmaus10

gmountain9:20am via TweetDeck

#kmaus10 Can we have too many connections? Does the signal/noise ratio eventually make networks "congested" or inefficient?

miladyred9:20am via TweetDeck

RT @DeltaKnowledge: Howard Hill #kmaus10 Constantly rethink how the concept of User Generated Content can be applied to your business units. Distribute the load

p0lygl0tt9:20am via Twitter for iPhone

#kmaus10 connections and people matter more than fiercely maintained content libraries

DeltaKnowledge9:20am via TweetDeck

Howard Hill #kmaus10 The key question beyond tech tools is "How do we connect people with the person who knows what they need to know?"

BigDavieB9:20am via Twitterrific

Do enterprises need to create profile pages for finding experts within the org? Could they just harness LinkedIn? #KMAus10

llocklee9:19am via Twitter for iPhone

#kmaus10 Amex likes sharepoint as integrated social media platform

DeltaKnowledge9:19am via TweetDeck

Howard Hill #kmaus10 Simple things like a favourite button in a search tool can help good documents rise to the top of search queries

helmitch9:19am via Mobile Web

#kmaus10 social networking + collaboration (intranet platform rather than single tools) the new normal.

meretajma9:19am via TweetDeck

RT @DeltaKnowledge: Howard Hill #kmaus10 Constantly rethink how the concept of User Generated Content can be applied to your business units. Distribute the load

p0lygl0tt9:18am via Twitter for iPhone

#kmaus10 trending: ratings to force important content to the top of wikis and KM system (Facebook "like"-style)

DeltaKnowledge9:17am via TweetDeck

Howard Hill #kmaus10 Constantly rethink how the concept of User Generated Content can be applied to your business units. Distribute the load

DeltaKnowledge9:17am via TweetDeck

Howard Hill #kmaus10 The move in focus is away from one-trick ponies. Blogs, wikis, forums alone cannot meet all org communications needs

metaphorage9:15am via Twitter for iPhone

Howard Hill #KMaus10 everyone now seems to be involved in creating content through social tools. Connections rapidly touching all.

DeltaKnowledge9:15am via Twitterrific

RT @lukegrange: If you had one question you would ask a Knowledge Management practitioner send it to #KMaus10 we are collating and will post the answer.

DeltaKnowledge9:15am via TweetDeck

Howard Hill #kmaus10 Facebook is involving millions of everyday people and taking down barriers to E2.0 adoption. Its just normal

meretajma9:15am via web

facebook- everyone contributing to a very structured environment. Could be a good pointer for business collaboration #KMAus10

p0lygl0tt9:14am via Twitter for iPhone

#kmaus10 Collaboration's time has come! YES!

metaphorage9:14am via Twitter for iPhone

Howard Hill #KMaus10 2010 in tags: enterprise, communities, privacy, regulatory burdens, smart search, collaboration (and a few more)

DeltaKnowledge9:13am via TweetDeck

Check out the network map of conference attendees at#kmaus10 :-)

miladyred9:13am via Seesmic Web

Interesting point re id photos - people resist being forced to display their security pass, will happily post happy snaps online#kmaus10

DeltaKnowledge9:12am via TweetDeck

Howard Hill #kmaus10 With 65,000 employees, it just takes a few people saying the wrong thing...but it hasn't happenned yet

metaphorage9:11am via Twitter for iPhone

Howard Hill American Express #KMaus10 "remember when wikis were hot!" controversy to get attention :)

meretajma9:11am via web

Howard J Hill using tags to outline 2010 successes #KMAus10

meretajma9:10am via web

big movement towards team collaboration at American Express empowering users #KMAus10

kdelarue9:10am via dabr

Hot term for 2010 - "enterprise communities". #kmaus10

miladyred9:10am via Seesmic Web

Harking back to the theme of engagement rather than forced compliance - contribute to the wiki if it meeds your needs not mine #kmaus10

markjburnard9:10am via TweetDeck

social media more effective at capturing content than wikis as its voluntary. #kmaus10. People seem to want to contribute.

michellelamb9:09am via HootSuite

RT @lukegrange: If u had 1 question u would ask a Knowledge Management practitioner send it 2 #KMaus10 wer collating & will post the answer.

DeltaKnowledge9:09am via TweetDeck

Howard Hill #kmaus10 American Express has realised forcing people to use a wiki or intranet hasn't worked. Needs 2 be based on user value

helmitch9:09am via Mobile Web

#kmaus10 it's gone much more into team/purposed collaboration rather than a broad 'contribute to this wiki'

kdelarue9:08am via dabr

Bon Matin! First pres at #kmaus10 - "Remember when wikis were hot?" How well maintained is your wiki?

BigDavieB9:06am via Twitterrific

An idea that is developed and put into action is more important than an idea that exists only as an idea #KMAus10

meretajma9:05am via web

keynote extravaganza at #KMAus10. Kicking off with Howard J Hill frm American Express

helmitch9:05am via Mobile Web

#kmaus10 Howard Hill from Amex now on the stage: 'remember when wikis were hot?'

miladyred9:03am via Seesmic Web

@Metaphorage framing Day 2 well at #kmaus10 challenging modes of thinking and approaches

meretajma9:02am via Twitterrific

RT @lukegrange: If you had one question you would ask a Knowledge Management practitioner send it to #KMaus10 we are collating and will post the answer.

lukegrange8:59am via Twitterrific

If you had one question you would ask a Knowledge Management practitioner send it to #KMaus10 we are collating and will post the answer.

DeltaKnowledge8:51am via TweetDeck

@roanyong Good KM assists people to develop patterns of understanding about business env't. Ppl then reapply in novel ways #kmaus10

helmitch8:47am via Mobile Web

Good morning all from from #kmaus10 and sunny Sydney! :-)

LexBartlett8:44am via UberTwitter

RT @claus_nagel: RT @kdelarue Shell changing term from "Knowedge Management" to "Knowedge Sharing"; good reasons for it. #kmaus10

estateofflux8:38am via Twitter for iPhone

RT @eventsonfire: Checking out #kmaus10 on BITR

claus_nagel8:30am via TwitBird

RT @kdelarue Shell changing term from "Knowedge Management" to "Knowedge Sharing"; and they have good reasons for it. #kmaus10

stangarfield8:06am via web

Website Wednesday: Communities Manifesto slides and Twitter stream from July 19 #KMLF meeting in Melbourne #KM #kmaus10

lukegrange7:45am via Twitterrific

What an amazing full day at #kmaus10 yesterday. Today should be another head spinning networked day of brilliance - great lineup of speakers

p0lygl0tt7:42am via Twitter for iPhone

#kmaus10 wonders who else is using Confluence for wikis and KM in general

markjburnard7:31am via TweetDeck

Hiho hiho, hiho, it's off to #kmaus10 we go...

KMAustralia7:28am via Tweetie for Mac

RT @RalfLippold: RT @marigo: RT @kdelarue: Shell changing term from "Knowedge Management" to "Knowedge Sharing"; and they have good reasons for it. #kmaus10

Debategraph5:16am via web

RT @roanyong: How about making the reason to collaborate lucid? RT @DeltaKnowledge 3 ways to encourage collaboration. #kmaus10

RalfLippold4:42am via Tweetie for Mac

RT @marigo: RT @kdelarue: Shell changing term from "Knowedge Management" to "Knowedge Sharing"; and they have good reasons for it. #kmaus10

roanyong1:53am via web

How about making the reason to collaborate lucid? RT @DeltaKnowledge 3 ways to encourage collaboration. #kmaus10

roanyong1:48am via web

If the situation is novel, how can km helps decision making? @Metaphorage: Neale -> good KM increases the quality of decisions. #kmaus10

ithorpe12:59am via TweetDeck

RT @gaurisalokhe: RT @p0lygl0tt: #kmaus10 'Tolerated failures imprints learning better than success' -Snowden

ewenlb12:57am via Echofon

RT: @gaurisalokhe @p0lygl0tt: #kmaus10 'Tolerated failures imprints learning better than success' -Snowden It's time we rub this one in!

gaurisalokhe12:40am via TweetDeck

:) Not sure either works.. RT @hwakelam: RT @gmountain:#kmaus10 Forced Blogging - FLOGGING

gaurisalokhe12:39am via TweetDeck

RT @p0lygl0tt: #kmaus10 'Tolerated failures imprints learning better than success' -Snowden

gaurisalokhe12:37am via TweetDeck

RT @metaphorage: David Neale #KMaus10 good KM increases the quality of decisions and reduces cost & risk, especially in large projects.

suzieisJul 21, 11:51pm via web

@lukegrange oh no, went dark today and missed your #kmaus10tip .. Look forward to hearing gems from the master :)

DeltaKnowledgeJul 21, 11:23pm via TweetDeck

Out and about with KMers after day 1 at #KMAus10 (via @corza) < thanks for a great night all!!

DeltaKnowledgeJul 21, 11:19pm via TweetDeck

RT @KerrieAnne: Tweets from #KMAUS10 Day One July 2010.pdf - - the should help Jerry @Metaphorage

KerrieAnneJul 21, 11:04pm via HootSuite

Tweets from #KMAUS10 Day One July 2010.pdf - (maybe a few missing) - so much to read over the next week ! thanks guys

lukegrangeJul 21, 10:57pm via TweetDeck

MmmMm not too sure :-s more smart me thinks RT @DaveyMelb: Semantic web or smart use of data? #kmaus10

lukegrangeJul 21, 10:55pm via TweetDeck

@miladyred super to meet face to face after so long online#kmaus10

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