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KNOWLEDGE SHARING ePOSTER SESSIONS (Updated as at 25 September 2017)

During the ePoster session, presenters will deliver their presentations in an informal setting and facilitate direct discussions with attendees at designated ePoster stations. Attendees are encouraged to attend the sessions for more knowledge sharing and networking opportunities. ePosters are also available for attendees’ viewing at ePoster stations throughout the conference.


Date Time

Tuesday, 17 October 2017 1300-1400 hours 1530-1600 hours 1730-1830 hours

Wednesday, 18 October 2017 1030-1100 hours 1300-1400 hours 1530-1600 hours

Thursday, 19 October 2017 1030-1100 hours 1300-1400 hours




Time Paper

Tuesday, 17 October

1300 186379 WAG Cycle Dependent Hysteresis Modelling through an Integrated Approach from Laboratory to Field Scale, Malaysia Oil Fields L. Belazreg, M.R.A. Raub, M.A.B. Hanifah and N. Ghadami, PETRONAS

1320 186906 Integrated Approach in Determining Residual Oil Saturations to Water (Sorw) and Its Impact on Potential Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) Volume Estimation T.S. Murugesu, R. Masoudi, D.B. Johare, S. Jalan, and I.I.B. Marzuki, PETRONAS

1530 186431 Waterflooding Optimisation: A Pragmatic and Cost-Effective Approach to Improve Oil Recovery from Mature Fields X.G. Lu and J. Xu, C&C Reservoirs (Alternate paper in Technical Session 29)

1730 186344 Screening of Chemicals for Low Cost Heavy Oil Recovery through Microemulsion Stability Tests J. Lee and T. Babadagli, U. of Alberta (Alternate paper in Technical Session 21)

1750 187020 An Experimental Study to Determine Optimal Injection Strategies for Water-Alternating-Solvent Process in Green and Brownfields T. Babadagli, Xi'an Shiyou U. and U. of Alberta; N. Cao, U. of Alberta (Alternate paper in Technical Session 9)

1810 186248 Thixotropic Conformance Sealant for Horizontal or Highly Deviated Wellbores J. Vasquez, L. Eoff, and C. Lewis, Halliburton

Wednesday, 18 October

1030 186256 Design of Experimental Test Method to Investigate the Effect of OBM Contamination on PVT Samples from Gas Condensate Reservoirs J. Bon, P.J. Bon, A.J. Ortega, W. Nalepa, and R. Koo, Petrolab Australia Pty. Ltd.

1300 186259 Optimising Polymer Injection Performance Using Non-Newtonian Inflow and Outflow Performance Relationship A.W. Bachtiar, F.I. Purba, and E.D. Dusyanto, PT. Pertamina EP Indonesia; L. Mucharam, B. Swadesi, R.K. Santoso, I. Fauzi, M. Hidayat, B.M. Aslam, H. Dzulkhairi, A. Surya, and T. Marhaendrajana, Inst. Teknologi Bandung

1320 186214 Optimising Oil Recovery through Microbial Injection to Support the Increasing Demand for Oil in Indonesia H. Budiharjo, N. Suhascaryo, H.A. Nugroho and B.A. Saputra, UPN Veteran Yogyakarta

1340 186925 Development and Field Application of Proxy Models for Predicting the Shale Barrier Size Using SAGD Production Data M. Kim and H. Shin, Inha U.

1530 186367 A New Method for Facies Simulation Using Non-Linear Geostatistics with Directional and Order Asymmetry S. Tyson, U. Teknologi Brunei; S. Hörning, The U. of Queensland

Thursday, 19 October

1030 186389 Keys to Success in the Determination of In-Situ Petrophysical Properties of Unconsolidated Sands by Traced-Coring: A Case Study


S.N.F. Zulkipli, M.M. Altunbay, G.R. Gaafar, and J.M. Shah, PETRONAS Carigali Sdn. Bhd.

1300 186195 Resistivity Wave for Monitoring Foam Flood Propagation K.A. Permatasari, G.S. Reekhi, S. Irawan, and L.A. Lubis, U. Teknologi PETRONAS

1320 186215 Gas-Assisted Gravity Drainage (GAGD) Process for Enhanced Oil Recovery: A Comprehensive Review and Field Applications W.J. Al-Mudhafar and D.N. Rao, Louisiana State U.; A.K. Al-Maliki, Basra Oil Co.

1340 187006 Integrating Design of Experiments and Bayesian Model Selection for the Infuence Identication of Geological Parameters on the GAGD Process in a Multilayer Heterogeneous Sandstone Oil Reservoir W.J. Al-Mudhafer and D.N. Rao, Louisiana State U.


Time Paper

Tuesday, 17 October

1300 186326 Pushing the Boundaries of Reservoir Characterisation of Ultra Deepwater Turbidites Reservoirs via Formation Testing and Advanced Fluid Sampling; South East Asia A. Zakei, K.A. Mahadi, A. Ngan, and M.S. Ahmad Kassim, PETRONAS; S. Haddad and L.K. Heng, Schlumberger

1320 186249 A Comprehensive Preparation Study for Microbial Nutrient Injection of Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery: Reservoir Screening and Laboratory Analysis - Case Study Bentayan Field D.I. Astuti, T. Ariadji, P. Aditiawati, I.A. Purwasena, G.P. Persada, A.A. Ananggadipa, U.R. Dewi, D.D. Khendarsyah, and R. Rizki, Bandung Inst. of Technology; M.H. Abqory and R.N. Ardianto, PT Pertamina EP (Alternate paper in Technical Session 21)

1340 186956 Evaluation of the Kinetics of Asphaltene Flocculation during Natural Depletion and CO2 Injection in Heptane-Toluene Mixtures S. Kord, Petroleum U. of Technology; H. Dashti, Curtin U.; P. Zanganeh, Shahid Bahonar U.; S. Ayatollahi, Sharif U. of Technology

1530 186991 Foam-Assisted WAG: Injection Strategies to Optimise Performance J. Groenenboom, Shell Sarawak Bhd.; N.I. Kechut, PETRONAS Research Sdn. Bhd.; A. Mar-Or and S.V. Bonnieu, Shell P&T

1730 186398 Kaolinite Mobilisation in Unconsolidated Porous Media: Effect of Brine Salinity and Salt Type (Na- and Ca- Salts) T. Russell, D. Pham, G. Petho, M. Tavakkoli Neishaboor, and A. Badalyan, The U. of Adelaide; A. Behr, L. Genolet, and P. Kowollik, Wintershall Holding GmbH; A. Zeinijahromi and P. Bedrikovetsky, The U. of Adelaide

1750 186354 Improving Parameter Uncertainty Constraints for Coal Seam Gas Reservoir Simulation using Single Well Models with Particular Emphasis on Relative Permeability Assumptions J.P. Furniss, J. Hodgkinson, and W. Bottomley, QGC Pty Ltd - A Member of the Shell Group of Companies; Y. Luo CNOOC


1810 186226 Successfully Unlocking New Deep Reserves and Overcoming High- Temperature Environment Using Novel Advanced Hostile Wireline Formation Tester in North Malay Basin, Malaysia-Thailand Joint Development Area Y.R. Costam, A. Fadjarijanto, Z.U. Zakaria, A.S. Setiawan, M.F. Pushiri, and C. Jiraratchwaro, Carigali-PTTEPI Operating Co.; C.Y. Lee, M.S. Iyer , T.V. Zuilekom, S. Parashar, M. Bagir, and I.Z.M. Wu, Halliburton

Wednesday, 18 October

1030 186272 Modelling Trapped Gas Expansion in Water-Drive Reservoirs J.M. Babadimas, Woodside Energy Ltd. (Alternate paper in Technical Session 2)

1300 186889 Smart Nanoparticles for Conformance Improvement in Waterflooding C. Temizel, Area Energy; D. Putra, Rafflesia Energy; M. Zhang, Frontida Biopharm; R. Moreno, Smart Recovery (Alternate paper in Technical Session 29)

1320 186414 Economic Comparison of Hydrocarbon Recovery under Injection of Different Polymers C. Temizel, Area Energy; D. Putra, Rafflesia Energy; H. Anggraini, Hess; R. Moreno, Smart Recovery

1340 186210 Gas-Assisted Gravity Drainage (GAGD) Huff ‘n’ Puff Application for Fractured Basement Reservoir - Case Study H.K. Dinh, N.V. Le, M.G. Peter, V.T. Nguyen, T.S. Dang, V.Q. Nguyen, N.D. Hoang, T.A. Truong, H.M. Tran and K.B.N. Nguyen, Cuu Long Joint Operating Co.

1530 186949 Capillary Pressure Drainage Curves: Modelling and Prediction of Capillary Entry Pressure P. Behrenbruch, T. Kennaird, K.D. Bui, and M.T.D. Huu, Bear and Brook Consulting Pty. Ltd. (Alternate paper in Technical Session 6)

Thursday, 19 October

1030 186204 Influence of Miscible CO2 Flooding on Wettability and Asphaltene Precipitation in Indiana Lime Stone M. Ali, Curtin U.; S. Al-Anssari, Curtin U. and U. of Baghdad, M. Shakeel, King Fahd U. of Petroleum and Minerals; M. Arif, Curtin U. and U. of Engineering & Technology, Lahore; N. Dahraj, Pakistan Petroleum Ltd.; S. Iglauer, Curtin U.

1300 186875 Characterising the Dependence of Coal Permeability to Methane Adsorption, Pore Pressure and Stress: Laboratory Testing of Walloon Coals from the Surat Basin W.E. Bottomley and J.P. Furniss, QGC – A Company of the Shell Group of Companies; S.S. Raza, L. Ge, and V. Rudolph, The U. of Queensland

1320 186253 Retention of Silica Nanoparticles in Limestone Porous Media S. Al-Anssari, Curtin U. and U. of Baghdad; L.N. Nwidee and M. Ali, Curtin U.; J.S. Sangwai, Indian Inst. of Technology Madras; S. Wang, A. Barifcani, and S. Iglauer, Curtin U. (Alternate paper in Technical Session 9)

1340 186427 Modelling Coupled Transport, Aggregation, and In-Situ Gelation of Nanoparticles in Porous Media E. Abdelfatah, M. Pournik, B. Shiau, and J. Harwell, U. of Oklahoma



Time Paper

Tuesday, 17 October

1300 186978 New Progress of the Offshore Thermal Recovery Technologies in Bohai Bay, China Y. Liu, X. Han, J. Zou, Q. Wang, H. Wang, and H. Liu, CNOOC Ltd., Tianjin Branch; Z. Jiang, China U. of Petroleum, Beijing

1320 186235 Development of a High-Temperature Resistant Polymer Gel System for Conformance Control in Jidong Oilfield D. Zhu, J. Hou, Q. Wei, Y. Chen, and K. Peng, China U. of Petroleum, Beijing

1340 186293 Intergrating EDFM and Dual Porosity Method to Simulate Fluid Flow in Shale Oil Reservoir W. Li, RIPED, PetroChina; Z. Dong, Xi'an Shiyou U.; G. Lei, Peking U.

1530 186975 Study on the Application of Whole Process Monitoring and Control Technology for Separated Layer Water Injection to Block D. Jia and X. Pei, RIPED, PetroChina; Z. Zhu, S. Zhu, and C. Liu, Daqing Oilfield Production Engineering & Research Inst., PetroChina; T. Guo, RIPED, PetroChina (Alternate paper in Technical Session 17)

1730 186173 Investigation on In-Situ Combustion in D66, a Multilayered Heavy Oil Reservoir, Liaohe Oilfield L. Teng and H. Song, Northeast Petroleum U.; S. Zhang, F. Wu, D. Xu, and Y. Gong, Liaohe Oilfield Co., CNPC; Z. Jiang, H. Gao, C. Wang, and L. Zhong, China U. of Petroleum, Beijing (Alternate paper in Technical Session 21)

1750 186397 The Study of a Novel Modified Silica Nanofluid for Pressure-Decreasing Application in the Ultra-Low Permeable Formation M. Zhao, M. Gao, C. Dai, Y. Li, and W. Lv, China U. of Petroleum (East China) (Alternate paper in Technical Session 9)

1810 186419 A Workflow from Seismic to Forecast for Tight-Oil Reservoir Development Using a Semianalytical Well-Testing Model with Boundary Element Method Z. Chen and X. Liao, China U. of Petroleum, Beijing; J. Zang, Shanghai Petroleum Co., Ltd.; X. Zhao and K. Peng, China U. of Petroleum, Beijing; S. Wang, PetroChina Changqing Oilfield Co.; Wei Yu, Texas A&M U. (Alternate paper in Technical Session 13)

Wednesday, 18 October

1030 186941 Modelling and Analysis on High-Fidelity Fine-Scale Reservoir Simulation in Mature Waterflooding Reservoir S. Wu, J. Dong, H. Li, Q. Li, B. Wang, and T. Fan, RIPED, PetroChina (Alternate paper in Technical Session 2)

1300 186435 Optimisation Chemical Flooding Methods to Enhance Oil Recovery of Strong Heterogeneity, High Temperature and High Salinity Reservoirs - Case Study of Shengli Oilfield N. Lu, China U. of Petroleum (East China) & Texas A&M U.; J. Hou and Y. Liu, China U. of Petroleum (East China); L. Guo, F. Yuan, and C. Wei, Exploration and Development Research Inst., Shengli Oilfield Co. Ltd., Sinopec; Y. Liu, China U. of Petroleum (East China)

1320 186225 Experimental Investigation on a Novel Organic-Inorganic Crosslinked Polymer Gel for Water Control in Ultra-High Temperature Reservoirs Y. Liu and C. Dai, China U. of Petroleum (East China); Q. You, China U. of Geosciences (Beijing); C. Zou, M. Gao, and M. Zhao, China U. of Petroleum (East China)


1340 186328 Study on Enhanced Oil Recovery of Water-Based Nanofluids with Functional Silica Nanoparticles Y. Li, C. Dai, X. Wang, W. Lv, H. Zhou, and M. Zhao, China U. of Petroleum (East China)

1530 186406 New Considerations of Shale Gas CO2-EGR from Molecular Simulation X. Wang, X. Jin, J. Li, L. Sun, and X. Liu, RIPED, PetroChina; Z. Zhai, MATEIS-CNRS, INSA de Lyon (Alternate paper in Technical Session 2)

Thursday, 19 October

1030 186931 Success and Lessons Learned from ASP Flooding Field Tests in China H. Guo, R. Ma and D. Kong, China U. of Petroleum, Beijing (Alternate paper in Technical Session 9)

1300 186206 Formation Evaluation by Sourceless Logging while Drilling: NMR Case Study from Bohai Bay J. Xu, L. Tan, Y. Cui, X. Liu, and H. Liu, CNOOC Tianjin; R. Coman, H. Tietjen, and G. Wei, Baker Hughes, a GE company

1320 186229 Mechanism of Scaling Corrosion for Water Injection System and Its Solution through Nonmetallic Composite Tubing Q. Chen, W. Han, S. Huang, T. Li, and Q. Sun, RIPED, PetroChina

1340 186296 On-Line Dynamic Granulation Viscosity Reduction for Transportation of Xinjiang Ultra-Heavy Oil J. Luo, B. Ding, L. He, P. Wang, X. Geng, and B. Peng, RIPED, PetroChina



Time Paper

Tuesday, 17 October

1300 186963 Optimisation Method for Casing Design Based on Coordination Mechanism of Drilling Risk and Cost Y. Sheng and Z. Guan, China U. of Petroleum (East China); K. Wei, Yangtze U.; T. Zhao, Xinjiang Oilfield Co., CNPC (Alternate paper in Technical Session 10)

1320 186285 Collaborative Advanced Planning Leads to a Three Month Early Start Up of the First Fully Integrated Drilling Project in Kuwait D. Al-Enezi, T. Al-Wehaidah, B. Goswami, Y. Takate, and Z. Muqaddes, Kuwait Oil Co.; A. Dundin, H. El-Hariry, F. Hosein and M.A. Torres, Schlumberger (Alternate paper in Technical Session 10)

1340 186386 Dynamic Analysis of Surface Casing During Assembling and Installation M. Yamamoto, K. Takagi, and R. Wada, U. of Tokyo; C. Agostini, U. of Sao Paulo; E.B. Malta, Technomar (Alternate paper in Technical Session 18)

1530 186439 Understanding Shale Petrophysics Helps in Drilling Stable Boreholes: Case Studies M. Al-Arfaj and H. Al-Kharaa, Saudi Aramco (Alternate paper in Technical Session 19)


1750 186441 Effect of Casing Coating Materials on Shear-Bond Strength R. Jadhav, V.G.R. Palla, A. Datta, and M. Dumbre, Halliburton (Alternate paper in Technical Session 18)

1810 187026 Evaluation of LCMs in Cement to Seal Wide Natural Fractures S. Lewis, R. Tambe, M. Dumbre, G. Ahuja, and A. Sharma, Halliburton (Alternate paper in Technical Session 18)

Wednesday, 18 October

1030 186224 An Innovative Methodology to Assess Cement Blend Flowability and Proneness to Segregation—A Step Forward to Higher Quality A.J.G. Bourlon, S. Le Roy-Delage, and S. Taoutaou, Schlumberger

1300 186937 Transient Thermal Model of Drilling Fluid in Wellbore under the Effect of Permafrost Thaw during Drilling in Arctic Region X. Wang, B. Sun, Z. Wang, Y. Zhao, J. Wang, Z. Zhang, and Y. Gao, China U. of Petroleum (East China)

1320 186901 Managing Risks in Relief Well Operations: From Planning to Execution B. Poedjono, Schlumberger; L. Macresy and A. Sikal, PathControl

1340 186264 Rock Strength Analysis and Integrated FEA Modelling Optimise Bit Selection for Deepwater Exploration Drilling R.M. Yoan Mardiana and B. Noviasta, Schlumberger

1530 186424 Now It is the Time to Forget Potassium Based Shale Inhibitors by Developing Nano Silica-Alumina Based Drilling Fluid; Laboratory Study Proves Improvement in Shale Inhibition and Temperature Stability S. Taraghikhah, M. Kalhor Mohammadi, and K. Tahmasbi Nowtaraki, Pars Drilling Fluids Co.

Thursday, 19 October

1030 186180 Preventing, Mitigating, or Stopping Lost Circulation in Dammam Formation, South Rumaila Field, Iraq; Requires Engineering Solutions, the Best Treatments Strategies, and Economic Evaluation Analysis A.T.T. Al-Hameedi, S. Dunn-Norman, H.H. Alkinani, R.E. Flori, E.V. Torgashov, and S.A. Hilgedick, Missouri U. of Science and Technology; M.M. Almohammedawi, Missan Oil Co.

1300 186297 Hydraulic Fracture Design and Well Spacing Optimisation for Gas-Condensate Reservoirs B.L. Abdul-Latif, Saint Petersburg Mining U.; S. Hikmahtiar, U. Gadjah Mada

1320 186251 Well Placement Optimisation in Gas-Condensate Reservoirs Using Genetic Algorithms B.L. Abdul-Latif and T.D. Edem, Saint Petersburg Mining U.; S. Hikmahtiar, Gadjah Mada U.

1340 186888 Limitation of EOR Application in Tight Oil Formation A. Mansour, H. Emadibaladehi, M. Watson, and T. Gamadi, Texas Tech U.


Time Paper

Tuesday, 17 October

1300 186418 The Reversible Emulsion Controlled by Inorganic Salt at High Temperature or Low Permeability Reservoir J. Ren, Y. Wang, J. Jin, and K. Wang, China U. of Petroleum (East China); B. Guo and X. Wang, Shengli Petroleum Engineering Corp. Ltd., Sinopec; G. Foster and C. Dai, China U. of Petroleum (East China) (Alternate paper in Technical Session 19)


1320 186917 Breaking Records Using an Innovative Organophilic Clay-Free Invert Emulsion Fluid (OCF-IEF) to Drill the Longest Well to Date in the United Arab Emirates (35,800 ft) M. Nasrallah and M. Vinci, Halliburton (Alternate paper in Technical Session 35)

1340 186904 Monitoring Imbibition of Water into Shale Pore System: State of the Art M. Al-Arfaj and M. Al-Osail, Saudi Aramco; A. Sultan, King Fahd U. of Petroleum & Minerals (Alternate paper in Technical Session 19)

1530 186900 Optimal and Fast Drilling Technology for Shale Gas Horizontal Well and Its Application J. Zhang, H. Zhou, Y. Zang, and X. Niu, SINOPEC Research Inst. of Petroleum Engineering (Alternate paper in Technical Session 35)

1730 186885 Prediction and Analysis of PDC Bit Downhole Behavior Provides Insights and Efficiencies for Directional Drilling B. Cuillier, Varel; D. Al-Enezi, B. Goswami, M. Al-Salamin, J. Al-Shelian, and S. Sayed, Kuwait Oil Co.; B. Mikhail, E. El Genidy, and S. Reboul, Varel (Alternate paper in Technical Session 35)

1750 186962 Eliminating Non Productive Time while Drilling in Southern Sumatra Field with Pressurised Mud Cap Drilling J. Zein, Y. Iskandar, D. Dharma, and Ali, Weatherford Indonesia (Alternate paper in Technical Session 27)

1810 186246 An Integrated Approach for Managing Wellbore Instability and Hole Cleaning with Steep Learning Curve in a Tight Deep Gas Accumulation Field J.S. Uwe, S. Khaldi, A. Oluwatosin and M. Hajje, Petroleum Development Oman; R.R. Kumar, S. Al-Busaidi, A. M.D. Al-Ghafri and A. Al-Amri, Schlumberger (Alternate paper in Technical Session 35)

Wednesday, 18 October

1030 186186 Planning and Preparation of a Viable Pore Pressure Prediction in a Wild Cat High Pressure, High Temperature (HPHT) Exploration Well in Offshore Sarawak, Malaysia A. Chatterjee, A. Ghosh, and S. Bordoloi, Baker Hughes, a GE company; A. Bt. Mustapha, PETRONAS

1300 186233 Design and Application of Aerated and Foam Drilling Fluid, Case Study in Drilling Operation in Indonesia W.A. Nugroho, M. Sumantri, and D. Wibisono, PT. Pertamina Drilling Services Indonesia

1320 187014 Trials of New Designs Lead to Optimised Bit Selection for Drilling through Hard Carbonates in South Mahakam A. Fidiansyah, Total E&P Indonesie; B. Noviasta, Schlumberger

1340 186936 Shallow Light Architecture: A Viable and Cost-Effective Solution for Marginal Reserves in Tunu Shallow Development A.I. Handoko, P. Bimastianto, M.D. Maulana, C. Agriawan, R.A. Brahmantio, I. Abidiy, and T. Setiawan, Total E&P Indonesie

1530 186438 An Integrated Geomechanical Approach for Successful Drilling Through Coal in Peninsular Malaysia and Offshore Vietnam A. Chatterjee, A. Ghosh, and S. Bordoloi, Baker Hughes, a GE company


Thursday, 19 October

1030 186960 Understanding Multi Zone Single Trip Gravel Pack Performance Improvement Process Using Technical Limit Methodology in Mahakam Delta R. Wijaya, B. Muryanto, F. Wahyudhi, B. Styward, H.A. Sinaga, M. Masrur, M. Syafrudin, B. Kundoko, M.F. Daris, H.M. Nugroho, and A. Ridhonmas, Total E&P

1300 186914 Application of “Well Factory” Drilling Technology in Shale Gas Development in the Sichuan Basin Y. Liu, P. Chen, and T. Ma, Southwest Petroleum U.

1320 186380 Triggering Cavitation in Multilateral Coiled Tubing Drilling by High Pressure Water Jet K. Peng, G. Li, S. Tian, Z. Huang, Z. Zhang, and B. Zhu, China U. of Petroleum, Beijing; X. Nie, GWDC Downhole Service Co., CNPC

1340 186943 Highly Efficient Nano Boron Crosslinker for Low-Polymer Loading Fracturing Fluid System K. Wang, Y. Wang, J. Ren and C. Dai, China U. of Petroleum (East China)



Time Paper

Tuesday, 17 October

1300 186308 Temperature Dependent Influence of Nanoparticles on Rheological Properties of VES Fracturing Fluid S.S. Sangaru, P. Yadav, T. Huang, and G. Agrawal, Baker Hughes, a GE company; and F.F. Chang, Saudi Aramco

1320 186273 Solids Production Prediction and Management in a High Porosity Carbonate Reservoir - A Case Study from Offshore Vietnam M.S. Asadi and A. Khaksar, Baker Hughes, a GE company; H.Q. Nguyen and T.F. Manapov, Rosneft Vietnam (Alternate paper in Technical Session 23)

1340 186254 Improve Production in Unconventional Oil Wells Using Artificial Sump Pumping System R. El Mahbes, R. Quintero, and A. Evelyta, Baker Hughes

1530 186236 Cutting Edge Completion Design for KNUUD: Pioneering HPHT Field Development in Malaysia M.F. Bakar, M. Rosato, F. Azmi, and A.M. Sofian, PETRONAS (Alternate paper in Technical Session 15)

1730 186948 Extreme Underbalanced HPHT Coiled Tubing Conveyed Perforating: KN-Ultra Deep Field Study M. Rosato, M.F. Bakar, and F. Azmi, PETRONAS

1750 186250 Overcoming Electrical Submersible Pumping Production Challenges in Highly Deviated Wells R.M. El Mahbes, R. Quintero, and A. Malino, Baker Hughes (Alternate paper in Technical Session 7)

1810 186371 Enhance ESP Performance in Sandy and Gassy Applications R. Quintero, R. Elmahbes, A. Malino, and A. Larez, Baker Hughes (Alternate paper in Technical Session 4)


Wednesday, 18 October

1030 186278 Benefits of Better Understanding by Production Logging Tool: A Case Study of a Malaysia Reservoir N. Hutamin, A.A. Yaakob, H. Sa'aid, N.H. Salleh, M.H.M. Nor, W.M. Anas, A. Setiawan, M.Z.A. Rahman, N.A. Iless, M.H. Azwan, A.K.K. Chun, and T.A. Mohamed, PETRONAS Carigali Sdn. Bhd.

1300 186192 Coiled Tubing Gas Lift with Unloader - A Case History in Cemented Monobore Completion Fedriando, I. Edy, S. Izwardy, A. Wijanarko, A.I. Pratomo, N. Firmansyah, and F. Corprina Atmanindar, VICO Indonesia

1320 186362 Extending Life of Liquid Loaded Gas Wells Using Velocity String Application: Case Study & Candidate Selection S. Andrianata, K.R. Allo, A. Lukman, and A.T. Kramadibrata, VICO Indonesia (Alternate paper in Technical Session 4)

1340 186955 Downhole Production Logging for Locating Water Sources in Open Hole Completion Oil Producer Wells A.A. Yaakob, N. Hutamin, H. Sa'aid, N. H. Salleh, M.H.M. Nor, W.M. Anas, A. Setiawan, M. Azraai, S. Mariam, B.N. Alam, N.A. Iless, M.Z.M. Rahman, M.F. Amin, and T.A. Mohamed, PETRONAS Carigali Sdn. Bhd.

1530 186940 Innovative Completion Strategy Overcomes Operational Challenges in Total Losses Condition - A Case Study L. Riyanto, K.T. Chaw, O. Fabian, O.B. Samuel, B.B. Madon, M.Z.B. Khalid, M. Rosato, M.R.B. Johari, M.Z.B.M.A. Jabar, and N.H.B.A. Rashid, PETRONAS Carigali Sdn. Bhd. (Alternate paper in Technical Session 7)

Thursday, 19 October

1030 186220 Occurrence of Particulate Mercury in Flowback Fluids after Well Workover J. Yamada, K. Kobayashi, T. Shibuya, M. Kawasaki, T. Nakayama, H. Maruta, and A. Kobayashi, INPEX Corp.

1300 186202 Injection Flow Rate Control in Multilayer Packer Well Using Bridge Eccentric Injection Mandrel A. Fakhruzan, F. Apriadi, M. Septian, M. Akbar, and U. Wicaksono, Pertamina EP

1320 186444 Advantages of Insert Pump Application through Tubing in SF Field Shallow Reservoir H.R.Puji Astuti, W.M. Ernata, and A.E. Prasetya, SKK Migas (Alternate paper in Technical Session 7)

1340 186926 Evaluation of Factors Influencing the Effectiveness of Passive and Autonomous Inflow Control Devices E.J. James and M.M. Hossain, Curtin U.


Time Paper

Tuesday, 17 October

1300 186348 HPHT Test Packer for Use in WBCU Applications; Reduce Trips, Increase Performance, Protect the Wellbore L. Oberg, L. Holloway, and K. Harrington, Baker Hughes Inc.

1320 186211 Change Casing Removal to a Simple and Dependable Method J.E. Melder, C.J. Hartman, and G. Hern, Baker Hughes, a GE company (Alternate paper in Technical Session 23)


1340 186393 Fracture Height Determination Using Pulsed Neutron Capture in Near Vertical Wells of Deep Tight Gas Volcanic Reservoir of Western India: Case Study R. Goyal, S. Tiwari, R.J. Tibbles, S. Anand, V. Ranjan, P. Sidharth, A. Sharma, U. Vijay, and K. Manish, Cairn, Oil and Gas vertical of Vedanta Ltd.; G. Agrawal, S. Budugu, V. Verma, and A. Kumar, Schlumberger Asia Services Ltd.

1530 186990 Production Allocation Challenge with Presence of Apparent Down Flow (ADF) Phenomenon: A Case Study in Malaysia Wells M.A.S. Rosli, N.F.M. Nordin, A.H.A. Latif, and H. Hashim, Neu Solutions Sdn. Bhd.; S.N.M. Shuib, M.F.M. Amin, A.A. Hamid, and A.S. Ramli, PETRONAS Carigali Sdn. Bhd. (Alternate paper in Technical Session 23)

1730 186223 Real-Time Surveillance and Analysis Tool for Intelligent Completion - An Ultimate Solution to Oil Recovery and Integrated Operation R.A. Rashid, G.K.F. Goh, T.L.T. Tan, V. Gottumukkala, M.M. Salim, W. Sepulveda, A.S. Hatta, S. Kalidas, and L.T. Michael, Schlumberger; K.A. Mazzlan, M.P.C. Chia, M. Tamin, and D. Mandal, PETRONAS (Alternate paper in Technical Session 4)

1750 186201 Pilot In-Situ Inflow Control Device (ICD) Waterflood Injector Transformation: A Case Study from Platong A. Pakdeesirote, S. Ackagosol, K. Lewis, N. Kitvarayut, and J. Pritchett, Chevron Thailand; G.K.F. Goh, Schlumberger

1810 186998 Application of Temperature Surveys to Enhance and Optimise the Limited Entry Hydraulic Fracturing Treatment Design and Placement P. Sidharth, S. Tiwari, V. Ranjan, S. Anand, R. Goyal, U. Vijayvargia, A. Sharma, N. Johri, K. Janardan Yadav, D. Deb, R. Tibbles, and S. Pathak, Cairn, Oil & Gas Vertical of Vedanta Ltd. (Alternate paper in Technical Session 4)

Wednesday, 18 October

1030 186234 Management of Downhole Organic and Inorganic Scale Agglomeration for the Survival of a Marginally Economic Field M.H.A. Hamid, Z. Johar, and M.R. Razali, PETRONAS Carigali Sdn. Bhd. (Alternate paper in Technical Session 23)

1300 186199 Unlocking Depleted and Low Modulus Telisa Sandstone Reservoir with Pillar Fracturing Technique: Well Performance Improvement Comparison with Conventional Fracturing M. Azhari, N.F. Prakoso, and D. Ningrum, PT Medco E&P Indonesia; L. Soetikno and A. Makmun, Schlumberger

1320 186417 Unlocking Common Approach of Well Control Equipment for Mechanical Well Service S. Suprihono, PT Medco E&P Indonesia

1340 186421 Application of Allocation Algorithm for Surveillance and Optimisation for Intelligent Wells M.P.C. Chia, M.A. Nukman, and D. Mandal, PETRONAS Carigali Sdn. Bhd.; A.S.H. Ahmad Salim, W. Sepulveda, J.C. Vaca and K. Goh, Schlumberger WTA Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.

1530 187013 A Performance Comparison between Two Novel Multistage Completion Methods in Tight Gas Sandstone Formation from Ordos Basin H. Geng, T. Ge, C. Liu, and X. Yu, PetroChina; Y. Liu, W. Wang, H. Liu, L. Niu, B. Yang, and X. Liu, Schlumberger

Thursday, 19 October

1030 186298 Novel Single-Trip Well Re-stimulation Technology Enables Exact Treatment Placement while Significantly Decreasing Intervention Time


L. Castro, E. Nasir, and M. Wilbourn, Baker Hughes Inc. (Alternate paper in Technical Session 11)

1300 186212 A Comparative Workflow for Different Hydraulic Fracturing Techniques in the Western Desert Oil Fields of Egypt A. Abd ElHamid, M. Abbas, E. Hamed, and M. Ghareb, Qarun Petroleum Co.; M. ElSebaee, A. Sweedan, and A. Sabet, Schlumberger (Alternate paper in Technical Session 11)

1320 186964 Successful Implementation of Improved Cementing Workflow in Heavily Depleted Brownfield through Advanced Integrated Cement Evaluation C. Lau, A. Ahmad Tajalie, W. Wa, N. Abdul Rahman, T.J. Chabernaud, S. Saidin, M. Pasteris, Z.J. Johan, A. Cavallini, and A. Abd Rahim, Schlumberger; A.B.M. Shah Zainudin, PETRONAS Carigali Sdn. Bhd.

1340 186993 Modelling Optimisation of Egypt's Brownfields: Hydraulic Fracturing Case Histories A. Abdelhamid, Qarun Petroleum Co.; K. Hegazy, Halliburton (Alternate paper in Technical Session 11)


Time Paper

Tuesday, 17 October

1300 186276 A Cable-Controlled Pressure Testing Technology for Separate-Layer Production Q. Yang, RIPED, PetroChina; S. Zhang, Daqing Oilfield Co. Ltd.; Y. Liang, RIPED, PetroChina; Q. Yue and R. Liu, Daqing Oilfield Co. Ltd.

1320 186377 Open-Hole Multistage Completion System Using Improved Water-Swellable Packers in Tight Sandstone Gas Reservoir - A Case Study from East Sulige Field, China Z. Tong, RIPED, PetroChina; Y. Wang, Changqing Oilfield Co., PetroChina; R. Wei, J. Xue, M. Li, J. Qian, and Z. Shen, RIPED, PetroChina; Y. Zhang, Changqing Oilfield Co., PetroChina

1340 186207 Real Time Sanding Assessment for Sand-Free Fluid Sampling in Weakly Consolidated Reservoirs, A Case Study from Bohai Bay, China G. Zhang and Z. Tan, CNOOC, Tianjin Branch; A. Khaksar, F. Gui, S. Wang, A. White, and G. Lei, Baker Hughes, a GE company

1530 186194 A Downhole Constant Flow Nozzle Research in Waterflooding Wells H. Zhang, Northeast Petroleum U.; J. Wang, Jidong Oilfield Co., PetroChina; J. Yu and F. Sun, RIPED, PetroChina; J. Yu, Changqing Oilfield Co., PetroChina

1730 186174 A Semi Analytical Model for Predicting Proppant Screen-Out during Hydraulic Fracturing Unconventional Reservoirs X. Cai and B. Guo, U. of Louisiana at Lafayette; G. Li, Southwest Petroleum U. (Alternate paper in Technical Session 11)

1750 186181 Technological Process Reengineering and Optimisation of Liquid CO2 Fracturing Based on Fluid Phase Control S. Meng, H. Liu, and Q. Yang, RIPED, PetroChina; J. Xu, Y. Duan, and S. Chen, PetroChina Jilin Oilfield Co. (Alternate paper in Technical Session 11)

1810 186902 Developing Enhanced Mechanical Properties of Solid Expandable Systems and Its Evaluation Method for Well Drilling Preparation Q. Chen and S. Huang, RIPED, PetroChina; D. Wang, Jilin Oilfield Co., PetroChina; T. Li and W. Han, RIPED, PetroChina


Wednesday, 18 October

1030 186286 Multiple Stage Vane Pump, a New Production Technology Used in Thermal Recovery Well Q. Wang, L. Zhang, S. Zhu, H. Huang, and T. Guo, RIPED, PetroChina; Y. Li, Yumen Oilfield Co., PetroChina

1300 186321 Study and Application of Snubbing Technology for Low Pressure Gas Well W. Han and T. Li, RIPED, PetroChina; D. Wang, PetroChina Jilin Oilfield Co.; E. Ming and S. Huang, RIPED, PetroChina

1320 186934 Successful Application of Expandable Liner Hanger in HT Sidetracking Well Completion: A Case Study in Liaohe Oilfield, China S. Huang, Q. Chen, W. Han, T. Li, E. Ming, and Q. Sun, RIPED, CNPC

1340 186366 Improvement and Prospect of Ultrashort Radius Lateral Drilling Technique E. Ming, Y. Li, T. Li, and S. Huang, RIPED, PetroChina

1530 186395 Design and Application Evaluation of Vacuum Insulated Tubing for Wax Control in Bohai Oilfield Y. Liu, B. Shang, H. Wu, J. Bai, X. Meng, J. Ma, and M. Mu, CNOOC Ltd., Tianjin Branch; Z. Jiang, China U. of Petroleum, Beijing (Alternate paper in Technical Session 7)

Thursday, 19 October

1030 186261 Closed Loop Speed Control System of ESPCP with Capillary Tube S. Zhu, Z. Hao, Q. Wang, and L. Zhang, RIPED, PetroChina (Alternate paper in Technical Session 7)

1300 186271 The Study and Application of a Electric Intelligent Well Completion System with Electrically Driven Inflow Control Device and Long Term Monitoring C. Liao, W. Zhang, P. Huang, G. Zhang, J. Qian, Z. Shen, and X. Pei, RIPED, CNPC

1320 186184 Dissolvable Tools in Multistage Stimulation N. Jin and Q. Zeng, Vertechs Oil & Gas Technology Co., Ltd.

1340 187019 Large-Scale Visual Experiment and Numerical Simulation of Acid Fingering during Carbonate Acid Fracturing X. Li, Y. Chen, and Z. Yang, Southwest Petroleum U.; F. Chen, Tarim Oilfield Co.



Time Paper

Tuesday, 17 October

1300 187023 Perforation Portfolio Management in Tunu Mature Giant Gas Field by Implementation of Intensive Well Review and Its Application in Production Forecast Improvement and Optimisation of Well Intervention Planning E.Y. Purwanto, S. Herawati, I.T. Rau, J. Anggoro, and E. Suwito, Total E&P Indonesie (Alternate paper in Technical Session 26)

1320 186892 A Simplified and Robust Approach to Integrated Asset Modelling for Performance Forecasting of a Large Dry Gas Field in East Coast of India A. Kumar, Reliance Industries; B. France, British Petroleum; R. Talukdar, Reliance Industries (Alternate paper in Technical Session 30)


1340 186258 Guidelines for the Environmental Monitoring of Oil and Gas Industry in Italy: Seismic, Ground Deformation and Reservoir Pressure Measurements P. Macini and E.N. Mesini, U. of Bologna; I. Antoncecchi, U. of Milano-Bicocca and Italian Ministry of Economic Development; F. Terlizzese, Italian Ministry of Economic Development (Alternate paper in Special Session 1)

1530 186415 Using Business Intelligent Tool to Gain Insight into Well Integrity, Surveillance and Production Data M.H. Hamzah, N.K.H. Foo, W.R.Bt Ismail, and S.A.B. Zulkifli, PETRONAS Carigali Sdn. Bhd.; M. Redzuan and A.S. Zahid, AEM Enersol (Alternate paper in Technical Session 26)

1730 186422 Predicting Start-Up Liquid Loading in a Mature Oil & Gas Field: A Case Study A. Malik, R. Prakash, M. Kumar and M. Barot, BG Exploration & Production India Ltd. (Alternate paper in Technical Session 3)

1750 186390 A New Concept of Sand Management Philosophy; Revolutionary & Cost Effective Solution N. Hamza, F. Baghdadi, Z. Yahia, and B. Madon, PETRONAS (Alternate paper in Technical Session 3)

1810 186933 Integrated Work to Deliver 4,000 BPD Oil from Gas Dominant Field: A Case History from Rejuvenated Brownfield Gas Lift Development R.M. Kahfie, F. Kurniawan, M. Yahya, I. Edy and S. Izwardy, VICO Indonesia (Alternate paper in Technical Session 26)

Wednesday, 18 October

1030 186903 Value Creation of Digital Oilfield Technology, Study Case Duri Field Well Monitoring Z. Achmad, Chevron Pacific Indonesia (Alternate paper in Technical Session 26)

1300 186373 Integrated Waterflood Connectivity Analysis in Compartmentalised Reservoir of Windri Area, Asri Basin, Indonesia R. Widiatmo, H. Gunawan, F.N. Afi, L.B. Waskito, P. Nugroho, and J. Sunarta, CNOOC SES Ltd. (Alternate paper in Technical Session 3)

1320 186404 Reactivation and Production Optimisation of Teluk Berau A (TBA) Field, Salawati Basin, West Papua B. Suwandhika and M. Mubaraq, JOB Pertamina-PetroChina Salawati; Suhendro, PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (Alternate paper in Technical Session 30)

1340 186280 Review of 20 Years Hydrocarbon Gas Cycling in the Arun Gas Field Suhendro, Pertamina Hulu Energi (Alternate paper in Technical Session 26)

1530 187429 (Previously Published Paper)

Technical Potential: A Highly Effective Tool for National Oil Companies to Drive and Manage Business Plans – A Real Case Study V.P. Gupta, PETRONAS; S. Dwivedi, SAS; M.B. Roslan, R. Masoudi, and A. Razali, PETRONAS (Alternate paper in Technical Session 30)

Thursday, 19 October

1030 186923 Staying Ahead through Built-in Automated Approach for Well Modelling in Gas Fields F. Baghdadi, Y.Y. Khor, and B. Madon, PETRONAS Carigali Sdn. Bhd. (Alternate paper in Technical Session 30)


1300 186175 How to Revive Mature Oilfield Production from Surface Aspect, Case Study: Venting System to Gas Scrubber Project in XBU Field M.E. Dondo, A.S. Effendi, F.N. Afi, W. Hadi, M. Noviansyah, and H. Gunawan, CNOOC SES Ltd.

1320 186187 Well and Inflow Performance Relationship for Heavy Oil Reservoir under Heating Treatment F. Hakiki, King Abdullah U. of Science and Technology; A. Aditya, Pertamina EP; D.T. Ulitha, Imperial College London; M. Shidqi, Shell Indonesia; W.S. Adi, K.H. Wibowo, and M. Barus, Pertamina EP (Alternate paper in Technical Session 26)

1340 186314 Bio-Inspired Superhydrophobic Coatings with High Performance for Subsea Petroleum Equipment X. Jin, Y. Chen, J. Li, X. Wang, and L. Bi, RIPED, PetroChina; J. Bai and J. Wu, Beihang U. (Alternate paper in Technical Session 5)



Time Paper

Tuesday, 17 October

1300 186307 Simulation of CO2 Storage Capacity of Liquid CO2 Fracturing in Low Permeability Reservoir: A Case Study S. Yang, S. Zhang, and Y. Yang, RIPED, PetroChina; D. Zhang, Jilin Oil Co., CNPC

1320 186352 Hydraulic Fracture Geometry in Highly Laminated Tight Oil Formation: Implication from Large-Scale Rock Experiments and Field Multi-Well Pilot Projects Y. Peng, Y. Xu and D. Weng, RIPED, PetroChina; B. Huang, B. Xie and J. Li, Xinjiang Oilfield Engineering Technology Research Inst.; G. Jiang and B. Song, Daqing Oilfield Production Engineering & Research Inst. (Alternate paper in Technical Session 14)

1530 186974 Case Study: Successful Application of a Novel CSG Completion Strategy in the Galilee Basin, Australia I. Rodger, The U. of Queensland; D. Aaskow and T. Mccaul, Comet Ridge Ltd. (Alternate paper in Technical Session 14)

1730 186897 Evaluating Natural Fracture Effectiveness to Optimise Well Stimulation Method for HTHP Tight Gas Reservoir X. Yang, PetroChina; J. Xu, Schlumberger; Q. Teng, PetroChina; W.E. Abbott, Schlumberger; Y. Zhang, PetroChina; M. Zhao, Schlumberger; C. Zhang, PetroChina; X. Gu, Schlumberger ; W. Li and W. Fan, PetroChina (Alternate paper in Technical Session 14)

1750 186209 Method of Characterisation of Complex Fracture Network with Combination of Microseismic Using Fractal Theory W. Wang, Y. Su, Z. Zhou, G. Sheng, and R. Zhou, China U. of Petroleum (East China); M. Tang, X. Du, and J. An, PetroChina Oil & Gas Technology Research Inst. of Changqing Oil Field (Alternate paper in Technical Session 25)

1810 186912 Characterisation of Readily Bioavailable Compounds in Surat Basin Walloon Coals for Biomethane Production Using Exogenous Culture T. Chen, S. Hamilton, S. Rodrigues, S.D. Golding, and V. Rudolph, The U. of Queensland


Wednesday, 18 October

1030 186289 Coalbed Methane Development in China: Engineering Challenges and Opportunities H. Li, Shell International E&P Inc., H.C. Lau, National U. of Singapore; S. Huang, Shell International E&P Inc.

1300 186968 Integrated Workflow for Fracture Characterisation Using Post-Stack Geometrical Attributes, Borehole Image, Core and Wireline Log: Case Study for Fractured Volcanic Reservoir on the Java Area, North West Java Basin, Indonesia O.A. Prayoga and D.A. Alvrida, State College of Technology (STTNAS) Yogyakarta; M. Taslim, PT. Pertamina EP; A.R. Ginanjar, D.R. Nurhadi and A. Barkah, PT. Pranalika Energi Nusa

1320 186899 Review: Uncertainty Analysis and Design Optimisation of Gas-Condensate Fields B.L. Abdul-Latif, Saint Petersburg Mining U.; S. Hikmahtiar, Gadjah Mada U.; D.E. Tsikplornu, Saint Petersburg Mining U.

1340 186364 Reservoir Rock Typing for Sweet Spot Identification within Complex Clastic Reservoir: A Success-Story from Northwest China B. Wan, PetroChina Xinjiang Oilfield Co., B. Jiang, PetroChina Daqing Oilfield Co., X. Meng, PetroChina Xinjiang Oilfield Co., S. Li, Schlumberger, Y. Yang, PetroChina Xinjiang Oilfield Co., H. Gong, H. Zhao, W. Wang, G. Wei, and X. Zhuang, Schlumberger (Alternate paper in Special Session 1)

1530 187022 Does the Horizontal Fracture Limit the Fracture Height Growth in Jubaila Source Rock? W. Lubis, N. Mulhim, A. Al-Sultan, K. Asiri, M. Buraiki, K. Bartko, and A. Rios Alvarez, Saudi Aramco (Alternate paper in Technical Session 14)

Thursday, 19 October

1030 186262 Heavy Oil Sampling Using Wireline Formation Tester - Case Studies of Highly Viscous Oils from Bohai Bay G. Zhang, Z. Tan, and Z. Hao, CNOOC Tianjin Branch; G. Lei and N.P. Hardikar, Baker Hughes, a GE company

1300 186370 Research of Floor Horizontal Well Staged Fracturing Technology L. Cao and X. Yang, PetroChina Tarim Oilfield Co.; S. Zhang and H. Wang, China U. of Petroleum, Beijing; K. Wang and H. Liu, PetroChina Tarim Oilfield Co.; J. Zhao, Jianghan Machinery Research Inst.

1320 186332 Improve the Stability of Sand Feeding Process for Liquid CO2 Fracturing with Synergetic Multi Disciplinary Systems S. Meng, H. Liu, and Q. Yang, RIPED, PetroChina; J. Xu, Y. Duan, and S. Chen, PetroChina Jilin Oilfield Co.




Time Paper

Tuesday, 17 October

1300 186359 Study on Remaining Oil Distribution Characteristics and Water Flooding Efficiency Improvement Technology after Polymer Flooding D. Jia, RIPED, PetroChina; X. Tang, Daqing Oilfield Co., PetroChina; F. Sun, RIPED, PetroChina; T. Chen, Daqing Oilfield Co., PetroChina; Y. Zhu, Jilin Oilfield Co., PetroChina; T. Guo, RIPED, PetroChina

1320 186213 Development and Application of Pulley-Free Directly-Connected Hydraulic Pumping Unit Q. Ye, F. Wang, Y. Wang, Y. Zhu, J. Xu, and X. Li, Jilin Oilfield Co., PetroChina; Y. Gao, RIPED, PetroChina

1340 186188 Best Practice of “Increasing the Income and Reducing the Expenditure, Lowering Cost and Improving Benefit” on the Brown Oilfields H. Liu, S. Meng, Z. Zhao, J. Yan, and Z. Yao, RIPED, PetroChina

1530 186287 Stress Corrosion Cracking on an Insulated Austenitic Stainless Steel Pressure Vessel P.W. Hapsoro, PT Badak NGL (Alternate paper in Technical Session 24)

1730 186958 Automatic Control Surface Safety Valve: Low Cost Solution to Optimise Production S.P. Moelyono and P.F.K. Kusuma, Vico Indonesia

1750 186890 Bekapai 2B Brownfield Modification Project: Challenges, Execution Strategy and Lesson Learned A. Budiarko and H. Setyawan, Total E&P Indonesie

1810 186959 A Case Study of Shallow Water Flexible Pipe Project Execution for Maintaining Production in Marginal Field, Offshore North West Java Indonesia E. Sinulingga and H. Yananto, Pertamina Hulu Energi ONWJ

Wednesday, 18 October

1030 186402 Redevelopment of Mature Combination Drive Reservoir to Enhance Ultimate Recovery in Asri Basin, Indonesia R. Widiatmo, L.B. Waskito, F.N. Afi, P. Nugroho, and H. Gunawan, CNOOC SES Ltd.

1300 186341 Optimising Operation Oversight of Oil and Gas through Aerial Surveillance A.E. Prasetya and E. Sufiadi, SKK Migas; H.U. Sadik, Surveyor Indonesia

1320 186343 Review of Coal Bed Methane Prospect in Indonesia C. Irawan, D. Nurcahyanto, I.F. Azmy, J.A. Paju, and W.M. Ernata, SKK Migas

1340 186345 Investigation and Application of Reciprocating Direct-Drive Electric Submersible Plunger Pump Lifting Technology G. Zheng, W. Du, Q. Wang, L. Wang, F. Wang, Y. Sun, G. Wang, and W. Wang, Daqing Oilfield Co., PetroChina; Y. Gao, RIPED, PetroChina

1530 186218 Planning and Execution of ERD Development Wells Project in Myanmar A. Atemin, PETRONAS; K. Ramasamy, Baker Hughes; M.N.R. Jainuddin and C.Y. Ong, U. Teknologi PETRONAS

Thursday, 19 October

1030 186915 Maximising More Barrels in Brownfield Rejuvenation through Integrated Collaboration N.A.J. Mohd Sharir, N.F. Mohamad Nordin, and A.H. Abdul Latif, Neu


Solutions Sdn. Bhd.; W.M.A. Wan Khairul, T.A. Mohamed, and Z. Johar, PETRONAS Carigali Sdn. Bhd.

1300 186433 Methodology of Compartmentalisation Analysis for Modelling - Mereenie Field, Northern Territory T.T.T. Nguyen, L.A.T. Nguyen, and G.E.M. Perdomo, The U. of Adelaide

1320 186260 Beam Pump Design for Steam Stimulation Heavy Oil Wells A.L. Pandit, A. Abdul-Aziz Mohammad, F. Al-Salem, Y.M. Abdelaziz, A. Najaf, and R. Al-Ajmi, Kuwait Oil Co.

1340 186884 Revisiting EOR Projects in Indonesia through Integrated Study: EOR Screening, Predictive Model and Optimisation A.D. Hartono, Kyushu U.; F. Hakiki, King Abdullah U. of Science and Technology; Z. Syihab, Inst. Teknologi Bandung; F. Ambia, SKK Migas; A. Yasutra and Sutopo, Inst. Teknologi Bandung; M. Efendi, V. Sitompul, I. Primasari, and R. Apriandi, Pertamina Upstream Technology Center


Time Paper

Tuesday, 17 October

1300 186228 Accelerated Depreciation Increase the Economical of PSC Contractors Project in Indonesia W. Jaluakbar and I.S. Putra, SKK Migas (Alternate paper in Technical Session 16)

1320 186947 Statistical Analysis and Mapping of Oil and Gas Operating Cost Based on Field Development Plan in Indonesia A. Abdul Azizurrofi, A.A. Asnidar, D.R. Galih, A.H. Hermawan, Y.S. Buana, and R.R. Firdaus, SKK Migas (Alternate paper in Technical Session 32)

1340 186193 Downhole Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (PMSM) Drive PCP - Wide Range of Speed, Output and High Efficiency Z. Hao, RIPED, PetroChina; G. Zhang, Xibu Drilling Engineering Co. Ltd., CNPC; S. Zhu and L. Zhang, RIPED, PetroChina (Alternate paper in Technical Session 8)

1530 186972 Binomial Probability Theory Supporting a Learning System Applied to Exploration Decision Making G.R. Morrison, Woodside Energy Ltd. (Alternate paper in Technical Session 12)

1750 186944 Fit for Purpose Behaviourism; a Design Culture M. Siboro and A. Prabowo, Total E&P Indonesie (Alternate paper in Technical Session 28)

1810 186336 Experimental Analysis of Discontinuities in Single Phase Flow - Vibration and Pressure Fluctuation Measurements H. Karim and L. Ancian, Vibratec (Alternate paper in Technical Session 8)

Wednesday, 18 October

1030 186350 Design of Cost-Effective Solution Against Acoustic Induced Vibration through Advanced FE Analysis H. Karim and L. Ancian, Vibratec (Alternate paper in Technical Session 1)

1300 186257 Technical Integrity Management System U. Hasanah, S. Wibisono, and Suryani, Total E&P Indonesie (Alternate paper in Technical Session 1)

1320 185830 Managing Change through Center of Excellence Implementation for the


(Previously Published Paper)

Upstream Oil Sector in Kuwait N.K. Al-Zeabot and A.Y. Al-Kandari, Kuwait Oil Co. (Alternate paper in Technical Session 32)

1340 186997 Design of Jumper Lines to Unlock Potential of Wells - A Success Story M. Siboro, A. Widitya, and A. Prabowo, Total E&P Indonesie (Alternate paper in Technical Session 8)

1530 186383 An Analytical Approach for Evaluating the Capillary Trapping during CO2 Storage in Aquifers L. Zhu, X. Liao, Z. Chen, and L. Mu, China U. of Petroleum, Beijing; T. Wang, RIPED-Langfang (Alternate paper in Technical Session 20)

Thursday, 19 October

1030 186378 Proposed Modification of Abandonment and Site Restoration Mechanism in Gross Split PSC for Marginal Field in Indonesia T.S. Kurniawan and J. Jaenudin, PT Pertamina (Persero) (Alternate paper in Technical Session 16)

1300 186966 A Clean and Efficient Development Mode Boosts Community Development and Environment Protection: Development of Keshen Gas Field, Western China T. Jiang, H. Liu, X. Yang, Z. Xu, L. Zhou, K. Wang, and S. Li, Tarim Oilfield Co., CNPC (Alternate paper in Technical Session 20)

1320 186983 A New Practical Approach to Building Tight Reservoir Development Integration Data Model in China H. Liu, J. Yan, Z. Yao, and Z. Zhao, RIPED, PetroChina (Alternate paper in Technical Session 12)

1340 186290 Delivering an Effective and Efficient Contract Transfer in Manpower Contract Management to Maintain the Stability of Daily Operation A. Meiraharyanti, A.S. Hidayatullah, and N. Kusumasari, Total E&P Indonesie (Alternate paper in Technical Session 28)

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