
Post on 16-Apr-2015






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case report


Chromoblastomycosis (Chromomycosis)

Sitti Aisyah Rieskiu C11107081

Ernawati C11107083

Shinta Pramita D C11107080

A.Muh. Hadi Kusuma 110207046

Nadia Azpia Tuasikal 110207036

Case Report Name : MNN Sex : Male Age : 67 years old Work : - Marriage status : Married

Anamnesis Primary Kompliant : Edema in left foot Since ±12 motnhs ago Pain in plantar foot Itchiness Bump filled with liquid on left foot, initially

looked little by the time increasingly more larger than before.

Present status Vital sign :

BP : 140/90 mmHgH : 80 x/min B : 22 x/mT : 370C

General condition : mild Hygiene : bad Consciousness : Compos Mentis

Dermatovenorology Efflorescence : Nodule, vesicle, erythema,

edema Location : Left foot Itchiness Pain

Laboratory result WBC : x 10³ / µl (N : 4,00-10,00) RBC : x 106 / µl (N : 4,00-6,00) HGB : g/dL (N :12,00-16,00) HCT : % (N : 37,0-48,0) PLT : x 10³ / µl (N : 150-400) SGOT : U/l (N : <48) SGPT: U/l (N : <41) Ureum : mg/dl (N : 10-50) Creatinin : mg/dl (N : L<1,3, P<1,1)

Lab result -

Further Examination Biopsy

Resume A 67 years old man came to hospital with a

complain edema in left foot and pain in plantar foot and itchiness in left foot since ±12 months ago. Patient had been contact or work in the garden. History of disease: Patient post stroke 7 years ago, Patient had hypertension, cholesterol and uric acid always high 7 years ago, Family history (-)

Internal status in ….. range. Dermatology status: location at left foot, edema, erythema, vesicle, and nodule. Vital status in abnormal BP range.

Diagnosis Chromoblastomycosis

Treatment Compress Potassium Permanganate liquid (PK)

1:10.000 Plainning of biopsy (waiting for laboratory

result )


Defenition A chronic fungal infection of the skin and

subcutaneous tissues caused by pigmented fungi, which produce thick- walled single or multi celled clusters (sclerotic or muriform bodies) in tissue, and which are characterized by the production of slow growing exophytic lesions, usually on the feet and legs.

Etiology Chromoblastomycosis is caused by several

fungi, the most common of which are Phialophora verrucosa, Fonsecaea pedrosoi, F. compacta and Cladophialophora carrionii (recent synonym Cladosporium carrionii). Other rare causes include Rhinocladiella aquaspersa. The nomenclature of these fungi has been reviewed by McGinnis.

The causal fungi have been isolated from wood and soil, and the infection usually results from trauma, such as a puncture from a splinter of wood. The condition is usually found in rural communities.

Clinical Features The lesions are usually found on exposed

sites, particularly the feet, legs, arms, face and neck.

A warty papule slowly enlarges to form a hypertrophic plaque.

Painless secondary infection causes itching and pain. Satellite lesions are produced by scratching,

and There may be lymphatic spread to adjacent

areas. Squamous carcinomas may develop in chronic


Differential Diagnose

Phialophora verrucosa Fonsecaea pedrosoi Cladophialophora carrionii

TreatmentAntifungal chemotherapy Traconazole (100–200 mg daily) or Terbinafine (250 mg daily)

Cryotherapy or the local application of heat

Surgery is contentious; in larger plaques there is a risk in pursuing this approach as satellite lesions may develop around the excision site.

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