kuta weekly-edition 191 "bali"s premier weekly newspaper"

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  • 8/9/2019 Kuta Weekly-Edition 191 "Bali"s Premier Weekly Newspaper"


    Volume 4, Issue 191

    B OGI YB



    Kut a Townhouses

    Current NewsSports NewsReal EstateCrosswordSudokuIts All About BaliJoke CornerHoroscopesWorld News

    1 -

    10 - 26

    18- 24






    29 - 40



    If you have any interesting article or would like to advertise please send tof y ou hav e any i n t e r es t i ng a r t i c l e o r wou ld l i k e t o adv e r t i s e p l eas e s end t o1

    Government Wants BalineseVillagers to Plant RotatingCrop of Trees on LocalFarmlands to Make Bali'sWood Carv ing I ndus t rySustainable.

    The Bali Forestry serviceis inviting the public to developlocal forest reserves in order tomeet the need for raw material

    among the island's wood workersand statue carvers.

    Quoted by the national newsagency, Antara, the head of Bali'sForestry Service, Anak Agung NgurahBuana, said, "We are preparingseedlings without charge andrequesting public participation (in theproject) in conjunction with the Heads(Kelian) of the Bali community units."

    Buana said that forests plantedby local communities would be readyfor harvest in three to four years.

    The type of woods to beplanted include mahogany, Bintangur

    ( b e n t a w a s ) ,

    Crocodile wood(panggal buaya)a n d r a i n t r e e(trembesi) whichforestry officialsh o p e l o c a lr e s i d e n t s w i l lintroduce in theirland holdings.

    "The fellingof the trees should

    be carried out in stages,ideally over four cuttings from asingle planting, in order toprovide for a sustainableharvest," he continued.

    He also explained thatover the last several years, theForestry Service has distributedone million trees plantingswithout charge to the public.

    Continue to Page2

    Making Bali's Wood Carvers Self-Reliant



    22 July - 28 July 2010 (191)


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    Kuta Weekly News Corner


    22 Ju l

    y - 28 July 2010 (191)

  • 8/9/2019 Kuta Weekly-Edition 191 "Bali"s Premier Weekly Newspaper"


    Kuta Weekly News Corner


    AirAsia to Fly from Bali toDarwin in Octo ber 2010.

    The Indonesia arm ofAirAisa (IAA) have announcedtheir intention to operate directflights between Denpasar andDarwin commencing October2010. The service connecting Bali

    to Australia's northwest will takeup routes recently abandoned bythe Indonesian national flagcarrier Garuda Indonesia.

    As reported in Bisnis.com,the President Director of IAA,Dharmadi, said the new servicewould operate four times a weekusing Airbus A320 aircraft with acapacity of 180 passengers.

    Explaining hisairlines decision to flyt h e n e w r o u t e ,Dharmadi said theDenpasar -Darwinroute can be flown in just 2 hours, wellwithin the 5 hour flight

    range of the A 320.Final approval top e r m i t f l i g h toperations over thenew route, now rests with civilaviation authorities in Jakarta andCanberra. IAA currently operatesflights to Australia on theDenpasar -Per th , WesternAustralia route.

    If approved, operations byIAA between Bali and Darwin willplace the Indonesia airline indirect competition with JetStarAustralia who also operate thisroute using A320 equipment.

    Dharmadi told

    Bisnis.com. that thecurrent twice-weekly service isaveraging passenger loadsabove 90%, primarily comprisedof Australia tourists.

    IAA is targeting to converttheir entire armada to A320aircraft, bringing to 14 the totalnumber of planes in their fleet bythe end of November 2010.

    49% of IAA is owned byAirAsia Berhad Malaysia.

    22 July - 28 July 2010 (191)

    Air Asia to Operate Denpasar-Darwin

    Continued from page 1"Once our proposal receives localcommunity approval, seedlingscan be taken at three nurserylocations in Suwung (Denpasar),Grokgak (Buleleng) and Abang(Karangasem)," he explained.

    Continuing to outline thescheme, he described howplantings should be limited to 400trees per hectare, allowing mixedagriculture including also corn,cassava and several varieties ofpeanuts to coexist alongside theforestry cultivation. This approachprovides a secondary cash cropwhile waiting for the wood harvestto sufficiently mature.

    Agung Buana expressedthe wish that trees can be plantedin a mixed agricultural productsetting in every vacant parcel ofland in Bali as part of efforts tomake Bali green, while at thesame time helping to fulfill rawmaterial needs of the local woodcarving sector.

    Bali has a constant needfor wood required by traditionalcarvers, currently compelling theimport of wood from other areas ofIndonesia each year. Efforts tocreate new wood sources on Baliwill hopefully, over time, reducethe need for these imports,making a key Bali employmentsector more self-reliant.

    Bali currently calculatesits forested regions as covering130,686 hectares comprised of95,766 hectares (73.28%) ofconservation land and 26,293hectares (20.12%) of protectedtrees and 8.626 hectares (6.60%)of wood plantations. In all,forested land covers only 22% ofthe island's surface, a numbersubstantially below the 30%figure seen as ideal for sustainingBali's natural environment.

    Mona Lisa x-ray reveals Da Vinci's ligh t touch

    Kuta Weekly News Corner


    French sc ien t i s ts have shone new light on thepa in t ing techn ique thatallowed Renaissance masterLeonardo Da Vinci to givethe Mona Lisa such ane x t r a o r d i n a r y d e l i c a t e charm.

    Working with an x-rayscanner, scholars at the Louvrewere able to detect each layer ofglaze, paint and pigment in seven

    of his masterpieces, andreconstruct his painstakingshading technique, known as"sfumato".

    "Minute observations,optical measurements andreconstitutions have alreadydescribed the sfumato, but newana lys is can conf i rm theprocedure of this technique," astatement from the state CNRSresearch institute said.

    "The results obtained in

    th i s s tu d y h e l p tounderstand Da Vinci's searchtowards making his art look alive."

    One of the reasons theMona Lisa remains renowned tothis day as a great portrait is thelifelike shadows and tones thatgive her enigmatically smilingface a sense of depth and reality.

    A c c o r d i n g t o t h escientists, who were able to studythe layers of work that went intothe paintings without damaging

    them by extracting actualsamples, the shadows were builtup by dozens of translucent layersof glaze.

    Each layer was only oneof two micrometres thick, but eachcontained a carefully dosedamount of pigmentation.

    This was a new techniquein the Renaissance, and part ofthe reason Da Vinci and hiscontemporaries were able tomake what had been the once flat

    images of the Middle Agesappear to leap from their framesinto photo-like reality.

    In addition to the MonaLisa, the scientists studied theVirgin of the Rocks, Saint Johnthe Baptist, Annunciation,Bacchus, Belle Ferronniere, SaintAnne and the Virgin and the Child.

    In each case they wereable to probe the 500-year-oldmasterworks without even takingthem down from the walls of the

    famous Louvre Gallery in Paris,by beaming an x-ray fluorescencespectroscope at the canvas.

    The research was carriedout by Laurence de Viguerie,Philippe Walter, Eric Laval, BrunoMottin and Armando Sole of theFrench national museumsservice, and published in thescholarly review AngewandteChemie International Edition.

    22 Ju l

    y - 28 July 2010 (191)

    For the girl who has everything - a wearable winerack

    THERE'S now a perfect giftf o r t h e g i r l w h o h a severything - including adesire to secretly drink whilesimultaneously getting abreast lift.

    The Wine Rack, a sportsbra with a plastic "bladder" thatcan hold an entire bottle of wine, isfeatured at the BaronBob.comwebsite.

    "You won't find this atVictoria's Secret," Paul Krasuljaof BaronBob boasted to the theNew York Daily News.

    "I don't consider it fine-looking lingerie. But it is a good-looking piece."

    He won' t get manyarguments about the goodlooking part.

    Basically the $US29.95

    device is a black sportsbra with a polyurethane bladderinside and a drinking tube longenough to sip from.

    Add l iquid, and thewebsite promises you will "turn anA cup into double Ds".

    And where, exactly, would

    you want to sport thispiece of equipment?

    The website suggestsfilling it with wine or cocktails andwearing it to "movies, concerts,ball games, even PTA meetings".

  • 8/9/2019 Kuta Weekly-Edition 191 "Bali"s Premier Weekly Newspaper"


    Warung Corner Kuta Weekly


    22 July - 28 July 2010 (191)Kuta Weekly News Corner


    22 July - 28 July 2010 (191)


  • 8/9/2019 Kuta Weekly-Edition 191 "Bali"s Premier Weekly Newspaper"


    BALI THE RIGHT WAYKuta Weekly News Corner


    It's that time again folks,As for all Australians who are

    eligible, we are now obligated tocast our vote for the bettermanagement of our great homecountry (Australia Ken) At this pointwe are faced with a choice betweena pre menopausal Ranga, whotakes forever to finish hersentences & a misogynist budgiesmuggling grim reaper look alikewho only tells the truth if it's inwriting.What chance do we have, I sayhang onto your hats Australia as itsgoing to be a bloody bumpy ride.What about Pedro, does he stillwant us to vote for him???? Be sure

    stto all do the right thing on the 21 ofAugust and place your vote.

    Before I move onto a topicthat has been annoying me for awhile (one of a few) I would like youall to turn your attention to the A.F.Lladder and make a note who holdspole position, and just in case you

    don't have time to peruse the KutaWeekly pages, I will tell you, TheMighty Collingwood Magpies that'swho. Fantastic, should be a goodfinal series!!!!!

    Ok, the following is aterrible issue I, and probably mostof us, have been watching unfoldover the last almost 3 months in the

    Gulf of Mexico. You guessed it theBP rig disaster. I've heard thatalmost a million barrels of crude oilper day has been venting into theocean for 87 days and has now,thankfully been capped. I guess toimagine the quantity of oil is a littlebeyond my capacity to picture, but,based on the price per barrel, whichmakes the loss to the oil companyaround $6,649,410,000 at today'sprices. That's more money thanmany of us will ever see in 2000family generations of income, andshould serve to give some sort ofscale as to what I would say is theworld's worst environmental

    mishap. I remember my thoughtsabout twenty years ago when theworld saw the Exxon Valdez spill itsguts into the ocean, after runningaground in Prince William Sound inAlaska. How terrible was it to seethe pictures of sea birds that wheresuffocating after being completelycovered in oil. Terrible. Thousands

    of animals were killed along withthousands of kilometres of coastline having oil washed up with eachtide, not to mention a myriad ofmarine life that was desecrated ordestroyed. I believe the cleanup isstill under way.

    I guess basically it's a riskthat is going to always be there, as

    long as we venture ever deeper intothe world's oceans to extract thevery substance that drives thewheels of the world.Apparently British Petroleum haspledged 20 billion dollars to kick offthe clean up, which won't go veryfar. I believe they will spend over200 billion before the issue goesaway, and they will offer noresistance when asked to makethings right as best possible. I hopeit's the last time we see anythinglike that.

    Well that's my lot for theweek fellow punters, as it's abouttime for me to crack a few greenies

    and chill out on the patio, I hope youall enjoy the paper this week andstay safe. By the way does anyoneknow what a misogynist is? I bet thebald builder from Bunbury could tellus. Until Next Week, Enjoy,


    22 July - 28 July 2010 (191)

    A team of French researchershas found that women who list ento music with romantic lyrics aremore likely to agree to date aman who asks them out.

    The study, published this

    month in the journal Psychology ofMusic, involved 87 undergraduatefema le s tuden ts who to ldresearchers they were single.

    The women sat alone in awaiting room while one of twoFrench songs played - one whichhad romantic lyrics, the other whichhad neutral lyrics.

    After three minutes oflistening to the music, each womanwas invited to sit with a 20-year-oldman, who other young women had

    judged as having "average"physical attractiveness.

    The pair then comparedtwo varieties of biscuit.

    Following the discussion,the man asked the woman for her

    phone number and invited her outfor a drink.

    "My name is Antoine, asyou know, I think you are very niceand I was wondering if you wouldgive me your phone number," theman said to each woman.

    "I'll phone you later and wecan have a drink togethersomewhere next week."

    He then waited 10 secondsand gazed and smiled at thewoman.

    Of the women who hadbeen listening to romantic lyrics,52.2 per cent provided the man withtheir phone number.

    But only 27.9 per cent ofwomen who had been listening to

    the neutral lyrics agreed to hisrequest.

    The psychologists sayother studies have shownbackground music can affect pro-social and consumer behaviour, buttheir study is the first to link it to"more intimate affects".

    They say further researchneeds to be done as the experimentonly examined the effects of oneromantic song.

    Love songs improve men's dating chances

    Kuta Weekly News Corner


    22 July - 28 July 2010 (191)

  • 8/9/2019 Kuta Weekly-Edition 191 "Bali"s Premier Weekly Newspaper"


    Warung Corner



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    K ut a Tow nhousesut a Tow nhousesJl. Poppies I, Pasar Agung, Kuta, Balil. Poppies I, Pasar Agung, Kuta, Bali

    Kuta Weekly 22 Ju l

    y - 28 July 2010 (191)

    Friday, 2 July 2010

    Saturday, 24 July 2010

    Sunday, 25 July 2010

    FRIDAYNIGHT ROASTStart 6pm onward

    Kut a TownhousesSpecialSee page 16


    N R L



    N R L





    Friday, 23 July 20107.30pm

    N R L









    Kuta Weekly News Corner


    22 July - 28 July 2010 (191)

    CUPERTINO, CA -On Friday, SteveJobs announcedh is so lu t i on f o ri P h o n e 4customers: stopm a k i n g p h o n ecalls!

    J o u r n a l i s t spoured into Apple'sheadquarters on July16 for a surprise pressconference. Apple discussedissues with the iPhone 4'santenna that have been plaguingthe gadget.

    Steve Jobs absolvedhimself, and Apple, of any guiltabout problems iPhone 4customers were having withdropped calls. Jobs defended thecompany, saying that the issueswith the external antenna are aproduct of the imagination of the

    media. All smart phones havesimilar problems.

    Jobs went on to say thatafter he and his engineers spentcountless hours testing the othersmart phones including the SprintEVO 4G, the Google Nexus Oneand the Verizon Droid X, he foundhimself drawn to the Droid X. Ireally fell in love with the Droid Xand am considering buying somefor friends and family. What agreat phone!

    Jobs was about to go onabout the Droid X, but Apple'spublic relations team rushed on

    the stage and had a quick (yet

    firm) chat with him. Jobsthen told the audience that theiPhone 4 was still the best phone,but members of the press saw himput the Droid X in his pocket. ThePR team rushed back on stage toremove the Droid X from hispocket. Jobs had a death grip onit, but eventually Apple's GeniusTeam came out and were able topry it from his f ingers.

    J o b s t h e n o f f e r e dcustomers who had bought theiPhone 4 (or will buy one beforeSeptember 30) a free case. And ifa customer already bought a casefrom Apple, he will refund them forit. Nobody's perfect. I'm close,but nobody else is, so mistakesare made by them. Jobs saidthat Apple loves its users andtries very hard to surprise anddelight them.

    One journalist, Sal Begleyof TechEye, stood up and saidthat he was surprised, but notdelighted, when his iPhone 4didn't work. Jobs just smiled, tooka step back, clapped his hands du

    Soleil contortionists tumbled onto

    a n d p o o f !One hundred SanFr a n c i sco C lo wn sdropped from the raftersspraying silly string,C i r q u e d u S o l e i lcontortionists tumbledonto the stage andBono popped through afake wall singing, Don'tWorry, Be Happy.

    N e i t h e r t h espectacle, nor the

    cotton candy Jobs handed out,satisfied journalists, who keptasking Jobs what other solutionshe had come up with.

    Jobs paced, thought for amoment and then said he hadcome up with the perfect iPhone 4solution: stop making phonecalls! The journalists werestunned by this statement, butbefore they could ask a question,he went on a rant. What we really

    should do is just change the nameof this thing to the i4 and drop theword phone altogether. Thatwould really solve the problem.People talk on the phone toodamn much anyway. That's allAmericans do is talk, talk, talk. I'msick of it. Can't you shut yourtraps once in a while?! If theiPhone 4 drops your call, it's for areason you talk too much!

    And with that Jobs walkedto the side of the stage, snatchedback his Droid X and ran out of thebuilding, chased by The GeniusTeam.

    Surprise and delight.


    Cop gets holiday for time spent dressingA German police officer hasbeen awarded an extra week ofannual leave to compensate forthe time he spends gettingdressed into his uniform eachday.

    Martin Schauder, 44,argued that the 15 minutes hespends each morning putting on his

    uniform - a vest, trousers,belt, shirt, tank top and boots,together with a p isto l andhandcuffs, amounted to overtime.

    A co u r t i n w e s t e rnGermany agreed that the officerwas giving his employers theequivalent of 45 to 50 hours a yearunpaid because of the wardroberequirements.

    The court awarded MrSchauder an extra week's leave orthe equivalent in pay.

    If the ruling is appliedretrospectively, Mr Schauder wouldbe liable to more than six months'holiday.

    He has been working withthe police force for 28 years.

  • 8/9/2019 Kuta Weekly-Edition 191 "Bali"s Premier Weekly Newspaper"


    Kuta Weekly News Corner


    22 July - 28 July 2010 (191) Kuta Weekly News Corner


    22 July - 28 July 2010 (191)

    Man swallows snake for$2 bet in India

    AN Indian man cheated death after aswallowing a highly poisonous snakefor a bet worth just a couple of dollars.

    Zaver Rathod, 35, killed the reptile byhurling stones at it after it bit one of his friends inSurat, in the eastern state of Gujurat, The Timesof India reported today.

    Egged on by his companions, the farmlabourer then consumed the entire snake rawfor a 100 Rupee bet ($2.42).

    However, he soon fell violently ill andwas rushed to the hospital yesterday withsevere nausea and vomiting.

    Doctors managed to remove thecontents of his stomach before the snake'svenom could enter his blood stream, whichwould almost certainly have proved fatal.

    Mr Rathod fled today to escape the glareof the Indian media, as reporters descended onthe hospital to interview him.

    Doctors expect him to recover, TheTimes of India said.

    Officials have not disclosed what type ofsnake he ate.

  • 8/9/2019 Kuta Weekly-Edition 191 "Bali"s Premier Weekly Newspaper"


    Kuta Weekly News Corner22 July - 28 July 2010 (191)

    The Very Dark Side of Bali's Night LifeGang Violence Claims a Life at Bali Red Room Bar inApparent Turf War Among Island' s Criminal Gangs.

    Violence at a Kuta nightspot left one man injuredand another dead on Wednesday, July 14, 2010. Thetragic incident unfolded at the Red Room Bar on JalanDyana Pura where thugs brutally attacked the two men,beating them with blunt objects and stabbing them withknives.

    The attack followed by three days an attack onthe Sky Garden Discotheque by two street gangs that

    occurred on Sunday, July 11, 2010.In what has been characterized by some as a

    struggle for territory among thugs who extort localbusiness for protection money, tens of men armed withblades, swords and chains rained havoc on the RedRoom Bar, located adjacent to the Santa Fe Caf in Kuta.

    According to beritabali.com, preliminaryinformation was that the gang planned to attack both theSky Garden and the Red Bar seeking to kill a certainunnamed subject. The same source said the thugs did notfind their target and, instead, attacked the two men, killingone of their victims. The attack was described byobservers as quick and systematic.

    The Sky Garden, which was under police guardand closed at the time of the attack, following a separateincident several days earlier, was bypassed by the gangthat laid seige to the Red Room Bar.

    The victims at Red Room Bar were two securityguards. 28 year-old Bagus Alit Edi Sastrawan who wascornered by the gang, beaten into submission before

    being repeatedly stabbed by his assailants.While Sastrawan died in hospital following the attack, theother guard, Yesaya Karmoi, managed to escape thegang after suffering knife wounds to his back. He hasbeen treated by a local hospital and released.

    The attack which happened in the early hourssaw guests, many of them foreigners, flee for the lives asthe brutal attack ensued.

    Before leaving the scene, the thugs alsodestroyed the furniture and fittings of the nightspot.

    Investigation ContinuesDespite numerous witnesses to the attack

    performed by as many as 30-40 men, police have yet tomake an arrest in the case. Following witness interviews,police claim that now have a number of possible suspectson which they are focusing their efforts.

    While police are unprepared to advance a motivefor the attack, local press portray the attack as a strugglef o r t e r r i t o r ybetween a localBalinese gang andanother groupfrom outside theisland.

    P o l i c ehave announcedthat they will nottolerate thuggeryand violence bylocal gangs.


    Sukawati Art Market to be Renovated

    Popular Sukawat i ArtMarket in Bal i to beModernized i n 2011.

    The popular shopping stopof the traditional souvenir andhandicraft market at Sukawati,just north of Bali's capital city ofDe n p a sa r , i s s l a te d fo rmodernization by the Gianyar

    R e g e n c yadministration.

    As reported byKompas.com, localgovernment officialshave begun planning am o d e r n i z a t i o np r o g r a m f o r t h ec r o wd e d ma r ke t ,popular with bothd o m e s t i c a n dinternational touristvisitors. The Regent ofGianyar, Tjokorda Oka

    Artha Ardana Sukawati, told thepress that renovations arescheduled to begin in 2011.

    Describing the marketscurrent condition as over-crowded and " i r ra t iona l , "Tjokorda said, we have no otherchoice than to make the marketinto a traditional art market plaza

    that is both comfortableand safe."

    Tjokorda said every effortwould be made to preserve the"people's market" atmosphere ofthe current facility, while, at thesame t ime, sa feguard ingtraditional elements of design.The new market will not involveany enlargement of the availablespace for local handcraft vendors,but strive only to improveefficiency, cleanliness andcomfort.

    " H o p e f u l l y , t h econstruction of the market can berealized, bearing in mind that theorganization of the market isextremely difficult given the 'pros'and 'cons' that will inevitably beput forth by the vendors,"Tjokorda added.

    Kuta Weekly News Corner


    22 July - 28 July 2010 (191)

    Culling farting feral animals could curb carbon, Pew says

    Feral animals such as wild pigsneed to be culled to cut carbonemmissions, an environmentalgroup s ays / File

    CULLING the feral animalsthat burp and fart their way aroundAustralia's outback could eliminatebillions of tonnes of carbonemissions, an environmentalgroup says.

    A study commissioned bythe Nature Conservancy and thePew Environment Group hasfound that 9.7 billion tonnes of

    carbon is stored in the nation'scentral forests, grass and

    woodlands.But through better land

    management, such as cullingwild animals, reducing wildfires,limiting tree clearing andallowing vegetation to regrow,another 1.3 billion tonnes ofcarbon could be stored by 2050- the equivalent of taking 7.5

    million cars off the road everyyear for the next 40.Pew spokesman Barry

    Traill said a program of cullingfera l camels was a l readyunderway, but needed to beextended.

    "When feral animals belchthey re l eas e me thane , aparticularly noxious greenhousegas, and every single camel orwater buffalo releases theequivalent of around one tonne ofcarbon dioxide each year,'' he toldreporters in Canberra.

    " W h e n y o u ' v e g o thundreds of thousands, in some

    cases millions, of these feral

    pollution each year.''Dr Traill said the practical

    and inexpensive measures shouldbe part of all political partiesclimate change policies.

    "This is not theory, theseare not some new ideas whichneed ... more science, this is workthat is being done right now,'' he

    said. "If we expand it acrossmuch greater areas of the countrywe will get those inexpensivesavings.''

    Australian Greens senatorChristine Milne welcomed thestudy, which pointed to potentialemissions reductions of 5 per centby 2030.

    "We need substantialinvestment in techniques tomeasure terrestrial carbon and inhelping the stewards of our land -indigenous people, farmers, landcare groups - to make the changesneeded to tap the huge potential

    that is there,'' she said.

    Wedge-tail eagle leaves nuptials in a flapF O R G E Ts o m e t h i n gb o r r o w e d a n dsomething blue,t h e l a t e s taccessory for them o d e r n G o l dCoast bride is afearsome bird ofprey.

    A wedge-tailed eagle hasbeen trained to swoop down the

    aisle overt h e h e a d s o fastonished gueststo de l iver thewedding rings tothe best man orgroom, the GoldCoast Bu l le t inreports.

    "Ten yearsafter you've been to a weddingyou won't remember the food that

    but you will remember ifan eagle flew in," said ZannaCarey from Broadwings Events.

    The eagle can perform itsfly-in trick at weddings inchurches, on beaches or ingarden locations.

    At the right moment duringthe ceremony, the best man orgroom raises a gloved hand with ascrap of meat in it and the handlerreleases the bird.

  • 8/9/2019 Kuta Weekly-Edition 191 "Bali"s Premier Weekly Newspaper"


    Kuta Weekly News Corner


    22 July - 28 July 2010 (191)

    Passengers Flee Bali-Bound Flight from LombokMerpati PassengersF l e e B a l i - B o u n dFlight at LombokAirport as SmokeF i l l s P a s s e n g e rCabin.

    M e r p a t i

    Nusantara Flight 6601flying from Mataram(Lombok) to Bali onWednesday, July 14,2010, failed to fly whenpassengers took mattersinto their own hands andabandoned the aircrafton the runway, prior to take-off at SelaparangAirport.

    Stewardesses were going through thepre-flight safety briefing when smoke emanatingfrom the cockpit engulfed the plane's interior viathe air conditioning system.

    Passengers said obvious panic by theflight crew, who failed to issue any emergency

    commands, c a u s e dpassengers totake matter intotheir own hands,open the plane'semergency exitsa n d e x i t t h e

    smoking plane.The smokewas traced to anelectrical shortc i r c u i t i n t h ecockpit. The airlinei n s i s t s t h epassengers were

    never in danger.No passengers were injured in the

    incident. The passengers were transferred todifferent airplane in order to continue their flight toDenpasar, Bali.

    Representatives from the NationalTransportation Safety Committee (KNKT) areinvestigating the incident.

    Kuta Weekly News Corner


    22 July - 28 July 2010 (191)


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    Present this c ouponto

    receive a free welcome drinkeceive a free welcome drinkWomen are most beautiful at 31 - poll

    THE prime age for beautyin women is a relativelymature 31 years old,

    a c c o r d i n g t o s t u d ypublished tod ay.In the survey of more

    than 2000 British men andwomen, the fresh-faced lookwas rejected in favor of womenin their late 20s and early 30s.Confidence was also found tobe more important in definingbeauty than good looks.

    The peak age of beautywas identified as 31 - a finding

    that will undoubtedly bewelcomed by celebrities of thesame age, including TomCruise's wife Katie Holmes and

    I Know What You Did LastSummer star Jennifer LoveHewitt.

    Almost two-thirds ofwomen questioned agreed that"with age, comes beauty", andmore than half said theybecame more confident in theirlooks as they grew older.

    The s tudy, by TVshopping channel QVC, found

    London women weremost confident about theirlooks, with 37 per centdescribing themselves as

    beautiful compared to 28 percent of women from Wales.

    Restaur ant

  • 8/9/2019 Kuta Weekly-Edition 191 "Bali"s Premier Weekly Newspaper"


    Kuta Weekly News Corner


    22 July - 28 July 2010 (191)

    Icy Cold BeerE xcell ent F oodTasty Staf f

    AF L






    RIPCURL M a m a sR e s t.

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    Edward forrer


    T o K u t a S q u a r e




    4 - 7PM

    Jl. Legian


    Down UnderRest

    Manager Summoned in Conflict over Bankrupt Aston HotelThe manager of a bankrupt luxury hotelin Nusa Dua has been summoned to BaliPolice Headquarters to clarify a disputeover the transfer of ownership of theproperty following its sale in a debtor'sauction.

    The Aston Bali Resort and Spa, at BenoaHarbour, was previously owned by PT Dewata

    Royal International. The company was declaredbankrupt by a Surabaya court last November afterfailure to repay debts, alleged to amount toUS$22.16 million, to PT Bank Mandiri.

    Bank Mandiri had previously objected toalleged attempts by PT Dewata Royal Internationalto hamper the process of bankruptcy settlementand the auction of the hotel.

    Employees of the hotel have beendemonstrating in front of the property, with somewondering how a hotel with high occupancy ratescould be bankrupt.

    Betty Ancieli of PT Dewata Royal International wasreported to police by Widodo Setiadi, director of PT KaryaTehnik Hotelindo, the company awarded ownership of theproperty when it was auctioned as seized assets.

    Setiadi alleges that on June 30 Ancieli blocked hisattempts to assume control of the Aston Bali, saying thatDewata Royal Internatinoal had not been made aware ofthe auction results.

    Setiadi told police that Ancieli's actions had left his

    company with a deficit of Rp182 billion (US$20 million).Speaking to reporters on Tuesday, Ancieli said thatthe police were unaware of the details of the case, andclaimed that there had in fact been no decision from thecourts about the result of the auction.

    I'm perfectly happy to be reported to the police; Iwill be able to explain the truth, she said, adding that PTDewata Royal International's assets had been valued atbetween Rp500 and 700 billion.

    So why is the winner of the auction rated at onlyRp182 billion? she said.

    State Wins AppealAgainst Tommy Suharto

    The Supreme Court has reversed adecision to return US$135 million that hadbeen seized from a company run by theyoungest son of late military strongmanSuharto, a judge said on Friday.

    The court overturned its own two-year-old ruling on the basis of new evidence presentedby the finance ministry, justice Hatta Ali said.

    That is the final decision. There will be nomore suits or appeals, he said.

    The court ruled in 2008 that Rp1.23 trillion($135 million) seized from Hutomo TommyMandala Putra's now defunct car companyshould be returned.

    The money had been confiscated amidinvestigations into massive corruption by Suhartoand his cronies during the dictator's three-decade

    rule.A notorious playboy with a taste for flashy

    cars, Tommy enjoyed privileged access tolucrative business deals before the Asianfinancial crisis triggered his father's downfall in1998.

    He served less than a third of a 15-yearjail term for ordering the murder of a SupremeCourt judge in 2002.

    Suharto died of natural causes inJanuary, 2008.

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    Kuta Weekly News Corner


    22 Ju ly - 28 July 2010 (191)

    Scientists think chi cken came first

    British scientists think theyhave the answer to the age-old riddle of whether thechicken or the egg camefirst.

    Researchers a t theUniversities of Sheffield and

    Warwick, innorthern and centralEngland, say thesecret lies in thee g g s h e l l , a n dspecifically in the vitalrole played by achicken protein informing it.

    And they saythey think the answerto the question is - thechicken.

    The scientistsused new computer technology tosimulate the formation of the egg.

    It showed the protein OC-17 kickstarts the formation ofcrystals that make up an eggshell.

    The OC-17 protein then sown, freeing up the protein to start

    dropped off when thecrystal nucleus was large enoughto grow on its own, freeing up theprotein to start the process again.

    Eggshells are createdwhen this happens many timesover within a short period of time.

    "Understand ing howchickens make eggshells is

    fascinating in itself but can alsogive clues towards designing newmaterials and processes," saidProfessor John Harding fromSheffield University, one of theauthors of the research.

    "Na tu r e h a s fo u n dinnovative solutions that work forall kinds of problems in materialsscience and technology - we canlearn a lot from them," he added.


    LIBRA Sep 23 - Oct 22It's not that you're shy. It's that you so fear that being bluntabout certain matters will upset others you've opted to say

    nothing. And left the impression you either don't care or,indeed, are shy. Saturn's move into Libra, next week, willteach you how to overcome this. Whether you want to ornot.SCORPIO Oct 23 - Nov 22The ideas you're being asked to explore may be of littleinterest to you. However, they will be important in a week orso, when the sometimes overzealous Jupiter clashes withyour ruler Pluto. And you'll need some of the facts that youcurrently regard as being of so lit tle interest.SAGITTARIUS Nov 22 - 20 DecBecause you so dislike it when others ask you whetheryou've dealt with your end of responsibilities, you avoidposing the same irritating questions of them. This is risky,as one particular individual isn't nearly as reliable as youimagine. Ensure they know you're keeping an eye on themand they'll behave.CAPRICORN Dec 21 - Jan 19Nobody would argue that stability makes things easier inevery area of life. But sometimes it's just as important totake chances. This is especially the case now, since whatseems most risky or those offers about which you have theleast information could, once everything's settled, prove tobe most worthwhile.AQUARIUS Jan 20 - Feb 17Sometimes plans can be made without the need to say aword. However, with so much in transition, it's worth talkingthings over in detail. Once you do, you'll realise to whatdegree your ideas differ from others. While you might agreein principle, those details will require some seriousdiscussion.PISCES Feb 18 - March 19You often take others' problems to heart. So much thatyou'll shoulder responsibilities for tricky issues that, inreality, have nothing to do with you. This is the case in oneparticular situation now. Worse, since the individual inquestion delights in your attentions, it's up to you todisentangle yourself.

    ARIES March 20 - April 19Between now and the end of July both the planet of focus,Saturn, and your ruler Mars move to accent relationships

    of all varieties. This enables you t o address imbalances ineverything from the most intimate of personal alliances tothose with close professional colleagues or certainindividuals who support or advise you.

    TAURUS April 20 - May 20Generally, you don't think of yourself as secretive and,mostly, you're not. The problem is that in one or two rathertricky matters, you simply avoided discussing potentiallyexplosive issues with anyone. Now that circumstancesare increasingly worrying, you must ask for others'support. And that means starting from the very beginning.GEMINI May 21 - June 20There's no arguing that you're far more inquisitive thanthose around you. With the prominent exception of certaintopics which in the past you've just refused to evenacknowledge. Now they're becoming increasinglyimportant, enough that you'll either have to adopt a moreflexible attitude or risk missing vital ideas, offers oropportunities.CANCER June 21 - July 21Putting off decisions until you felt you had facts enoughto proceed was a wise strategy. But with things moving

    so swiftly, you must at least state your intentions. Do so,making it abundantly clear that these are only tentative,and will be revised as more information comes to light.LEO July 22 - Aug 22While few Leos are shy, and even those are mostcapable of making their views known, there are certainfeelings you keep under wraps. With both Saturn and,on the 29th, Mars moving to accent such matters, you'llfind that sudden circumstances make it essential thatyou get these points across.VIRGO Aug 23 - Sep 22You can argue about the best way to deal with practicalissues. Or you can simply wait for Saturn and thedemanding Mars to move to accent such matters overthe coming weeks and see what this brings your way.Events then will make it clear what, and who, is worthyour time.

  • 8/9/2019 Kuta Weekly-Edition 191 "Bali"s Premier Weekly Newspaper"


    The tank's empty in 2010, says Roos

    Kuta Weekly Sports Corner

    It is that time of the yearagain when AFL coachesstart talking about howcompetit ive the last sixrounds will be and how thereare no easy games.

    However they are notsimply mumbling platitudes,because in the absence of anavailable number one draft pick,tanking and the perception oftanking by bottom sides will not berelevant factors in 2010.

    This is hardly welcomenews for Sydney coach Paul

    Roos, who has lifted theSwans to sixth spot but can notafford many more slip-ups,including what could be a pivotalround-22 clash with 13th-placedBrisbane.

    "I do think this year, for anobvious reason, the games are

    going to be a lot more competitivetowards the end of this year thanwhat they have been in the pastfour or five years," Roos toldreporters at the SCG on Monday.

    "That's exciting for the cluband the code and football ingeneral.

    "There's no number onedraft pick up for selection. We knowwho's getting that (Gold Coast willhave nine of the first 15 selections)and I think that will reflect in thelatter part of the season."

    Sydney's draw includesclashes with top-eight sidesGeelong, Hawthorn, Fremantleand the Western Bulldogs, plus atrip to the MCG on Sunday to playthe 11th-placed Melbourne.

    "It looks like it's going to bea really competitive finish to theseason. West Coast had a goodwin on the weekend," Roos added.

    "Every game going into the

    22 July - 28 July 2010 (191)

    M I A

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    a d d s o m e r e a lexcitement to the competition.Adelaide (10th) are playinggood footy again.

    "Every team is going tohave a hard run home."

    Rejevenated ShawRoos has coped with the

    absence of injured forwardDaniel Bradshaw by recallingJesse White and movingdefender Rhyce Shaw forward,with the pair combining for fivegoals in Sunday's 39-point winover Carlton.

    Shaw bagged two goalsin the last quarter against NorthMelbourne in round 15 andproduced another three majorslast weekend.

    "He had gone through abit of a flat two or three weeksand I think that (move forward)rejuvenated him," Roos said.

    Ross said he wasunsure how many weeks Shawwould have as a forward butsuggested it might be hard toget him back into the defence.

    "I 've never met adefender who doesn't want tokick a goal," Roos said.

    "I wouldn't imagine he'dbe creeping into the defensivemeetings this week.

    "What Rhyce showedon the weekend was just somenatural forward instincts.

    "Just a couple of thosecontested marks, for a guy hissize, we really haven't had that

    without (Bradshaw) there for awhile.

    " J e s s e W h i t e ' scontribution was solid as well.

    "Having really goodleading targets and takingmarks certainly made themidfield function a lot better.

    Continue to page 12


    A good looking man walked into an agent's

    office in Hollywood and said 'I want to be amovie star.' Tall, handsome and withexperience on Broadway, he had the rightcredentials.The agent asked, 'What's your name?'The guy said, 'My name is Penis van Lesbian.'The agent said, 'Sir, I hate to tell you, butin order to get into Hollywood, you are goingto have to change your name.''I will NOT change my name! The vanLesbian name is centuries old, I will notdisrespect my grandfather by changing my

    name. Not ever.'The agent said, 'Sir, I have worked inHollywood for years, you will NEVER go farin Hollywood with a name like Penis vanLesbian! I'm telling you, you will HAVE TOchange your name or I will not be able torepresent you.''So be it! I guess we will not do businesstogether' the guy said and he left theagent's office.FIVE YEARS LATER the agent opens anenvelopesent to his office. Inside the envelope is aletter and a check for $50,000. The agent isawe-struck, who would possibly send him$50,000? He reads the letter enclosed.Dear Sir,Five years ago, I came into your officewanting to become an actor in Hollywood, youtold me I needed to change my name.Determined to make it with my God-givenbirth name, I refused.

    Three men - a Canadian farmer, Osama bin Laden and an Aussie are all walking together one day...They come across a lantern and a Genie pops out of it. 'I will give each of you one wish, which is three wishes in

    total', Says the Genie.The Canadian says, 'I am a farmer and my son will also

    farm. I want the land to be forever fertile in Canada 'POOF! With the blink of the Genie's eye, the land in

    Canada was forever fertile for farming.Osama was amazed, so he said, 'I want a wall around

    Afghanistan , Palestine , Iraq and Iran so that no infidels,

    Americans or CanadiansCan come into our precious land.'POOF! Again, with the blink of the Genie's eye, there wasa huge wall around those countries.The Aussie says, 'I am very curious.Please tell me moreabout this wall.'The Genie explains, 'Well, it's about 5,000 feet high, 5oo

    feet thick and completely surrounds the countries.

    Nothing can get in or out; it's virtually impenetrable.'The Aussie sits down on his Harley , cracks a beer, lights a

    cigarette,Smiles and says,'Fill the bloody thing with water.'

    A Wish....

    You told me I would never make it inHollywood with a name like Penis van Lesbian.After I left your office, I thought aboutwhat you said.I decided you were right I had to change myname. I had too much pride to return to youroffice, so I signed with another agent.I would never have made it without changingmy name, so the enclosed check is a token ofmy appreciation, once again many thanks.Thank you for your advice.Sincerely,Dick van Dyke


  • 8/9/2019 Kuta Weekly-Edition 191 "Bali"s Premier Weekly Newspaper"


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    22 July - 28 July 2010 (191)






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    Kuta Weekly News Corner


    Kuta, located in southernBali, was a sleepy fishingvillage half a century ago,but it has slowly expandedsinc e the 1960s after its long

    s a n d y b e a c h w a sdiscovered by travellersfrom Asia and wanderings u r f e r s f r o m n e a r b yAustralia.

    Nowadays Kuta is quitebusy and packed with variedaccommodation from four-starhotels to budget hostels. Cheapbars and clubs make it a partycentre, while localand internationalrestaurants offergreat dining. Kutaalso offers shoppingaplenty, from the chicb e a c h f r o n t'Discovery ShoppingM a l l ' a n d K u t aS q u a r e t o t h esouvenir shops liningJalan Kartika Plaza,Jalan Pantai Kutaand up to Legian andSeminyak all withine a s y w a l k i n gdistance. Despite itsnegatives, Kuta hasits own beauty and attractionsand remains one of Indonesia'smajor tourist destinations;particularly during the peak

    season from July to August andthe holiday season for Christmasand New Year: at these timesKuta will be fully booked by a localyounger crowd, Asian travellersand Australian teenagers who areintent on enjoying an affordablevacation in Bali.Where to Stay in Kuta Beach

    Over the years Kutadevelopment has spread out -almost absorbing the

    neighbouring villages ofLegian and Tuban which nowprovide a quieter alternative toK u ta ce n t r a l . Ne w h o te ldevelopments, guest houses and

    resorts fill every available space,yet almost all amenities are withinwalking distance or a short taxiride.Kuta Beach Attractions

    Kuta, located in southernBali, was a sleepy fishing villagehalf a century ago, but it hasslowly expanded since the 1960safter its long sandy beach wasdiscovered by travellers from Asia

    and wandering surfers fromnearby Australia. Nowadays Kutais quite busy and packed withvaried accommodation from four-

    star hotels to budget hostels.Cheap bars and clubs make it aparty centre, while local andinternational restaurants offergreat dining.Kuta Beach Activities

    Most of the activity in Kutais related to the beach. Theoptions are endless you may trys u r f i n g , s w i m m i n g ,wakeboarding, sunbathing or kitef l y i n g , o r h e a d i n g i n t oneighbouring Tuban for some

    to have fun or relax, youcan try kite flying or employ ateam of masseurs while yousunbathe.Kuta Beach Restaurants

    Kuta is a gastronomicheaven for travellers on a mid-range budget. Most of therestaurants are open from 10:00till around to midnight and a feweateries in the main tourist areaskeep their kitchens open 24 hoursa day. With most internationalcuisine, although based onoriginal recipes, the preparationof the dishes is often adapted to

    local tastes and theunava i lab i l i ty o fcertain ingredientsmakes the resultsunpredictable.K u t a B e a c hNightlife

    The nightlifescene in Kuta usuallystarts late around23:00 to midnightwith bars and pubsoffer ing differentatmospheres andt y p e s o fentertainment. Somec lu b s a n d b a r ss h o w c a s e l i v e

    bands, DJs, sexy dancers and'fashion shows'. Price wise,compared to the nightlife places inSeminyak, partying the night

    away in Kuta is way cheaper.Kuta Beach Shopping

    Kuta is a shopping Meccafor visitors, shopaholics andlocals who wish to sport thefashionable look of well-knownlocally made Bali designs andestablished international brands.Don't miss out on a spot of bikini,swimwear and sur f wearshopping while in Bali.

    22 July - 28 July 2010 (191)

    Kuta Beach


  • 8/9/2019 Kuta Weekly-Edition 191 "Bali"s Premier Weekly Newspaper"


    Sports Corner22 July - 28 July 2010 (191)Kuta Weekly


    Midfielder Jude Bolton willreach the 250-game milestoneagainst Melbourne. The Swansare hopeful full-forward Bradshawcan return to play Geelong on July31.

    Richmond fail in their pleafor an 'easy go' on Trent Cotchin'ssuspension

    Richmond have failed intheir plea for the AFL matchreview panel to go easy onmidfielder Trent Cotchin, whofaces a hefty suspension forcharging.

    Cotchin on Monday washit with a four-game suspensionfor crashing into the back of NorthMelbourne's Sam Wright at theMCG on Sunday, which left theyoung Kangaroo with concussion.

    The panel ruled Cotchinwas reckless and made highcontact of high impact, but he canreduce the penalty to three gamesthrough a guilty plea.

    Richmond coach DamienHardwick on Sunday hoped thepanel would judge Cotchin'scontact the same way it had whenassessing a match-day reportagainst Essendon's David Hilleearlier this year.

    Hille has three times beenreported in games this season buthad the bookings quashed by thepanel.

    The Tigers have untilTuesday morning to decidewhether to accept Cotchin'spenalty or challenge it at thetribunal.

    His suspension came onthe same day North defenderDaniel Pratt admitted playersw e r e f r u s t r a t e d b yinconsistencies handed down bythe panel.

    Pratt said the playing bodywas close to demanding the AFLreview the judicial system and thepanel's workings.

    "Th e r e ' s to o ma n yinconsistencies now," he said.

    "The speed of the game'sincreased so much that decisionslike that, for Cotchin to stay or go,if you put it in context of when he'sgot the football, if he makes thewrong decision with the ball ... it'sjust a turnover, but if you make awrong decision there you can findyourself getting weeks.

    "It would be good if theycould have a look at it and thesooner the better."

    The incidents involvingHille and Cotchin were similar,although Hille three times avoidedsanction earlier this year becausehe did not make high contact onopponents.

    The panel's respectivedecisions over Carlton skipperChris Judd and Geelong forwardSteve Johnson this year havealso raised eyebrows.

    Judd avoided penaltydespite throwing back an elbowinto the face of Fremantlecounterpart Matthew Pavlich overthe first weekend of the split round13, which cut the cheek of theDockers skipper.

    Johnson was suspendedfor a similar offence against StKilda's Steven Baker the followingweekend, while Baker wassuspended for nine games for aseries of offences against the Cat.

    Poor records came backto hurt Port Adelaide forwardDaniel Motlop and Brisbane Lionsdefender Ash McGrath, who werehit with suspensions for engagingin rough conduct on opponents.

    Motlop was suspended fortwo games for an offence againstthe Western Bulldogs' ShaunHiggins in Darwin on Saturdaynight and cannot reduce thepenalty because of his record.

    McGrath faces the sameproblem, as he was suspendedfor one game for an incidentinvolving Hawthorn captain SamMitchell in Launceston onSaturday.

    But a good record helpedCarlton's Andrew Walker avoidsuspension for making a front-onchallenge on Sydney's BenMcGlynn at Etihad Stadium onSunday.

    Ade la ide mid f ie lderMichael Doughty can accept areprimand for engaging in rough

    conduct against Geelong'sMathew Stokes last Friday night.W e s t C o a s t ' s E r i c

    Mackenzie can also escapepenalty for the same chargeinvolving Essendon's Jay Neagleon Saturday night at EtihadStadium.

    North defender MichaelFirrito can accept a reprimand forstr iking Richmond's RobinNahas.

    West Coast's AndrewEmbley ($2400), Brisbane's JackRedden ($1200) and Melbourne'sJordie McKenzie ($1200) were allfined for making contact withumpires, but can reduce theirpenalties by pleading guilty.

    Continued from p age 10


    Matthew Knights was lost foranswers at the final change onSaturday night. The Essendoncoach had watched his side slumpto a six-goal deficit against theteam regarded the worst in thecompetition. All this at EtihadStadium, the one-time fortress ofthis once great club. The coach

    will face another intense week ofspeculation while his playersought to cop a little more heat.Jobe Watson was on the front footon Sunday but, as we found outthis weekend, talk is cheap.Watson said there was no lack ofunity or motivation, insistingplayers were "playing for thecoach" and "playing for the

    jumper", but just not well enough.Maybe that's it, they're not muchgood.

    Kuta Weekly News Corner


    22 Ju ly - 28 July 2010 (191)

    Coles importing cheap cigarettes from Germany andselling them at discount prices

    C O L E S i s i m p o r t i n gcigarettes from Germanyand selling them at discount

    prices to lure low-incomes m o k e r s i n t o i t ssupermarkets.

    The grocery giant haspriced the "home-brand-style"packs of 25 cigarettes at around$11 almost $4 a pack less thanAustralian-made Winfield andother leading brands.

    They are believed to bethe cheapest on the market sincethe federal Government raisedcigarette taxes by 25 per cent inApril.

    Th e c i g a r e t te s a r elabelled "Made for Australia".

    Only in smaller letters on the sideof the packs does it reveal "Madein Germany".

    T h e p a c k s c a r r yunfamiliar names such asBayside, Deal, Harvest andTradition and are being promotedby Coles as a cheaper alternativeto well-known brands.

    Coles began selling itsdiscount line in November lastyear.

    It refused to reveal howmuch money it was making outof the deal with its Germanmanufacturer Von Eiken andAustralian tobacco wholesalerRichland Express.

    "Coles has introduced a

    small number of brandedcigarette lines sourced fromoverseas, available exclusivelyin our stores," a Colesspokesman said. He said thedeal was established to offermore choice for customers, notto undermine the federalGovernment's cigarette tax.

    But a Coles employee,who did not want to be named,said she had been told to "pushthe overseas cigarettes" tocustomers struggling with

    higher prices after the tax rise."When customers come in

    and complain that their usualcigarettes are too expensive wesuggest they try one of the newones, like Tradition," she said.

    "I have been sellingcigarettes for four years now.Lately I have noticed people justwant the cheapest ones."

    T h e m o v e , w h i c hpositions Coles to profit whenmandatory plain packaging oftobacco products is introduced in2012, has outraged anti-tobaccocampaigners and health experts.

    "It really underlines theneed for the Government tointroduce a floor price forcigarettes, which is a price youcan't go below," University ofSydney Professor of HealthSimon Chapman said.

    Re se a r ch f r o m th eCancer Council of NSW shows2.9 million Australians smoke on adaily basis. Cancer Council ofNSW program manager AnitaDessaix said Coles was being"sneaky".

    "Smoking has been

    trending downward; wereally want to see tobacco-controlstrategies heading in the rightdirection, and this is sneaky anddisappointing," she said.

    Rival supermarket giantsWoolworths and Franklins said

    they would not follow the exampleof Coles.R i c h l a n d E x p r e s s

    spokesman Paul Daly said: "Ithink this is the evolution of theindustry and I think very soon alltobacco products wi l l bemanufactured overseas.

  • 8/9/2019 Kuta Weekly-Edition 191 "Bali"s Premier Weekly Newspaper"


    Kuta Weekly Sports Corner


    22 July - 28 July 2010 (191)






































































































































































































































    2010 A F L LADDER2010 NR L LADDER19 16

    Kuta Weekly News Corner


    22 July - 28 July 2010 (191)

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  • 8/9/2019 Kuta Weekly-Edition 191 "Bali"s Premier Weekly Newspaper"


    Kuta Weekly Sports Corner


    22 July - 28 July 2010 (191)

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    MAGNIFICENT MAGPIES.Collingwood have got thebig scalp they needed tog i v e t h e m s e l v e sc r e d i b i l i t y i n t h epremiership stakes.

    They did it in style, too,trouncing St Kilda at the home offootball in front of more than80,000. Luke Ball set the scenewith some hard work early and

    now the Magpies look down onthe rest of the competition. KevinSheedy says the Pies can't win it,

    but form and a deep list says they

    can. Mick Malthouseis smart enough toknow that being ontop after round 16means little. Hetalked Saturday'swin down straight

    after it and will set his boys forRichmond in front of another

    packed 'G on Saturday.

    Blues just lacking confidence: SimpsonIt is not a crisis, just acrisis of confidence.

    That is the way Carlton is

    looking at its currentslump, which has seen it lose fourof the past five matches, the last toSydney on Sunday.

    Blues midfielder KadeSimpson says the club mustunearth some confidence but atthis stage there is no panic.

    "No, not at all. We're still inthe eight and we're just looking toplay West Coast this week whohad a great win on the weekend,"Simpson said.

    "Hopefully we can get overthere, get out of Melbourne andfind a bit of confidence and get thewin."

    S i m p s o n a d m i t sconfidence is the key but says theclub is unsure of how to recaptureit.

    "We are lacking a bit of flairand confidence at the moment soit's something we're going to haveto find," he said.

    "I think when we're up andabout playing our best footy wematch it with the best but as you'veseen over the past couple of weeksif we're down just a tiny bit we sortof get smashed and aren't evenreally in the contest."

    Wh e t h e r co n f i d e n cebreeds wins or wins lead toconfidence, Simpson says it nowplays a major role in a club'sdestiny.

    " I t d e f i n i t e l y h a s .Richmond, at the moment, theywere up and about apart fromyesterday, Adelaide couldn't win agame early in the year ... it just

    seems to play a massiverole," he said.

    "I'm not sure how you find itor where you get it from buthopefully we can.

    "You've just got to keepdoing everything on the track,working hard getting all theprocesses right.

    "(Adelaide coach) NeilCraig says it all the time - he sort ofknew it was going to turn for thembecause they just kept working at

    their structures and what they'regood at and that's what we've gotto do.

    "We're just got to have faithin the plan and in all we did duringthe preseason ... and it shouldcome."

    Another issue the Blueshave tried to work on withoutsuccess is their slow starts.

    They were crucified by theSwans on Sunday as Sydneykicked 6.3 to 1.0 in the first quarter,virtually sealing the win.

    "Starts are crucial thesedays," Simpson said.

    "Most teams, if they'releading at quarter-time go on with itand results have proven they winthe game.

    "We've tried a few differentthings during the warm-up - we're

    just going to have to keep trying."We don't really have the

    answer at the moment. It'ssomething we can look at and justkeep trying new things until wecan find something that works."

    Kuta Weekly News Corner


    22 July - 28 July 2010 (191)


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    1. God of the Month (6)4. Oranges and Lemons(6)7. RAF - Refuse to fight(9)9. Dont Mind Robbie andKylie - do it for the littlepeople (4)10. Time to give out (4)11. A yellow fruit (5)13. Seismic feeling (6)14. No No No - this is badacid (6)15. A high flyer (6)17. An scientific guessperhaps (6)

    19. Miss Quatro I presume(5)20. Billy could make hishome here (4)22. Tall cylindricalcontainer (4)23. A (very) old timer -stone him (9)24. An ancient evildoer (6)25. Raw Material forHoney (6)

    1. Clothing for King Edwardperhaps (6)2. Goddess of the rainbow(4)3. My mothers daughter (6)4. Footprints are made ofthis (6)5. Opposite of give (4)6. Rearrange the highestrooms to find a still place(6)7. Causes increasedactivity and awareness (9)8. In the very early stages(9)11. To hold this position istranscendent (5)

    12. A corner (5)15. Not at the seaside (6)16. Sour faced and moody(6)17. Old fashioned ice drink(6)18. Keepers of the Ravens(6)

    21. All this paper is a dream

    lacking fifty (4)

    Accross Down

  • 8/9/2019 Kuta Weekly-Edition 191 "Bali"s Premier Weekly Newspaper"


    Kuta Weekly Sports Corner


    22 July - 28 July 2010 (191)


    Carlton are probably a coupl e ofplaces higher up the ladder thanmost pundits thought whenBrendan Fevola was shippednorth. However, it's the way thingshave gone of late that would worryBlues fans and those in charge atPrinces Park. They were played offthe park by top-four rivals WesternBulldogs a week ago and coppedthe same treatment from top-eight

    hopefuls Sydney Swans onSunday. Make no mistake, theBlues were belted on Sunday. TheSwans led by 33 points at the firstchange and were never troubled.The surly supporters told the storyat Etihad Stadium. But, maybethey're a middling team whohappened to be up for a couple ofweeks when they rolled St Kildaand Geelong.


    He's encouragedc l u b s t o p i l l a g e

    Geelong's list, tossed up a number of different options to replacehis successor, Matthew Knights, and then declared Collingwood,who sit atop the AFL ladder, can't win the flag. Kevin Sheedy's hada big week or so. The former Bombers coach is now in charge ofGWS but clearly that's not taking up a whole lot of his time. JasonDunstall reckons Sheedy's "losing it". We reckon Dunstall might beon to something.

    LE DOZEN.The demise of Essendon unfortunately overshadowed one ofthe finest indiv idual performances of the decade. Mark LeCrassaid he felt like it was "his night" after his 12-goal haul against theBombers. No doubt it was. The classy forward's dozen includedfour in the first term to set the Eagles on their way. He became justthe third Eagle, after Peter Sumich and Scott Cummings, to notchdouble figures. He should have been All Australian last year, and ifhe played for Collingwood or Geelong probably would have been.That's now 50 goals for the season in a team that can't hit the sideof a barn when going inside the forward line. He's a genuine starand people will be talking about Saturday night for years to come.

    Kuta Weekly Sports Corner


    22 July - 28 July 2010 (191)

    Sorry Storm.Coming off arguably the most tumultuousweek in Melbourne Storm's history, alleyes were glued to the television to seehow the players would respond against theWarriors . The result, a disjointed loss against afocused team playing for their premiership lives.The point is, Melbourne have nothing to play forbesides having the influence of either enhancingor derailing the finals momentum of theiropponents. What is the point of having an activeteam that have no real purpose even being therethis season?

    Electric Eels.Two 'Hayne-Train' inspired wins andsuddenly Parramatta fans are getting thatstrong feeling of dj vu. The Eels appear tohave finally tapped into some of their obviouspotential following their stunning comeback winover Penrith. With seven rounds remaining, the10th placed Eels don't have the easiest of runshome, but we all know what momentum means tothe men from Parramatta. There is no doubt theEels have the nucleus to be a premiershipcontender, but the question is, have they simplyleft their run too late this time around?

    Magic McCrone.Canberra's thrashing of Newcastle included many individually brilliant displays. Butthere were none better than man-of-the-match Josh McCrone's perf ormance at halfback.Since returning to first grade against Manly in round 18, McCrone has shrugged off speculation of theclub's search for another No.7, to inspire the Raiders to back-to-back wins. The club has been in themarket for the likes of Brett Kimmorley, Trent Barrett and Brett Finch to act as an experienced help for five-eighth Terry Campese, but, perhaps, the answer is already in their possession. The club went on a similarsearch to replace Campese in 2008, only to realise that the player they sought was already in their roster.

  • 8/9/2019 Kuta Weekly-Edition 191 "Bali"s Premier Weekly Newspaper"


    Kuta Weekly Sports Corner


    22 July - 28 July 2010 (191)

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    Jason Akermanis unlikely forWestern Bulldogs, Barry Hall good

    chanceWestern Bulldogs Barry Hall and Jason Akermaniscould miss Sunday's battle against Fremantle forfourth at Etihad Stadium.

    Coach Rodney Eade said the odds favouredHall to recover from an anke sprain, but it still hadn'tbeen tested and anything less than 100 per cent fitnesswould rule out the feisty full-forward.

    Eade said Akermanis may have to spend moretime at Williamstown before returning to a winning team.

    "Barry didn't run yesterday and there are no ifs orbuts," Eade said of Hall's bid to play against theDockers.

    "It's probably 70-30 that he'll play, but we have tomake sure his ankle has improved enough. He hasn'trun on it yet."

    Hall remains in second spot in the battle for theColeman Medal with 54 goals and his presence wouldbe a major plus in the Dogs' bid to dislodge the Dockersfrom fourth position.

    Akermanis kicked three goals on Saturday inWilliamstown's 62-point win over Coburg, but Eadehinted strongly that his effort was unlikely to be enoughto win selection.

    Brilliant Broncos.Do you remember when Br isbaneconceded 56 points against Canberra last

    year and Ivan Henjak was under the pump?That was only a little less than 12 monthsago - August 1, to be exact. Henjak is nowone of the more secure coaches in the NRLand must be the leading candidate for coachof the year honours. Not only is his side in redhot form with seven wins out of their last ninematches but they have also reportedly signedthe pre-eminent attacking force in the game -Greg Inglis. The Broncos have one of the bestcollections of young talent in the game -headlined by 22-year-old Josh Hoffman. Thefullback is fast making fans forget about thedeparture of Karmichael Hunt, especially afterhis impressive performance against GoldCoast on Friday night.

    Kuta Weekly Sports Corner


    22 July - 28 July 2010 (191)


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    South Sydney boast a much-improvedplaying roster and have been lauded bymany as a top-four team.But the Rabbitohs seem to be missing one vitalingredient - the ability to win the close games. Onthe seven occasions that one of their matches has

    been decided by four points or less, the Rabbitohshave been triumphant only twice. Because of this,Souths now face an uphill battle to make the finals. Alot has been made of the poor standard of officiating,but, perhaps, Souths still harbour the losing culturethat has plagued them over the past two decades.

    Sour Souths.

    Finch, Hoffman, Lima join Storm exodusThe expected exodus ofMelbourne Storm playershas begun after the clubannounced Brett Finch,Ryan Hoffman and Jeff Limahave all signed deals withEnglish Super League teamWigan.

    The trio will all leave theclub at the end of the currentseason as the Storm begins theprocess of slashing its wages inorder to be under the salary capnext season.

    The trio's departure mayhave trimmed just under half ofthe $1.325m figure the Stormneed to reach to get under thecap.

    It had followed five yearsof systematic breaches whichc o s t t h e c l u b t w o N R Lpremierships and the capacity toearn competition points in 2010.

    While Finch, Hoffman andLima's futures are decided,uncertainty still surrounds that ofsuperstar Greg Inglis despite theQueensland and Austral iarepresentative being linked to

    Brisbane.Second rower Hoffman,

    prop Lima and five-eighth Finchwill depart Melbourne at the endof this NRL season and reunitewith ex-Storm assistant coach,Michael Maguire, the currentWigan head coach.

    S to r m co a ch Cr a i g

    Bellamy said it was tough tofarewell players who had madesuch a mark in their time inMelbourne.

    "It's always a sad timewhen you have to say farewell toone player, let alone three," saidBellamy.

    Hoffman, who spent eightyears and played 163 games withthe Storm, hoped his departureopened the door for someoneelse.

    "It was a very toughdecision to go but hopefully, withme taking this opportunity

    overseas, it will give someoneelse the chance to have the samegreat experiences that I have hadhere," he said.

    "I'm proud and honouredto have been able to play for the

    Storm."Finch said he has enjoyed

    his time in Melbourne aftermoving to the club halfwaythrough last season fromParramatta.

    "It's been a difficult year,but if I had to go through it, I'mglad it was with this group," he

    said."This club gave me an

    opportunity to continue in the NRLafter I left Parramatta but playingin England has always been in theback of my mind.

    "I've always wanted toplay there and I'm extremely gladI'm going to such a strong clubwith a strong value set and aproud tradition."

    Prop Lima was in thesame boat as Finch and equallyas grateful the Storm.

    "It was Melbourne thatthrew a lifeline to me back in 2006

    and I won't forget what this clubhas done for my family in thattime," he said.

    "I'll be leaving with a lot ofgreat memories."

  • 8/9/2019 Kuta Weekly-Edition 191 "Bali"s Premier Weekly Newspaper"


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    22 July - 28 July 2010 (191)Kuta Weekly Sports Corner


    Benji Marshall produced afreakish performance to leadWests Tigers to a thrillingcome-from-behind victoryover North QueenslandCowboys at Leichhardt Oval.

    Down 16-0 midwaythrough the opening half against aside above only Melbourne on the

    ladder, the Tigers kept alive theirhopes of a top two finish as theyran in six unanswered tries.

    Marshall set up three ofthem and finished off the job witha 70 metre solo effort in the finalminute.

    But the Tigers No.6 wasvery nearly the villain as hemissed his opening four shots atgoal, which left the sides locked at16-all deep into the game.

    Then with just over three

    minutes left on the clock,after the Tigers had declined a 38metre penalty goal shot andMarshall had missed a field goalfrom point blank range, the Kiwifive-eighth fed Liam Fulton whodived over for the clincher.

    The Tigers had the best ofthe position and possession

    during the opening exchanges,ye t somehow they foundthemselves trailing 16-0 beforethe half hour.

    A pinpoint JohnathanThurston kick after five minutesfound a wandering Lote Tuqiri outof position as Ashley Grahamtouched down out wide.

    The visitors were overagain soon after when DanielFitzhenry dropped a bomb to giveBen Harris an opportunity to dive

    22 July - 28 July 2010 (191)

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    over from the ensuingscrum win before Arana Taumata -a Tiger just four weeks ago -scythed through from halfway fora 16-0 lead.

    Finally the Tigers showedsome patience as Tuqiri finished aseamless backline movement togive hope of a second half

    comeback, the home siderewarding the Leichhardt faithfulwith three tries in the opening 14minutes of the second period toget back on level terms.

    Liam Fulton did brilliantlyto swivel and pass as he fell to theground to send Mitch Brown overbefore Blake Ayshford got theTigers within four when he did justenough to score from short range.

    Marshall fed off thatenergy as he chipped ahead andregathered from inside his ownhalf, Tuqiri deservedly finishing offthe play as he touched down in the

    corner to lock it up at 16 apiecewith 25 minutes remaining.

    S A L E

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    Kuta Weekly News Corner


    22 July - 28 July 2010 (191) Kuta Weekly News Corner


    22 July - 28 July 2010 (191)

  • 8/9/2019 Kuta Weekly-Edition 191 "Bali"s Premier Weekly Newspaper"


    Pies star Swan victim o f assaultKuta Weekly Sports Corner


    S t a r C o l l i n g w o o dmidfielder Dane Swansuffered minor d amage tohis teeth when he wasassaulted on Saturdaynight.

    Collingwood said on

    Monday Swan was the victim ofan unprovoked attack while outwith friends after the Magpiesbeat St Kilda at the MCG on

    Saturday.Swan, 26, is in great

    personal form and is one of thefavourites to win this year'sBrownlow Medal.

    Collingwood said Swanhad been treated by a dentist andwas expected to train this week

    and play Richmond at the MCGon Saturday."Dane was struck in the

    mouth in by an individual he'd

    n e v e r m e t b e f o r e ,causing minor damage to histeeth," the club said in astatement.

    "As required Dane left thescene immediately, contactedthe club and returned home.

    " T h e d e n t i s t w h o

    attended to Dane has advisedthe club that the treatment Danereceived will in no way impact onhis ability to train or play."

    22 July - 28 July 2010 (191)





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    Power's Carr to hang up bootsPort Adelaide premiershipplayer Josh Carr will retiref o l l o w i n g S u n d a y ' sShowdow n XXIX at FootballPark.

    It will be Carr's207th and final seniorappearance, bringing thecurtain down on a careerthat saw him play for boththe Power and Fremantle.

    He made his debutfor the Power in 2000 andwas a pivotal member of the

    club's AFL premiership in2004, prior to joining the Dockersthe following year.

    The 30-year-old returnedto Alberton last year and hasplayed just six senior matches this

    season.The Power will be hoping

    Carr proves to be their luckycharm against Adelaide, as hehas never lost in the nineShowdowns he has played.

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