
Post on 07-Dec-2015






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Security Laboratory




Contact: Prof Bill Buchanan


Room: C.63


Week Date Academic Lab/Tutorial

2 14/09/09

1: Security Fundamentals Lab 1: Packet Capture

Lab 2: Packet Capture (Filter)

3 21/09/09

2: IDS

Lab 3: Packet Capture (IDS)

Lab 4: Packet Capture (IDS – ARP)

4 28/09/09

3: Encryption Lab 5: IDS Snort 1

5 05/10/09

4: Authentication (Part 1) Lab 6: IDS Snort 2

6 12/10/09

4: Authentication (Part 2)

Lab 7: Private-key Encryption

7 19/10/09

Lab 8: Public-key Encryption

8 26/10/09

5: Software Security

Lab 9: Log/Process/Hashing

9 02/11/09

6: Network Security

Lab 10: TCP Forensics

Lab 11: Binary Analysis/Sig Detetction

10 09/11/09

7: Forensic Computing

Lab 12: Signature Analysis

Lab 13: Role-based Security

11 16/11/09

Professional Certification

12 23/11/09 Professional Certification

13 30/11/09

14 07/12/09

15 14/12/09


Week 2

Week Date Teaching Attended


2 Lab 1: Packet Capture

Lab 2: Packet Capture (Filter)

Aim: The aim of the first labs and exercises is to use WinPCap to capture and display data

packets. These can be used to create network monitors and in agent-based intrusion

detection systems.

Time to complete:

4 hours (Two supervised hours in C.27, and two additional hours, unsupervised).


Complete Lab 1: Packet Capture.

Complete Lab 2: Packet Capture (Filtering).

Complete Exercise 1.16.5 (Unit of Unit 1).

Complete Exercise 1.16.6 (End of Unit 1).

If you have time, complete Exercise 1.16.7 (End of Unit 1).

NetworkSims: CCNA Challenge A1-A10.

Learning activities:

At the end of these activities, you should understand:

How to capture data packets from the network.

How to filter the data packets.

Reflective statements (end-of-exercise):

Do you understand how to determine the network connections on a host, and to select the

one required?

Do you know how to add the WinPCap DLL to a solution?

What filter would be applied to detect all secure FTP traffic (Web research required)?

How would use detect IPSec traffic on the network (Web research required)?

What limitations might WinPCap have when capturing data packets?

Source code used:


Lab 1: Packet Capture (Network Interface)


Aim: To provide a foundation in reading data packets


If Visual Studio is installed on your machine, download the following solution [1]:

It has the following code [1]:

using System;

using Tamir.IPLib;

namespace NapierCapture


public class ShowDevices


public static void Main(string[] args)


string verWinPCap =null;

int count=0;

verWinPCap= Tamir.IPLib.Version.GetVersionString();

PcapDeviceList getNetConnections = SharpPcap.GetAllDevices();

Console.WriteLine("WinPCap Version: {0}", verWinPCap);

Console.WriteLine("Connected devices:\r\n");

foreach(PcapDevice net in getNetConnections)


Console.WriteLine("{0}) {1}",count,net.PcapDescription);



Console.WriteLine("\tIP Address: \t\t{0}",net.PcapIpAddress);

Console.WriteLine("\tLoopback: \t\t{0}",net.PcapLoopback);




Console.Write("Press any <RETURN> to exit");





Run the program, and verify that it produces a list of the available network cards, such

as: WinPCap Version:

Connected devices:

0) Realtek RTL8169/8110 Family Gigabit Ethernet NIC

(Microsoft's Packet Scheduler)

Name: \Device\NPF_{A22E93C1-A78D-4AFE-AD2B-517889CE42D7}


Mode: Capture

IP Address:

Loopback: False

1) Intel(R) PRO/Wireless 2200BG Network Connection (Microsoft's Packet Scheduler)

Name: \Device\NPF_{044B069D-B90A-4597-B99E-A68C422D5FE3}

Mode: Capture

IP Address:

Loopback: False

List the network cards in your machine:

Next update the code so that it displays the information on the network connections [1]:

foreach(PcapDevice net in getNetConnections)


Console.WriteLine("{0}) {1}",count,net.PcapDescription);

NetworkDevice netConn = (NetworkDevice)net;

Console.WriteLine("\tIP Address:\t\t{0}",netConn.IpAddress);

Console.WriteLine("\tSubnet Mask:\t\t{0}",netConn.SubnetMask);

Console.WriteLine("\tMAC Address:\t\t{0}",netConn.MacAddress);

Console.WriteLine("\tDefault Gateway:\t{0}",netConn.DefaultGateway);

Console.WriteLine("\tPrimary WINS:\t\t{0}",netConn.WinsServerPrimary);

Console.WriteLine("\tSecondary WINS:\t\t{0}",netConn.WinsServerSecondary);

Console.WriteLine("\tDHCP Enabled:\t\t{0}",netConn.DhcpEnabled);

Console.WriteLine("\tDHCP Server:\t\t{0}",netConn.DhcpServer);

Console.WriteLine("\tDHCP Lease Obtained:\t{0}",netConn.DhcpLeaseObtained);

Console.WriteLine("\tDHCP Lease Expires:\t{0}",netConn.DhcpLeaseExpires);




A sample run shows the details of the network connections [1]:

1) Intel(R) PRO/Wireless 2200BG Network Connection (Microsoft's Packet Scheduler)

IP Address:

Subnet Mask:

MAC Address: 0015003402F0

Default Gateway:

Primary WINS:

Secondary WINS:

DHCP Enabled: True

DHCP Server:

DHCP Lease Obtained: 03/01/2006 10:44:40

DHCP Lease Expires: 04/01/2006 10:44:40

List the details of the connections on your PC:

[1] This code is based on the code wrapper for WinPCap developed by T.Gal



Lab 2: Packet Capture (Filtering)


Aim: To provide an understanding of events in reading data packets


Using the previous solution from Lab 1, update with the following code [1]. In this case

the 2nd connection is used (getNetConnections[1]) in a promiscuous mode - change, as

required, depending on your network connection). USE THE CONNECTION WHICH


using System;

using Tamir.IPLib;

using Tamir.IPLib.Packets;

namespace NapierCapture


public class CapturePackets


public static void Main(string[] args)


PcapDeviceList getNetConnections = SharpPcap.GetAllDevices();

// network connection 1 (change as required)

NetworkDevice netConn = (NetworkDevice)getNetConnections[1];

PcapDevice device = netConn;

// Define packet handler

device.PcapOnPacketArrival +=

new SharpPcap.PacketArrivalEvent(device_PcapOnPacketArrival);

//Open the device for capturing

//true -- means promiscuous mode

//1000 -- means a read wait of 1000ms

device.PcapOpen(true, 1000);

Console.WriteLine("Network connection: {0}", device.PcapDescription);

//Start the capturing process


Console.Write("Press any <RETURN> to exit");





private static void device_PcapOnPacketArrival(object sender, Packet packet)


DateTime time = packet.PcapHeader.Date;

int len = packet.PcapHeader.PacketLength;

Console.WriteLine("{0}:{1}:{2},{3} Len={4}",time.Hour, time.Minute,

time.Second, time.Millisecond, len);





Run the program, and produce some network traffic and versify that it is capturing

packets, such as:

13:17:56,990 Len=695

13:17:57,66 Len=288

13:17:57,68 Len=694

13:18:4,363 Len=319

13:18:4,364 Len=373

13:18:4,364 Len=371

13:18:4,365 Len=375

13:18:4,366 Len=367

Did it capture packets? Yes/No

Update the code with a filter. In the following case an IP and TCP filter is used [1]:

device.PcapOpen(true, 1000);

Console.WriteLine("Network connection: {0}", device.PcapDescription);

string filter = "ip and tcp";

//Associate the filter with this capture

device.PcapSetFilter( filter );

//Start the capturing process


Generate some data traffic, such as loading a Web page, and show that the

program is capturing the data packets.

Did it capture packets? Yes/No

Next update the filter so that it only captures ICMP packets, such as:

string filter = "icmp";

Generate some data traffic, and prove that it does not capture the packets. Now

ping a node on your network, such as:


And prove that it captures the data packets, such as:

13:40:47,761 Len=74

13:40:48,756 Len=74

13:40:48,759 Len=74

13:40:49,757 Len=74

13:40:49,760 Len=74

13:40:50,757 Len=74


Did it capture ICMP packets? Yes/No

[1] This code is based on the code wrapper for WinPCap developed by T.Gal



Week 3

Week Date Teaching Attended

3 Lab 3: Packet Capture (IDS)

Lab 4: Packet Capture (IDS – ARP)

Aim: The aim of these labs and exercises are to use WinPCap to create an agent-based IDS,

while building a foundation for the understanding of ARP, IP, TCP, and application layer


Time to complete:

4 hours (Two supervised hours in C.27, and two additional hours, unsupervised).


Complete Lab 3: Packet Capture (IDS)

Complete Lab 4: Packet Capture (ARP detection)

CCNA Challenge A11-A20

Learning activities:

At the end of these activities, you should understand:

How to detect application layer protocols.

How to filter for packet content.

Reflective statements (end-of-exercise):

Do you understand the difference between Ethernet, IP, TCP and the application layer


Do you understand the way the TCP ports are used, such as for a server port and a client


Source code used:


Lab 3: Packet Capture (IDS)


Aim: To provide define the usage of an intrusion detection system


1. The WinPcap library can be used to read the source and destination IP

addresses and TCP ports. For this the TCPPacket class is used. Initially

modify the program in Lab 2 so that it now displays the source and

destination IP and TCP ports [1]:

private static void device_PcapOnPacketArrival(object sender, Packet packet)


if(packet is TCPPacket)


DateTime time = packet.PcapHeader.Date;

int len = packet.PcapHeader.PacketLength;

TCPPacket tcp = (TCPPacket)packet;

string srcIp = tcp.SourceAddress;

string dstIp = tcp.DestinationAddress;

int srcPort = tcp.SourcePort;

int dstPort = tcp.DestinationPort;

Console.WriteLine("{0}:{1} -> {2}:{3}", srcIp, srcPort, dstIp, dstPort);



A sample run, using a Web browser connected to gives: -> -> ->

Where it can be seen that the WWW server TCP port is 80, and the local port

is 3582. Run the program, and generate some network activity, and

determine the output.

Determine the output of the test run:

2. Modify the program in Part 1, so that it only displays traffic which is destined

for a Web server. Prove its operation.

How was the code modified:


3. Next modify the code so that it detects only ICMP packets (using the

ICMPPacket class), and displays the source and the destination addresses,

along with the TTL (time-to-live) value [1]:

private static void device_PcapOnPacketArrival(object sender, Packet packet)


if(packet is ICMPPacket)


DateTime time = packet.PcapHeader.Date;

int len = packet.PcapHeader.PacketLength;

ICMPPacket icmp = (ICMPPacket)packet;

string srcIp=icmp.DestinationAddress;

string dstIp=icmp.SourceAddress;

string ttl=icmp.TimeToLive.ToString();

Console.WriteLine("{0}->{1} TTL:{2}", srcIp, dstIp, ttl);



A sample run is shown next for a ping on node

Press any <RETURN> to exit> TTL:128> TTL:128> TTL:128

Run the program, and ping a node on the network. What is the output, and why does

it show three responses for every ping:

4. Modify the program in Part 3, so that it displays the Ethernet details of the

data frame, such as [4]:

private static void device_PcapOnPacketArrival(object sender, Packet packet)


if( packet is EthernetPacket )


EthernetPacket etherFrame = (EthernetPacket)packet;

Console.WriteLine("At: {0}:{1}: MAC:{2} -> MAC:{3}",







5. It is possible to read the contents of the data package by converting it to a

byte array (using the Data property), and then convert it to a string, such as: private static void device_PcapOnPacketArrival(object sender, Packet packet)


if(packet is TCPPacket)


DateTime time = packet.PcapHeader.Date;


int len = packet.PcapHeader.PacketLength;

TCPPacket tcp = (TCPPacket)packet;

byte [] b = tcp.Data;

System.Text.ASCIIEncoding format = new System.Text.ASCIIEncoding();

string s = format.GetString(b);


if (s.IndexOf("intel")>0) Console.WriteLine("Intel found...");



The above code detects the presence of the word Intel in the data packet. Run

the program, and then load a site with the word Intel in it, and prove that it

works, such as for:

Intel found...

Intel found...

Did the code work:


6. It is then possible to filter for source and destination ports, and with source and

destination addresses. For example, the following detects the word Intel on the

destination port of 80:

private static void device_PcapOnPacketArrival(object sender, Packet packet)


if (packet is TCPPacket)


DateTime time = packet.PcapHeader.Date;

int len = packet.PcapHeader.PacketLength;

TCPPacket tcp = (TCPPacket)packet;

int destPort = tcp.SourcePort;

byte [] b = tcp.Data;

System.Text.ASCIIEncoding format = new System.Text.ASCIIEncoding();

string s = format.GetString(b);


if (destPort==80 && (s.IndexOf("intel")>0))

Console.WriteLine("Intel found in outgoing on port 80...");



Did the code work:

7. A key indication of network traffic is in the TCP flags. The following

determines when the SYN flag is detected, and also the SYN, ACK flags:

if(packet is TCPPacket)


DateTime time = packet.PcapHeader.Date;

int len = packet.PcapHeader.PacketLength;

TCPPacket tcp = (TCPPacket)packet;

int destPort = tcp.SourcePort;

if (tcp.Syn) Console.WriteLine("SYN request");

if (tcp.Syn && tcp.Ack) Console.WriteLine("SYN and ACK");


Prove the operation of the code, and modify it so that it detects a SYN request

to a Web server (port: 80), and displays the destination IP address of the Web


Outline the code used:

8. Modify the code in 7 so that it displays all the flags for data packets.

[1] This code is based on the code wrapper for WinPCap developed by T.Gal



Lab 4: Packet Capture (IDS) – ARP Detection


Aim: To provide define the capture of ARP information


1. The ARP protocol is important on networks, as it allows a node to determine

the MAC address of a destination node on the same network. For security it

is important, as it gives information on the activity on the local network. In

this lab ARP packets will be captured, and then displayed for their basic

information. The solution can be found at:

2. The basic format of the ARP header is:

Hardware Type Protocol Type

H/W Len Prot Len Op Code

16 bits 16 bits

Figure 1: ARP header

Thus a program to capture the ARP packets is given next. Notice that the

byte array is read for the first two bytes for the hardware type, and the next

two for the protocol type [1]:

using System;

using Tamir.IPLib;

using Tamir.IPLib.Packets;

namespace NapierCapture


public class CapturePackets


public static void Main(string[] args)


PcapDeviceList getNetConnections = SharpPcap.GetAllDevices();

// network connection 1 (change as required)

NetworkDevice netConn = (NetworkDevice)getNetConnections[1];

PcapDevice device = netConn;

// Define packet handler

device.PcapOnPacketArrival +=

new SharpPcap.PacketArrivalEvent(device_PcapOnPacketArrival);

device.PcapOpen(true, 1000);

Console.WriteLine("Network connection: {0}", device.PcapDescription);

//Start the capturing process



Console.WriteLine("Press any <RETURN> to exit");





private static void device_PcapOnPacketArrival(object sender, Packet packet)


if(packet is ARPPacket)


byte [] b = packet.Header;

int type = b[1] + (b[0]<<8);

int protocol = b[3] + (b[2]<<8);

int opcode = b[7] + (b[6]<<8);

Console.WriteLine("ARP: Hardware type {0}, protocol {1}, op-code: {2}",





Run the code, and ping a node on your network (one which you have not

previously accessed for a while, or not at all), and examine the output:

Output of the program:

Did it detect the ARP packets:

What where the ARP types (from the op-code [2]1):

3. Modify the code so that it displays the other fields in the ARP header.

4. Modify the code so that it displays the actual ARP type, rather than the code,

Such as with:

Console.Write("ARP: Hardware type {0}, protocol {1}, ",type,protocol);

if (opcode==1) Console.Write("ARP Request");

else if (opcode==2) Console.Write("ARP Reply");


References [1] This code is based on the code wrapper for WinPCap developed by T.Gal



1 Note: For Ethernet, the type is normal set to 1 [2]. The protocol type for IP is 0x8000

(2048), and the table for the op-code is:

1 Request

2 Reply

3 Request Reverse

4 Rely Request


Week 4 Week Date Teaching Attended

4 Lab 5: IDS Snort 1

Aim: The aim of these labs and exercises are to integrate with Snort, and to capture

network and host events.

Time to complete:

4 hours (Two supervised hours in C.27, and two additional hours, unsupervised).


Complete Lab 5: Invoking Snort

Complete Exercise 3.16.1: Running Snort (stand-alone)

Complete Exercise 3.16.2: Running Snort (stand-alone)

PIX_SNPA Challenge I1-10

Learning activities:

At the end of these activities, you should understand:

How to invoke Snort from an application program.

How to write a file of commands for Snort.

How to create Snort scripts.

The packet formats for IP and TCP.

Reflective statements (end-of-exercise):

Do you understand the main objectives of an IDS?

Do you understand how an application program can interface to Snort?

Source code used:


Unit 2


Lab 5: Invoking Snort


Aim: To provide a foundation in invoking and controlling Snort


1. If Visual Studio is installed on your machine, download the following solution


An outline of the code is:

public void runSnort(string arguments)


processCaller = new ProcessCaller(this);

processCaller.FileName = @"c:\snort\bin\snort.exe";

processCaller.Arguments = arguments;

processCaller.StdErrReceived += new DataReceivedHandler(writeStreamInfo);

processCaller.StdOutReceived += new DataReceivedHandler(writeStreamInfo);

processCaller.Completed += new EventHandler(processCompletedOrCanceled);

processCaller.Cancelled += new EventHandler(processCompletedOrCanceled);

this.richTextBox1.Text = "Started function. Please stand by.."

+ Environment.NewLine;



private void btnInterface_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)




2. In the Project listing, double click on the SnortCaller.cs file, then double click on

the Show interf button, and add the following highlighted code:

private void btnInterface_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)




3. Run the program, and show that the output is similar to the output in Figure 1:

What is/are your interface(s)?

This defines the Snort

arguments that are used

to run the program.


Figure 1:

4. Double click on the Capture Inter button, and add the following highlighted

code. Replace the c:\\bill with c:\\yourMatricNo, and replace the value after the

–i option with the interface number. This should log to the folder defined.

private void btnStart_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)


if (!Directory.Exists("c:\\bill")) Directory.CreateDirectory("c:\\bill");

this.runSnort("-dev -i 1 -p -l c:\\bill -K ascii");


5. Run the program and get Snort to capture the packets, and then stop it with the

Stop button (Figure 2). Generate some Web traffic, and view the output, and

verify that it is capturing data packets, such as:


01/12-11:11:07.410133 0:15:0:34:2:F0 -> 0:C:41:F5:23:D5 type:0x800 len:0x19A -> TCP TTL:128 TOS:0x0 ID:13141 IpLen:20 D

Len:396 DF

***AP*** Seq: 0xCEDC79A8 Ack: 0xE2431ED3 Win: 0x4037 TcpLen: 20

47 45 54 20 2F 68 6F 6D 65 5F 6E 65 77 2F 69 6D GET /home_new/im

61 67 65 73 2F 70 72 6F 67 5F 66 32 2E 67 69 66 ages/prog_f2.gif

20 48 54 54 50 2F 31 2E 31 0D 0A 41 63 63 65 70 HTTP/1.1..Accep

74 3A 20 2A 2F 2A 0D 0A 52 65 66 65 72 65 72 3A t: */*..Referer:

20 68 74 74 70 3A 2F 2F 77 77 77 2E 6E 61 70 69 http://www.napi

65 72 2E 61 63 2E 75 6B 2F 0D 0A 41 63 63 65 70

74 2D 4C 61 6E 67 75 61 67 65 3A 20 65 6E 2D 67 t-Language: en-g

62 0D 0A 41 63 63 65 70 74 2D 45 6E 63 6F 64 69 b..Accept-Encodi

6E 67 3A 20 67 7A 69 70 2C 20 64 65 66 6C 61 74 ng: gzip, deflat

65 0D 0A 55 73 65 72 2D 41 67 65 6E 74 3A 20 4D e..User-Agent: M

6F 7A 69 6C 6C 61 2F 34 2E 30 20 28 63 6F 6D 70 ozilla/4.0 (comp


Dest MAC


Dest TCP

Src IP

Dest IP


6. Select one of the TCP data packets, and determine the following:

The source IP address:

The source TCP port:

The destination IP address:

The destination TCP port:

The source MAC address:

The destination MAC address:

The TCP flags:

Figure 2:

7. Double click on the View Output button, and add the following highlighted

code. Replace the c:\\bill with c:\\yourMatricNo. private void btnView_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)





Process.Start("wordpad.exe", openFileDialog1.FileName);


8. Run the program, and select the View Output button, and verify that you get the

output seen in Figure 3, and open one of the IDS files in the subfolders, and

verify the output, as shown in Figure 4.

What are the contents of the folder:

Go into one of the folders and view the contents of the IDS file. What does it contain:

Figure 3:


Figure 4:

9. Double click on the Create IDS rule button, and add the following code:

private void btnIDSRule_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)


string rule;

rule = "alert tcp any any -> any 80 (content:\"napier\"; msg:\"Napier detected\";)";

StreamWriter SW;




statusIDS.Text+="IDS updated... please restart Snort";


which writes a Snort rule to the napier.txt file.

10. Double click on the View alert.ids button, and add the following code

(remember to replace the c:\\bill with c:\\yourMatricNo):

private void btnViewAlert_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)


if (File.Exists("c:\\bill\\alert.ids"))


Process.Start("wordpad.exe", "c:\\bill\\alert.ids");


else statusIDS.Text+="File does not exist...";


also update the line:

this.runSnort("-dev -i 1 -p -l c:\\bill -K ascii");

with (to allow Snort to read-in the newly created rules file):

this.runSnort("-dev -i 1 -p -l c:\\bill -K ascii –c c:\\snort\\bin\\napier.txt");


11. Run the program, and capture some Web traffic with the name napier in it. Then

Stop the capture, and select the View alert.ids button (Figure 5).

What are the contents of the alert.ids file:

Did it detect “napier”:

12. Next download the client and server programs from:

13. In groups of two, one person should run the server on their computer, and the

other person runs the client, and connects to the server on port 1001. Make sure

that you can chat, before going onto the next part of the tutorial (Figure 6).

14. Write a Snort rule which detects the word ‚napier‛ in the communications

between the client and server.

What is the Snort rule for this:


Figure 5:

Figure 6:

Note: If you want the complete solution at any time, use: [1] Code is based on


Week 5 Week Date Teaching Attended

5 Lab 6: IDS Snort 2

Aim: The aim of these labs and exercises are to understand deep packet inspection for an

IDS (Snort).

Time to complete:

4 hours (One supervised hour in B.56, and three additional hours, unsupervised).


Complete Lab 6: IDS 2 (Snort)

Complete Exercise 3.16.1: Running Snort (stand-alone) - if you have not already completed.

Complete Exercise 3.16.2: Running Snort (stand-alone) - if you have not already completed.

PIX_SNPA Challenge I11-30

Learning activities:

At the end of these activities, you should understand:

How to perform deep inspect of data packets.

How NMAP is used to determine vunerabilities.

Reflective statements (end-of-exercise):

How is it possible to ignore the case of a word within a data packet?

What is the main advantages of using NMAP?

Source code used:


Unit 2


Lab 6: IDS 2 (Snort)


Aim: To use Snort to detect attacks

Note: To enhance the development, you can use the following program:

Before you start... double click on the form, and reveal the code. Now select Edit, then

Find and Replace, and then Replace. After this, change all the occurrences of c:\\bill to

c:\\mymatric (where mymatric is your matriculation number), such as:

To update the rules, double click on the Create IDS rule button, and add the necessary

rules. For example to add two rules:

string rule1,rule2;

rule1 = "alert tcp any any -> any 80 (content:\"napier\"; msg:\"Napier detected\";)";

rule2 = "alert tcp any any -> any 80 (content:\"fred\"; msg:\"Napier detected\";)";

StreamWriter SW;





Run the program, and verify that it detects the presence of the word ‚Napier‛ in the

outgoing network traffic, such as:



1. Write rules which will detect the word Intel in the payload, so that the

alerts are:

A. Intel found on outgoing WWW traffic (port 80). Change it so that it

detects Intel either in upper or lower case.

B. Intel found on incoming WWW traffic (port 80).

Verify your rules by running tests.

What are the rules:

2. Write a rule which detects the following:

A. An incoming Web page with the words ‚John‛ and ‚Napier‛.

What is the rule:

Click here to enable the log


Show that it works with the site:

and not with:

3. Run the program, and click on the Log checkbox, and start Snort (with Capture

Inter). Run Snort, and ping one or more hosts. From the Log window, scroll until

you find your ping activity. From this locate the ARP and ping activity (see

Appendix A for an example of the packets):

What information does the sending ARP and also the receiving ARP packet have:

What are the contents of the ping packet:

4. Run the program, and click on the Log checkbox, and start Snort (with Capture

Inter). Run Snort, and access the main Web site of the University of Edinburgh

( From the Log window, scroll until you find your DNS activity

(see Appendix A for an example of the packets):

What information does the sending DNS and also the receiving DNS packet have:

Which TCP port does the DNS server use:

From the contents of the DNS return, and using nslookup on, is it

possible to determent the IP address that is returned from the DNS server (see

Appendix A)? Yes/No

5. A typical signature of a network attack is a port scan, where an intruder scans

the open ports on a host. Using Netstat, determine your connected ports, and

using netstat –a, determine the all your listening port.

Some of the connected ports:

Some of the listening ports:


6. A factor in security is to determine the TCP ports which are listening on hosts, as

these can be one way that an intruder can gain access to a host. Also it is possible

to detect an intruder if they are scanning a network. Thus, download the NMAP



A sample run is:

> nmap

Starting Nmap 3.95 ( ) at 2006-01-12 13:26 GMT Standard Time

Interesting ports on

(The 1668 ports scanned but not shown below are in state: closed)


80/tcp open http

8080/tcp open http-proxy

MAC Address: 00:0C:41:F5:23:D5 (The Linksys Group)

Nmap finished: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 2.969 seconds

For your host, and using NMAP, complete the following:

Which ports are open:

Using the command netstat –a verify that these ports are open:

7. Download the client and server program, and run the server on one machine and

set its listening port to 1001. Rerun the port scanner from your neighbour’s


Does the port scanner detect the new server port: Yes/No

8. Next with the server listing on port 1001. Now write a Snort rule which detects the

incoming SYN flag for a connection from a client to the server.

What is the Snort rule:

9. Write a rule for Snort which allows a port scan to be detected, and verify that it



Snort rule:

Did it detect the port scan: Yes/no

Note If you ever want to run the program as a

stand-alone file, you will find the EXE in

the solution folder, such as:


Appendix A

ARP. An ARP packet has the format:

03/05-19:59:56.376568 ARP who-has tell

03/05-19:59:56.378315 ARP reply (0:C:41:38:9B:A4) is-at


Ping (echo). A ping packet has the following format:

03/05-19:59:56.378331 0:15:0:34:2:F0 -> 0:60:B3:9F:CA:E1 type:0x800 len:0x4A -> ICMP TTL:128 TOS:0x0 ID:2861 IpLen:20 DgmLen:60

Type:8 Code:0 ID:512 Seq:4096 ECHO

61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 abcdefghijklmnop

71 72 73 74 75 76 77 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 qrstuvwabcdefghi

Ping (echo-reply). A ping packet has the following format:

03/05-19:59:56.379672 0:C:41:38:9B:A4 -> 0:15:0:34:2:F0 type:0x800 len:0x4A -> ICMP TTL:128 TOS:0x0 ID:21803 IpLen:20 DgmLen:60

Type:0 Code:0 ID:512 Seq:4096 ECHO REPLY

61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 abcdefghijklmnop

71 72 73 74 75 76 77 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 qrstuvwabcdefghi

DNS (request). A DNS request packet has the following format:

03/05-20:21:33.008948 0:15:0:34:2:F0 -> 0:C:41:F5:23:D5 type:0x800 len:0x48 -> UDP TTL:128 TOS:0x0 ID:3318 IpLen:20


Len: 30

80 07 01 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 03 77 77 77 .............www

02 68 77 02 61 63 02 75 6B 00 00 01 00 01

DNS (reply). A DNS rely packet has the following format:

03/05-20:21:33.037234 0:C:41:F5:23:D5 -> 0:15:0:34:2:F0 type:0x800 len:0xF6 -> UDP TTL:62 TOS:0x0 ID:0 IpLen:20

DgmLen:232 DF

Len: 204

80 07 81 80 00 01 00 01 00 04 00 04 03 77 77 77 .............www

02 68 77 02 61 63 02 75 6B 00 00 01 00 01 C0 0C

00 01 00 01 00 00 B4 36 00 04 89 C3 96 32 C0 10 .......6.....2..

00 02 00 01 00 00 B4 36 00 0C 03 6E 73 32 02 6A .......6...ns2.j

61 03 6E 65 74 00 C0 10 00 02 00 01 00 00 B4 36

00 0A 07 6E 65 6D 65 73 69 73 C0 10 C0 10 00 02 ...nemesis......

00 01 00 00 B4 36 00 0C 09 6E 61 6D 65 73 65 72 .....6...nameser

76 65 C0 10 C0 10 00 02 00 01 00 00 B4 36 00 0C ve...........6..

09 6E 65 74 73 65 72 76 65 31 C0 10 C0 3A 00 01 .netserve1...:..

00 01 00 00 D3 24 00 04 C1 3F 69 11 C0 52 00 01 .....$...?i..R..

00 01 00 00 B4 36 00 04 89 C3 97 6E C0 68 00 01 .....6.....n.h..

00 01 00 01 16 D9 00 04 89 C3 97 69 C0 80 00 01 ...........i....

00 01 00 00 B4 36 00 04 89 C3 96 3D .....6.....=

DNS Server port

ping payload

IP Address


Week 6 Week Date Teaching Attended

6 Lab 7: Private-key Encryption

Aim: The aim of these labs and exercises are to understand the usage of private-key

encryption, key exchange, and hash signatures.

Time to complete:

4 hours (One supervised hour in B.56, and three additional hours, unsupervised).


Complete Lab 7: Private-key encryption

Goto: and take the test

Complete Exercise 3.15.5 Diffie-Hellman key exchange.

Complete Exercise 3.17.1: Security Policy, for hash, Diffie-Hellman, and so on.

PIX_SNPA Challenge I31-I50

Learning activities:

At the end of these activities, you should understand:

Understand some of the basic methods of private-key encryption.

Understand the basic methods used in hash signatures.

Understand the conversion of binary to hexadecimal formats.

Reflective statements (end-of-exercise):

What is the usage of hash signatures?

What are the main methods used in private-key encryption?

What methods could be used to pass the private-key?

What is the main fundamental difference between DES and RC4?

What is the main weakness of the Diffie-Hellman method?

Source code used:


Unit 3


Lab 7: Private Key Encryption


Aim: To provide a foundation in data encryption.


If Visual Studio is installed on your machine, download the following solution [1]:

1. The .NET environment provides a number of cryptography classes. An excellent

method is to use a code wrapper, which provides a simple method of accessing

these classes [1]. It provides encryption algorithms such as DES, 3DES and

BlowFish, and also to hash algorithms such as MD5 and SHA. The following is a

simple example using the 3DES algorithm:

using System; using XCrypt; // Program uses XCrypt library from namespace encryption { class MyEncryption { static void Main(string[] args) { XCryptEngine xe = new XCryptEngine(); xe.InitializeEngine(XCryptEngine.AlgorithmType.TripleDES); // Other algorithms are: // xe.InitializeEngine(XCryptEngine.AlgorithmType.BlowFish); // xe.InitializeEngine(XCryptEngine.AlgorithmType.Twofish); // xe.InitializeEngine(XCryptEngine.AlgorithmType.DES); // xe.InitializeEngine(XCryptEngine.AlgorithmType.MD5); // xe.InitializeEngine(XCryptEngine.AlgorithmType.RC2); // xe.InitializeEngine(XCryptEngine.AlgorithmType.Rijndael); // xe.InitializeEngine(XCryptEngine.AlgorithmType.SHA); // xe.InitializeEngine(XCryptEngine.AlgorithmType.SHA256); // xe.InitializeEngine(XCryptEngine.AlgorithmType.SHA384); // xe.InitializeEngine(XCryptEngine.AlgorithmType.SHA512); xe.Key = "MyKey"; Console.WriteLine("Enter string to encrypt:"); string inText = Console.ReadLine(); string encText = xe.Encrypt(inText); string decText = xe.Decrypt(encText); Console.WriteLine("Input: {0}\r\nEncr: {1}\r\nDecr: {2}", inText,encText,decText); Console.ReadLine(); } } }

A sample run shows:

Enter string to encrypt: test Input: test Encr: uVZLHJ3Wr8s= Decr: test


By changing the method to SHA gives:

Enter string to hash: test Input: test Hash: qUqP5cyxm6YcTAhz05Hph5gvu9M=

2. Implement a program for the MD5, SHA, SHA (256-bit), SHA (384-bit), SHA

(512-bit) and complete the following table (for the first few characters of the


Text MD5 SHA SHA (256) SHA (384) SHA (512)




This is it.

This is it

How many characters does each of the types have?

3. Add the following method, and thus convert MD5 and SHA-1 Base-64 hash

signatures to hex format:

public static string Base64ToHex(string input) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); byte [] inputBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(input); foreach(byte b in inputBytes) { sb.Append(string.Format("{0:x2}", b)); } return sb.ToString(); }

And change the main program so that it uses the method, such as:

xe.InitializeEngine(XCryptEngine.AlgorithmType.MD5); Console.WriteLine("Enter string to encrypt:"); string inText = Console.ReadLine(); string encText = Base64ToHex(xe.Encrypt(inText));

Determine the hash signature for ‚hello‛, and check it again a standard MD5 program,

such as from:

4. Prove that the following program can decrypt an encrypted message with the

correct encryption key, while an incorrect one does not. Change the program so

that the user enters the encryption key, and also the decryption key:

xe.Key = "MyKey"; Console.WriteLine("Enter string to encrypt:");


string inText = Console.ReadLine(); string encText = xe.Encrypt(inText); xe.Key = "test"; // should not be able to decrypt as the key differs try { string decText = xe.Decrypt(encText); Console.WriteLine("Input: {0}\r\nEncr: {1}\r\nDecr: {2}", inText,encText,decText); } catch { Console.WriteLine("Cannot decrypt");} ; Console.ReadLine();

5. The following program uses a single character as an encryption key, and then

searches for the encryption key, and displays it. Modify it so that it implements

a 2-character encryption key, and then a 3-character one:

using System; using XCrypt; // Program uses XCrypt library from namespace encryption { class MyEncryption { static void Main(string[] args) { XCryptEngine xe = new XCryptEngine(); xe.InitializeEngine(XCryptEngine.AlgorithmType.TripleDES); // Other algorithms are: // xe.InitializeEngine(XCryptEngine.AlgorithmType.BlowFish); // xe.InitializeEngine(XCryptEngine.AlgorithmType.Twofish); // xe.InitializeEngine(XCryptEngine.AlgorithmType.DES); // xe.InitializeEngine(XCryptEngine.AlgorithmType.RC2); // xe.InitializeEngine(XCryptEngine.AlgorithmType.Rijndael); xe.Key = "f"; Console.WriteLine("Enter string to encrypt:"); string inText = Console.ReadLine(); string encText = xe.Encrypt(inText); for (char ch ='a'; ch<='z'; ch++) { try { xe.Key=ch.ToString(); string decText = xe.Decrypt(encText); if (inText==decText) Console.WriteLine("Encryption key found {0}",xe.Key); } catch {} ; } Console.ReadLine(); } } }

An example test run is:

Enter string to encrypt: test Encryption key found f


C# programs can be created without the need for Visual Studio. To compile them, either

go to the .NET framework directory, such as:

c:\> cd \WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322


C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322> csc myprog.cs

which produces an executable file named myprog.exe or create a batch file, with the


c:\windows\\framework\v1.1.4322\csc %1

and call it compile.bat, and then run compile myprog.cs, and it produces the exe.

[1] This code is based around the Xcrypt libraries provided at http://


Week 7 Week Date Teaching Attended

7 Lab 8: Public-key Encryption

Aim: The aim of these labs and exercises are to understand the usage of public-key

methods, and the usage of message authentication.

Time to complete:

4 hours (Two supervised hour in C.27, and two additional hours, unsupervised).


Complete Lab 8: Public-key encryption

Complete Exercise 4.11.4: HMAC.

Complete Exercise 4.11.6: HMAC.

Complete Exercise 4.11.7: HMAC.

PIX_SNPA Challenge I51-70

Learning activities:

At the end of these activities, you should understand:

Understand some of the basic methods of public-key encryption.

Understand the basic methods used in HMAC and the formats used.

Reflective statements (end-of-exercise):

What is the main advantage of public-key encryption over private-key?

Why is private-key methods still the most common encryption method?

How does HMAC authenticate the message and the sender?

Source code used:


Unit 3/4


Lab 8: Public-Key Encryption


Aim: To provide a foundation in asymmetric encryption, using the RSA



1. .NET provides us with an excellent foundation in creating applications in

which we can view and log events, as well as monitoring for processes.

Another key feature is that it supports many encryption and authentication

standards. If Visual Studio is installed on your machine, download the

following solution:

It has a Windows interface, such as:

Figure 1: Public-key encryption

2. For the Create Keys button add the following code:


System.Security.Cryptography.RSACryptoServiceProvider RSAProvider;

RSAProvider = new System.Security.Cryptography.RSACryptoServiceProvider(1024);

publicAndPrivateKeys = RSAProvider.ToXmlString(true );

justPublicKey = RSAProvider.ToXmlString( false);

StreamWriter fs = new StreamWriter("c:\\public.xml");



fs = new StreamWriter("c:\\private.xml");




3. This creates two files on your disk. One contains your public key (public.xml)

and the other contains both the private key and the public key (private.xml). Run

the program, and using the View Keys button, view the keys.

What is the format of the keys:

View the files using Internet Explorer to see the XML format.

What are the XML tags in each of the files:

4. From the form, add the following code to the Read Keys button:


XmlTextReader xtr = new XmlTextReader("c:\\private.xml");

publicAndPrivateKeys=""; // reset keys


while (xtr.Read())


publicAndPrivateKeys += xtr.ReadOuterXml();



xtr = new XmlTextReader("c:\\public.xml");

while (xtr.Read())


justPublicKey += xtr.ReadOuterXml();




5. Now add the following code to the Encrypt text button:

RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa = new RSACryptoServiceProvider();

string txt=tbTxtEncrypt.Text;


byte[] plainbytes = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(txt);

byte[] cipherbytes = rsa.Encrypt(plainbytes,false);


6. Now add the following code to the Decrypt text button:

RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa = new RSACryptoServiceProvider();

string txt=tbTxtEncrypted.Text;


byte[] cipherbytes = Convert.FromBase64String(txt);

byte[] plainbytes = rsa.Decrypt(cipherbytes,false);

System.Text.ASCIIEncoding enc = new System.Text.ASCIIEncoding();

this.tbTxtDecrypt.Text = enc.GetString(plainbytes);

7. Now run the program and add some text to the Text to encrypt box, and see if


program encrypts the text, and correctly decrypts it.

Did the program encrypt and decrypt correctly:

8. Now get your give your neighhour your public key file (public.key), and get

them to encrypt a message. Now take the encrypted message (pass it through

copy and paste, and then email the cipertext, or put it on a shared folder), and

see if can decrypt it.

Did the program decrypt correctly:


Week 8 Week Date Teaching Attended

7 Lab 9: Logging/Processes and


Aim: To provide a foundation on how event logs are generated and to determine running

processes, and to view and update logs. It also includes methods on using the hashing


Time to complete:

4 hours (Two supervised hour in C.27, and two additional hours, unsupervised).


Complete Lab 9

PIX_SNPA Challenge I71-96

Learning activities:

At the end of these activities, you should understand:

How event logs are used, and how applications can add information to them.

How to control and view processes.

Reflective statements (end-of-exercise):

How might a system be created which monitors the system for malious programs?

How important is the hash method in defining if there are any changes in a file?


Lab 9: Log/Process/Hashing


Aim: To provide a foundation on how event logs are generated and to

determine running processes, and to view and update logs. It also

includes methods on using the hashing function.


1. .NET provides us with an excellent foundation in creating applications in

which we can view and log events, as well as monitoring for processes.

Another key feature is that it supports many encryption and authentication

standards. If Visual Studio is installed on your machine, download the

following solution:

It has a Windows interface, such as:

Figure 1: Processes

A Processes The processes which run on a system are important, especially in monitoring for

malicious processes, such as for spyware and trap-door programs, and also in creating

Click on

the tab

buttons for




in this



systems which provide audit facilities for event tracking. This part of the lab shows how

a program can be written which monitors the programs which are running, and,

possibly, kill them.

2. Run the program, and view the processes that are running on your machine.

A few of the processes running are:

ID: Process Name: Responding:

ID: Process Name: Responding:

ID: Process Name: Responding:

ID: Process Name: Responding:

ID: Process Name: Responding:

3. From the form, double click on the Kill Process (name) button, and add the

highlighted code:

private void button7_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)


System.Diagnostics.Process[] p =System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcesses();

for(int i=0 ;i<p.Length;i++)


if (p[i].ProcessName==tbKillProcess1.Text) p[i].Kill();



4. From the form, double click on the Kill Process (ID) button, and add the

highlighted code:

private void button9_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)


System.Diagnostics.Process[] p =System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcesses();

for(int i=0 ;i<p.Length;i++)


if (p[i].Id==Convert.ToInt32(tbKillProcess2.Text)) p[i].Kill();



6. Now startup up Notepad, and view that it is one of the processes. Now, using


Kill Process (Name) button, kill the process running Notepad.

Did you see the process, and was it killed properly?


7. Now startup up Notepad, and view that it is one of the processes. Now, using


Kill Process (ID) button, kill the process running Notepad.

Did you see the process, and was it killed properly?

B Log files A key feature in tracing the history of a computer is event log files. This part of the lab

shows show to access the event logs on the system.

8. Select the EventLogs tab, and add the following code to the List Application

Log button:

for (int i=0;i<listBox1.Items.Count;i++) listBox1.Items.RemoveAt(0);

foreach (System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntry ev in this.eventLogApplication.Entries)


listBox1.Items.Add("Date: " + ev.TimeGenerated+"\tEvent ID: "+

ev.EventID+"\tMessage: "+ev.Message);


9. Add the code for the other buttons (such as List Security Log and List System

Log with their logs). Run the program, and identify the last four logs for each of

the event logs (Figure 2):

Last four events for Application log:

Last four events for Security log:

Last four events for System log:


Figure 2: Event logs

10. Next add the following code to the Update Application Log button:

this.eventLogApplication.Source="My Application";


11. Next add the following code to the Update Security Log button:

this.eventLogSecurity.Source="My Security";


12. Next add the following code to the Update System Log button:

this.eventLogSystem.Source="My System";


13. Run the program, and add a message to each of the logs.

Did each of the logs update?

Verify that the message has been added to the Event Viewer logs [Control Panel-

>Admin Tools->Event Viewer (Figure 3) – right-click on My Computer and select


Last four

event logs

will appear

at the end

of the



Figure 3: Event log

14. Determine the range of messages possible by modify the EventLogEntryType



15. Update the program so that it shows an Error type, and also for Information


What is the icon used for an Error type:

What is the icon used for an Information type:

What is the icon used for a Warning type:

C Hash signatures The hash signature is a key feature of creating dependable authentication for systems,

especially for file signatures. In this part of the lab you will open a file, and generate a

hash signature for it.

16. Select the Hashing tab, and add the following code to the Open File button:

byte [] buff = new byte[9999999]; // up to 9,999,999 bytes

string hashString="";


string fname = openFileDialog1.FileName;

tbFile.Text= fname;

FileStream fs = File.OpenRead(fname);

BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(fs);

int count = br.Read(buff,0,9999999);


MD5 md5 = new MD5CryptoServiceProvider();

byte[] result = md5.ComputeHash(buff,0,count);

for (int i=0;i<result.Length;i++)


hashString+=result[i].ToString("X2"); // hexadecimal to string conversion


this.tbHash.Text = hashString;

17. Using Notepad, create a file named YourMatric.txt, and add the following text to


This is an example of generating a hash signature for a file.

18. Now run your program, and determine the hash signature.

Is the signature: 3e7baacc988a9077ddd1cd82bc6f0a04?

Now download an MD5 program (such as from http://ourworld. and verify that the signature is


19. Using Notepad, now modify the file to give the following:

This is an example of generating a Hash signature for a file.

Is the signature: 00B1A69FC8ED0D7D9195A423851E5427?

20. .NET also has an in-built SHA1 hash signature generator. Modify the program so

that it now gives a SHA1 hash signature, such as with:

SHA1 sha1 = new SHA1CryptoServiceProvider();

How many characters does the SHA1 signature have:

21. Now generate a signature for SHA256, then SHA384, and finally SHA512, and

note the number of characters in the signature:


SHA256 characters:

SHA384 characters:

SHA512 characters:

Which gives the more verifiable signature, and why?

Note The event logs are easily added to the form by dragging the log from the Server Explorer

window onto the form (see Figure 4).

Figure 4: Adding an event log onto a form

Author: W.Buchanan 310

Week 9 Week Date Teaching Attended

11 Lab 10: TCP Forensics

Lab 11: Binary Analysis/Sig


Aim: To provide a foundation provide a foundation in analysing TCP packets for network

forensics, and in analysing digital signatures.

Time to complete:

4 hours (Two supervised hour in C.27, and two additional hours, unsupervised).


Complete Lab 10

Complete Lab 11

Learning activities:

At the end of these activities, you should understand:

How to analyse TCP traces for network forensics.

How to detect file contents based on a signature.

Reflective statements (end-of-exercise):

What are the main traces of a conversation that you would look for in network forensics?

What type of files would you look for in a disk analysis, and how would you search for


Author: W.Buchanan 311

Lab 10: TCP Forensics


Aim: To provide a foundation in analysing TCP packets


1. .NET provides an excellent interface to capturing and reading back data

packets. For this lab download the solution from:

It has a Windows interface, such as:

Figure 1: Inteface

2. For the Open button add the following code:

PcapDevice device=null;

Packet packet=null;




device = SharpPcap.GetPcapOfflineDevice(openFileDialog1.FileName);



catch (Exception e1)


MessageBox.Show("Error: " + e1.Message);

Author: W.Buchanan 312



while( (packet=device.PcapGetNextPacket()) != null )


if (packet is TCPPacket)


TCPPacket tcp = (TCPPacket)packet;

string srcIp = tcp.SourceAddress;

string dstIp = tcp.DestinationAddress;

int srcPort = tcp.SourcePort;

int dstPort = tcp.DestinationPort;

DateTime time = packet.PcapHeader.Date;

int len = packet.PcapHeader.PacketLength;

this.lbOutput.Items.Add(showFlags(tcp)+" Time: " +time.Hour+":"

+ time.Minute+ ":"+time.Second+

" IP Src: " + srcIp+ " TCP Src " + srcPort+

" IP Dest: " + dstIp+ " TCP Dest " + dstPort);

ASCIIEncoding utf = new System.Text.ASCIIEncoding();

string s = utf.GetString(tcp.Data);

this.lbOutput.Items.Add(" Content: " + s);



3. Now download the file:

Read the file in, and determine the start of each conversation with the server, and

complete Table 1 (note that the first entry has already been added).

Note: Identify a connection with the SYN, SYN/ACK and ACK flag sequence.

What is the domain name of the remote server?

What is the application protocol used?

For the first connection what is the HTTP request send (note look for commands such

as GET, Accept: and so on)?

For the first connection what is the format of the HTTP reply (note look for a request

such as HTTP/1.1 200)?

Author: W.Buchanan 313

Table 1:

Connection Src IP Src Port Dst IP Dst Port

1 1386 80








4. Now download the file:

Read the file in, and determine the start of each conversation with the server, and

complete Table 1 (note that the first entry has already been added).

Note: Identify a connection with the SYN, SYN/ACK and ACK flag sequence.

What is the domain name of the remote server?

What is the trace of the traffic to and from the client to the server:

Which TCP ports are used on the server:

Table 1:

Connection Src IP Src Port Dst IP Dst Port

1 1433 21








Author: W.Buchanan 314

5. Now download the file:

Using Wireshark or Ethereal, answer the following questions:

1. List four of the most used application protocols:

2. Which type of service is used for UDP packets:

3. What was the username and password used to access the FTP server, and which

is the IP address of the requestor, and the IP address of the server?

4. Which subfolders did the user go into when then accessed the FTP server?

5. Which files were uploaded or downloaded from the FTP server?

6. Which is/are the IP address(es) of the SSH server(s)?

7. By examing ARP activity, which is the IP address of the local gateway, and what

is its MAC address? Why does the gateway send ARP requests?

8. Determine the list of local IP addresses (10.0.1.x) which are part of the conversion

within the network segment.

9. Which are the top three machines in terms of the packets generated?

10. Now download the file:

11. Determine the locations involved in a Hydra attack?

Author: W.Buchanan 315

Week 10 Week Date Teaching Attended

12 15 Dec Lab 12: Signature Analysis

Lab 13: Role-based Security

Aim: To provide a foundation provide a foundation in determining the signature of files

for digital forensics.

Time to complete:

4 hours (Two supervised hour in C.27, and two additional hours, unsupervised).


Complete Lab 12

Complete Lab 13

Learning activities:

At the end of these activities, you should understand:

How to analyse file types.

Reflective statements (end-of-exercise):

How might you search the whole of a disk for file activities?

How might it be possible to find files on a disk without them being in the Table of Contents

for the disk?

Author: W.Buchanan 316

Lab 12: Binary Reader/File Signature Analysis


Aim: To provide a foundation in analysing file formats


1. .NET provides an excellent interface in reading from files, and viewing them as

ASCII characters or in a hexadecimal format. For this lab download the

solution from:

It has a Windows interface, such as:

Figure 1: Interface

2. Open the solution, and for the Open button add the following code:



DialogResult result = this.openFileDialog1.ShowDialog();


byte [] buff= getBytes(openFileDialog1.FileName);

for (int i=0;i<buff.Length;i++)


Hex format

Char format

Author: W.Buchanan 317

char c = (char) buff[i];

if (c>=' ' && c<='z') textBox1.Text+=(char)buff[i];

else textBox1.Text+=".";

textBox2.Text+=buff[i].ToString("X2")+" "; // hex format

if ((i+1)%16==0) // add a new line very 16 characters






and also add the following (which reads the file into a byte array):

public byte [] getBytes(string f)


FileStream fsIn = new FileStream(f,FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);

byte [] b = new byte[2048];

int bytesRead = fsIn.Read(b,0,2048);




The following tutorial uses files which are in a ZIP file:

3. Download this file, and extract them to a folder.

4. Now run the file and open the first file (file1). The output should be something

like in Figure 1.

Refer to the Appendix given, and determine the format of the file.

What is the format of the file (such as GIF, JPEG, ZIP, etc):

Now repeat for files 2 to 10, and complete the following table:

Name File format (circle correct one) Is there any copyright information in the

file (or associated information that is




Author: W.Buchanan 318








5. For the ZIP file:

Identify the file name contained within the ZIP file:

What is the termination character used to terminate the file name:

Can you tell the date and time that it was last modified?

6. Now add a new button and give it the text of Identify File, and use it to read in

a file, and to try and determine the file type from the basic header signature. For

example, the following shows some of the code required to identify a ZIP file and

a JPEG file:



DialogResult result = this.openFileDialog1.ShowDialog();


byte [] buff= getBytes(openFileDialog1.FileName);

if (buff[0]==0x50 && buff[1]==0x4B) textBox1.Text="ZIP file";

0x identifies a hex format

Author: W.Buchanan 319

else if (buff[0]==0xff && buff[1]==0xD8) textBox1.Text="JPEG file";

else textBox1.Text="Not known";

7. For other binary file formats, determine their signature (if possible).

PDF file signature:

SWF (Flash) file signature:

DLL file signature:

RTF file signature (open up a Word document, and save it in an RTF file format):

XML file signature (open up a Word document, and save it in an XML file format):

[or use:]

8. Modify the program in 6 to identify these files.

Appendix JPEG file format:

FFD8 – start of image

length -- two bytes

identifier -- five bytes: 4A, 46, 49, 46, 00 (the ASCII code equivalent of a zero terminated

"JFIF" string)

version -- two bytes: often 01, 02

ZIP file format: 00 ZIPLOCSIG HEX 504B0304 ;Local File Header Signature

04 ZIPVER DW 0000 ;Version needed to extract

06 ZIPGENFLG DW 0000 ;General purpose bit flag

08 ZIPMTHD DW 0000 ;Compression method

0A ZIPTIME DW 0000 ;Last mod file time (MS-DOS)

0C ZIPDATE DW 0000 ;Last mod file date (MS-DOS)

0E ZIPCRC HEX 00000000 ;CRC-32

12 ZIPSIZE HEX 00000000 ;Compressed size

16 ZIPUNCMP HEX 00000000 ;Uncompressed size

1A ZIPFNLN DW 0000 ;Filename length

1C ZIPXTRALN DW 0000 ;Extra field length


GIF file format:

The header is 6 bytes long and identifies the GIF signature and the version number of

the chosen GIF specification. Its format is:

3 bytes with the characters ‘G’, ‘I’ and ‘F’.

3 bytes with the version number (such as 87a or 89a). Version numbers are ordered

Author: W.Buchanan 320

with two digits for the year, followed by a letter (‘a’, ‘b’, and so on).

WMF file format: Standard header of: d7 cd c6

Excel file format: Standard header of: d0 cf 11 e0 a1 b1 1a

Byte position 40(hex): 00

Word file format: Standard header of: d0 cf 11 e0 a1 b1 1a

Byte position 40(hex): 01

PPT file format: Standard header of: d0 cf 11 e0 a1 b1 1a

Byte position 40(hex): 01

Author: W.Buchanan 321

Lab 13: Role-based security The Microsoft .NET environment now offers an excellent alternative to Java in

producing portable and secure code. It uses a role-based approach for user

authentication, with the WindowsIndentity class, where the GetCurrent() method can

be used to get the current user. The WindowsPrincipal class can then be used to apply

the role. For example to test if the user is an administrator:

using System;

using System.Security;

using System.Security.Principal;

namespace ConsoleApplication3


class Class1


static void Main(string[] args)


WindowsIdentity myID = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent();

System.Console.WriteLine("Your ID: " + myID.Name);

System.Console.WriteLine("Authentication: " +


WindowsPrincipal myPrin = new WindowsPrincipal(myID);

if (myPrin.IsInRole(WindowsBuiltInRole.Administrator))

System.Console.WriteLine("You're an Administrator ");


System.Console.WriteLine("You're not an Administrator");





A sample run gives:

Your ID: BILLS\William Buchanan

Authentication: NTLM

You're an Administrator

Other roles are also defined, such as:




Next we could apply this security to only allow an administrator to view the IP address

of the computer, with:

using System;

using System.Security;

using System.Security.Principal;

using System.Net;

Author: W.Buchanan 322

namespace ConsoleApplication3


class Class1


static void Main(string[] args)


WindowsIdentity myID = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent();

System.Console.WriteLine("Your ID: " + myID.Name);

System.Console.WriteLine("Authentication: " +


WindowsPrincipal myPrin = new WindowsPrincipal(myID);

if (myPrin.IsInRole(WindowsBuiltInRole.Administrator))


string strHostName = Dns.GetHostName();

IPHostEntry ipEntry = Dns.GetHostByName(strHostName);

IPAddress [] addr = ipEntry.AddressList;

System.Console.WriteLine("IP: " + addr[0]);




"Sorry ... you have no permissions for this");




Run this program, and view the output.

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