lavanya nutankalva,md consultant: infectious · 2016....

Post on 17-Aug-2021






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Lavanya Nutankalva,MD

Consultant: Infectious Diseases

Introduction The word “Probiotic” was derived from the Greek

phrase meaning “for life." was first coined in the 1960s by Lilly and Stillwell.

Probiotics are healthy bacteria that live in the human body and help to maintain the natural balance of organisms (microflora) in the intestines.

The WHO definition: Probiotics as “live microorganisms which when administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit on the host.”

Food Sources of Probiotics


Fermented soy products

Other fermented foods


How do Probiotics work?

Modify GI Ecology because of its ability to survive the harsh travel condition of upper GI tract

adhere to the epithelial of the intestine and colonize

compete with the pathogenic microorganisms fornutrient and colonization sites

secrete antibiotic-like substances called bacteriocins,and

provide nutritional services via synthesis of vitamins


Beneficial effect of ProbioticPossible beneficial effect are –

Either in providing colonization resistance by which the non-pathogen excludes the pathogen from binding sites on the mucosa or

Enhancing the immune response against the pathogen or

In reducing the inflammatory response against the pathogen.

Possible Mechanisms of Benefit

Mechanisms for the benefits of probiotics are incompletely understood. However, three general benefits have been described:

1. Suppression of growth or epithelial binding/invasion by pathogenic bacteria

2. Improvement of intestinal barrier function

3. Modulation of the immune system.

Commonly Used Probiotic Organisms

Two main genera of GP bacteria(Lactobacillus & Bifidobacterium) are used extensively as probiotics.

Other probiotics such as Escherichia , Enterococcus& Saccharomyces are also available in the market.

Probiotic effects are strain-specific which means a beneficial effect produced by one strain cannot be assumed to be provided by another strain, even when it belongs to the same species.

Where do Probiotics come from1. The micro biota of a newborn develops rapidly after the

birth. It is initially dependent mainly on:

the mother’s micro biota,

mode of delivery,

birth environment

and rarely genetic factors.

2. The maternal vaginal and intestinal flora constitutes the source of bacteria, which colonizes the intestine of the newborn.

3. After infancy probiotics are supplied to us by raw foods; lactic acid fermented foods such as yogurt and cheese; and probiotic


Theories exist regarding probioticpreparations:

Several theories exist regarding probiotic preparations. These include:

Stimulation of protective cytokines including IL-10 and TGFβ.

Suppression of pro-inflammatory cytokines such as TNF in the mucosa of patients with pouchitis and Crohn'sdisease.

Limit the migration of TH1 cells in inflammed colon tissue in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).

Common species used Probiotic microorganisms used in food products with

supplementation or fermentation are usually members of the genus Lactobacillus or Bifidobacterium.

Why Probiotics?…

Research Suggests Probiotics Bacteria can

help reduce the risk of certain diarrhea, cancer,allergy, helicobacter pylori, UTIs

assist in managing lactose intolerance, IBD,hepatic encephalopathy, and

enhance the immune functions, overall health


Health Benefits1. Lactose hydrolysis in lactose-intolerant individuals

+ Lactase activity from probiotic bacteria.

+ Lactase release from lysed bile-sensitive LAB in the small


2. Resistance to enteric pathogens

+ Colonization increase resistance to enteric bacteria.

+ Increase systemic immunity.

+ Shortened duration of diarrhea agent production against

pathogens (e.g., lowering pH, bacteriocins and

production of short chain fatty acids.)

3. Anticarcinogenic

- Reducing Colon Cancer

+ Antimutagenic activity with binding to mutagens.

+ Lowering procarcinogenic enzyme activities (e.g.,

nitroreductase, 5-glucuronidase, azoreductase) and

intestinal bacteria in humans and animals.

+ Influence on secondary bile salt concentrations.

4. Reduce toxic compounds from bacterial growth

+ Lower production toxic metabolites in the GIT by

colonic microflora e.g., dimethyamine

5. Immune systema ctivation

+ Strengthen nonspecific and antigen-specific defenses against

infections and tumors

+ Lowering of inflammatory responses

+ Enhance cytokine production

6. Blood lipids, heart disease

Reducing SerumCholesterol Level

+ Alternation of bile salts hydrolyses and reduce blood

cholesterol level

Antihypertensive effects

+ Bacterial peptidase action on milk proteins produces a tripeptide enzyme inhibitor to lower blood pressure in hypertensive animals

7. Inhibiting activity of Helicobacter pylori

+ Production of inhibitors by probiotic bacteria, in

fermented milks, against ulcerative H.pylori

8. Hepatic encephalopathy

+ Inhibition of urease-producing by gut flora

9. Limit urogenital infections

+ Adhesion to urinary and vaginal cells, and exclude

competitive pathogenic bacteria against these bacteria

+ Production of inhibitors (biosurfactants, H2O2)

10. Reducing Intestinal Disorders

Beneficial bacteria, when consumed in large numbers,establish in the intestine and produce antibacterialcompounds which control the pathogens.

11. Modulating Immune Response

Intestinal microorganisms act on intestinal defense barriers and help regulate systemic and local immune response.

12. Reducing Allergic Diseases

Probiotics containing beneficial gut bacteria can have a suppressive effect to such reaction by stimulating theproduction of anti- inflammatory cytokines and reducing allergic reaction in sensitive individuals.

Other aspects The health benefit theory of fermented foods and

beneficial intestinal bacteria is controversial.

Although an association effect, some benefits from their consumption, cannot be denied, many studies have not been able to prove the benefits without doubts.

Factors considered in strain selection

1. Strain Variation: Beneficial strains differ in adherence ability and specificity

2. Sensitivity to Stomach Acids

Survivability of strains to low stomach pH varies greatly.

This effect can be reduced by either reducing stomach

acidity with food or by using strains that are proven

resistant to acid environment

3. Viability and injury of cells

Cells of beneficial bacteria when frozen, dried, exposed to low pH, high salts, and many chemicals can die.

Among the survivors, many can be injured and killed by

stomach acid and bile salts and lysozyme in the intestine.

4. Dose Level and Duration

Consumption of large numbers of live cells (9 log per day), that

are not stressed, over a period of time (ca. 14 d) is advocated to

obtain benefit.

Use of preparations that have low levels of viable cells, many of

which could be stressed, cannot provide expected results.

Many products that are currently marketed do not have the

needed level of viable cells to produce beneficial effects.

Some products also have bacteria that are associated with

improper sanitary practices.

5. True Species and Strains

Many species and strains used by many probiotic food

producers do not have either proper identity or

information of original sources.

Also, many species that were previously regarded as Lb.

acidophilus have been found to be different species, and

many are not of intestinal origin.

Before selecting a strain for a study, one needs to be sure,

thorough testing by recommended methods, that the strain being used is what it is supposed to be.

There is no doubt that some bacterial species and

strains do have beneficial influence on the health of

the GI tract and probably the overall health of humans. But they have to be identified through valid scientific studies.

In recent years, there have been a few reports on the

isolation of lactic acid bacteria, such as Pediococcus

acidilactici and Lb. rhamonosus strains, from

infections in humans.

Lactic acid bacteria, especially those used in food

fermentation and as probiotics, are considered food grade and have been given the GRAS (generally

recognized as safe) status internationally.

In this regard, involvement of these bacteria in health

hazards raised questions about their safety.

The best answer to this doubt is an aphorism of the

16th-century German scientist Paracelsus:

“All substances are poison — the right dose

differentiates a poison and a remedy.”

Thank you

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