leading with heart: deacons & elders

Post on 13-Jan-2022






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Leading with Heart: Deacons & Elders

On January 31, 2021, the Mountain Shadows Presbyterian Church

congregation elected two church members to serve on the Board of

Deacons: Theresa Ashton and Elizabeth Posey. The congregation

also elected three church members to serve as Ruling Elders on the

Session (the congregation’s leadership council): Cassi Fraley (to be

installed in a second consecutive term), JJ Johnston (a previously-

ordained Elder to be installed), and Joy Lewis, to be ordained and

installed. Blessings on your ministries, Theresa, Elizabeth, Cassi,

JJ, and Joy!

Read more about the annual meeting on page ten of this newsletter. Also, please read the church’s

2020 Annual Report, which was sent to the congregation.

On Sunday, February 14, please wear red to Mountain Shadows’ Zoom worship service! Not

only will it be Valentine’s Day (when people customarily wear red), but we’ll also ordain and install

newly-elected Deacons and Elders in their ministries of care and leadership. Red is the liturgical

color for ordinations and installations, signifying the Holy Spirit, who calls people to ministry

and equips them to serve. February 14 will also be Deacons’ Sunday! Please make a point to

welcome and connect with the caring, prayerful Deacon who has been assigned to your household.

Now, let’s look toward Lent…

A Lenten Heart: Praying, Looking Honestly into

Ourselves, Fasting, and Giving to Help the Poor

On Ash Wednesday, February 17, the liturgical color will

change to purple, as we enter the season of Lent.

Please plan to attend Mountain Shadows’ Ash Wednesday service of worship via Zoom at 4:00

p.m. on February 17th. An email containing the Ash Wednesday Zoom link will be sent to the


Lent is a season when followers of Jesus pray, look honestly into our lives (to make needed

changes), fast from consuming more than we need, and carry out quiet acts of generosity in the

service of the poor. These practices can help renew our relationship with Christ as we journey with

him to the cross and Easter.

Yours in the wholehearted love of God,

Pastor Rachel Srubas

February 2021

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Chuck Sherman

Theresa Ashton



Lynn Parker

Alida Wilkes-Moderator

Elizabeth Posey

Connie Wortman

Beverly Johnston

Brian Parker

Judy Meister

Deacon of the Month – Connie Wortman



On Sunday, February 14 during worship, our newly-elected Deacons Theresa Ashton and

Elizabeth Posey will be ordained and installed. During an ordination and installation, Pastor Ra-

chel Srubas says, “You have been called by God and by the congregation to serve and lead in

Christ’s name.” That’s heavy duty and one experiences many emotional feelings. Here’s the good

news. God equips us for our callings. We help and support each other and are given resources and

guidance, and we are prayed for. Having been part of the Deacon Ministry, I know what a great

group I work with. This year we say good bye and give thanks for having had Freja Cranston and

Judy Hans as a part of our team.

Mountain Shadows’ congregation is divided into mini parishes to whom the Deacons minis-

ter. Deacons have regular contact through (phone, text, e-mails, notes, and even zoom) with those

in their mini parish. Deacons offer to pray with and for members, to convey information about the

church, and upcoming events. The new deacons will be taking on the mini parishes previously

served by Judy Hans and Freja Cranston. If you are a part of another Deacon’s mini parish, you

will continue to be ministered by that Deacon. New Deacons along with seasoned Deacons receive

training. Those who have a new Deacon will be contacted by your Deacon (within the month). If

you have not heard from your Deacon please let the church office know.

Psalm 34:4 I sought the Lord and he answered me.

February is Heart Health Month

Do you remember your favorite snacks from our popular Healthy Snack Coffee hours? We do!

Color, Crunch, Dips, and Natural Sweetness are key.

Try these again while you are at home:

• Radish coins with a dab of hummus and dot of red pepper

• Sliced peppers, carrots, snap peas, jicama or celery with fat free ranch dressing

• Pineapple chunks sprinkled with shredded coconut

• Celery stuffed with fat free cream cheese mixed with freeze dried chives.

• Frozen fruit, or ½ of your morning banana, right from the freezer (cold and sweet)

• One ounce of string cheese with ½ apple or one cup of grapes

• Jicama sticks marinated in lime juice & sprinkle of cayenne or chili pepper

• Orange sections tossed in salsa!

• 2 Tbsp nuts and 3 dried apricots

• Kiwi and other Fruits with a dip of Greek yogurt mixed with a tsp of fruit only jam

• 1 Tbsp dark chocolate chips over fresh red cherries

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Charmaine Piane Dame, Music Director

Health Ministry (cont’d)



Gentle Tai Chi Practice – 10 Weeks, Started January 21st

This class is available to all Mountain Shadows’ congregants who have already attended a

previous tai chi class. It is intended to be drop-in and it is not necessary to attend all 10


MSPC Gentle Tai Chi for Body, Mind, and Spirit will run for 10 weeks (having begun Thurs-

day, January 21st) from 10:00-11:00 AM via Zoom. This meditation-in-motion practice is spon-

sored by the MSPC Health Ministry team and led by certified instructor and member, Laura Carey.

During each zoom session, participants will practice the Basic 6 Sun Style Tai Chi moves, and also

use Qigong breathing techniques that have been shown to improve immunity and lung strength. All

movements can be safely done seated or standing. Contact Laura Carey or Health Ministry Team

Moderator Jayne Raffety with questions.

CRUNCHY! Roast your own garbanzo beans. Heat oven to 400 degrees. Line a cookie sheet with

foil and spray with non-stick spray. Drain and rinse one 13-1/2 oz can of garbanzo/chickpeas.

Place on a paper towel to dry. Whisk together 3Tbsp olive oil, and your choice of ½ -1 tsp of spice

– cayenne pepper, cumin, ginger, hot sauce, paprika, soy sauce, or curry powder and pour over the

garbanzo beans. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Roast for 35-45 minutes until browned and crispy.

Serve hot or cool. Store at room temperature.

Jayne Raffety, Moderator Health Ministry

Our virtual choir, instrumentalists, and hand bell ensembles are preparing music for Lent, which is

fast approaching. Can you believe February 17 is Ash Wednesday? Join us for an Ash Wednes-

day Worship service via Zoom on February 17 at 4:00 p.m.

We will continue to present recordings for Mountain Shadows’ Zoom Sunday Worship. You will

hear well-known hymns and a few not-so-familiar tunes, from all our virtual musicians. Check out

the “Music” section at mountainshadowschurch.org. Thank you, Tony, for posting all our arrange-


****************************************************** Choir Rehearsals: Tuesdays 1:30 – 2:30 as needed. (Zoom)

Handbell Choir: Zoom Rehearsals as needed.

Looking for Singers, Ringers and Players! Please join our ministry and help prepare music for

one of our live ZOOM Sunday Worship Services! I will email you the music and practice record-


Call, text or send me an email if you would like more information about joining our Virtual Music

Ministry! 520-982-2437 bcdame@comcast.net

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Help Keep our Adult Faith Formation Ministries Going Strong!

Mountain Shadows' Learning Ministry Team seeks a new Moderator

and new team members. We don’t expect team members to be profes-

sional educators. We don’t require anyone to have a theological degree!

We are looking for folks who are:

• committed to Mountain Shadows’ Christ-centered, caring mission,

• can collaborate in supporting that mission through interesting classes, enjoyable movie

programs, church retreats, and other educational programs.

Guided by the Holy Spirit and true to the Reformed and Presbyterian traditions, the Learning Minis-

try Team fosters thoughtful, scripturally-informed reliance on God among followers of Jesus, so

that they may live and serve others with wisdom and joy. Please contact Pastor Rachel Srubas

at rachelsrubas@gmail.com to explore the possibility of serving on the Learning Ministry Team.

Church members, friends, year-rounders, seasonal residents, women and men, and even out-

of-towners (thanks to Zoom) are equally encouraged to inquire.




Mondays, February 8, 15, and 22 at 2:00 p.m.

Please join with others from Mountain Shadows in our study of antiracism, to be

held on Mondays, Feb. 8, 15 and 22 from 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. This class is

sponsored by the Learning Ministry Team. It will be led by a team who has prepared

a study of the topic based on the book by Ibram X. Kendi (How to Be an Anti-Racist)

and a series of related video clips.

In celebration of Black History Month, mark your calendars for 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. on each of

those afternoons and be prepared to “ZOOM” with us into this increasingly timely topic. To register,

please email Rod Hutton (rodhutton48@gmail.com), providing your name and email address. More

information will be provided to those who register.

Women’s Bible Study

1st & 2nd Thursdays of the Month at 2:00 pm Into the Light

Finding Hope Through Prayers of Lament

The Horizons Women’s Bible Study explores lament in a number of different contexts. Through the

lessons on Lament, we learn to move from suffering to faith. And in our faith there is hope. We

meet via ZOOM every 1st and 2nd Thursday of the month from 2:00 to 3:30 pm. All women,

regardless of Bible study experience, are encouraged to join us as we learn and grow together! For

more information and to get the Zoom link and workbook, contact Linda Linegar

(linda.linegar@gmail.com or 437-0990.

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Skip Brauns, Elder and Co-Clerk

Session Happenings


The most recent meeting of the Session took place via Zoom video conference on Wednesday, Jan-

uary 20, 2021. Below is a summary of decisions made at that meeting.

• The Session honored and thanked the following Ruling Elders completing their terms of

service on the Session: Cassi Fraley, Rod Hutton, and Pamela Schultz. Elders gave thanks to

God for these colleagues’ ministries and Elder Dorothy Grimm played a celebratory song on her

clarinet, inspired by a reading from scripture.

• Joy Lewis and J.J. Johnston attended the Session’s January meeting to observe, learn, and

share their sense of call with the Elders. After their ordination and installation during worship on

Sunday, February 14, Joy Lewis will serve as Session’s liaison to MSPC’s Caring Ministries

(Deacons, Health, Pastoral Care); J.J. Johnston will join David Raffety and Pamela Schultz on

the Building Project Lead Team; Cassi Fraley (elected to a second term) will continue serving

as a Co-Clerk of Session and (with Madeline Bosma) as an Elder- Commissioner to Presbytery

de Cristo.

• The Session received Sandy and Clair Brooks as new members

of the Mountain Shadows congregation, by Letter of Transfer from

Cedar Heights Presbyterian Church in Cedar Falls, Iowa. Clair is an

ordained Ruling Elder in the Presbyterian Church (USA). He has expe-

rience in both Facilities and Personnel ministries. Sandy is an ordained

Deacon in the Presbyterian Church (USA), and has been involved in

Mountain Shadows’ past ministries of outreach and compassion with

asylum seekers and migrants.

• With thanks for his service, the Session accepted Dan Linegar’s resignation from the Building

Project Lead Team (a decision he made to steward his time effectively as he serves in a new re-

sponsibility with his Homeowners’ Association). The Session also gratefully acknowledged Dan

Linegar’s stated intention to continue serving on Mountain Shadows’ Building Design Team,

and his expressed willingness to serve as a Construction Consultant on the future building pro-


• To protect public health during the COVID pandemic, the Session continues to anticipate the

closure of church facilities through at least April 30, 2021. Individuals must wear a face mask

and maintain a social distance (minimum of six feet) from others occupying the same room on

the MSPC property. Furthermore, cleaning supplies including disinfectants available in the

church office and elsewhere on campus, are to be used on all contacted surfaces (desks, tables,

keyboards, copy machine, doorknobs, etc.) before leaving any MSPC building. This requirement

will continue until the Session determines that they are no longer necessary.

• The Session approved the following individuals to serve as the counters of monetary offerings

during the church closure: Elder for Finance Jeff States, Church Treasurer Linda Zoellner,

and Assistant Treasurer David Raffety.

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Church Building Project Small Group Discussions: You're Invited!

You're invited to participate via Zoom in a small group discussion of Mountain Shadows' Building Project. Choose one date/time that works for you:

Monday, February 8 at 8:00 am Tuesday, February 9 at 3:00 pm Thursday, February 11 at 9:00 am Thursday, February 11 at 2:00 pm Friday, February 12 at 1:00 pm

Each one-hour small group Zoom meeting will include a short informational slide presentation fol-lowed by discussion. Please contact MaryAnn Butler via text message or phone call at 520-975-2844 to sign up to attend one of the small group meetings listed above. Then you will be emailed materials to prepare you for the discussion.

2020 Year-End Giving Glorifies God:

Together, We Did It!

Dear Mountain Shadows Presbyterian Church members and friends,

Together, we did it. With the completion of pledged offerings and additional gifts to the operating

budget, Mountain Shadows finished the year with a balanced operating budget. The general offer-

ings for December of $33,961 were the highest amount for this month in our church’s history.

We hope the table on the next page helps you understand our financial status at 2020’s end. Alt-

hough income was below the original budgeted amount, through controlled spending by the Minis-

try teams, we finished 2020 with total income of $268,929 and Total Expenses of $268,898. This

reflects a net surplus of $31.

As we begin 2021, Mountain Shadows is on strong financial footing. It was tough to achieve the

financial goals for 2020 that we set before the pandemic began. The challenge continues in 2021.

But with your financial support we will continue to be able to fulfill our vision as a congregation

Centered in Christ and Caring for Community. Thanks be to God!

Thank you for your generosity. Have a Blessed 2021.

Jeff, David, Dan, Sam, Gary and Linda

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“We don’t live forever...Our legacy does.” - Greg Plitt

… a thought from the Legacy Ministry

Linda Zoellner, Treasurer

Below is a financial summary of the Operating Budget showing the most recent month, year-to-date

results, the year-to-date budget, and the prior year-to-date results. Please contact Linda Zoellner at

(936) 689-8777 or Jeff States at 520-268-8956 if you have any questions.



FINANCE - Cont’d

These things will last forever-faith, hope, and love- and the greatest of these is love.

1 Corinthians 13:13

God’s grace-filled promise of being Faithful, Hopeful, and Loving carries both assurance and re-

sponsibility. Our church family has responded to many challenges this past year with their time, tal-

ent, and treasure. Speaking of which we are pleased to announce that to date we have received 67

pledges for $218,472. Stewardship 2020 finished with 89 pledges for $242,028 so it would appear

we have an opportunity to reach and exceed 2020. This would be an incredible achievement given

the COVID pandemic and our shut down condition. So, a big thank you to those who have pledged

and congratulations to everyone for the excellent start.

For those who have not returned your pledge card we understand and recognize that you may have

misplaced or deleted the Email of January 12 from mspcstewardship@gmail.com that had the

pledge card embedded in it. For you this next week, we are sending a reminder letter via USPS

along with a paper pledge form. Stewardship would appreciate your response by Email if you locate

our January 12 Email or by USPS just as soon as you complete your deliberation regarding your


Stewardship Ministry Team

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Tucson Refugee Ministry Opportunities

About 1300 refugees come to Arizona each year. The new refugee families arrive in Tucson needing help to navigate this strange new country. Tucson Refugee Ministry (TRM) partners with refugee ministries and local refugee resettlement agencies. They help to facilitate practical, tangible ways that Christians can love and serve refugees in the name of Jesus.

Mountain Shadows is one of TRM’s Partner Faith Communities. We support this Christian organi-

zation currently with $550 per year. In addition, and during this difficult time of the pandemic,

church members have shopped the internet and shipped “Baby Bundles” to TRM via Marji Brecht,

who coordinates in-person distribution to refugee mothers in need.

After prayer and consideration, TRM recently decided to give most of what MSPC donated last

summer to Epiphanie, a mom from the Democratic Republic of Congo, who had recently had her

first baby. Her baby’s name is Royalty, born on October 29. Marji Brecht from TRM, and others

wrapped up the clothing and all the items in pretty packages and delivered them to the family on

December 17.

The family so appreciated their Baby Bundle. And, now TRM is asking Moun-

tain Shadows’ folks to keep Epiphanie and her baby in our prayers as she raises

her sweet daughter. They hope we have more opportunities to minister to this

family with friendship and God's love. Marji and the people at TRM thank God

and our congregation for all our gracious donations.

Please contact Dennis Nelson at dennis.nelsie@gmail.comto learn more about

how to participate and support TRM. Dennis can help you learn to shop online at Walmart, Target,

or Kohl’s, and then ship Baby Bundle items directly to Marji.

Dennis Nelson, Connector for Refugee and Immigrant Resettlement

Little Dresses for Africa

Little Dresses for Africa is a 2019/2020 top-rated nonprofit organiza-

tion. It began in 2008 when Rachel O’Neil and her husband traveled in

Africa and discovered the very real need for dresses and britches for

youngsters in that land; these items would provide hope, and show to

potential abductors that these children were loved. Upon returning

home, Rachel vowed to do something. She began the project dubbed

Little Dresses for Africa: www.littledressesforafrica.org

She zeroed in on pillow cases as a simple material to style a dress. By 2017, 8 million dresses had

been sent to her for distribution throughout Africa and on other continents. The numbers climb.

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A small group of Mountain Shadows’ congregants have been sewing these dresses and britches for

several years and routinely send them to the Little Dresses base of operations in Michigan. The

garments are sorted and sent to Malawi, Africa, or are taken by the O’Neils, along with mission

teams, to specific sites in Africa. The organization is also involved in providing nutrition and edu-

cation for all.

Mountain Shadows needs more people to sew dresses. Financial contributions to help with shipping

are also appreciated! Checks may be sent to Mountain Shadows Presbyterian Church with Little

Dresses in the memo line. Contributions of fabric, elastic, and even thread are also needed! And

sewing patterns are available. Call Julie Balogh, Karen States, Nan Nasser, or Steven Cupo for

more information and encouragement.

Nan Nasser

Our church member and brother in Christ, Harvey Durand, died into everlasting life

on January 27, 2021. Your prayers accompanied Harvey and comforted our dear sister

in Christ, Ginny Durand. Harvey and Ginny celebrated their twentieth wedding anni-

versary in November of 2020. Our congregation has been deeply blessed by their

presence among us, and we will continue to surround Ginny and family with our prayers and love.

When memorial service plans have been made, an announcement will go out to the Mountain

Shadows congregation. Meanwhile, words of condolence and friendship may be sent to Ginny at

her address in the church directory.

Our sister in Christ and faithful church member, Mary Knape, died peaceful-

ly into everlasting life on January 7, 2021. She was 94 years of age. Mary is

preceded in death by her husband, our faithful church member Hib Knape,

who died on December 19, 2020.

Both Mary and Hib were ordained Ruling Elders in the Presbyterian Church

(USA). Before moving to a residential community near Mountain Shadows, they lived in San Ma-

nuel, Arizona, where they were faithful members of Community Presbyterian Church.

Those who wish to honor Hib and Mary’s memory may make memorial offerings to the Alzhei-

mer's Association at act.alz.org/donate and/or to Mountain Shadows Presbyterian Church at moun-


The ashes of both Hib and Mary Knape will be prayerfully interred in the columbarium at Moun-

tain Shadows Presbyterian Church. In keeping with their wishes, there will be no public memorial


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Annual Meeting News, Oracle Deadline, Announcements and More

At the 2021 Annual Congregational Meeting of the Mountain Shadows Presbyterian Church, members gave public thanks to God for the following people who recently completed terms of service: Ruling Elders Cassi Fraley (Session Co-Clerk, who was then elected for a second term), Rod Hutton (Learning Ministry Team), and Pamela Schultz (Caring Ministries); Deacons Freja Cranston and Judy Hans; Ministry Team Moderators Shawne Cryderman (Christian Community Ministry Team) and Tony Zoellner (Communications Ministry Team). Rev. Rachel Srubas moderated the congregational meeting. Elder Sam Leeper presented the Nominating Committee’s Report (page one this newsletter announces newly elected Deacons and Elders). The following church members were elected to serve on the 2021 Nominating Committee: Shawne Cryderman, Sherwin Koopmans, and Janet Rives. The Session will appoint two Ruling Elders and the Deacons will appoint one Deacon to serve on the 2021 Nominating Committee. Ruling Elder Jeff States presented the 2021 operating budget, which the Session had previ-ously approved. Ruling Elder Dorothy Grimm presented the 2021 Pastoral Terms of Call during a portion of the annual meeting moderated by Rev. Denise Edwards. The congregation voted to ap-prove the Pastoral Terms of Call. Voting members then approved two revisions to the Bylaws of Mountain Shadows Presbyterian Church. These revisions provide greater clarity regarding the Ses-sion Clerk’s responsibility as secretary for any congregational meeting, and mandate that the Fi-nance and Personnel Ministry Teams be moderated by Ruling Elders serving on the church Session. We thank God and everyone for making Mountain Shadows’ first-ever virtual congrega-tional meeting a faithful and productive event! May God bless and guide our ministries throughout 2021.

Mountain Shadows Presbyterian Church’s Zoom Worship Services and YouTube Channel Each time our congregation gathers for live-streamed worship via Zoom, the service is recorded. Video recordings are then posted on Mountain Shadows Presbyterian Church’s YouTube channel. This process enables us to connect with God and each other in real time, and fosters our outreach beyond our local congregation. Please join us for worship whenever you can!

Pastoral Care and Deacons' Care Nothing in life or in death--not even the COVID-19 pandemic--can separate us from the love of God in Christ. Even though we must maintain social distances for now, and therefore cannot meet with you face-to-face, your Pastors and Deacons are available to pray with you over the phone. Call Pastor Rachel Srubas at 520-664-6970. Call Parish Associate Denise Edwards at 614-406-8901. Contact your Deacon at the listing in our church directory. We're here for you!

Home Communion—By Telephone We give thanks to God for the faithful ministry of our Home Communion teams, who have been connect-ing and sharing the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper via phone call with congregants who are homebound.

Our Church Office and Staff: Ministry and Church Administration Continue The church office is closed to protect public health. Pastor Rachel Srubas, Director of Music Charmaine Piane Dame, and Office Manager Judy Leonard continue working and serving our congregation. Voice messages left at 520-825-7858 are received and answered frequently. Emails sent to mspcof-fice@gmail.com and rachelsrubas@gmail.com and bcdame@comcast.net are likewise received and an-swered swiftly. Physical mail sent to the church is regularly received. Thank you for the ways you encour-age our church's staff.


If you would like to submit an article for the March edition of the Oracle, please submit it to Mountain Shadows Church’s Office Manager, Judy Leonard (mspcoffice@gmail.com) by Monday, February 15th. Thank you.

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Deacon Sunday, Ordination of Deacons and Elders

10:00 Zoom— Live Worship & Communion

Oracle Articles Due

1:00 Zoom— Choir Practice

10:00 Zoom—Class Gentle Tai

2:00 Zoom -






1:00 Zoom— Finance 2:00 Steward-ship

1:30— Women’s Bible Study

1:00 Zoom— Choir Practice

1:00 Zoom— Choir Practice

1:00 Zoom— Choir Practice

10:00 Zoom— Live Worship

10:00 Zoom— Live Worship

10:00 Zoom— Live Worship

1:30— Women’s Bible Study

February 2021

10:00 Zoom—Class Gentle Tai Chi..

10:00 Zoom—Class Gentle Tai Chi..

10:00 Zoom—Class Gentle Tai Chi..

2:00 Zoom -




2:00 Zoom -









4:00 Zoom—


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