lesson 3: three levels of government. three levels of government canada is a very large country with...

Post on 23-Dec-2015






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Lesson 3: Three Levels of Government

Three Levels of Government• Canada is a very large country with many different

needs and interests. • To meet these needs, government is structured into

three levels: federal, provincial and municipal. • Each level has its own elected and appointed

officials.• Each level is responsible for specific issues and for

taking care of the people living in its region.

Federal (Canada)• The elected representative at the federal level is called a

Member of Parliament (MP).• There are 308 elected MPs across the country.• MPs debate and pass laws in the House of Commons in

Ottawa (Parliament Hill).• The leader of the government is called the prime minister.• The Queen is represented by the Governor General.

Provincial (British Columbia)• The elected representative at the provincial level is called a

Member of the Legislative Assembly (MLA).• There are 85 elected MLAs across the province.• MLAs debate and pass laws in the British Columbia

Parliament Buildings (Legislative Assembly) in Victoria.• The leader of the government is called the premier.• The Queen is represented by the Lieutenant Governor.

Municipal (Local)• The elected representative at the municipal level is

called a councillor or alderman.• The size of the council differs from city to town.• Councillors debate and pass laws in the council

chambers (city hall/municipal office).• The leader of the government is called a mayor or


Division of Responsibilities• Federal: National defence, international trade,

foreign policy, money, health and safety, immigration and citizenship.

• Provincial: Health care, education, welfare, transportation within the province, justice, energy and the environment.

• Municipal: Waste management, water and sewer, policing and protection, cultural facilities and libraries.

The Government of B.C.• The Government of British Columbia is organized into

different departments called ministries.• Each ministry handles one of the government’s

responsibilities (e.g., Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education) .

• The premier appoints an MLA to be in charge of each ministry. They are called a minister.

• Each minister acts as an advisor to the premier and the Legislature in their specific area.

B.C. Ministries• Aboriginal Relations and Reconciliation• Advanced Education, Innovation and Technology (responsible for

multiculturalism)• Agriculture• Children and Family Development• Citizens’ Services and Open Government• Community, Sport and Cultural Development• Education• Energy, Mines and Natural Gas (responsible for housing)• Environment• Finance• Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations• Health• Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training (responsible for labour)• Justice and Attorney General• Social Development• Transportation and Infrastructure

Final Thoughts• How does government affect your life?

• Which level of government affects your life the most?

• Would you consider working in government? Why or why not?

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