letter to rex and state dept 13-04-22 kxl

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  • 7/28/2019 Letter to Rex and State Dept 13-04-22 KXL


    Douglas A. GrandtP.O. Box 1582

    El Dorado, CA 95623

    April 22, 2013

    U.S. Department of State Mr. Rex W. Tillerson

    Attn: Genevieve Walker, NEPA Coordinator ExxonMobil Corporation2201 C Street NW, Room 2726 5959 Las Colinas Blvd.Washington, D.C. 20520 Irving, TX 75039

    Re: Keystone XL Pipeline SEIS - Comments of Earth Day celebrants in Lincoln, Nebraska

    Dear Ms. Walker and Mr. Tillerson,

    Yesterday, the people of Lincoln, Nebraska, held their Earth Day celebration in Antelope Park.

    I happened to be here for the State Department hearing in Grand Island Thursday so I joinedin and mingled with the folks who were tabling as well as others who also came to participate.

    As I was here to testify at the Keystone XL hearing, I wanted to hear what people outside theHeartland Event Center had to say about the pipeline, and about climate, in general.

    What I learned was that the sentiments expressed were unanimous, at least in this venue.

    Many of the people I chatted with had no inkling that the State Department is acceptingcomments -- they are common, everyday moms and dads and children who are simply goingthrough life trying to raise their kids, make ends meet and do well in school.

    Lacking paper and pen, but having a Sharpie and a roll of paper towels in my car, I had a

    stroke of genius ... to capture the comments of these regular folks on paper towels

    I asked them to write down what they thought and promised to send their comments to you.

    Attached are photos of the responses, documented sincerely on paper towels with a Sharpie.

    For your convenience, following is a transcription of the Sharpie-on-paper-towel record:

    1. Crops dont grow in Dilbit !!!

    2. We dont want your TOXIC dilbit - No KXL - No tarsands

    3. Stop the pipeline - Keep our economy hear!

    4. Toxic spill kills

    5. We want clean water for our grandchildren. No pipeline, LBS

    6. No pipeline! Its for our future. Lee Ann

    7. Dear Rex, stop Keystone pipeline! Save Aquifer! Peggy

    8. Protect our water! Nebraska doesnt need an oil spill. Brittany

    9. Rex, no more oil spills. Clean up the act

  • 7/28/2019 Letter to Rex and State Dept 13-04-22 KXL


    10. No KXL. Tar sands is killing the ecosystem. Tim

    11. Dear Rex: Please close one refinery - your choice - as soon as possible. Stop KXL

    12. To Whom It May Concern: I am not in favor of the pipeline. I would be in favor oflooking for better things for people and our environment. Stephanie

    13. A paper towel ... really? You know what would work better? Not building the pipeline.Think about it. Erinn

    14. Dear Mr. Tillerson, Please dont construct the XL Pipeline. It takes too much energy.Gail

    15. No Keystone Pipeline! Janet, Lincoln NE!


    17. (HEART) Rex I Love U Stop the pipeline

    18. Dear Rex - Clean up your act! No more pipelines! Malia

    19. Rex: Keep your pipes out of my state!

    20. Dear Rex, Stop the Pipeline - are you crazy? The ecology is begging you. Love &Kisses Trina

    21. Dear Rex, No Pipeline

    22. Oil is the past! We are the future! Get out of the way! Mark

    23. Mr. Tillerson, Please consider the children & families you are harming with all thatprofit you are working toward. Nancy

    24. Dear Rex, Nebraskas natural resources are too valuable to put in peril. Please sayNO to the Keystone XL pipeline. The destruction in the tar sands region in Alberta isappalling. Say Yes to clean energy and no to Keystone XL. Duane

    25. Mr. Tillerson, I hope you do the right thing and pay for the clean up. Its unjust to passthese costs on to the people of Mayflower because its not classified as heavy crude.Its worse. Make it right. Clean it up. Thanks, Charles

    26. Toxic dilbit kills (drawing of an oil spill and a puppy dog) Paula (age 6)

    27. Toxic dilbet kills (drawing of an oil spill and a puppy dog) Rosalia (age 9)

    28. Toxic dilbit - Rexx -- NOKXL Frieda (age 13)

    29. Toxic kills - Toxic dilbit - Toxic Rexx - NOKXL - STOP Papa (age 14)

    Please enter these statements and the respective attachments into the record on their behalf.

    Sincerely yours,

    Ms. Genevieve WalkerMr. Rex Tillerson

    April 22, 2013Page 2 of 7

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    1. 2.

    3. 4.

    5. 6.

    Ms. Genevieve WalkerMr. Rex Tillerson

    April 22, 2013Page 3 of 7

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    7. 8.

    9. 10.

    11. 12.

    Ms. Genevieve WalkerMr. Rex Tillerson

    April 22, 2013Page 4 of 7

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    13. 14.

    15. 16.

    17. 18.

    Ms. Genevieve WalkerMr. Rex Tillerson

    April 22, 2013Page 5 of 7

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    19. 20.

    21. 22.

    23. 24.

    Ms. Genevieve WalkerMr. Rex Tillerson

    April 22, 2013Page 6 of 7

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    25. 26.


    Images 26 and 27 showing puppy dogsare in reference to the little dog that gotinto the oil leaked from the Pegasus dilbitpipeline in Mayflower. The puppy dog hasbecome partially paralyzed in its hindlegs and can no longer stand or walkproperly, as recorded in a YouTube video:


    28. 29.

    Ms. Genevieve WalkerMr. Rex Tillerson

    April 22, 2013Page 7 of 7

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