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U n i t y B u i l d i n g , 9 1 3 T r a c y A v e n u e

V O L . I I K A N S A S C I T \ , M O ., T H U R S D A Y , S E P T . 8 , 1910 N O . 18


In his address on S unday m orning, A u­g u st 28th, M r. F illm ore brought out c lear­ly the pow er of the H igher S elf in w ork­ing g rea t resu lts in the life of an individ­ual, even though the changes m ay seem a t first to be alm ost im perceptible. H e said in p a r t:

P o rte r, in his book called “ T he H um an In te llec t,” says: “ To unveil to a m an his inner self im parts more knowledge th a t is novel and strange th an to teach him astronom y and m echanics.”

A story has been recently published in an E nglish Review, of a M em ber of P a r lia ­m ent who was going along in the o rd inary p arliam en tary w ay, fu lfilling the custom ­a ry duties of his position, when one n igh t a t a la te session he became w eary of the tedious proceedings and w ent out and w alked the streets. A ll a t once it came to him th a t he was not fulfilling the highest in his natu re . I t is a long story— the changes th a t were aw akened by th a t n ig h t’s walk. H e tells the whole expe­rience, the most in teresting p a r t to a m et­aphysician being th is :

“ I t was then I was moved to p ray e r. I p ray ed th a t n igh t th a t life m ight not be in v a in ; th a t in p a rticu la r I m ight not live in vain. I p rayed fo r s treng th and fa ith , th a t the m onstrous b lundering forces in life m ight not overwhelm me, m ight not bea t me back to fu tu rity and a m eaning­less acquiescence in existing th ings. I knew m yself for the w eakling I was. I knew th a t nevertheless it was set for me to make such o rder as I could out of these d isorders, and m y task cowed me, gave me, a t the though t o f it, a sense of yield ing feebleness. ‘B reak me, O G od,’ I p rayed

a t la s t; ‘d isgrace me, to rm ent me, destroy me, as you w ill, but save me from self- com placency and little in terests and little successes and the life th a t passes like the shadow of a dream .”

T his man was converted. T he S p irit of the L ord fell upon him as he walked, and he received the change of heart. This change is going on everywhere. A re­ligious im pulse comes, philosophers te ll us, like a g rea t wave going around the globe, m oving people everyw here to religious thought. Religious thought is nothing more than tru e thought. I t is th a t thought in m an which causes him to recognize the Suprem e, and, if he is wise, conform to its law.

A very v ita l po in t w ith m an is, How shall I get the best results out of my aw ak­ening? W hat shall be the rule of my life? S hall I follow along the precedents of cus­tom and church and ritu a l and creed, and all those th ings th a t have moved men re ­ligiously, or shall I come into a new way? Shall I hew out a new path in religion? M any of us th in k th a t the religion of our fa the rs is good enough for us, but it is not alw ays fulfilling the desires of our h ea rts ; it is not giving us com plete free­dom. T he message of Jesus C hrist was and is: ‘T he T ru th shall make you free.’ H ave you been freed by the T ru th as set fo rth by theology? You m ay have been freed along th is or th a t line, but your mind has not been set free from the little in te r­ests and the little successes of the life tha t passes aw ay like a dream.

B ut th a t is not the life th a t you are seek­ing, because it does not satisfy . You w ant som ething perm anent, som ething th a t you can get th e resu lts from here and now. This com m ercial m ind th a t is depreciatively looked upon as very m ateria l by a certain





L O W E L L F IL L M O R E , M a n a g in g E d ito r


V o l . 2 Jr.oo per year, 2 cts. per copy No. 18

foreign elem ent, and which we are to ld is dom inant am ong A m ericans, is a p rac tica l mind. I t has not always taken the h igh­est tren d . I t has com m ercialized i ts e lf ; but th is is a good sign th a t we are seeking definite, p rac tica l things. I f wc tu rn th a t p rac tica l m ind to a little h igher vein of thought, if we touch some of the gold in the ideal world, a ll a t once a very p rac ­tical application of the law will come to us, and instead of our religion being a theory, hypothetical, it w ill become p rac ­tical. W e would only ask fo r the facts of the S p irit, and, having a tta ined these facts, we would know by proving the Law •—not a m ere guess as to w hat the Law is. Then into our lives would come for every thought a definite resu lt, for every asp ira tion a sure fulfillm ent.

T hat is w hat we proclaim is the T ru th of this doctrine: th a t the re is in us a very definite, pow erful, and w orking sp irit P rincip le , th rough which w e m ay realize everything th a t is prom ised us in this S crip tu re , and everything th a t was dem ­onstrated by Jesus C hrist. D id he not say, “ Ye shall do these w orks and g rea te r” ? T hen the re m ust be a w orking P rinc ip le in us.

W hat is th a t P rin c ip le? I t has been known all down the ages. One sect has called it the Christos and another has called it the C h ris t; ano ther the M essiah, another the B uddha, ano ther the H igher Self, another the Superconscious Self. I t has ju s t as m any nam es as there are men in the w orld. You have w hat you call the “quickened conscience.” You

know when you do th a t w hich is not rig h t in the sigh t o f the Law . W hat is it th a t causes you to know th a t you have fallen short? I t is the H igher Self, it is the C hrist, it is the In n er M a n ; and when you listen to th a t, and follow it, you are alw ays b e tte r in every w ay— m orally and physically . You m ay not observe the va­rious steps lead ing up to your conversion, be it p a rtia l or com plete; but the re come a peace and satisfaction , a freedom , a jo y ­ousness— you do not know from w hat source, but you do know th a t th e re is some­th ing new and b rig h t in your life , the re ­su lt of lis ten ing to the H igher Self.

SUNDAY=SCHOOL CORNERW e are to have a “C orner,” in w hich to

te ll w hat is going on in our S unday school.T he la s t S unday in th is qu arte r w ill be

R a lly Sunday. T he classes w ill m eet to ­gether and we w ill have a special p rogram for the children.

T he teachers a re p rep a rin g a g raded course of study fo r the S unday school, so th a t the w ork w ill be system atic.

A ll a re invited to come to S unday school; come early , and w ear one of our p re tty “O n tim e” tags.

E d i t h H a s e l t i n e , Superin tendent.

A SEQUEL TO SCHOOL DAYS“ School D ay s,” an en tertainm ent given

by U n ity G uild la st year, m et w ith such favor th a t the young people of our society have decided to give its sequel on F rid a y evening, Septem ber 16th.

A ll a re invited to come and en joy the fun. T he little ch ildren who figured in “ School D ay s” w ill be seen in th e ir teens and early tw enties. T he g radua ting ex­ercises w ill be characteristic of the B lue­berry school.

Rem em ber the evening, F rid a y the 16th. E verybody is invited. F ree-w ill o ffer­ings w ill be received.

Rem em ber the lessons by C harles F ill­m ore, to begin M onday evening, Septem ­ber 19th.



S u n d ay , S e p te m b e r 11

W h at is disease?T he visible expression or p ic tu re of sin ;

d isordered m ind-reap ing ; w ant of ease.W hat is its source?A falsehood in belief.W hat is a falsehood?I t is a no-thing.C an a falsehood create anyth ing?N othing but false beliefs.W hat are false beliefs?Sickness, poverty, discord, sin, and su f­

ferin g of any sort.D o you m ean to say th a t our false be­

liefs produce our suffering?U nquestionably, yes. T here can be no

suffering w ithout false be lie fs; they are the cause of all suffering.

D o you know a pow er th a t w ill destroy suffering ?

Y es; the power of the W ord, or God.H ow is it used ?I t is used by the p ray e r o f affirmation.W hat do you affirm when you w ish to

ap p ly the pow er of the W ord ?T h a t God is perfec t, harm onious S p irit-

B eing, and th a t m an is, and m ust be, p e r­fect, harm onious, and sp ir itu a l; th a t God is the one and only C rea to r; th a t H e m ade all th a t ever was made, and said it was all good ; th a t no m an ever has had , o r ever can have, any pow er to change w hat God m a d e ; th a t therefo re a ll th a t rea lly is— is unchangeably good; th a t sin, suffering, poverty , pain and discord are not good, and hence they are only false beliefs of our own m ak ing ; th a t I m ay drive them all out of my m ind, and destroy them by th e power of the W ord ; th a t they can only rem ain in my though t while the Good is absen t from my m in d ; th a t the Good is ever p resen t w ith me, and I m ay be con­scious of it if I will.

W hat, then , punishes us for sin?W e punish ourselves. W e sow every­

th in g we reap or suffer.

W ho, then, is answ erable for all human conditions ?

H um anity ', o r m ankind. W e are all be­ing educated th rough our individual re­sponsibility .

W hat do you m ean by being “educated” ? B eing tau g h t th a t sin is unprofitable,

and th a t righteousness is the tru e jo y of life.

H ow are diseases nam ed ?B y speculative theories.W hat is i t th a t is diseased?T he hum an consciousness, or soul.I f the soul is diseased, how is it we see

the disease on the body?Because the body reflects the soul; it is

the m irro r of the soul.How are diseases healed?By giving or te lling tru th to the soul. W hat is the healing pow er? Righteousness, or r ig h t thought.B u t how can the rig h t thought of a

hea ler cure th e disease of another?By quickening the sp iritu a l understand­

ing and dissolving the e rro r thought.

C a l l e r s a t U n ity H e a d q u a r t e r s D uring t h e W e e k

M r. and M rs. F . W . D rum m ond, Lincoln, N ebr.

Tommy and W arren D rum m ond, Lincoln, N ebr.

M r. and M rs. G ary , Cam eron, Mo.M ax N orden, S t. Louis, Mo.M iss L ena W heeler, G ran d Junction , Colo. M iss H elen M etcalf, Law rence, Kans. M rs. S. W . F isk , Los A ngeles, Cal.M r. and M rs. S. E . W aters, St. Joseph,

Mo.M rs. E m ilie F . Collins, C ripp le Creek,


THINGS TO BE REMEMBEREDRem em ber th a t a smile brings sunshine

to the face and jo y to the heart.Rem em ber th a t tru e jo y and content­

m ent come from the knowledge of things sp iritua l, and not from the possession of th ings m aterial.

Rem em ber th a t it is your privilege to

WEEKLY UNITYhelp others into the light. P ass the good along.

Rem em ber to keep yourself in harm ony w ith D ivine Law by constan tly asking in the silence for Wisdom.

Remember to be broad m inded. D on’t look for the little fau lts in th ings, bu t ac­knowledge the la rge good in everything.

Remember th a t the U n ity w ork is rea lly a g rea t school which is fitting its students for lives of g rea ter usefulness, happiness, health , p ro sperity , and sp iritu a l under­standing.

Remember the afternoon classes a t 2 :30.Remember to b ring a new m em ber to

the U nity household of faith .Remember the en tertainm ent to be given

by the members of U n ity G uild F rid ay evening, Septem ber 16th.

Remember the S unday school a t 10 o’clock every S unday morning.

UNITY GUILDR eport m ade by T reasu re r a t regu la r

monthly m eeting held Septem ber 6, 1910.R E C E IP T S

Sale of P ost C a r d s , ............................$ 4.85Sale of U nity P i n s , ........................... 2.50B uilding Seed I n c r e a s e , ................. 10.32Special Love-offerings from

friends, ......................................... 7.85

$25.52Balance on hand Aug. 2 d , ............ 111.33

T otal, ................................................. $136.85D IS B U R S E M E N T S

T urned over to New B uildingF und , .............................................$100.00

Used for B uild ing S e e d , ................. 1.50

T otal, ................................................. $101.50

Balance and receip ts, .......................$136.85D isbursem ents, ..................... 101.50

B alance on hand Sept. 5 th , . . . .$ 35.35L e n n a L. C h r i s t a l , T reasu re r.

Unity Auditorium,U N IT Y B L D G .. 913 T R A C Y A V E.

Sunday, Sept. 11, 1910S u n d a y S chool a t 10:00 A. M.

A d d r e s s b y C h a r l e s F i l l m o r e

11 a. m.S u b j e c t : T he Called and the Chosen

T h e C o n c e n t r a t i o n C l a s s a t 3:30

A p leasan t le tte r from M rs. E lizabe th W hiteside inform s us th a t she is engaged in teaching P rac tica l C h ristian ity and in dem onstrating the power of C hristian heal­ing in the flourishing and p re tty coast tow n of Tacom a. M r. and M rs. W hite- side w ere residents of K ansas C ity and members of U n ity Society about two years ago, and w ere fa ith fu l, energetic friends of T ru th . Since rem oving to the Pacific coast the opportun ity has offered for ag ­gressive work, and M rs. W hiteside is m eet­ing w ith g rea t success.

R E G U L A R M E E T I N G SI n U n i t y A u d i t o r i u m

SUNDAY Sunday School, io a. m.

M rs . W. G. H aseltine , S u p erin ten d en t.R egu lar service, i i a. m. C harles F illm ore.

T h e C oncentration Class 3:3c p. m. MONDAY

H igh Noon Silence, 12 to 12:15.Lesson in H ealth and Harm ony, 1:30 p. m.

TUESDAY H igh Noon Silence, 12 to 12:15.

Lesson in H ealth and Harm ony, 2:30 p. m, WEDNESDAY

H igh Noon Silence, 12 to 12:15. M id-W eek M eeting, 2:30 p. m.

H ealing M eeting 8 p. m.THURSDAY

H igh Noon S ilence, 12 to 12:15.Lesson in H ealth and H arm ony, 2:30 p m

FRIDAYH igh Noon Silence, 12 to 12:15.

Lesson in H ealth and Harm ony, 2:30 p. m. SATURDAY

H igh Noon Silence, 12 to 12-15Lesson in H ealth and Harm ony. 2:30 p. m.

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