lose weight turn on your fat burning switch

Post on 13-Apr-2017






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lose weight fat burning switch on

Learn how to lose weight by turn on your fat buring switch read on

lose weight fat burning switch on

today article we are going to talk about a little known hormone called "Glucagon" a hormone that is hardly heard of Glucagon is a peptide hormone and it's produce by alpha cells of the pancreas, what is alpha cell an alpha cell is a type of cell in the pancreas,which make and release a hormone called glucagon, the body sends a signal to the alpha cells to make glucagon,. so when blood glucose falls too low. then glucagon reaches the liver where it tells it to release glucose into the blood for energy.

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lose weight fat burning switch on

Alpha cells make glucagon, the hormone that raises blood sugar during fasting.Alpha cells are also preserved in type one diabetes.this is a least in part due to the immune response to beta cell.inside the pancreas beta cells make the hormone what we call insulin. beta cells release insulin to help the

body use or store the glucose it gets from food we eat.

lose weight fat burning switch on

the primary function of a beta cell is to store and release insulin.so how glucagon works. Glucagon works along with the hormone insulin to control blood sugar levels and keep them within different levels. Glucagon is release to stop blood sugar from dropping too low, while on the other hand insulin is release to stop blood sugar from rising too high.

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lose weight fat burning switch on

Glycogen & Glucagon

glucagon and glycogen are important circulating compound in our body. glycogen is a form of carbohydrate, while glucagon is a hormone. besides being a storage bin. glycogen is a secondary

source of energy in the body.

lose weight fat burning switch on

.when our body needs fuel for energy glycogen is broken down into glucose to use as a form of energy to make it simple "Glycogen" is a form of sugar. while "Glucagon" is a hormone. glycogen is stored and synthesized in the liver. while glucagon is produced in the pancreas.

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lose weight fat burning switch on

glucagon does the opposite of insulin as we mention. this hormone releases fat from your fat cells if your insulin is off balance Glucagon will find it hard to burn fatlack of food can be very crucial to the body a lot of over weight people starve them self, thinking thatif they stop eat they will lose weight, sorry to say. it works the opposite. you see Glucagon is crucial to the body's response to lack of food, it encourages the use of stored fat for energy if their is limitedsupply of glucose.fat burning-and losing weight won't take place unless the fat burning switch is turnon.

Lose weight fat burning switch on

are you ever wonder why you cannot lose weight especially your belly, there are many gimmicks about how to lose weight while there is't no magic pills or lotion that will target abdominal fat in particular,One of the important principles of weight! is never to "starve" yourself whether or not you are eating the right calories, or eat less, the fact of the matter is that you have to eat to keep your body from going into starvation mode,if more calories enter the fat tissue than leave it,we gain weight if more calories leave the fat tissue than enter it, we lose weight, just think about it, calories

in calories out, most weight lose guru will tell you to eat less calories,

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lose weight fat burning switch on

but the fact is it's not how much calories you bring in, it's how much you bring out.have you ever wonder why some people eating all kinds of food, and still don't get fat, and people who on diet struggling to lose one pound of fat, that explain how much calories the body is burning, it doesn't matter how much you eat is what you burn. As i will explain, it's about the powerful weight-lose hormone called leptin you don't have to blame yourself chances are your fat or weight problem is not the matter of will, or discipline but a hormonal malfunction.

Lose weight fat burning switch on

while some gurus still thinking that losing weight is about willpower, or eat less and exercising more,if that is the case why some people eat more calories and don't even exercising, and still remain with good shape,

lose weight fat burning switch on

leptin is a hormone made by fat cells that decrease your appetite you see the mechanism of your weight control depends on leptin, leptin is the key component for appetite control metabolism and weight lose,leptin can be your best friend, or worst enemy, any person who is not able to lose weightand feel better is because their leptin is working against them, instead of working for them. Since leptin regulates appetite and metabolism it lets your brain know how much fat is in your body, when your leptin levels rise up your appetite reduce, when your leptin levels fall your appetite increases, so far i guess you understand why you don't have to starve yourself, and kill yourself on treadmill

run your life out, am not saying you shouldn't exercising but doing it right,

lose weight fat burning switch on

you see if leptin and the brain does not communicate properly it will make it difficult to lose weight if not impossible leptin supposed to tell the brain to stop eat enough fat is stored and that the body can burn calories normal, leptin also leaves a message to the brain when we are hungry they must have consistent relationship a properly working leptin system not only helps to lose weight, but it can increases brain function, mental sharpness, regulation of mood and emotions."hypothalamus" isa part of the brain area that receive signals from leptin, if they are not working together that creates weight gain, and other problem,the key here is to get the two to work. a leptin resistance person

needs more and more leptin to tell the brain that you don't need more food.

Lose weight fat buring switch on

Ghrelin is a hormone that increase your appetite ghrelin lives in the stomach ghrelin is a hormone that tends to rise before and decrease after because it stimulates appetite and increase food intake and promote fat storage it's a hormone we need to pay attention to ghrelin has many functions but i will only focus on the weight, Ghrelin levels increase after dieting, you eat more than what you suppose to eat, the opposing hormone to ghrelin is the stop appetite hormone which is leptin your

stomach makes ghrelin when it's empty ghrelin is high before you eat and low after you eat.

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Lose weight fat burning switch on

as you can see less ghrelin equals less weight, which means you wanted to eat less more ghrelin equals more weight which means you wanted to eat more both hormones as i mention play a big role when it comes to weight lose ghrelin plays an important role in our every day eating and weight management when we eat and how much we eat

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