love and marriage 7

Post on 21-Jan-2018






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human love is total and exclusive, forever and fruitful

Marriage may be the beginning of Heaven on Earth.

Many couples have been very happy all their years

Their love lasts as long as “life”.

Death separetes us from our loved ones

Death also separtes parents from children

Yet man and woman are destined to live forever

Every child conceived is unique, a sign of God’s intervention

through the cooperation of a man and woman

Every new life that enters this world is destined to live forever

Just like their parents, each child is destined to live

forever in the presence of the Lord.

The human spirit once called into existence

is destined to live forever beyond physical death

Separated from the aged and wasted body, at the moment of death, -

the spirit of man and woman is destined to continue to exist

Though separated from the dead body, the soul persists beyond time

Christians believe we’ll be reunited with the body

which will be restored in a new form of life (glorious)

Christians believe the quality of this future life,

depends on how we have lived on this earth.

Just as death cannot be the end of life

Nor can it be the end of human love

The merits of their shared lives are written

in their personal history of communion and achievements

In the children they have raised

Not only the community or society, but God

is witness to their work and effort

His appreciation of their lives is exact

to reward their accomplishments

to purify them from their limitations and errors

So we can say a couple’s love is projected beyond finite life

It is a path through life that projects the couple

beyond life to Heaven itself

A path through life,

In this sense marriage is a VOCATION

disposed or arranged by God himself in human nature

To realise oneself

To achieve merit

To perfect oneself in preparation for the future life

to be happy


1)human love is total and exclusive, forever and fruitful

a)Marriage may be the beginning of Heaven on Earth.

I)Many couples have been very happy all their years

2)Yet their love lasts only as long as life.

a)Death divides spouses and also divides parents from children

3)man and woman are destined to live forever

a)Every child conceived is unique, a sign of God’s intervention through the cooperation of a man and woman

I)Every new life that enters this world is destined to live forever

(1)Just like their parents, each child is destined to live forever in the presence of the Lord.

4)The human spirit once called into existece is destined to live forever beyond physical death

a)Separated from the aged and wasted body, at the moment of death, -

b) the spirit of man and woman is destined to continue to exist

c)Though separated from the dead body, the soul persists beyond time

5)Christians believe we’ll be reunited with the body which will be restored in a new form of life (glorious)

a)Christians believe the quality of this future life, depends on how we have lived on this earth.

I)Just as death cannot be the end of life

(1)Nor can it be the end of human love

II)The merits of their shared lives are written

(1)in their personal history of communion and achievements

(2)In the children they have raised

(3)Not only the community or society, but God is witness to their work and effort

(a)his appreciation of their lives is exact

(b)To reward their accomplishments

(c)To purify them from their limitations and errors

III)So we can say a couple’s love is projected beyond finite life

IV)It is a path through life that projects the couple beyond life to Heaven itself

6)In this sense marriage is a VOCATION

a)A path through life,

b)disposed by God himself in human nature

c)To realise oneself

d)To achieve merit

e)To perfect oneself in preparation for the future life

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