lower subscapular n. posterior chord lateral pectoral n. lateral chord thoracodorsal n. posterior...

Post on 17-Jan-2016






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Systemic anatomy exam III Review

Lower Subscapular n.posterior chord

Lateral Pectoral n. lateral chord

Thoracodorsal n.posterior chord

Axillary n.posterior chord

Musculotaneos n. lateral chord

Ulnar n.medial chord

What portion of the brachial plexus do the following directly ( key word) arise


Axillary n.C5,6

Musculotaneos n.C5, 6, 7

Suprascapular n.C5, 6

Median n.C5, 6, 7, 8 & T1

Radial n.C5, 6, 7, 8 & T1

What Spinal nerve roots form the following peripheral nerves?

Thoracodorsal n .(aka middle

supscapular n.)C6, 7, 8

Long Thoracic n.C5, 6, 7

Ulnar n.C8, T1

Lower supscapular n.C5, 6

Dorsal scapular n.C5

What Spinal nerve roots form the following peripheral nerves?

Lesser occipital n.C2,3

Phrenic n.C3, 4, 5 (keep diaphragm alive)

Transverse cervical n.C2,3

Greater (aka Great) auricular n.

C2,3Supraclavicular n.

C3,4Femoral n.

L2, 3, 4 (kick the door)Illioinguinal n.


What Spinal nerve roots form the following peripheral nerves?

Obturator n. L2, 3, 4

Illiohypogastric n. L1

Genitofemoral n. L1,2

Lumbosacral trunk L4, 5

Tibial n. L4,5 & S1, 2, 3

Superior Gluteal n. L4,5 & S1

Inferior Gluteal n.L5 & S1,2

Common Peroneal n.

L4, 5 & S1, 2

What Spinal nerve roots form the following peripheral nerves?

SymphisisAmphiarthrosisSecondary Cartilaginous

Classify the joint between two vertebral bodies

Anterior & ProximalArticulates with the trochlear notch of humerusAka semilunar notch

Where is the trochlear notch of ulna?

Inserts directly above the deltoid m.

Trapezius m. inserts directly superior to what muscle?

Axons carry information away from the somaDendrites carry information towards the soma

What direction do axons and dendrites carry information to the soma?

SSA, SVA(ie) sight, sound, equilibrium

What information do bipolar neurons carry?

Dorsal root is sensoryVentral root is motor

In the back door & out the front door

State the Bell Megendie Law

The nerve supplying a joint also supplies both the muscles that move the joint and the skin covering the articular surface of those muscles.

State Hilton's Law

The posterior aspect of the IVD

What does the recurrent meningeal n. intervate?

Medial BranchSuperior to T6 is sensoryInferior to T6 is motor

Lateral BranchSuperior to T6 is motorInferior to T6 is sensory

State the sensory and motor portions of the medial and lateral branches of

the dorsal ramus


What are the functional components of the radial n?

cause the cell to move closer to threshold

An influx in sodium (Na) causes what effect on the cell

Foot Drop

Loss of the deep peroneal n. causes what condition?


If you lose the common peroneal nerve, can you still dorsiflex the


YESBecause you can still use the tibialis posterior m.

If you lose the common peroneal nerve, can you still invert the foot?

Damage most commonly occurs with trauma to the lateral aspect of the proximal fibula

(ie) motorcycle accidents & bicycle wrecks

What is the most common way to damage the common peronal nerve?


If you lose the common peroneal nerve, can you still evert the foot?

Arachnoid & Pia

What 2 layers of meninge have CSF?

Dorsal Scapular n.

What nerve innervates the levator scapular m?

Median n.

Entrapment of what nerve causes carpal tunnel syndrome?

C5, 6, 7, 8 & T1

Cutting what nerve roots prevents flexion of the elbow?

L2, 3, 4 (kick the door)

Cutting which nerve roots prevents extension of the knee?

C5, 6

What nerve roots form the superior trunk of the brachial plexus?

Long Thoracic n.

Winged scapula is caused by damage to what nerve?

Radial n.

Wrist drop due to damage of what nerve?

flexor carpi ulnaris m.½ of flexor digitorum profundus m.

What mucles are inervated by the ulner n?

Femoral n.

Sapheneous n. comes from what nerve?

L5 & S1,2

What nerve roots innervate the gluteus maximus m.?

Genitofemoral n.

Name the nerve on anterior surface of psoas major m.?


Damage to what spinal nerve causes loss of feeling to thumb?

C5, 6

What nerve roots innervate the shoulder abducting muscles?

Tibial n. & Common Peroneal n.

What 2 nerves form sciatic n.?

Radial n.

Cutting what nerve prevents extension of elbow joint?

Median n.

What nerve innervates the Palmaris longus ?

Drop shoulderInternal rotation of shoulderFlexion of wrist

What are the signs of Erb Duchenne palsy?

Quadriceps femorus (4 muscles)Part of the PectineusSartoriusIlliacus

What muscles does the femoral nerve innervate?

T4 & T5

T4 nerve root exits between what vertebrae?

L4, 5 & S1

What nerve roots innervate the tensor fascia latae m.?

External rotate femurAbduct femur

What is the action of the piriformis muscle?

S2, 3, 4

What nerve roots form the pudendal nerve?

Region of T11-L1

Where is the L4 spinal segment found in the vertebral column?


How many dermatomes are there?

62 (31 pairs)

How many spinal nerves are there?


What spinal nerve does not have a dermatone?


What spinal nerves form the intercostals nerves?

Deep peroneal n.

What nerve innervates the skin between digits 1 & 2 of the foot?

Pia matter

What forms the denticulate ligaments?

Ascending tracts carry sensory informationDescending tracts carry motor information

What information do ascending & descending tracts carry?

CN V Manibular Divison of Trigeminal Nerve

What nerve innervates the TMJ?

in a postereolateral direction

What direction do most herniated discs herniate?

Lateral horn T1 – L2

Where do the preganglionic neuron cell bodies originate in sympathetic

nervouse system?

Brain stem and sacral segements S2,3,4

Where do the preganglionic neuron cell bodies originate in

parasympathetic nervouse system?

GangliaAdrenal meduallaMyoneural junctoin of skeletal muscle

Where are nicotic receptors found?

Ecrine sweat glandsBlood vessels of skeletal muscle

What tissues are innervated by postganglionic sympathetic

cholinergic neurons?


What are catecholamines?

Medulla of the adrenal gland

Where does epinephren come from in the body?

Terminal ganglia

In the parasympathetic nervous system, where do preganglionic

neurons synapse?

Ulner n.

Damage to what nerve causes claw hand?

causes BP to increase

What do stimulating alpha receptors do to blood pressure?


How many pulmonary veins are in the humans?

Brachiocephalic TrunkRight common carotid artery branches off it

Left common carotid arteryLeft subclavian artery

What are the branches of the aortic arch?


What affects peripheral resistance of blood?


In ventricular systole, the AV valves are?

Draw and name branches of Circle of Willis

Draw and name Brachial Plexus

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