^lumbiho meat marketnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031312/1929-08... · h^ mr perry horsta foh...

Post on 19-May-2020






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iT **S * ~ ,-> T H t TftlBUttS-Mtattt, tOUVEftMaWft, N. Y. WEDNBaOAY. AUGUST at. i t a : ^ #



Resident of Natural Dam Passed Away at Wha le * £»o*pjVi l—

Was Born at Macomb

The d*atb of Mrs Ella Oladle.

daughter atfwtya, ««1 son Duaae, owned by Karl Severance. East West Main street Mrs GE*£*

'« " K T S S L ° ! l i - Mr'rJ" ""* " ^ W M ™ * **d * J b T ^ S S d a t u r a ? D a n ^ l i ra Great Berkley i * I aon Darcy etaatly killed Uai week by an un taken ill »ttb pneuinonU about of Dunbar, Oat., have been spend known motorist from Canton The two weeka ago and Last Sunday

-*** * i S T * ? * T l l h w , l r « a B d M r * a c c 4 d v n i happened in front of the was removed to the Whaiea hoapi Alex WTtfttaher of the SomerviUe severance home. Severance had tal by the Severance ambulance road. Mra. wnluaker a c o m p t a owaed the dog for only a month

: The ratWit* • " • " • E « H™** i Mr *** M r i E d w i n *cF\nlls and bekah Loaga. No. la, win be bald son Henry of Cleveland, Ohio, who Moaday ereaiaB, E ^ K ^ ^ e r *. and have been guests for the paat verk It is hoped that there will be a good of Mr McKalU parents Mr and attendance. SBwctal baaineas which Mr*. John McrVls of Atistio stre*;. cannot ba postponed, will come be have returned home They are jfore the meeting ,. making the. trip by motor

jied them pack on

Thursday and came service She was born in Macomb. , ) r>e<ember 12. 1MW, the daughter of

The answers to the Who» Who William Rialey and Sarah Cunning-* ~ i •*<* What's What advertisements ham, and her entire life had been

The Ooararneur band played Frl-, are printed in this Issue of the spent in this vicinity day at the Hammond field day, at ! Tribune Prea*. The re*pona^ has Mrs Gladle is survived by three which there waa a large attendance.. *>*e i *o great that »t will take a aon* Gaylord Tulley of Natural the affair being under the auspicea ' f*» days before the winner will be r^uu Robert Tulley of Pope MilU of the Hammond fire department, definitely de termine , Arthur Tulley of Roaale and three T U t J f l f " l l ? f T e e k J b e r ^ S d tur* t ^ , i^^ """., , (step-aoilf William Gladle of Ma rushed mueic tor the DePcyster rred furrier, av well known rest-' ^ f c S t a n U f c y G | a d , e « thiB r U . field day and the organization is dent of this village, wma pro- lA»1

New Meat Market j rut opened in the 1MM-ment of the Masonic Tem­ple Block, under Sheldon Restaurant.

Service aad Qnfity

Glenn M. Scott Phone 103-W Delivery




Sunday. August 11th waa a tlful suiumrr day By the middle of th«* fort-noon the old-timers had IK-JCUO to KAtht-r at th# little cJSttrca for O^ rhirti annual (*ld Home Sua | including fl;>pUce. barn, aarden. day. and by dinner t:«n** at l*aat,Very plt-asant location H C. Roaj-'^o huodrrd adults and cbJldna era

CLASSIFIED COLUMN FOP SALE l o n g e r property oa

Barnt-e »irt*»*i Mm Martha E. Biabop Lamb, **.

di*d at the hotna o€ her »on. Louu Hishop in B**elow, Sunday njorn rnx at 11: JV. She had br^n m fail >ar down to a baaket picnic dinner.] '^-~zr in* health for many week* , Thev continued to .irnve until a t j , F Y O U R t v E S trouble you In any

Mrs. Lamb waa born at K*n**r : *>, * bm th** service Saltan, rtt-na w?> *** * bouie of IKl'RI at Ian KalU, Feb. tl. 1S41. Hn par , *rrv uvrr u o hundred aerettty [ l o r K H ^ ^ t-nu were the late Mr. and M;B ;»it*^n: Thr commlialty a iag i l f j u « T LISTED \\n» h*m* . « H Willlatt Ck>re. natives ol IrvUnd ^ aa led by the paator. iMv. Jl vroW * , ' J h , L i l T J^T\9J^ LHinag her cniftdaoad .he resided C Brad.haw. wUh k m . Minnie laV H ^ r £?b^,**'™* * ? " £ £ | wuh the Van Watera' family at Graham at the organ and ,1. C I J ™ w r v * u ^ o t j!ETXZ' Krnaaelaer FalU. She received ner Hrayton with barifme horn, a * * ! ^ ) J r / ' t-arly educaUfllLJa»Xhai viHaav va^ tak»*n pan la enthuala^ucaity r R.^Vr- ^

•She married Marahal M Bishop.' b> «11 After thU the aajiataat,2 1_ April 22. 13*4, at £raaa Mills

All Improvement., ( JWG—C. J. " Paoaa l t t -W

^LUMBIHO ,Tmm*+, *mpjum-

won eALl—Good bwUdiaa at Toe*. Best location, opportmaity Jar

lanch or reataaraat« I barber shop, f a s station, atfaaiT operation. Alao roosai could be rented. H. C.

hat always rents H.

H^ Mr Perry

H O R s t a FOH * a A t i — 1 horaes. 12 yeara

reaaonable. Will tana trade, rord E McCarty. Delta!* Junction, X. T. $-t1*Jtp r \ p 5

pra>lna at the duuverneur (air this nounced inaane by Dr D. M. Mills week.* .local health offker. Saturday alter

Stanley Gladle ;r. and Nelson Gladle of Ocdens

burf: one daughter, Mra. Jennie Webster of this village; one grand


died October 1. 1*00, at the age of 1'saliu. and Mu«rs Dorothy t>6 years. Her second marni^t oc Marian Davis oiOoiiVerneur. curr*xl in W02. when ahe tktam * "The Church By them 4 j d j of the the wife of John Lamb. * ho 0;»d Koad . in a v«^r preaaiqi manner. in li>l» Her latoer and t »ur After brief remarks by R*v. Brad brothers were killed in the C u l una*. Judge Milton Carter of bow-Hdr Mrs Lamb waa a promiueni viile v»a» introduced and made the iiiember of the O. E. S., at K\^DS address of the day This coaaiatad Mills, and was also connected MihimiiDlv of a resume of the aarty | ^

Hanes. rean the arat! WATCHES. Clocks and Jewelry ra i FOR eALt—Tamea female MUaar* Dorothy aad pairt-d at York s Or«T Bank of and one mala «oat, rw paired at York's


Sergeant McCann left Gouver •and has always resided in the Sand: - Z? mw>A K ^ * ^ . n . ^ , . »«.. — .f -, ^eur Ihe paat week aad is in charge ? 1 H d*f/rtct He was taken to the VJ£ of the detail of state poticj at the t

S t a t ^ Hoaplta! at 0*<1*nsbur* ear ^ 4 fireaaan's convents a held at Sara- lJ ^ U D d t v morning Mr. Currier 0:: nac Lake thia week, ^eriteant Joe h a > l o relatives Urmg m Gouver.

Carrol is In charge of the state po ?£':. . ilea at ihajoeal fair. Sergeant Mc

Cann "Uai accompllahed coasider

$>r*9*%d Calves


Dam. and one brother. George Rls ley of Syracuae. Oae atiter. Mrs ,. w . _ . _ w . . t

S Lawyer of Macomb, died several h * ^ f1 d u r i l J* J ^ J E ? - ^ 1

su^icient for the trade JwrrtcH Whs

the Pine Grove grange. Surviving are two sons

Bishop of Bigelow. Bishop of Calcium.

HORSES Weil broke, yaun* farm | h*.r*«^ weiKhrnjc frt»ro X1W to j l iH» »uund J*riced to sell: guar-jantee*! *» represented. &**y terms. ' 1'hojfe a-K-3-1. John Seymour. •DeKaib. N Y _ . a t p

ready ls> freshen let of 8«p tern bar A B - U a c u m 48 Dapot call S o l t-n-tf WANTED TO HIMg a mltMJ*

woman aa hoaiaekaepar oa W W Yerdon. R 1. Ooo N. Y. . I t f

««*>''. history of South Rdwards and Of tta

louts 'early inhAhitaata, aa well aa Stailvy own childhood memories of

One »r*ad and events of nearly fifty yeara ago.

| FOR SALE Blackamith and ma diiue sho, fully equipped. A l

j location H C. Rogers-

years ago. Funeral arrangements are

complete in

>ff in twelve >e driven on out the ex and f ement oey on any n<*ed bv its '

aetf a moat efficient police officer.

w Mr and Mrs Charles Carroll of able daring"h» th^months" ' s tay , J»e w Xork ^7 * ^ Waiting at the; - i r t r n i P n O a I a l 7 I T in.CH>nTerrmar aar! has proven him ' h o m * <* Mrs Nellie Dugan and %< • A f l N I V r K N A K Y A I

the old home of Mr CarroU in Roa " * « « * J U I a J / l l l 1 f l 1

i ^ H S ^ ^ a S NATURAL BRIDGE the past ten years has been sta s-tioned at the corner of Madison' Dr. ar%d Mra. C. 8. Drwry Hoftor«d a\epue and 43rd street. ! j ^ Occaaion oi 4aUh Waddiaa -

Yhe Sunday evenfnit service. Aug­ust 26th a: Natural Dam« .Method-Hat church wiU be in charge of Sid­ney Putney of Oswego. The ser­vice the following Sunday. Sept em-

* ber 1, will be in charge of the young people of the Spworth

% l eague at Hallesboro The prayer meeting for the coming two weeks wtil h e In charge of Weatley Card

-.of Natural Dam and held on Tues­day nights inatead of Wednesday. Tlve*e changes are made owing to the fact that the regular paator. Rev Otto Helrie. hi taking a two ^weeks' racatioav

Mr. and Mrs. Earl Laidlaw who are at their summer home at Point Vivian on the St. L*wrence Rirer, entertained the following relatives and friends at a dinner party Sat­urday: Mr. and Mra. D. C. John-

- aon and Miss Martha Stum pel of Brooklyn. Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Brown of Lakeland. Florida; Mra.

- S. £ . Brown of Glendale, Calif-; Mrs. E. A. Jenne and daughter

. Hazel of Port Chester^ M Y . ; Mra

Country dressed calves were in ' «*ughter, Mrs Leon 81ack of w r n - ) T h e talk was greatly enjoyed hy Mile. Two grandsons, AJden und all present, many of whom ware Clayton Biabop of Calcium 1 descendants of those mentioned hy

active Prices advanced 1 to 2 Prayer service* were held f'\>nT Judge Carter. A collection waa cent* over last weeks cloae with a t h e h o m * °* b e r son. IrfHUs BSI op. taken and over $40 waa received few extra obtaining premium* *t Bigelow, Tuesday morning t 11., to be u***d by th* present board In Fresh receipts, per lb . choice, 23 followed by services at the ('res building iip and repairing the

•to 54 cents; fair to Rood. 20 to 22 hyterian church at Kvans Mills at church It was agreed to continue j cents: common. 17 to 19 cants 2 3u In the afternoon, ihe c^r uon> holding these Old Home Sunday

being in charge o( the > chapter in that villa. ** •>• %%as made at £vans Mills

J. H. STURTCVAMT—M. D. at St. Lawraace inn. fUssUHIT

August *. S#pc aV and Ottohsa a. WANTED -Man and wife, tor work

vu farm oue miie from Oouver-netir Woman mast be able to aid i .^ y in milkinjc etc Wanted by Novem­ber first Adtireas M. W . care Tribune 8-t*<f

WANTED—Lrae fowla and delivered to my place a i A n t

W Belltager. > l l

Mrs. 3!irj:aiet Garvin and daugh­ter. Miss Elisabeth Garvin, of this

Anniversary Last Friday


j «mali to medium. IT to 19 cents lightweight*. 16 to in cents.

Live Poultry Fowls were in liberal receipt by

| express and freight all the week , ! broilers ware- In moderate ettpp*? hy - --

express and heaw hy frolyht j Cr<x>d fowls in demand. Leghorns

* arriving by express were of poor !

WANTED -Good young glr! who _ Koes to high school and who will

S wher inKs and the second Sunday j s t * v w i f h . , c n < l d r . * n . l n l ? fe ^ n l n «

i ^ n t o f August 19S0 is the date rbr~The f rT^ , r tml!r t i>: , * n l * "^* »ork

i next one

SWANLETS 3dr and Mrs

Those present on this J V ^ " b o* r df

| occaaion * m as follows , » 1 S McKean street •- Potsdam -Mr and ^Ira, * Myron rFlneld. Mr and Mrs W J MfiffetU |3Trs TTgih Main. Florence and El

jctn Main. Mr and Mrs. L;nn Scott and children. Mr. and Mrs. Leon

C R. Scott, y W R Swan

A Failing <lu* , i ly a n d *°1(1 a r irregular prices | s e i , l n a t Gouverneur Is goini?' Scott and children villa** Mrs. Harry Hanson of Wa-\ of Natural Bridge, entertained ^ 7 . - ^ ^ U M ^ n i ^ ? n ^ t 0 **x* " e y e f u l 1 ° ( the House ( James Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Charles

1 at a luncheon at the home of Dr. w h i c , n * e »n light receipt, were in , o f r^vid baseball team at the fair, j Jacot and children. Mr. and Mra. O S Drury Friday. Aug- ^eady demand at a slight premium., ^ t b m l h a v e d u p l h t . C a r Camphell

tertown and Mrs. James Gairin of Mtlwaakee. Wis., left by auto Mon­day for Mil wank ee. where the local people will remain for several weeks. Miss Garvin, buyer in th* ladies' ready-to-wear department of the C. R. Rodger store, will later ao to New York City, where ahe will purchase merchandise.

and Mrs. ust 17. The occaaion was the 48th - ' ^ ^ ^ ^ J X J ? VI*JZLT

r\ t h a * * t e m i n l 0 m * k e t b e ^ r i ° c e i Canton><Mr. andJira.,Frank H a r

weeding a n n i v e r s a r y ^ Dr. and £ j ^ f ' ^ L l ^ £%*}? ^ ^ v Beaten Harbor. -Mich., is not rw+rooir«ircTiraren. and Hale Carter. Mrs. Drary and W yekrs since the* * ^ ' 2 ^ J ; ^ j ? 0 * g ^ S a m u ' — w ~* * ^ " ^ ^ ~ ! nonh of South Bend, where the doctor started the practice of medi nw>n*',V n^kL *i« ~^JA- -ZA^ writer ^ l d ciUsenahip for four -X-- f. t--. .w« -A.W ^ . Broilers Rocks. 2 4 pounds aad o v i v M ^ m . fK. . A w t . . K I - U - . cine. It was also the 70th wedding :r r"iT" t o 3 o~c7nts"-ICToV nomads l y e a r ** a a d t h i s WMm ot ? w , k m

srsii? s. '^"sTy^i i»z I H '»a-?-5=£:! •" --- - -"- - --Drury. deceased. j a Dd o V e r ^8 cents; m to 2 pounds.

The affair was an entire surprise 2 4 t 0 2fi eent8 ; u n der I S pounds, to Dr. and Mrs Drury. The honor ^j t 0 +>> c e n U : ducks, nearby, 20

The air mail service between Al hany and Saranae Lake was re , realed to a Gouvemeurian last meats were married August l«th. | to 23 cents: Long Island. 26 cents week while stopping at Ssranac , m i - l n Winoski. VL. at the Meth- Butter—Cheese—Egos Lake. Tpon inquiring for a New! odist church, followed by a recep-. HeciepU of butter continue lib-York paper of the previous day's | t i o n *c t h e bride's home. Mrs. e>ral and market held about steady date, he learned that the New: Drury was Miss Addie Morrison, without any change in prices. Tho

I«~K^-« • M H l l j . . the second baseman, is sure a won j Stockwell. leghorn. 2 pounds, d e r ^ w m %f>Hng ^ W g ^% j p a r i shvi l le to grab s hot one. push his whis | Shaw.

- Herrnon— Mr. and Mrs. Leon O'Neil and children, and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Whit ford and children.

Kusaell—Mr and Mrs. Leroy

Mr and Mrs Allan

kers up into his palnis, and use them as a son of hair mattress buffer.

Kempvllle. Ont.. Can—Mr. and Mrs. John Reddick and son a>an.

OouTerneur—Mr. and Mrs. Len-nahan. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Len-

The medicos tell us that the | nahan and children, Mr. and Mra. seat of activity is a curious little I John Whitmore. Mr. and Mrs. E. A.

Mrs. Guy Jennings, M M t

FOR SALt—Nearly new two burn -er vH ltovr. -tt.^C. Rogers.


WANTED—Two high school, stu­dents to board. Mrs. Henry

B*»ach. SO Hallesboro street.

FOR SALE—New Mtchelln Cora fttheTTS

O r r O M t T f t t t T AND OPTICtA* — « . U Whaasar win he at the S L

Lawrence Ima. Tsjaaday* 8afC lf» all day. and Wednaeday, 8aaC I f . oaUl 1:00 P. M.

WANTED—Experienced g^ri dining room aad to

housework Whyait B< ton street.

THE FULLER PROPERTY-aa \ Clinton street, for sake. Vaty

large lot wtth roomy hooae office and sheds H. C. Rogera,

-Tire, « x * original wrapning. f la .0^ InQmre at Tribune-Press office.

HORSES F O * SALE or weight aOSi to I f fd , sooatesl sag

the ft] next two weeks. W. H.

WANTED—A girl for general housework or school girl to work I

for room and hoard. Mrs. Ralph Johns, Masaena. N Y. Apply to ISO Park street. Gouverneur. 8-21-lt

FOR SALE—Small neighborhood grocery store, pleasant location,

has always paid. H. C. Rogers.

York papers were obtainable as eat ly as nine o'clock in the mom-

, ing of the day of publication, as =Della Hodgkln and Misa ^WaacheftJrer are delivered by Flyers. Inc..

and was born and lived in Wlnoaki trading was only (air. supplies are duct in the brain. It also may be a chair with s tack ln it.

Hodgkln of Syracuae; Mra. James "Elliott of Montreal? Mr. and Mra. Vincent Dodds of Albany; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. L. Tait. Mrs. G. M Dodds. f Mr. and Mrs. a Wilson Dodds and children and Mrs. Wm. Griffith of <JouTernear.


f t i

(Crowded out last week) ' Mr. and Mrs. D. Leary and fam­

i ly spent Sunday in Alexandria *Bay. V - Wallace Breckenridge and son Buddy, were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mra. Breckenridge at Pope Mills. . - . . . Miss Laura Phatea spent the past week in Theresa and reports the Ohantaoqna as being largely at­tended.

until her marriage. Mrs. Drury n excess of demand. Per pound, has been an invalid for the last jreamery salted, higher score. 44 four years. j to i4V] cents; extra ($2 score).; T h e , a t e Clarence H. Smith, as a

Dr. Drury is well known ia this, *Z** cents, . 0 hboy from Gouverneur. used to run section. He was born near Pyrites Trading continued quiet on all on the old Rome. Watertown and and taught school three years in; styles of cheese with only-a limited Ogdenshurg railroad as news but-St. Lawrence county. When hut interest in fresh state cheese which | cher. He had the distinction and 15. he had learned telegraphy and ' is In light supply. Market staadx-honor of blacking General Grant's

her home on Gleason street after j worked until be was 17 as tele- ° »"»* New York State fresh, j boots when the General and Mrs. spending three weeks at her cot- grmph operator in North Brockneld f * » c v to specials. 23 to Z4fc cants; j Grant and daughter Nellie travel-tage at Sdgewater Park, on the St. I M a g g j j e afterwards entered the * h o r t hok*» 2 4 V» t o 2 5 V» cents. j ed over the Cape Vincent branch

of Albanv, of which Robert Aid rich of this Tillage is president.

. Mrs. W. E. Lytle has returned to

Lawrence rirer. She had as her guests Miss Birdetla Love of Syra cuse. Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Love of Miami. Fla.. Mrs. Warren B. Wor-den and daughter Margaret of Syr­acuse, the Misses Helen and Elean­or Stiles of Rlchvilie, and the Misses Kathlene and Florence Kel­ly of New York City and Ogdens-b u r g . - •:--


Potsdam Normal. Following his; T n e m»rk«t on eggs is ip a Arm course there he taught school for! t:ondiUon, especially as to the best a time before entering the Uni- i e lected grades of nearby hennery rersity of Vermont at Burlington.! w h i t e a n d b ? b w n e « p - w*ich « B 0 W

At the age of S3 ha waa gradu- a n * d v a n c e o f f r o m 2 «° 3 c e B^a p*r ated from the coBege a doctor of d o i e n *£** ^ w e ^ k •**"***** medicine He began practice of I » « J w h ^ « f •« osely selected extras medictne at Great Bend two years i****1 4'\° " c e m * »er *°*'*:*r:

took up the practice of hit brother>

Frank Emmonds of Syracuse ^Ur and Mrs. Wallace Brecken-] ai>ent i h e Jreek-end with his moth* j In April. 4aeJ, Dr. aad Mrs. ^nrry

er, Mrs. Ellen Emmonds. J c a n e to this Tillage and have "made Mrs. Emma Lockie has been; their home here since that time.

by hennery browns, top quality, it aifi*tfi whA « . t . i r w . ^ - * t 0 * 4 8 cents. Western gathered Alfred who was taking a poet-, w h | t ^ w ^ t %4 4 0 cents per graduate course in New York city, i d o t w l

rid^e £ad family attended h i i un cle s funeral the past week.

Mr. and Mrs. P. J Kelly and aon .John spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Anna Phalea.

Dan OXeary and family motored ' to Watertown, Saturday.

Mr. and Mra. Charles Carroll of *New York and Mrs. -Nell Dugan

..were guests at Lisaie Lewis*, Sua-<lay - J spending a few days at ber par

Mrs. Ella Tierney is recovering j ants* home at CooatahleTUle from an operation in the Hepburn , Mrs. Cora My-rs left Sunday for hospital a t Ogdenaburg. j Alexandria Bay where she has se-

Mrs. F. Lee is spending a few j eured a position, days with her daughter, Mrs. Fen ton Burns ia Clayton.


1 $7.50

^ The road from Roasie t o OxBow is cloaed due te tbe fact that they are now putting on the top dress

spending tbe paat week wtth Mr.) For the luncheon, yellow and; 9W^™ J ° J ! _ £ T o m . 3 i £

and Mrs. Jamee H. Rldadaie. green were used aa a color schema, i £**£J?£ rtskdf s ^ ss * Z The "Misses Gwendolyn and Yellow tapers lighted the tabiee— I t f * 8 0 ! ^ ™ * ~ 7 ' i ^ T , , ; i ? M

Irene McFaHane. alao their giri the larger one haTing * 9 n ^ \ S % \ £ T £ ^ friend, all of Brooklyn, hare been cake wtth 48 yellow and green can--;? , ' M

c " v t n ; * » l 0 #'L't7* i r ! T ^ « ^ . ^ r ^ 7 r « 7 . t \wX*J~+\ *u* MiZL+Z?tZ+^J£ZZl >W J Vealera: Market irregular; good to

^ J « 5 m S S n ^ e l l - n a i - haan S ^ r e a e S e J f ^ Z T Z f c r S S t 4 *llM t 0 | 1 5 ' 0 0 ; ^ ^ a n d c o m m o ^ Mra. William O'Neil^naa been I la. presented Dr. and Mra. Drury $ s M to nQM Carres (whole milk

T%f2^m*L2?^i\ . • A ^ W « I < W I * « d « * ^ > W"** 1 irregular; XIV!1J^Z£* TT,? l f r ^ B d J ? r t - metfiwn to choice, $9S0 to $10.to; Herbert^Thorahlll *f Worceater, j cu I U l and common. $€30 to W*>; HT-L'*!; m * T - ^ P ^ ^ J I - w n b s : Market steady; good to of Springfield Gardens. 1^ L^Mra.! 5 ^ ^ 9 U a a a to 114.00; medium, f1**** Wallace, fit North B r o o k - » ^ x t M u | ix .o0; culls and common.

<7lorer should supplant, or at,Held. Mass.; Mrs. Robert Ormlaton, j | j ( ^ to gio.50. Sheep: Market

bstote Flattaburg, N. Y.

rbr cm}? Boarding Scbsol tor Bor» ia Nonbem New York cm«turte<\ by Relic-torn Teachefm. Ideal location 00 Lake Cbassplaia mi tbe foot of the Adiron­dack* Gnuomar. Higk School and Coav rwerciai Deparana>t» Term* Appb to


least supplement timothy meadows. 1 and daughter. Miss Doris, of Water- j ,teady. &wes: medium to choice, A bulletin from the college of ag-<town; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wells, $4.00 to .$«00; culls and common. riculture at Ithaca tells about men-: of DeKaib; Mr. aad Mrs. Benjav ' $2 00 to U£S dow improvement. Ask for E-121.; min Blount and daughters. Dorothy I t is free -for the asking on a penny and Beth, and "Mr. and Mrs. Charlie postcard. I Rich of Canton: Mr. and Mra, Bar-

Hay Market Receipts of hay continued light

IT—'J"^~^ 1 m ~V" ~*~ at all points. Strictly No 1 Tim-Itrand Wallace. Mr. and Mra. Jerome o t f i T {£h U r r e ^ s m a l ] b l j e g

Pies and jelUes are only two of Payne. Dr and Mrs. Fred Drury w e r e * BCMTCe some new hav arriT-th*» many debcious things to be and daughter. Miss Dorothy. ttdllnf I D d l f to c o o d conditioc sell-. made from apples. Apple main Misa Ettie Drury. all of OouTer ££ %l 0(> p e r ^ %M^T o i d Tisa4^DOi:* f o r >*our*^w ^ 3rou reversed ' dishes, desserts, and confections, neur are described in-Cornell's bulletin.

I How to Use Apples as Food.-, . - P | M C R O V F Write to the oifice of fmbUcation.' M^LMl \*MMJYC*

' Roberts Hall. Ithaca, N. Y., for E-88 U is free, _

othy No. 1. large bales,' sold at ~!zi to ttl per ton: No. 1. tti to $15, No. 3. $21 to $23.


* • * * - - *?» •

Charles Stevens, known by his many friends as Chub Stevens, has been very ill, but is somewhat bet-; ter now. - j

Mr and Mrs. Stanley MorreU of Canton spent Sunday a: the homes of Brayton aad H*>rb Hamilton. \

• Elm Grove baseball team played at Elm Creek and wer* beaien by ^»e score of 7 to ? N*»xt Sunday' :he local team win play Eddy, at ^\m Grove. -j

Mrs. Roy Weaver was in Mas *-na to attend a funeral Friday.


WA*>». *x. \ . nu«5ciw. yr 1 with straw FOR SALE—Oood house with s l y * * ? 0 ? ^ **

acres. Also one with 5 acraa, la *• r ' u- *•

DaTis and children, and Mrs. Clar­ence Ward. ^

FullerTille-—Mr. James Church. ~~\ Pi teal rn—Mr. and Mrs. Sumner

JolnaRniand children, Mr. and Mra-i^oQ^a^k^ur H C Rogera Charles Shlpman. Mr. aad Mra. Charles, Tompkins, aad Mra. Carl Hoamer and son. ^~

Newton Falls—Mr. and Mrs/Hmr ry Thompson aad daughter. Charles Guiles. Mr. aad Mra. Glenn Higmaa and children.

Beaver Falls—Mra. Retta Hllta. Oswegatchie—Mr. and Mia. Jos­

eph R1U, Mr. aad Mrs. Charlea Os borne. Mr. and Mra. George Maybee aad son. and Mrs. S. French.

LowTtlle--Judge Milton Carter

WANTED—Experienced typist de­sires work to do at home eTe-

ulngs. H. C. Rogers.

WANTED TO stUY—OM pnbttahed hy H. Carrier a a « Car*

Her St iTaa. M*> thoae *C other pabUahera. aad paintings s y a . f . Tait. Xamea J7 CTHaakm. l fS» Hoi* . 'ri land ATa., UUca, N. Y. T 4 1 - 4 ^

WANTED—Who aiahed rooms to

Rogers. reatT H. €L

FOR SALE—Threshing o a t * , ststlng of S t JohnarlUa

1 with straw blower aasi M S Lynde. -JSJOSM

. 74*41 A-*-:

Not generally a news boy's line of duty, htft Grant wanted a shine, and Clarence gave it with "Mason's BcsL"

. ' . * . • • *

It is hot here in Toledo. The tourist patronage is at its peak, j and wife and son, Mr. aad Mra.j Everybody wants a room high up We are only eight stories. A for­tune awaits a man who can build a hotel that can be run up a hun­dred feet in the summer, and re­duced to lower floors in winter.

T h e y are building a new railroad terminal with coal and ore docks

Bulls: Market steady; mediam.J o^t ^ r e in Lake Erie. They must make the island on which all these huge mechanical devices are to be, larger. They have brought here the largest dredge ia the w o r l d -are digging from the lake bottom and-making aa acre, of mad every tea days. It h doae by both dredging and pumping the saad through large pipes—the same methods MB were used la Chicago to make the outer drive, and Grant Park, along Michigan ave-

Do you know the fellow up there in the home town that married a woman because be admired her good judgment in selecting him?

Advice to some little girl of ten years: When you have some candy to divide with little brother, you often say, "Open your mouth and shut your eyes." You would have

this old saying

Ch&rles Carter. Mrs. Ida Gihbte Turin—Mr. and Mrs. John Peter­

sen aad family. West Martinsburg—Mr. aad Mra.

Albert Hausauer aad daughter; Mr. and Mrs. Dean Peterson aad daugh-

Copenhagen— Mr. Mnd Mra. Milo Wood. Mr. aad Mrs. Bower 8mith.

Oxford, N. Y.—Mr. aad Mrs. Glenn Peterson.

New York—Mr. aad Mra. Paul Whit ford and daughter.

HarrtsTille—Mr. aad Mrs. Jeaae Siver and son. Misa Adora Sirer, Mr. and Mrs. Chauacey Buffer aad son. Mr. and Mrs. Alvah Coster, Mrs. Alice McAliaatar, Mr. and Mra. R. Kllbourae. Mr: and Mra. Fred Backus, aad Bert Lanphear.

Natural Bridge—Mrs. Warrea Tidd and aoa.

Carthage—Mr. and Mrs. Charlea Whittier. Mr. aad Mrs. W. A. Big-man, Mr. aad Mrs. Harry Johnson, Mrs, Anna Lumley, John Coe. Mr. and Mra. Chauacey Ooodberry aad children, Mr. aad Mra. James Whit-ford. Monica aad Alton Whitford.

Antwerp—Mr. aad Mra. Howard Whitford Mrs. Alwyn Williams, Mr. aad Mrs Wilbur Clement. - _ _ -

Fine—Mr. and Mrt.nWorniaa Mur­ray. Mra. Louisa Jarvis, Mr. audi

A BARGAIN—A good sixed home, few ateps from Public Square;

lights, water, bath hrratory, * clos­ets, large sised furnace, fireplace. House good repair. Conveniently arranged to renty to family up stairs. Rent up stairs will pay in­terest on investment. H. C. Rogers

FOR SALE—Two Atwater-Kent Model 40 electric radios. Hare

been used aa demonstrators, N At a bargain. V. E. Woodworth eV Son, S Park s t ree t s x.


TO RENT—Large, airy, bed mom, mala jEoa

bath, all modern tsarealsssasa IS* Eaat Mala 8L Phoae law4L 7-Sl-tt

C, CANNING TOMATOES—Par bush-. eL 11.60. H. H. Herring. Phone 16S4. ' -

F O R S A I . F — Dry body wood, all slabbed, $4.00 per cord delivered.

Alao chunks and limb wood. W. T. RaddTek, Gouverneur, N. Y. Phone ZnU Richville. " $F21-4tp

GLADIOLI-aWL( _and SSJOO. s a f k with

ders fitted NoTesneer. F. M. tiadala. Ooueeraear. M, Y. S U L U ^

, , „ ' . ' i t . i . • •

FOR SALE—SS o r fit pa state road"

GOOD sUROAiNS la mw nets l a Atwater4Ceat,

I Woodsfotth^sV

FOR SALE—110 acre farm, with or without dairy, rich clay loam so i i

Tory nroductire, buildings all good, well aaulaped alio, on Ogdeaahara; HeSTaSton state road, one mile from Tillage. Churches, high school, two milk plants. Formerly owned by the late W. H McCadam. Inquire E. 8. MeCadam. Heuralton, N. Y. Phone lOTFz. S-21-ltp ,

WANT TO RENT a farm farming tools and horses aad

about twenty-five ar thirty cowa. Charlea N. Shippee, R. S, Goover-

, N. Y > t l - t t p

YOU CAN SAVE your eyee at YorSi.

FOR SALE-^Houaaa, aU * locations, all prices. .Not aril moaay reQuired. H. C.

WANTED—Middle aged aTirl for s^aeral

ply t o Mra. Sol Kapmn, JOS Bfala s treet . . STtf >'*£ FOR SALE—Few lots oa the

ahore of Syrrla Lake, & C erar. . .,. .. ....' ... . .

FOR SALE—1 Jewel coal ranger* Had Star gasoline store, I lea

•mi ^ w ^ * . , M.. . ^ i I box in A l condition. Oawegatchie aad daughter. Mr. M t f i f j ^ ^ P a w # r QO^ Church atreet.

Phoae 28. .. _

Tilings can be worse. If you gK restless during these hot August days, just stop and think of the] Edwards—Mrs. Josephine Baa

FOR QUICK SALE—dlrcumstaaces are such, owner cannot aae his,

Mrs. E. Dowliag. Mr. aad Mrs. Mi i j ©ice reaidence oa oae of oar heat ton House aad children. Mr. aad atresHa. Will sell very reasons bio. Mm Lester Royce, Ada Folaom. All appotatmeats; ap to data. Not Alton Royce, aad Gerald Solon. I all money required. fL C Rogers i ^


FOR S A L E - O o o d

outfit aad ttttlaT 4aaL-Alan\ j r for sale, also oa state for Hat. J L C

WE HAVE fully

attractive County UtlBtiaa, toe.


H. C gang down in Clinton prison.

We desire to express our grati­tude to our friends aad neighbors for the beautiful Sowers, cars as­sistance, aad sympathy s^own us during our recent bereavement 1 • - -

Mr. George BaAcfofl a FamTTy-T Hate>uuseen on tbe screen Preal

i croft. Miss Myrtle DaTis. Mra. El j FOR SALE—Lease aad furnishings] WANTED—A laaiy j len Rice. Mr aad Mrs. Abner Rice < of beat paying small hotel i n ! to do at homau H. C

If you will try and forget a per and children. Mrs George Morrow, jjorthern New York. H. C sonal gri^vano for forty eight j Miss Llla Morrow, Lee Hall. Mr.f

hours, it will die of starvation. and Mrs. E C. Brtytear~Mrs. Eu-


I wish to say thai an my

^FOR . > FOR SALE—Established Coal audi makes of cava. *Vs» new

g<*nia Kerr. Mr and Mrs. Will Cha ' ice Buaineaa. Sold only oa a c - o a d hand tires aad cnSss. pin Mr. and Mrs John Lumley. count of health. R. C Rogera. ; City Auto Wrecking Oa^ S i

Indent Hoover advertising th*' Para ; Mr and Mrs Harrison Lumley and' : I 8L phoae If4-W mount plcrures along with Adolf aon Mrs Roger French aad daugh F O R *ALE—Kitchen range aad Euker. the poor magnate Can you t*r. Mr and Mrs Milo Woodcock 2l4nch furaaee. la good oasadi FOR RENT-^Flat wtth

* -<

I have made ahaohitery false.

OSBORNE VILLE Gouveraeur. K. T^ R.

v report ] Picture Mr-^oormfe ^eing caught Haae^ Wehh. r^xaheth aad Ruth V f e i s « m g o c h a lwiMl ** thMl't |Giffin. "*"" ,

r ceFul^r J * F D No. sVL-3


WANTED—A middle aged

poor job * be t^U. of i c , , W e in or Bear Sooth Edwirdt. l ^ g E L f l T , ! ^ ^ T g J l ^ r ^ S q J g ' l g l - ^ ? * * £ * * " * • j * i w Qrore street- r-_*!^Liii: •*• sa- aaasa Fasaaa a t sjr mSML.

| 1 g ^ B B g = g ^ = = 3 = = = ^ g _ mi IIIISJII sjsjssssaasasaasl


Buaae Potter aad family of Car- ^on't forget the Syracuse > ! ^ e ~ ^ thage spent last Sunday with Mra Pair, all next week- , i ^ o , - , ^ ^ Potter's made. John Woods aad


, • -..J@B6*~&-

Mrs. Scaaiey Hurlbut spent Sat­urday aad asuaday with ber par­ents near Gowverneur

Mr. ami Mrs Burr Hurihut aad aoa Wallace and Floyd Waahham. spent dsosaay at Carthage

Mass B a u Woods of Ogdeas Saturdaj eight aad

wtth her pare&u Mr and Joha Woods


'The body

of Jo>i A P*a Mtas Emily EZmJby. s o t

is of Orw*ara:^^* or^=~-r»d a' th^ paraoaage sf tn# PJW: MeO od r cfcarch Thai-scar rr*zi*x T V eer^aoay was p*£Z0<r»*e by ihe pasaor Rer J W Barrert. wrjs

Mrs Waiter W*„~r as --he arreading

B j . *M.5 Carpenter *

vUltell « M « u l the

^SnesT'* "i /or any damage Caused by mq car.

** *jg3*?fc»-.y- J^.'To TmMt**m and T^srhers 4a> ttt fat bur: "Jarvir^Lajnb of mood. Maoasnh, Morrt*rowii

<karrernenr. eaUed aa Mr. aad. and RoaaW: '• , > Clareace Moore, gataruay aft- ^9trr attewtloa Is called tc the

Morrasoa Lamb lived la law reonirlag schools te becia \ thss commamity when a child. B e Bent X- R e n t e r s aad auwptlea

Is now rngtaeer m a large bak have beea left with the tovn clerk mrj la Newark. ,«" handed to your teacher The

Mra. Amy Lynde aad caisdreav ^urliah book ia the grade* this Robert aad Helen of Gocveraear. » * » will be JNaarasa A Kirchway's Taafted at Sarah Hogebooma Baa N > w rssearHiai m English, pan out amy. „ kr the Aaaerlcaa Bock C*„ m three

Tf^vmea Lower Grasts. Z aad 4 Middle Gradea, $ aad < Higher is paiauag Mra aarah Craiea

Mr aad Mra Carve Jeaae aad Oscar mouared o+*r to Star

Lake aa Friday m their arw car Mrs Ralph Bsgarei esrterLsiaed

"7 a*r coaata Richard aOag. aad his J g?rl friewd Loasse Paadotk. • Ttica. tram Wfsraeadsy aattt j TIh> Perrsgo has moved > faamry sata par . of ' ihowa# i t the Creek Km k pp**eftry eVsMayed ay are

R a > t Bsgarei a drtnag t

>oa a* F o » > r HJ> %-*~*rr

' aad S stsapeetfrlry FRA.VK H WAi-LACrl

Dirt Sapt

F-w« Met>*ed^st O U T T *

!R*r V J ^ k ' ! » Pastor QZJT~•-> a.—<fet a^sria* F - > I T

U'-rr- ot - k S w*e* aa4 eesrmaet *» •e ;i># >ab**a^r Rev L E Rrv»^ 5< T £c~. wZ. be xa caaarr* «f :*



t R - « > y

COT nans sad '

CAMFiaO 8TTPPLIX8 erf Ail Kiads

General Md»e. Co . Phflse 213-W l i s fl*w»


Ss L F.


24 5>*r

>ce is h e ^ a g 6o ea:

IF! Wl tstXL stt hevrrvo » | GLbo jrwrofacg dotavIt | ncia rat dmsa earauara grw, |

2 ^ *&5rrYinq

Row>ey y—rr «•. " Lorr* ' r»k>-

ea. Prearkiag Rer L Z R-w > r * » P-^aafki^t s t ^ ~ £

Hare you fVesr&sar prayer m m an w : lae



rOR THE ~ Ews#y

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