made-to-measure: trends in personalised digital learning

Post on 15-Apr-2017






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Made-to-measureTrends in personalised digital learningMeg Stevensontessello Learning ConsultantBrightwave Group





Tailoring a digital experience, based on what is known about the individual.

What is personalisation?

Connect the right people, to the right content, at the right time and place

Personalisation is all around us

Emotional connection

Data is the key ingredient

And… people expect it

Turning to the workplace…

“Employee engagement is the most important issue companies face around the world.”- Deloitte’s 2015 Global Human Capital trends report

PWC – My life connected

What’s your education wish?• I wish I could tailor

learning to my personal needs

• I wish alternative qualifications were better recognised by employers

• I wish I had more choices in the way I learn

“We have wasted a fortune by spoon-feeding ‘one size fits all’ to passive participants.”- Lucy Adams, Ex-BBC HR Director

Stop spoon-feeding

In a one-size-fits all world:

• We waste time and money

• We disengage people • We ignore expertise• We fail to innovate

This means businesses risk:

• Losing money• Losing great people• Slowing down

Why does personalised learning help?

Increased relevance

More efficient

Increased engagement

Increased recall and understanding

Leading to:

• Better performance• Retained top talent

Trends in personalisation

Digital playlists

Digital learning playlists

• Mix of internal and external• Curate content to meet goals• Follow interesting subjects• Daily learning suggestions• Multi-media mix

User-generated expertise

Diagnostics & content filtering

Diagnostics & content filtering

Diagnostics & content filtering

Diagnostics & content filtering

Diagnostics & content filtering

• Assess prior knowledge levels• Deliver content that is relevant• The importance of personal


Recommendation engines

I bought this…

I might want these…

Data-driven peer recommendations


Recommendation engines

• Peer reviews – rate and comment

• Recommended pathways• Follow your career idols

Real time experiences

1:1 coaching and feedback

1:1 coaching and feedback

• Manager continuous review• Collaboration with experts• Feedback from peers

Goals and recognition

Goals and recognition

• Ensure a human touch• Take a lesson from

gaming, little and often• Create a framework of


Choose your own adventure…

Right place and time… and device

The perfect mix: just in time, just enough, just for me

Point of need problem solving

Performance management

Experiential evidence

Visible goals 1:1 coaching


Changing the nature of the LMS…

Evolution of the LMS…

…to a facilitator of network interactions

Helps businesses perform better and faster, at the speed of change

What does the future hold?


Biometrics – health trackers

Adaptive analytics

The importance of personal choice

“The future is already with us – we just need to bring it to work.”

- Clive Shepherd

Parting words…

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