magazine advert - textual analysis

Post on 02-May-2017






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Magazine Advert - Textual Analysis

This advertisement was created for the Kings of Leon and their 4th studio album, 'Only By The Night' which was released worldwide in September 2008.

The magazine advertisement respectively contains the band's name (Kings of Leon), the main image, the album name (Only By The Night), a list of some of the featured tracks (Sex on Fire, Crawl and Use Somebody) and the albums current status (Out Now).

In both the band name and album titles the same capitalised font is used, which seems to be used at the same size, both titles do seek the audience's attention due to their striking and effective presence. The only differentiation between both the main titles is the colour, with the band title being coloured in frost white, meanwhile the album name has painted in neon/slime green. However both colours manage well in attracting the readers eye. The use of same font throughout the print gives an impression of consistency and fluency in the advertisement, this therefore allows the advert to seem well constructed and easy on the eye, rather than disjointed. The used could be described as digital or high-tech due to the straight letters and underscores between each word (E.g. Only_By_The_Night), this is relatively unconventional to the indie/rock genre, as this sort of font would be more expected in the electro house/techno genre. However this font may connote that the Kings of Leon are exploring a modernised edge to their music as they try to expand into other markets. At the lower end of the print we see an 'OUT NOW' title, this title is relatively half the size of mains titles while stile making use of the digital/technical font. However, albeit its size, it still manages to catch the readers eye as a sharp red colour (connotes anger, rebellion often associated with rock) has been used, allowing it to stand out from other forms/colours of typography used within the advert. The colours used may have been influenced by the album title in order to create a certain mood/emotion. If you were to dissect the album title, the title would connote darkness, loneliness and uncertainty, hence the range of colours chosen are used effectively to enhance the messages shown on the print.

The main image that is used is placed centrally on the print and makes up 70-80% of the advert due to its size. The image at first sight seems to be rather complicated, however a deeper look shows that the image is a small mosaic with a close up on the band members faces, which outline the inner head of what is believed to be an eagle. This may connote the band predatorily tactics and desire to be the best in the genre, and the quartet of faces suggest that if they are to succeed that goal they must do it together. The unusual image, may represent that the band are hinting that they have changed their style of music, and are highly confident on the change. The picture is layered over a faded sepia effect to give that rustic, smoky look.

From the print alone, there is not a specific target that the band are aiming for, however the cleverly created, and unconventional print makes the advert appealing to almost any reader who is reading the magazine. However, I would say the band are aiming for a target market of males between the age of 16+, as this gives them a large potential audience to possibly attract. Overall, I would say the magazine print is successful as it unconventional, distinctive and intriguing.

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