mass effect sw

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  • 8/8/2019 Mass Effect SW


    Savage WorldsMass Effect

    v 2.2

    A fan conversion of the (first) Mass Effect video gamefor the Savage Worlds Explorers Edition (SWEX) rules

    by kreider204

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    Character creation is handled in the usual way, with a few exceptions:

    All characters must choose 2 Talents.


    Beautiful: Asari possess the Attractive Edge.

    Biotic Aptitude: Asari gain a +1 when rolling for recharge.

    Weak:Strength attribute requires two points per step to raise during character creation

    Slender: Asari may not select the Obese hindrance.


    Adaptive:Start with one free edge OR one attribute at d6 during character creation and start

    with one skill at d6 during character creation.

    Buck the System:-2 Charisma (outsider, seen as inferior and untrustworthy by other

    civilized races)


    Strong: Krogan begin play with a d6 strength instead of a d4, and may buy up to a d12+1

    at character creation.

    Brawny: All Krogan gain the Brawny Edge.

    Ugly: All Krogan gain the Ugly hindrance.

    Sterile: Due to the Turian genophage, 99.9% of Krogan are born sterile and cannot


    Quarian:Hyper-Anemic: All Quarians gain the Anemic Hindrance at double strength, suffering

    a -4 penalty to all rolls to resist sickness, disease, poison, and environmental effects. This

    weakness has been largely overcome with technology, however: as long as a Quarian

    wears a specially-made environmental quarantine suit, they do not suffer this penalty.

    Outsider: Quarians gain the Outsider Hindrance.

    Well-Traveled: Quarians gain +2 to all Common Knowledge rolls.

    Technological Aptitude: All Quarians begin play with a d6 in Repair.


    Intellectual: Salarians are known across the galaxy for their intelligence. A Salarianbegins play with a d6 in Smarts.

    High-Metabolism: Decreases multi-action penalty by one.


    Radiation Resistant: All turians gain +4 to Vigor rolls made against any radiation-

    related effect.

    Steadfast: All Turians start with a d6 in Spirit.

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    Hollow Bones: All Turians subtract 1 from their Toughness due to their easily-broken


    Skilled:Start with one skill at d6 during character creation.


    - The Skills: Boating, Riding, Tracking, Guts(replaced with just a spirit roll), andSurvival have been removed.

    - Lockpicking has been renamed: Decryption.- New Skill:

    Technology (Smarts)

    Prothean Technology is used by Engineers and other Tech specialist characters, in

    conjunction with an Omni-Tool, to manipulate combat networks and enemy AIs. See the

    Tech Talentspage for more information.

    This skill can also be used, at GM discretion, when encountering lost Prothean devices

    and other such items. In this case, it usually functions the same as a Knowledge skill, but

    only when working with devices that are not yet common in the rest of the galaxy.


    Here are a few notes about edges appearing the SWEX core rule book. If an edge isnt

    mentioned, then its used as per the normal SWEX rules, at the GMs discretion.

    The following edges are not used: Arcane Background, Arcane Resistance / Improved

    Arcane Resistance, Champion, Holy / Unholy Warrior, Mentalist, New Power,

    Power Points, Power Surge, Rapid Recharge / Improved Rapid Recharge, Soul

    Drain, Wizard



    Requirements: Novice, Spirit d8+

    As per Arcane Resistance, but against damage-causing biotic and tech talents.

    Improved Resistance

    Requirements: Novice, Resistance

    As per Resistance, but Armor and resistance are increased to 4.


    Armor TrainingRequirements: NoviceReduces the minimum Strength requirement for medium and heavy armor by two die

    types (i.e., medium armor only requires d4 Strength and heavy armor only requires d8


    NEW TALENT (i.e., Power) EDGES

    Improve Talents
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    Vanguards are trained to be adaptive and lethal combatants. A Vanguard gains +1

    Toughness when wearing Light or Medium armor, and has a +2 bonus to Notice rolls.

    The vanguard may choose one combat or biotic talent.


    Requirements: Shooting or Fighting d4, Prothean Technology d4, Smarts d6Infiltrators are trained for self-preservation and long-range combatusually as snipers.

    Infiltrators gain +1 Toughness when wearing Light or Medium armor, and have a +2

    bonus to Stealth rolls. The Infiltrator may choose one combat or Tech talent.


    Requirements: Shooting/Fighting d10, Veteran

    Most commandos are trained for guerrilla attacks and skirmishing, striking from hiding

    and dealing damage as quickly as possible before fading away again. Commandos gain

    +1 to Toughness when wearing Medium armor, and have a +2 bonus to Survival checks.

    The Commando may choose one combat talent.


    Requirements: Shooting or Fighting d8, Prothean Technology d8, Veteran

    Due to the nature of their occupation, Operatives favor mobility and speed in combat

    over brute force. They gain a +1 to Toughness when wearing Light armor, and a +2

    bonus to either Knowledge (Computers) or Knowledge (Electronics). The Operative may

    choose one combat or tech talent.

    Shock Trooper

    Requirements: Shooting/Fighting d10, Veteran

    Shock Troopers are trained to weather damage better than any other soldier, and favor

    heavy armor because of their tendency to come under heavy fire. Shock Troopers gain +1

    Toughness when wearing Heavy armor, and gain a +2 to Spirit rolls to become

    Unshaken. The Shock Trooper may choose one combat talent.


    Requirements: Spirit d10, Biotic Powers Warp (Any) and Lift, Veteran

    Those who undergo Nemesis training are better suited for a purely offensive focus. A

    Nemesis may pick any Warp power that they know, and permanently increase its damage

    die by one step, and rolls made to resist a Nemesis Lift power are made at a -2. The

    Nemesis may choose one biotic talent.


    Requirements: Prothean Technology d8, Medicine d8, Veteran

    Medics concentrate on managing and monitoring the vital signs of their squadmates,

    using their Omni-Tool to increase their defenses or heal wounds. A Medic gains +1 on

    recharge rolls for tech powers, and has a +2 to all Medicine rolls. The Medic may choose

    one Tech talent.

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    Specter Training

    Requirements: GMs permission, worked into the campaignMostly, this neednt be handled with game mechanics, but rather role-playing and the

    GMs discretion. It does have a variety of benefits, including access to resources and

    information, and a certain amount of autonomy and authority. As far as mechanics go, themost obvious are a Charisma bonus when dealing with those who fear and/or respect the

    Specters, and access to the Unity talent (see below).


    - Characters begin with 1 Talent.

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    Recharge Rolls: In any turn in which he does not activate a talent, a character may make

    a recharge roll. The roll is a free action that takes place at the end of the characters turn,

    after any other actions. A character may make a recharge roll in a round in which he isShaken. Only one recharge roll may be made per turn, for a single talent specified by the

    player; however, a recharge roll may not be made for a talent in the same turn in which

    that talent is sustained (or activated, as above). Biotics is used for biotic talent rechargerolls; Technology is used for tech talent recharge rolls. The target number for the

    recharge roll is 8. If the recharge roll for a talent is successful, then the character will be

    able to use that talent again on his next turn.Without further adieu: the talents.


    Marksman (Combat)

    Additional Requirements: Shooting d6+

    Range: self

    Duration: 2Description: This talent allows the character to fire a pistol with no autofire penalty, and

    increases the rate of fire of that pistol by 1.Advanced Marksman: As per Marksman, but the duration is 3 and it also confers a +1

    Shooting bonus.Master Marksman: As per Marksman, but the duration is 4 and it also confers a +2

    Shooting bonus.

    Carnage (Combat)

    Additional Requirements: Shooting d6+Range: self

    Duration: 2

    Description: This talent allows the character to fire a shotgun so that it does damage to allwithin a small burst template of the target.

    Advanced Carnage: As per Carnage, but the duration is 3 and it also confers a +2

    Damage bonus.Master Carnage: As per Carnage, but the duration is 4 and it also confers a +4 Damage


    Overkill (Combat)

    Additional Requirements: Shooting d6+Range: self

    Duration: 2

    Description: This talent allows the character to fire an assault rifle with no autofirepenalty, and increases the range of that assault rifle to 18/36/72.

    Advanced Overkill: As per Overkill, but the duration is 3 and it also confers a +1

    Shooting bonus.Master Overkill: As per Overkill, but the duration is 4 and it also confers a +2 Shooting


    Assassination (Combat)

    Additional Requirements: Shooting d6+

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    Range: self

    Duration: 2

    Description: This talent allows the character to shoot a sniper rifle a +2 damage bonusand to ignore the usual snapfire penalty if moving while shooting.

    Advanced Assassination: As per assassination, but the duration is 3 and with a +4 damage

    bonus.Master Assassination: As per assassination, but the duration is 4 and with a +6 damage


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    Shield Boost (Combat)

    Additional Requirements: none

    Range: selfDuration: instant

    Description: This talent restores one wound level of the characters shield.

    Advanced Shield Boost: As per Shield Boost, but restores two wound levels.Master Shield Boost: As per Shield Boost, but restores three wound levels.

    Adrenaline Burst (Combat)

    Additional Requirements: Spirit d6+Range: self

    Duration: instant

    Description: This talent resets two of the characters other talents (including combat

    talents, but not Unity, and not Adrenaline Burst itself) so that they may be used again onthe next turn.

    Advanced Adrenaline Burst: As per Adrenaline Burst, except it resets three of the

    characters other talents.

    Master Adrenaline Burst: As per Adrenaline Burst, except it resets four of the charactersother talents.

    Immunity (Combat)

    Additional Requirements: Vigor d6+

    Range: self

    Duration: 2

    Description: This talent raises the characters Toughness by 2.Advanced Immunity: As per Immunity, but the duration is 3 and Toughness is raised by 4.Master Immunity: As per Immunity, but the duration is 4 and Toughness is raised by 6.


    Battle Depressants

    Rank: Novice

    Skill Requirement: Healing d6

    Range: Smarts

    Duration: 3 (1/round per section)By tapping into the targets omni-tool, you can administer battle depressants to decrease

    any of a targets Traits. This is an opposed roll against the victims Vigor. Success lowers

    any Trait of the users choice one step, a raise lowers it two steps. A Trait cannot be

    lowered below a d4. Multiple uses stack, though the user must keep track of when eachdose expires as usual.

    Battle Stimulants

    Rank: Novice

    Skill Requirement: Healing d6

    Range: Smarts

    Duration: 3 (1/round per section)

    By tapping into the targets omni-tool, you can administer battle stimulants to increase

    any of a targets Traits by one die type for a standard success, and two with a raise. The

    affected Trait can exceed d12. Each step over d12 adds +1 to his Trait total.

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    Sabotage (Tech)

    Additional Requirements: Smarts d6+Range: Smarts x2

    Duration: 2

    Description: This talent causes all electro-mechanical weapons carried by the target totemporarily overheat, making them unusable for the duration of the talent. In addition, the

    heat causes 2d6 damage to the target (this bypasses shields).Advanced Sabotage: As Sabotage, but duration is 3 and it causes 3d6 damage.Master Sabotage: As Sabotage, but duration is 4 and it causes 4d6 damage.

    Overload (Tech)

    Additional Requirements: Smarts d6+Range: Smarts x2

    Duration: Instant

    Description: This talent reduces the targets shield by one wound level and deals 1d6

    damage directly to the target (bypassing any remaining shields).Advanced Overload: As per Overload, but two wound levels and 2d6 damage.Master Overload: As per Overload, but three wound levels and 3d6 damage.

    Deflection Shield

    Rank: Novice

    Skill Requirement: Knowledge (Electronics) d6

    Range: Touch

    Duration: 3 (1/round per section)

    By changing and varying the density of their own shields, a skilled Tech specialist can

    cause incoming attacks to change course, sometimes making them miss completely ratherthan absorbing the impact.

    With a standard success, attackers must subtract 2 from any Fighting, Shooting, or other

    attack rolls directed at the user. A raise increases the penalty to -4. This also acts as

    Armor against area effect weapons.

    First Aid

    Rank: Novice

    Skill Requirement: Healing d6

    Range: SmartsDuration: Instant

    By applying fast-acting pain killers, and clotting agents, the user is able to use the healing

    skill without use of medi-gel.


    Rank: Medic

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    Skill Requirement: Healing d10

    Range: Touch

    Duration: Instant

    By applying anesthetics and other long-term medication in conjunction with more

    specialized medi-gels, the user is able to heal a targets wounds, even older injuries. The

    use of this power also can be used to heal nonpermanent Crippling Injuries. This requiresa Tech roll at -4, 1d6 hours of time, and double the power point expenditure.

    Weapon Overcharge

    Rank: Novice

    Skill Requirement: Repair d6

    Range: Touch

    Duration: 3 (1/round)

    While this power is in effect, the weapons damage is increased by +2, or +4 with a raise.

    If a ranged weapon affected by Weapon Overcharge overheats, the Overcharge is lost

    when the weapon cools down.

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    AI Hacking (Tech)

    Additional Requirements: Smarts d6+

    Range: SmartsDuration: 3

    Description: The target must make a Spirit roll at -2; failure indicates that the target is

    under the control of the character using the talent, much like the Puppet power in SWEX.This talent works against basic AI entities (e.g., drones) but NOT against sentient

    inorganics (e.g., Geth).Advanced AI Hacking: As per AI Hacking, but the duration is 4 and the Spirit roll is at -4.Master AI Hacking: As per AI Hacking, but the duration is 5 and the Spirit roll is at -6.

    Damping (Tech)

    Additional Requirements: Smarts d6+Range: Smarts x2

    Duration: 2

    Description: This talent prevents the target from using tech or biotics talents for the

    duration.Advanced Damping: As per Damping, but the duration is 4.Master Damping: As per Damping, but the duration is 6.

    Neural Shock (Tech)

    Additional Requirements: Smarts d6+

    Range: Smarts x2Duration: Instant

    Description: The target must make a Vigor roll at -2 or be Shaken. This talent only works

    against organic targets.Advanced Neural Shock: As per Neural Shock, but target makes Vigor roll at -4.

    Master Neural Shock: As per Neural Shock, but target makes Vigor roll at -6.


    Biotic Powers that deal damage ignore a characters Armor Rating, but not a Shield


    Gravity Well

    Rank: Novice

    Additional Requirements: Spirit d6+

    Range: SmartsDuration: Special

    This power allows the user to create a powerful mass effect field to immobilize a target.The target must roll an agility check at -2. Failure indicates partial restraint so that the

    target suffers a -2 penalty to Pace and skills linked to Agility and Strength. A raise

    restrains the target fully. He cannot move or use any skills linked to Agility or Strength.

    Each following round, a target of a Gravity Well power may make a Strength or Agility

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    roll to break free of the mass effect field. Gravity Well targets a single opponent. The

    effects persist even if targets move out of the area of effect.

    Advanced Gravity Well: As per Gravity Well, but it affects everyone in Medium Burst


    Throw (Biotic)

    Additional Requirements: Spirit d6+

    Range: Smarts x2

    Duration: InstantDescription: All within a small burst radius must make a Strength roll at -2; failure

    indicates that they are knocked back 1d4 and fall to the ground. Anyone hitting a solid

    object must also make a Vigor roll or be Shaken. The victims also take 1d6 damage,regardless of the Strength roll (this bypasses shields).

    Advanced Throw: As per Throw, but the Strength roll is at -4, and damage is 2d6.Master Throw: As per Throw, but the Strength roll is at -6, and damage is 3d6.

    Warp (Biotic)

    Additional Requirements: Spirit d6+

    Range: Smarts x2Duration: 2

    Description: The target suffers a -2 Toughness penalty for the duration and takes 2d6

    damage (this bypasses shields).Advanced Warp: As per Warp, but the duration is 3, a -4 Toughness penalty, and 3d6

    damage.Master Warp: As per Warp, but the duration is 4, a -6 Toughness penalty, and 4d6damage.

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    Lift (Biotic)

    Additional Requirements: Spirit d6+

    Range: Smarts x2Duration: 2

    Description: Everything not bolted down in a small burst template is lifted into the air.

    This renders anyone caught in the lift immobile and unable to act, and vulnerable toattack (+2 to any attack rolls against the target). When the talent expires, all victims drop

    to the ground, taking 1d8 damage, unless falling on something soft (this bypasses

    shields). This talent does not work against flying targets.Advanced Lift: As per lift, but the duration is 3.

    Master Lift: As per lift, but the duration is 4.

    Singularity (Biotic)

    Additional Requirements: Warp

    Range: Smarts x2

    Duration: 2

    Description: Each round of the duration of the talent, those in small burst template mustmake a Strength roll at -2; failure indicates that the target is pulled 1 toward the center

    of the burst. Success indicates that the target is not pulled in, but cannot move from hiscurrently location. In addition, all within the burst make Strength and Agility rolls and all

    skill rolls related to Strength and Agility at -2.Advanced Singularity: As per Singularity, but the duration is 3 and a medium burst

    template.Master Singularity: As per Singularity, but the duration is 4 and a large burst template.

    Barrier (Biotic)

    Additional Requirements: Spirit d6+

    Range: self

    Duration: 2Description: Grants one extra wound level of shields for the duration. All wounds

    suffered for the talent duration come out of the Barrier first, and only come out of the

    characters shields after all the Barrier is depleted.Advanced Barrier: As per Barrier, but the duration is 3 and it grants two extra wound

    levels.Master Barrier: As per Barrier, but the duration is 4 and it grants three extra wound


    Stasis (Biotic)

    Additional Requirements: Spirit d6+Range: Smarts x2

    Duration: 2

    Description: Completely immobilizes the target, rendering him incapable of acting for theduration; however, the target is also impervious to attack during this time.

    Advanced Stasis: As per Stasis, but the duration is 3.Master Stasis: As per Stasis, but the duration is 4.

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    Warp Blast

    Additional Requirements: Spirit d6+

    Rank: Seasoned

    Range: 24/48/96

    Duration: InstantWarp Blastis an area effect power that can put down many opponents at once. The user

    first picks where he wants to center the warp blast, then makes their Spirit roll. Normal

    ranged attack modifiers apply. The area of effect is a Medium Burst Template. If the roll

    is failed, the warp blast deviates as a launched projectile. Targets within the Warp Blast

    suffer 2d6 damage.

    AdvancedWarp Blast: The size is increased to a large blast template and does 3d6damage.

    Warp Burst

    Additional Requirements: Spirit d8+

    Rank: Novice

    Range: Cone Template

    Duration: Instant

    Warp Burstproduces a large, fan-shaped mass effect that rips and tears at its targets.

    When cast, place the thin end of the Cone Template at the characters front. Targets

    within the template may make Agility rolls at -2 to avoid the effect. Those who fail suffer

    2d10 damage. This counts as a Heavy Weapon.

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    Unity (Special)

    Requirements: Veteran, class edge, Specter Training

    Range: Smarts x2Duration: Instant

    Description: All incapacitated Wild Card allies within range of the character are revived,

    unshaken, with two wounds, and one shield wound level (if available).Advanced Unity: As per Unity, but allies are revived with one wound, and two shield

    wound levels (if available).Master Unity: As per Unity, but allies are revived with no wounds, and three shieldwound levels (if available).


    Mass Effect should run just fine on SW rules. However, I do have a couple of house rulesthat may prove useful. The first is a rule for charging attacks, in order to reflect the

    charge attack available in the video game. The second is a rule for pushing, which

    characters armed with ranged weapons might find useful when an opponent gets in a little

    too close. Where an attack lists more than one possible trait (e.g., Fighting or Strength),use the higher of the two.


    Opposed roll: attackers Fighting or Strength vs. defenders Strength or Agility.

    o Per 1 charged through:

    +1 to attackers roll (max of +4), and

    -1 to attackers Parry (max of -4) until his next action.

    o Success = target knocked back 1 (2 with a Raise). Optionally, can subtract the targets Size difference.

    o The target also must make an Agility roll or else he falls down.

    o If the target hits a solid object, he must make a Vigor roll or be Shaken.

    Alternately, a charge can be used to add to an attack (e.g., a running kick).

    o Per 1 charged through:

    +1 to attack and damage roll per 1 run through, max of +4,

    -1 to attackers Parry until his next action, max of -4.

    Charging counts as a single full action.

    o There is no standard multi-action penalty (but do remember the Parry penalty).

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    o However, a charging character cannot perform any other action that round.


    Opposed roll: attackers Fighting or Strength vs. defenders Strength or Agility.

    o Success = 1, Raise = 2, +/- Size difference.

    o The target also must make an Agility roll or else he falls down.

    o If the target hits a solid object, he must make a Vigor roll or be Shaken.

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    Encumbrance: Dont worry about exact weight loads. Most decent quality equipment is

    made from fairly light-weight materials. As per below, characters can carry a full set ofguns on a special harness. All characters can wear light armor, and characters who meet

    the strength requirements can wear medium or heavy armor (see Armor below).

    Melee Weapons:

    Type Specialist Manufacturer Damage Weight Cost Notes

    Katana Ariake Str+d6+4 6 1000 AP 2Great Axe Armax Str+d10+2 15 500 AP 1, Parry -1, 2 hands

    Halberd Devlon Str+d8+2 15 250 Reach 1, 2 hands

    Axe Elanus Risk Control Str+d6+2 2 200

    Long Sword Elkoss Combine Str+d8+2 8 300 Spear Hahne-Kedar Str+d6+2 5 100 Parry +1, Reach 1, 2


    Rapier Haliat Str+d4+2 3 150 Parry +1

    Great Sword Kassa Str+d10+2 12 400 Parry -2, 2 handsBattle Axe Rosenkov Str+d8+2 10 300

    Assault Rifles:

    WeaponManufacturer Range Damage Cost Weight ShotsMin Str NotesTsunami Ariake 24/48/96 2d8 400 10 25 d6 ROF 3, AP 2,

    3RBCrossfire Armax 24/48/96 2d8 450 10 30 d6 ROF 3, AP 3

    Raptor Devlon 24/48/96 2d8-1 300 10 25 d6 ROF 3, AP 2

    Banshee Elanus Risk 24/48/96 2d6+1 350 8 20 - ROF 3, AP 1,3RB

    Avenger Elkoss Combine 24/48/96 2d8-1 250 10 20 d6 ROF 3, AP 1

    Lancer Hahne-Kader 24/48/96 2d6+1 400 8 25 - ROF 3, AP 2Thunder Haliat 24/48/96 2d8 450 10 20 d6 ROF 3, AP 2,


    Breaker Kassa 24/48/96 2d8+1 500 12 30 d8 ROF 3, AP 3,3RB,

    Rare Kovalyov Rosenkov 24/48/96 2d8+2 650 12 25 d8 ROF 3, AP 3,


    Rare Pulse Rifle Universal 24/48/96 2d8 Mil 6 20 - ROF 2, +2Accuracy, Ignores Shields


    WeaponManufacturer Range DamageCostWeightShotsMin Str Notes

    Raikou Ariake 12/24/48 2d6 200 3 10 - AP 1

    Brawler Armax 12/24/48 2d6+1 300 5 10 - AP 1, Double TapStinger Devlon 12/24/48 2d6 250 5 12 - ROF 2, AP 1

    Striker Elanus Risk 12/24/48 2d6-1 150 3 8 - -

    Edge Elkoss Combine 8/16/32 2d6-1 200 2 6 - Double Tap

    Kessler Hahne-Kader 12/24/48 2d4+1 150 3 8 - AP 1

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    Stiletto Haliat 12/24/48 2d6+1 350 4 8 - AP 1

    Razer Kassa 12/24/48 2d8 400 6 10 d6 AP 1, Double Tap,

    Rare Karpov Rosenkov 10/20/40 2d8+1 500 8 10 d6 AP 1, Double Tap,Rare

    Shotguns:Weapon Manufacturer Range DamageCostWeightShotsMin Str Notes

    Katana Ariake 12/24/48 1-3d6 350 8 4 - -

    Avalanche Armax 12/24/48 1-3d6+1 350 10 5 d6 Firestorm Devlon 12/24/48 1-3d6 300 8 4 - ROF 2

    Hurricane Elanus Risk 12/24/48 1-3d6-1 150 7 3 - -

    Scimitar Elkoss Combine 10/20/40 1-3d6-1 150 7 3 - -

    Storm Hahne-Kader 10/20/40 1-3d6-2 100 5 4 - ROF 2Tornado Haliat 12/24/48 1-3d6+1 400 10 3 d6

    Armageddon Kassa 12/24/48 1-3d6+1 450 10 4 d6 ROF 2,

    Rare Sokolov Rosenkov 12/24/48 1-3d6+2 450 12 4 d6

    Sniper Rifles:

    Weapon Manufacturer Range DamageCostWeightShotsMin Str Notes Naginata Ariake 50/100/200 2d10 400 20 2 d6 AP 2

    Punisher Armax 75/150/300 2d10 450 30 2 d8 AP 2, HW

    Striker Devlon 50/100/200 2d10 400 15 1 d6 AP 2

    Hammer Elanus Risk 30/60/120 2d8 300 15 4 - ROF 2, AP 1Reaper Elkoss Combine 40/80/160 2d8+1 250 25 2 d6 AP 2

    Avenger Hahne-Kader 50/100/200 2d8 300 15 3 - AP 2

    Equalizer Haliat 50/100/200 2d10+1 500 25 1 d6 AP 2Harpoon Kassa 60/120/240 2d10+1 600 30 2 d8 AP 2, HW,

    requires a d10 Strength to fire while standing,

    Rare Volkov Rosenkov 60/120/240 2d10+2 750 35 1 d8 AP 4, HW,requires a d10 Strength to fire while standing, Rare

    Melee Weapon Upgrades

    Almost all weapons have the capability to accept modifications that alter the way the

    weapon functions in some way. These modifications are usually very easy to install and

    swap out, allowing a user to equip the best modifications for the current combat situation.

    Each weapon can only effectively power a single modification at a time. Modifications

    are modular, and can be swapped out with 10 minutes of work.

    Modification Mark Effect Cost Notes


    Balance- - - -

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    - I +1 to Parry 600 -

    - II +2 to Parry 1400 -

    Nano-Blade - - - -

    - I +1 to AP rating 700 -

    - II +2 to AP rating 1000 -

    - III +3 to AP rating 2200 -

    Chemical Edge - - - -

    - IMust make Vigor check or take -1

    to rolls for 1 round400 -

    - IIMust make Vigor check or take -1

    to rolls for 2 rounds800 -

    - IIIMust make Vigor check or take -1

    to rolls for 3 rounds1200 -

    Combat Scanner - - - -

    - I+1 to Notice checks to locate

    living creatures 300Bonus only applies to

    creatures within 10

    - II+2 to Notice checks to locate

    living creatures600

    Bonus only applies to

    creatures within 10

    - III+2 to Notice checks to locate

    living creatures900

    Bonus only applies to

    creatures within 15


    Blade- - - -

    - ITarget takes a -1 to Aftermath and

    Incapacitation600 Illegal in Citadel Space

    - IITarget takes a -2 to Aftermath and

    Incapacitation 1200 Illegal in Citadel Space


    Enhancer- - - -

    - I+1 to Fighting Rolls when

    charging600 -

    - II+2 to Fighting Rolls when

    charging800 -

    Ranged Weapon Upgrades

    Almost all weapons have the capability to accept modifications that alter the way the

    weapon functions in some way. These modifications are usually very easy to install and

    swap out, allowing a user to equip the best modifications for the current combat situation.

    Each weapon can equip a single weapon modification and a single ammunition

    modification at a time. A weapon mod can be swapped out with 10 minutes of work, but

    an ammo mod can be changed with a single action.

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    Modification Mark Effect Cost Notes


    Scanner- - - -

    - I+1 to Notice checks to locate

    living creatures300

    Bonus only applies to

    creatures within 10

    - II+2 to Notice checks to locate

    living creatures600

    Bonus only applies to

    creatures within 10

    - III+2 to Notice checks to locate

    living creatures900

    Bonus only applies to

    creatures within 15

    Heat Sink - - - -

    - I +2 to Weapons Clip rating 300Cannot be applied to Sniper


    - II +4 to Weapons Clip rating 600Cannot be applied to Sniper


    - III +6 to Weapons Clip rating 900

    Cannot be applied to Sniper

    Rifles or Shotguns

    High Caliber

    Barrel- - - -

    - I+1 to Damage, -2 to Clip


    If Clip rating is reduced to 0 or

    lower, weapon takes 2 rounds

    to cool down

    - II+2 to Damage, -4 to Clip


    If Clip rating is reduced to 0 or

    lower, weapon takes 3 rounds

    to cool down

    - III +3 to Damage, -6 to Cliprating 1250

    If Clip rating is reduced to 0 or

    lower, weapon takes 4 roundsto cool down


    Sighting- - - -

    - I +1 to Shooting rolls 700 -

    - II +2 to Shooting rolls 1800 -


    Stabilizer- - - -

    - I

    Reduces multi-action penalty

    to Shooting for running and

    firing by 1

    1000 -

    Rail Extension - - - -

    - IIncreases Weapons base

    Range by 5600 -

    - IIIncreases Weapons base

    Range by 10900 -

    Recoil Damper - - - -

  • 8/8/2019 Mass Effect SW


    - IReduces multi-fire penalty

    by 1 for 1 round300

    Must be replaced after


    - IIReduces multi-fire penalty

    by 1 for 2 rounds500

    Must be replaced after


    Ammunition Type Mark Effect Cost Notes


    Rounds- - - -

    - I +1 to Damage 600 -

    - II +2 to Damage, but -1 to AP rating 1200 -

    Armor Piercing

    Rounds- - - -

    - I +1 to AP rating 400 -

    - II +2 to AP rating, but deals -1 damage 600 -

    - III +3 to AP rating, but deals -1 damage 1000 -

    Chemical Rounds - - - -

    - IMust make Vigor check or take -1 to

    rolls for 1 round400 -

    - IIMust make Vigor check or take -1 to

    rolls for 2 rounds800 -

    Cryo Rounds - - - -

    - ITargets Pace is reduced by 2 for 1

    round500 -

    - IITargets Pace is reduced by 2 for 2

    rounds800 -

    Phasic Rounds - - - -

    - IShots bypass 2 Shields, but deal -1

    Damage500 -

    - IIShots bypass 4 Shields, but deal -2

    Damage800 -

    - IIIShots bypass 8 shields, but deal -4

    Damage1000 -

    Radioactive Rounds - - - -

    - ITarget takes a -1 to Aftermath and


    Illegal in Citadel


    - IITarget takes a -2 to Aftermath and


    Illegal in Citadel


    Grenade Upgrades

    All grenades start with the base type listed in the Savage Worlds core book, reprinted

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    Weapon Range Damage Cost Notes

    Grenade 10/20/40 3d6 75 Medium Burst Template

    A grenade can be upgraded with modifications that do everything from additional effectsto increased damage to increased blast radius. Each grenade can only support one

    modification, and when the grenade is used, the modification is (obviously) lost.

    While it is possible to buy a blank grenade, they are usually sold already modified.

    They are usually referred to in reference to their modificationa grenade with the Cryo

    modification would be called a Cryo Grenade, a grenade with the Fusion modification

    is called a Fusion Grenade, etc.

    Modification Effect Cost Notes

    Cryo All targets suffer -2 Pace for their next turn 50 -Flechette Grenade gains AP 3 50 -

    High Explosive Grenade area increases to Large Template 100 -

    Incendiary Grenade deals an additional 1d6 damage 100 -

    Fusion All targets suffer -1 to rolls for one round 75 -

    Characters can generally carry about six grenades at once on their weapons harness. In

    the video game, a single upgrade affects all currently carried grenades, but in this SW

    conversion, characters are allowed to carry a mixed assortment (if available).

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    Armor is tailored to each specific race (exception: Asari and Human bodies are similar

    enough to make armor interchangeable). Anyone can wear light armor; medium armorrequires at least d8 Strength, and heavy armor requires at least d12 Strength (note

    that the Armor Training edge above reduces the minimum Strength requirement by two

    die types). Armor comes with optional helmet; if worn, it covers the entire head, neck,and face (thanks to the faceplate) again, no need to worry about precise hit locations.

    Armor acts as a basic space / environmental suit. It provides breathable air (about a half

    an hour), protection against the effects of vacuum, and some protection against hostile

    environmental conditions (about two minutes of protection against a level 1 hostileenvironment, one minute against level 2, and little to no protection against levels 3 and

    above). After the duration expires, the wearer begins to experience the negative effects of

    the environment (which might mean wounds, fatigue levels, etc., depending on theenvironment).

    Armor comes standard with a shield. Shields protect against missile attacks and grenades,

    but not against melee attacks. Shields can absorb a certain number of wounds: the defaultshield built into standard issue armor can absorb one wound, and shield upgrades (seebelow) can increase that number to two or three. When the wearer is hit by an attack that

    would cause one or more wounds, the shield absorbs (i.e., negates) the wounds instead,

    up to its maximum. (Shields do not affect Shaken results.) When the shield absorb itsmaximum number of wounds, the shield is considered down. Shields remain down until

    combat is over or the wearer uses Shield Boost (if available from an edge or a shield

    upgrade). Note: The inclusion of shields means that characters, including extras, willessentially have more wound levels. Given the power of upgraded weapons, this

    shouldnt drag out combat significantly. It does mean for slightly more bookkeeping, but

    it shouldnt be anything too onerous, especially since extras will rarely have more than

    one shield level.

    Light Human Armor

    Light Armor offers a basic level of protection from enemy attacks and minimizes the

    movement penalties that affect weapon accuracy. This class of armor is lightweight

    enough that almost anyone can wear it with little difficulty.

    Armor ManufacturerArmor



    ValueWeight Cost Notes

    Onyx Aldrin 1 0 6 50 -

    Agent Aldrin 0 1 6 50 -

    Duelist Elanus Risk 1 1 10 75 -

    Scorpion Hahne-Kedar 2 0 10 75 -

    Phantom Serrice 0 2 10 75 -

    Predator Armax 2 1 12 200Rare, and usually more

    expensive than list price

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    Mercenary Ariake 1 2 12 200Rare, and usually more

    expensive than list price

    Medium Human Armor

    Medium Armor offers an increased level of protection, but also increases the movementpenalties that affect weapon accuracy. This class of armor is usually only worn by

    military or police personnel, as it requires some strength and training to effectively

    maneuver in.

    Armor ManufacturerArmor



    ValueWeight Cost Notes

    Onyx Aldrin 2 1 16 150 -

    Agent Aldrin 1 2 16 150 -

    Survivor Devlon 2 2 20 250 -

    Scorpion Hahne-Kedar 3 1 20 250 -Phantom Serrice 1 3 20 250 -

    Assassin Elkoss 3 2 22 500Rare, and usually more

    expensive than list price

    Silverback Hahne-Kedar 2 3 22 500Rare, and usually more

    expensive than list price

    Liberator Devlon 1 4 22 500Rare, and usually more

    expensive than list price

    Heavy Human Armor

    Heavy Armor offers the highest level of protection from enemy fire, but also has the

    highest movement penalities affecting weapon accuracy. Only highly-trained elite

    soldiers are likely to be seen in heavy armor, due to the difficulty of movement, the

    associated monetary cost, and its relative rarity.

    Armor Manufacturer Armor Value Shield Value Weight Cost Notes

    Onyx Aldrin 3 2 26 400 -

    Agent Aldrin 2 3 26 400 -

    Geist Serrice 3 3 30 800 -

    Scorpion Hahne-Kedar 4 2 30 800 -Phantom Serrice 2 4 30 800 -

    Justicar Devlon 4 3 34 Mil -

    Viridian Sirta 3 4 34 Mil -

    Arbiter Devlon 2 5 34 Mil -

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    Light Turian Armor

    Light Armor offers a basic level of protection from enemy attacks and minimizes the

    movement penalties that affect weapon accuracy. This class of armor is lightweight

    enough that almost anyone can wear it with little difficulty.

    Armor ManufacturerArmor



    ValueWeight Cost Notes

    Onyx Aldrin 1 0 5 55 -

    Agent Aldrin 0 1 5 55 -

    Duelist Elanus Risk 1 1 8 85 -

    Scorpion Hahne-Kedar 2 0 8 85 -

    Phantom Serrice 0 2 8 85 -

    Predator Armax 2 1 10 225Rare, and usually more

    expensive than list price

    Mercenary Ariake 1 2 10 225Rare, and usually more

    expensive than list price

    Medium Turian Armor

    Medium Armor offers an increased level of protection, but also increases the movement

    penalties that affect weapon accuracy. This class of armor is usually only worn by

    military or police personnel, as it requires some strength and training to effectively

    maneuver in.

    Armor Manufacturer ArmorValue


    Weight Cost Notes

    Onyx Aldrin 2 1 14 175 -

    Agent Aldrin 1 2 14 175 -

    Survivor Devlon 2 2 18 275 -

    Scorpion Hahne-Kedar 3 1 18 275 -

    Phantom Serrice 1 3 18 275 -

    Assassin Elkoss 3 2 20 550Rare, and usually more

    expensive than list price

    Silverback Hahne-Kedar 2 3 20 550

    Rare, and usually more

    expensive than list price

    Liberator Devlon 1 4 20 550Rare, and usually more

    expensive than list price

    Heavy Turian Armor

    Heavy Armor offers the highest level of protection from enemy fire, but also has the

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    highest movement penalities affecting weapon accuracy. Only highly-trained elite

    soldiers are likely to be seen in heavy armor, due to the difficulty of movement, the

    associated monetary cost, and its relative rarity.

    Armor Manufacturer Armor Value Shield Value Weight Cost Notes

    Onyx Aldrin 3 2 24 450 -Agent Aldrin 2 3 24 450 -

    Geist Serrice 3 3 28 900 -

    Scorpion Hahne-Kedar 4 2 28 900 -

    Phantom Serrice 2 4 28 900 -

    Justicar Devlon 4 3 30 Mil -

    Viridian Sirta 3 4 30 Mil -

    Arbiter Devlon 2 5 30 Mil -

    Light Quarian Armor

    Light Armor offers a basic level of protection from enemy attacks and minimizes the

    movement penalties that affect weapon accuracy. This class of armor is lightweight

    enough that almost anyone can wear it with little difficulty.

    Note that armor suitable for use by Quarians is relatively rare. Armor noted as Rare on

    the table below is almost impossible to find.

    Armor Manufacturer ArmorValue


    Weight Cost Notes

    Onyx Aldrin 1 0 6 65 -

    Agent Aldrin 0 1 6 65 -

    Duelist Elanus Risk 1 1 10 100 -

    Scorpion Hahne-Kedar 2 0 10 100 -

    Phantom Serrice 0 2 10 100 -

    Predator Armax 2 1 12 300Rare, and usually more

    expensive than list price

    Mercenary Ariake 1 2 12 300Rare, and usually more

    expensive than list price

    Medium Quarian Armor

    Medium Armor offers an increased level of protection, but also increases the movement

    penalties that affect weapon accuracy. This class of armor is usually only worn by

    military or police personnel, as it requires some strength and training to effectively

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    maneuver in.

    Note that armor suitable for Quarian use is rare. Armor noted as Rare on the list below

    is almost impossible to find.

    Armor Manufacturer ArmorValue


    Weight Cost Notes

    Onyx Aldrin 2 1 16 250 -

    Agent Aldrin 1 2 16 250 -

    Survivor Devlon 2 2 20 325 -

    Scorpion Hahne-Kedar 3 1 20 325 -

    Phantom Serrice 1 3 20 325 -

    Assassin Elkoss 3 2 22 650Rare, and usually more

    expensive than list price

    Silverback Hahne-Kedar 2 3 22 650

    Rare, and usually more

    expensive than list price

    Liberator Devlon 1 4 22 650Rare, and usually more

    expensive than list price

    Heavy Quarian Armor

    Heavy Armor offers the highest level of protection from enemy fire, but also has the

    highest movement penalities affecting weapon accuracy. Only highly-trained elite

    soldiers are likely to be seen in heavy armor, due to the difficulty of movement, the

    associated monetary cost, and its relative rarity.

    Note that Armor suitable for Quarian use is relatively rare.

    Armor Manufacturer Armor Value Shield Value Weight Cost Notes

    Onyx Aldrin 3 2 26 600 -

    Agent Aldrin 2 3 26 600 -

    Geist Serrice 3 3 30 1250 -

    Scorpion Hahne-Kedar 4 2 30 1250 -

    Phantom Serrice 2 4 30 1250 -

    Justicar Devlon 4 3 34 Mil -

    Viridian Sirta 3 4 34 Mil -Arbiter Devlon 2 5 34 Mil -

    Light Krogan Armor

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    Light Armor offers a basic level of protection from enemy attacks and minimizes the

    movement penalties that affect weapon accuracy. This class of armor is lightweight

    enough that almost anyone can wear it with little difficulty.

    Armor ManufacturerArmor



    ValueWeight Cost Notes

    Onyx Aldrin 1 0 6 60 -

    Agent Aldrin 0 1 6 60 -

    Duelist Elanus Risk 1 1 10 90 -

    Scorpion Hahne-Kedar 2 0 10 90 -

    Phantom Serrice 0 2 10 90 -

    Predator Armax 2 1 12 250Rare, and usually more

    expensive than list price

    Mercenary Ariake 1 2 12 250Rare, and usually more

    expensive than list price

    Medium Krogan Armor

    Medium Armor offers an increased level of protection, but also increases the movement

    penalties that affect weapon accuracy. This class of armor is usually only worn by

    military or police personnel, as it requires some strength and training to effectively

    maneuver in.

    Armor ManufacturerArmor



    ValueWeight Cost Notes

    Onyx Aldrin 2 1 16 200 -Agent Aldrin 1 2 16 200 -

    Survivor Devlon 2 2 20 300 -

    Scorpion Hahne-Kedar 3 1 20 300 -

    Phantom Serrice 1 3 20 300 -

    Assassin Elkoss 3 2 22 600Rare, and usually more

    expensive than list price

    Silverback Hahne-Kedar 2 3 22 600Rare, and usually more

    expensive than list price

    Berserker Universal 4 1 22 600

    Rare, and usually more

    expensive than list price

    Heavy Krogan Armor

    Heavy Armor offers the highest level of protection from enemy fire, but also has the

    highest movement penalities affecting weapon accuracy. Only highly-trained elite

    soldiers are likely to be seen in heavy armor, due to the difficulty of movement, the

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    associated monetary cost, and its relative rarity.

    Armor ManufacturerArmor



    ValueWeight Cost Notes

    Onyx Aldrin 3 2 26 500 -

    Agent Aldrin 2 3 26 500 -

    Geist Serrice 3 3 30 1000 -

    Scorpion Hahne-Kedar 4 2 30 1000 -

    Phantom Serrice 2 4 30 1000 -

    Justicar Devlon 4 3 34 Mil -

    Viridian Sirta 3 4 34 Mil -

    Arbiter Devlon 2 5 34 Mil -

    Battlemaster NA 5 3 34 NA


    reserved for high-status

    Krogan Battlemasters

    Armor Upgrades

    Armor modifications alter the function of most types of body armor, granting various

    bonuses depending on which modification is applied.

    A suit of armor can only support one modification at a time, though the modifications are

    modular and can be swapped out with 10 minutes of work.

    Modification Mark Effect Cost NotesArmor Plating - - - -

    - I +1 to Armor rating 400 -

    - II +2 to Armor rating 600 -

    - III +3 to Armor rating 700 -


    Exoskeleton- - - -

    - I +1 to Melee damage and Run rolls 750 -

    - II+2 to Melee damage and +1 to Run

    rolls1300 -

    - III+3 to Melee damage and +2 to Runrolls

    2000 -

    Energized Weave - - - -

    - I+1 to Armor Rating and +1 to

    Shield Rating600 -

    - II+2 to Armor Rating and +2 to

    Shield Rating1200 -

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    Exoskeleton - - - -

    - I +1 to Melee damage 500 -

    - II +2 to Melee damage 900 -

    Hardened Weave - - - -

    - I+1 to rolls to resist Tech or Biotic

    Powers 400 -

    - II+2 to rolls to resist Tech or Biotic

    Powers800 -

    Kinetic Buffer - - - -

    - ILowers multi-action penalty by 1

    for 1 round300

    Must be replaced after


    - IILowers multi-action penalty by 1

    for 2 rounds400

    Must be replaced after


    - IIILowers multi-action penalty by 1

    for 3 rounds600

    Must be replaced after


    Medical Interface - - - -

    - I+1 to Soak rolls and becoming

    Unshaken1000 -

    - II+2 to Soak rolls and becoming

    Unshaken1400 -

    Motorized Joints - - - -

    - I+1 to Climbing, Throwing, and

    Strength rolls200

    Does not add to


    - II+2 to Climbing, Throwing, and

    Strength rolls300

    Does not add to


    - III+3 to Climbing, Throwing, and

    Strength rolls350

    Does not add to


    Shield Battery - - - -

    - I +1 to Shield rating 300 -

    - II +3 to Shield rating 600 -

    - III +5 to Shield rating 900 -

    Stimulant Pack - - - -

    - I+1 to Vigor rolls to resist sickness

    and to Run checks500 -

    - II +2 to Vigor rolls to resist sicknessand to Run checks 900 -

    - III+3 to Vigor rolls to resist sickness

    and to Run checks1200 -

    Toxic Seals - - - -

    - IWearer becomes immune to

    airborne toxins, etc300 -

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    Bio-amps are required to use biotic talents. In addition, bio-amps can utilize a single

    upgrade (some higher quality bio-amps may be able to utilize more than one upgrade, atthe GMs discretion). Some example upgrades:

    Duration Boost I: increases biotic talent duration by 1 round

    Duration Boost II: increases biotic talent duration by 2 roundsDuration Boost III: increases biotic talent duration by 3 rounds

    Power Boost I: target makes rolls to resist biotic talent at -1

    Power Boost II: target makes rolls to resist biotic talent at -2Power Boost III: target makes rolls to resist biotic talent at -3

    Cooldown Bonus I: +1 on recharge rolls for biotic talents

    Cooldown Bonus II: +2 on recharge rolls for biotic talents

    Cooldown Bonus III: +3 on recharge rolls for biotic talents


    Omni-tools are required to use tech talents. In addition, they can utilize a single upgrade

    (some higher quality omni-tools may be able to utilize more than one upgrade, at theGMs discretion). Some example upgrades:

    Duration Boost I: increases tech talent duration by 1 roundDuration Boost II: increases tech talent duration by 2 rounds

    Duration Boost III: increases tech talent duration by 3 rounds

    Power Boost I: target makes rolls to resist tech talent at -1

    Power Boost II: target makes rolls to resist tech talent at -2Power Boost III: target makes rolls to resist tech talent at -3

    Cooldown Bonus I: +1 on recharge rolls for tech talents

    Cooldown Bonus II: +2 on recharge rolls for tech talentsCooldown Bonus III: +3 on recharge rolls for tech talents


    Medigel is basically a small first aid kit. A half-dozen medigel units can be carried in a

    standard utility belt with ease. When a character uses a medigel to heal wounds, he takes

    a full action and makes a healing skill roll at +2: each success and raise removes onewound (e.g., a success heals one wound, a success and a raise heals two wounds, a

    success and two raises heals three wounds, etc.).

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  • 8/8/2019 Mass Effect SW


    Tech Talentspage for more information.

    This skill can also be used, at GM discretion, when encountering lost Prothean devices

    and other such items. In this case, it usually functions the same as a Knowledge skill, but

    only when working with devices that are not yet common in the rest of the galaxy.


    Weapon Range Damage RoF Wt. Notes

    Assault Rifle 12/24/48 2d8 3 5 SWEX p.65, Automatic FirePistol 12/24/48 2d6 2 2 SWEX p.65, Automatic Fire

    Shotgun 6/12/24 1-3d6 1 4 SWEX p.45, Shotguns

    Sniper Rifle 50/100/200 2d10 1 5 SWEX p.44, Snapfire

    Weapons have effectively infinite ammo (but may require occasional maintenance, at theGMs discretion). Overheating is not FFF, and so will be ignored. Upgrades have beensimplified to cohere better with SW rules and to make them more FFF. All weapons can

    utilize two upgrades: one attack upgrade and one ammo upgrade. (Some high quality

    weapons may be able to utilize one or two additional attack upgrades, at the GMsdiscretion.) Some upgrades are very powerful, and should be very rare.

    Some example attack upgrades:

    Improved Sighting I: +1 Shooting

    Improved Sighting II: +2 Shooting

    Improved Sighting III: +3 Shooting

    Range Extension I: increases range of weapon by 3 (added to S/M/L ranges)

    Range Extension II: increases range of weapon by 6 (added to S/M/L ranges)

    Range Extension III: increases range of weapon by 9 (added to S/M/L ranges)

    Recoil Damper I: reduces autofire penalty by 1

    Recoil Damper II: reduces autofire penalty by 2

    Some example ammo upgrades:

    Shredder Rounds I: +1 damage bonus to organics only

    Shredder Rounds II: +2 damage bonus to organics only
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    Tungsten Rounds I: +1 damage bonus to synthetics only

    Tungsten Rounds II: +2 damage bonus to synthetics only

    Tungsten Rounds III: +3 damage bonus to synthetics only

    Armor Piercing I: AP 1

    Armor Piercing II: AP 2

    Armor Piercing III: AP 3

    Phasic Rounds I: bypasses one level of shield

    Phasic Rounds II: bypasses two levels of shield

    Phasic Rounds III: bypasses three levels of shield

    Incendiary Rounds: heat damage works as AP 2; flammable objects may catch fire

    (see SWEX p.104)

    Cryo Rounds: freezes targets (works like Entangle power)

    Toxic Rounds: target makes a Vigor roll or suffers -2 to all trait rolls for 1d4 rounds

    Guns in Mass Effect are made of light-weight materials and have a partially collapsible

    design which allows a full set (pistol, shotgun, assault rifle, sniper rifle) to be carried on a

    special harness (compatible with all armor types). Weapons can be switched easily:swapping one weapon for another requires only a single full action.

    Melee Weapons arent common in Mass Effect its definitely a game built around

    shooting. Characters may use the butt of any currently armed gun to strike a foe that getstoo close (damage of Str+d4). If a character wants something more, they could also carry

    a light (1 pound) collapsible baton that does Str+d6 damage and hooks to the

    aforementioned weapons harness. Anything other than that should be discussed with the



    Range: 5/10/20, Damage: 3d6 in a medium burst template.

    Grenades can be set to explode on impact or when triggered remotely (requires a separateaction).

    Grenades can utilize a single upgrade. Some example upgrades:

    Explosive: +2 damage, covers a large burst template

    Incendiary: heat damage works as AP 2; flammable objects may catch fire (see

    SWEX p.104)

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    Cryo: freezes targets (works like Entangle power)

    Toxic: target makes a Vigor roll or suffers -2 to all trait rolls for 1d4 rounds

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