may 2017 welcome new member! - olive hyde art...

Post on 04-Jun-2020






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vital role in our creative expression, be it literal or abstract. The textures,colors,andsoundsfromourenvironmentaffecteveryaspectoflife,physicallyandintellectually,thusalteringthewayweperceiveourworld.Manyartistsdepict nature in its true form, the way it appears to the human eye. Sky,mountains, water, beaches, flowers and trees - these have been commonsubjectsofpaintingsforages.However,somederiveinspirationfromnaturalphenomena,analyzingtheconnectionsbetweenalllivingbeingsandtheearth,theirinteractionswitheachotherandwiththeworldaroundthem.

OHAGpresents theworkof twosuchartistsstrongly influencedbynature:Maricreatesartintheformofsculpturesmadewithwireandnaturallyfound objects, while Ann uses large canvases and a variety ofmedia, latelyfocusingoncyanotype.Comeenjoytheinterconnectednessofthecosmosinanartisticrealm.May19thtoJune17thReception:May19th7to9pmGuildMember’sExhibitJune30thtoJuly29thReception:June30th7to9pm

UpcomingProgram.ART(ArtfullyRecycledTreasures)SculptureWorkshopbyCarlaAnnMossWednesdayMay24th,10to12noonatMissionRoomOHAGThismightbeyouronlychancetotransformyourjunkintobeautifulartpieces! WewillassembleandcreateaWHIMSICALworkofartusingitemsandobjectsyouhavefound,ormightrecycle(noplasticbottles).Youcanmakeafigure,anabstractwork, or even a little robot!Thesewill be attached to a board (seeSupplies below). Our mantra is WHIMSICAL! There is no set pattern ortechnique—youwillsimplyconnect/attachthesepiecestogetherandontoapre-cutwoodenboard—whichwillbereadyforhanging!


PleasesupportourBUSINESSMEMBERS• MissionCoffeeRoastingCompany-GaelStewart• What'sHappening'sTri-CityVoice-William&Sharon

Marshak• LisaBlaylockRealEstateTeam-ColdwellBanker• TavaresRealty-BobTavares• HeavisideWealthManagement–AlanGillette• PatCote,KellerWilliamsRealty• GulatiFinancial&InsuranceServices–AnilGulati• MissionVeterinaryCenterInc.-RobertJ.Tisdale,

D.V.M.• AccreteSolutionsInc.–SanjayMinocha• ElaineArnt,CRS,Realtor-ColdwellBanker• FremontFlowerPavilion–HowieJu,CindyJu&EdJu• Mission'sManeAttractionHairDesign-Joe&

FernandaCambra• AtnipCompanyInteriorDesign-JerryAtnip• Berge-Pappas-SmithChapeloftheAngels-Dan&

KevinSmith• CollectiveDiscoveryInc.-LisaStambaugh• Jan’sArtStudios–JanSchafir• AriaPrinting&Shipping-KenAria

Mission Coffee Roasting Company Your Community Coffee Roaster

Deli and Café - Coffee Cart Catering for All Occasions, Events & Entertainment Hours: Mon-Fri: 5am-9pm; Sat & Sun: 6am-9pm

Gael Stewart 151 Washington Blvd. Fremont 94539



ChalkFullofFunontheSquare!Once again we will be part of the fabulous 4th of July festivities indowntownRedwoodCity,Monday&Tuesday,July3-4,2017!RedwoodCity is celebrating its 150thAnniversary in 2017.We are joining thecelebrationandareaskingtheartiststoincorporateintheirartworkoneofthethemesofthecelebration:RedwoodCityHistory,Diversity,CityNeighborhoods.Thisyear'sfestivalwillbeafundraiserforoneofournewestprogramswe aresupportingwith theRedwoodCityParks, Recreation and Community Services Department - AmericaSCORES.

P.O.BOX3073FREMONT,CA94539-0307www.olivehydeartguild.orgOliveHydeArtGallery,123WashingtonBlvd,FremontCA94539RecreationSupervisor–GloriaKim,,(510)791-4324RecreationSuperintendent-IreneJordahl,,(510)494-4322GalleryPhone–(510)791-4357 ExhibitHours–ThursdaytoSunday,12-5p.m.

Olive Hyde Art Guild CALL FOR ARTISTS MEMBERS JURIED SHOW June 30 through July 29, 2017 The Olive Hyde Art Guild is soliciting artists for its Members Juried Show that will run June 30 through July 29, 2017, at the Gallery. This show takes place every other year and is an exhibition of two and three-dimensional art held in Mission San Jose at the Olive Hyde Art Gallery, 123 Washington Boulevard, Fremont, CA. Submitted work may be in painting (oil, watercolor, acrylic), mixed media, photography, digital media (no video), ceramics, glass, sculpture, jewelry, fiber art, or works on paper. Judging for selection into the show will be done by a juror from digital images only. Awards will be decided by a juror from the actual artwork prior to the show opening. Deadline for entering is Monday, May 22, 2017. The Juror for the 2017 Show is Cathy Kimball, Executive Director at the San Jose Institute of Contemporary Art. Three monetary prizes will be awarded: Best of Show - $200; 2 nd Place - $150; and 3 rd Place - $100. Merit Award winners will receive ribbons, and a Peoples’ Choice ribbon will be voted by attendees at the Opening Night Reception Friday, June 30, 2017. Entry Forms and Rules are available on the Guild’s website at: . Questions and inquiries for further information may be emailed to Olive Hyde Art Guild CALL FOR ARTISTS MEMBERS JURIED SHOW June 30 through July 29, 2017 The Olive Hyde Art Guild is soliciting artists for its Members Juried Show that will run June 30 through July 29, 2017, at the Gallery. This show takes place every other year and is an exhibition of two and three-dimensional art held in Mission San Jose at the Olive Hyde Art Gallery, 123 Washington Boulevard, Fremont, CA. Submitted work may be in painting (oil, watercolor, acrylic), mixed media, photography, digital media (no video), ceramics, glass, sculpture, jewelry, fiber art, or works on paper. Judging for selection into the show will be done by a juror from digital images only. Awards will be decided by a juror from the actual artwork prior to the show opening. Deadline for entering is Monday, May 22, 2017. The Juror for the 2017 Show is Cathy Kimball, Executive Director at the San Jose Institute of Contemporary Art. Three monetary prizes will be awarded: Best of Show - $200; 2 nd Place - $150; and 3 rd Place - $100. Merit Award winners will receive ribbons, and a Peoples’ Choice ribbon will be voted by attendees at the Opening Night Reception Friday, June 30, 2017. Entry Forms and Rules are available on the Guild’s website at: . Questions and inquiries for further information may be emailed to membersjuriedshow@olivehydeartguild.o

President’s Message

Iamdelightedtoannouncethatwehavefourco-chairsfortheWays&Meanspositionontheboardinsteadoftwo.ThankyouJudyAnglin,DianeLeys,GailBlalockandSophiaLiuforvolunteering.Mostoftheseladieshaveyearsofexperiencebehindthem.Weneednewvolunteerstocomeforwardandlearnfromthemsowecancontinueservingthecommunityandpromotingthegalleryinthefuture.Theballotsareinthemail,pleasesendthembackwithyourannualdues.Don’tmisstheinstallationdinneratPapillononJune21st.Thelastdateforenteringthemembers’juriedartshowisMay22nd.HopetoseeyouallattheMay19threceptionandstudent’sscholarshipawards.Vimal Advani, President OHAG

APRILPROGRAMAnenthusiastic groupenjoyedtheTritonMuseum'sAnnual 2DArtCompetition & Exhibition. The exhibit provided strong, thoughtprovokingpaintings,photographs,andvarietyinprintmaking.AfterlunchatSantaClaraUniversity,westrolledthelovelygrounds,visiteda special collection of art at the De Saisset Art Gallery, and saw agorgeousChihulyglasssculptureintheirnewArtHistorybuilding.Itwasadelightfulday--joinusnexttime!



Treasurer’sReportCashonhand–$50,667.88 Income-$1165Expenses-$2361.49 CashonhandEOM-$49471.39CD+Interest-$9,989.20 Paypal-$127.60Total-$59588.19Mailexpensevouchersto:NancyRuskin,695EmersonStFremontCA94539

SerraCenterArtWorkshopPhotoSessionJurek Zarzycki (better known as Jurek "Z"), askilled

photographerwho serves asHistorianfor Olive Hyde Art Guild, held aphotosessionintheMissionRoomfortheSerraCenterArtgroupattheirclassonWednesday,April26. JurekconvertedtheMissionlobbyintoaprofessional photo studio, set up his equipmentand tookqualityindividualpicturesofeachartist,theartinstructor&assistant,andafewoftheSerraCenterstaff.Theentireclassof21gatheredforagroupphotoand theywere also photographed randomly atworkon their paintingsduringtheclass.

Jurekhas been photographing the Serra art classevery yearsince2011 when itfirst started.The photos arefeatured in the eventprogram for each reception, for displays at the exhibitions, and in allpublicitypertainingtotheSerraCenterWorkshopsponsoredandfundedbyOliveHydeArtGuildincollaborationwiththeCityofFremontandSerraCenter. Jurek's contributions are immensely appreciated byeveryone.ThankyouJurek!!! The Serra Art Workshop will continue through June 28th. Aspecial reception and exhibition of the artists' workwill be held at theFremontLibraryonSaturday,September16,1-3pm.Moredetailswillbeprovidedclosertothedate.



P.O. BOX 3073 FREMONT, CA 94539-0307


The following members are requested to bring enough canapés or sweets for 15 people. Plan to be at the reception from 6:45 to 9:30 PM to help with service and cleanup. Men are asked to help with the wine service. If you cannot bring your food, please arrange for a substitute. If you have any questions, please call Barbara Schlein at 657-3075. Thank you! New Passages Reception: Friday, May 19th, 7 to 9 pm

Susan Zimmerman Ron & Vimal Advani Carma Allen Jeanette Allred Phyllis Anderson Joan Ashton Dianna Baptiste Shelley Bartley Lucinda Bender Jean Bloxsom Gene & Mary Bobik Joan Bobrink Patti Bristow Dolores Buggy Scott Capen Liz & Lloyd Cardone Gillian Carson David Casterson Edie Christensen Pamela Ciszewski Tom & Norma Coe Pamela Condy Judy Cooper Thomas Cory Aneta Cowgill Mitch & Karen Darnell Jaci Daskarolis Adraine Dedic Bob & Jeanna Delp Claiare DeLucchi & Julianna Moats

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