meet dino sue!

Post on 21-Jan-2016






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Vocabulary readers for primary students.


  • ISBN-13: 978-0-547-02149-2ISBN-10: 0-547-02149-6




    Online Leveled Books

    Level: L

    DRA: 24ScienceStrategy:Visualize

    Word Count: 394

    3.4.17 Build Vocabulary


    PHOTOGRAPHY CREDITS: Cover The Field Museum, GN89671_53c. 1 The Field Museum, GNd51700_1c. 23 The Field Museum, GN89671_53c. 4 Black Hills Institute of Geological Research, Inc. 67 Black Hills Institute of Geological Research, Inc. 8 Black Hills Institute of Geological Research, Inc. 9 The Field Museum, GE086127c. 10 The Field Museum, GNd517001c.

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    ISBN-13: 978-0-547-02149-2

    ISBN-10: 0-547-02149-6

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    by Conchita Gomez

  • 2Meet Dino SueIt is May 17, 2000.

    The doors of the Field Museum in Chicago fly open. Visitors crowd into a large room. They are there to see something big. It is a dinosaur. She is 13 feet high and 42 feet long. Her name is Sue.

    Where did she come from? How did she get there? Who is Sue?

    This is what visitors see when they first visit Dino Sue at the Field Museum in Chicago.

  • 3

  • 4How Was Sue Discovered?In the summer of 1990 Sue

    Hendrickson was hunting fossils in South Dakota. A surprise was waiting for her.

    One morning she climbed a cliff to get a better look at some huge bones she had spotted. She had found the remains of a huge Tyrannosaurus rex, also calleda T. rex.

    Sue Hendrickson was amazed to find a T. rex.

  • 5The bones had been buried deep under rock and dirt. Over millions of years the rock had worn away.

    How Did Sue Become a Fossil?

    She died .

    Her bones were covered with sand and mud..

    The bones hardened into rock. They were preserved. Pressure turned them into fossils.

  • 6Hard WorkUncovering the bones was hard work. A team of workers gathered at the location. They used small tools and worked slowly. It took them five days just to remove the 30 feet of rock that covered the bones. The bones were old and weak.

  • 7Workers had to be careful. As each bone was found, it was cleaned. Then it was labeled and packed. Workers found almost every bone in the dinosaurs body. She was named Sue, after Sue Hendrickson.

    Workers cut the fossils out of rock.

  • 8Workers spent 25,000 hours workingon Sues skeleton.

    Boxes of Bones The Field Museum in Chicago

    bought Sue. In 2000 more than 250 boxes of bones arrived there.

    Museum workers spent two years putting Sue back together. Each bone was cleaned again.

  • 9When they were done, the museum had a nearly complete skeleton of Sue.

    The skull on Sue is made of plastic. Her real skull is too heavy to be mounted on the body. Sues real skull is in a smaller room in the museum. In that room visitors can get a close-up view.

    Sues skull makes her look like a fierce animal.

  • 10

    Sue TodayPutting Sue together in the museum

    took time and money. Was it worth it? Yes! Sue provided evidence for scientists. She helped them prove facts about life millions of years ago. She showed them how a T. rex moved and how long it lived. Sue may give clues that answer even more questions in the future.

    Facts About SueScientific Name: Tyrannosaurus Rex

    Age: 67 million years

    Length: 42 feet(12.8 meters)

    Height: 13 feet(4.0 meters)

    Weight of Skull:600 pounds(272 kg)

    Number of teeth: 58

  • 11

    RespondingTARGET VOCABULARY Word Builder

    Make a word web around the word fierce. What other words mean the same as fierce?



    Text to World Dino Sue was a fierce dinosaur. Write a paragraph that tells about Dino Sue. Use words from the web in your description.

    Write About It

  • 12

    TARGET STRATEGY Visualize As you read, use selection details to picture what is happening.

    What word tells you something important and rhymes with shoes?




  • ISBN-13: 978-0-547-02149-2ISBN-10: 0-547-02149-6




    Online Leveled Books

    Level: L

    DRA: 24ScienceStrategy:Visualize

    Word Count: 394

    3.4.17 Build Vocabulary

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