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Winter 2011


METROPARKSM A G A Z I NFall/ Winter 2011





To l e d o


Endangered Ecosystems: Preserving the Irreplaceable


METROPARKSM A G A Z I NFall/winter 2011 Vol. 18, no. 2 published by


Metroparks of the Toledo Area5100 West Central Avenue Toledo, OH 43615-2106 419.407.9700

Board of Park CommissionersScott J. Savage, President Fritz Byers, Vice President Lera Doneghy, Vice President Staff: Cathy Marinelli, Interim Director Denise Johnson, Director, Visitor Services Patty Morgenstern, Membership/Customer Service Manager Scott Carpenter, Public Relations Director/Editor Jesse Mireles, Art Direction Valerie Juhasz, Production Manager Metroparks of the Toledo Area 2011

On the cover: A Black Swamp cabin greets visitors at Pearson North, part of the original swamp that has been restored to a wetland ecosystem. Opposite page: Coreopsis in a sedge meadow, Oak Openings region. photos by Art Weber


n Season INew Lands, New Discoveries


his issue of Metroparks magazine highlights some of the most precious land in northwest Ohio endangered ecosystems preserved for future generations to enjoy. Many of these acres are new additions to the Metroparks system, acquired in the last 10 years with funding from a 0.3-mill levy approved by Lucas County voters in 2002, and from the Clean Ohio Fund.

It seems fitting that these beautiful places be captured in all their glory in a new photography exhibit, which opens in January at the National Center for Nature Photography at Secor Metropark. The exhibit, by Art Weber, director of nature photography, is being made possible thanks to a grant from Metroparks Members. Invitation To Members--Members are invited to a continental brunch and preview presentation at the photography center Saturday, January 7 at 11 a.m. Be among the first to see this and other new winter exhibits. A grant from the Members program paid for the exhibit, which will also travel to other venues to spread the good news about these important properties. The reception, like the exhibit, will be about more than beautiful images. It will be a celebration of a historical community effort to set aside parts of the regions natural heritage so that the children of today will be able to share them with their children and grandchildren tomorrow. For a preview of the photography you can expect at the exhibit, please see our story "Preserving the Irreplaceable, which begins on page 4. To make your reservation, call 419.407.9723.


Preserving the IrreplaceableSaving The Best Of Whats Left Of Endangered Ecosystems



Opposite page: Rattlesnake root is one of the distinctive plants that grow in the Oak Openings Region. wo of the most prominent features on the northwest Ohio landscape have something in common with the Florida Everglades, the Amazon rainforest and the coral reefs. Like those at-risk natural areas, the Oak Openings region and the Lake Erie marshes are examples of endangered ecosystems.

preservationGod forbid that the last small remnant of the Oak Openings with its marvelous plant and bird life should be lost for all nature lovers yet unborn! At the time, Mr. Campbell was advocating for the Oak Openings to become a public park. In the same issue of the Historical Society bulletin was an article about a young Metroparks system taking ownership of 70 acres near Swanton, which would be the beginning of Oak Openings Preserve. Today, Metroparks owns over 5,000 acres in and around Oak Openings Preserve. Secor and Wildwood Preserve also protect pieces of The Oaks. In just the past nine years, the park district purchased 1,800 acres in the region. During the same period, another 1,000 acres in the Lake Erie coastal zone became part of Metroparks.

We were fortunate to be able to preserve some of the best of whats left of both of these highly significant and endangered ecosystems, said Tim Schetter, land acquisition manager for Metroparks. If we had not bought these properties when we did, the likelihood is that they would not exist in their present form very far into the future. With funding from a 0.3-mill property tax levy approved by Lucas County voters in 2002 and matching grants from the Clean Ohio Fund, Schetter has purchased for the park district more than 3,000 acres in all, bringing total landholdings to over 11,000 acres. In the case of the Oak Openings and the Lake Erie marshes, only a fraction of their original expanses exist today, and most of what is protected is owned by a public or non-profit agency.

Plants and animals in danger of becoming extinct are referred to as endangered species. Ecosystems biological communities of interacting living and non-living things also can be endangered. The Oak Openings and the marshes bookends on opposite sides of Lucas County have been shrinking for decades, placing individual plant and animal species in danger, and threatening our regions natural heritage. Local naturalist and writer Louis Campbell wrote and spoke about the perils facing both of these areas from the 1930s into the 1990s. In a 1933 issue of the Quarterly Bulletin of The Historical Society of Northwestern Ohio, Campbell wrote of the sandy region west of Toledo: Our only hope of checking this devastation lies in acquainting the people of Ohio with the wonders of this area and rallying them to its

Sedge meadow ecosystem. Inset: Swamp thistle. Above: Snow decorates tree branches on one of the new Oak Openings Region properties.


Memberships Make Great Gifts

The Oak Openings


his is the country so intriguing to Ohio naturalists, Mr. Campbell wrote, land where the plants of the dry hilltops flourish within a stones throw of the denizens of the bogs, a land of wet prairies with vegetation growing knee-deep in water much of the year, a land of sandy fields once covered with oak treesa land which shelters the remnants of beautiful and once extensive swamp forests, a home of rare plants and rarer birds this is the Oak Openings!

uninterrupted sunlight gives oak savannas an incredible diversity of plant species. Most prairie plants can be found in the sunny areas and more shade-tolerant plants, such as woodland sunflower and fernleaf false foxglove, do well in the trees shade zone. Red-headed woodpeckers thrive in these savannas, as do red-tailed hawks and summer tanagers. Oak savannas need occasional fires to keep their understory open so ground-dwelling plants can receive life-giving sunlight. Before settlement, those fires were set by lightning or by native people. Today, prescribed burns are used by land managers working for Metroparks and other agencies. Wet Prairie - Dominated by sedges, rushes and grasses, these low-lying areas are usually flooded from winter through early summer. They too need fire to keep woody species from overtaking the habitat and allow sunlight to nourish the unusual plant community. Wet prairies are one of the most imperiled, rare habitat types in the Great Lakes Region / Midwest, Schetter said. Plants found in local wet prairies include cardinal flower, blue lobelia, bladderwort, fringed

gentian and prairie rattlesnake root. Some birds that make their home here are Wilsons snipe, sora (a small marsh bird more often heard than seen) and swamp sparrow. Barrens (prairies and dunes) - Sand barrens have very little or no organic topsoil, and very few trees. Nutrient-poor soil, wind erosion and periodic fire keep out most woody species, yet provide opportunities to a very unique plant community. One of the regions best known barrens is the Girdham Road Sand Dunes in Oak Openings Preserve. Some interesting plants in the barrens are sand cherry, sand serviceberry, prickly pear cactus, sand milkweed and dwarf dandelion. Birds that use the barrens include the Lark sparrow and field sparrow. If you are lucky, you may even see a prairie warbler. Combined, these unique Oak Openings communities occupy less than three percent of the historic extent of Ohios Oak Openings Region, Schetter said. By comparison, the extent of native forest communities in the region has declined by just 20 percent since European Settlement. Reasons for the loss are numerous, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. And habitat loss is only part of the story.

As Campbell eloquently described, the Oak Openings is really a collection of ecosystems. Its that variety that makes it one of the most unusual landscapes in Ohio, and home to one-third of all state-listed rare plants. Among the ecosystems found in the region are three that are endangered: Midwest Oak Savanna Also known as oak openings, these areas are sparsely treed landscapes typically having two to 20 trees per acre. The dominant oak species are black oak and white oak, with sprawling canopies, yet spaced far enough apart that a great deal of sunlight still reaches the forest floor. The light gradient from moderately shaded to

Grass Lake at Irwin Prairie State Nature Preserve, adjacent to Secor. Irwin is not a Metropark, but it is a good example of a wet prairie ecosystem like those Metroparks has acquired nearby.

Blue fringed gentian. Inset photos: Scenes from newly-acquired lands in the Oak Openings Corridor.

Opposite page: Pearson North, just west of the Johlin Cabin. Inset: Calico Pennant A major factor in the shrinking of the Oak Openings is the suppression of fire. The historically "open" oak savannas and wet prairies have become oak forests and shrub thickets. It may sound like a natural process, but in a truly "natural" environment, regular low-intensity wildfires would prevent these woody plants from crowding out other native plant species. In the wet prairies, the loss of fire has also likely had a negative effect, although the lowering of the groundwater table has done the most damage, Schetter said. Areas where water was historically deep enough to canoe and ice skate are much drier today. While some wet prairie areas still maintain standing water in the winter and spring, many have been completely eliminated by groundwater lowering. The introduction of non-native plants and the elimination of native species are other significant sources of stress on these ecosystems. Much of Metroparks efforts to restore areas within Oak Openings involve removing invasive species, using prescribed burns and removing overgrown woody plants so more sunlight can reach the ground to stimulate plant growth. Among the many plant and animal species that benefit from these efforts is the federally endangered Karner blue butterfly, which feeds only on lupine, a plant that requires direct exposure to sunlight to produce seeds and maintain viable populations.

The Marshes


he Oak Openings was only one of Lou Campbells passions. Starting in the 1920s, he took frequent hikes through the marshes in eastern Lucas County and western Ottawa County, keeping a journal of his observations. Those notes became the basis for a book, The Marshes of Southwestern Lake Erie, which he published at the age of 95 with his daughter, Claire When the park district purchased Gavin. the nearly 1,000-acre property known as Howard Farms in 2008, it was the largest and most costly single land purchase in the park systems 80-year history.

of the loss of habitat and the invasion of non-native species. The best of whats left in Lucas County is preserved in the Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge and the Magee Marsh and Metzgers Marsh state wildlife areas. Adjacent to Metzgers, accessible from an infamous bend in the road on SR2 known as the Bono Curve in Jerusalem Township, is another important piece of the puzzle.

I regard Howard Farms as the single most important acquisition in the Park Districts history even though most people know very little about it, said Art Weber, who has written about, photographed and advocated for the marshes as a member of the Metroparks staff nearly 40 years. For thousands of years, virtually It was the last sizable chunk of privately owned land on Lake the entire southwestern shore Erie. Its a world-class wetland of Lake Erie was bordered by marshland and swamp forest, he just waiting for us to add water. wrote. "The remaining marshes, For now, Howard Farms remains some 30,000 acres, are the most farmland, but Metroparks will primitive lands in Ohio. one day restore the property to Lake Erie marshland, joining the Marshes the transition neighboring state and federal zones between lake and lands as important habitat for a land are vitally important wide variety of wildlife. for fish, migrating waterfowl, songbirds and shorebirds. Like other wetlands, they are the most biologically productive ecosystems on earth. Wetlands also act as kidneys, filtering water before its returned to the ground. And coastal wetlands buffer the land from the ravages of waves and high water. A recent, 300-acre addition to Pearson Metropark in Oregon, though not located on the lakeshore, is another example of a wetland in the coastal zone. Its benefits as a stopover site for migrating songbirds, shorebirds and waterfowl are easy to see. What was just a few years ago a farm field is today a half-milesquare birdbath bursting with life!

But like the Oak Openings, the marshes today are a shadow of what they once were because 9

Remember Metroparks In Your Estate Planning

Maumee River Alvar


nother of northwest Ohios most prominent natural features, the Maumee River, is home to a little-known, endangered ecosystem called an alvar. Those flat, rock ledges that extend into the river at Side Cut Metropark, where thousands of fishermen tread during the spring walleye run, are known as the Maumee River Ledges (also called alvars). Alvars are rare enough; alvars on a river are found only in a handful of places on the Great Lakes.

Oak Openings. For muchneeded recreational areas, for our aesthetic enrichment, for the benefit of those who come after us in short, to hold on to the irreplaceable.

Below: The Maumee River Ledges, an example of a little known ecosystem called Great Lakes alvar. It seems desolate, but plants like water willow grow in the cracks. Opposite page: Savanna in winter, south of Girdham Road at Oak Openings. Inset: Coreopsis in a wet prairie.

Why save endangered ecosystems? For our continued well-being on this planet, Campbell wrote. His words were directed at the marshes, but from what is known about the man through his writings, they could also describe his beloved

Why Should We Care?


hy does it matter if an ecosystem goes extinct,

especially one you didnt know existed in the first place? Philosophically, there may be many reasons, but you dont have to be a philosopher to see that ecosystems are good for people. They carry out an array of processes that provide ecological goods (which have direct monetary value) and services (which also have monetary value but provide other direct and indirect benefits as well).

Goods: Food Construction materials Medicinal plants Wild genes for domestic plants and animals Destinations for tourism and recreation Services: Maintaining hydrological cycles Regulating climate Cleansing water and air Maintaining the gaseous composition of the atmosphere Pollinating crops and other important plants Generating and maintaining soils Storing and cycling essential nutrients Absorbing and detoxifying pollutants Providing beauty, inspiration, and recreation (The Ohio State University Extension)


Thank You For Your Continued Support

Slash, Stump Removal To Finish Tornado Cleanup Branches and stumps scattered across more than 100 acres of Oak Openings Preserve Metropark will be removed through this winter in the final phase of cleanup work related to a June 2010 tornado. The storm cut a swath of destruction through the largest Metropark, toppling or damaging thousands of trees. In the fall of last year, contractors working for the park district removed dead and damaged trees using specialized equipment. In the final phase of the project, different contractors will remove the remaining wood products, called slash, and hundreds of stumps.

Field Notes

and benches are no longer available for sale, however, vintage-style lampposts with engraved plates are available for $800. Lampposts, located around parking lots at Wildwood Preserve, include 4-inch by 6-inch plaques with the message of the donors choosing. A new endowment fund for trail development, improvement and general maintenance is another opportunity to honor a running, bicycling or nature enthusiast. Donations in any amount can be made to help preserve these treasured trails forever. A new Gift Giving Catalog offers many other ideas for making contributions in your name or to honor someone special. See the catalog in the Get Connected section of Projects To Improve Health Of Lake Erie The nearest Metropark to Lake Erie, Pearson, is several miles away, but because all of Lucas County drains into it, even As part of the federal grantfunded project at Oak Openings, trees were planted in the Swan Creek floodplain.

Removing the debris from the preserve is important because stumps and slash, as they decay, would add nutrients that change the character of the soil. Unlike a backyard garden, where nutrients are often added, the Oak Openings is a specialized ecosystem where numerous ash trees killed by the rare and endangered species thrive because of the absence emerald ash borer at Oak of nutrients (see story in this Openings, Pearson and other Metroparks. magazine). The additional nutrients also promote the growth of invasive, non-native Director Search Begun species that Metroparks works The Board of Park Commissioners, the threecontinuously to remove in order to preserve the delicate member, volunteer board that balance of species that makes governs Metroparks, has hired an executive search firm to the Oak Openings distinct find candidates for the vacant from other regions. executive director position. Donald Rettig resigned from Not all remnants of the the position this summer to tornado damage will be accept a new opportunity. removed: Uprooted stumps Cathy Marinelli, director still attached to the ground will remain as wildlife habitat. of human resources and volunteer services, has been serving as acting director. The project is being funded with a grant from the American Board president Scott J. Recovery and Reinvestment Act. ARRA funding is also being Savage said he anticipates having a new director in place used to remove hazardous after the first of the year.

New Options Available To Leave A Legacy In The Metroparks Engraved bricks are proving to be a popular way to leave a legacy in the Metroparks. Brick pavers with custom messages can now be purchased for placement in a new rear courtyard at the Visitors Center as well the path leading to the Oak Grove School at Wildwood and at the Johlin Cabin area at Pearson North. Friends of Side Cut also sell engraved pavers for placement at the Lamb Heritage Center. The pavers are one of several options available to leave your mark in a park either for yourself, or as a tribute to another. The memorial bench program is concluding


New signs form a walking tour of historical features of the former Stranahan estate.

the Maumee River during MetroBarks Winter Walk at Side Cut, Saturday, December 17 at 10 a.m. After a crisp walk with your best friend, warm up by the fire with a hot drink, snacks and, of course, dog treats. Participants will see the new sledding hill and skating rink in action. Free for Members. Members are also invited to a continental brunch and preview presentation Saturday, January 7, at 11 a.m. at the National Center for Nature Photography at Secor. Be among the first to see New Lands, New Discoveries, an exhibit sponsored by Metroparks Members. Free for Members Discover Wildwoods winter wildlife as you search for animal tracks and make plaster casts of them in Susans Meadow, Sunday, February 5 from 2 to 4 p.m. Meet at Metroparks Hall for a family-friendly program, which includes a walk lead by a naturalist. For reservations to these programs, call 419-4079723 or sign up online at

land uses many miles inland can affect our Great Lake. In October, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced funding for three Toledo-area Great Lakes Restoration Initiative projects totaling nearly $2.4 million. Metroparks will receive a portion of the funding to restore natural areas at Oak Openings, Wildwood Preserve and Swan Creek Preserve each of which lies within the Lake Erie watershed. New Walking Tour In Place At Wildwood Before it was Wildwood Preserve, the busiest and best known of the local Metroparks, a 500-plus acre property on West Central Avenue, was the family estate of Robert and Page Stranahan. Part of the appeal of the beautiful Metropark today is the collection of estate buildings, from the Georgian colonial home, now known as the Manor House, to the stables (Visitors Center) and limousine garage (Metroparks Hall). These and other sites are now part of a nine-stop tour recently created at the Metropark. Signs written and designed by the park system's staff allow park visitors to take a self-guided, educational stroll through the combination of scenic natural areas and historical buildings that make

Wildwood an important part of the region's history. Other, lesser-known sites on the tour include: - The formal garden designed by nationally-known landscape architect Ellen Biddle Shipman and recently restored to its original grandeur with funds from the Carson Family Fund at the Toledo Community Foundation. - A riding arena and ballroom, housed in a building that no longer exists. - A swimming pool, putting green and clay tennis courts. - The Ottawa River, which was diverted a half-mile when the house was built to create a back yard view, complete with a scenic island. There are other interesting features of the estate, too, such as an air intake system used to cool the home. The tour begins at the Visitors Center (horse stables), where large panels orient visitors to the estate and the stops on the tour. Handouts are available inside the Visitors Center and can be downloaded and printed at Special Invitation To Metroparks Members Bring your dog for a winter stroll along the banks of 13

New Website Is For The Birders Along Lake Shore The Lake Erie Birding Trail, a series of 84 premier birding locations along Ohios north coast, was unveiled during this summers Midwest Birding Symposium in Lakeside, Ohio, according to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Wildlife. The tour includes Pearson Metropark near the lakeshore, while an Oak Openings Loop includes Wildwood Preserve, Secor and Oak Openings Preserve Metroparks. A birding trail is a directory of the most productive and accessible bird watching sites in an area with the goal of bringing people to the birds. The Lake Erie Birding Trail closely follows the Lake Erie Coastal Ohio Trail, a national scenic byway designated by the Federal Highway Administration which follows Ohios 312-mile coastline. Visitors to a new website can learn more about the trail and find maps, lists of amenities, an annotated checklist of bird species found along the lake, identification tips, events Continued on page 17

Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur made the announcement November 1 that a railroad corridor stretching 11.6 miles from Lewis Avenue near the Michigan border, through West and South Toledo, ending in Wood County, had been purchased for future development as a greenway with a multi-use trail. Metroparks is a partner in the trail project with several agencies in Lucas and Wood counties. Toledo Mayor Mike Bell joined students at Beverly Elementary School for the announcement. [Full story on]

Volunteers Make A Difference


Not long ago, Pearson North was a farm field. Today, it is a sprawling, 300-acre wetland where you are likely to find large, wading birds like those seen along the lakeshore. 15

April through September, 2011

A Longtime Volunteer Remembers Metroparks

Giving Tree

The Andersons Inc. matched Jonathan Zabowskis gift to the Annual Fund. FirstEnergy Foundation matched Mark R. Wymers gift to the Membership Program. KeyBank Foundation matched Nancy K. Nielsens gift to the Annual Fund. Owens-Illinois Charities Foundation matched Kenneth Lovejoys gift to the Membership Program. Benefitting Birds David Pinniger made a donation to support the Window on Wildlife at Wildwood Preserve. Volunteers In Parks donated bags of bird food. Gifts for Secor Kevin Fandrey made a donation to help keep Secor clean and beautiful. Friends of Secor made a donation to support the maintenance of the garden.

Alice Rupp, who died in 2010, was a longtime volunteer at Metroparks with a big heart and a love for nature. A librarian at Main Branch Library in downtown Toledo for many years, she also traveled extensively. Per her wishes, Alice left Metroparks an undesignated gift of $184,000 to continue to care for the parks where she spent so much of her time. Alice was a volunteer naturalist who led many nature walks for young school children in the 1980s, said Denise Gehring, retired director of environmental programs. She greatly appreciated the tiny miracles in nature and especially the spring wildflowers at Swan Creek Preserve and Secor. Denise recalled Alice as an avid photographer who shared the beauty she found through slide shows set to classical music and poetry. Through planned giving, many people leave legacies at Metroparks, helping to ensure the parks remain places of inspiration for future generations to enjoy. Trails Forever! Metroparks is raising funds to establish an endowment for the perpetual care of existing trails and the creation of new trails in the future. Trails are the No. 1 reason people visit the Metroparks. Youth running groups share the trails with nature lovers, joggers, bicyclists and others who just come to explore. Hostelling InternationalToledo Area Council, a longtime program partner with Metroparks that incorporates bicycling into its mission of cultural exchange, made the initial donation of $5,000 to get the Trail Endowment Fund started. Other local running and cycling groups, and anyone else who enjoys the trails, are now being invited to support the effort to care for trails for everyone forever! Gift Continues Improvements At Visitors Center Thanks to a grant from the 16 Tiffany Elise Staelin Fund at the Toledo Community Foundation, trail users at Wildwood have a new trailhead entrance with green islands located behind the Visitors Center. Over the past several years, the fund has made possible a variety of improvements to the courtyard in front of the historical building. Park visitors can be part of the exciting project by purchasing an engraved paver to be incorporated into a walkway that is part of the latest improvements. Information is available inside the Visitors Center and at MetroparksToledo. com. Matching Gifts Donations by an individual may be matched by the donors business or employer.

Gifts for Side Cut Friends of Side Cut donated annual and perennial flowers. Nature Photography Center Support American Frame donated the framing for the 10,000 Acres: Preserved Forever exhibit. Gifts for Oak Openings Boy Scouts of America Troop #419 made a donation to support trail improvements at Oak Openings Metropark. Gifts for Providence Holland Arbor No. 209 donated a gift certificate to purchase supplies for The Canal Experience. L & Z Properties of NW Ohio, LLC. donated the labor to service and repair The Volunteer canal boat.

Gifts for Blue Creek Conservation Area QSI Fabrication, Inc. donated two sets of barn door brackets for the barn at Blue Creek. Gifts for Farnsworth QSI Fabrication, Inc. donated a primed floor grate for Farnsworth. Gifts for the Lathrop House Warren Jorgensen made a donation to support this historic home. Support for the Manor House Elsa Nadler and the St. Casper Mystery Club made donations to the Manor House. Jon Zvanovec donated an original metal flower pot holder. Support for Nature Camp Friends of Pearson made a donation to support summer camp scholarships. MLM Foundation made a donation to purchase supplies for Nature Camp.

support current operations at Metroparks. Eagle Scout Troop 68 made a donation to support educational programs. Alice Jacobs donated plates, bows and tablecloths to the Volunteer Department. The John and Virginia Hankison Foundation gave a gift to the John and Virginia Endowment Fund. Amy Mossing donated an office desk workstation combination. Owens Community College donated a steel-case desk. Reliv Inc. made a donation to support the Happy Trails 5K Run/Walk. Rotary Club of Waterville Ohio made a donation in honor of Mark Knerr to support educational programs.

Toledoan Ron Sherman was the 2011 Great Park Search winner Field Notes continued from page 13 and many other birding resources. Go to www.dnr. and click on the Experiencing Wildlife tab to find the page. In addition, real-time birding updates will be provided on Twitter, @ LakeErieBirding. We Have A Winner Ron Sherman, of Toledo, was the grand prize winner of the Great Park Search, a nine-week scavenger hunt in the Metroparks held over the summer. Ron's name was drawn from the nearly 2,900 entries in the contest. He won a prize package valued at about $1,000, including a Garmin handheld GPS unit courtesy of PNC Bank; a Weber portable grill, cooler, outdoor games, $200 gift cards and more courtesy of The Andersons; lawn chairs and a backpack from Buckeye Cablesystem; and gift certificates from contest sponsor Vito's Pizza & Subs. Each week, from June 6 through the first week in August, a new set of codewords was hidden in the nine parks. Participants downloaded clues from a website, found as many secret locations as they could, and entered the codewords they 17 found online. For each correct codeword, they were entered one time in a drawing for that week, and in the grand prize drawing. Weekly drawing winners received a $150 gift card to The Andersons and a $15 Visa gift card courtesy of PNC Bank. Weekly winners were: Rustin Manning of Swanton, Josh Morse of Maumee, Cindy Pappos of Grand Rapids, Tammie Hutchison of North Baltimore, Maria Gecik of Toledo, Jessica Knapp of Whitehouse, Marcella Gecik of Toledo, Colleen Julius of Temperance and Jamie Mahaney of Oregon. There were seven super searchers who entered 50 or more codewords. Just two people entered all 81 correct codewords (nine each week for nine weeks): Gary Majeski of Toledo and Richard Cutlip of Temperance. In recognition of their efforts, Metroparks sent them each a $100 gift card to The Andersons. In addition to the prize sponsors, the fun summer activity was sponsored by media partners, Buckeye Cablesystem and The Blade. Watch the Metroparks Program Guide for details about the 2012 Great Park Search.

Support for MetroBarks Festival The popular, annual MetroBarks Festival Andrea Wilder donated 16 boxes of Girl Scout cookies for benefitted from donations by Karnik Memorial Nature Camp snacks. Garden, Karnik Pet Lodges and Babettes Pet General Support Grooming. Philip Gersmehl and Nurry J. Rosenberg made donations to

Greg Marquette, Lee Marquette, Brodie Wagener and Shane Wagener at this years Al Wagener Memorial Golf Outing. For 12 years, the family of Mr. Wagener have honored his memory and his love for Side Cut Metropark by holding the annual outing on the Saturday after Labor Day. Proceeds benefit the park. Money raised from the event has funded the ongoing development of a winter recreation area at Side Cut, which now includes the Wagener Sledding Hill, fire pit, benches and a new ice skating rink that opens this winter.

Memberships Make Great Gifts

Welcome ... New MembersApril 5, 2011 through September 30, 2011 Darla Bauman Deborah Bell Gene Bell Brian Bennett Ashok Biyani Vicki Blake Tammy Buehler Nancy Campbell Holly Carr Theresa Carroll Leah and Carlos Casarez Amy Chiles Cherie Collier Laura Conant Kathleen Cook Mary Cox Jennifer Croce Dave Davis Editha Dehm Donna Eichbauer Randy Ellingson Troy and Theresa Emrick Laura Fleeger-Koenig Patrick France Todd Frendt Donald Fritz Deborah Gasser Nancy Golde Gwen Gregory Dr. Shell McCoy Grissom Stevin Groth Eric and Julie Gunderson Judith Gusweiler John Heisman Sarah M. Hetchler Chris Hoecker Cindy Hoenig Melissa Hoogerhyde Jill Humphries Anthony and Donna Hurley Kay Hyde Paul and Barbara Jerzykowski Valentina Jindal Bradley Johnson LuCynthia Jones Kimberly Klopp Jo Nell Kunce Carol Lampkowski Cheryl Lightfoot Larry Lindsay Dawn W. Loar Elizabeth L. Loesch Gary M. Majeski Catherine Marco Vickie Marsh Shari McCague Lawrence McHugh and Family Ryan McIntyre Christine Merz


Membership Renewals ...April 5, 2011 through September 30, 2011 Elaine M. Albright Gregory and Constance Alexander Juanita J. Alt Carl P. Anderson William Antoszewski Dean N. and Andrea M. Applin Steve and Barbara Armacost Kyle Armstrong Michael and Laura Armstrong Harvard L. Armus Nora Jeanne Aust Jeanne Baehren Joseph Bagrowski Nancy A. Ballinger Ellen L. Bambrick Andrew S. Bamford and Tamera Wales Catherine and Scott Barnes Albert L. and Jacqueline M. Bartels Michelle Bartkowiak Anne J. Basile Reemt and Joan Baumann Gerald and Ellen Bazer Willis L. Beck Larry A. and Rebecca B. Becker Marney Belli Bend of the River Magazine Mike and Debbie Bercher Angela Pizza Best Elizabeth Bethany James A. Binkley Michelle L. Birdwell Margie and Baron Black Ruth E. Blankerts Ed Bloedow Margaret M. Blood Blue Water Communications LLC Rey and Rosemary Boezi Patrick R. Bolger Dorothy J. Bowe Janice E. Bowman Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Brady Daniel and Anne Brahier Larry Brechbill Virginia L. Breese Suzanne M. Brickey Dr. Ernest G. Brookfield Carol F. Brown Mary Elizabeth Brown Barbara Brummit Richard P. Bryan Ann Bryant James W. and Juliann M. Buchele Michael R. Buchele Nancy Bucher Dale Buchner

Kevin and Catherine Mielke Jeff Miller Mary Mitchell Mohamad Moussa Lyndsy Murtaugh Debra Myers Sarah Newman Patrick OBrien Jessica Pienta Gaynelle Predmore Jeff Rader Jane Reebel Allison Reinbolt Joan H. Rife Kevin and Kristie Ruedy Jan Ruma Lauren Roberts and Jason Rush James Rybarczyk Robin Sanders Allison Sandrock Annu Sangal William Sares Uma Savanoor Allison Shaw

Cynthia Sheperak Sarah Shinaver Denise Shrader Scott Sibley Richard and Mary Jane Simon Jan Smith Janet Smith Kimberly Sniegowski JoAnne Spitler Amanda Steinbrunner Katie Swartz Aimee and Lou Szabo Coretta Thompson Butts Lisa Uhrman Michael Van der Veer Jackie Vannuyen Dagmar Varela Mary Ann Vittore Marlene Wayton Janet Weiden Eric Wertzbaugher Mary Ann Whipple William Woodruff Scott Zura


Dr. and Mrs. Raymond Buganski Reuben F. Bumpus Kenneth and Corrine M. Burress Nancy and Mark Burton Frank J. Butwin Dorothy Byers Keith A. and Margie A. Cadaret Ronald G. and Elizabeth J. Cain Craig Cairns Tom and Jo Ann Callanan John C. and Carol Campbell Carroll Cannon Cloyce and Joan Carlen Jan Caron Alan D. and Darlene A. Carpenter Russell E. and Hope A. Carpenter Thomas and Robyn Carr Martha J. Carver Lorraine J. Caserta Ford B. and Phyllis C. Cauffiel Richard and Tomlyn Chambers Robert J. and Kathleen A. Chirdon Marlene P. Christen Patricia L. Ciborowski Lindell S. Clemens Philip E. Cochran Angie Cole William Connolly Norman Conrad Abraham Conteh James and Kimberly Ann Cooper and Family Robert J. and Molly B. Cooperider Sandra Cotton Sliker Richard and Mary Crayon Judith M. Cremean Francis L. and Nina M. Crinks Patricia Criswell, PH.D. Charles L. and Florence J. Cromly Jon and Susan Cross Richard P. and Lola Crouse

Richard S. and Doris Currie, III Terry and Linda Dachenhaus Richard L. and Barbara Carter Daley Eleanore M. Darmofal Charles S. Davis Douglas H. and Nancy A. Davis Matthew S. Davis Thomas and Jean Davis Shannon De Young Roger B. and Marilyn P. Dean Mary Deaver William and Sara Jane DeHoff Jeanne J. Deitrickson Delphos Canal Commission Diane L. Denis Thomas C. Denman Edward P. Descamps Joanna McRury and Dan Dessner Carolyn Sue Dickes Rose Marie Diem Anthony and Sharon DiSalle Anna Domanowski Dr. B. Steven Dood John and Janice Doroghazi Krista Downey Michael D. and Elizabeth R. Doyle David P. Drlik Jack L. and Barth Dubler Thomas C. Dumas Dr. Sally A. Dunn Jean Duston Rosemarie Duszynski Elizabeth A. Eberly June M. Eding Karen J. Eighmey Clair and Sally Emerson Thomas and Janet Eppard Mike and Kathy Essi Elizabeth H. Fackelman Ann M. Fago Rick and Martha Fansler

Rickie and Kathy Feeback Lori and Paul Fenton Terry N. Ferguson Mary Figgins Carol J. Fingerhut Irene H. Fink Daniel J. Fisher John and Abigail Flahie Richard A. and Mary F. Flasck Randy and Vicky Foeller Nancy L. Foley and Jim Harris Diane E. Folsom Gladys I. Ford Louise Fought Mr. Darrell H. Fox Donald L. and Catherine M. Franks Ronald and Linda A. Frastaci Janet Frederick Charles and Michele Free Richard and Lynn Fuchs Fulton County Chapter O. H. C. Samuel E. and Sheila A. Gamble Mary J. Garrison Clarence A. and Mary Gartz Patricia Gast Denise H. Gehring Rick Geithmann Annette Gernheuser Sally A. Giauque Eleanor Gibbs William F. and Mary Lou Gilbert Christopher S. and Mary B. Gill Mere E. Girkins Rick Goheen Edward and Mary Goldberger Al and Jan Grant Mary C. Greisiger John and Lena Grigore John and Michelle Grigore Mr. and Mrs. John N. Grigsby Sarah E. and Bruce W. Groves Allen D. Gutchess, Jr. Anthony and Carol Guzzo

James A. and Martha F. Hagan Barbara Ann Hall Ron and Kitty Hall Scott Hall Danny R. Halsey David Hamilton and Family Jodi Haney Brenda A. Hannan Everett Hargrove Jean C. Harler Tom and Toni Harms Richard L. Harner Julius Hartwig Earnest T. and Nancy H. Hatfield, Jr. C. P. and Paula Hauck Trish Hausknecht and Gavin Smith Thomas R. and Patricia C. Hays Marilynn Hazard Roy A. and Joan Heinz Friedel W. and Ursula L. Helms Fran and Jim Hendren Warren E. and Leann R. Henry James W. and Rhoda M. Hess Marianne S. Hewlett Charles and Rosalie Hinde Kenneth J. and Phyllis J. Hoepfl Mary Jo and Richard Hoffman Martin and Kathleen Holmes, Sr. David and Shelly Hopson Kathleen R. Horrigan Donald J. and Carole P. Housholder Patricia R. Howard Jim and Karen Hoyt Martha L. Huepenbecker Katherine M. Hunter Dr. James and Catherine Hunyadi Diane Huss Charles and Elisa Huss-Hage Drs. Jeanine and Jim Huttner and Family


Remember Metroparks In Your Estate Planning

Tim and Yvonne Hyma Nancy D. Ibarra Judith Infalt William Jacob A. David and Kathy James Alice H. James Ann C. Jarvela Theodore G. Jenkins Stanley W. and Dolores A. Joehlin Denise and William Johnson Patrick J. Johnson T. Scott Johnston Donna J. Jordan Terah Jude Sakari T. and Shirley Anne Jutila John and Eileen Juvinall Terri Kaczor E. Arlene Kantner Jim and Evelyn Kanzelmeyer Jim and Joan Keeler and Family Judith A. Kehrle Roger G. and Joanne S. Kennedy Farrukh Khan James and Anne Kimble Charlotte H. Kirk Michael P. and Jamie Klear Tom and Mary Klockowski Sharon K. Kohler Robert and Jill Kohntopp

John Koontz Patricia Kosnikowski Don and Laurie Kowalski Kathleen M. Kozlowski Ellen D. Kraft Timothy N. and Joan Kreps Chuck Kreutz Lee J. and Bette A. Kreuz Irene Kruse Katherine L. Kuhn Paulette and Melvin Kwiatkowski Michael J. and Gale A. Lacey Ann Lampkowski John W. Landin Herbert and Karen Landis Steve Latsch Linda L. Leffingwell Deb J. Lengel Jerald and Lydia Lenning Margaret E. Leonard Harold and Carol Leupp Richard Lewis Allan J. and Suzanne R. Libbe Cheryl Linke Noryne Lockwood Lynn Long Paul and Susan Longnecker Erwin and Linda A. Lorenz Kenneth W. and Jean M.S. Lovejoy

The Ludwig Family Richard W. and Sharon A. Luedtke Ronald E. Lukasiewicz Wilma Lupe Andrew and Karen Lyke David J. Lymanstall Alice F. Lynch Alex Lytten Bevars and Mary Mabry John F. and Patricia A. MacDonald Donald W. and Wendy GibsonMacLean Constance J. Maguire James Maier James and Jane Maiolo Mark and Rose Makulinski Joanne Malikowski Renzo J. and Carolyn Maraldo Tom and Dorothy J. Marek David H. and Susan C. Markle Bridget Ann Marlow Glen D. Marquis Benjamin and Martha Marsh DiAnne Masztak Kenneth J. and Patricia D. Mauer Laurie S. Mauro Kenneth R. Mauss Shirley J. Mayer Gary and Beverly McBride Kathleen McCarthy Louis McLove and Beverly J. Wolcott Linda A. McMahon Patrick and Mary McNamara Andrea J. Meadows Norman J. and Susan D. Merkel Phil and Carol Meuser Tom and Betty (Teddy) Jo Meyer Paul V. and Charlotte A. Michalak Willard Middaugh Carl and Judy Mock James E. and Denise E. Mollenkopf Martha E. Mollenkopf John H. and Mary Pat Moor Gerald W. and Arlene C. Moore Nancy Moriarty Betty Jean Moser

Peter and Janet Mosqueda Marilyn Mossing Donald and Julie Moul Alfred and Adela Mundt Jeanne M. Murphy Joan C. Myers Richard Myers Walter D. and Susan D. Myers Barbara J. Narewski Gene and Patty Naujock Barbara Navarro Patricia Newman Michael and Tara Nicely Bob and Barbara Nichols, Sr. Nan Heckel Nicholson Robert J. and Mary A. Niedzielski Anne Niner James F. and Joan Nofzinger Chet and Nora Nowak David and Suzanne Nowak Joan Oberle Bill and Barbara Oliver Ruth Ormsby Peter R. Orser Dorothy R. Otis James and James Garbers Overmyer Dan and Patti Owen Nancy Pahl Cynthia D. Palmer Priscilla Parcels Elizabeth G. Paren Billy and Mary Ann Parker James Parsons James Patrick Jerry and Zaunda Peacock Rodney and Patti Pearson Christopher Peatee and Kathleen Ray Jeffery and Dana Periat Richard S. Phalin, Sr. Denise and Guy Pitzen Edward J. and Jeanette S. Pollauf Joan Posadny Michael Louis Powell Robin L. Prettyman Charlotte A. Price Paige M. Price E. David Proudfoot Rose A. Pruszynski

Wagener Sledding Hill at Side Cut MetroparkJeffrey and Cheryl Pryor Curt and Pat Pulcini John and Pamela Pullella Joseph and Linda Rakowski Bob and Judy Rank Ann Ray Jane F. Rayman Vivian R. Reardon W. Bruce Redpath Barbara A. Reed Timothy and Barbara B. Reed David and Carole Reinhardt Robert and Gloria Remy Carol S. Repass Donald R. and Barbara A. Rettig Gregg M. and Susan J. Rice Marian A. Rice Kevin Ricker Lesley and Michael Ringlein Willie Robinson Timothy J. Romano Ronald J. and Sandra M. Rosene Gary and Page Rostetter Rebecca S. Roth Catherine Rourke Kelli Routsong Brian E. and Janet E. Rozick Stanley Rubin Randall Ruch Robert S. and Gladys R. Rudolph Louella L. Rupp Robert L. and Joanna Russ Jay and Sue Ryno Robert and Abigail Sadowy Gregory and Margaret Sammons Scott and Julie Savage Ann B. Sawyer Ernest R. and Virginia B. Saylor John C. and Marilyn Scarlett Patrick and Barbara Fox Schad Patricia M. Scharf Warren W. Schlievert Bob Schneider Dale G. and Betty J. Schneider Dorothy A. Schoell Teri Schwartz Diana L. Schwind Paul L. and Elaine A. Sellers Mae S. Seretsky Sandy Sharpless Michael P. and Sandra K. Sheehy Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Shirk Kay E. Showman James P. Sigrist Kathryn A. Silk Floyd and Darlene Simon Jean M Simon Nancy J. Simon Geraldine M. Simpson Ann M. Sisinyak Michael and Kathy Skaff Angus J. and Joyce Smith Connie Smith Doug and Carol Smith Ronald R. and Betty Howard Smith Douglas A. and Terry L. Snider Marlene J. Snyder Arthur M. and Barbara J. Sobczak Barbara Sochocki Maria Sodd Goretti William A. Sohnly Eleanor Sonntag Kathy Sorensen Greg and Arlene Sparks Donald L. and Sue Speck Sarah Speer and Family Naomi M. Spencer Matthew Spies Quinton A. St. John Kenneth and Diane Stein Mark V. and Barbara Stender and Family Randall and Rose Stephenson John H. Strand Keith and Rori Mason Suhr Enid and Robert Sullivant Ruthie and David Summers Roger W. and Kathleen A. Sund Timothy and Barbara Sundling Superior Uniform Sales, Inc.

Sally Sussman Guy and Joan C. Szuberla John and Yolanda Szuch and Family Luann M. Takats Deborah S. Tassie Pauline R. Tate Jill Taylor Bob and Connie Terry Robert and Jo-Ann Teufel Donna Therkelsen Steve and Julie Thomas Robert Thorne Doris Titgemeyer Michael F. and Suzanne J. Torsok Robert J. Towles Lynda Trabbic-Odum Kenneth R. Trachsel Jack and Barbara Treuhaft Gregory and Lori Troemner Christine B. Turnbull Greta Ullman Theresa Van Koughnet Nicholas K. and Mitzie A. Vance Bobbi J. Vaughan Roger and Sharon Veitch Joanne Vick Hermann Von Grafenstein Steven Wagner Paul J. and Darlene Wahr, Jr. Jill Wainwright Deborah Wallace Robert A. and Deborah J. Walters Richard J. and Roblynn L. Warns Donald E. and Barbara Weber

Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Welch Mathias P. and Sonja E. Welker Georgia Welles Henry C. Wente Faye E. Wenzlick Chris S. and Jayne M. Werbylo Steve and Kay Werkman Anne Marie Westmeyer David and Peggy Westmeyer Ralph O. and Natalie M. Wheaton Morris C. Wheeler Lois A. White Richard A. and Rachel A. White Robert and Debra Whiting Melvyn E. and Annette W. Wicks Carol Wiemken James E. and Lenora E. Wilkie Thomas G. and Joan E. Williams Marc and Carol Williams-Young Dr. John A. Winder Glenn D. and Mary M. Wise Chris and Cheri and Family Witt Richard and Cheryl Wolff William and Amy Wolff Robert E. and Karen Woods William A. Woolridge Rebecca L. Worthen Judy A. Wright Margaret Wroblewski Joan Wuest Robert and Joanne P. Youngen Dr. Richard S. Youngs Bob and Gerry Zemenski


Thank You For Your Continued Support

Welcome New MetroBarks MembersApril 5, 2011 through September 30, 2011 Heather Hoffman Abrell, Roxie Zachary Shaw and Thomas Cupilary, Destiny, Daisy Douglas Dibble, Fenway Katie Dougherty, Jack, Beau Tammy Esper, Bella Dan Ewing, Sami Kelly Flowers, Sebastian Tracy Gambrell, Bentley Lori Gillespie and Family, Chloe Marie Jablonski, Fred, Duke Brenda Lee, Tucker Gail Linn, Ramone Alverez, Bella Lynette Kelly Noel, Case Tammy Phillips and Family, Angel, Bug Joanne Rubin, Barry

HonorariumsVisitors Center Honorarium BricksApril 1, 2011 through October 11, 2011 Karen Bernard Mark, Sarah and Daisy Bratt Sarah Bratt Homer Brickey, Jr. Suzanne Brickey Gina Chadwick Jenny Cope Earnestine Crockette Timothy and Felica Clark The Dembowski Family Marge Dembowski John and Carole Forte Kevin and Kymberlyn Forte Brenda, Doug and Eddie Haag Mark and Gretchen Zyndorf Mike and Lee Hogan Cathy McGee Dann and Marilyn Keller Sarah Kentopp Gary and Chris Krasniewski and Family Virginia and Albert Kurth Albert Kurth Lisa Lenhart Rodric Lenhart H. and K. Moon Kay Moon Patty Parr Barry and Diane Pitts Charles and Carol Scally St. Andrews Episcopal Church Steve and Evan Steven Straub Beth Vollmar David Wright Tim and Lori Wright Gretchen, Mark and Junior Zyndorf

MetroBarks Member RenewalsApril 4, 2011 through September 30, 2011 Avis Bartley, Wee Bobbie, Louie Ron and Cheryl Bogedain, Winston Sandra Grady, Tamu Michelle Keip, Detroit Brian Kennedy, Barron Alexa Leitner, Pooka, Dakota Teresa S. Mawer, Parker, Riley R.L. and Elaine McDonald, Belle Robert Miller, Nikki Joel Retholtz, Paxton

Visitors Center Memorial BricksYolanda Arkilander Carmine Sirianni Ken M. Bertok Christina Bertok James Bringman Flower Hospital Dietary Department John Scott Goldsmith John and Sue Goldsmith Doris V. Hawkins Kathy Stebbins Frances Jacob Carol Jacob William Jacob Chris W. Lay Joan Jacobson Meko and Henry Rideout Beverly Rideout Alexander Schleutermann Cathy Schleutermann Bernard Toth, Jr. Marilyn J. Ward

Wildwood Schoolhouse Bricks HonorariumMark and Jan Janice Krumel

Wildwood Schoolhouse Bricks MemorialMichael Hill Lynn Breen Mrs. Breens 2nd Grade Class Melanie Orzechowski Betty Laux Connie Feldstein Gerald Laux Barbara Bodette Jarrod Jody Tricia Jason JC Scott Neil and Sue VanWalbeck Clifford Kip Warner Neil and Sue VanWalbeck


Pearson Bricks MemorialRobert S. Ello Rosemary Ello Robert Parks Pam Graver-Koenig Rebecca Mincheff Al Ondrus Torsok Family Mary Ondrus Torsok Family

MemorialsApril 1, 2011 through October 11, 2011 Betty Barron Joanne Morgenstern Emma Bippus William and Susan Horvath Charlene Harrison University of St. Francis John Nichols Esther Jane Neff Harriet Wisniewski Debra Bercher The following memorial gifts were given to support the Windows on Wildlife: Monty Doc Harman Jerry and Emilyn Jakes The following gifts were given to support special projects at Wildwood Metroparks in memory of Frances Jacob: Jane Crowner Mary Culham Rose Edson Judson G. Frederick Raymond and Jo Ann Huber Carol Jacob William Jacob Mary Gondek and Stephen Palmer Frank Marxer Maxine Morgan William and Bette Schmidlin Honorarium Gifts Fairfield Elementary School gave a gift in honor of Lainie Brown for history programs: Steve K. Lauer and Marilyn F. Klar JoAnn Lewinski Allan J. and Suzanne R. Libbe William and Marilyn Mitchell MLM Charitable Foundation Johnny and Lynne Moffett Robert J. and Mary A. Niedzielski Gertrude Pagels Reid and Claire A. Proctor Marvin and Nancy Robon Kelli Routsong Scott and Julie Savage John and Donna Sharp Shirley Simon Tom and Mary Ann Stibbe Joanne Szalkowski Mary Anne Tigges Scott and Margaret Upton Trumbull Karen S. Zolg

Pearson Bricks HonorariumBecky Mincheff Pepe, Tashia, Pierre, Amber Rebecca Mincheff Becky Mincheff Alia, Bianca, Cimba Rebecca Mincheff

Annual Fund DonorsApril 5, 2011 through September 30, 2011 Janice and Charles E. Antal Jacquelyn G. Bruno Kim Cutcher Myron B. and Janice Edelstein Thomas M. Gainsley Sandra Grady John K. and Julie M. Graham Mary B. Hubbard

With SMores & More

Memorial BenchesAndrew Bates Eric Shanteau Jim McClellan Jane Tomko Shannon Pivoriunas Richard and Colleen Pivoriunas Atul Rawat Eric Shanteau Erma Zerner Michael Zerner

The following gift was given to support the Annual Fund drive in memory of Mel Stark: John and Donna Sharp The following gift was given to support Oak Openings and Side Cut Metroparks in memory of Lyman Spitzer: Health Care REIT, Inc. Dr. and Mrs James Ravin Phyllis Ackley made a donation to support the Ludwig Mill in memory of John Myers.

Saturday, January 21 27 p.m. Free!rab your mittens and hats to inaugurate the new winter recreation area at Side Cut, which now includes a lighted ice rink! Bring a sled to conquer the Wagener sledding hill. Smores, music, ice carving and more will add to the fun. Sponsored by The Andersons.


Honorarium BenchesMarty and Jacky Pauken Jennifer M. Comte


Volunteers Make A Difference

Friday, January 20 6 to 9 p.m. Wildwood Preserve Manor House

Can You Solve The Mystery At The Manor House?


he elegant Manor House makes the perfect backdrop for an entertaining who-done-it mystery. Relax, enjoy a fine meal and test your detective skills.

$50 (Metroparks Members $40) Reservations: 419-407-9701

Valentines Day Chocolate and CandlelightRejuvenate your passion for the outdoors

and each other.A romantic, self-guided winter walk along a wooded, candlelit trail at Oak Openings, followed by chocolates and cocoa by a fireplace in the Lodge. 7 to 8:30 p.m. Sunday, February 12 or Tuesday, February 14 $15 (Metroparks Members $12)


Special Places for Special EventsNow Available For RentThe Farmhouse At WildwoodMake a difference... become a volunteer!Learn more about how to get involved. Call 419-407-9703. elp preserve and protect the natural heritage of northwest Ohio a rewarding way to contribute to the community. What youll get in return is a greater understanding of the areas nature, history and culture. The view is pretty good, too!Administrative Opportunities | Volunteer Trail Patrol | Manor House | History | Nature Programming | Special Events | Stewardship & Beautification

Whether youre planning a board meeting or a baby shower, a team banquet or a family reunion, Metroparks offers a variety of meeting rooms and open shelters to suit your needs. Metroparks members receive a discount on the cost of all facility rentals, any day of the week.


Manor HouseReserve the Wildwood Manor House for your wedding or other special occasion. The Manor House has several unique wedding packages to choose from. Call 419-407-9784 for details.

Outdoor WeddingsWeddings are welcome in Metroparks public areas by reservation. For reservations, availability and complete terms and regulations, call the Metroparks reservations number: 419-407-9710 or visit Rent this historic Farmhouse Reservations can be at Wildwood Preserve made online.

for your special occasion.

Available for weddings, showers, parties, meetings, family get-togethers.


Memberships Make Great Gifts

Give A Lasting GiftEngraved brick are a great way to set lifes special moments in stone.

Nature Camp Gift Certificates

As a holiday gift As a birthday gift As an anniversary gift As a wedding gift As a memorial tribute As a tribute to a beloved pet As support for your favorite park Engraved bricks are available for placement at: The new Visitors Center rear courtyard at Wildwood Preserve The Historical Lamb Center at Side Cut The Johlin Cabin in the new North addition to Pearson For details, stop at the Visitors Center at Wildwood, or call 419-407-9723

Purchase Certificates at $25, $50 & $95Nature Camp (Ages 7 to 12) Five-day sessions starting week of June 18 through week of July 23 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Fee: $95 Metroparks Explorers (Ages 5 to 6) Aug. 6-10, Aug. 13-17, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Fee: $95 New Oak Openings Camps For All Ages New One-day Camps available too!Details & Registration: Or, call Bridgett: 419.407.9701


Nature ShotsStunning SceneryScenery captured by local photographers Captured by Local Photographers Stunning

"Duck Circles" Winner: Best Local Fauna, People's Choice 2011 Celebrating Nature Through Photography Contest Visit the National Center for Nature Photography Secor Metropark Open noon- 5 p.m. Weekends

Photo by Gary Bendig


Remember Metroparks In Your Estate Planning

Metroparks of the Toledo Area 5100 West Central Avenue Toledo, OH 43615-2106

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METROPARKST O L E D O A R E AYour Clean, Safe, Natural Places To Be

We're Thankful ForMembers!Call 419-407-9723 to arrange a gift membership. In this season of giving, we give thanks to our Members for support and partnership in preserving northwest Ohio's natural heritage. Give the gift of Metroparks! A Metroparks membership is the gift that keeps giving all year long. Members receive two issues per year of Metroparks Magazine and four issues of the Program Guide mailed to their home, plus discounts on facility and program reservation fees and invitations to special members-only events.

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