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Republic of Yemen November 2004 Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research Higher Education Development Project

Developing an Accreditation System

UK NARIC, Ecctis Limited in partnership with DAAD 1

Ministry of Labour and Social Policy

Technical Assistance under Service Contract for Upgrading of Vocational Qualification

Standards Taking into Account Best Practices in EU member states under Phare 2003 BG

2003/004-937.05.03 “Vocational Qualification” Project

Inception Report

January 2006

Republic of Bulgaria January 2006 Ministry of Labour and Social Policy EuropeAid/120164/D/SV/BG

Inception Report


Table of Contents A. Introduction and First Findings.................................................................2

B. Work Plan ................................................................................................4

C. Proposed Implementation Mechanism.....................................................6

D. Specific Activities Schedule ...................................................................29

Broad Chronological Stages of Project..................................................30

Stage 1: Current VET Situation / International Analysis ......................30

Stage 2: Development of Vocational Qualifications Standards ...........31

Stage 3: In-Country Training ...............................................................31

Stage 4: Reporting ..............................................................................32

Key Staffing Issues................................................................................33

Project Team Leader: Division of Days ...............................................33

International Key Expert Division of Days ...........................................34

Employment of Long Term Junior VET Experts ..................................35

E. Summary ...............................................................................................36

Republic of Bulgaria January 2006 Ministry of Labour and Social Policy EuropeAid/120164/D/SV/BG

Inception Report


A. Introduction and First Findings This inception report has been written in response to the detail outlined in the project Terms of Reference (ToR) and provides important information about the means to manage the project and the timing of key inputs, phases and outputs during the next twelve months, specifically up until December 2006. The inception report expands upon the original project proposal and ToRs as the project team has been able to draw on the additional support of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, local partners to ensure the quality and direction of the report. The project team has also been able to more fully familiarise itself with the environment having spent a considerable period of time since the signature of the contract in Sofia, meeting key stakeholders, project partners and undertaking the first phase of the project. The team confirms its initial findings that this will be an exciting and achievable project, which will effectively assist the Bulgarian vocational education and training (VET) sector by combining the European and international experience of the project team with key domestic experts with an in depth understanding of the situation in the country to combine their skills to deliver a sustainable project elaborating and upgrading vocational qualification standards according to the labour market needs and requirements. It is maintained that the project team will be able to build on the steps already taken by the relevant authorities in Bulgaria to begin to address the needs of the society for vocational education and training, including the Vocational Education and Training Act (1999), which ensures the rights of citizens to vocational education and training and seeks to develop systems to meet the demand for skilled labour and high quality training, whilst building up the structures, including schools and colleges to do this. Bulgaria has thus seen what steps need to be taken in VET and this project will be one of key ways to help it actually take those steps. A project Working Group has been established, comprising members of the consortium partners who will be acting in the capacity of a project monitoring mechanism. The Working Group will discuss progress updates and address any issues arising and difficulties encountered during the lifetime of the project. This inception report includes the revised work plan detailing the different stages of the project and those individual members of the team responsible for achieving them and; an elaborated activities schedule, providing an in depth description of how the project team will deliver development work, with specific delivery dates envisaged for the different stages of the project. To provide the Contracting Authority (CA) with an important understanding of the specific division of tasks, the inception report also includes a division of days by task and the specific sub tasks to be undertaken by the international project experts.

Republic of Bulgaria January 2006 Ministry of Labour and Social Policy EuropeAid/120164/D/SV/BG

Inception Report


The project team also feels that it has developed a positive working relationship with the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy and hopes to also develop a close relationship with the Ministry of Education and Science. The team understands that these Ministries will offer appropriate support throughout the lifetime of the project and will ensure that the appropriate candidates are invited to, and attend the training sessions delivered as part of the project. The project team will be requesting a certain degree of flexibility from the Contracting Authority in the timing and delivery of outputs with regard to overall numbers and location. The following report highlights the first findings, the work plan and proposed implementation mechanism, specific activities to be carried out and their timing.

Republic of Bulgaria January 2006 Ministry of Labour and Social Policy EuropeAid/120164/D/SV/BG

Inception Report


B. Work Plan





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Republic of Bulgaria January 2006 Ministry of Labour and Social Policy EuropeAid/120164/D/SV/BG

Inception Report


Please note Reporting is an ongoing process from the beginning of the project.





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Republic of Bulgaria January 2006 Ministry of Labour and Social Policy EuropeAid/120164/D/SV/BG

Inception Report


C. Proposed Implementation Mechanism The implementation mechanism has been structured to illustrate how the team will undertake the proposed activities (inputs) considered necessary to achieve the project objectives (with outputs illustrated). The nine results to be achieved by the team will be delivered in five phases designed to ensure accurate and appropriate analysis of the situation in Bulgaria and the related international project work. The five phases are:

• Start up phase

• Stage 1: Current VET Situation / International Analysis

• Stage 2: Development of Vocational Qualifications Standards

• Stage 3: In-Country Training

• Stage 4: Reporting

Start Up Phase

Objective 1 Delivery of planning consultations and logistical administration services

Objective 1.1. Delivery of planning consultations and logistical administration services

Naturally, through back office support and the use of international resources and local partners where appropriate, the consultancy team will plan activities with the IA/PIU to ensure that the project will meet the expected targets in terms of timing and outputs. This will include submitting a detailed project timetable and highlighting key individuals in the Bulgarian VET community to join the project steering group.

Output: Planning, consultation and logistical administration services provided to the IA and PIU by week 8

Phase 1: Research and Study The team will successfully achieve results a and b from the ToR during Phase 1, through the activities and outputs illustrated below:

Objective1. Studying the experiences of EU member states in developing Vocational Qualification Standards

Objective 1.1. Studying EU good practices in development and applying of VQS

The different member states of the European Union have various

Republic of Bulgaria January 2006 Ministry of Labour and Social Policy EuropeAid/120164/D/SV/BG

Inception Report


systems for the development of vocational qualification standards in place where some countries will demonstrate variation in approach. However, within the boundaries of this economic market place there are inevitably similarities and a range of good practices that have been developed to meet the needs of this sophisticated society. The team will study the experience of the EU member states in applying successful VQ methodologies and utilising respective standards. The study will be implemented within the context of the objective of further development and fine-tuning of the VQ standards applied in Bulgaria. It will outline and further emphasise the experience of those EU member states that are close to Bulgarian economic and social conditions and practice. Furthermore, the Team will build on the experience already accumulated for upgrading of qualification standards in Bulgaria by studying the good practices of a number of the member states such as Germany, Italy, Spain and Sweden. The Team will:

• Identify and coordinate with the CA and PIU institutions the methodology to be applied in the study

• Produce an analysis on all EU level VQ regulations with comments and interpretations

• Produce an overview on the established models in developing and applying VQS at EU member states national level

• Elaborate selection criteria and select a minimum of 6 EU members states (other than Germany, Italy, Spain and Sweden) that are close to Bulgaria in terms of economic and social conditions and practices

• Elaborate 10 national level sub-studies on the established models and good practices in development and applying of VQ standards (Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden and the 6 selected member states)

• Present the 10 national level sub-studies in the context of further development and fine-tuning of the standards applied in Bulgaria

The concrete product, a study of “EU good practices in development and applying of VQS” will be produced as a paper comprising:

• Executive summary

• Synopsis of the findings

• Rationale

Background information

Republic of Bulgaria January 2006 Ministry of Labour and Social Policy EuropeAid/120164/D/SV/BG

Inception Report


Work methodology

Assessment of the methodology applied

Selection of EU member states’ national level practices (applicable to Bulgarian economic and social conditions and practices (an assumption of a minimum of 6 national level practices other than the ones of Germany, Italy, Spain and Sweden to be identified)

• Vocational qualification standards and methodologies framework at EU level

• Overview of VQ standards and methodologies at EU member states’ national level

• Brief structural analysis of the VQ standards, methodologies and good practices of each of the 10 target countries (Germany, Italy, Spain and Sweden plus the 6 identified countries with VQ systems close to the Bulgarian situation). Ten chapters for each of the 10 target EU member are foreseen comprising:

Overview of the general situation in the country: social, economic, etc

Background information of the existing VQ system

Specific structural analysis on the good practices in states in applying successful VQ methodologies and utilisation of the respective VQ standards

• Publications and sources of information

Output: The study “EU good practices in development of VQS” will be produced as a paper and submitted by week 14

Objective 1.2: Comparative analysis of VQ standards

The practice of undertaking comparative analysis is always an important and useful feature of any study, in particular a study that is researching data from a large number of sources, in this case the different member states of the EU and the Accession Countries. To undertake a comparative analysis will provide the project with an essential reference tool to act as a framework for further research, appropriate recommendations and evidence for what will constitute appropriate vocational standards in the Bulgarian VET context. In order to build up the profile of data on different European vocational qualification standards the team will use first hand primary experience from their home countries and use the international networking resources available including the networks of the EU Network of National Centres for Vocational Qualifications

Republic of Bulgaria January 2006 Ministry of Labour and Social Policy EuropeAid/120164/D/SV/BG

Inception Report


(NRPs) and the EU Network of National Europass Centres (NECs). Secondary research will be undertaken including an analysis of existing documentation, research and legislative instruments published in Europe. The Team will produce a comparative analysis on the national model of vocational qualification standards and those in the EU member states that are close to the Bulgarian economic and social conditions and practise. Therefore, the comparative analysis will be based on:

• The national “Pattern of the standard for acquiring of vocational qualification” (the Bulgarian model of vocational qualification standards);

• The Study “EU good practices in development and applying of VQS” (A Study developed by the Team)

The Team will build upon the experience already accumulated for upgrading of the qualification standards in Bulgaria and the current status of VQ methodologies and standards. Thus the Comparative analysis will be developed in the context of further development and fine-tuning of the standards applied in Bulgaria.

The Team will:

• Develop methodology and indicators for comparison

• Study the national “Pattern of the standard for acquiring of vocational qualification” (the Bulgarian model of vocational qualification standards)

• Compare the VQ standards and VQ standards development methodologies in the 10 EU member states that have been studied with the VQ system in Bulgaria, focusing on:

VQ standards

VQ framework fields (areas of knowledge)

VQ levels within each vocational qualification field including respective acquired knowledge and competences, entrance requirements and accessible professions

Main principles for certification: types of certification institutions, level of certificate, options for acquiring certificates (awards)

VQ regulatory authorities

Scope of the VQ training programmes

VQ monitoring systems

VQ quality assurance and quality management systems

Republic of Bulgaria January 2006 Ministry of Labour and Social Policy EuropeAid/120164/D/SV/BG

Inception Report


• Compare and analyse the VQ Framework requirements

• Compare and analyse the VQ Methodological requirements

• Compare and analyse the rules for development and assessment of vocational qualification standards

• Compare and analyse procedures and rules for changing a vocational qualification standard

• Comment on each indicator the existing differences and potential for adjusting the Bulgarian VQ system on the basis of the existing experience in the context of the EU level VQ regulations and on the basis of the practices in the 10 EU member states that have been studied

The concrete product, “Comparative analysis of VQ standards” will be produced as a paper comprising:

• Executive summary

• Synopsis of the findings

• Rationale

Background information, basic documents for comparison and sources of information

VQ standards, fields, levels and structural comparison methodology with indicators

Assessment of the methodology applied

• Comparison and analysis of the existing differences and potential for upgrading Bulgarian VQ system on the basis of the existing experience and in the context of the EU level VQ. The comparative analysis will have the following sub-chapters:

VQ levels within each vocational qualification field including respective acquired knowledge and competences, entrance requirements and accessible professions

Comprehensive benchmarking of VQ standards allowing comparison between Bulgarian VQ standards with EU member states ones with recommendations for any necessary amendments, updates and development of new standards

Main principles of certification: types of certification institutions, level of certificate, options for acquiring certificates

Structure of the training programmes for the different

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Inception Report


levels within the vocational qualification fields

VQ regulatory authorities

VQ monitoring systems

VQ quality management systems

• Comparative analysis on VQ Framework requirements

• Comparative analysis on VQ Methodological requirements

• Comparative analysis on rules for development and assessment of vocational qualification standards

• Comparative analysis on procedures and rules for upgrading vocational qualification standards

• Recommendations on the further development and fine-tuning of the standards applied in Bulgaria

• Publications and sources of information

Output: The comparative analysis of standards completed by week 14

Objective 1.3. Proposal for upgrading VQS development framework requirements

Using the previous project work of developing the comparative analysis and the elaborated examples of good practice the proposal for upgrading vocational qualification standards development framework can be undertaken. Developing a framework is a valuable procedure as it provides all stakeholders with a tool that can form the basis of guidelines, even laws, which allow them to all meet the identified needs of a society. A framework for VQS development will ensure that all training providers understand their requirements, all trainees understand the benefits they will get from training, the government will understand the consistency and quality of its work force and employers will have confidence in the genuine abilities and skills of candidates for employment. The objectives of the activity are to propose updating the framework VQS requirements ensuring:

• Wide access, motivation and achievement in education and training

• Strengthening international competitiveness

Republic of Bulgaria January 2006 Ministry of Labour and Social Policy EuropeAid/120164/D/SV/BG

Inception Report


• Understandable and clear progression routes

• Avoiding duplication and overlapping of qualifications while making sure all learning needs are covered

• Promotion of public and professional confidence in the integrity and relevance of national VQ levels within respective fields

• The use of levels to indicate the generally comparable outcome of an award

On the grounds of the studied experience of the EU member states and the comparative analysis with the existing national VQ system the proposal will treat the following issues ensuring quality of training and compatibility with the EU VQ regulations and member states practices:

• Upgrading the national VQ framework fields

• Upgrading the national VQ levels system

• Upgrading VQ regulatory mechanisms

• Upgrading national model of VQ standards

• Ensuring VQ international recognition and comparability

• Upgrading of the quality assurance system of the VET

Output: Proposal for upgrading the framework requirements for development of VQS in Bulgaria elaborated and submitted by the third week of June.

Objective 1.4. Elaboration of a Report “Upgrading the existing VQ methodologies and standards on the basis of the EU regulations and members states practices”

The project experts’ team will elaborate a report on the studied experience of the EU member states, the provided comparative analysis and the proposal for fine-tuning and further developing the methodology applied in Bulgaria and upgrading the respective vocational qualification standards. The Report will comprise:

• The Proposal for upgrading the framework requirements for development of VQS in Bulgaria with a focus on

Comparability of VQ fields

Comparability of VQ levels

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Inception Report


Upgrading of VQ standards

International recognition of certificates and certificate supplements

• Detailed presentation of the study “EU good practices in development and applying of VQS”

• The Comparative analysis on the model of VQ standards and methodologies in Bulgaria and VQ standards in the EU member states

The format of the Report “Upgrading the existing VQ methodologies and standards on the basis of the EU regulations and members states practices”

Output: Report “Upgrading the existing VQ methodologies and standards on the basis of the EU regulations and members states practices” will be submitted with the Proposal for upgrading the framework requirements for development of VQS in Bulgaria by the third week of June.

Phase 2: Development and Upgrading Vocational Qualification Standards

The team will successfully achieve results c, d and e from the terms of reference during Phase 2, through the activities and outputs illustrated below:

Objective 1 Design draft framework for future vocational standards development

Objective 1.1. Elaboration of a draft proposal for upgrading of the framework requirements for development of VQS in Bulgaria

The Team recognises that a framework is an important tool when developing standards as it provides the entire foundation for the structure of the system and ensures a systematic approach and greater consistency of outputs. A framework will give training providers a mechanism within which to ensure that they meet the appropriate standards when developing and upgrading vocational awards. The Team will elaborate a draft proposal for upgrading the framework requirements for development of VQS in Bulgaria. The proposal will be targeted to support the National Agency for Vocational Education and Training and the Ministry of Education and Science in updating the documents regulating the process of development of national VQ standards. It will be based on:

• The study “EU good practices in development and applying of

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Inception Report



• “Comparative analysis on the model of VQ standards and methodologies in Bulgaria and VQ standards in the EU member states”

The proposal will comprise the following concrete issues:

• VQ Framework requirements

• VQ Methodological requirements

• Rules for development and assessment of vocational qualification standards

• Procedures and rules for upgrading vocational qualification standards

Output: Draft proposal for upgrading the framework requirements for the development of VQS in Bulgaria presented will be submitted with the Proposal for upgrading the framework requirements for development of VQS in Bulgaria by the third week of June.

Objective 1.2. Seminar on discussion of the proposal for upgrading of the framework requirements for development of VQS in Bulgaria

The Team recognises that the project needs to build capacity in the stakeholder communities to be sustainable and to provide a system, which these key users will buy into. The seminar will be an essential step in ensuring this sustainability. The Team will:

• Organise a seminar for institutions concerned with upgrading the framework requirements for development of VQ standards in Bulgaria

• Prepare and coordinate with the institutions concerned participants packages including the draft proposal for upgrading the framework requirements for development of VQS in Bulgaria (Draft Proposal)

• Coordinate the participation of experts from MLSP, EA, MES and NAVET

• Elaborate a presentation on the draft proposal

The objectives of the seminar are:

Republic of Bulgaria January 2006 Ministry of Labour and Social Policy EuropeAid/120164/D/SV/BG

Inception Report


• Discussion of the draft proposal

• Proposing changes to the draft proposal

• Elaboration of a Final list of proposed changes to the Draft proposal for upgrading of the framework requirements for development of VQS in Bulgaria

The format of the Seminar will be 4 days, 60 participants, representatives of the concerned institutions (MLSP experts, EA experts, MES experts, NAVET experts) Participants packages, participants lists, presentations for the Seminar on discussion of the proposal for upgrading of the framework requirements for development of VQS in Bulgaria prepared and coordinated by week

Output: • Seminar on discussion of the proposal for upgrading of the framework requirements for development of VQS in Bulgaria, 4 days, 60 participants

• Final list of proposed changes to the Draft proposal for upgrading of the framework requirements for development of VQS in Bulgaria elaborated by the final week of June.

Objective 1.3. Elaboration of a final proposal for upgrading of the framework requirements for development of VQS in Bulgaria

The Consultants’ Team will revise the Draft proposal for upgrading of the framework requirements for development of VQS in Bulgaria in accordance with the Final list of proposed changes, prepared at the Seminar. Further, it will coordinate the contents of the Final proposal for upgrading of the framework requirements for development of VQS in Bulgaria.

Output: Final proposal for upgrading of the framework requirements for development of VQS in Bulgaria elaborated and coordinated following consideration by the relevant stakeholders.

Objective 2 Develop and upgrade 80 Vocational qualification standards The team recognises the key value of this phase in the project. Rewarding, innovative and accurate training will ensure that capacity building will take place in Bulgaria, not only because stakeholders will receive training but also because they will feel intrinsically part of

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Inception Report


developments. This in turn will lead them to be champions for change who will filter capacity building out to colleagues, the working environments and structures throughout the VET sector. The Team members share considerable expertise in their fields but also in disseminating to others through training, presentations, workshops and so on.

Objective 2.1. Input in preparing training for the Working Groups

With in-depth experience of their subject and sectors, the key experts will be able to prepare high quality training materials. The key experts will be supported by the additional back office support of UK NARIC and the other team members who regularly deliver training in a range of subjects including vocational education and also cover wider related issues such as evaluating qualifications and specific sectoral training. Description: The Team will elaborate packages of training materials designed to support the work of the participants on the envisaged training courses to institutions involved in vocational training. Each package will comprise paper and electronic versions:

• Training curricula

• Training slides

• Readers for the respective topics

• Other documents needed for the training

• Copies of documents or parts of documents elaborated for this contract (as appropriate)

• Materials for practical exercises (if applicable)

In particular the Team will elaborate and coordinate training materials for the groups that will be working on each of the 80 target VQ standards in the following sectors:

• Electronics and automation

• Chemical products and technologies

• Production and processing

• Tourism and services

• Agriculture, forestry and fishery.

Coordination: The Team will prepare packages for each of the training

Republic of Bulgaria January 2006 Ministry of Labour and Social Policy EuropeAid/120164/D/SV/BG

Inception Report


programmes and submit them for approval to NAVET . Any proposals for modifications provided by NAVET will be reflected in the training materials. . After the NAVET’s final approval the Consultants’ Team will work out copies of the materials and deliver them to each of the WGs participants as appropriate. Training materials (80 sets) elaborated and submitted for approval to NAVET by week 37.

Output: Training material for the groups prepared and ready for approval of NAVET at the end of June.

Objective 2.2. Preparation and provision of 20 one day training seminars to the groups

The Team will:

• Provide support in the preparation of the training designated for working groups – elaborating curricula, pattern, balancing theoretical with practical training

• Arrange suitable venue, equipment and relevant materials in consultation with the CA and local partners

• Provide training to the members of working groups

The Format of the training will be 20 one-day-long seminars for a total of 400 participants. The target groups of the training are the members of the working groups who will be involved in the standards development (80 working groups dealing with the respective standard development). The training content will be coordinated with NAVET. The proposed general issues to be covered comprise:

• Standards’ structure

• Determining the educational requirements for vocation levels within the respective vocation fields ensuring the acquisition of the necessary volume of learning ensuring minimum educational standards

• Ensuring the acquisition of the necessary volume of learning, as well as consistency in and continuity of Vocational training

• Drafting characteristics of minimum vocational training

Output: Training provided to the 80 members of the working groups (an average of members in each) working on

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Inception Report


the 80 standards (20 one-day-long training seminars held, total of 400 participants).

Objective 2.3. Ongoing technical assistance in standards development to each group through 160 seminars

The Team will provide consultancy and guidance to each of the 80 working groups dealing with the respective standard development. It will arrange suitable locations and organise 160 one-day seminars in two series. The first series of 80 seminars shall be conducted prior to the commencement of the work of each working group and the remaining 80 – in the middle of the work. The target group of the seminars encompasses a total of 400 participants - members of the 80 working groups on standards development (6 members each on the average). The consultancy and guidance measures will be coordinated with NAVET. The propose issues to be covered will be developed having highlighted where the exact needs of Bulgarian technical assistance lies during the earlier stages of the project, when the team will have undertaken the wider European analysis and developed appropriate methodologies and drafted the frameworks. This research will constitute pivotal information to deliver through technical assistance.

Output: • Provided consultancy and guidance to each of the 80 groups (6 members each on the average) through holding a total of 160 one-day-long Consultancy and Guidance seminars:

80 one-day-long seminars, a total of 400 participants held prior to the commencement of the work of each group between July and October

80 one-day-long seminars, a total of 400 participants held at the interim stage of the work of each group between July and October

Objective 2.4. Technical assistance through 10 seminars on assessment of profiles by vocation

The Team will provide assistance for assessment of the profiles of vocations developed by the work groups. It will arrange suitable venue and equipment and hold 10 two-day-long seminars. The target group of the seminars encompasses a total of 200

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Inception Report


participants – representatives of work groups, experts from NAVET, MES, MLSP, EA and employers. The contents of the seminars will be coordinated with NAVET and will be crucial to disseminate the work undertaken on profiling vocations by the working group to a far wider audience. This dissemination will lead to increased growth in the use of assessment profiles of vocations by stakeholders.

Output: Assistance provided for assessment of the vocation profiles elaborated by the groups – 10 two-days-long seminars for a total of 200 participants (WG, NAVET, MES, MLSP, EA and employers representatives)

Objective 2.5. Technical assistance through 20 seminars on methodological assistance for assessment of vocational competences

In conjunction with the activities outlined above for Objective 2.4. concerning vocation profiles, this activity will also disseminate information to a wider group of stakeholders, the issues covered will have been concluded by the Team in cooperation with the key stakeholders during the earlier parts of the project. The Team will provide methodological assistance for assessment of the vocational competences included in the profiles of vocations. It will arrange for suitable venue and equipment and 20 two-day-long seminars. The target groups of the seminars encompass a maximum of 400 participants including employers’ representatives. The seminars’ contents will be coordinated with NAVET.

Output: Provided methodological assistance for assessment of the vocational competences included on the vocations’ profiles – 20 two-day-long seminars for a total of 400 participants (employers’ representatives) between July and October

Objective 2.6. Plan promotion campaign

The Team will elaborate a promotion strategy and coordinate it with the CA and PIU institutions. The objectives of the promotion strategy will be:

• Attracting a wide range of experts to participate in the standards development, assessment and upgrading

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Inception Report


• Raising public awareness on the process of standards development and upgrading of the VQ framework

• Undertaking steps to make contacts with the mass media and ensuring coverage and national and local level

• Promotion materials

The team recognises that it is essential for key local experts to undertake this work as they will be in the strongest position, through local knowledge, to develop the correct marketing mix of product, price, place and promotion. This mix will include targeting appropriate stakeholders as drivers for change, within VET, and the most appropriate method for the domestic audience including mass media, government endorsement etc

Output: Promotion strategy elaborated and coordinated by the end of February.

Objective 2.7. Undertake promotion campaign

The Team will implement the promotion campaign through mass media on the basis of the promotion strategy elaborated.

Output: Promotion campaign implemented throughout the lifetime of the contract.

Objective 2.8. Prepare report on the development and upgrading of 80 vocational qualification standards

The report will be written using the research work undertaken during the contract period as the foundation and will also take into account the experiences and best practices of the project team and their experience of European vocational qualification standards.

Output: Report on the development and upgrading of 80 vocational qualification standards completed and published by the middle of June.

Objective 3 Development of Manual for drawing up curricula and syllabus in compliance with the VQ standards

Objective 3.1. Development of Manual for drawing up curricula and syllabus in compliance with the VQ standards

Curriculum and syllabus manuals are important components of the education system at a range of levels, not merely in VET. Manuals

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Inception Report


are important for training providers, tutors and teachers to guide and demonstrate how to build appropriate classroom content across all courses so that qualifications are all recognisable. A consistent curriculum and syllabus are essential to ensuring the quality of a vocational training course because it ensures that the standard of the curriculum and syllabus do not vary from one training provider to another. This ensures that trainees, employers and other stakeholders can have every confidence in the VQ system. Curriculum manuals are developed by different educational authorities in different countries using a range of practices and the consultancy team will ensure that a range of manuals, appropriate to the VQ standards required in Bulgaria, is developed that is appropriate to the needs of the stakeholders. This will take into consideration the policy developers, domestic education providers, government policy and centralisation or decentralisation of decision-making. Description: The Team will develop a manual for drawing up curricula and syllabus in compliance with the VQ standards. It will comprise the following issues: Drafting syllabus (subjects of instruction, distribution of subjects, number of classes per subject, overall duration and duration per subject);

• Drafting curricula

• Guidance for teachers and trainers

• Course content

• Marking guides

The Manual will be produced in a form of a publication, in Bulgarian and English.

Output: Manual for drawing up curricula and syllabus in compliance with the VQ standards written and published in Bulgarian and English by the end of June.

Objective 3.2. Publishing Manual for drawing up curricula and syllabus in compliance with the VQ standards

The manual will be published in Bulgarian and English.

Output: Manual published in Bulgarian and English by the end of June.

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Inception Report


Phase 3 In-Country Training The team will successfully achieve results f, g, h and i from the terms of reference during Phase 3, through the activities and outputs illustrated below:

Objective 1 Preparation and implementation of training on applying the VQS

Objective 1.1 Preparation and coordination of training materials

The Consultants’ Team will elaborate packages of training materials designed to support the work of the participants on the envisaged training courses (TCs) to institutions involved in vocational training. Each package will comprise paper and electronic versions:

• Training curricula

• Training slides

• Readers for the respective topics

• Other documents needed for the training

• Copies of documents or parts of documents elaborated for this contract (as appropriate)

• Materials for practical exercises (where applicable)

The Team will prepare packages for each of the TCs and submit them to NAVET for approval with short annotation of each TC. Further it will reflect in the training materials any proposals for modifications provided by NAVET. After the NAVET’s final approval the Team will work out copies of the materials and deliver them to each of the TCs participants as appropriate.

Output: Training materials elaborated and submitted to NAVET for approval by early July.

Objective 1.2. Planning and provision of two training sessions in external monitoring and control of VET institutions

The training is as essential element of the project, and with it will bring sustainability of the developed vocational structures. Training in external monitoring and control of VET institutions will provide trainees and other learners, employers and the authorities with confidence in all VET institutions and will bring an essential element of quality assurance measures to the VET sector. Key stakeholders, with the responsibility for ensuring quality in the

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Inception Report


Bulgarian VET system, will be invited to the training sessions which will be run by key experts and back office support staff who have in-depth expertise in quality assurance, external monitoring and VET.

Output: Training provided on external monitoring and control on VET institutions – 2 four-day-long training courses, with a total of 60 participants (experts from MES, MLSP, NAVET, EA, Regional inspectorates of ME and social partners) no later than the 32nd week of the project.

Objective 1.3. Planning and provision of 10 training sessions in assessment of acquired vocational qualifications

The training is as essential element of the project, and with it will bring sustainability of the developed vocational structures. Training in assessment of acquired vocational qualifications will also provide trainees and other learners, employers and the authorities with confidence in all VET institutions and will bring further elements of quality assurance measures to the VET sector. Key stakeholders, with the responsibility for ensuring quality in the Bulgarian VET system, will be invited to the training sessions which will be run by key experts and back office support staff who have in-depth expertise in quality assurance, vocational qualifications assessment and credential evaluation.

Output: Training provided on assessment of acquired vocational qualification – 10 four-day-long training seminars, with a total of 300 participants (experts from MES, MLSP, NAVET, EA, Regional inspectorates of MES and social partners) held within 10 calendar days no later than the 42nd week of the project.

Objective 1.4. Planning and provision of 10 training seminars for the standards upgrading team

The training is as essential element of the project, and with it will bring sustainability of the developed vocational structures. Training in standards upgrading will also provide trainees and other learners, employers and the authorities with confidence in all VET institutions and will bring further elements of quality assurance measures to the VET sector. Key stakeholders, with the responsibility for ensuring quality in the Bulgarian VET system, will be invited to the training sessions which will be run by key experts and back office support staff who have in-

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Inception Report


depth expertise in quality assurance, vocational qualifications assessment and qualifications standards development.

Output: Training provided to the Standards upgrading teams – 10 five-day-long seminars, with a total of 500 participants (Members of the standards upgrading teams) held within 10 calendar weeks no later than the 42nd week of the project.

Objective 1.5. Planning and provision of 3 training sessions in up-to-date IT for management of vocational training

The training is as essential element of the project, and with it there will be sustainability of the developed vocational structures. Training in up-to-date IT for management of vocational training recognises that this sector, and other sectors of education, are intrinsically linked to the tool of IT, which helps in the delivery, management and administration of VET. This training will provide trainees and other learners, employers and the authorities with confidence in all VET institutions and will bring further elements of quality assurance measures to the VET sector. Key stakeholders, with the responsibility for IT in the Bulgarian VET system and equally importantly, any stakeholders that are identified as failing to understand the value and efficiency to be achieved through the effective use of IT, will be invited to the training sessions which will be run by key experts and back office support staff who have in-depth expertise in IT within the VET sector.

Output: Training provided in up-to-date IT for vocational training management – 3 four-day-long training seminars, with a total of 120 participants (MES, NAVET, Regional Inspectorates of MES) held no later than the 45th week of the project.

Objective 1.6. Planning and provision of 5 training courses in internal monitoring of the vocational training quality in training centres

Where Objective 1.2 recognises the importance of external monitoring, transparent and efficient internal monitoring of training and institutions needs to be recognised by stakeholders if the upgrading VET system is to become a success. If quality becomes a mantra for all institutions, their staff and their trainees, students and other learners to adhere to then it will lead to a strong VET system, which will provide trainees and other learners, employers and the authorities with confidence in all VET institutions and will

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Inception Report


bring an essential element of quality assurance measures to the VET sector. Key stakeholders, with the responsibility for ensuring quality in the Bulgarian VET system, will be invited to the training sessions which will be run by key experts and back office support staff who have in-depth expertise in quality assurance, monitoring and VET.

Output: Training provided in internal monitoring on the vocational training quality in vocational training centres – 5 five-day-long training courses, with a total of 100 participants no later than the 50th week of the project.

Objective 2 reporting on the training conducted

Objective 2.1. Prepare and present a report on the training conducted

The team will deliver a report on the outcome of the training, illustrating who has received training and which stakeholders have been represented.

Output: Report on the conducted training courses and training seminars elaborated and presented to the CA and the PIU by week 50

Objective 3 Presenting the results of the training

Objective 3.1. Holding workshops for CA and PIU institutions representatives presenting the results of the training.

These workshops will be essential to ensure that the project outcomes are being disseminated to key policyholders and stakeholders as these will be the groups who will become the champions of the changes developed with the consultancy team. The workshop logistics and planning will be managed and undertaken by the consultancy team

Output: Two, two-day-long workshops for CA and PIU institutions on presenting the results of the training conducted by week 51

Objective 4 Reporting on findings on the completed project activities

Objective 4.1. Elaboration of a brochure with findings on the completed project activities and achieved results with recommendations

The consultancy team will use its expertise to write and publish the

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Inception Report


brochure, which will be an additional important part of the project dissemination and will act as a future source of reference and guidance to ensure sustainability of the project and the future scope for additional capacity building when new parties join the stakeholders (for example new members of NAVET, newly qualified teachers and professors and so on).

Output: • Brochure with findings on the completed project activities and achieved results, (Bulgarian and English versions) elaborated and coordinated by week 51

• Brochure with findings on the completed project activities and achieved results, printed out (1000 hard copies in Bulgarian and 1000 hard copies in English) after week 52

• Brochure with findings on the completed project activities and achieved results published on a CD ROM (500 copies in Bulgarian and 100 copies in English) after week 52.

Stage 4: Reporting

Objective 1 Elaboration of Progress Reports

Objective 1: Inception Report

The Inception Report is submitted two weeks after the commencement date of the project. It will specify:

• The first findings

• The work plan

• Proposed implementation mechanism

• Specific activities to be carried out and their timing

• An identification of problems that might arise during the implementation of the project as to how they might be overcome.

Output: Inception Report submitted by the third week of January.

Objective 2: Interim progress report

The Interim progress report is prepared and submitted at the sixth month of execution of the contract. It will be accompanied by a

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Inception Report


corresponding invoice. In addition, an updated financial report will be submitted with the Interim progress report. It will contain:

• Details of the time inputs of the experts

• Details of the incidental expenditure

Output: Interim Progress Report submitted at the end of May.

Objective 3 Final Report.

The project team will submit a Final Report within 30 days of the completion of the Contract. The final progress report will be accompanied by the final invoice and an audit certificate (as defined in Article 30 of the General Conditions and in accordance with the template in Annex VI of the contract) confirming the final certified value of the contract. In addition, an updated financial report will be submitted with the Final progress report. It will contain:

• Details of the time inputs of the experts

• Details of the incidental expenditure

The draft final progress report will be submitted at least one month before the end of the period of execution of the Contract. The Report will include:

• Comment on results and outcomes

• Experience gained and lessons learned during the Contract

• Recommendations for future improvement of the activities in the field covered by the Contract

Output: • Draft Final Progress Report produced in 7 copies (each of them in Bulgarian and English language accompanied by an electronic version) and submitted after week 52

• Final Progress Report produced in 7 copies (each of them in Bulgarian and English language accompanied by an electronic version) and submitted after week 52

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Inception Report


Objective 4 Monthly Info Letters

Each month, the project team will produce internal information letters presenting the progress of the contract assignment. The letters will be written following consultation with the project Working Group, comprising members of the consortium partners who will be acting in the capacity of a project monitoring mechanism. The Working Group will discuss progress updates and address any issues arising and difficulties encountered during the lifetime of the project. The Internal information letters will be provided in both English and Bulgarian to the Contracting Authority and to the PIU.

Output: Letters produced and submitted monthly at the end of the month

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Inception Report


D. Specific Activities Schedule The following Activities Schedule is submitted in accordance with the requirements of Consultancy Agreement for Technical Assistance for Upgrading of Vocational Qualification standards taking into account best practices in EU Member States under Phare 2003. The purpose of the enclosed Activities Schedule is to demonstrate how the Project Team will deliver development work, with specific delivery dates envisaged for the different stages of the project. The nine specific results to be met by the project are laid out in the Terms of Reference (page 5) as follows: 4. Studied EU good practices in development and applying of

Vocational qualification standards and a comparative analysis elaborated.

2. Studied EU instruments for assessment and certification of vocational qualification and training and proposed model of methodology, which would improve vocational competences assessment in Bulgaria. Presented Report on the existing European practises in development of methodology for ex-ante and ex-post evaluation of vocational standards and give recommendations. 3. A proposal for upgrading of the framework requirements for development of vocational qualification standards in Bulgaria recommended by the Consultant on the basis of the elaborated comparative analysis. 4. Aligned framework in respect of scope and content of each standard complied with the framework(s) of the EU member states. 5. Developed and upgraded 80 vocational standards in the selected sectors. 6. Developed manual for drawing up curricula and syllabi for the upgraded standards. 7. Provided training on development and applying of vocational qualification standards to approximately 2,720 experts on national, regional and school level. 8. Developed and produced training materials to all trainees. 9. Produced Brochure with findings and recommendations. Distributed copies of the elaborated Brochure to the IA and to the PIU institutions.

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Inception Report


Broad Chronological Stages of Project The Project is to be completed by the end of November 2006. In accordance with this timeframe and the required outputs, the following chronological stages have been developed:

• Stage 1: Current VET Situation / International Analysis

• Stage 2: Development of Vocational Qualifications Standards

• Stage 3: In-Country Training

• Stage 4: Reporting

These Stages meet the following required Results outlined in the Terms of Reference:

Project Stage Meeting Specified Result of Project

1. Current VET Situation / International Analysis


2. Development of Vocational Qualifications Standards


3. In-Country Training 7,8 4. Reporting 9

Stage 1: Current VET Situation / International Analysis Stage 1 considers the European dimension, analysing qualification systems and structures across Europe and providing an overview of best practice. In specific terms, this will involve development of a specific methodology for undertaking such a review and the consideration of 10 sample countries, designed to reflect differing approaches adopted across the continent and also considering those countries close to the Bulgarian economic and social conditions and practice. The countries chosen are:

• Belgium (Flanders)

• Belgium (Wallonia)

• England

• Germany

• Hungary

• R of Ireland

• Italy

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Inception Report


• Scotland

• Spain

• Sweden

This reflects the constitution, competence and knowledge of the Project Team. There will be two main periods to this analysis, the Data Gathering element and the development of a written analysis, outlining the findings of the study, with particular reference to the sectors featured in the Project. The Data Gathering will build upon existing information sources developed by UK NARIC but will also include key contributions from the international Key Experts. Where no representation exists in countries listed, in-country review exercises may be conducted to consider and reflect best national practice. Here, as in each stage, the International Key Experts will be in close liaison and contact with the Local Key Experts, disseminating core knowledge related to the Project. A draft version of the paper will be delivered for consultation on the 3rd March, with the final version delivered on the 17th March.

Stage 2: Development of Vocational Qualifications Standards

The Development of Vocational Qualifications Standards is the core element of the analysis and will be conducted in accordance with the identified needs of the sector and the European standards for certification of vocational qualification training (as determined in Stage 1). The identified needs of the sector will be based upon the experience of the Key Expert in their home country and will reflect the results of a planned In-Country Review Exercise. Once the core developmental needs have been determined, new qualification structures will be constructed, in accordance with the expectations of the Ministry and appropriate Authorities and reflecting previous qualification restructuring. This will be conducted over a two-month period, to be delivered at the end of May 2006. A two-week consultation period is again envisaged to reflect the thoughts of key stakeholders.

Stage 3: In-Country Training The third main stage demonstrates how the Project Team intend to organise the in-country training of 2720 people, as specified in the Terms of Reference.

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The Key Experts will develop Training Manuals for use at events over the period July-October 2006. The in-country office will be responsible for venue organisation and material preparation for the events. Training will be conducted by the Key Experts in a variety of venues across the country in accordance with the Terms of Reference (page 20).

Stage 4: Reporting The Reporting of Project progress has been included as a separate stage, although its span covers the lifetime of the Project. There are three main Reports to be compiled and submitted, the Inception, Interim and Final Reports, with staff time allotted as required. The following Delivery Dates are therefore envisaged within the Project:

Output Delivery Date Inception Report Submitted 20th January 2006 Draft European Analysis Submitted 3rd March 2006 Final European Analysis Submitted 17th March 2006 Draft Vocational Qualification Standards Submitted

31st May 2006

Interim Report Submitted 31st May 2006 Final Vocational Qualification Standards Submitted

16th June 2006

Delivery of In-Country Training July-October 2006 Report on In-Country Training Submitted 15th October 2006 Draft Final Report Submitted for Consultation

15th October 2006

Final Report Submitted 30th October 2006

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Inception Report


Key Staffing Issues

Project Team Leader: Division of Days

Stage 1 Current VET Situation / International Analysis 1.a Methodological development 10 1.b Submit methodological process paper 1.c Data analysis and development of European

standards 15

1.d Report writing 10 1.e First draft completed 1.f Consultation with Ministry and Key Experts 5 1.g Final Version Submitted

Stage 2 Development of Vocational Qualification Standards 2.a In-country fact-finding exercise 10 2.b Development of VET qualifications based on

European standards and experience 43

2.c Submission of VET standards for consultation 2.d Consultation period 10 2.e Submission of report

Stage 3 In-Country Training 3.a Planning and scheduling of training sessions 7 3.b Writing training sessions 5 3.c Preparing training materials 10 3.d Training Sessions 55 3.e Report on Training Sessions 5 3.f Submit Final Report

Stage 4 Reporting Submission of timesheets 4.a Inception report 5 4.b Interim report 10 4.c Final reports submitted for comments 15 4.d Final draft submitted 5 Total days: 220

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Inception Report


International Key Expert Division of Days Each International Key Expert will be required to divide up project time as follows:

Stage 1 Current VET Situation / International Analysis 1.a Methodological development 1.b Submit methodological process paper 1.c Data analysis and development of European

standards 9

1.d Report writing 3 1.e First draft completed 1.f Consultation with Ministry and Key Experts 3 1.g Final Version Submitted

Stage 2 Development of Vocational Qualification Standards 2.a In-country fact-finding exercise 10 2.b Development of VET qualifications based on

European standards and experience 43

2.c Submission of VET standards for consultation 2.d Consultation period 2 2.e Submission of report

Stage 3 In-Country Training 3.a Planning and scheduling of training sessions 3.b Writing training sessions 15 3.c Preparing training materials 10 3.d Training Sessions 55 3.e Report on Training Sessions 5 3.f Submit Final Report

Stage 4 Reporting Submission of timesheets 4.a Inception report 4.b Interim report 3 4.c Final reports submitted for comments 2 4.d Final draft submitted Total days: 160

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Inception Report


Employment of Long Term Junior VET Experts The project team is in the final stage of selecting appropriate candidates to undertake the roles of long-term junior VET experts. Curricula Vitae have been selected, which will be forwarded to the Ministry for final approval. The Long-term junior VET Experts will be required to work a total of 800 (5x160) working days over the twelve-month period, which will proportionally correspond to the long-term senior experts working days.

Required qualifications and skills A university diploma (master degree at a minimum) in Economics, Technical Sciences, Management, Humanities, Education or any other relevant studies.

Required general professional experience A minimum five years experience in Bulgaria in labour market development and human resources development.

Required specific professional experience

• Good command of English language, both spoken and written

• Excellent command of Bulgarian language, both spoken and written

• Good computer and communication skills

• Experience in vocational education and training initiatives

• Project implementation experience

• Organisational skills

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Inception Report


E. Summary As elaborated in detail in this Inception Report, the team intends to complete the nine sections of the project highlighted in the original terms of reference by dividing the project into three key logical phases plus the start up and reporting phase. To reiterate, the nine specific results are as follows: 1. Studied EU good practices in development and applying of Vocational qualification standards and a comparative analysis elaborated. 2. Studied EU instruments for assessment and certification of vocational qualification and training and proposed model of methodology, which would improve vocational competences assessment in Bulgaria. Presented Report on the existing European practises in development of methodology for ex-ante and ex-post evaluation of vocational standards and give recommendations. 3. A proposal for upgrading of the framework requirements for development of vocational qualification standards in Bulgaria recommended by the Consultant on the basis of the elaborated comparative analysis. 4. Aligned framework in respect of scope and content of each standard complied with the framework(s) of the EU member states. 5. Developed and upgraded 80 vocational standards in the selected sectors. 6. Developed manual for drawing up curricula and syllabi for the upgraded standards. 7. Provided training on development and applying of vocational qualification standards to approximately 2,720 experts on national, regional and school level. 8. Developed and produced training materials to all trainees. 9. Produced Brochure with findings and recommendations. Distributed copies of the elaborated Brochure to the IA and to the PIU institutions. The project phases to achieve this are the following stages:

• Stage 1: Current VET Situation / International Analysis

• Stage 2: Development of Vocational Qualifications Standards

• Stage 3: In-Country Training

• Stage 4: Reporting

The project team can see potential problems with the logistics of arranging training for over 2,000 candidates, however a highly competent local project manager with state-of-the-art office facilities has been brought into the project to ensure that these arrangements will be undertaken with the greatest skills and efficiency. The project

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Inception Report


manager has considerable domestic experience and will be supported by the national and international project partners. The project team also feels that it has developed a positive working relationship with the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy and hopes to also develop a close relationship with the Ministry of Education and Science. The team understands that these Ministries will offer appropriate support to ensure that the appropriate candidates are invited to, and attend the training sessions delivered as part of the project. The project team will be requesting a certain degree of flexibility from the Contracting Authority in the timing and delivery of outputs with regard to overall numbers and location. The project team is looking forward to working closely with the Contracting Authority to deliver a productive and sustainable project.

UK NARIC Oriel House Oriel Road Cheltenham Glos GL50 1XP Tel: +44 (0) 870 990 1561 Fax: +44 (0) 870 990 1560 Email:

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