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Borrowdale Parish Council Minutes

Minutes of the meeting of Borrowdale Parish Council held in the Rosthwaite Institute on Wednesday 29th November 2017 at 19:00.

Present: Cllr T Dowson (in the chair), Cllr D Hindmarch, Cllr P Barron, Cllr J Bennett, Cllr N Dixon, Cllr A Webb, Cllr F Chapman.

In Attendance: Becx Carter (Clerk), Mr B Bland, Mr M Stonestreet, Ms Becky Powell, 3 members of the public.

Apologies: Mr Roy Henderson (National Trust), Mr J Hall, C/Cllr T Lywood.

70/17 Apologies for absence

Resolved that apologies were received from the above mentioned persons

Resolved by all present that the resignation of Cllr G Brocklesby be noted as received.

Action: Clerk to prepare the relevant paperwork and send an email of thanks to Mrs G Brocklesby.

71/17 Request for Dispensations & Declarations of Interest


72/17 Approval of Minutes of the meeting held on the 27 th September 2017

All members had received a copy of the minutes to read. Resolved that the minutes of the meeting held on the 27th September 2017 were confirmed as a true & accurate record subject to one minor amendment.

Action: Clerk to upload the minutes to the website.

73/17 Presentation from Ms Becky Powell (National Trust) on the Riverlands Project.

Becky Powell is currently working for the National Trust on a 2 year secondment from Natural England. Becky’s speciality is in hydrology & geo hydro morphology.

The Riverlands project is a national programme in partnership with the Environment Agency in England. Initially the project is looking at 7 catchment areas one of which is the River Derwent from its source in Mungrisedale to Workington and including all tributaries.

The National Trust currently have a funding application in to the Heritage Lottery Fund for a large amount of money to support this project, a funding decision is due in late December/early January. If the funding bid were unsuccessful the role that Becky is currently undertaking would remain for the period of the secondment.

The Riverlands Project is a catchment restoration project, and is not specifically focusing on any one issue. The project has two main strands one looking at actual projects (capital) and another strand looking about community engagement and reconnecting people with the environment. The project is looking to do a significant amount of community engagement not just focusing on farming, but also on how the local community are affected by the river, and to tap into local knowledge and experience of the river.

The project will look at if there are any opportunities for river restoration in the area, including natural flood management interventions etc. As part of the initial part of the project a review is taking place of all existing documents including the Gravel Management Plan that was done in late 2000’s, and other river studies to establish what aspects of these have been undertaken/are still to be undertaken. The timescales (subject to the funding application being successful) is 2 years development and then 4 year delivery phrase.

In terms of the amount of HLF funding the bid has been submitted for in the region of £15million which would then be split over the 7 catchments, but the exact amount of the Derwent is not disclosed at this stage. Part of the funding will be used for the employment of a Community Engagement Officer.

A number of points were raised by members present (councillors & members of the public) or clarified by Ms B Powell

- The Community Engagement is crucial to understand how the watercourse works both in terms of flood & drought. Becky urged people where possible to take photos/videos of the water courses.

- Water courses used to be dredged but this has ceased in the last 15/20 years resulting in large gravel built ups. –Becky confirmed that in some instances gravel removal/dredging is necessary e.g. around roads/infrastructure but the issue is wider in that an understanding needs to be obtained of the whole system and where the gravel comes from.

- There is an issue Grange Bridge where the gravel bank has built up and vegetation has grown causing lack of visibility on the road.

- One of the matters the National Trust want to discuss with the community is the perception of gravel and the benefits/negatives of gravel accumulation.

- Part of the project is to think about how the National Trust work with what the river wants to do without having a significant impact on agricultural businesses which rely on in-bye land.

- The National Trust have also applied for funding from Natural England to run a group with farmers, tenant farmers in the Borrowdale Valley and wider to look at things like natural flood management, river management, soil health, soil compaction (all of which form parts of flood management). The National Trust want to work closed with those managing the land within the water courses to address any necessary issues.

- Concern was noted that there was no involvement of tourist business within these groups, these matters shouldn’t be looked at in isolation.

- The National Trust are keen to look at other ways of farm diversification that aren’t directly linked to tourism but fit with the project e.g. making water courses/the landscape accessible to all.

- Why are the National Trust looking at separate groups of people as opposed to just those affected by flooding regardless of their sector/business.

- We have been here before e.g. Gravel Management Plan but nothing happened. We don’t want this project to be the same, it needs to have a legacy. Becky hopes that this will work by putting the community at the heart of the project.

Becky confirmed that the project wasn’t just about flooding but a more holistic approach. Looking at developing/encouraging an environment that is healthy, rich in wildlife and accessible to all.

Becky confirmed that she would like to return to the Parish Council in the New Year once the outcome of the funding is known. At this stage a proposal/plan will be laid out for the future community engagement.

74/17 Public Participation

Mr B Bland attended to discuss the matters relating to Hunting. Since the National Trust released their new licencing only 1 pack has applied for a licence in the whole country. Any pack that hunts in Cumbria currently would be breaking the law and evidence should be provided to the police.

Action: Parish Clerk to write to the Police Crime Commissioner asking what they intend to do about any illegal hunting that takes place and how it should be reported if it is observed as Mr Bland had tried to report an incident of illegal hunting to 999 and been told he should call 101 when the call was not picked up. Clerk to also ask if there is still a wildlife crime unit as messages have not been returned.

75/17 Update from visiting councillors

i. Police ReportIt was noted that the next Community Police Meeting to enable Parish Councillors to meeting with the Police will be on the 18th January 2018 at 19:00 in Cockermouth Police Station.

Action: Clerk to circulate the 101 email address to all councillors in case it is required.

ii. Allerdale Borough Council- Cllr A Davis-JohnsonNot present

iii. Cumbria County Council-Cllr T Lywood.Not present

iv. National Trust- Roy HendersonApologies provided

Action: Clerk to ask the National Trust what action they are taking regarding the growing population of Grey Squirrels in Castlehead/Great Wood/Big Wood.

v. Lake District National Park AuthorityNot Present

76/17 Clerks Report

i. Borrowdale Institute

Mr M Stonestreet provided an update on the current position of the Borrowdale Institute Committee, who are working to prepare an architect brief & obtain quotes for the work.

A questionnaire has been distributed to all households with a response rate of circa 62%in favour of the project.

It was noted that the Institute Committee are looking into the issue of who should own the building and if to seek to take the building over from the ownership of the Parish Council who currently own it as custodian trustees.

Resolved by all that this matter continue to be monitored and a decision be taken at a later date as to if the Parish Council should seek appropriate legal advice.

ii. Community Use Defibs

The Clerk informed the meeting that it was not possible to adopt the phone box so the Clerk was working on siting a unit on the Borrowdale Story/Methodist Church.

Action: Clerk to continue to work in this matter and update at a future meeting.

iii. Community Led Housing

Cllr F Chapman provided an update to the meeting on the Community Led Housing Event she attended.

This was focusing on affordable housing (that which costs less than the market rate for either rental or buying). Allerdale Borough Council received 772K of funding and they have prioritised spending it on those areas that have a high second home ownership level, of which there are 15 parishes in Allerdale with Borrowdale at the top of the list. (Highest number of second homes).

The idea is to create affordable housing which remain affordable in perpetuity.

Cllr F Chapman outlined a number of key questions relating to this issue:

1) Does Borrowdale need more affordable housing? 2) If the Parish does need more affordable housing who should it be for? Young people leaving

home/starting their own family (starter homes), or people who live in tied accommodation currently and are now ready to retire.

3) Does the Parish Council wish to take this forward? The funding has to be community led. Though it could be in conjunction with another body e.g. Keswick Community Housing Trust

Cllr F Chapman outlined that whoever applies for the funding would need to set the allocations policy.

4) Where would it go? There is a field between the Vicarage & Fourways that has been included in the LDNPA Local Plan as a suggested location for housing, but there may well be other pieces of land within the Parish?

Resolved by all present that this was worth pursuing and application for the first round of funding being submitted and that the council in principle support the later stages of the application but only if this was done in conjunction with another body who is more experienced e.g. Keswick Community Led Housing Trust.

Action: Cllr F Chapman to take this matter forward and apply for the first round of funding.

77/17 Highways & Transport Matters

No matters raised.

78/17 Correspondence received

Resolved that correspondence be noted as received unless otherwise noted.

i) Parliamentary Boundary ConsultationResolved that if required personal responses be submitted to this consultation.Action: Clerk to circulate information on the consultation to all Councillors.

ii) Catbells Car Park LetterResolved by all present that the letter received from Mr M Anderton regarding the Catbells Car Park refusal be noted as received.

79/17 Planning applications

Ref: 7/20172252Location: Longthwaite Farm, Longthwaite, Keswick Proposal: Replace render on North Gable and adjacent walls including north facing section of first floor bathroom wall.

Resolved by all present that the Parish Council had no comments or objections relating to this application.Action: Clerk to submit these comments.

80/17 Planning Decisions.

Resolved that the below decisions be noted.

Ref Location Proposal Decision7/2017/2170

Steps End Farm, Watendlath

Internal alterations, new extract vent pipes, replacement boiler, repairs to existing walls, repairs to windows, secondary glazing, upgrade kitchen & bathroom

Listed Building consent


Mary Mount Hotel, Borrowdale

Entrance area alterations & extensions

Approve with conditions


Thornythwaite Farm, Borrowdale

Conversion of traditional barn to form bunk house

Approve with conditions

81/17 Finance & Accounts

i. Invoices for approval

Payee Reason Amount

Becx Carter Expenses £55.30

Becx Carter Salary £489.21 (Via SO)

HMRC PAYE £122.20

Trevor Dowson Reimbursement for Cllr S Hicks leaving gift £28.99

Resolved that the above cheques be signed by Cllr J Bennet & Cllr D Hindmarch

Action: Clerk to pay the above accounts.

ii. Approval of Bank Reconciliation of Budget Report

Resolved by all present that the Bank Reconciliation be noted as received and signed as such by Cllr N Dixon.

iii. Draft budget 18/19

Resolved by all present that this be noted as received and be agenda’d for the January meeting for a final decision once the Band D figures and Local Government Technical Finance Settlement is known.

Action: Clerk to agenda for the January 2018 meeting.

82/17 Councillor Matters


83/17 Dates of next meeting

Resolved that the next meeting date by 25th January 2018 at 19:00

Meeting closed: 20:25

Signed……………………………………………………………………………. (Dated) ………………………….

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